
Grated currant jam. Video: cooking grated currants with a blender

Over the weekend, my husband's parents gave us "vitamins" from the village - a whole package of black currants. We ate a little of it whole, of course there is still a lot left. It is a pity that so many vitamins will be lost, products tend to deteriorate. The mother-in-law freezes whole vegetables and fruits, they even bought a special freezer, but we don’t have one yet, and there’s almost nothing to freeze, we live in the city, but we manage with conservation. Jam can be boiled, but vitamins are lost during heat treatment, so in order to preserve vitamins for the winter, I decided to close blackcurrant grated with sugar in jars. So the vitamins will be preserved, and in the winter there will already be a finished product.

I will not talk about all the beneficial properties of blackcurrant, it is almost impossible to list them all, but in winter it perfectly complements the diet. Where do I use it? Yes, anywhere - I add it to cottage cheese desserts, grease biscuit rolls, pies, add it to jelly, to tea for colds.

How to grind blackcurrant with sugar?

Grinding currants is easy. You only need two main products:

  • black currant itself - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 - 2 kg

To begin with, the blackcurrant must be sorted out, the berries must be selected from the twigs and ponytails. I do not know what kind of this currant, sort it out quickly. With the help of my daughter (in the frame of her hand), we did it in 20 minutes.

I took a bucket of ice cream, weighed it, it turned out about 900g. I have an old canter, but the weight shows the exact one. Sugar turned out 1.5 of the same bucket.

I washed the blackcurrant under cold running water and left it in a colander so that all the water was glassed.

Then the dry blackcurrant was twisted through a meat grinder. Some housewives pour sugar along with berries into a meat grinder and there they are ground. This is how you feel comfortable.

The resulting mass was covered with sugar and mixed well. Stir again after 1 hour. This must be done so that the sugar dissolves better.

During this time, I washed half-liter jars, sterilized them over steam for 10 minutes. It is imperative to sterilize the jars so that the currants stand longer and do not grow moldy. In dirty jars, harmful bacteria can remain and currants will quickly deteriorate.

I also doused the nylon lids with boiling water.

She spread the grated blackcurrant into prepared jars, closed the lids and put them in the refrigerator. There they will be stored.

It turned out from 1 kg of berries 3 half-liter jars of finished blackcurrant grated with sugar and a small vase to eat. This is not the first time I have rubbed berries with sugar like this: both raspberries and red currants. The jars are in the refrigerator until spring, and the jam does not grow moldy, does not sour, and is perfectly preserved. So I recommend that you also keep the vitamins of the currant grated with sugar for the winter.

Currants with sugar, prepared in any way, will become an indispensable assistant in the preparation of sweet dishes in the off-season. Harvested berries are used to fill pastries or decorate desserts. You can just make jam, but it is much more interesting to make pureed berries or jelly, freeze currants or make juice.

How to cook currants with sugar?

Fresh currants with sugar will be an ideal base for many preservation options. In order for the blanks to be stored all winter, you need to follow certain rules, verified over the years by experienced housewives.

  1. Long-term storage of currants with sugar in the raw version provides a large amount of sweetener. So that the workpiece does not deteriorate and does not ferment, sugar in the composition must be at least 60%.
  2. Before cooking, the berries are washed, sorted and the tails are removed, this is the most time-consuming moment in harvesting. For cutting, use small scissors, so the process will be greatly facilitated.
  3. Jam is made from whole berries, twisted or kneaded a little to make the preparation more homogeneous.
  4. An ideal option for winter storage is currants scrolled with sugar in the freezer. For convenience, the puree is cooled in small portions and then transferred to one container or sealed bag with a zipper.

Blackcurrant grated with sugar for the winter is a delicious sweet treat that is very easy to prepare. One difficulty in creating preservation will be the preparation of puree, or rather its grinding through a sieve. As a result, a delicious homogeneous delicacy will come out, which will thicken and become a little jelly during storage.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, dry, beat with a blender, wipe through a sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the puree, mix, put on fire.
  3. Boil for 25 minutes, removing the foam.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars, put under a blanket to cool slowly, store in a cool place.

It turns out very tasty, prepared for the winter. Such preservation is used to fill desserts, because during storage the delicacy becomes very thick. By adding a large amount of sugar, the workpiece is stored for a long time, but you should not keep it for more than one year.


