
Wine made from fruit compote. How to make homemade wine from fermented compote - recipes

Each housewife, closer to summer, when the berries ripen, has several cans of unused jam or compote in the store. Or an open, and not drunk can, begins to ferment within a week. Do not rush to get rid of it, and you will quickly get homemade compote wine - a surprisingly tasty, natural treat for guests and family.
The ideal ingredient for such emergency winemaking is cherry compote. Cherry is perfectly fermented, has a delicate and tart aroma, rich taste. The color of the resulting wine is surprisingly rich. No one can resist such alcohol, and if you consider that you use only natural ingredients, you get a useful author's product.

Which compote is suitable for wine

For making wine, you can use both fresh and fermented compote.

    Slightly fermented compote in an open jar. This comes from the contact of the drink with air, and the alcoholic drink made from it is completely safe.

  • Preserved drink. You can specially open the jar, leave it in the air for 3-5 days so that it ferments.
  • Freshly made compote. To make wine from it, you will need to add some fresh fermented berries to enhance the cherry flavor.
  • You can use any drink according to these recipes, except for cherries, you will get excellent man-made wine from any compote: from pears, apples, currants, strawberries, raspberries, or from several types of berries and fruits.

Wine made from fermented material

Homemade wine from fermented compote is the easiest recipe that a novice winemaker will master. It is better if it is a preparation from one type of berry, since each berry has its own properties, its own fermentation time, and of course, its own individual taste transferred to wine.
Important: Do not use a jar that has mold - it will no longer ferment on its own, the drink has a moldy taste and it will be transferred to the wine
Often, for a more active fermentation process, to speed up the process of sugar loss, and to acquire a larger percentage of alcohol, compote is flavored with rice. This significantly reduces the time, but brings new notes of taste to the future wine. It is better to try to avoid them, and use raisins to activate the process. But, it is important not to wash the raisins, as the surface of the grapes contains bacteria - they are needed for high-quality fermentation.

Products and wine making

The process of making wine

So how do you make cherry wine? We will need:

  • 3 liters of homemade cherry compote with sugar;
  • 300g. granulated sugar;
  • a handful of unwashed raisins.


  1. Strain all the compote from the berries, and pour into a sufficient container. For three liters, it is better to use a five-liter bottle.
  2. Soak unwashed raisins in a separate bowl in a glass of compote, and leave for 3-5 hours in a warm place.
  3. Add raisins with compote to the total mass, pour in the entire volume of sugar, mix well so that the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Install a water seal or punctured finger glove on the bottle.
  5. Prepare a place to store the bottle. You must comply with all conditions: air temperature from 18 to 25 degrees, lack of light, and even more so - sunlight. If in the summer the air warms up above 25 degrees, do not forget to ventilate the room.
  6. In the first 3 - 5 days, watch that air bubbles come out of the water seal so that the surface of the mash foams. If you are using a glove, it must be constantly inflated. If fermentation is not active in the first days, you can remove the shutter or glove and mix the wort.
  7. The process will take 10 to 25 days. You will see that the wort is ready when the active movement of the liquid stops, sediment falls to the bottom, bubbles and foam stop forming.
  8. Carefully, using a straw, strain the liquid without sediment into another container. Measure the strength of the resulting wine, after that you need to put the wine in the cold for 5 - 8 hours, and once again decant from the sediment.
  9. Pour the resulting wine into dark glass bottles, and let it brew for 2 to 3 months.

Winemakers' advice: when measuring the degree of the finished product, you can leave part of the wine with a natural 9-11 percent alcohol content, and dilute part with vodka, and before drinking, adding a little fresh cherry juice and sugar in advance, get a fragrant liqueur

Wine from fresh compote

If the year was rich in berries, and you outdid yourself in harvesting, and realized that you don’t need such a volume of homemade drinks, it’s time to do a very important thing - wine from cherry compote.
Non-sour material differs from sour compote in that the process will be somewhat longer. First of all, you need to prepare the wort - a fermenting extract. You can choose to make the wort with or without yeast. The use of yeast will speed up the process, as will the addition of raisins or rice, and will also make the wine stronger.
Keep in mind that when using yeast, you will have to add more sugar than without them, since the yeast feeds on sucrose.
So how to make wine from compote that has not yet fermented? Everything is quite simple if you follow all the rules. Do-it-yourself alcohol will delight you and your guests no less than an industrial product of winemaking.
Tips from winemakers: when making must for wine, 200g. replace sugar - sand with three tablespoons of honey, and you will get a more aromatic drink.

Products and preparation method

To make fragrant and tasty compote wine at home, you will need the simplest set of ingredients:

  • Not fermenting, but infused cherry compote - 3 liters;
  • Sugar - white sand - 200g;
  • Flower or linden honey - 5 tablespoons;
  • Raisins not washed - 2 tablespoons;
  • Pressed baker's yeast - 7g.


  1. As a rule, housewives take half a liter of sugar for 3 liters of compote, which means that initially there is already sucrose in the compote. Open the jar, after shaking it, and lifting the berries from the bottom.
  2. Leave the jar for 3-4 days without a lid at room temperature so that the compote deteriorates a little.
  3. As soon as you see that the compote has begun to foam, add raisins to the jar. Leave with raisins for another day.
  4. After 24 hours, the compote will begin to ferment actively, and at this moment you need to strain it through cheesecloth to get rid of the berries. It is better to leave raisins in the must - it will help activate fermentation.
  5. Prepare a bottle of at least 5 liters. Pour all the strained liquid there, add yeast, sugar. Install a water seal or glove on the bottle.
  6. Place the bottle in a warm and dark place. Avoid contact of the bottle with sunlight. Shake the bottle once a day for the first three to four days. Check that air bubbles come out of the water seal, and if you use a glove, it must be inflated.
  7. Taste the must after 8-10 days. If it's still overly sweet, wait a couple of days. If you feel that the sweetness has decreased significantly, and the fermentation process is actively continuing, it is time to add honey.
  8. Pour a glass of wort from the bottle, dilute honey in it, and pour it back into the bottle.
  9. After another 10 days, when the fermentation process becomes calmer, check the product again for sweetness. It is better if almost all sugar is fermented, then at the output you will get high-quality wine that will be stored for a long time.
  10. As soon as the formation of bubbles from the water seal stops, or the glove falls on the bottle, all the sediment settles to the bottom, remove the water seal, and using a tube, pour the wine into another dish.
  11. Seal the container tightly and leave overnight in the refrigerator. After that, strain again.
  12. Measure the percentage of alcohol with an alcohol meter, if you want to get fortified wine, increase the degree with alcohol or moonshine. You can trust in this case and vodka. Fortified wine is used to prepare liqueurs, liqueurs, especially cherry and pear wine.
  13. Pour the wine into bottles to the very neck, cork carefully and leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 2 to 4 months.

