
Vermouth martini extra dry. What are the types of martinis

Martini is a well-known fortified wine. in which spices and herbs are added. In our country, it is not customary to drink it in its pure form.

Therefore, many try to change the taste and strength by adding all kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

Martini has a light taste, a small degree, because of this it was called a woman's drink. You need to drink slowly, savoring the spicy taste in small sips.

note! Pure martini should be consumed from a special glass. If you are mixing with other ingredients, then you can use a straw.

An ideal drink for a quiet drink in a small company or alone.

By the way, true connoisseurs know how to taste and color to distinguish the original vermouth from the fake.

Martini is a grape wine, which is insisted on special herbs that give a bright unique taste and aroma.

Therefore, connoisseurs can always determine when the traditional herbal flavor is missing from the drink. The composition includes a huge list of all kinds of herbs and spices.

Like, ginger, cloves, coriander, immortelle, cumin, violet, orange and walnut. As well as yarrow, rosemary, juniper, lemon balm, lemon, calamus. This combination gives the drink a unique flavor and aroma.

On sale you can find several varieties of vermouth, each of them has a sweetish taste, diluted with various notes.

Sweet martini has a specific smell, as it contains honey, cinnamon and vanilla. You can add caramel and sugar.

If you drink at home in small doses, it has a positive effect on the state of the body. At the same time, it is important to beware of fakes, as they can bring irreparable harm to health.

note! If the Martini has turned yellow or darkened, the reason for this is improper storage. Wine changes its color with frequent changes in temperature, and the taste will also change.

Juice combination:

What to drink Martini with and what to eat?

For Martini, as for any other wine, it is customary to serve a variety of snacks.

You can eat the following foods:

  • Pieces of hard cheese.
  • Pitted green olives.
  • Seedless olives.
  • Nuts.
  • Salted cracker.
  • Fruit cut.
  • Bitter chocolate.
  • Berries.
  • Ham.

note! Olives and black olives are strung on skewers before use. A variety of canapés are made from fruit and cheese.

Important! For Asti, snacks of a different kind are suitable: ice cream, cake, cakes, sweets and other sweets.

An appetizer is needed only to better reveal the tart herbal taste of the drink, so do not overdo it. Only then can you emphasize the original taste of vermouth.

How Martini is diluted: proportions

Dry Martini can be drunk neat, as many connoisseurs prefer. Vermouth is also diluted, which allows its unusual viscous taste to open up brighter. Martini is often found in a variety of trendy cocktails.

note! The classic option is to mix Bianco or Rosato with vodka. In this case, it is extremely important to observe the proportions when diluting. To 4 parts of wine you need to add one part of vodka.

Ready-made cocktails are diluted with a few drops of lemon juice or a green olive is put there, which will be an excellent snack. Don't forget to add ice cubes to your cocktails.

Below are the most popular combinations of herbal fortified wine with other drinks:

  • martini and tequila. Martini should be exactly 4 times smaller than tequila. A glass with a cocktail is decorated with an olive or a slice of lemon.

    Tequila is most often mixed with a green martini and eaten with olives.

  • martini and gin. This cocktail is especially liked by men. It is important to observe the following proportion of 4 to 1.
  • Martini red, pink, white. Often it is diluted with juice in the classic ratio of 1 to 1. In this case, juice should be chosen based on the type of vermouth.

Can be mixed with soft drinks: cola, sprite, pepsi and schweppes. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the exquisite taste.

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Martini is rightfully considered the king of nightlife among all available drinks. It is hard to imagine a party that will not be served with exquisite alcohol with a sweet aftertaste. The drink got its nickname from eminent bartenders who prepare masterpieces at social events and newfangled parties. Many people prefer to drink martinis in their pure form or in the form of cocktails, it is these methods that allow you to feel the full range of incoming components. In order for the first acquaintance with martini to be successful, it is important to learn how to use it correctly.

