
Wine: types, benefits and harms, how to choose the healthy. Wine - the harm and benefits of drinking a natural drink

For many centuries, disputes about one of the oldest drinks - red wine - have not ceased. Its production began several millennia ago. And since then, people have been wondering what are the health benefits and harms of red wine?

The famous Hippocrates treated them with headaches and indigestion, and Julius Caesar introduced diluted red wine into the diet of his army, as a means of strengthening the spirit and protecting against intestinal infections. Now in some countries the production of this drink is an important part of the economy.

And to maintain its stability, large wine companies are constantly conducting research on their products so that their products are of high quality and satisfy consumer needs.

This drink has firmly entered the life of many nations; interesting myths and legends are associated with it. The priests of Ancient Egypt used red wine in ritual ceremonies, and for the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Rome, it was an important element of culture.

In the modern world, France is rightfully considered the main producers and connoisseurs of this amazing drink. It is famous for its vineyards and winemakers. We can say that red wine is the hallmark and national drink of this country.

Modern experts note the difference in the health status and life expectancy of the French compared to residents of other countries. Taking into account the diversity and sophistication of the national cuisine, rich in fatty and high-calorie dishes, we can say about the beneficial effect of red wine on the human body.

Useful properties of red wine

It is important to know!

This topic is worth talking about, taking into account only high-quality red grape wine. The benefits and harms of this ancient drink depend on compliance with the technology of its preparation, aging and storage time. Without these conditions, red wine cannot be considered as a product that brings any benefit to the body.

The secret of the beneficial effects on health, in particular on the cardiovascular system, of high-quality red wine lies in the natural composition of the grapes from which this drink is prepared:

  • tannin - tannic acid, the quality of the wine and its color depend on its quantity. This substance is a natural preservative and prevents the drink from oxidizing. Tannin, getting into the blood, gives elasticity to the blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of pathologies of the vascular system;
  • Flavonoids are natural antioxidants that protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals, prolonging their life. Entering the body, these active substances stimulate the immune system and increase its resistance to viral diseases. The most common flavonoids: resveratrol, quercetin, catechin have healing properties. They normalize cell metabolism, regulate fat metabolism in the liver, prevent the formation of atypical cells and stimulate the recovery of healthy ones.
  • vitamins, macro-, microelements- components necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: the work of the heart, the normalization of blood composition, protection, growth and development of the cellular composition.

Using red wine for medicinal purposes, you should follow the measure of its consumption, as with any medicine. Only in this case can we talk about the benefits of this drink. In addition to supporting heart activity, real red wine helps with indigestion, anemia and beriberi.

It is important to know!

The rich vitamin composition of grapes supplies the body with the substances it needs, restoring it after serious illnesses and exhaustion. During flu, bronchitis or pneumonia, hot wine with sugar - mulled wine - is very useful.

The benefits of homemade red wine prepared according to all the rules have also been proven. A glass of this drink during lunch will increase appetite, normalize the acidity of the stomach, at dinner it will help relieve stress and ensure a restful sleep.

Does red wine increase or decrease blood pressure?

Blood pressure problems are perhaps the most common ailment among most of the adult population. With severe hypertension or hypotension, one must thoroughly learn about the properties of red wine before drinking another glass.

It is important to know!

Sweet (table) varieties of wines contribute to an increase in the number of heart contractions, which means an increase in pressure. Unlike dry varieties of red wine, which contain fruit acids, which have an antispasmodic effect and dilate blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure.

This is evidenced by numerous studies on the effect of these drinks on the body. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended amount of wine, so as not to get harm to health instead of the expected positive effect.

Is red wine good for women?

The benefits of red wine for women and its harm depend on the quality of the drink. The presence of the flavonoid resveratrol in grapes, which prevents the development of cancer cells, has a beneficial effect on women's health in terms of preventing breast cancer.

It is important to know!

Among the beneficial properties of red wine for women, it is worth noting the ability of active substances to stimulate the production of collagen fibers in the skin. This will allow the fair sex to keep the elasticity of the skin, its beauty and youth for a long time.

