
Cook buckwheat with carrots and onions. Fried buckwheat with onion-carrot fried

Loose buckwheat porridge cooked in a pan with carrots and onions is the most optimal and successful option if you have a budget and minimal food set, as well as a little time. If you need to cook something fast enough and tasty, then buckwheat porridge with such vegetables will be the best choice. The cooking time is about twenty to thirty minutes. In addition, fragrant and crumbly porridge is a chic side dish for vegetable salads, fish and meat products. If desired, it can be used as a full-fledged, self-sufficient dish. If you need a lean recipe, then butter can be easily replaced with vegetable oil, it will turn out no worse!

  • Cooking algorithm
  • Ingredients
  • Cooking
  • Video recipe

Cooking algorithm

Buckwheat with onions and carrots is a chic alternative to the usual, “empty” porridge. If you want something simple, tasty, healthy, but not quite ordinary, then buckwheat porridge with carrots and onions is an ideal option. The dish turns out the first time so that you lick your fingers.

Buckwheat with carrots and onions is the perfect combination of flavors and ingredients. It is important to note that buckwheat kernels are saturated with the aroma, juice and taste of vegetables, which makes the dish unforgettable and bright. In addition, such a dish as buckwheat with mushrooms, as well as with onions and eggs, is excellent. It is extremely easy to prepare them using reliable and proven recipes.


You will need these ingredients:

Carrots 50 grams Onions 40 grams Buckwheat 40 grams Champignons (frozen) 150 grams Sunflower seeds? teaspoon Sunflower oil 1 tablespoon

The list of products is designed for one female serving. To prepare such a porridge for men, you should increase the amount of all ingredients by one and a half times.


1. Prepare all the products marked in the recipe. After that, take the mushrooms and pour them with boiling water. Send them to the stove, slightly salting the water.

2. In the meantime, put a clean and dry pan on the stove, heat it up and add the buckwheat. Constantly stir the buckwheat with a wooden spatula, do not let it burn to the bottom. It is better to use the buckwheat that does not need to be washed.

3. When the cereal darkens a little, it should be poured from the pan into any container. Thanks to this manipulation, buckwheat seeds will begin to open up like popcorn. This process can be observed after five to seven minutes.

4. After that, pour a little sunflower oil into the pan. Peel carrots and onions. As for carrots, it must be grated, and onions - finely chopped. When the oil is hot, send the vegetables to the pan, fry them until golden brown.

5. While the vegetables are fried, you should do the mushrooms. They must be drained, and it is better to save the broth, as it will come in handy in further cooking. It is important to note that the broth is fragrant, rich and incredibly nutritious.

6. Boiled champignons must be added to onions, carrots and mix thoroughly using a wooden spatula. Fry everything together for three minutes, at this stage you can add any spices, herbs and spices. With such ingredients, bay leaf and cilantro go well.

7. After that, buckwheat is sent to the pan, everything is poured with a sufficient amount of mushroom broth. Don't forget to add some salt. An important nuance: you need to add mushroom broth to the dish several times, but in small portions. The cooking time at this stage is about seven minutes.

8. When the dish is completely ready, add sunflower seeds. Such an ingredient goes well with ready-made porridge, it gives a certain piquancy to extravagance. Buckwheat, prepared according to the proposed recipe, will appeal to absolutely everyone.

Video recipe

By preparing the dish in this way, you can notice the presence of an extraordinary aroma. Due to the fact that buckwheat is fried in a hot frying pan, a light, unobtrusive nutty flavor appears. Thanks to the seeds, the nutty note is perfectly emphasized. As for the calorie content of the finished dish, there are about 286 kilocalories in one serving. The nutritional value of buckwheat with vegetables: carbohydrates - 33 grams, proteins - 11 grams, and fats - 13 grams.

If you want to cook something similar, then you will definitely like buckwheat with tomatoes. It is prepared in a similar way, fresh tomatoes, carrots and onions, buckwheat, tomato paste are used as ingredients. This dish goes well with sausages, cutlets and meat.

You can cook such an unusual dish as buckwheat with egg and onions. There are many cooking recipes, so you should choose the best one. The simplest option: cook buckwheat porridge, fry onions and combine everything. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it up and transfer the porridge into it, then pour in the beaten eggs. The pan is covered with a lid, cooked for no more than three minutes.