Types of martini

  1. Martini belongs to the varieties of vermouth, as a rule, the strength of the drink varies in proportions of 15-18%. The composition of the drink includes wormwood, it is the main component that determines the taste.
  2. The bittersweet taste is achieved by adding grapes and 30 other varieties of plants, which are mixed depending on the type of martini. Leading manufacturers do not disclose cooking recipes, only experienced sommeliers are able to name the ingredients.
  3. Martini "Bianko" rightfully occupies a leading position. White vermouth has an exquisite taste of spices; vanilla notes are clearly visible in the martini of this variety.
  4. Martini "Rosso" has a rich red color, which is achieved by adding caramel. By taste, one can distinguish mild bitterness mixed with a sweet aftertaste.
  5. Martini "Rosato" is a kind of mixture of red and white vermouth, as a result of which the drink acquires a pink color. Thanks to this combination, the caramel-vanilla taste is distinctly intertwined with a slight bitterness.
  6. Martini "Extra Dry" - the strongest vermouth and all listed varieties. Its indicator exceeds the mark of 17%, the amount of sugar is minimized, due to which the drink is considered dry. In the process of use, lemon and raspberry notes can be distinguished, which are revealed thanks to the incoming iris.
  7. Martini "Doro" can be distinguished from the rest by its characteristic citrus aftertaste and caramel notes. The vermouth variety is considered dry, resembling Bianko (white martini) in color.
  8. Martini "Bitter" is not popular enough, because it is made on the basis of alcohol. Vermouth has a high strength, ruby ​​hue is characterized by an equal bitter-sweet aftertaste.

Features of the use of martini

  1. Temperature regime. It's no secret that most alcoholic drinks are served chilled. For this reason, martinis must be kept in the refrigerator to achieve optimal temperature conditions. The ideal indicator ranges from 10-15 degrees, it is this temperature that helps to reveal all the incoming components. If you neglect this recommendation, warm vermouth will be a real disappointment for you and your guests. It will look like an herbal tincture with a distinct taste of alcohol. If you're pressed for time, chill your martini with frozen strawberries or ice cubes. Such a move will make the drink aesthetically beautiful and give a pleasant aroma.
  2. Glasses. Of course, the main feature of the use of martini is the correct choice of glasses. For drinking, special martinkas with a long stem are used. The upper part of the glass has a cone-shaped sloping inverted shape, due to this, bartenders call marmosets “watering cans”. It is not forbidden to pour martinis into champagne or wine glasses, but in this case you will not get aesthetic pleasure (psychological aspect). Martini symbolizes a beautiful life that flows slowly and luxuriously. You should not drink vermouth in one gulp, it must be slowly sipped, savoring the drink on the tongue.
  3. Delivery method. Martini is considered an aperitif, it perfectly awakens the appetite, so it is served immediately before a meal. For this reason, this variety of vermouth can be consumed both before dinner and in the midst of fun. People drink martinis to enjoy the exquisite taste of casual conversation. With the help of the drink, they do not “go into oblivion”, since the martini requires compliance with the culture of drinking. It can be consumed alone, sitting by the fireplace and reading a book.
  4. Snack. Many people ask the question: “Should I have a martini snack?”. As such, the answer to the question does not exist, it all depends on personal preferences. If for some reason you cannot consume vermouth without food, give preference to peanuts, pre-peeled pistachios, fruits, crackers. Hard cheeses, kiwi, strawberries, cherries, olives and pitted olives are also great.

  1. Martini can be used in a diluted and pure form. Depending on the added components, the strength of the drink increases or decreases, and the taste softens or is clearly visible.
  2. If you prefer to drink a pure martini, put 3 pitted olives in the bottom of the glass without cutting them. If desired, you can serve vermouth with olives strung on a sword for snacks. Many people prefer to put a slice of lime, lemon or orange, kiwi, deboned cherries, strawberries, pineapple cubes into a martini glass.
  3. If we talk about white varieties of vermouth, they are rarely used in their pure form. In this case, the drink can be diluted with water, as is customary in most European countries. In our country, white vermouth is diluted with orange or grapefruit juice without pulp, pomegranate or cherry juice. The ideal option is a martini mixed with freshly squeezed nectar. Martinis of red and pink varieties go well with any berry and citrus juices.
  4. As such, proportions do not exist, it all depends on personal preferences. If we are talking about common methods, dilute the martini with juice in a ratio of 1: 2. If desired, you can mix vermouth, ice and nectar in a ratio of 1:1:1. If you belong to the category of adherents of strong drinks, add vodka or gin to vermouth, send pitted olives to the bottom.
  5. At parties, you can often hear the phrase from the bartender: "How to dilute the martini?". The thing is that some young men and women prefer to drink vermouth with effervescent compounds, such as Coca-Cola, lemonade, soda, etc. In this case, the main thing is to keep the proportions, otherwise sweet carbonated drinks will absorb the exquisite martini taste that is achieved by adding spices and herbs.

The most common varieties for making martini cocktails are Bianko, Rosso, Extra Dry and Doro. Consider the popular cooking technologies in order.

