
Raspberry wine according to proven recipes.  Magnificent homemade raspberry wine

Bright raspberry color

Raspberries are an excellent berry, from which making raspberry wine at home is not difficult. It ferments well and quickly reaches readiness. I will share a simple recipe on how to make raspberry wine at home. The result has been tested on your own body for more than one year. It has a rich bright color, a heady warm aroma, a unique exquisite taste that warms the soul and body.

how to make homemade raspberry wine

To make wine from raspberries, you need to consider that

For 1 kg of raspberries, 500 g of sugar and 0.7 liters of water are required.

I recommend all the dates when you put on fermentation, as well as how much you added, write down and glue on the dishes using stickers, adhesive tape or a method convenient for you. Thus, the preparation of raspberry wine at home will be precise and controlled.

Preparation of berries and sourdough for homemade raspberry wine

1. Do not wash the berries. Dust particles, which in any case are on raspberries, will precipitate and be removed later. And the yeast bacteria needed for good fermentation will remain.

2. Carefully sort out. Remove all debris, leaves, twigs, dry, spoiled, especially moldy raspberries. To ensure that raspberry wine does not deteriorate during preparation, use only high-quality material.

3. Mash with your hands or with a potato masher. How to make raspberry wine at home using a blender or meat grinder - no way. They crush the seeds, which will subsequently worsen the taste of homemade raspberry wine. Try to turn the raspberries into a homogeneous mass, as far as possible.

4. Dissolve half of the prepared sugar in raw drinking water. Preliminary water can be heated to room temperature if it is cold, but not higher than 25 degrees. Fermentation will start earlier and the preparation of raspberry wine at home will speed up, sugar will dissolve faster.

5. Pour into a container with raspberries. Mix well. The vessel should be such that homemade wine fills no more than 2/3 of the total volume. Because, as the cap subsequently rises and can flow out over the edge.

6. Cover tightly with a cloth or gauze in several layers and cover. This is necessary so that the flies do not fall, otherwise the mash will turn sour and deteriorate. So, how to make raspberry wine at home is quite simple, but cleanliness and accuracy are still required.

7. Transfer to a dark warm place for a week with a temperature of 18-25 degrees.

8. Stir with a wooden spatula or shake the raspberry wine several times a day. It is necessary to mix the raised raspberry hat with the settled juice. Use a clean wooden stick or spoon each time. If the cover cloth gets wet from the mash, be sure to rinse it and the lid.

Must and vigorous fermentation of raspberry wine

One week has passed.

1. Press and filter. Remove the risen raspberries with a slotted spoon and transfer to a separate container. Strain the juice remaining at the bottom with the remaining raspberry pieces through cheesecloth into a clean bowl. Then throw the removed raspberry cap into a gauze bag and squeeze out all the juice. Filter out possible particles. The pulp can be thrown away, it is not needed.

2. Add the remaining second half of the sugar to the squeezed juice and dissolve by stirring. Making raspberry wine at home in this way will prolong fermentation, enhance strength and taste.

3. We fill the fermentation bottles of homemade wine not to the top, but 2/3. Leave free space up to the neck for foam in order to avoid problems.

4. Install a water seal on the container. Knowing how to make raspberry wine at home, I do not recommend using all kinds of gum. One end of the hose in a cork - the other end in a bottle of water is the most common option. Purchased fixtures are also suitable.

5. Achieve complete tightness. Cover all joints with plasticine. Do not allow outside air to get inside the wort, even in micro doses. The slightest passage of oxygen will enable bacteria to turn our future homemade raspberry wine into vinegar. How to make raspberry wine at home, if air gets inside the bottle, I can’t even imagine. It simply sours.

6. Put in a warm dark place for 2 weeks. Sunlight should not fall on the must. Check without leaving the tightness. After some time, bubbles will go through the water seal. If this does not happen, re-lubricate all connections.

Slow fermentation of homemade raspberry wine

2 weeks have passed.