Studies have shown that red wine can be called an ally of women in the fight against extra pounds. The low calorie content of this drink and its ability to activate metabolism (which leads to weight loss) allows you to include it in the diet during the diet.

It is important to know!

During pregnancy, a woman should refrain from drinking red wine, like any alcohol, despite all the positive aspects of this drink.

What is the harm of red wine

First of all, it should be remembered that red wine contains alcohol and can easily become harmful from a healthy drink. The presence of any health problems is a reason to think about the advisability of drinking this drink. The acute form of any disease is a contraindication for taking any alcohol.

The benefits of red wine for men, as well as for women, depend on the quantity and quality of this drink. Wine made from concentrated powder, according to homemade recipes, without observing traditional technologies, cannot be used for medicinal purposes or for prevention. The decision to use red wine as a healing agent is only after consulting with your doctor.

Wine treatment is a simple and proven folk remedy, which was used by ancestors for centuries in case of illness. However, you should know that only good quality natural wines will help and they should be used in small doses.

  1. Rose table wines will be useful for neuroses, liver diseases, heart failure, high blood pressure.
  2. White table wines will be useful for anemia, metabolic disorders in the body and stomach diseases.
  3. Semi-dry, semi-sweet red and white sparkling wines help with flu, colds, heart failure and various infections.

Infusion from the flu

This recipe for healing wine infusion has good antiviral activity. It is used for influenza and SARS.

The output of the finished infusion is about 0.5 liters. Preparation time is two weeks.


  • 0.5 liters of dry natural wine;
  • peels of 10 lemons;
  • horseradish - 4 tablespoons.


  1. Put the crushed lemon peels, horseradish gruel in a jar and mix.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of grape wine and put in a dark place for 14 days for aging.


The resulting infusion should be drunk in case of acute respiratory viral infections, colds, flu, 50 grams 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Flu infusion with calamus

This recipe is a healing infusion made from natural apple wine. It is used for various colds.


  • Apple homemade wine - 0.5 liters;
  • dry, crushed calamus cows - grams.


  1. Dried and crushed calamus rhizomes are poured with homemade apple wine.
  2. We insist in a dark place for two weeks.


The resulting infusion should be drunk in case you get sick with a cold or flu, 50 grams, three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Wine infusion from tuberculosis


  • Cahors wine - 0.5 liters;
  • natural honey - 0.5 kilograms;
  • aloe - 0.5 kilograms.


  1. Grind aloe leaves, add honey and wine. Mix everything and put in a dark place to infuse for 5 days
  2. Then we filter through cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator.

Store the resulting wine infusion should be in a dark glass bottle.


Drink the infusion one tablespoon, three times a day.

Recipe for infertility

This recipe for a healing infusion of Cahors wine is used to treat infertility.


  • One bottle of Cahors red wine;
  • one root of ginseng;
  • knotweed grass - 50 grams;
  • St. John's wort - 50 grams;
  • hare lip grass - 50 grams;
  • red carnation - 5 flowers;
  • nutmeg - 20 grams.


  1. Herbs, ginseng root, cloves and nutmeg and pour everything with one bottle of Cahors wine.
  2. Mix everything well and set to infuse in a dark place for one week. Then we filter.


Take the resulting medicinal infusion one tablespoon once a day.

With bronchial asthma


  1. For the treatment of asthma, take two teaspoons of dry wormwood leaves (ground into powder) and pour 0.5 liters of dry red wine.
  2. We insist two weeks in a dark place.
  3. Then we filter and pour into a bottle with dark glass.


The resulting medicinal infusion, you need to drink one tablespoon, with severe coughing attacks, with asthma. Also, this medicine is good for pulmonary tuberculosis.

General strengthening balm


  • Grape wine - 0.5 liters;
  • May honey - 500 grams;
  • aloe leaves - 500 grams;
  • St. John's wort - 100 grams.