As you can see, the culinary process is very simple, so even a novice cook can cook buckwheat porridge with vegetables. Using the proposed detailed recipe with a photo, you can see that the dish is not just simple and budget, but also incredibly healthy, fragrant, juicy and very tasty.

There are several stories of the cultivation of buckwheat, but according to any of them, this cereal has been included in the diet of people for several millennia. It came to our region from Greece, hence the name. Today, this rather unpretentious plant is grown on every continent and is popular in the cuisines of many countries.

Of course, before they did not imagine how many useful substances this cereal contains, they simply fell in love with it for its unique taste. She became a regular hero on the tables of all segments of the population.

The rich preferred to eat treats with meat, vegetables and butter. From here, buckwheat porridge with meat got its name -. The rest of the people ate with what could be found in the bins, such as onions.

Today I want to introduce you to my family's favorite dish - buckwheat with fried onions. In my opinion, there is no simpler, tastier and healthier recipe, especially during the days of Lent, or when you want to diversify the vegetarian menu.

One can talk endlessly about the benefits of buckwheat, it is not for nothing that our ancestors loved this porridge. And many simple village recipes are still preserved. Buckwheat porridge will be not only the best side dish for any meat dish, but also irreplaceable as the main one.

I often cook buckwheat with onions in a pan in the country, when there is simply no time, effort and conditions for culinary delights. The dish is good because it takes no more than 20 minutes to prepare it and Ingredients will always be at hand with any hostess, and these are:

  • Buckwheat - 1 glass,
  • Water - 2 glasses,
  • Onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml,
  • Salt 1/3 teaspoon.

We need exactly buckwheat groats. Young housewives sometimes confuse her with a deal that does not suit us.

You can take any vegetable oil, but I prefer inexpensive ones for frying.


Now I will be scolded by the housewives of the "old school" for the fact that I advise not to sort out buckwheat. But I really do not do this, since modern buckwheat is sold quite clean. You can see for yourself, and sort out only if necessary or at will. But it is necessary to wash the cereal. To do this, I pour it into a sieve and rinse under the tap. I let the water drain.

Pour washed buckwheat into a frying pan heated to medium temperature. Our task is to dry it first, stirring occasionally. It takes 3-5 minutes.

When the cereal is completely dry, add 20-30 ml of vegetable oil and fry for another 7-8 minutes. Do not forget to stir so that the porridge is fried in the pan evenly.

We put the fire on a minimum, pour hot boiling water into the pan with porridge at the rate of 1 volume of buckwheat 2 volumes of water. Salt, cover with a lid and leave for 7-8 minutes.

While the buckwheat is cooking, we will fry the onion. Cut it at your discretion - cubes, half rings, quarters.

Advice: if your children are on the verge of a cold, then let them honor themselves and chop onions; onion phytoncides will benefit them.

Fry also according to your desire - you can only until golden brown or more fried and even crispy. If you want, add grated carrots or mushrooms to the onions - it will only taste better.

When buckwheat and onions are ready, you can mix everything in a pan. But I don’t do this, because my children really like porridge not with onions, but with milk. They just pour milk from the refrigerator into a plate with hot buckwheat porridge, and this is their favorite dish.

And it all started with the fact that once, having arrived from their grandmother, the children asked to cook buckwheat porridge for them, but refused to eat it. Before that, I cooked it according to the usual recipe without frying, just poured it with water. I had to call my grandmother and find out the secret of her buckwheat porridge. That is what I have shared with you. It turned out delicious not only with milk, but with onions too.

Ready buckwheat can be put in a container and after cooling, put in the refrigerator. It can keep for a long time. At any time, you can reheat and pour milk, or separately fry the onions.

Buckwheat porridge turns out friable, fragrant. Take my recipe into service, it will be a lifesaver for any busy or novice housewife: fast, tasty, easy!