Following all the rules on how to make raspberry wine at home, by this time the rapid fermentation is usually over. It's easy to check. If the water seal blows a bubble 1 time per minute or less, proceed to further steps. If more often - leave for another couple of days, no longer.

We remove homemade wine from the sediment. We insert the hose into a bottle of wine and suck it in, pouring it into a clean container. Do not bring the end of the hose closer than 5 cm to the sediment.

Fill the raspberry fermentation tanks almost to the top. Leave a small space 1/5 to the neck free. Close hermetically with a water seal.

Put for 40 days in a cool dark place 16-18 degrees. Check that no air is getting in.

Remove from sediment every 7-10 days. So, how to make raspberry wine at home, we need high quality, cleanliness during procedures, and tightness during fermentation.

Add sugar to homemade raspberry wine and let stand

40 days have passed.

By this time, homemade raspberry wine has usually stopped fermenting and cleared up. Taste it. If you like it sweeter, it's time to add sugar to taste and dissolve it in the wine slightly heated. If everything suits you, then do not add.

We fill the bottles and leave for another 1 month under the water seal. Don't forget to get rid of dead bacteria in the form of sediment.

1 month has passed.
Raspberry wine should clear up. If it doesn’t ferment, then put fertilize until it becomes completely transparent.

Pour into clean bottles to the very top and put in a cool dark place 6-12 degrees for 2 months. Perfect shelf in the fridge. During this time, the aroma will intensify, and the homemade wine will also acquire a mild taste.

Well, now you know how to make raspberry wine at home. Uncork a bottle on a festive day and plunge into the pleasant atmosphere of a warm summer evening.

Everyone, drink and enjoy.

Why is raspberry wine not as popular as grape wine? It's all about its sweet, even cloying taste and high strength. Not everyone likes such sweet strong wines, reminiscent of liqueurs, so sometimes raspberries are mixed with other berries - the taste of such homemade wine is lighter and more harmonious.

If you have already made raspberry jam for the whole winter, and there are still a lot of ripe berries in the raspberry, try making raspberry wine . This sweet aromatic drink with a bright taste will warm you up on winter evenings and may well become a worthy competitor to homemade.

To properly make raspberry wine, you need to pick ripe fruits, even a little overripe, and use them immediately on the day of harvest.

You can use any kind of berries: from the red ones you can get a fragrant drink of an amazing ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor (it gives a particularly beautiful shade), while the yellow ones give a golden wine with a special aroma. It is worth noting that when making homemade white wine, you can successfully combine yellow raspberries with white currants or gooseberries. A very tasty and unusually aromatic wine with a high sugar content can be obtained from forest raspberries. That's just to collect the required number of berries is not so simple.

Video about homemade raspberry wine recipe

To properly prepare raspberry wine, you need to pick ripe fruits, even slightly overripe, and use them immediately on the day of collection. All dried, moldy, wormy, diseased and unripe berries must be removed. It is impossible to wash raspberries, since yeast fungi are present on its surface, without which the wine will not ferment.

To get strong wine from raspberries, the recipe suggests adding the same amount of water and about 2 kg of sugar (to taste) per 3 kg of berries. You can experiment with the proportions until you get a wine with the sweetness and strength that you like best.

Before doing raspberry wine, crush the sorted berries in any convenient way: with a wooden pusher, spoon or with an electric meat grinder. Transfer the finished raspberry puree to a stainless steel saucepan.

In a separate bowl, prepare syrup by mixing half of the sugar and water. Water should be drinkable, clean, but not boiled. When preparing the syrup, make sure that it does not boil: just dissolve the sugar and then cool to about 23 degrees. If the temperature of sugar syrup when added to raspberry puree is below 20 degrees, the growth of yeast bacteria will slow down significantly, and at temperatures above 26 degrees it will stop altogether.

When preparing the syrup, make sure that it does not boil.

After stirring the syrup with berries, leave the pan, covered with a lid, in a dark place for a week at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Do not forget to stir the mixture several times a day with a wooden spoon, trying to immerse the pop-up pulp in the liquid so that it does not sour or mold.