  1. Grind St. John's wort, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and put on a low fire on the stove. Cook for 30 minutes, then insist for one hour and filter through cheesecloth.
  2. Grind aloe leaves in a meat grinder.
  3. We combine all the components of the balm in one bowl and mix.
  4. Then pour it into a bottle with dark glass, close it well with a cork and put it in a dark, cool place for 10 days.


The resulting balm should be drunk to strengthen the body and with a breakdown, one teaspoon every hour in the first five days of admission. The following days, one teaspoon every three hours.

The course of treatment is one month.

Decoction of diabetes


  • Grape leaves - 50 grams;
  • grape vine - 50 grams;
  • aloe leaves - 50 grams.


  1. The collected leaves and shoots of grapes are harvested in advance, dried in the shade and stored in cardboard boxes.
  2. Aloe leaves, grape shoots, and leaves are brewed like tea in 0.5 liter of boiled water, boil for 20 minutes.

Then we filter and drink, like tea, half a glass three times a day, before meals.

Compresses from thrombophlebitis

For the treatment of thrombophlebitis, we need to boil one glass of dry white wine. Pour it into a plate, then dip fresh cabbage leaves in wine and apply as a compress to a sore spot. Then we tie it with a clean handkerchief and keep the wine compress for about 8-10 hours.

Wine infusion for varicose veins

Shredded dry calamus rhizomes - 20 grams, pour 0.5 liters of homemade apple wine. We insist two weeks in a dark place. Then we filter.

Drink two tablespoons, three times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of bronchitis, lungs, severe cough


  • Cahors wine - 200 grams;
  • aloe juice - 300 grams;
  • honey - 500 grams;
  • lemons - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 500 grams;
  • walnut kernels - 20 grams.


  1. Grind the walnut kernels into powder, chop the lemons together with the peel, but without the seeds.
  2. We mix gruel of lemons, chopped nuts, honey, butter, scarlet juice, add wine and mix everything well.

Store the resulting mixture in a dark and preferably cool place.

Take with lung disease and bronchitis one tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals.

As you can see, wine treatment recipes are quite diverse and can help in the treatment of many ailments. However, we must remember that the treatment must be carried out strictly according to the prescription and not to exceed the dose indicated in it.

Everything is good in moderation

It's no secret that non-compliance with the norm in any business can lead to sad consequences. This is especially true for alcohol. Some mistakenly consider red wine to be a harmless drink that can be drunk in any amount without harm and the likelihood of experiencing all the “charms” of alcoholism.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question. And how to drink, what to drink and how much?

Researchers have long established safe dosages for the body for daily consumption of this drink: 50-100 ml. And we are talking only about high-quality red wine. The choice of this drink should be approached with due attention. Otherwise, all the useful properties of grapes are replaced by the opposite.

Disputes between supporters and opponents of red wine have not subsided so far, as research continues on the effect of this drink on the human body. How good it is for health should be decided by yourself.

However, you should pay attention to the advice of competent experts when choosing wine, so that a glass of this noble drink becomes a pleasant and healthy addition to lunch or dinner.

Wine is a natural alcoholic drink made from selected grape varieties. Its calorie content is 70-80 calories per 100 grams, and the strength varies from 8 to 15 degrees. Grape drink has not only excellent taste, but also many useful properties due to the content of potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and other elements. Depending on the type and quality of wine, the amount and duration of its use, it can bring both benefit and harm to human health.

Benefits of red wine

Red wine contains useful substances and vitamins, tannic acid and flavonoids. Thanks to this composition, the drink has a positive effect on the human body, preventing beriberi and improving overall health.

Red wine is divided into dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. The strength of the dry drink is no more than 11 degrees, it contains a minimum percentage of sugar, therefore it has a tart taste. Semi-dry wine has a higher strength (up to 13%). It also contains more sugar. In a semi-sweet drink, the content of ethyl alcohol can reach up to 15 degrees. Sweet wine has the highest calorie content, as it contains a lot of sugar. It is also the strongest (up to 18%).