10 reasons to love buckwheat

  1. low calorie. The energy value of this cereal is significantly lower than many others. Nutritionists advise including buckwheat in your diet, thanks to fiber, dishes from it retain a feeling of satiety for a long time, moreover, it removes toxins from the body.
  2. Availability. Groats can afford any segment of the population, it is significantly cheaper than many other side dishes.
  3. Variety of dishes. It is important that the menu with the addition of buckwheat will not be monotonous. It can be used as a side dish, porridge or even a full meal with meat, poultry or vegetables. There are many recipes for the first hot dishes with buckwheat. Cutlets, pancakes or meatballs are often prepared from cereals, and you can also find options for making desserts.
  4. Folic acid, contained in cereals, is responsible for cell renewal and growth, is responsible for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, and is necessary to maintain immunity. It is especially important during pregnancy.
  5. Potassium not only relieves puffiness, but also maintains the water balance in the body, together with sodium is responsible for the safety of cell walls.
  6. Buckwheat is used even in folk medicine for treatment skin inflammations, and a decoction to get rid of conjunctivitis.
  7. Groats is one of the leaders in iron content, which is very important for normal metabolism, and it is also responsible for supplying tissues with oxygen, without it, at the cellular level, respiratory processes simply would not exist. For this reason, people with a lack of it feel constant weakness and loss of strength.
  8. Buckwheat contains magnesium, which regulates temperature, normalizes blood pressure and heartbeat, participates in the development of the skeletal system, protein synthesis and performs a huge number of other important functions.
  9. Buckwheat is also recommended for regular consumption by those who want a non-drug way normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve sleep, get rid of depression.
  10. In addition to the above, buckwheat contains a huge amount of other vitamins, micro and macro elements. Groats are among the 10 most useful foods according to a huge number of scientists.

Olga Filippova, only for

There is hardly anything more useful than buckwheat. And when you get tired of eating it with milk, it's time to switch to unsweetened supplements. Vegetables? Meat? Mushrooms? All this is amazingly combined with this cereal, but in fact it does not require any skills. A good option for both breakfast and dinner.

  • 1 carrot;
  • 260 g of buckwheat;
  • 45 ml of oil;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 40 g butter.

Time: 45 min.

Calories: 151.

Method for preparing a side dish of buckwheat with onions and carrots:

  1. Sort the grits from dirt and pebbles, then rinse it well under running water;
  2. After that, pour the cereal into a saucepan and pour it with cold water, put on fire;
  3. Fire should be medium. Cover the saucepan with a lid and let the liquid boil, and then salt the cereal;
  4. Reduce the heat and let the water evaporate completely with the lid ajar. Then the buckwheat will be ready. Turn off the stove;
  5. Peeled carrots must be grated, but can also be cut into small strips;
  6. Remove the husk from the onion and chop it finely;
  7. Pass the peeled garlic through the press;
  8. Pour oil into the pan and add onion here, put on fire and fry for five minutes;
  9. Next, add the carrots and continue to sauté for another five minutes;
  10. Then cover with a lid and leave for another five minutes, while stirring is not necessary;
  11. Open the lid after the time has elapsed and add buckwheat, garlic and a piece of butter here at the same time, stir, close the lid;
  12. Cook for another three minutes, then turn off the stove. Serve with salted or fresh vegetables.

Fried buckwheat with onions and carrots in a pan

  • 2 bows;
  • spices;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 360 g of buckwheat;
  • 45 ml oil.

Time: 30 min.

Calories: 236.

How to cook:

Buckwheat with mushrooms, onions and carrots

  • 0.1 kg of buckwheat;
  • 15 ml of oil;
  • 40 g of onion;
  • 5 g of seeds;
  • 160 g of champignons;
  • 60 g carrots.

Time: 35 min.

Calories: 140.

See also: How I lost 19 kg in a month and a half

Stages of cooking buckwheat:

  1. The champignons, cleaned of litter, must be transferred to a saucepan and pour boiling water over them, and then put on the stove;
  2. Put a frying pan next to it, warm it up and pour the cereal here;
  3. Constantly stir the buckwheat so that it dries well. Need a variety that does not need washing;
  4. Pour it into a bowl when it turns a dark brown color;
  5. Then pour a little oil into the pan, warm it up;
  6. The peeled onion should be finely chopped, and the carrots should be grated. Send both products to the pan;
  7. Fry until golden;
  8. At this time, boiled mushrooms must be pulled out of the broth with a spoon or sieve;
  9. Add mushrooms to onions and carrots, mix, fry everything together for about three minutes;
  10. At this point, if desired, you can add spices. For example, a bay leaf or cilantro;
  11. Pour the cereal into the pan and pour in the broth from the mushrooms. You need to pour in not all, but in parts, so that the buckwheat has time to absorb;
  12. Cook for about seven minutes and season with salt;
  13. Serve with sunflower seeds on top. They can be warmed up a little in a pan in advance.