  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • currant - 1 kg;


  1. Wash the currants, cut off the stems and twigs.
  2. Scroll through a meat grinder.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 4 hours.
  4. Boil the jam, removing the foam.
  5. Boil 15 minutes.
  6. Pour into prepared jars, roll up the lids, put under a warm blanket for slow cooling.

Currants with sugar in a blender

Whipped currants with a blender with sugar for the winter are similar in consistency to scrolled through a meat grinder. Such a delicacy can be boiled for 15-20 minutes and stored in the pantry, or you can leave the berry raw, but in this case the workpiece is stored all winter exclusively in the refrigerator. In the off-season, such conservation will help fight a cold.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Sort currants, wash, cut twigs and ponytails.
  2. Cover with sugar, leave for 5 hours.
  3. Currants are crushed together with sugar with a blender.
  4. Put on the stove, boil, removing the foam.
  5. Boil for 10 minutes, immediately pour into sterilized dishes, cork, send to heat for slow cooling.
  6. Such a blank is well stored for a year in a cool and dark place.

Tasty and mashed with sugar can be cooked according to the recipe of the famous Five Minutes. Berries can be scrolled through a meat grinder and punched with a blender, then rubbed through a large sieve, a small presence of seeds and pulp is allowed. From 1 kg of berries, one half-liter jar of goodies will come out.


  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Whip currants with a blender, wipe through a large sieve.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3-5 hours.
  3. Put to boil, remove the foam.
  4. Currant boils with sugar for exactly 5 minutes, set aside, cool.
  5. Repeat the boiling and cooling process 2 more times.
  6. Pour hot jam into a sterile container, put under a blanket, after 2 days move to the basement.

Whitecurrant with orange, mashed with sugar

Delightfully tasty preservation - fresh currants with sugar for the winter with the addition of orange zest and pulp. Due to the colossal content of pectin in the zest and white berries, the delicacy will turn out to be very thick and jelly. The amount of sugar can be reduced, citrus will guarantee the safety of goodies for the whole winter.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • orange - 1 pc.


  1. Sort currants from twigs, wash, put in a blender bowl, pierce, transfer to a saucepan.
  2. Peel the orange zest from the orange, remove the white peel and seeds, punch the pulp with a blender.
  3. Currant with orange and sugar is mixed and sent to the stove.
  4. Cook jam, removing foam.
  5. Boil for 15 minutes, pour into a sterile container, send to a warm place for slow cooling.
  6. Store all winter in a cool place.

Black with sugar is prepared by sterilizing the workpiece. The berries remain whole and are boiled directly in the bank. To implement the recipe, prepare a container in advance that will fit 3 half-liter jars. The whole process of preparing a treat is not fast, but it allows you to get a very useful preservation.


  • currant - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, remove the tails, sprinkle with layers of sugar. Leave for 5 hours.
  2. Put cardboard on the bottom of a large saucepan, put half-liter jars filled with currant mass.
  3. Pour water up to the "shoulders" of the cans.
  4. Put on medium heat, when the jam begins to boil, the currants will settle to the bottom. It is necessary to add a spoonful of berries, maintaining the amount of jam at the water level in the pan.
  5. When the jars are full, cover them with lids and leave to languish for 15 minutes.
  6. Roll up the lids, turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave for 2 days.
  7. The workpiece is stored in a cool room for no more than 6 months.

Concentrated redcurrant juice for the winter with sugar is thick and very sweet. Often, when serving, the drink is diluted with water to balance the cloying. It is better to close the drink in small jars or bottles; it is stored open for a very short time, no more than two days in the refrigerator. To prevent the jars from exploding, add a pinch of citric acid to each liter container.


  • red currant - 5 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Sort currants from twigs, wash.
  2. Squeeze out the juice, pour in water, cook, removing the foam.
  3. Add sugar, boil for 25 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterile bottles, put in heat for self-sterilization.
  5. Store in a cool place.

Currant with sugar without cooking

Stunningly delicious vitamin preparation - currants with sugar for the winter, which is not subjected to heat treatment. The blank is used to make compotes, eat just like that, complement pastries or pancakes. The delicacy goes well with ice cream as a bright and rich topping. To get rid of the tough skin and seeds, the berries are rubbed through a sieve.


  • currant (any) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Wash the currants, dry, pierce with a blender and rub through a sieve.
  2. Mix with 1 kg of sugar, immediately pour into sterilized jars until the sweetener has melted.
  3. Distribute into jars, without filling up to the edge of 2 cm.
  4. Fill the remaining space with sugar, close the lid.
  5. Such currants with sugar are stored exclusively in the refrigerator.