Quick preparation of wine from compote

Fermentation of the future wine

This recipe will help you make not wine, but rather an alcoholic dessert drink from compote and alcohol, but it is often used at home. Often, this wine is used to make mulled wine, liquor, alcoholic cocktails.
If you add it to vermouth, you will get the most fragrant thing that no bartender can repeat.
You will need to prepare it.

Homemade from compote appreciated by many lovers of drinks with a tart taste. Each housewife faced the problem of fermentation of a berry or fruit or freshly brewed drink. A sweet drink in an open jar acquires a characteristic smell and taste over time.

However, not everyone guessed about the possibility of making an exclusive berry wine based on a “spoiled” ordinary drink. No less fragrant alcohol can be obtained from fermented or jam. Learn how to make wine from compote without leaving your own kitchen, especially since each recipe has simple ingredients and an understandable cooking method.

Compote homemade wine

Compote wine is quite easy to prepare, especially if you know a few proven recipes. The favorite drink of the ancient god Bacchus does not have to be prepared from a fermented component. To create homemade wine, a freshly prepared drink from berries is also appropriate. to the main ingredient if it's not spoiled) add sugar and a little sourdough. Available components significantly reduce the cost of the finished product.

Important! For the preparation of high-quality home-made alcohol, glass or wooden utensils are used. Plastic or metal containers should be excluded in order to avoid losing the special aroma of the drink.

Compote homemade wine recipes

Some connoisseurs of home-made wine products boldly experiment with the ingredients of the composition - adding, in addition to sugar, raisins and honey. An unchanging basis for compote liquor, homemade sour drinks with, and. Advantage of the proposed methods of home-made liqueurs lies in the possibility of enhancing the taste of a natural drink.

Plum compote wine

To prepare delicious strong wine from sour plum compote at home, you need the following ingredients:

  • 3 liters of the main drink;
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons dry raisins.

At the beginning, the liquid is filtered to remove the remnants of plum slices (they must be left in a separate container, never throw it in the trash). Then the starter is prepared: 250 ml of strained plum broth is heated to a temperature of + 30 ° C, and in order for homemade wine from compote to have the best taste, a handful of raisins grated with sugar are added according to the recipe. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, covered with ordinary gauze and left warm for four hours.

After the active stage of fermentation, the resulting wine yeast is poured into a clean glass jar with the rest of the plum liquid. The container with the contents is placed in a dark and warm place.

Important! Buy special lids for jars with a water seal for home winemaking. They are sold at many points of sale of household goods.

The remaining boiled plums are rubbed through a sieve and mixed with a small amount of sugar, after which they are also placed in a warm place. After complete dissolution of granulated sugar with plum gruel, a sweet syrup is prepared from the mass over low heat. As soon as the resulting viscous liquid cools down, it is poured into a jar and filled with water so that it begins to ferment over time.

The contents of both containers are combined after the end of the fermentation stage. Then everything is intensively mixed, the sediment is removed by filtering. The result is a 15% plum liqueur with a light aroma. The alcoholic product must be poured into sterilized bottles and placed in a cool room for three months.

Cherry compote wine

If an experienced housewife has fermented compote from natural cherries, she knows what to do. For the preparation of a magnificent cherry, use 6 liters of the main home-made drink (other products: 2 cups of raisins and sugar). Dried grapes are poured with canned drink in a toe. Put in a warm place for 2 hours. The rest of the liquid is mixed together with granulated sugar. Both mixtures are combined after softening the raisins in the first container.

Important! Raisins are not washed to preserve the wild yeast that is present on their surface. Further, the contents are insulated, filtered, sealed, poured and cooled similarly to the previous recipes.

The best grape varieties suitable for wine:,.

Wine from apple compote

To prepare a home-made apple tree, take 3 liters of drink, 300 g of granulated sugar and a handful of raisins. The basis for the future wine from apple compote is filtered through a sieve. Pieces of apples are transferred to a separate container and covered with one or two teaspoons of sugar. Unwashed raisins (50 g) are poured into the filtered sweet liquid.

The remains of apples and wine sourdough are left in a place protected from direct sunlight for 2 hours. Then everything is combined, mixing well. Spilled liquor in jars is sealed with special lids and wrapped in a blanket for two weeks.

Wine from strawberry compote

The list of ingredients for the future strawberry liqueur according to the homemade wine recipe of our grandmothers, who knew how to make amazing compote liqueurs:

  • 3 liters of the main canned drink;
  • 8 tablespoons of natural honey;
  • a teaspoon of rice.
Did you know? Some lovers of unusual wines add a handful of raisins or rice to the future drink. The introduction of these components enhances the fermentation process. Wine alcohol acquires a memorable taste. The method of preparation is not much different from the recipes of previous fruit and berry homemade wines, but still has its own nuances. In this case, raisins replace rice. Another important difference is that the mash is left in a warm place for 4 days.

Wine from apricot compote

If the apricot compote has fermented, you can cook homemade apricot. For this use:

  • 3 l of apricot broth;
  • 100 g of fresh raspberries;
  • a tablespoon of bee honey;
  • a glass of granulated sugar.
For wine sourdough, washed raspberries, sugar, and a little water are combined. added only at a late stage of fermentation, after removing the sediment, when pouring the drink into separate bottles.

What can be used to make wine besides grapes? , and even

Wine from fermented compote

An excellent way to transform a moldy liquid dessert into a table liqueur with a pronounced pleasant taste. If you are looking forward to preparing such a drink, you should prepare the mash in advance:

  1. In a separate container, grind raspberries with sugar.
  2. Pour the resulting berry gruel with a few teaspoons of warm water.
  3. Withstand sourdough in heat for 2-3 days.
Now there is a basis for creating a fortified drink, followed by the addition of compote. Berry sourdough can be replaced with just a few grains of unwashed rice.