How to cook buckwheat with chicken and fried onions and carrots

  • 0.2 kg of chicken;
  • 2 g coriander;
  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 0.2 kg of buckwheat;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • 15 ml of oil;
  • 1 bow.

Time: 1 hour

Calories: 117.

Cooking buckwheat:

  1. From meat it is better to give preference to fillet. It needs to be washed and cut into small pieces, cutting off all excess films;
  2. The onion freed from the husk should be finely chopped and sent to the pan, where the oil should be poured. Turn on the stove;
  3. Start frying the onion so that it becomes transparent;
  4. Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly and sort it out, and then put it to boil with the specified amount of water. You also need to salt a little;
  5. Peel the carrot and cut it into small strips, send to the onion, sauté for about three minutes;
  6. Then add the chicken pieces here. On medium heat, fry it until cooked, you can under the lid. At the end, add coriander and, if desired, paprika;
  7. Cooking will take about ten minutes, the chicken will change color twice;
  8. Divide the finished buckwheat in portions, add a piece of butter to it, and put the frying with chicken on top. If desired, sprinkle with herbs on top.

Recipe for multicooker

  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 75 g butter;
  • 220 g of buckwheat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 15 g flour;
  • 10 g greens.

Time: 1 h 25 min.

See also: How I increased my breasts by 2 sizes in 1 week

Calories: 290.

Cooking buckwheat with onions and carrots in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse the cereal, and if it is loose, then soak it in cold water for fifteen minutes;
  2. Cut the peeled onion into cubes;
  3. Carrots should be cut into strips, having previously cleaned it;
  4. First, turn on the multicooker in the "Heating" mode, and when the bowl heats up, select the "Frying" mode;
  5. Add butter, and when it has melted, pour onion here;
  6. Sprinkle some flour on top;
  7. After two minutes, you can add carrots and stir;
  8. Peeled onion must be chopped and added to the rest of the ingredients;
  9. Fry all the products until a uniform golden hue, and then add buckwheat here;
  10. Pour in water up to the 1 liter mark;
  11. Mix a little, salt, close the lid;
  12. Select the "Extinguishing" or "Porridge" mode by setting the timer for thirty-five minutes. When the signal squeaks, do not immediately open, but hold for another fifteen minutes. After that, you can serve as an independent dish with herbs or a side dish.

Buckwheat with carrots and onions in a pot

  • 0.5 pieces of carrots;
  • 15 g sour cream;
  • 15 g of oil;
  • 120 g of buckwheat;
  • 220 ml of broth;
  • 0.5 onions.

Time: 1 h 10 min.

Calories: 127.

  1. Wash the pot, dry it, and put a piece of oil on the bottom. During fasting, you can use margarine or vegetable oil, just a spoonful;
  2. Peeled carrots must be cut into thin circles or semicircles;
  3. And finely chop the peeled onion;
  4. Rinse the grits and mix with carrots and onions in a common bowl, and then transfer this mixture to a pot;
  5. Salt the broth and season it to your liking;
  6. If desired, you can chop any greens and add it to the broth. And then pour this liquid mixture onto buckwheat in a pot;
  7. You can put a spoonful of sour cream on top, or you can grate a little cheese;
  8. Cover the pot with a lid and send it to a cold oven. Only then can you turn it on to medium heat. Cook for forty minutes, then serve directly in the pot.

Buckwheat with lamb and carrot roast

  • 0.7 kg of buckwheat;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 kg lamb;
  • 1 onion;
  • spices for lamb.

Time: 1 h 20 min.

Calories: 244.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse the meat and trim off any excess fat. Remove all moisture, cut into pieces. Maybe not too small;
  2. Marinate the meat for half an hour in spices. It is better to use garlic, pepper, rosemary, coriander, cumin and salt are a must;
  3. The onion, peeled from the husk, must be cut into half rings as thin as possible;
  4. Peeled carrots should be cut into fairly large slices;
  5. Take a saucepan, or better - a cast-iron cauldron, pour a little oil into it;
  6. When it warms up, add onions and carrots here. The first should become transparent, and the second - soft;
  7. Then add the lamb here and fry until all the liquid has evaporated, that is, the meat juice;
  8. Cover and simmer for half an hour, you can add a little oil;
  9. Rinse the buckwheat and add it to the rest of the products. Fill with water so that it is three centimeters higher than all the components;
  10. Stew under the lid for another fifteen minutes, so that the cereal is completely cooked. Then you can serve immediately.