Fried will be a delicious filling for home baking or an unusual topping for a light dessert or ice cream. Caramel berries come out unusually tasty and you can taste this delicacy as soon as it cools down. Jam cooked in a pan can be prepared for future use, but stored only in the refrigerator.


  • currant - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • vanillin;
  • cloves - 3 buds.


  1. Melt sugar in a frying pan, throw in cloves, followed by currants.
  2. Simmer, stirring, 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the cloves, sprinkle with vanilla, mix.
  4. Refrigerate and use to decorate desserts.

Freezing currants with sugar for the winter is carried out in two ways: whole berries, barely frozen, are sprinkled with a sweetener and completely cooled in this form. The second method is to grind the berries and freeze in small forms. In any case, the way to preserve the valuable properties of currants in the freezer is ideal.

Currant has a unique taste and aroma, so compotes and jams are often prepared from berries. But due to the high temperature during the preparation of blanks for the winter, the berries lose their beneficial properties. In order to preserve the benefits of currants, we suggest housewives to prepare cold jam, which is not inferior to boiled in taste. Grated currants with sugar retain all useful vitamins and microelements. The composition of the berries contains pectin, which gives the workpiece the necessary density, as a result, jam is obtained without cooking, which is similar in consistency to jelly.

Traditional recipe for currants with sugar

Pureed currants with sugar for the winter without cooking are prepared very quickly, the hostess only needs to chop the berries and mix them with sugar. The end result is a delicious jam.


  • ripe blackcurrant - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 4 kg.

Cooking steps:

  • Take two kilograms of blackcurrant, sort the berries to remove twigs and leaves, then rinse the fruits.

  • Pour the currants into a large container and pour 4 kilograms of granulated sugar into the same place.

  • Since the workpiece will be prepared without cooking, there should be twice as much sugar as berries. You can put less granulated sugar, but then you will have to store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

  • The fruits are left for 10 minutes, after which the currants with sugar are poured into the blender bowl and everything is thoroughly crushed to obtain a homogeneous puree.

  • If the hostess does not have a blender, you can use a meat grinder, but in this case the jam will not be so homogeneous. The finished puree is poured back into the bowl and left to infuse for several hours.

  • The settled mass is transferred to sterilized jars with a volume of 0.5-1 liter. You can store the workpiece at room temperature or place it in the refrigerator.

Interesting! You can serve this jam to pancakes or pancakes for breakfast.

Red currant with sugar

Red currants do not have such a bright aroma as black fruits. Still, red currants are no less tasty.


  • red currant - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 300 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. Currant berries are sorted out, after which they are washed in water and the fruits are thrown into a colander so that the water is glass.
  2. 150 grams of granulated sugar are poured to the currant.
  3. The ingredients are well kneaded with a fork so that all the berries turn into a puree and let the juice flow. The process can take up to fifteen minutes.
  4. Instead of a fork, you can use a blender, with it it will be easier and faster to get mashed potatoes.
  5. For those housewives who do not like small seeds in cold jam, it is proposed to use a sieve. The finished mixture is ground through it, as a result, the seeds remain in the sieve.
  6. When the berries are ready, add another 150 grams of sugar to them and mix everything, or beat with a blender.
  7. Sugar should be added in several portions so that foam forms on the surface of the workpiece, this will prevent the jam from fermenting.
  8. Banks are scalded with boiling water, and then dried.
  9. Pureed currants with sugar are poured into each container, the blanks are tightly closed with lids and the dessert is sent for storage in the refrigerator.

Fact! This amount of products is enough for a 0.5 liter jar, if you need to roll up several jars of cold jam, then the number of ingredients is increased.

Currant pureed with orange

The composition of such an unusual jam contains an orange, it gives the workpiece a pleasant citrus aroma. The delicacy is prepared quickly, as it does not require cooking.


  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • large orange - 1 piece;
  • black currant - 1 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. Jars and lids are sterilized in a convenient way, the orange is thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water.
  2. Citrus is cut into slices, seeds are removed from it and the fruit is crushed with a blender.
  3. Berries of chokeberry are sorted out, then placed in a blender bowl and crushed to a puree state.
  4. Citrus is laid out in a bowl with fruits, the ingredients are poured with granulated sugar and left warm for several hours.
  5. During this time, the components are stirred to speed up the process of dissolving the sugar crystals.
  6. As soon as the grains dissolve and turn into syrup, the mass is transferred to clean jars and sealed with lids.
  7. Dessert should be stored in the refrigerator compartment.