Wine from compote with yeast

Few winemakers know how to properly make wine with yeast from compote. This recipe uses a homemade cherry drink. Important so that it is cooked without sugar, since this nuance affects the degree. In addition to cherry drink (3 l) and granulated sugar (600 g), 15 g of packaged dry yeast are added.

To prepare, pour the strained drink into a clean, capacious glass container and add yeast and sugar in the indicated amount. Stir the mass thoroughly and leave near the heat until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Instead of a sealed lid, a rubber glove is put on the jar. A hole is pierced in one of the fingers of the product with a needle. Home winemaking experts recommend wrapping the container in a warm blanket and leaving the liquor to ferment for up to 1.5 months. Next, the resulting product is filtered and bottled for further maturation for a two-week period.

A universal way to make wine from compote

There are universal recipes for making fortified liqueurs from a sour or old canned compote drink. Do you want to please your guests with a chilled 27% home-made drink? For liqueur you will need: a full three-liter jar of any homemade compote, sugar (2 cups) and a handful of sweet dried grapes.

Did you know? Fresh berries can be used instead of the old compote, water can take the place of the fruit liquid, and sugar and raisins are added in the usual proportions.

The process of making wine mash completely repeats the above recipes. The finished mixture is cleaned of sediment and poured into sealed jars. Fruit and berry liqueur will be ready for use in exactly two months. Now you know how to make high-quality wine from swollen compote.

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Now, when import substitution is gaining momentum, and the country is in a deep economic blockade, the ability to “turn” a bad product into a high-quality and demanded one becomes especially valuable. For example, from fermented compote or jam to make wonderful homemade wine, the taste is not inferior to expensive store counterparts.

The cooking process is very simple: add 2 kg of sugar to the fermented compote and, if desired, a handful of raisins. To make the wine fragrant and tasty, one circumstance must be taken into account - only glass or wooden utensils should be used. If you use plastic or metal, then a bad aftertaste will appear and the aroma will be irrevocably lost.

Cooking process

Open the jar with the main component, pour the contents into a deep vessel, add the cooked sugar, mix thoroughly, close the container with a ball or rubber glove and place in a warm place. The maturation process lasts from 4 to 6 months. When the bubbles become a little less, it is advised to open the jar and try, as in some cases the addition of sugar is required.

After that, close the jar again and leave to ferment for 3-4 months until completely clarified. After the required time has passed, the resulting alcohol must be carefully filtered, and then bottled. Wine must be stored in a cool place. Important note: it is recommended to close the spilled drink with a plastic lid and in no case roll it up, otherwise it may well explode.

Wine from apple compote

The process of making apple wine is almost similar to the previous one and does not take much time. Required Ingredients:

  • 3 liters of compote;
  • 300-400 grams of sugar;
  • a small amount of raisins.

How to do:

Fermented compote should be opened and carefully filtered. This must be done through cheesecloth. Transfer the apple slices to a separate bowl and sprinkle with a little sugar. And pour the liquid into another container, add a little raisins. These two blanks are placed in a warm place for about two hours, after which they are combined, with the addition of the rest of the sugar and thoroughly mixed with a wooden spoon. It is better not to use advanced blenders, since contact of the wort with metal particles is undesirable.

Then a water seal should be installed on the neck of the jar and placed in a warm place to complete

fermentation process. To maintain a stable temperature, you can cover the jar with a blanket.

At the final stage, the resulting drink should be poured into clean bottles, and then put for two months for maturation (fermentation).

Cherry Compote Homemade Wine Recipe

A drink made at home has a rich and aromatic taste, if done correctly, by accurately calculating the proportions. You need to know that at the final stage you will receive a product that is approximately half of the original volume of the workpiece. Another nuance - if the drink does not want to ferment in any way, you should add a handful of raisins to it. Then, in the process of straining, it will be removed along with unnecessary sediment.

Wine made from cherries has a fragrant and slightly tart taste, as the berry is characterized by high acidity, as well as a small percentage of sugar.

  • 10 liters of cherries;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 3 kg of sugar.

Need to do:

If you expect to store wine for a long time, you need to add a bottle of vodka to it. The drink, of course, will become much stronger, but it will become a guarantee against souring.

Wine made from sour strawberry compote

Since strawberries are still a delicacy berry, throwing away sour strawberry compote simply won’t raise your hand. And if it has not yet turned into vinegar, you can try to get out of the situation. What should be done?

Take the indicated ingredient with a volume of 3 liters, pour into a glass dish, add 200 grams of honey and 1 tablespoon of rice on top. It is not necessary to rinse the rice, as in this case it performs the function of yeast.

Wine from apricot compote

Making an excellent drink from apricot compote, as well as pear compote, is not difficult. First you need to make a fruit starter - take 100 grams of unwashed raspberries, grind it with the addition of 50 grams of sugar and a small amount of water. Mix the finished sourdough with the old compote, then put in a dark place.

When the wort stops releasing gases, the liquid should be filtered with cheesecloth and bottled. Tasting will be available in a couple of months.

Plum compote wine

Plum drink, prepared at home, is quite rare, although it has a pleasant rich taste. This wine needs to be made a little differently.


  • plum - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 cups.

How to do it: placing the plums in a deep bowl, cover with gauze, then expose to fresh air for a little drying. After 2-3 days, you need to remove the bones, and knead the plum itself until the juice appears. After that, add water and determine in a warm place. After a few days, strain and add sugar. It should be noted that the strength of the wine directly depends on the amount of sugar - the more sugar, the stronger the wine. Then pour into bottles and send for maturation. It will be possible to please friends with their own wine in 2 months.

Homemade compote wine is appreciated by many lovers of astringent taste. Many housewives get upset when they feel that a sweet berry drink takes on the smell, as well as the taste of fermentation. However, wine made from fermented compote, or jam, is excellent. Therefore, do not be upset, it's time to get down to business. We have to make unusually aromatic alcohol using ordinary compote.

Making wine from compote is very simple. You will need to add sugar and a small amount of sourdough to the main component. In order for alcohol to turn out to be of proper quality, it is necessary to use only glass and wooden utensils. Do not use plastic or metal utensils, otherwise the aroma will be irretrievably lost.