Of all types of drink, dry red wine has the most useful properties due to the minimum content of sugar and carbohydrates. The results of numerous studies have proven that its moderate consumption brings the following benefits:

  • Prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system. Tannic acid, which is part of the drink, has a positive effect on blood vessels, making them more elastic and helping to cleanse them of plaques. Such an impact significantly reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack.
  • Increases immunity. Flavonoids contribute to the normalization of the immune system, which significantly reduces the risk of contracting viral diseases. Wine is useful for colds and flu - it destroys pathogenic bacteria, speeding up the healing process.
  • Allows you to get rid of insomnia. Just 50 grams (1 glass) of quality wine per day will help solve sleep problems.
  • Prevents the aging process. Flavonoids accelerate the elimination of toxins, thereby protecting the body from premature aging. For a woman's appearance, such an effect is especially important - grape juice promotes the production of collagen, which prolongs the youthfulness of the skin, improves its color, and makes it more elastic. Ladies, knowing about such properties of a grape drink, successfully use it in cosmetology - they prepare face and hand masks at home.
  • Normalizes hemoglobin levels. Drinking the drink in acceptable doses will help overcome anemia.
  • Improves vision and hearing. Regular intake of dry red wine contributes to a significant reduction in the risk of developing cataracts. The use in small doses leads to an improvement in visual acuity and hearing.
  • Lowers blood pressure. In small quantities (30-50 grams per day), grape drink is used to prevent and treat hypertension.
  • Helps to get rid of problems with excess weight and prevents the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking wine helps to normalize metabolism, reduce appetite and cravings for sweet foods, which minimizes the likelihood of extra pounds and the occurrence of stomach diseases. Nutritionists recommend drinking several glasses a week to burn fat.
  • Prevents tumor formation. Flavonoids prevent the development of cancer cells. Drinking just a glass of wine every three days, women reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • It helps to increase potency in men and increase sexual activity in the fairer sex.

It is important to understand that the benefits of the drink will be felt only if it is consumed no more than three times a week, in a reasonable amount. The safe daily allowance for women is 100 grams (half a glass) of wine. For men, the daily serving should not exceed 200 grams (1 glass). If the recommended doses are exceeded, the beneficial effects of wine on human health will be minimized.

How is wine bad for health?

With excessive abuse, even a high-quality grape drink can cause significant harm to the body and lead to the development of a dangerous pathology. For men, passion for wine is fraught with impotence. When used above the recommended dose, the volume of estrogen is significantly reduced, and the level of testosterone increases. The predominance of the female hormone over the male causes problems with potency.

If you often drink alcohol and significantly exceed its permissible norms, then the negative consequences in the form of the development of various chronic diseases will not be long in coming. Drinking wine is prohibited in the following cases:

  • During pregnancy and lactation. Drinking wine while carrying a child will adversely affect its development, which is fraught with difficult childbirth or the birth of a baby with pathology. Passion for a grape drink with HB can lead to serious health problems for infants.
  • With diseases of the liver and kidneys. Wine is prohibited in case of kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis - it can provoke an exacerbation, which is life-threatening.
  • If a person has a food allergy. Red wine is the strongest allergen, so if you are prone to allergic reactions, you should refrain from drinking it.
  • For stomach problems. A significant excess of the allowable portions of alcohol, even in a healthy person, will cause pain in the abdomen and heartburn. And in the presence of diseases such as gastritis or an ulcer, it will provoke their exacerbation.
  • With diabetes mellitus. Some people find that drinking a glass of red wine reduces their blood sugar spikes. But with an existing disease, the intake of the drink must be agreed with the attending physician - its use is especially dangerous in type 2 diabetes.

It should be understood that the daily passion for alcohol will inevitably lead to the emergence of alcohol dependence. In order for wine to bring only benefits, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for its use. The best option is to drink it once a week. It is important not to exceed the allowable dose. It is important to choose a good quality product from a trusted manufacturer.

Dry wine is not only a popular, but also an ancient drink. It was invented and began to be used long before our era. It served humanity as a substitute for antiseptic, and as a means of purifying drinking water, and just a delicious addition to food. However, the debate about the benefits and harms of wine continues to this day. So who is right: connoisseurs of the "solar drink" or its ardent opponents? Is wine good?