After eight days, pour the fermented raspberry juice into another container and back - for the purpose of ventilation. Then re-make the syrup from the remaining half of the sugar and water and add to the wine mixture to prolong the fermentation and give the wine strength. Mix everything well and leave the juice to bubble for another week.

After fifteen days, rapid fermentation will decline, and the mixture will noticeably exfoliate into fermented juice and pulp. So, it's time to strain the drink and pour it into glass bottles, putting a water seal on each bottle (a lid with a rubber tube, the end of which falls into a container of water).

Put the bottles of wine in a cool place for another month and a half, so that the sediment sinks down and the drink becomes more transparent. Next, pour the wine into sterile bottles under the neck, cork with corks and put in a cool place to infuse. After two months, the wine will acquire a rich aroma and pleasant taste and will be ready to drink.

Put the bottles of wine in a cool place for another month and a half, so that the sediment sinks down and the drink becomes more transparent.

If the raspberry juice does not begin to bubble on the first day, it means that the yeast bacteria do not have enough heat. Pour off some of the juice and heat a little, without boiling, and then pour back and mix thoroughly. After this manipulation, the fermentation process should begin.

It is undesirable to store homemade wine for longer than a year, otherwise its taste will begin to deteriorate.

If the traditional raspberry wine recipe doesn’t suit you or you want to try something new, take a couple more recipes into service. Perhaps one of the options will suit your taste.

To obtain a strong wine, squeeze 5 kg of previously sorted raspberries. 0.3 kg of sugar and a liter of water at room temperature are added to the resulting juice. The pomace is also poured with one liter of water and left to infuse for 5 hours, after which it is squeezed well again, pouring the juice into what was squeezed before. Yeast sourdough is added to raspberry juice and removed for 10 days in a warm place.

After this period, sugar is added to the raspberry infusion, at the rate of 150 g per liter of juice. And when active fermentation is over, alcohol is added to the raspberry wine (250 g of alcohol per 5 liters of wine), sugar is added to taste and, after stirring, poured into bottles, corked. Such a raspberry strong drink is infused and stored in a cool place.

Video about the recipe for raspberry liqueur

Another interesting version of raspberry wine is prepared as follows:

  • 10 kg of crushed raspberries are thoroughly mixed with four liters of water, the next day the juice is squeezed out of the must, temporarily removing it in a dark place, and the same amount of water is added again;
  • after two days, the wort is squeezed again, the two portions of raspberry juice obtained are combined, 1 liter of squeezed currant juice and five kilograms of sugar are added;
  • the drink is poured into a bottle and left to ferment;
  • when the fermentation is over, the wine is bottled.

In addition to wine, you can make liquor - both fresh and frozen raspberries will do for it.

In addition to wine, you can make liquor - both fresh and frozen raspberries will do for it. For 2 liters of liquor you will need half a kilo of raspberries, the same amount of alcohol and water, 700 g of sugar, a pinch of vanillin and citric acid 6 g. Pour raspberries with water and boil for an hour to brighten the berries. Then remove the fruits, pour in the sugar and mix it until completely dissolved in water.

When the syrup has cooled, strain it into a plastic bottle, add alcohol, vanillin and citric acid, add warm water to the neck. Close the bottle, shake the mixture and leave to infuse for several hours, shaking the drink every half hour. Soon homemade raspberry liqueur will be ready - it remains to pour it into glass bottles.

Raspberries are an excellent raw material for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Homemade raspberry wine has excellent taste, has a moderate strength and always becomes a table decoration. Add to this the ease of preparation, and you immediately decide to make this a delicious and healthy drink.

Raspberries are an excellent berry for making alcoholic beverages.

Strengths of the berry and tricks

Winemakers willingly make wines from this tasty and healthy berry. Drinks are beautiful, with a delicate raspberry hue and tasty, and with the addition of some ingredients, they are very original.
Among the positive aspects of the berry will be:

  • Raspberries are distinguished by good fermentation, they are used to enhance fermentation and make sourdough in recipes for other berry wines.
  • The high level of sugar and good taste make it possible to prepare a wide range of wines: semi-dry, dessert, liqueurs, sherry.
  • Raspberries are juicy and the yield from 1 kg of berries is about 70% of the juice.