Advice! In order for the workpiece to better retain its qualities and not deteriorate, it is recommended to sprinkle the top of the cold jam with a layer of sugar.

Blackcurrant pureed with raspberries

A popular recipe in which raspberries are added. A very tasty jam that you can enjoy in the winter cold. In order for the workpiece to be stored for a long time, it is impossible to reduce the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe.


  • black currant - 4 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • fresh raspberries - 3 cups.

Cooking steps:

  1. To begin with, they are engaged in the preparation of berries, for this, the currants are sorted and washed, they also do with raspberries.
  2. Berries begin to be laid in layers in a glass jar, first they put currants and pour a layer of sugar, then raspberries, and again sprinkle with sugar.
  3. You can grind the berries to a puree state, while additionally rubbing the fruits through a sieve to get rid of the seeds, and then pour the blanks into prepared jars, sprinkling the layers with sugar.
  4. Leave the cold jam to infuse for two days, removing the containers in the refrigerator.
  5. After the allotted time, the berries are mixed and transferred to clean jars of a small volume.

Pureed currants in syrup

The composition will include alcohol, this ingredient cannot be excluded, since it acts as a preservative. Thanks to alcohol, the jam will be stored for 3-5 months.


  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • purified water - 300 ml;
  • ripe currant - 1 kg;
  • alcohol - 15 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Currant berries are washed and sorted to remove rotten fruits, after which they are ground to a puree state.
  2. Sugar is added to the water and the ingredients are boiled until the syrup is ready.
  3. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth, after which the saucepan with syrup is again placed on the fire.
  4. Bring the contents of the container to a boil, and then cool to 40-50 degrees.
  5. The grated berries are poured with ready-made syrup and the ingredients are mixed.
  6. The resulting berry mass is poured into sterilized jars.
  7. Circles are cut out of parchment according to the diameter of the jar, the paper is moistened in alcohol and placed on top of the jam.
  8. The containers are rolled up and stored in a cool place, preferably in a refrigerator.

Fact! You should not store such a blank in a warm place, since the berries will begin to ferment in the heat, and the jam will quickly deteriorate. It is optimal to place the jars in the refrigerator or pantry, where the temperature will not exceed 15 degrees.

Currant grated with sugar "Original"

It will be interesting to cook grated currants with sugar using several varieties at once. For this, red, white and chokeberry are taken. Berries are used in equal proportions, twice as much sugar is taken for the total number of fruits.


  • blackcurrant berries - 700 grams;
  • red currant berries - 700 grams;
  • white currant berries - 700 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 4 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. All the fruits are washed and sorted, after which the berries are individually ground through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous puree.
  2. If there is no sieve, you should use a meat grinder or blender.
  3. The prepared puree is mixed in a bowl, sprinkled with sugar and left for two hours.
  4. During this time, the workpiece should be stirred so that the sugar grains dissolve faster.
  5. When this happens, the workpiece is poured into jars, and then the jam is sprinkled with sugar and corked with lids.

Advice! For taste, you can add a little raspberries or apricots to the recipe, it turns out very fragrant and tasty.

The jam is prepared without cooking, so the jars must be sterilized, otherwise the finished dessert will begin to ferment. You can store jam in the refrigerator or pantry. The finished delicacy is used as an independent dessert, or served with pancakes.

There are recipes for making pureed currants without adding sugar. Such a blank is stored not so long, but it retains more useful vitamins.

Blackcurrant, harvested for the winter, without cooking, is a tasty, bright and healthy source of vitamins and minerals that can strengthen the immune system.

Blackcurrant without cooking - general principles of cooking

Picking and then harvesting berries for the winter is a common tradition in our country. And in order to preserve all the benefits of currants for the whole year, it is best not to give the berries heat treatment.

From blackcurrant without cooking, you can make jam, jelly, jam. In addition, a healthy berry can be dried and frozen. All this is within the power of any housewife, even without special culinary experience.

The main thing is to stock up on berries, sugar and the necessary utensils for the harvesting process: a stainless steel saucepan or basin, sterilized jars and lids, a large spoon for stirring. Dishes must be clean, dry and sterile.