  1. Sprite martini. As mentioned earlier, vermouth can be diluted with carbonated drinks. The Rosato martini is considered an ideal option for consumption. Take 65 ml. alcoholic drink, pour in 35 ml. "Sprite". Place a slice of lime or lemon on the bottom of the glass, insert a straw. Garnish the rim with a slice of fresh cucumber, if desired.
  2. Martini with vodka. To prepare a cocktail you will need 10 ml. lemon or lime juice, 15 ml. martini "Extra Dry", 40 ml. vodka, 3 pitted olives and 80 gr. ice. Take a shaker, pour in ice, pour in vodka and citrus juice. Shake for 15 seconds, then add the martini and repeat again. When the ice breaks into small granules, strain the cocktail through a kitchen sieve. Place olives at the bottom of the glass, pour the cocktail, insert a straw. Garnish the rim of the martinka with a slice of citrus or half a strawberry.
  3. Martini with absinthe. To make a cocktail, take 35 ml. vodka or tonic, 30 ml. absinthe, 35 l. martini "Extra Dry" or "Doro", 5 ml. mint liqueur. Chill the glass by placing it in the freezer for 10 minutes. Pour in the listed components, insert a straw. If desired, place frozen strawberries or pitted cherries on the bottom.
  4. Martini with Campari. The cocktail is prepared from 45 ml. martini "Rosso", 40 ml. gin or tonic, 145 gr. ice, 15 ml. "Campari" (bitter, fortress 28 degrees). The mixing technology is quite transparent: place ice cubes on the bottom of the glass (you can pre-crush it in a shaker), pour in the gin, Campari and martini, mix with a straw and leave the straw in the glass. Garnish the martinka with a lime or grapefruit wedge and start eating right away.
  5. Martini with gin. One of the most common cocktails, which is made from the Doro martini (45 ml.), Ice cubes (70 gr.) and gin (40 ml.). The technology of mixing the ingredients is not particularly difficult: place ice on the bottom, fill with gin and vermouth. Serve without a straw with olives pricked on an appetizer sword.
  6. Martini with cranberry juice. To prepare a drink, you will need 160 gr. ice, 70 ml. freshly squeezed orange juice, 60 ml. martini "Bianko" and 80 ml. cranberry juice. Place ice in a shaker and shake well for 10 seconds. Strain, pour into a glass, add orange juice, cranberry juice, vermouth. Stir the drink with a straw, put 3 pitted olives in a glass.

Drinking a martini requires a culture of drinking, so you need to pay attention to all sorts of little things. To get started, prepare special watering glasses, consider cocktail recipes based on vodka, tonic, gin, cranberry juice, mint syrup. Decorate the glass with citrus slices, add olives to the bottom.

Video: how to drink a martini with juice


You can use Martini Extra Dry neat by diluting it with a little water or ice. Professional tasters say that in this way the taste of this drink is more fully revealed.

When pouring a martini into glasses, try to keep the bottle approximately at the level of the label, placing your index finger on the neck. At the same time, make sure that the neck of the bottle does not come into contact with the glass.

If the company is small, it is customary for the owner of the house to pour martinis into glasses; otherwise, you can invite each guest to pour himself as much drink as needed.

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Today Martini- a companion of any fashionable party, women's gatherings and an integral part of any holiday. It includes dry wine, caramel and extracts from natural herbs. Therefore, this drink has such a unique flavor. The martini cocktail is James Bond's favorite drink. We all remember his stylish phrase: “Martini with vodka - shake, do not mix!”. How to mix a martini? stir martini? And how to drink it?

You will need

    • Martini
  • olives
  • various fruit juices
  • vodka
  • mixing containers
  • lemon
  • various alcoholic drinks.


Mix 50 ml of vodka with 10 ml of martini and add ice. Place the received in a pre-chilled glass. To taste, you can add an olive to this cocktail. This cocktail is the favorite of the iconic James Bond.

Take a martini and orange juice. Mix them up. If it is freshly squeezed juice, and not packaged, the cocktail will turn out much tastier. You can decorate the glass with a sugar rim or an orange slice.

The cocktail owes its ubiquitous fame to cinema. The drink made its debut on screens in 1934, in a romantic comedy called Skinny. But the real laurels came a year later, when Dry Martini brilliantly "played himself" in the glass of Clark Gable and his partner Constance Bennet in the film "After Work." Since then, he has become a regular guest at any feast. How to prepare and drink Martini Dry?

You will need

  • Gin Beefeater - 75 ml
  • Vermouth dry - 15 ml
  • olive - 1
  • cocktail glass - 1
  • Mixing glass - 1
  • Cocktail spoon - 1
  • Strainer - 1


Then drain the melted water from the mixing glass.

Stir both drinks in a mixing glass with a cocktail spoon. The use of a shaker is not recommended.

Put an olive on a skewer (toothpick) and dip it to the bottom of the glass.