It should be noted that both opinions are somewhat correct. However, before we talk about the benefits of dry wine and its harm, let's figure out what real wine should be like.

How is dry wine different from other drinks?

First of all, it should be noted that there is very little sugar in dry wine. Not more than 3 grams per dm3. This is due to its tart and slightly sour taste. In addition, it is for this reason that such a drink is considered the most useful among all wines.

The strength of dry wine can range from 9 to 13 degrees. And its calorie content averages from 60 to 75 kcal per 100 ml.

Also, high-quality dry wine has a very rich and pleasant smell. If the bottle smells like vinegar or alcohol, you know it's fake. The same conclusion can be drawn if there is a lot of sediment in the bottle, and the cork crumbles when pressed.

Dry wine comes in red, white and rosé. Moreover, the view does not always depend on the grape variety from which it was made. Just for white they use raw materials without skins, and for red and pink - unpeeled grapes.

Dry wine: benefits and harms

Scientists around the world have repeatedly conducted research on the effects of "grape drink" on the body. And often experiments have shown that dry wine is useful. It contains many vital components for humans. It also has a tonic, diuretic and calming effect.

Of course, not a single experiment of scientists involved excessive drinking of wine. To use the drink was useful, you should not drink more than one or two glasses a day. In what follows, only such cases will be discussed.

So what is dry wine good for?

  1. As already mentioned, since ancient times people have used wine as a protection against bacteria. It is impossible to say exactly how our ancestors thought of this. However, modern scientists confirm the antiseptic properties of the drink. Dry wine helps the body fight the pathogens of typhus, influenza and even hepatitis A.
  2. Wine also actively fights toxic substances. After a few sips of this drink, the entry of blood cells into the stomach is accelerated. This means that they have time to “neutralize” a larger amount of harmful toxins that get there with food.
  3. Wine strengthens the immune system. Therefore, it is especially useful to drink it in the cold season, when the risk of various diseases increases.
  4. Dry wine has a positive effect on blood vessels. Especially on their elasticity. This is due to a substance called procyanide. Therefore, one glass of wine once a week will help improve the functioning of the heart and brain.
  5. Red and white wine is perfectly taken with all sorts of age-related manifestations. It improves vision, and also slightly prolongs life. This happens because the drink contains a lot of antioxidants. For example, resveratrol and quercetin. In addition, polyphenols fight well with age. They remove free radicals and allow the body to renew itself.
  6. Also, divine nectar has a very good effect on those areas of the brain that are responsible for emotions. So, a small amount of dry wine will help to cope with shock, excitement or blues.
  7. A very important property of wine is the ability to lower cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that thanks to dry red wine, it can drop by 9 or even 12 percent. Moreover, wine not only fights with "bad" cholesterol, but also increases the level of "good". This is due to the fact that when drinking a drink, so-called high-density lipoproteins begin to be produced.
  8. Especially useful wine can be for travelers or people who are actively involved in sports. After all, it restores the water-salt balance in the body. It usually breaks down after long flights or especially intense workouts. Therefore, one glass of your favorite drink can significantly improve the condition.
  9. The health benefits of wine are also in the fact that it can prevent the development of beriberi. In this regard, it is much more useful than juice. After all, during the manufacture it is not amenable to heat treatment. This means that all “grape” vitamins are preserved in dry wine.
  10. White wine is sometimes recommended for indigestion. Here again, the antiseptic effect of the drink plays an important role.
  11. Any type of dry wine is best consumed with meals. Since thanks to him, all the useful substances from the products are absorbed better. The white variety, for example, is best paired with a slave. After all, it promotes the absorption of iron.
  12. A small portion of dry wine will be an excellent "helper" during active mental activity. It contains fructose. And this substance is one of those that can improve brain activity.
  13. The wine is rich in various trace elements. This drink contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, selenium. Also a lot of protein.
  14. "Solar drink" can be a means for the prevention of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Which wine is healthier: red, white or rosé?