The disadvantages include the high cost of these berries and their relatively low yield, a huge number of desserts are made from raspberries and children love it - all this automatically makes homemade raspberry wine an expensive and rare product.

Necessary container and some secrets

For novice winemakers, it is better to prepare raspberry wine at home according to the classic recipe, using the rules proposed here. This will make a delicious drink and not spoil an expensive product.

The whole fermentation process will take from 1.5 to 3 months, it can be divided into several important stages:


A popular and always in demand raspberry wine, there are many recipes.

Among the most famous will be:

Classic recipe

It is very easy to prepare, it is perfect for beginner winemakers. To make wine you will need:

The more sugar, the more active the fermentation process will be, but the final product will be sweeter. Therefore, it is recommended to put sugar first according to the recipe, and add sugar syrup to the finished product.
Prepared berries are kneaded, mixed with warm water, 2/3 of sugar, unwashed raisins and put in a warm place. The container is covered, at first you can use a regular pantry with room temperature.
After 2-4 days, the process of active fermentation will begin, the berries will rise to the surface, foam and bubbles will appear. In order for the process to take place more actively once a day, the berries need to be “drowned”, mixing the contents and evenly distributing the resulting yeast colonies with a wooden spatula.

Straining through gauze

When the process becomes very active, the pulp must be drained. This is done in two ways:

  1. Through several layers of gauze, the contents of the container are filtered, the cake is squeezed out and the resulting wort is poured into a fermentation container with a narrow neck and a water seal.
  2. The contents of the container are filtered, but not squeezed. The resulting wort is poured into a fermentation tank with a water seal. And add the rest of the sugar and a little warm water to the cake, it is again put to ferment, for 3-4 days. Then the resulting secondary juice is mixed with the previously squeezed juice, and again closed with a water seal.

In any case, the must will ferment for at least 3 weeks, but not more than 50 days. The end of the process will be indicated by the absence of bubbles and a deflated glove.

Before putting the shutter, the rest of the sugar is added to the wort (if it has not yet been used for the second composition of the juice) and stirred well again.

During the fermentation process, the contents of the container are periodically stirred. This can be done by simply shaking the vessel, or by swinging it like a pendulum. It is not recommended to remove the water seal.

The end of fermentation is also evidenced by the clarification of young wine, it will become transparent, with a pleasant crimson hue. Now it needs to be drained into a clean container without disturbing the sediment. Winemakers recommend using a small diameter straw, but not tilting the container.

During this period, you can taste the wine and, if necessary, add sugar syrup or strengthen it with vodka.
Then, the resulting young wine is left for a day or two in the refrigerator or cellar, and when a sediment of up to 2 cm appears, it is drained again.

It's time to send the wine for maturation: it is bottled, hermetically sealed and sent to the cold (up to +16) for 2-3 months. Only after this period the wine will get its taste and aroma, they can be treated to friends.


  • Sugar syrup is made from boiled raspberry juice and granulated sugar. It is carefully added to young wine and then the container is again closed with a water seal for 2-3 days.
  • The strength of the finished product depends on the amount of sugar and the quality of the berries. According to this recipe, you can get wine with a strength of up to 12 0. For a stronger drink, vodka or alcohol is added, at the rate of 2–12% of the total amount of the finished product.

Wine from jam

Sometimes, in order to make room for new blanks, you need to throw away those left over from last year. The situation is especially difficult with jam, because not only a lot of work has been invested in it, but also a large amount of sugar. This is where the recipe for raspberry jam wine comes to the rescue.

Raspberry wine can be made not only from fresh berries, but also from jam

From the old jam, you get a delicious wine, while adding sugar to it is not necessary at all.
The ingredients you will need are the following:

  • Jam - 1 l;
  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Raisins - 100 g.