The process of production of an alcoholic beverage of such a plan in terms of technology practically does not differ. Most often, nuances can be found in products that are used for winemaking.

Many lovers of unusual wines add ingredients such as raisins or rice to the composition. When these products are introduced, the wort begins to ferment much more, therefore, the alcohol is completely different.

The easiest way to prepare a drink is with sour compote, raisins, granulated sugar. You can add a small amount of honey to the recipe.

Before starting winemaking, it is necessary to pour the liquid into a wooden or glass vessel. Next, you should introduce sugar, as well as 5-7 raisins. Close the container with a rubber glove. The wort must be put in heat and insisted in this way for exactly a month. At this time, the main process of winemaking - fermentation - will take place.

After the specified time, pour the alcohol into clean glass vessels. Leave the compote wine to mature for 1-2 months. After that, it will be ready for use.

Such a drink can be prepared with yeast. This ingredient is obtained using granulated sugar and unwashed berries. Ready-made yeast must be introduced before fermentation begins. After that, you need to repeat the whole process described earlier.

Aromatic cherry compote wine

Delicious wine can be made at any time of the year! To make it, you will need the following ingredients:
- granulated sugar - 0.4 kg;
- cherry compote - 6 liters;
- a handful of dried grapes (raisins).

In the event that you decide to make wine using fresh cherry compote, you need to place it for 2-3 days in a fairly warm place. If you are going to do winemaking with the help of old compote, these preparations are not required.

Mix the fermented drink thoroughly with raisins and sand. A water seal or a rubber glove must be installed on the vessel. After that, it remains to wait for the fermentation to stop. Next, the alcohol must be filtered and poured into small glass bottles. The aging of wine from compote should take a long time - about 4 months. Cherry drink will delight you with its amazing taste and unsurpassed aroma.

Wine from apple compote

The manufacturing technology of this drink is very similar to the previous one. To make apple wine you will need:
- 4 liters of apple drink;
- 0.3-0.4 kg of granulated sugar;
- a small handful of raisins.

Place all ingredients in a glass container and mix. It is best to use a large wooden spoon for mixing. Modern blenders will not work, they can “reward” the wort with metal particles.

A water seal must be installed on the container. The wort must be kept warm for several weeks. After the young drink has finished fermenting, filter it. Pour into bottles and leave in a cold place to age. The wine will be ready in a few months.

Despite the fact that the stores offer a huge selection of alcoholic beverages, many people prefer to prepare them at home. This is due to several points. Firstly, all the products used are natural, and secondly, the composition of the ingredients can be adjusted, obtaining new flavor solutions.

In addition, such drinks help to save money, since the ingredients are quite affordable. If there is compote or if it has already fermented, then this is an ideal raw material for making delicious wine.

How to make wine from plum compote?

The drink prepared according to this recipe is very soft and it is drunk with pleasure. It is ideal for home gatherings and for holidays.

Another significant plus is a small list of necessary ingredients. By the way, very tasty homemade liquors are obtained from an unsweetened drink.

For this recipe, you need to take the following list of products: 3 liters of drink from plums, 100 g of granulated sugar and 55 g of raisins.

Cooking process:

  • To begin with, strain the liquid to remove the fruits and other unnecessary parts of the plums. You do not need to throw them away, they will still come in handy;
  • Now you need to make a leaven, for which 1 tbsp. strained liquid, heat to 30 degrees and put raisins there. It must first be ground with sugar. Mix everything, cover with gauze and place for 4 hours in a warm place;
  • When fermentation is active, then pour the resulting sourdough into a clean jar and pour the rest of the strained compote into it;
  • You need to put on a lid with a water seal on the jar (you can buy it in many hardware stores). Place the container in a warm place away from direct rays;
  • We return to the remaining plums, which must be rubbed through a sieve and mixed with a small amount of granulated sugar. Mix everything and put in a warm place;
  • After the granulated sugar dissolves in the pulp, place everything on a minimum fire and prepare the syrup. When it cools, pour it into a jar, fill it with water and leave to ferment;
  • When the fermentation process is over in both jars, the liquids must be drained from the sediment, combined, mixed thoroughly and filtered. The result is a light wine, with a strength of 15-16 degrees. It remains to pour everything into jars and place for 3 months in a cool place.

How to make wine from cherry compote?

Cherry drink is considered a classic, because its taste is very similar to ordinary shop wine. It is drunk gently and you should not worry about a hangover the next day.

For this recipe, you should prepare the following ingredients: 400 g of sugar, 6 liters of homemade drink, a handful of raisins.

Cooking process:

  • If a fresh drink is used, then it must be left for 3 days in a warm place to start the fermentation process;
  • After that, add sugar and raisins to it, mix everything well and pour into a jar. Put on a regular rubber glove or water seal from above;
  • Place the container in a dark, warm place, and wait until the fermentation process is over. The only thing left to do is to filter and bottle. To make a delicious wine from a cherry drink, the aging process must last at least 4 months.

How to make wine with yeast from compote?

For this option, a cherry drink is best suited. Another important rule is that it must be cooked without sugar. The result is a drink of an increased degree in comparison with the above options.

: 3 l compote, 3 tbsp. granulated sugar and 1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast.

Cooking process:

  • Take a large glass jar, wash it well and pour in the strained compote. Send yeast and granulated sugar there. Mix everything thoroughly and leave in a warm place. Stir occasionally until the sugar has dissolved;
  • Put on a glove on the selected jar and pierce a hole in one finger with a needle. Wrap the container in a warm blanket and leave to ferment for 6 weeks;
  • After the time has passed, strain everything to remove the sediment and pour into clean bottles. Leave to ripen in a cold place for 2 weeks.

How to make wine if strawberry compote ferments?

In the hot months, many housewives are faced with a situation where the cooked product quickly turns sour and it is no longer possible to drink it. In this case, there is no need to be upset, as this is an excellent basis for homemade wine.

For this recipe, you should prepare the following list of products: 3 liters of compote, 275 g of honey and 1 teaspoon of rice.