Berries for drying and freezing, as well as for jam, use unripe, whole. Of course, many are accustomed to using crushed and broken berries when preparing blanks from various berries, but blackcurrant without cooking is not subjected to heat treatment, so it must be free of traces of rot and dirt, otherwise your blank will simply turn sour.

Another important point is sugar. Since you don’t have to boil blackcurrants, make sure that the granulated sugar is clean, free of crumbs and impurities. It is best to use the product just taken out of the packaging.

1. What to make from blackcurrant for the winter without cooking: drying and freezing

Who doesn’t want to enjoy delicious fresh jam from the garden on a cold winter evening, only boiled compote, pies, pancakes with fragrant black currants. But here's where to find the product, except in expensive stores where not everyone can afford them. An excellent option would be drying or freezing the berries. These procedures do not require cooking, a long preparation process and special effort.

Freeze. The main thing to remember and take into account is that the berries do not need to be washed. The fact is that during washing, water remains in the currant, which leads to deformation of the berries during freezing. Therefore, you should sort out the currants, remove the leaves, twigs and spoiled berries and spread the berries on a board or tray. Freeze the berries in the freezer for a day at a temperature of -18 ° C. Then transfer the berries to a bag or container, as you like.

Drying. So that the dried berry does not deteriorate, remains tasty, it is recommended to collect it in sunny, dry weather. Wet berries do not dry well. Currants can be dried with individual berries and brushes. Sort the currants, put them on a metal baking sheet so that they do not fit tightly to each other. Dry in the oven for an hour at 60 degrees without closing the oven door. Store dried currants in dry, tightly closed jars in a dark place.

2. Blackcurrant without cooking for the winter


One and a half kilograms of black currant;

One and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully remove the berries from the branches, remove all the leaves and grass that fell during the collection, throw out the spoiled currants.

2. Rinse the selected berries in water and divide into approximately equal three parts.

3. Twist two-thirds of the currant in a meat grinder.

4. Mix currant puree with whole berries and sugar in a suitable container.

5. Gently, so as not to crush whole berries, while stirring the jam with a spoon, wait 30-45 minutes for all the sugar to completely dissolve.

6. Pour the prepared jam into sterile jars, close tightly with lids.

7. Store in a cool place.

3. Blackcurrant jam without cooking with orange


Two kilograms of blackcurrant;

Three kilograms of sugar;

Two large oranges.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the blackcurrant, separate the berries from the twigs, remove the spoiled fruits and leaves. Put the berries in a colander, rinse well, let the excess liquid drain.

2. Transfer the currants to the pan, chop with an immersion blender. You can also twist the berry in a meat grinder through a fine grate.

3. Rinse the orange thoroughly, rub with a sponge if necessary. Cut, without peeling, into several parts and also chop.

4. Mix the currant mass with the orange mass in one large container, add sugar.

5. Leave the jam for several hours until all the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Stir occasionally.

6. As soon as the sugar dissolves, transfer the jam to sterilized jars, tightly cover the container with lids.

7. Store the workpiece for no more than a year in the refrigerator or in a cool dark place.

4. Blackcurrant jelly without cooking for the winter


A kilogram of blackcurrant;

A kilogram of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To make jelly with a delicate texture, you need to use powdered sugar when preparing it. You can purchase a ready-made product or make your own powder from granulated sugar.

2. Pour sugar into a coffee grinder in small portions, grind to a powder state.

3. Grind thoroughly washed and sorted berries in a blender, then put the mass on a sieve with small holes. Grind the berries so that the possibly large skin, the seeds do not get into the jelly.

4. Pour powdered sugar into currant jelly in small portions, constantly stirring the mass.

5. Transfer the most delicate jelly to clean pre-sterilized jars, roll up.

5. Blackcurrant without cooking for the winter with raspberries


Half a kilo of raspberries;

1 kg of blackcurrant;

1.8 kg of granulated sugar;

Glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and rinse currant berries. Pour in boiled water for 2 minutes. Throw hot currants on a sieve, pass berries through it.

2. Sort the raspberries and grind in any convenient way to a puree state.

3. Prepare sugar syrup: pour sand with water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and mix thoroughly. Wait for the syrup to cool completely, you can periodically stir the mass so that all the grains are completely dissolved.