We heat 2/3 of the water to 30–35 C, pour it into a large container and add jam and raisins (do not wash it!). Then we stir everything well, cover it from insects and put it in a dark warm pantry.
Stir the contents of the container a couple of times a day, and after 3-4 days we strain. Pour the juice into a fermentation tank and close it with a water seal, and pour the pulp again with warm water (the remaining 1/3) and leave it in the pantry for another day. Then we strain and squeeze. We throw away the cake, and send the resulting juice to the previously squeezed under the water seal.
The fermentation process takes place rapidly and more quickly, approximately 30–35 days. After its completion, the resulting young wine becomes transparent.
Then the sediment is removed by pouring the wine into a new container with the help of a tube and the sediment is allowed to fall out again, for which they are placed in a cool place for several days.
After that, the drink is bottled and corked tightly, sent for aging.
Such wine can also be fortified with vodka or alcohol, as in the previous recipe.

Sourdough wine

Stronger raspberry wine can be obtained using a special starter that is prepared before making raspberry wine.
For this recipe, you will need to squeeze the juice from the berry.
List of ingredients:

  • Sourdough - 150 g;
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • Raspberry juice - 3 l;
  • Vodka - 0.5 l.

Sourdough wine

We prepare the starter: for it they take a glass of berries, ½ cup of water and ¼ cup of sugar. Everything is well stirred, after kneading the berries. Then the mixture is poured into a 1-liter jar, closed with a cotton closure and put in heat for 4 days. Then the contents are filtered through 4 layers of gauze. The starter is ready.
We make must. The berries are sorted out, removing rotten and green ones. Then, without washing them, squeeze the juice.
This wine recipe skips active fermentation as we use sourdough. Pour the juice into the bottle, add ½ sugar, water and sourdough. The resulting mixture is well stirred and closed with a water seal. We place in a dark pantry with a constant temperature not higher than +25.

In a famous contemporary song, raspberry wine is called the intoxicating wine of love, and its aroma is described as intoxicating. Few other homemade wines can boast the same clean, pronounced taste and recognizable aroma. Even the most unpretentious recipe gives an absolutely amazing result!

Dazzling reflections of the summer sun, tart emerald green of carved leaves, ripe raspberries filled with fragrant juice are concentrated in this drink. In a word, as if the resonant reckless summer itself, having brewed in the berry notes of wine, sends you greetings and beckons you to taste this magical drink.

The beneficial properties of raspberries can hardly be overestimated. The high content of copper elevates this berry to the rank of natural antidepressants, and the high concentration of B vitamins, vitamin C, carotene and essential oils makes raspberries one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. In addition, the fruits of this shrub contain tartaric, malic, salicylic, formic acid, thereby causing high medicinal properties of raspberries for colds.

How to make homemade raspberry wine?

To make good raspberry wine with your own hands, you must first of all take a very responsible approach to harvesting. The soft and tender berry eliminates repeated manipulations, so it will be better to immediately collect the fruits without debris and leaves.

So, let's begin!

- knead ripe raspberries in the amount of four kilograms.
- put in a clean, dry bottle of 10 liters.
- in the event that you prefer to feel the sweetness in wine, we fall asleep a kilogram of granulated sugar. However, you can do without it, the natural sugars of raspberries are quite enough to get a fine balanced bouquet of the drink.
- Pour water into the container. If you have the opportunity to use spring or well water, feel free to pour it, the future divine nectar will only benefit from this.
- now we tie the neck of the vessel with clean gauze.
- Place in a place exposed to direct sunlight.
- as a rule, the semi-finished product begins to ferment for 3-4 days, its signs are raw materials that have surfaced, the appearance of foam and air bubbles.
- now it's time to put a water seal - a special lid that tightly closes the neck and prevents air from entering. But at the same time, such a lid has a hole with a tube for venting gases formed during fermentation, the end of which is placed in a jar of water. Thus, the air freely escapes, without having the slightest opportunity to get inside from the outside.
- put in a place with room temperature.
- the fermentation process has begun!
- focusing on the degree of intensity of gas separation and the color of the drink, you can accurately determine the end of fermentation processes, but on average it will take about one and a half months.
- at the end of the fermentation process, the wine is kept for 2-3 days in a cool place, during which time the sediment finally sinks to the bottom of the cylinder and it will be much easier to remove the drink from the sediment.
- the finished raspberry wine is drained from the sediment, placing the bottle on the table, and other suitably prepared dishes on the floor.
- young wine is bottled, which are corked with ground corks.
- they are placed in a cool dark place for up to two months.
So, the process of maturation of a young drink of a fresh harvest has begun, after which the product of home winemaking must be tasted!