When buckwheat is cooked, it is advisable not to open or touch the lid. Water should be twice as much as buckwheat itself. Then it will not burn, it will absorb everything, increase in volume and it is not necessary to interfere with it as it cooks.

Laurel leaves should be added only at the end of cooking. But black peas, butter, a clove of garlic can be put immediately. The same applies to other seasonings, but it is better not to add herbs.

A good option would be to add dry mushroom powder, or just put one dry mushroom into the porridge during cooking, and then remove it. Of course, you can also try mushroom seasoning.

Useful buckwheat can be varied. She will not have time to get bored if you constantly try new dishes with her. Even a change in the usual seasonings will give completely new flavors. Such food will also be useful for children, especially since you can teach them to porridge in such delicious ways!

So, with the beginning of the Christmas post! As promised, I share lean dishes that perfectly saturate and leave satisfied. So, it’s better than buckwheat porridge, you can’t think of anything in fasting. You can cook it in such variations!

There is not enough space to describe all the possibilities of buckwheat. I don’t know how it will turn out, I want to try to make cutlets from it next. If everything goes well, I will definitely tell you the secrets!

Well, now, a few words about porridge. Even if you do not like onions and carrots, after this porridge you will change your attitude towards them. They will give such a pleasant accent to ordinary porridge.

So, we are preparing buckwheat porridge with onions and carrots for breakfast - tasty, satisfying, healthy and quick to prepare.

Cooking time: 5 minutes for cooking ingredients, 10 minutes for cooking and 10 for evaporation

Complexity: everything is very simple


    1 tablespoon vegetable oil

    on the tip of a knife of aromatic salt

    spices to taste and desire


Did you know that a lot also depends on cereals? I try to always take the same cereal, if I liked it. We'll sort out the core if necessary. Rinse or not? In principle, it is possible, and sometimes it is necessary. After all, dust in cheap varieties, dirt is enough. And then fill it with water. But a little more than usual.

Why is there more water? Because in addition to cereals, we also have vegetables. Let's cut the carrots first. Let's cut it appetizingly so that it makes a good impression!

And immediately send carrots to the cereal. Next in line is an onion ... Yes, not my favorite leek. Why did I change the habit? Because porridge needs to be somehow shaded with taste. For this role, I chose the bow. We cut thinly.

Yes, it was possible to put bell pepper here, etc., but it will turn out differently. Now we will send in porridge and onions. But you have to fill it up. How? I have flavored salt. What does she like? You can’t put a lot of it, because it is with spices. Let's take it like this - on the tip of a knife.

No such salt? No problem. Put your favorite spices and add a little porridge. Add vegetable oil here. Then lower the heat and cover the pot with a lid.

Porridge languishes for literally 10 minutes. It's so cool when it's breakfast. While the family is dressing, the porridge must be evaporated, wrapped in something warm. Here is such a lean beauty!

Buckwheat porridge and carrots are two wonderful products that improve brain activity, increase the efficiency and endurance of the body.

And they are very tasty too..

Both apart and together.

Buckwheat porridge with carrots can be eaten at least every day, and it will only bring benefits.

And so as not to get bored, cook buckwheat with carrots in different ways!

Buckwheat with carrots - general principles of cooking

Buckwheat is washed, black and damaged grains are removed, then poured with water or broth. The temperature doesn't matter. If there is no extra time, then you can immediately pour boiling water. Salt is added immediately.

Boiled buckwheat is not very tasty, so we pour water strictly according to the norms. Two parts of liquid are added to one part of raw cereals.

Carrots are usually fried separately or stewed before being added to buckwheat. Often other vegetables are added to it: tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic. Eggs, cheese, mushrooms, herbs, various spices go well with buckwheat and carrots.

Recipe 1: Buckwheat with Carrots and Onions

A simple recipe for buckwheat porridge. If you replace ghee with vegetable oil, then it is suitable for a lenten menu. We will cook porridge with preliminary frying of cereals, which will give the dish a pleasant aroma.


250 grams of buckwheat;

1-2 carrots;

1 onion;

70 grams of ghee;

Pepper, salt.

Cooking method

1. Groats need to be sorted out, washed, drained.

2. Put a little oil in the pan, literally half a spoon and fry the washed cereal. Don't forget to stir to cook evenly.

3. As soon as all the moisture has evaporated, the buckwheat will darken and begin to click, transfer to a saucepan. Pour 450 grams of water, put 1 tsp. salt and cook until tender.