The benefits of wine, especially dry wine, are undeniable. However, which variety is better to choose?

All types of wine have approximately the same properties. The difference between them is very small. And it is in the details. For example, red wine contains a little more of an antioxidant called resveratrol. Also magnesium and potassium. However, this minor difference is not significant. Therefore, there is no reason to choose any of the varieties for its properties. It is better to drink the one that seems to taste better.

About the benefits and harms of dry wine during weight loss

There is an opinion that wine (dry or semi-sweet) helps those who wish to lose extra pounds. Today it is not confirmed by experts. Therefore, the benefits of such a drink for those who are on a diet are ambiguous.

It, of course, can be advised in cases where it is impossible to give up alcohol at all. For example, at a party or in a bar. Of all alcoholic beverages, dry wine is the least caloric. Therefore, you can keep your figure without denying yourself a glass of a pleasant drink.

However, this drink should not be abused. Dry wine increases appetite. So, with each glass, the chance to “break” the diet and gain a few extra centimeters increases. Also, drinking too much dry wine can adversely affect the condition of the skin and hair. Therefore, it is better to carefully monitor the amount of alcohol consumed.

Harm of dry wine

You can talk endlessly about the benefits of this drink, but there is also a downside to the coin. Dry wine can become a "helper" in some situations. But it is not recommended to specifically take it to prevent any ailments. Because it can hurt.

It is strictly forbidden to drink any wine for nursing mothers and pregnant women in the last months. And also you should be very careful about this drink for those who had alcoholics in their family. As you know, this disease can be inherited.

The beneficial properties of red wine have been known to mankind since ancient times. Even ancient Greek scientists said that the daily use of a small amount of red wine diluted with water cures many ailments. In some countries, for example, in France, drinking one or two glasses of wine at dinner per day is a national tradition.

Red wine has a number of health benefits.

In the 20th century, many medical institutions experimented with adding a small amount of red wine to a restorative therapeutic diet in cardiovascular patients, in patients with pulmonary diseases, and in those with metabolic problems. In all cases, a stable healing effect was observed.

Speaking about the benefits of wine, one cannot fail to notice that this tasty and noble drink means a natural product obtained by fermenting grapes. A cheap surrogate with the addition of alcohol and preservatives will only harm your health.

When choosing a natural wine, whether red or white, you need to focus primarily on the external design of the bottle. According to the experience of wine connoisseurs, the most delicious and aromatic wine is found in nondescript bottles with a dull label. The screaming label says, most likely, about an unnatural product.

It is necessary to check the country of origin of the drink. France, Spain, some former republics of the USSR, Australia and the USA can please the consumer with good quality.

Therapeutic dose of red wine

For the benefit of the body, you need no more than 50 grams of wine per day.

In order for red wine to have its healing and tonic effect on the body, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for its use and dosage. Therapeutic for men and women is a dose of 50 g per day, or three tablespoons. Moreover, wine can either be consumed in a tablespoon in the form of a medicine before each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), or drink 50 g at a time - this will not affect the medicinal properties.

It is important to carefully monitor the amount of drink consumed, because wine contains alcohol and is very insidious. If red wine is really natural and tasty, then you may want to drink more, and a dose of more than 50 g per day is no longer curative. On the contrary, the harmful properties of wine associated with the chemical composition of the drink and the content of the alcoholic degree in it begin to appear.

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Useful properties of red wine

It should be noted that the fact that wine is an alcoholic product may also be responsible for the healing properties of red wine. After all, scientists have long proved that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages has a beneficial effect on health, but, of course, the beneficial properties of wine are not limited to this factor. Recent large-scale studies by various scientists have shown that alcoholic beverages "thinn" the blood, helping to reduce cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Moderate alcohol consumption helps prevent diabetes, flu, joint diseases, and even food poisoning.

Red wine is rich in many beneficial substances. These are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, biologically active compounds. No wonder in ancient times red wine was called "blood in a glass" and attributed to it a miraculous healing property. This drink contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, minerals, iron and iodine, and even gold.