You can also make an excellent raspberry liqueur from raspberry jam.

In this case, the drink turns out to be very sweet and viscous, the taste and texture are remarkably suitable for dessert. Liquor is very easy to make:
- in a 3-liter jar of jam, add one liter of water.
- stir thoroughly.
- bring to a boil over low heat and remove after boiling.
- cool the resulting liquid.
- we separate the cake from the liquid by pressing.
- add vodka or alcohol to taste to the desired strength of the drink.
- seal tightly.
Liquor is ready!

It is difficult to find a person who speaks with hostility about homemade raspberry wine. This refreshing pastoral drink has won many adherents, thanks to its delicate, but at the same time rich taste and enchanting aroma, which evokes bright memories of childhood. At the same time, not everyone knows that virtually everyone can prepare this unforgettable drink.

Wine at home from raspberries according to science

Let's start with the canonical version, which requires quite a lot of time and attention, but always gives a stable result.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 500 g
  3. Water - 1 l

Cooking method

  1. Turn the sorted raspberries into puree and put in a dry three-liter jar.
  2. Add 300 g of sugar and 700 ml of water, then mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Close the three-liter lid with a water seal or pull on it a rubber medical glove with a pierced hole to release carbon dioxide.
  4. Leave the container for 10 days in a dark, warm place (18-24 ° C) for primary fermentation. At the same time, it is desirable to stir the fermenting mass daily with a wooden spatula.
  5. After the specified period, strain the fermented mass and squeeze through gauze. Discard the pulp and return the juice to its original container. Immediately afterwards, add the sugar solution (100 g of sugar to 300 ml of water) and mix thoroughly.
  6. Leave the resulting substance for 3 days under a water seal.
  7. Then, strain 50 ml of the fermenting liquid, dissolve the remaining 100 g of sugar in it and pour the resulting syrup into your jar.
  8. Close the container again with a shutter or glove and leave it alone until the end of fermentation.
  9. Attention! If 40 days after adding the last portion of sugar, the substance continues to ferment (the glove does not fall off or the water seal continues to release bubbles), it must be filtered and poured into another dry, clean container. Otherwise, you risk getting a noticeably bitter drink at the exit.
  10. When the fermentation process comes to an end, the resulting young wine must be decanted into a new container and tasted. If the drink seems sour, you can add a little more sugar to taste. In this case, the wine should be held for another 10 days under a glove or a lid with a water seal. If the result suits you, then you can, without leaving the cash register, enjoy a young early-ripening drink.
  11. If you are a lover of wines with a well-established rich taste, be patient and let the drink ripen. To this end, the wine is poured into a suitable glass container to the brim, hermetically sealed and placed for 3-6 months in a cellar or refrigerator (the main thing is that the storage temperature does not go beyond 6-16 ° C). During this period, the drink should be checked from time to time to filter it when the sediment at the bottom of the container reaches three centimeters. The readiness of the wine is evidenced by the absence of sediment for a month. Then the drink can be bottled, corked tightly and safely attached to your alcoholic arsenal.