Cooking process:

  • Pour the pre-strained homemade drink into a clean jar, put honey and rice. Grains replace raisins in this recipe, because they are also an excellent source of microorganisms for fermentation;
  • Close the jar with a special shutter or a regular glove. Leave the container in a warm place for 4 days. This time should be enough for the fermentation process to end. After that, strain the liquid through cheesecloth, bottle and leave in the cold for 2 months to ripen.

How to make wine from old apricot compote?

This recipe will help when a couple of jars of compote have been standing in the pantry or felling for several seasons. Using this drink, you can get a delicious homemade table wine.

For this homemade wine recipe, you should take the following list of products: 3 liters of compote, 100 g of raspberries, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, 55 g and 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Cooking process:

  • It’s worth starting with the preparation of the sourdough, for which, in a jar, combine pure raspberries, 55 g of sugar pitch and a little warm water. Mix everything and place in a warm place for 4 days;
  • To make alcohol from an old product, combine it with prepared sourdough. It remains to put 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, mix and cover the jar with a glove. Everything will roam for about 7 days;
  • After that, strain everything, add honey, mix and leave for another month. After the time has elapsed, the wine should be filtered, bottled and allowed to mature in a cool place for 2 weeks.

How to make delicious wine from compote and apples?

Thanks to the use of fresh fruits, the drink is very fragrant and tasty. Light wine will decorate any family holiday.

For this recipe, you should take the following list of products: 10 kg of apples, 3 liters of fermented compote and 2.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking process:

  • Fruit should be used fresh without rot and dirt. Wipe them, cut into several pieces and remove the core. Using a meat grinder or juicer, make juice from apples. In a large saucepan, combine it with compote;
  • Pour half of the prepared granulated sugar into the resulting mixture, mix and leave in a warm place. After 3 days, active fermentation will begin and then you need to pour the contents into a jar. Close it with a stopper, which can be made from cotton wool. Place the container in a warm place for 4 days. After that, remove the cotton wool, and put on the lid with a water seal. Leave everything for a week, and then add the rest of the sugar;
  • Put still on 5 days. After that, transfer the container to a cool place and leave for another 1.5 months. After the time has passed, it remains to strain everything, bottle it and wait a few more months.

Now you know the answer to the question: “is it possible to make wine from fermented compote?”. Use the recipes above to make delicious and easy alcoholic drinks.

The alcohol industry provides a huge selection of various wines. Despite this, homemade wine does not lose popularity. Gardeners come up with new recipes and technologies, seriously competing with official winemakers. Compote wine is rightfully considered one of the most fragrant, vibrant homemade recipes. A remarkable feature of this wine is a large selection of ingredients growing right at hand.


Basic principles of making wine

All the recipes below allow you to protect sour or fermented canned compote from various berries and fruits. It is he who is the basis for making fine homemade wine.

As a supplement, you can use honey, fragrant herbs and plants. For sourdough, raisins are most often used, but there are recipes containing rice sourdough. This well-known cereal perfectly stimulates the fermentation process.

The main advantage of making wine from compote is:

  • processing of sour compote (it is possible to use fermented jam);
  • all components are available and do not require additional processing;
  • to increase the shelf life of young wine, ordinary vodka is used.

The traditional container for wine fermentation are glass bottles of 5 liters. But there is an alternative, the container for making wine can be:

  • wooden;
  • enamelled;
  • plastic;
  • stainless;
  • glass.

Under no circumstances should metal utensils be used. During the preparation of wine, fermentation processes occur, and the metal provokes oxidation.

The second important detail for making wine is the water seal. It is necessary for the removal of carbon dioxide formed during fermentation. At home, winemakers use:

  • industrial water seals;
  • homemade water seals;
  • latex gloves.

Making a homemade water seal is quite easy. A hole is made in the bottle cap, a tube is inserted into it, it can be rubber or plastic. The first end of the hose is fixed on the lid with wax, paraffin or ordinary plasticine. The second is lowered into a small container of water.

A rubber glove is attached to the neck of the bottle by wrapping it with a tourniquet or rubber band. After inflation, a hole is made in it using an ordinary sewing needle.

Recipes making wine

The idea of ​​wine from compote, in part, arose from the ability of the fruit drink to turn sour. Although, of course, the wonderful taste and wonderful aroma played an important role.

  • 3 l fruit and berry compote;
  • 200-300g sugar;
  • a few highlights.

Cooking method:

  1. The fermented compote is poured into the prepared container, a handful of raisins are added to it, and mixed thoroughly.
  2. Attach a latex glove to the neck of the bottle.
  3. For several weeks, a bottle of compote settles in a dark place.
  4. A glove is an indicator of the transformation of compote into wine. During the fermentation process, it inflates, filling with carbon dioxide. And then, after the cessation of fermentation, "falls off".
  5. Almost ready wine must be filtered; gauze folded in several layers is perfect for this purpose.
  6. After filtering, the wine is poured into glass bottles, corked tightly and removed for two months in a dark, cool place. A basement or closet for conservation is perfect for this.
  7. After waiting for the due date, you can enjoy fine homemade wine.

Some home winemakers prefer to use rice instead of raisins; just five cereal grains are enough for the above recipe. Otherwise, the cooking process remains exactly the same.

Cherry compote wine

  • 10 l of cherry berries;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • 3 kg of sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Get rid of the fruits from the seeds, slightly softening them. Then fill with water and cook compote.
  2. After cooling the compote, strain through a colander, discarding and squeezing the cherries.
  3. Place a rubber glove over the neck of the bottle, making sure it is well secured.
  4. The fermentation period is about a month, this requires a warm dark place.
  5. After the glove deflates the air, a sample must be taken. The taste should be both sweet and sour.
  6. For long-term storage of cherry wine, a bottle of vodka should be added to the resulting drink. The wine, in this case, will become somewhat stronger, but it will retain its taste.

When making cherry wine, it is very important to stick to the dosage. In cases of not very active fermentation, a few raisins should be added. At the end of the process, the volume of wine will be approximately half the original volume.

  • 3 liters of apple compote;
  • 300-400g of sugar;
  • a few raisins.