The content of medicinal substances in wine directly depends on the method of making a fragrant drink. It is necessary that wine be made not only from the pulp of grapes, but that in the process of winemaking the peel of the fruit, the seeds containing valuable tannins, be used. The skin of grapes, and later in wine, contains a unique biologically active compound - resveratrol. This substance has an antioxidant effect, prevents the process of cellular mutations, thereby inhibiting the growth of cancerous tumors. In addition, resveratrol fights inflammation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Scientists have determined that the action of resveratrol in the female body is akin to the action of the female sex hormone estrogen, i.e. this substance is a natural stimulant of the hormonal system.

The anti-cancer effect of red wine depends on the antioxidants it contains: saponins and catechins help the body fend off free radical attacks at the cellular level.

Red wine drunk in the evening stimulates the production of sleep hormones in a person, which means that it contributes to faster falling asleep and sound sleep. The fact is that the skin of grapes contains vegetable melatonin. This substance is found only in dark berries, so white wines do not have a hypnotic effect.

Wine with anemia as a vitamin remedy.

After a serious illness, to restore strength in case of anemia, blood loss, lack of vitamins, red wine can be recommended as a vitamin remedy due to its high iron content, and also as a biological stimulant. After all, wine helps the absorption of iron from food or when taking vitamin complexes.

In case of poisoning and disorder of the digestive system, wine in a small amount can be an "ambulance" due to its disinfectant, astringent and anti-toxic properties. For milder digestive disorders, such as heaviness in the abdomen and constipation, wine will improve the digestion of food, enhancing the work of the gallbladder. This fragrant drink, drunk before meals, increases appetite.

Some nutritionists talk about the properties of red wine to improve metabolism, contribute to the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism and thus favor weight loss. However, dry varieties of red wine are still recommended for regular use by overweight people due to their lower sugar content. Drinking a small amount of red dry wine will bring a minimum of calories and undoubted benefits. There are even fasting days built on the use of only dry wine and low-fat cheese, but the health benefits of such a diet are doubtful due to exceeding the recommended amount of wine per day.

Red wine is made from various varieties of red and black grapes. A glass of such a drink can do much more than just help you relax during a date or after a hard day at work. Especially dry red wine. The benefits and harms of such wine have long been the subject of research and debate among scientists. As with almost all products, there are supporters of both the first and second points of view.

Doctors who consider the drink useful talk about longevity, a decrease in the risk of heart disease, and opponents remind them of the calories it contains, a decrease in the reaction rate and a long road to the scourge of the Russian people - alcoholism.

Increased life expectancy

Researchers from Harvard Medical School confirm that resveratrol is able to resist aging by stimulating the production of a protein that protects the body from "age-related diseases." This powerful plant antioxidant is found in the skins, seeds, and to a lesser extent in the leaves of grapes. In the process of making wine, it remains in the drink, along with a whole collection of other equally useful and interesting components, such as tannins, flavonoids, tannins, quercetin.

Memory improvement

The Good Can Improve After a 30-minute test, the researchers found that participants taking resveratrol-containing supplements showed significant improvement in word memory, as well as better hippocampal function. This part of the brain, according to modern science, is responsible for new memories, learning and emotions.

Reducing the risk of heart disease

In 2007, the results of a study were published that collected evidence to support the hypothesis that procyanidins, compounds found in red wine tannins, help support the cardiovascular system. The content of these components is especially high in wines produced in the southwestern regions of France and Sardinia. People, in general, also live longer there.

Another study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that moderate red wine consumption reduced the risk of a heart attack.

Improves eye health

Dry red wine, the benefits and harms of which are constantly being studied, has also been noted in connection with the state of eye health. At the annual meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, the results of several years of research conducted in Iceland were presented. Conclusions - people who drink red wine moderately are half as likely to develop cataracts than those who drink a lot or do not drink at all.

At the same time, moderate drinkers meant those who drink no more than 2-3 glasses a day and at least 2 glasses a month.

Reducing the risk of cancer

According to the findings of researchers from the University of Virginia, a component found in the skin of grapes can destroy cancer cells. I mean resveratrol. It works by blocking the development of a key protein required by these degenerate cells.

