
Gooseberry jam: Royal, with orange, cherry leaf, walnut. Recipes for "royal" or "royal" gooseberry jam with walnuts

Gooseberries have been one of the favorite berries of Russians since time immemorial. Only recently it became known that it helps to remove radiation from the body, effectively fights the aging process, and is an excellent tool for the prevention of cancer. It also contains many vitamins, as well as calcium and potassium.

There are a lot of recipes for gooseberry jam. But there are a few basic rules that apply to all cooking methods:

1. Thoroughly rinse and sort through all the berries, sorting out the crumpled ones, with rotten barrels, affected by powdery mildew.

2. Trim the ponytails.

3. As a rule, all recipes for gooseberry jam are similar in the way they are prepared: boil for a short time, remove from the stove, cool, boil again, cool (there may be more steps).

4. Try to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, as unauthorized debris may come from above.

We will not write the phrase “mine, sort out, cut off the tails” in each recipe. We look forward to your responsibility.

Tsar's gooseberry jam, which Stalin loved

In one of his programs on Radio KP, our beloved expert and presenter Andrei Tumanov (listen to him every Saturday from 10.05 on a wave of 97.2 FM in Moscow) spoke very tasty about gooseberries, recommending that all summer residents get rid of prickly old varieties and plant modern - they do not suffer from powdery mildew, and almost without thorns.

In general, gooseberries were one of the favorite crops in Russia. Bersenevskaya embankment in Moscow. And once the Moscow River was even called Bersenevka. Bersen in Slavic - this is exactly the gooseberry. I recommend cooking royal jam, which Comrade Stalin loved very much. Royal jam is when you open unripe gooseberries, preferably larger ones, take out the seeds and fill the berry itself with walnuts, not ground, but finely chopped. And then make jam out of it. It turns out very beautiful and very tasty green jam with the taste of walnuts.

Detailed recipe:

It will take 1 kg of gooseberries, 1.5 kg of sugar and walnuts 150-200 grams.

We thoroughly wash the berries, relieving them of tails. Slightly cut the skin and squeeze out the contents. It is advisable to rub this gooseberry mass through a sieve to get rid of the seeds (they are too dense).

We add sugar to the resulting mass and send it to the stove, to a water bath. Heat the puree until all the sugar has dissolved.

At this time, carefully pack the neatly chopped pieces of walnuts into the remaining skins. Dip the “stuffed” gooseberries into the prepared puree, put on the stove and bring to a boil for five minutes. We shoot, we cool. We repeat the procedure 4-5 more times. Gooseberries with nuts become almost translucent, and the jam acquires an emerald color. If you take a red variety of gooseberries, then the jam will be a very rich amber color.

Emerald gooseberry jam

Some call this recipe also "royal", but it does not use walnuts.

You will only need a green variety of gooseberries 1 kg, sugar 1 kg, water 1.5 cups.

Berries are better to take larger, dense, strong. Prick. Boil water with sugar, pour the berries with boiling syrup, leave to infuse for 5 hours. Drain the syrup again, boil, pour boiling syrup over the berries again. After five hours, boil the jam already with berries for 10-15 minutes. Pour hot into jars.

Gooseberry with orange

You will need gooseberries 900 grams, sugar 1.2 kg, orange - 2 pieces.

We take out the seeds from the orange, twist them together with the zest and gooseberries in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Then we stir this mass with sugar, put on fire, boil for 7-10 minutes. Set aside for 5-6 hours. Boil again for 7-10 minutes. We pour into banks. Very tasty jam with citrus aroma.

And you can not cook this fragrant mass. Just divide into jars and freeze. In winter, such gooseberry sherbet will become a real vitamin bomb.

Gooseberry with cherry leaves

It will take 1 kg of gooseberries, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1.5 cups of water, 20-25 cherry leaves.

We pierce the gooseberries with a needle or a toothpick and pour the required volume of water. We insist 8-9 hours. We drain the water from under the gooseberries, put cherry leaves and sugar in it, bring to a boil. We take out the leaves, filter the syrup, let it cool. Bring the syrup to a boil again, lay the berries, bring to a boil over high heat. Remove from stove, cool. Then boil for another 10 minutes and pour into jars. It turns out a very beautiful jam with a cherry flavor.

Gooseberry jam on fructose

It will take 1 kg of gooseberries, 1 kg of fructose.

Pierce each berry with a fork to let the juice flow, cover with fructose for 2 hours, then add 50 ml of boiling water for each 1 kg of berries, put on the slowest fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Turn off, cool, covered with paper (so that excess water evaporates). Then repeat the process three times. Pour into sterile jars, close. You can store at room temperature.

Classic gooseberry jam

It will take 1 kg of gooseberries, 1 kg of sugar, half a glass of water.

If you want the berries to remain whole, pierce them before cooking.