Cooking method:

  1. Sour or fermented for preservation, the compote is carefully filtered. A few raisins are added to the liquid.
  2. Sprinkle the rest of the apples with sugar. We send both containers to a warm, dark place for several hours.
  3. After two hours, combine the contents, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Experienced winemakers advise not to use modern appliances for these purposes, but to do it with an ordinary wooden spoon.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle and put a water seal on it. The cooking process is carried out in a warm, dark place. To maintain a stable temperature, you can wrap the bottle with a warm blanket.
  5. After the prescribed time, the wine must be filtered, poured into glass bottles. After careful corking, they are sent to the cellar for maturation.

  • 3kg plums;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the plums in a deep bowl and cover with a light cloth. They should stand in the fresh air for about three days and turn into dried plums.
  2. After the set time, the plums are sorted, the pits are removed and slightly softened until natural plum juice appears.
  3. Water is added to the resulting mixture and again left for several days.
  4. And only after that, filter and add sugar. You can experiment with the amount of sugar, the more it is, the stronger the wine will turn out.
  5. When the sugar dissolves, the wine is poured into glass bottles, corked and sent to the closet until ripe.
  6. Ready wine can be consumed in a couple of months.

The process of making wine from plum compote is more troublesome and time-consuming. However, the taste and aroma of wine fully rewards you for your efforts.

Strawberry compote wine

  • 3 l strawberry compote;
  • 275g honey;
  • 1 teaspoon rice.

Cooking method:

  1. Sour strawberry compote is carefully filtered. Then rice and honey are added. Rice groats are added to enhance the fermentation process.
  2. After pouring the compote, close the bottle with a hydro-trap and leave it in a warm, dark place for about four days.
  3. At the end of the fermentation process, the compote is filtered through gauze and bottled.
  4. Ripening takes place in a dark closet for two months.

Possible mistakes in making wine from compote

There are several nuances for novice winemakers, let's consider them in detail:

  1. Should not be used to make wine deteriorated, covered with mold, raw materials. In this case, it will not be possible to save the compote.
  2. To avoid the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into the drink, the containers are thoroughly washed and sterilized.
  3. The amount of sugar depends on the initial sweetness of the compote and your taste. Moreover, it is this indicator that regulates the strength of the future wine.
  4. Secure the water seal carefully, as increased carbon dioxide emissions can simply rip it off the bottle.
  5. If the fermentation process has dragged on for more than 55 days, it must be filtered and left to ferment again. Otherwise, bitter taste may appear.
  6. Before bottling, bottle wine as full as possible without leaving room for oxygen. The cork must be airtight.
  7. The shelf life of homemade wine in a refrigerator or cellar is about 2-3 years, and its strength is about 8-12%. In the case of fixing wine with vodka or cognac, the fortress will increase.

The process of making homemade wine from compotes involves experiments and mistakes. Sometimes the wine may fail, and at other times exceed all expectations. Try and you will succeed. Experience will tell you new ingredients and proportions, and fruits and berries preserved in this way will delight you with a homemade light drink.

Homemade wine will appeal to many lovers of such alcohol, thanks to its expressive and tart aroma. Very often, as a result of improper storage or canning, drinks from berries begin to ferment. This phenomenon upsets many housewives. You shouldn't be upset. If desired, you can make delicious wine from compote or jam. The process takes some time and effort.

Some nuances

Since it will not work to make wine from compote in a regular jar, you should prepare a container with a large volume. Most often, glass containers are used for these purposes. For mixing products, it is better to use wood equipment. As for plastic and metal, these materials can adversely affect the taste of the finished product.

To get alcohol in compote, you need to add sugar and sourdough. The technology for making wine from fermented products does not differ from the standard technology. The nuances can only lie in the components from which the compote or jam is made. Experts recommend adding to and raisins. These products can enhance the fermentation process. Thanks to these components, alcohol acquires a completely different taste.

Compote wine can also be made with yeast. The technology does not change. Yeast should be added to the drink before active fermentation begins.

What should be the raw material

You can make delicious wine only from compote, which does not have a sharp sour smell. Otherwise, it will turn out not alcohol, but vinegar. An acidic drink is not suitable for making wine.

For these purposes, raw materials that have just begun to deteriorate should be used. The unpleasant sour smell of the drink will disappear after the end of the fermentation process. The taste of the finished drink can also be corrected. To do this, sugar is added to the spoiled compote. The amount of this component depends on what kind of wine you want to get as a result.

Should I wash rice and raisins

To make wine, rice grains or dried grapes are added to the fermented compote. Washing these products is not recommended. After all, yeast fungi accumulate on their surface, which contribute to the fermentation process. If the compote is made from light varieties of berries and fruits, then it is necessary to use light varieties or rice grains.

If the drink was made from chokeberry, grapes, cherries, plums or black currants, then dark raisins should be added. This component has a more tart taste and allows the wine to make it even tastier.

Cooking technology

The easiest way to make wine is from fermented compote or from jam. It is recommended to add some sugar and raisins to the product. The number of additional components can be arbitrary. In some recipes, it is allowed to add honey to the fermented compote.

The technology for making alcohol is quite simple. So, how to make homemade wine from homemade compote? To begin with, the liquid should be poured into a glass container. In the compote, you must carefully introduce sugar, and then add the raisins. Enough 5 - 7 berries. The container should be closed with a rubber glove. After that, the product should be placed in a warm place and left for about a month. During this period, the main process will take place - fermentation.

A month later, alcohol can be poured into glass jars. Wine from compote should ripen. This usually takes 1 to 2 months. Ready alcohol must be poured into containers and closed with a cork.

Classic recipe

If you don’t know how to make wine from compote at home, then you can use the classic recipe. Any drink can be used. If the compote was prepared without adding sugar, then twice as much of this component is required for wine. Required:

  • Compote from any berries and fruits - 3 liters.
  • From 300 to 400 grams of granulated sugar.
  • A handful of grains of rice or dried grapes.

The wine is prepared in this case in accordance with the technology described above. Drain the wine from the sediment. It should not get into containers with the finished product. If you follow all the rules, then in the end it will turn out which can even be served at the festive table.

cherry wine

What to do if compote has fermented? How to make wine at home? Everything is very simple. You can make alcohol from any time of the year. This will require:

  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 6 liters of cherry compote.
  • A small handful of raisins.

Cooking process

If the compote has not yet deteriorated, then it is worth placing it in a warm place for several days. If the drink is already sour, then such manipulations are not required.