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Among the countless admirers of the Dry Martini cocktail are Truman Capote, Luis Buñuel, Ernest Hemingway, and Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

By the way, Winston Churchill offered his recipe for making Martini Dry: “I pour gin into a glass and glance at a bottle of vermouth standing in the far corner of the room.” He called this drink - "Very Dry Martini".

Helpful advice

There are numerous variations of the traditional Martini Dry with similar cooking techniques.

- "Martini (2:1)" - Martini Cocktail (2:1): 60 ml gin, 30 ml dry vermouth, 1 tsp. orange bitters (optional), green olive or lemon swirl.

- "Dry Martini (4:1)" - Dry Martini Cocktail (4:1): 75 ml gin, 20 ml dry vermouth, 1 tsp. orange liqueur "Orange Bitters" (or 1-2 drops of "Orange Curacao"), green olive.

- Black Devil: 35ml Bacardi white rum, 15ml dry vermouth, black olive.

- "Black Martini" - Black Martini: 60ml gin, 15ml blackberry brandy, black olive.

- "Rum martini": 35 ml of white rum "Bacardi", 15 ml of dry vermouth, lemon curl.


  • Dry Martini Cocktail
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  • Drinks "Martini"

Martini extra dry” is a dry, but without a bitter aftertaste, pale-colored vermouth. It has a fresh fruity aroma with notes of lemon, raspberry and hints of iris. The drink is famous for its unique taste. It contains only 2.8% sugar instead of the usual 16%, and the alcohol content is two degrees higher than in other vermouths.


"Martini Extra Dry" can be consumed in its pure form by adding a little water or ice to it. Professional tasters believe that this is how the taste of this vermouth is revealed more fully.

Before serving, keep the bottle in a cool place. It's better to drink Martini chilled to 10-15 degrees. Too cold or warm drink loses its exquisite taste.

In its pure form, "Martini Extra Dry" is usually poured into whiskey glasses. For cocktails, it is better to use the famous "triangular" glass.

With "Martini Extra Dry" they create all kinds of. You can take almost any as a basis. With dry vermouth, everything that is mixed with its other varieties is excellent. The result is cocktails with a higher degree. Feel free to mix vermouth with white, whiskey or gin. With "Martini Extra Dry" such domestic products as cognac are good.

In our country, martini-based cocktails are preferred with. In Western countries, dry vermouth is only one of the alcoholic components of drinks. An example is the Trinity cocktail: 20 ml Martini Extra Dry, 20 ml Martini Rosso, 20 ml gin.

As an appetizer for martinis, hard, mild cheese, salted crackers and nuts are used. Dry vermouth is often drunk with green olives strung on a skewer and dipped into a glass of drink. The classic dry martini snack is lemon. It can also be served with sliced ​​fruit.


  • dry martini
  • Martini at home - recipes

The name "" is a brand of vermouth originally from Italy. This noble drink contains a large number of herbs in its composition, which creates its unique taste. Use Martini- a special ritual, the commission of which brings pleasure.

You will need

  • - Martini;
  • - a special glass;
  • - ice.


Remember that vermouth, which refers to Martini, is an aperitif. This means that it is served before meals as an appetite stimulant. Use Martini during a meal is considered bad manners. It is suitable, for example, for parties where there are no heavy dishes. Combining it with snacks is not forbidden.

Serve Martini exclusively in a special glass. Its shape is always recognizable (low inverted triangle). Before serving, the drink must be cooled to 10-15 ° C.

If you do not want to spoil the taste of the drink, you should not drink it in its pure form. Martini served either diluted with water or with ice. Martini"dry" and "extra-dry" can be served with a few olives put on a skewer.

A classic combination is considered to be vermouth with juices. Suitable for this Martini Bianco varieties. For example, mix it with citrus (grapefruit, orange) or cherry. Ratio Martini should be one to one.

Fans can "James Bond": Martini"dry" with lemon slices, fresh fruit, berries and even onions. However, it is worth clarifying that the correct choice of ingredients depends on the type of martini.

Martini Extra Dry is one of the strongest vermouths with lemon, raspberry and toffee flavors. Like "Bianco", it is included in many cocktails.

For example, if you have a Bianco martini (white with a mild bitter vanilla taste), you need to add an olive or lemon strung on a skewer. To reduce the degree of an alcoholic drink, you can put a few ice cubes or a couple of slices of fresh fruit in a glass. An excellent option would be cherry, strawberry, pineapple or kiwi. "Bianco" goes well with soda and tonic. In addition, this type of martini itself is one of the ingredients for various cocktails.

If you prefer the Rosso martini (bright bittersweet taste), you can mix it with orange or cherry juice. After adding it, the taste of this alcoholic drink acquires freshness and softness. The recommended ratio is 2:1, i.e. 2 parts martini to 1 part juice.