Raspberry wine with a high degree

This recipe is specifically for lovers of fortified wines.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberry juice - 6 l
  2. Sugar - 2.4 kg
  3. Water - 2.6 l
  4. Vodka - 1 l
  5. Raspberry starter - 300 ml

Cooking method

  1. 5-7 days before the start of making wine, you should take care of the sourdough. To do this, mix the puree obtained from two glasses of unwashed raspberries, 0.5 cups of sugar and a glass of water.
  2. Place the resulting substance in a bottle, tightly plug with cotton wool and leave for 4 days in a dark place. Then strain the finished sourdough through thick gauze, after which it is advisable to start the winemaking process as soon as possible.
  3. In order not to put things off indefinitely, it is proposed to use the ripening time of the sourdough to prepare the required amount of raspberries. From ahead of time sorted berries you need to squeeze 6 liters of juice.
  4. Mix juice, water, sourdough and 1.6 liters of sugar in a fermentation container.
  5. Close the container with a lid with a water seal and place in a warm, dark place.
  6. When the fermentation period comes to an end, add vodka to the container, mix thoroughly and leave for another 5 days.
  7. Next, the wine is filtered, mixed with the remaining 800 g of sugar, bottled and tightly corked. However, in order to avoid the sad consequences of repeated fermentation, it is better to play it safe and keep the drink under a water seal for another week.

Raspberry wine from spree jam

If your household has a jar or two of fermented or candied raspberry jam, then this is just your case.

List of ingredients

  1. Jam - 1 kg
  2. Water - 2 l
  3. Raisins - 120 g

Cooking method

  1. Mix jam, raisins and warm water in a fermentation tank.
  2. Keep the result in a warm, dark place under a glove or a lid with a water seal until the fermentation process is completed.
  3. Next, remove the drink from the sediment or strain it through cheesecloth, pour it to the top into glass bottles, cork tightly and put it in a cool room for a couple of days.
  4. After that, the wine can either be served at the table or, to achieve a brighter effect, left alone for another couple of months.

Raspberry wine recipe for sour lovers

Those who find raspberry wine too sugary will certainly appreciate this recipe.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries - 2 kg
  2. Sugar - 300 g

Cooking method

  1. Knead the sorted raspberries with your hands in a capacious saucepan, mix with sugar and cover with a cloth or gauze. Put the pan for 4 days in a dark warm place. Then remove the foam, separate the juice from the cake and squeeze the latter through a thick gauze.
  2. Pour all the juice into a glass container and keep under a lid with a water seal until the end of fermentation.
  3. Next, pour the drink into a similar clean container, hold it under a water seal for a couple more days, then close it with a tight lid and transfer it to a cool room.
  4. After a month and a half, the finished wine is filtered, bottled and waiting in the wings in your bar.

Easy homemade raspberry wine recipe

And to top it off, the easiest and most unpretentious way for those who do not like to bother.

List of ingredients

  1. Raspberries - 5 kg
  2. Water - 5 l
  3. Sugar - 1.5 k.

Cooking method

  1. Mash the sorted berry until puree.
  2. From water and sugar, not forgetting to remove the foam.
  3. Transfer the puree to a glass bottle, fill it with syrup at room temperature and mix thoroughly.
  4. Put the container equipped with a glove or a lid with a water seal in a dark, warm place for the fermentation period (if you are lucky, it will end in a week).
  5. Drain the fermented wine from the sediment, filter, bottle and cork tightly.
  6. Put the bottles in a cool place, removing them from there as needed.
  1. Don't wash the berries.

    In no case do not wash the berry intended for wine. This way you save the wild yeast needed for the fermentation process.

  2. What about frozen raspberries?

    If you decide to make wine from frozen raspberries, completely and irrevocably devoid of those same wild yeasts, you should use sourdough. Sourdough for raspberry wine is made from the same berry (of course, fresh and unwashed) or from equally unwashed raisins.

  3. Pick only the best berries.

    Fresh raspberries must be sorted out, removing moldy, unripe or rotten berries. Otherwise, all your winemaking work will go down the drain.

  4. Follow the process.

    When filling the fermentation tank, do not forget to leave about a third of the free space in it. It is necessary for the accumulation of foam, the release of carbon dioxide and subsequent filling with additional components of the drink.

If you follow these tips, the raspberry wine you can start making today will exceed your wildest expectations.