Pour compote into a glass container of the required volume, add granulated sugar, as well as dried grapes. After that, you need to put on a rubber glove on the neck of the vessel or install a water seal. The wine should be moved to a warm place and left there for a month. During this period, fermentation should stop. Ready alcohol should be filtered and then bottled in glass.

In this case, wine from compote must be aged for 4 months. The finished drink has an amazing taste and unique aroma.

Alcohol from apple compote

The technology for making any wine from compote is practically independent of the original product. To make alcohol from an apple drink, you will need:

  • From 300 to 400 grams of sugar sand.
  • 4 liters of apple compote.
  • A small handful of dried grapes

Cooking steps

Apple compote should be poured into a suitable glass container. It is also worth adding granulated sugar and raisins. All components must be thoroughly mixed. For this, it is recommended to use a wooden spoon. It is better not to use modern blenders, as metal can give the drink an unpleasant taste.

After mixing, the container with the drink must be closed. To do this, use a rubber glove or a water seal. The wort should stand in a warm place for several weeks. After the alcohol stops fermenting, it must be filtered and poured into smaller containers. Keep homemade compote wine in a cool place for 2 months. After the specified time, the aromatic drink will be ready.

Wine from grape compote

As a rule, grape compote is prepared without adding sugar. Therefore, for the preparation of wine requires much more of this product. This point should be taken into account. To make wine you need:

  1. Grape compote - 3 liters.
  2. Sugar sand - 600 grams.
  3. Raisins - 50 grams.
  4. Dry yeast - 1.5 teaspoons.

How to cook

If sugar was added during the preparation of compote, then half of this component is required when making wine. As for the technology, it is similar to those described above.

Sour compote should be poured into a glass container. It is necessary to introduce granulated sugar into the drink, put yeast and dried grapes. Everything must be mixed thoroughly. A rubber glove should be put on the neck of the vessel or a water seal should be made.

The container should be placed in a warm place. When the drink stops fermenting, it should be filtered and then bottled. It is worth keeping alcohol for several months.

compote with honey

Spoiled strawberry compote can also be used to make homemade wine. This will require:

  • 3 liters of compote;
  • 275 grams of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon rice grains.

Main stages

The acidified drink must be filtered, and then poured into a glass container. It is also worth adding honey and rice grains. The vessel should be closed with a rubber glove or a water seal. If necessary, rice can be replaced with dried grapes.

The container with the drink should be placed in a warm place until the end of the fermentation process. After that, the finished drink must be filtered and poured into containers for further maturation. Bottles should be placed in a cool place. Alcohol will be ready after 2 months. Now you know how homemade drinks are prepared. Compote wine can be prepared at no extra cost.

Wine is a fairly popular drink among both sexes. A homemade, self-made drink is considered especially tasty and valuable. But how to cook it? And is it possible to make wine from compote?

Winemaking has long been considered the lot of the elite, since few people managed to make wine from improvised ingredients, and wine prepared on their own was highly valued. A product created by one's own hands is appreciated even now, but winemaking itself has become available to everyone.

Wine can be made from both fresh berries and compote. It is not uncommon for compote prepared for the winter to ferment, turn sour, and upset housewives have to pour it out, but it is from it that the most tender and delicious wine is obtained. The recipes for such drinks are quite simple, and for beginners who are just wondering how to make wine from compote. However, in order to succeed the first time, you need to know some features.

General manufacturing rules

First of all, you should pay attention to the dishes. To make the wine tasty, it must be wooden or glass. In no case do not use plastic, because of it the drink will lose its aroma.

The utensils used must be clean. The fermentation process should take place only in the drink, but if there is mold on the jar, it will enter the process, and the wine will eventually turn out with a moldy taste.

To enhance fermentation, raisins are added to the drink in certain proportions. It should be noted that it does not need to be washed before adding, since it has a number of bacteria on the surface, which are designed to speed up the process.

The color of the added raisins should depend on which berries were used in the compote, so if it is from berries or apricot, then it is better to take yellow raisins, but if it is from plums, raspberries, grapes, it is better to add blue.

To add sweetness to the drink, sugar is added, the amount of which, in turn, depends on how sweet the compote is. So, for raspberry compote, for example, you need less sugar than for currant.

To make wine from sour compote, you will need a water seal, however, if you don’t have one, you can handle it with an ordinary rubber glove. Poke a hole in one of your fingers with a needle and put a glove on the jar. While the glove is standing, the fermentation process is going on. As soon as she "fell" - the wine is ready.

Wine can be made from both old compote and freshly made.


Despite the general technology for making homemade compote wine, each of them needs its own recipe, taking into account the characteristics of the berries.


In order to make wine from plum compote, you will need 3 liters of compote, ¾ cup of sugar, and a handful of raisins. First of all, the compote must be filtered so that there are no pieces of plum left in it, but you do not need to throw it away, it will come in handy in the future.

The next step is to prepare the sourdough. For him, you will need 250 ml of compote, sugar and raisins. It is necessary to heat the raw materials to 30 degrees, pour dry ingredients into it, mix the mixture and leave it for four hours in a warm part of the room. After that, the delivered must must be poured into a clean dish in which the wine will ferment, and the remaining 3 liters of pure compote must be poured into it. After that, you need to put a water seal on the jar and leave it in a dark, warm place until the fermentation stage is over.

After that, you can do the remaining pieces of plums. They need to be ground with sugar, and this syrup is heated over a fire. After it cools down, add water to it, after which the fermentation process will begin in the container. After the first jar stops fermenting, you need to pour the resulting syrup into it, mix thoroughly and strain. The wine is almost ready, all that remains is to pour it into bottles and put the wine in a cool place for at least 2 months. And, homemade compote wine is ready. The made drink can be tasted both immediately, after 2 months, and let it brew longer.


If you want to make wine from cherry compote, you will need:

  • 6 liters of drink;
  • 2 cups raisins;
  • 2 cups of sugar.

Before you start cooking, raisins should be soaked in half of the drink and left in a warm place for 2 hours. The remaining 3 liters of the drink must be mixed with sugar. After 2 hours, both must be swept away, combined into one container. After that, you need to wait for the end of the fermentation process and bottle the wine so that it is infused in a cool place for at least 3 months. After which the drink from the cherry drink is ready. The cherries themselves are not needed for the recipe.