Martini "Rossato" (pink vermouth with a bitter-spicy taste) is recommended to be consumed without additives, with the exception of a couple of pieces of ice.

For those who like to experiment, a martini with the addition of an onion is an excellent option. To do this, put 1 slice of onion in a glass with a drink and let it brew for a while. Please note that this ingredient is designed for an amateur and not everyone likes the taste, but for a change it is worth trying a combination.

Also, regardless of the type of martini, you can shake the James Bond Shaken not stirred (“Shake, but do not mix”). To do this, simply combine vodka in a 1: 1 ratio and go ahead for adventure!

Rules for drinking martini

Under the martini, special glasses are required. Outwardly, they are distinguished by a long leg and a cone-shaped shape. If you do not have such a glass on hand, you can take a square low glass, but in no case a stack or a glass, as this is bad manners.

The ideal temperature for a martini before drinking is 10-15°C. Ice can be used to cool this alcoholic beverage. In its pure form, martinis are recommended to be drunk slowly in small sips, and in cocktails it is best to drink through a straw.

You need to drink a martini in moderation, in good company and in a good mood, otherwise it will not give you much pleasure. Remember that you need to drink alcohol, but it has so many varieties that some of them have a basis in the form of wine.

Martini is consumed chilled with the addition of ice cubes, as well as various fruits.

The classic martini involves dry white wine and the addition of various plants in the composition of the drink. In particular:
- juniper,
- chamomile,
- ginger,
- mint
- coriander.

And of course, wormwood plays a special role, which gives the famous bitter taste.

Each type of martini has its own brand, it's not about the trade name, but about the name that is given based on the basis of the drink used, for example, Bianco, Rose, Gold and others.

Rose varieties - Rose - are made from a combination of two wines: red and white. Thanks to this synthesis, the drink acquires a pleasant pink hue, a delicate taste and aroma with hints of cinnamon and cloves.

And such a type of martini as D`Oro, which is made on the basis of white wine, is distinguished by such bright fillings as citrus fruits, vanilla, nutmeg and even honey notes.

The famous and exquisite Asti martini is made using dry sparkling wine. The final product should have a sweet taste that will be rich with notes of apples, honey, peaches and oranges.

Thus, a martini is a white wine, and red, and even sparkling, it all depends on the type of production and the basis chosen by the winemaker. In a word, the variety is usually called "vermouth", which is distinguished by the presence of components such as ginger, honey, orange, raspberry, vanilla and various types of herbs and flowers. Thanks to this, martini becomes a unique drink that differs from ordinary wine.

martini drinking

With the help of juice, better than freshly squeezed, you can reduce the martini if ​​you add it to equal to the alcoholic component of the drink.

Not infrequently, martinis are used as bases or additions to cocktails. In such cocktails, martini is mixed with liquor or, and pieces of fresh fruit or berries are also added to the glass. There are many variations of using a martini, but the main thing to remember is that you should not overdo it with additions so as not to completely lose the true taste of the drink.

If you use a martini in reasonable doses, then it is almost impossible to harm your health.

Various components included in martini wines give it an unforgettable aroma, thus flavoring the wine with their natural ingredients.

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Martini- the most famous Italian brand specializing in the production of various alcoholic aperitifs. From the first years of existence to this day, these drinks are considered relevant, presentable and luxurious accompaniment to any event.

Let's figure out what the drink consists of, what are the rules for use and with what ingredients it is recommended to drink it.


Martini "Extra Dry" appeared at the dawn of the twentieth century, immediately gaining recognition from connoisseurs of elite alcohol, thanks to its distinctive features.

It consists of:

  • white wine;
  • corrected drinking water;
  • ethyl alcohol rectified from food raw materials of the highest purity;
  • sugar;
  • extracts of wormwood Artemisia and cinchona bark;
  • infusions of lemon, violet root and raspberry.

The drink also contains antioxidants, vitamins "B", "P" and "C", and organic acids. Moderate use of dry vermouth has a general strengthening effect on the body and increases appetite.

Calorie content is 110 kcal, and the energy value of the product is 460 kJ per 100 ml. Carbohydrates - 2.4-3 grams. Alcohol at least 18%. It is bottled in a rich green color, although it itself has a straw shade, slightly lighter than the classic Bianco.

According to its taste characteristics, it has a pronounced bitter taste of wormwood, saturated with notes of lemon and raspberry.

In our country, the price of the drink varies from 800 to 1200 rubles per liter. Although this is far from the limit, because in the bar of one of the famous hotels in New York, a cocktail is served that costs $ 10,000. The price of a martini-based cocktail is so high because of a rare "secret" ingredient - a diamond at the bottom of the glass.