Improving dental health

The polyphenols in wine may slow the growth of bacteria in the mouth and potentially help prevent it, according to a summary of observations published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (from the American Chemical Society). During the study, the bacteria responsible for tooth damage were exposed to various fluids. Wine has shown a fairly high efficiency in the fight against them.

Cholesterol Reduction

Another study conducted in Madrid proved that good dry red wine, such as Tempranillo and Rioja varieties, can lower cholesterol. In healthy study participants, after consuming the components found in wine, the level of "bad" cholesterol fell by 9%. The results of those who consumed the same wine components of people with elevated cholesterol levels showed a drop in its amount by 12%.

Help protect against colds

This drink is also a good protection against colds (thanks to the antioxidants it contains). For those who drink more than 14 glasses of wine during the week, the risk of getting sick is 40% less.

Is it harmful?

There are many research results that lead to the conclusion that everything that dry red wine brings is good. And there is harm, however, from it too. Wine is not for everyone. And most importantly - it is useful not in any quantities. In various publications, recommendations regarding the amount fluctuate - from 50 to 200-300 grams per day. Most often, you can find advice to drink no more than three glasses for men and one and a half for women.

The amount of more than 300 grams per day will no longer bring benefits - on the contrary, the effect becomes just the opposite. At the same time, it is important to distinguish which wine is used, since only a natural, good drink helps health.

The best red dry wines

The age of wine is comparable to the age of civilization: the real proof of this is the vessels with drinks found by archaeologists, made 2 thousand years ago. These are products made from rice and other components (and not white or red dry wine) - the benefits and harms of drinks with such aging cannot be assessed, because hardly anyone would dare to evaluate them personally. The taste is also unknown - tasters cannot taste this, as it may be unsafe for health, but this find illustrates the popularity of the vine very eloquently.

In the modern world, good drinks are made in several regions of the planet - among them are France, Italy, Spain, Georgia, there are excellent varieties in the USA, New Zealand and Australia, in the expanses of the former Soviet republics.

The best dry red wines of Georgia are Saperavi and Mukuzani. Mukuzani is made and considered one of the best wines from Saperavi grapes. Aged for at least three years and goes well with meat. Saperavi wine is also made from the same variety (it is aged for at least a year), which, like red wines in general, goes well with meat.

Worth mentioning is Pingus 2006, which received top marks from wine expert Robert Parker. It goes well with meat dishes and hard cheeses, but its cost is over 1000 euros.

Unico Reserva Especial NV, Vina El Pison 2007, L`Espill, Vega Sicilia Unico 1998, Enate reserva especial 1998 are excellent dry red wines, reviews and high marks were given by famous tasters and connoisseurs.

Dry reds - Chateau Bessan Segure Medoc, Chateau Grand Medoc Ferre CORDIER, Chateau Gillet Bordeaux AOC, Tour de Mandelotte Bordeaux AOC (suitable for almost anything), Premius Bordeaux AOC, Castel Bordeaux AOC (for meat or chocolate), Bordeaux Collection Privee CORDIER (Great with pâtés and cheeses).

By the way, French wines are divided into several quality categories, and AOC is the highest of them. These are real jewels among wines - the quality and characteristics of these drinks are controlled by a special institution (INAO).

Italy cannot be ignored - it is one of the oldest wine-growing regions of the planet, and drinks here are made of the appropriate taste and quality. The best of them are assigned the category DOCG, a level slightly lower - DOC.

The best dry red wines of this region are Barbaresco (one of the top ten in the world), Barolo, Chianti, Salice Salentino, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Valpolicella. These are drinks that deserve the highest ratings (and have them) and must-tasting for anyone who wants to try great wine.

Produced in different regions of Italy, they are united by taste, quality and reputation in the category "Top class". These wines are quite capable of competing with the best products of France, Spain and other wine-producing countries.

The red dry table wine of these regions is not considered high-class, but it tastes very worthy, and you can safely buy it for dinner or lunch.