In order to make wine from apple compote you will need:

  • 3 liters of drink;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • a handful of raisins.

First you need to strain the drink. Pieces of apples must be covered with a few teaspoons of sugar. In the compote, you need to add raisins. Both mixtures must be infused in the dark and warm for 2 hours, after which they must be combined and mixed.


Wine from strawberry compote - the recipe is rather unusual. You will need:

  • 3 liters of drink;
  • 8 spoons of honey;
  • a teaspoon of rice.

Basically, the recipe for strawberry compote wine at home is similar to other wine recipes, however, it has interesting features. So, the drink needs to be filtered, rub the strawberries with honey and leave it in a warm place, but not for 2 hours, but for 4 days. Rice at the same time must be added to the strained compote. After 4 days, after the must has fermented, both parts of the future wine must be mixed and left in a warm place until the end of fermentation.


How to make wine from compote if compote is apricot? It's pretty simple, you'll need:

  • 3 liters of drink;
  • 100 grams of fresh raspberries;
  • 1 bed of honey;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

For sourdough, you need to add a small amount of water to raspberries and sugar. After the fermentation process in the sourdough begins, it must be added to the compote, mixed and left until it runs out. After that, the wine needs to be decanted, add honey and bottled.

Recipe with yeast

It is also possible to make wine from compote based on yeast. As a base, it is best to use cherry compote, although if it is absent, you can replace it with any other. You will need:

  • 3 liters of drink (prepared without sugar);
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of yeast.

Compote must be filtered, poured into a clean container, add yeast and sugar to it. Then leave it warm until the sugar is completely dissolved so that the wine does not get a sour taste. On the container you need to put on a water seal, or a rubber glove. The fermentation period for such a drink will be long, about 1.5 months. It is also recommended to cover the container with a warm blanket to further stimulate the process. After that, the wine is filtered again and infused in a cool place for 2 weeks.

In addition, it is possible to make wine from pear, blackberry, peach, raspberry and grape drinks, regardless of old or new raw materials. Pears, blackberries, peaches, raspberries may be needed to induce fermentation, so do not rush to throw them away right away.

In connection with such a variety of recipes, the question arises, is there a universal recipe for making homemade wine from fermented compote? Yes, there is such a recipe. It is enough to mix 3 liters of compote with a handful of raisins and add a little sugar. Its amount depends on the taste that you ultimately want to get from the drink. If you cook without a recipe, then you will have to experiment with the amount of sugar, but as a result you will get the perfect taste for yourself. Masters who make such wines on a regular basis note their delicate, refined taste.

Attention, only TODAY!

Have you ever tried homemade compote wine? Light, up to 25-27 degrees, aromatic drink in the house is always welcome. It is prepared quickly and at minimal cost, and the finished product has a pleasant taste and is completely environmentally friendly. There are no flavorings in it, no preservatives and dyes - no chemicals, and this is a huge plus in our time.

Equipment for making wine from compote

The quality of the drink depends on how the raw material, in this case compote, is prepared for further processing and what auxiliary materials were used in its preparation. This raw material contains a large amount of organic acids, they enter into chemical reactions with plastics and metals to form substances harmful to health. You need to use glass or enamelware. Fermentation and storage of products in it is completely harmless.

General cooking rules

1. Strain the compote through several layers of gauze or a sparse cloth into a clean enamel pan. Squeeze berries or fruits. They contain a lot of liquid.

2. Put the pan with the liquid on the stove and heat it up a little.

3. Dissolve sugar in warm compote.

4. Pour the sweet preparation into a glass container, pour in raisins or rice and close.

Hello Gorbachev!

If you don’t have a water seal, use the old-fashioned method from the late eighties of the last century. Prohibition and a huge amount of inexpensive juice of excellent quality aroused a great interest among the people in home winemaking. Instead of a water seal, a rubber medical glove was used. As a result of fermentation, gases are released and fill the glove, it rises above the jar. Fermentation is over - the glove has deflated, which means that the drink is ready. Most of the population flaunted such simple devices, and they called them "hello to Gorbachev." Folk humor surprises with its accuracy.

5. Drain the wine from the sediment, if it has formed, and. Bottles must be sealed sufficiently. Air ingress is highly undesirable.

6. Tightly corked bottles are exposed to a cool place to ripen for several months.

Methods for making wine from spoiled raw materials

1. Alcohol from sour raw materials can be prepared if it does not have a strong sour smell reminiscent of vinegar. Such raw materials are not suitable for making wine. If the compote is slightly sour, the sour smell will disappear after fermentation. The sour taste of the resulting alcohol will be corrected by adding sugar. For 3 liters of compote, you need to take 400 grams of sugar and some unwashed raisins or rice.

Attention! Dried grapes and rice are not washed. On their surface there are many yeast fungi, they cause the fermentation process. For wines from drinks made from light fruits and berries, it is better to use light varieties of raisins or rice. Wine from compotes made from blackcurrant, plum, cherry, grape, chokeberry, dried grapes are suitable dark, more tart with a rich taste, it will make the wine even tastier.

2. Wine is prepared from fermented compote according to general rules. Fermentation will not affect the quality of the product. For 3 liters of compote, 300 or 400 grams of sugar and a handful of raisins or rice will be enough.

3. Compote with mold can be used if the mold is carefully removed and the compote is boiled. In a liquid cooled to 30 degrees, 250 or 300 grams of sugar and some raisins or rice are placed.

Separately, it should be noted wonderful wines made from cherry and grape compote .

1. Wine from cherry compote is prepared according to general rules. For 3 liters of liquid, 200 grams of sugar and 50 gr. raisins. Raisins make the taste of wine richer and richer. Rice is not needed in this case.

2. Compote from grapes is often made without adding sugar, and for this reason, 600 grams of this product, 50 gr. raisins or 1.5 teaspoons dry yeast. If a grape drink was prepared with sugar, then 300 grams of sugar, a handful of raisins or 1.5 teaspoons of dry yeast are enough for 3 liters of compote.

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Wines from such raw materials, prepared at home, deserve special attention. Subject to the rules of preparation, the product turns out to be wonderful, tasty and healthy, and even economical, which is important in the current crisis situation.