Important! Among the entire line of "Martini" only Extra Dry contains the least amount of sugar per ml.cubic, while having an alcohol percentage above the norm.

It is customary for Italians to consume Extra Dry before dinner, well chilled in its pure form as an aperitif. So its taste is felt much brighter, and the absence of a large amount of sugar does not spoil the appetite, but rather helps to fulfill its function.

A few rules on how to use Martini "Extra Dry":

  1. Before serving, the drink should be cooled to 13-15 degrees C, this will help the taste to fully open;
  2. The best option for serving a martini in its pure form is considered to be a Lowball (a low glass made of thick glass), and for a cocktail option, a Martini glass (a classic triangular-shaped cocktail glass) is chosen;
  3. To soften the taste, add a few ice cubes or a quarter cup of purified water to the vermouth;
  4. It is customary to drink the drink in small sips, stretching the pleasure.

Fact! In the entire history of the brand, only once, in 1997, the shape of the bottle was changed, adapted to more modern trends.

What to drink Extra Dry with

In addition to the original Italian way of drinking, there are all kinds of mixing options for cocktails based on dry martini. Vermouth is mixed with both soft drinks and other types of alcohol.

Companion to "Extra Dry" can be chosen from among the following drinks:

  • Pineapple nectar - shades and smoothes the bitterness of vermouth;
  • Grapefruit and orange juices will expand the already contained bouquet of violets, raspberries and iris;
  • Natural lemon or lime juice will give the drink a citrus aroma and a light burning taste;
  • Tonic will help dilute the alcohol component, but will retain the non-sweet taste of a pure martini;
  • Gin goes well with martinis and is part of the ingredients for making a popular cocktail, the recipe of which we will share below;
  • Vodka acts as an analogue to gin;
  • Whiskey is suitable for the most desperate gourmets, because the drink is very strong and tart.

There are many options with which you can mix a variety of cocktails. In the list of recipes there is a shake to taste for everyone. After all, even though the Extra Dry martini has an interesting taste, it harmonizes perfectly with other ingredients and always complements them perfectly.

"Gin Martini"

  1. To make this cocktail, you will need gin, an Extra Dry martini, crushed ice and green olives.
  2. Ice must be placed in a shaker, then add gin and martini in equal proportions to it, and gently mix for one minute.
  3. After that, pour the mixture through a filter into a glass and add an olive. Voila, the cocktail is ready!

FACT! Until 1930, vermouth and gin were mixed in a 2:1 ratio, thus saving a rare and expensive ingredient. This recipe is due to the period of "dry law".

"Martini with absinthe"

The ingredients of this cocktail are already clear from the name, but this is not a complete list yet, so let's take absinthe, Extra Dry martini, gin or vodka.

  1. Mix in equal proportions (each drink in the amount of 30 ml).
  2. After the components are mixed and poured into a glass, add 5 ml. mint syrup. This ingredient will add freshness and piquancy to the taste of the cocktail.

And here is the third, simple, but no less common recipe.

"Martini with Schweppes"

This cocktail consists of an Extra Dry martini, Schweppes tonic, lime and pineapple nectar.

  1. We mix martini and tonic in a shaker, in equal proportions, add one third of pineapple nectar to them, and pour.
  2. And now directly into the glass add the juice of half a lime.
  3. It turns out a light, refreshing drink that you can slowly drink while at a party or at home with friends.

Finally, we note that the Martini line includes several different flavors of vermouth, each of which finds a true connoisseur. But it is "Extra Dry" that is rightfully considered a unique, incomparable drink that everyone should try.

Before drinking any alcoholic beverage, it is important to know how to drink it. After all, it is known that an unsuccessful appetizer or serving can spoil the whole impression. Martinis are no exception. Let's figure out what martini is drunk with, when and from what.

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Types of martini

"Rosso" (Martini Rosso)

The first Martini drink appeared in 1863. It is famous for its smell and bitter taste. Sommeliers note in this drink a successful combination of wine and herbs, and the characteristic amber color is given to Rosso thanks to caramel.

The strength of this drink is 16 degrees, so it is easy to drink without additives.

"Extra Dry" (Martini Extra Dry)

This sparkling wine has a subtle aroma of toffee, lemon and raspberries, and has been created on an industrial scale since 1900.

Extra Dry is often served in cocktails. Wine is also available chilled. Of the entire line of martini drinks, this one is distinguished by a weak concentration of sugar (2.8% with 16% in the rest) and a percentage of alcohol. The strength of Extra Dry is 18 degrees.