4. Cut the onion into cubes, carrots into a coarse grater.

5. Melt the rest of the butter, fry the onion for a minute, then put the carrots and cook until soft. At the end, we pepper the vegetables, you can add other spices.

6. Mix buckwheat with carrots and you're done!

Recipe 2: Buckwheat with Carrots and Chicken

For this dish of buckwheat with carrots, we will use chicken breast, as it cooks quickly and goes well with porridge.


200 grams of buckwheat;

1 carrot;

200 grams of fillet;

40 grams of oil;

1 tsp seasonings for chicken;

3-4 sprigs of dill.

Cooking method

1. Pour a glass of washed cereal with two glasses of water, put salt and set ordinary porridge to boil.

2. Cut the breast into strips, also three carrots and mix with a spoonful of chicken seasoning.

3. Heat the oil, put the carrot with the breast and fry for 3 minutes, then cover, reduce the heat and simmer until soft.

4. We combine boiled cereals with carrots and breast, add fresh dill and a wonderful chicken dish with a side dish is ready!

Recipe 3: Buckwheat with Carrots and Mushrooms

Buckwheat and mushrooms are a classic combination, but carrots perfectly complement it, add juiciness and color. For the dish, it is better to use a cauldron or a deep stewpan, as it is prepared using pilaf technology. We use fresh mushrooms.


2 carrots;

200 grams of champignons;

250 grams of buckwheat;

1 onion;

2 cloves of garlic;


5-7 tablespoons of oil.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots and cut into strips. You can use a coarse grater for Korean salads. Onion cut into half rings.

2. Put the vegetable oil in the cauldron and fry for a few minutes.

3. We wash the champignons, cut them into cubes and throw them into a cauldron with carrots, fry together for another 2 minutes.

4. We wash the cereal, drain the liquid and put it in a cauldron, add seasonings, salt, pour water so that it covers the food by 3 cm, throw a bay leaf on top.

5. Cover the cauldron and simmer the dish for about half an hour. During this time, it should completely absorb all the water and soak in the aroma of mushrooms.

Recipe 4: Buckwheat with Carrots, Garlic and Bell Peppers

A variant of very fragrant buckwheat with carrots, which will serve as a wonderful side dish for meat, chicken or fish. Bulgarian pepper is also added to the dish, we take a large pod or two small ones.


1 glass of buckwheat;

4 cloves of garlic;

2 carrots;

30 grams of oil;

Bulgarian pepper.

Cooking method

1. Fill the buckwheat with water, salt and set to cook on a slow fire.

2. Peel the garlic, cut 3 cloves into 4 parts and fry in oil until golden brown. Leave one clove for dressing.

3. Remove the fried garlic, fry the grated carrots in this oil until soft.

4. Cut the Bulgarian pepper into cubes, send to the carrots and cook together for another 2-3 minutes.

5. Chop the last clove of garlic, add to vegetables, salt, pepper.

6. Put the buckwheat porridge in the pan and heat it well together so that the products are combined.

Recipe 5: Buckwheat with Carrots and Tomatoes

A recipe for a bright and rich dish that can be eaten alone or used as a side dish for meat. You can cook it in a deep frying pan or a cauldron, you do not need to cook porridge separately, which also saves time and clean dishes.


A glass of buckwheat;

2 carrots;

2 tomatoes;

2 spoons of tomato paste;

1 onion;

2 glasses of water;

Salt, oil.

Cooking method

1. Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, then in cold water and remove the peel. Cut peeled tomatoes into small cubes.

2. We also cut the onion, just rub the carrot finely.

3. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, fry the onion until transparent, put the carrot, fry for 5 minutes, then add the tomato cubes and simmer the vegetables together for 5 minutes.

4. Add washed buckwheat, mix.

5. Dilute tomato paste in two glasses of water, salt and pepper the sauce and send it to the rest of the products. Level the surface with a spoon.

6. Cover the pan, reduce the heat and cook the dish until the cereal is ready. Buckwheat should absorb almost all the liquid.

Recipe 6: Buckwheat with Carrots and Eggs

There are many options for cooking buckwheat with eggs. You can simply put the porridge in a pan with butter and pour over the omelet. Fry for two minutes and you're done! But it will turn out much tastier and healthier if you cook a dish with vegetables, in our case with carrots and onions.