4. Pour the jam into sterile hot glass containers, close the lids tightly.

5. Leave the blackcurrant for a couple of days at room temperature, then transfer to storage in a cooler place.

6. Jam Assorted. Strawberries, black and red currants without cooking


A kilogram of strawberries;

Half a kilo of red currants;

Half a kilo of blackcurrant;

A sachet of citric acid (15 grams);

One and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly sort through all the berries, separate the currants from the branches, cut off the tails of the strawberries.

2. Transfer the strawberries to the blender bowl, chop into a puree.

3. Fold the black and red currants into a large glass container and pour boiling water for 1 minute, then drain the water immediately, and grind the berries themselves through a sieve.

4. Mix the currant mass with strawberry puree, add granulated sugar and citric acid.

5. Set the container of jam aside for half a day. This is enough time for all the sugar to dissolve. Do not forget to come up and mix the berries once or twice an hour.

6. Pour the finished blackcurrant jam without boiling into a sterile container, sprinkle the top with a little sugar, roll up.

7. Store in any convenient cool place.

Blackcurrant without cooking for the winter - secrets and little tricks

You can diversify the taste of your winter preparations and cook, according to these recipes, not just blackcurrants, but various berry platters. For example, currants with gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, as well as a mixture of black currants with red and white currants. The principle of preparation does not change, the main thing is to observe the proportions of berries and sugar: one to one. You should not put less sugar, since the berries are not heat-treated, due to an insufficient amount of granulated sugar, jam, jelly or jam can deteriorate, and “not having lived” before winter. And an excess of sugar can lead to sugaring of the product.

If you do not like seeds in jelly or jams, do not forget to grind the berries through a sieve. And so that this does not make any special difficulties, it is recommended to pre-chop or blanch the berries.

Place cooked blackcurrants in clean, dry, sterilized jars. Banks are easy and quick to sterilize by placing them in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Berries of red and black currants are very useful because they are rich in vitamins. In addition, there are currant bushes in almost every summer cottage. However, many gardeners underestimate this common berry, and some do not like its sour taste. But currants can be used to make an amazing fragrant and vitamin-rich dessert - currants grated with sugar. The recipe for this preparation for the winter is very simple, and the dish does not require special storage conditions.

Dish properties

Fresh currant berries are not a product stored for a long time, so it is best to prepare them for the winter. There are an immense number of recipes for fragrant currant preparations. However, the simplest solution is to grind the berries with sugar. This recipe will be possible even for those who are not experienced chefs. In addition, the preparation of currant grated with sugar does not take much time. And kitchen tools will require a minimum amount. But such simplicity and convenience does not make the delicacy less tasty. Currant grated with sugar has an incomparable aroma and delicious taste.

Blackcurrant contains a small amount of oxidative enzymes, thanks to which vitamin C is better preserved in it. It is this property that makes it possible to use currant blanks as a vitamin-rich product that has excellent taste. In addition, in order to prepare wonderful raw currant jam, you do not need to resort to heat treatment, which will also preserve the valuable properties of currants. Properly mashed and frozen currants will remind you of summer in the winter cold. It can also be preserved or rolled up in another way.


Currant is a berry crop that is widespread in Russia. Which is not surprising, because its berries abound in useful substances and have a high nutritional value. The berry is exceptionally rich in ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which is known for its antioxidant properties. Black currants are richer in vitamin C than red or white currants. In terms of the content of this vitamin, the berry is inferior only to rose hips. Only now the wild rose is inedible, and the currant is not only edible, but also extremely tasty and fragrant. A surprisingly small amount of currants (about 20 berries) can provide the human body with a daily requirement of vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid is important for the normal functioning of organs, it strengthens the immune system and increases the body's defenses. That is why currants are advised to use for colds. In addition, blackcurrant berries contain a high content of vitamins B1, B2, B9, K, trace elements, essential oils, sugar, organic acids and other useful substances necessary for the human body for normal functioning.

The berry is used as a multivitamin and tonic, it also improves the absorption of various nutrients.

Also in these berries, miraculous in their healing properties, there are a number of substances that help prevent the onset of senile dementia. And currant tea is often used as a fairly strong diuretic. All these properties of the substances contained in the currant make the berry an indispensable product in the diet of people with a variety of diseases. In addition, vitamins E and D contained in all varieties of currants allow you to keep the skin young, protect it from the aggression of free radicals. And B vitamins help the body fight various stresses and overloads.

Also, this common berry culture is rich in potassium. Especially in this regard, red and white currants differ. Potassium is indispensable for the transmission of nerve impulses, it ensures the normal functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is also necessary for the regulation of water-salt balance in the body.