"Fiero" (Martini Fiero)

Fiero was originally distributed to residents of Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands in 1998. Red orange dominates the palette of martini flavors. Bright smell and taste, a strength of only 15 degrees allowed Fiero to conquer the entire European market.

"Bianco" (Martini Bianco)

Bianco, a straw-colored drink, has been on the market since 1910. The taste is soft, and the aroma of this wine resembles spices or vanilla.

Due to the strength of 16 degrees and the delicate taste of Bianco is called a ladies' drink.

"Bitter" (Martini Bitter)

The basis of Bitter is not wine, but alcohol. But the exact recipe kept is a strict company secret. It is only known that the composition includes at least 30 species of plants. The strength of the raspberry-colored drink is 25 degrees. It is often drunk in its pure form, and tonic and juice serve as additives.

"Asti" (Martini Asti)

Martini Asti is a sparkling wine from Piedmont. It is prepared by the method of incomplete fermentation, so the share of alcohol in Asti is only 7 degrees.

Sweet and juicy martini is consumed chilled to 6-8 degrees from champagne glasses.

Prosecco (Martini Prosecco)

Prosecco is made in Italy from grapes of the same name. Dry sparkling has the taste of peach and sour green apple. Traditionally, Martini Prosecco is drunk chilled (no more than 6 degrees). Its strength is 11.5%.

Rosato (Martini Rosato)

Martini Rosato - sparkling at 15 degrees with hints of cloves and cinnamon. Its characteristic pink color is obtained by mixing white and red wines.

Rosato first appeared in 1980. This rather young drink is valued for a very stable bouquet of aromas.

"Doro" (Martini D'Oro)

Sparkling Doro appeared on the counter in 1998. At that time, white wine with a fruity aftertaste was in high demand in Europe. D'Oro contains no more than 9% alcohol. This light drink smells of honey, nutmeg, vanilla and coriander.

"Brut" (Martini Brut)

This high-quality dry wine appeared more than 8 decades ago thanks to Martini&Rossi. It is made from Pinot grapes, and more rarely Prosecco.

I thought of such a martini as a replacement for champagne. Vermouth at 11.5% has a subtle apple flavor.

Spirito (Martini Spirito)

A strong martini, reeking of both bitterness and sweetness at the same time, first appeared on sale in 2013 in Russia. Martini Spirito is a herbal liqueur. The recipe was developed specifically for men, but in Europe, sale within the same sex is prohibited by law.

About dilution

For the male half of mankind, sparkling wines often seem not strong enough. Therefore, cocktails with the addition of other alcohol are in demand. For example, there are recipes with gin, in which the concentration of the first exceeds the percentage of vermouth in the composition by 4 times. In this case, the issue of dilution is reduced only to the type of the second component of the future cocktail.

The opposite sex usually has a different view of the numerous varieties of vermouth. Ladies rate the drink as harsh. Therefore, they prefer cocktails with non-alcoholic toppings. But what are martini drinks?

Martini is an aperitif, i.e. designed to awaken the appetite. Therefore, it is customary to consume a drink a couple of hours before a meal. It is served chilled. The temperature should not exceed 15 degrees, but too cold will not allow you to enjoy the fullness of the taste. However, it is acceptable to add ice cubes, frozen berries or fruits to the drink. There are also a huge number of types of martini drinks. Let's talk about the most popular.

Martinis are often diluted with juice, but what kind of juice should you drink this drink with? Vermouth successfully combines with fruit nectars.

Superiority belonged to orange juice, but people are experimenting more and more. So, for lovers of sweet, peach juice is suitable. It significantly reduces the strength of the drink. Pineapple juice and apple juice will add freshness to the martini. Other winning combinations are kiwi, grapefruit, cherries and grapes. The latter attracts martini lovers because the fruit is in harmony with the martini wine notes. You should not try to mix the drink with vegetable juice: the results will not please you. The classic combination of juice and martini is created in a 1: 1 ratio. If necessary, increase the proportion of juice in the drink to lower the degrees.

Cocktail "Negroni"

The drink is included in the list of official cocktails of the International Association of Bartenders in the category "Unforgettable". And not in vain: his reputation has been entrenched for almost a century of mixing. The cocktail was named after the creator - Count Camillo Negroni from Italy. "Negroni" consists of martini Rosso, gin, Campari bitter red liqueur, orange slices and ice. All components must be thoroughly mixed, and the finished drink should be supplemented with fresh orange.

This sweet cocktail is made with strawberry syrup, Martini Rosso, champagne and ice cubes. Add red martini, champagne and syrup to taste to glass. The cocktail should not be stirred, just garnish it with a mint leaf and drink through a plastic straw. This alcohol is considered exclusively for women due to its low strength.