200 grams of buckwheat;

2 carrots;

1 onion;

1 spoon of tomato paste;

Spices, oil.

Cooking method

1. We cook ordinary porridge or from fried cereals with salt. How this is done, you can see in the first recipe.

2. Immediately set to boil hard-boiled eggs.

3. Cut the onion into strips, fry for a minute in oil.

4. Shred the peeled carrots, also into strips, and fry together with onions until soft.

5. Dilute tomato paste in 50 grams of water, pour into a pan with vegetables and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

6. We shift the vegetables from the pan to buckwheat porridge, which is almost ready and cook to the end.

7. Peel the eggs, cut into cubes and put in a saucepan, mix gently, cover and turn off.

8. Let the dish stand for 10 minutes and you can serve!

Recipe 7: Korean-style Buckwheat Salad with Carrots

It turns out that from buckwheat with carrots you can cook not only cereals with side dishes, but also wonderful salads. Delicious, nutritious and very flavorful. We use already cooked carrots in Korean.


200 grams of boiled buckwheat;

200 grams of Korean carrots;

2 pickled cucumbers;

150 grams of ham;

100 grams of green peas;

1 onion;

Mayonnaise and parsley.

Cooking method

1. Cut the onion into half rings, rub lightly with your hands and mix with Korean carrots and leave aside for now.

2. Cucumbers and ham cut into cubes and put in a deep bowl.

3. Add green peas to them, first drain the marinade.

4. Mix boiled buckwheat with cucumbers, ham and peas.

6. We spread the buckwheat mass on a flat dish in a slide.

7. Put carrots and onions in a circle, decorate with parsley sprigs and the salad is ready!

Recipe 8: Baked Buckwheat with Carrots and Cheese

And this wonderful dish can be prepared if after dinner or lunch there is a side dish left, and the meat is over. Baked buckwheat with carrots can be served for breakfast, as a second lunch or a quick dinner.


400 grams of porridge;

150 grams of cheese;

2 carrots;

4 spoons of sour cream;

1 clove of garlic;

40 grams of butter;

Dill fresh;

Cooking method

1. Melt the butter.

2. Add carrots cut into cubes or strips and simmer under the lid for 10 minutes.

3. We shift the carrots into a baking dish.

4. Spread buckwheat porridge on top.

5. Combine chopped garlic and sour cream. We put salt, pepper in the sauce, you can pour any seasonings that you have.

6. Pour a layer of buckwheat porridge with sour cream sauce. Sprinkle fresh dill on top, which must be washed and finely chopped.

7. Three cheese and fill the dish.

8. Send for 20 minutes in the oven and bake until golden brown.

Recipe 9: Buckwheat with carrots in pots

A pot is an ideal dish for making buckwheat porridge. In it, it turns out to be especially tasty and fragrant, and also saves the hostess from downtime at the stove. Products are designed for one serving pot.


0.5 cups of buckwheat;

0.5 carrots;

0.5 bulbs;

15 grams of oil;

1 glass of broth;

1 tablespoon sour cream or a piece of cheese.


1. Put a piece of butter on the bottom of the pot. For a lean dish, pour a spoonful of vegetable oil or put a piece of margarine.

2. Cut the carrot into thin rings, onion into cubes.

3. We wash the grits, mix with carrots and onions, put them in a pot.

4. Salt the broth, pepper, put any greens and pour into a pot.

5. Put a spoonful of sour cream (or without it) or a piece of hard cheese on top.

6. Cover the pots and put them in the oven for 40 minutes. We take out and call everyone to the table.

When cooking buckwheat porridge, do not open the lid and release steam. It penetrates into the upper layers of the cereal and contributes to the uniform cooking of the dish. If you often remove the lid, then the top of the porridge will be undercooked and some of the kernels will remain tough.

A piece of butter added to the pan when cooking porridge will make the dish tastier. You can also put a clove of garlic or a peppercorn for flavor. But they don’t recommend laying a bay leaf right away, it’s better to stick it in a pan with already cooked, but still hot porridge.

To give the porridge a pleasant mushroom flavor, it is enough to put just one dried mushroom into the pan during cooking. It can also be ground into a powder and added to vegetables and other foods.

Dust at the bottom of the bag with buckwheat indicates the low quality of cereals. Such a product often gives off an earthy taste and must be thoroughly washed in several waters before cooking.