So, if swelling bothers you, then pay attention to white and red currants. In addition, potassium improves the acid-base balance in the body.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you should understand some of the properties of currants that can help you in the difficult process of losing weight. It contains dietary fiber (pectin), which, once in our body, swell, absorbing moisture. Thus, they increase in volume and fill the digestive tract. At the same time, a person experiences a feeling of satisfaction of hunger. In addition, currants are completely non-caloric, so people who care about their figure should think about including this berry in their diet.

Currant is extremely rich in useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of our body. Its use often helps to solve various health problems. Therefore, it is extremely important to stock up on such a valuable source of essential vitamins so that you can take care of your beauty and health all year round.


Currant has numerous beneficial properties, but still, the use of this berry should be treated with some caution. Firstly, there are a number of diseases in which the use of fresh currants and various dishes from it may be undesirable. These include thrombophlebitis. The reason is that the use of currants can cause an increase in blood clotting. And this is contraindicated for those people who have a predisposition to thrombosis. It is also not recommended to include this berry in your diet if you have problems with stomach acidity, because in this case, vitamin C-rich currants can only exacerbate the disease.

Secondly, currants can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is best to carefully consider its use. It is unreasonable to consume the fruits of the currant or any dishes from it in excessive quantities, and, of course, with special care, it is worth introducing currants into the diet of children.

Less allergenic are varieties of white and red currants, but they also contain less useful substances than black currants.

Composition and calories

Dish Ingredients:

  • currant berries (you can use both black and red currants, or you can mix them) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 kg.

Servings: 24.

Single serving for one person: 80-100 grams.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • calories - 221 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.5 grams;
  • fats - 0.2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 53.5 grams.

How to cook?

The recipe for grated currants with sugar is amazingly simple. However, pay attention to the fact that you need to carefully monitor the observance of proportions. If there is not enough sugar in the currant prepared according to this recipe, then it will simply deteriorate. Therefore, carefully weigh the berries and sugar before you start cooking. First you need to prepare the berries. They need to be carefully sorted out, because only intact berries are suitable for cooking. It is also necessary to sort out currants because various debris (twigs, beetles, scraps of cellophane, etc.) can get into it. It is necessary to remove all leaves and small twigs from the berries.

Then you need to rinse the berries under running water. To do this, you can use a colander or a sieve. It is best that the water under which you wash the berries is cold. When all the berries are washed, they must be carefully spread out in a thin layer on a paper or plain cloth towel. They should dry well, because if there is too much moisture, then there is a high probability that currant jam that does not require cooking will deteriorate. When the berries are dry, they can be ground with a fork or passed through a meat grinder. To grind them and turn them into a homogeneous mass, you can use a blender.

Before starting the grinding process, you need to make sure that the fork, meat grinder or blender bowl is clean and dry.

When the homogeneous berry mass is ready, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar, saturated with berry juice, will begin to dissolve. But this process is not instantaneous. Leave the mixed mixture in the room for 2-3 hours so that the sugar dissolves completely. While the sugar is dissolving, you can start sterilizing the lids and jars into which you will pour currants grated with sugar. When time passes and the sugar dissolves, you should again mix the currant mass well. Before proceeding with the process of packaging wonderful jam, you need to prepare the tools. It is most convenient to use a ladle and a funnel. They must be scalded with boiling water, then you can start pouring into jars.

When the jars are filled with sweet-scented berries, don't miss one more important detail. You need to pour a small amount of citric acid crystals on top of the currant dessert. This will help the raw jam not spoil even longer. If there is no citric acid, then you can pour a layer of granulated sugar over the jam. In this case, if the jam is covered with a film, or you find mold under the lid, then you will only need to remove the top layer of sugar. After that, it is necessary to tightly close all the jars with nylon lids. Amazing currant grated with sugar is ready. Send it to be stored so that later you can get a vitamin treat in the fall or winter and enjoy the amazing taste.

How to store?

You can store containers with fragrant currants grated with sugar in any cool place: a refrigerator, a cellar, and a basement will do. And if you increase the concentration of sugar in a currant vitamin treat, then the product can be stored at temperatures up to +8°C. But still, it is better to allocate some space in the refrigerator for such a valuable source of vitamins and minerals for the winter, since it is undesirable to increase the concentration of sugar without a strong need. Sugar is still far from being a healthy nutrient.