Cocktail "Royal"

This refreshing drink has hints of sparkling wine. To prepare, take a deep glass, dry champagne, lime juice, fresh mint and miniature pieces of ice. Pour wine, vermouth and freshly squeezed juice into a container with ice. Gently stir the Royale and garnish the glass with a sprig of mint and a semi-circular piece of lime.

Rosé cherry cocktail

This drink is often liked by young ladies because of its lightness and pleasant aftertaste of berries. Another advantage of Rosé Cherry is the speed of preparation. You will spend no more than 5 minutes on such a cocktail and few products: pink vermouth, cherries, cherry juice, decorative mint and ice. Fill a highball glass with ice to start, then add sparkling wine and juice. Gently stir the drink and decorate the glass with three cherries and a sprig of mint.

Martini with tonic

With the help of tonic and martini, it is really possible to make a nice simple cocktail. For him, you will need a lime, chopped ice and the martini tonic itself. Fill a wine glass with ice. Squeeze lime juice into a glass and pour 100 milliliters of vermouth into it. Finish pouring the tonic into it, stirring everything with a small spoon. And when you fill it to the top, decorate the drink with a lime wedge.

The simplicity and noticeable strength of the drink made it a hit among the male half of humanity. To prepare a martini with vodka, you need: dry vermouth, grapefruit beater, vodka, lemon and pieces of ice. Pour the vodka into a martini mixing vessel. Fill it with ice and then stir thoroughly. Then pour the mixture into a cold glass, add no more than 3 drops of grapefruit bitters. You can also use vanilla, ginger, licorice and cardamom bitters if you like them. The cocktail is garnished with lemon zest.

"Dirty Martini"

The symbol of Prohibition called "Dirty Martini" appeared thanks to Franklin Roosevelt. In 1933, under the guns of television cameras, he prepared and tasted this drink. It consisted of: gin, one olive, dry vermouth and olive brine. Chill your glass and mixing bowl beforehand. Pour the brine, gin and vermouth into the cooking container. Mix all ingredients well. Carefully pour everything into a serving glass and use an olive on a skewer for garnish.

martini with sprite

This light and low-alcohol drink consists of dry sparkling, apple juice, sprite, apple slice and ice. You need to fill the glass with ice cubes to the brim. Next, add vermouth, apple juice and sprite to it. After stirring with a cocktail spoon, garnish the drink with an apple slice.

Cocktail "Bianco Sunrise"

To create a cocktail with an intriguing name, you need a highball, light vermouth, cranberry juice and orange juice in equal volumes, ice and orange slices. Pour martini, juice and fruit drink into a glass filled with ice. After gentle stirring in a highball, an impromptu dawn forms: a red sun below and an orange dawn above. Garnish the drink with fresh orange slices.

The impression of the martini itself depends on the right choice of dishes. It is believed that pure vermouth should be drunk from typical small whiskey glasses. Their smooth expansion allows you to enjoy the original smell of the drink.

For martini cocktails, cone-shaped glasses with a long stem are chosen. They are used both in the homeland of vermouth, and in our country as well. In the people, such vessels are called watering cans. The reason lies in their unusual triangular shape. From refined dishes you should not drink in one gulp. In addition, this way of drinking alcohol can be considered bad manners.

Snacks for a drink

  • Oysters, shrimp, salted crackers, olives, and hard cheeses go well with white wines. Such alcohol is sweet, so meat delicacies will also be appropriate;
  • Dry vermouth needs an appetizer of fish, olives or cheese. It harmonizes with baked meat in a chilled state;
  • What is a pink martini snack? This sparkling is much sweeter than dry. Therefore, fruit cuts with kiwi, pineapple and citrus fruits are suitable for snacks. Combined with a drink and nuts, poultry and crackers;
  • The red variety of the drink requires cold meats, rare varieties of cheese;
  • It would be nice to make canapes on skewers to combine all the right products. If you don't know about the taste preferences of other tasters, put white bread, hard cheese, or chopped olives on the table. Light salads, sandwiches with ham and olives are suitable for each of the vermouths. It is acceptable to have a bite of dark chocolate, but avoid sweet foods. This can make the martini taste too sugary;
  • Martini without snacks is often consumed by connoisseurs of the drink. They drink vermouth neat or with juice, but the glass can be garnished with a piece of olive, black olive or lemon.

Knowing how to dilute and snack on any of the varieties of this drink, you organize yourself a good reception. Serve a selection of traditional martini starters and a selection of martini-based cocktails. And then you will certainly be able to amaze your guests with the refined taste of Italian sparkling wine.