Pour the berries with water and let it boil, add sugar, stir and boil for half an hour. Turn off the heat and insist 2-3 hours, boil again for another half hour. Pour into a jar, twist.

Gooseberry jam five minutes

It will take 900 grams of gooseberries, 1-1.1 kg of sugar.

A simplified version of the classic recipe. In order not to cook gooseberries for so long, you need to soak them overnight. After cutting off the tails, fill the berries with two glasses of water for 8-9 hours.

In the morning, mix with sugar, boil for five minutes at maximum heat. Pour into banks.

Delicious homemade jams have been loved for a very long time. Archaeologists have established that our distant ancestors, long before the advent of the civilizations of Antiquity, ate crushed berries with sweet additives. Any hostess knows how to cook delicious and sweet jam. On the territory of the CIS, housewives prefer jams made from raspberries, strawberries, currants and plums.

If raspberry jam is a little boring, you can cook this sweet dish from other fruits. But from what? A good choice would be sour spicy green gooseberry jam with walnuts. Such a dish was known in Imperial Russia under the name "Tsar's jam". It is easy to prepare; if you don’t grow nuts and gooseberries, you can easily get them at small markets where grandmothers from the suburbs trade.

Walnut and gooseberry - where did they come from?

Walnuts grow on trees that come from Central Asia. It was grown in ancient Babylon. The priests of Babylon believed that the nut increases intelligence, so the aristocracy loved it very much. Once the ancient Greeks learned about nuts. They liked these fruits and they began to grow them at home. In Rus', little was known about nuts, but during the time of Peter and Catherine, many Greeks emigrated to Russia, fleeing Turkish persecution. They brought this plant with them.

The first mention of gooseberries dates back to 1536. They were described by the French physician Jean Ruelle in his book. He believed that the gooseberry came to France from Western Europe or possibly North Africa. Gooseberries were widely cultivated in England, in 1852 the botanist Pasner counted about 1000 gooseberry species.
However, there is reason to think that the gooseberry came from Russia. Monasteries in Rus' kept records of their economy. In one of the monastic books of the XI century there is a mention of berries that very much resemble gooseberries. Then our ancestors called it northern grapes, as well as bersen. Apparently, the Bersenevskaya embankment of Moscow is named after the gooseberry (there is a legend that the Moscow Tsar Ivan III grew this berry there).

For cooking, we need a few glasses of green gooseberries, a couple of nuts, as well as spices and a little patience. To make the jam sour, gooseberries must be taken unripe, bright green, because a ripe pink berry tastes sweet.

We take the following ingredients:

A kilogram of green gooseberries.
Granulated sugar: one and a half kilograms.
One and a half glasses of water.
Ripe non-green walnut (kernel) - 70-80 grams.
Unrefined sunflower oil (drop).
Banks with lids.

Now let's take these steps:

Peel the walnut from the shell, cut the kernels of the nuts into small slices; put a drop of oil in the pan and put the chopped kernels there. Roast them until a spicy nutty aroma appears.
Wash and clean gooseberries. Make a light cut and use a safety pin to remove the pulp and seeds.
We make sugar syrup. We take one and a half glasses of water, pour them into a saucepan, add sugar, stir the mixture with a spoon. We put it on the stove in a special way - the fire should heat only half of the pan. When cooking, foam will appear, we must remove it with a slotted spoon or spoon. Over time, the release of foam will stop. Then we put the pan completely on the stove and make the fire a little smaller. Evaporate the water until the syrup begins to thicken.
Gently stuff the berries with nuts, put them in a saucepan with syrup.
Put the berries in syrup on the fire, bring to a boil. Then turn off the heat and let stand on the stove for about 5 hours. Then take out the berries, and put the syrup back on the fire. Evaporate the water until you get the syrup of the consistency you want. Put the berries back in, bring to a boil and turn off.
Pour the jam into jars, close them with lids so that there is no access to oxygen (you can roll it up). Put on your gloves. Wrap the jars in some thick fabric (an old fur coat is ideal) for 12 hours.
Place the jars in a cool, dry place. In order for the jam to acquire a pleasant nutty flavor, you need to wait a few months.

Royal gooseberry jam with walnuts is ready!

A few words about the benefits of nuts and gooseberries

Nuts and gooseberries are very useful. They are widely used in folk medicine. Walnut kernels delay atherosclerosis and contain the most important trace elements - zinc, copper, cobalt, iron. Walnut kernels are attributed to diabetics, as well as people with fatty liver. Gooseberries help normalize blood pressure, which is why it is attributed to people suffering from hypertension. Berries increase the production of urine, so it is used as a diuretic for kidney diseases. This berry is also loved by nutritionists for its high vitamin content and low calorie content.


Gooseberries and walnuts are very healthy berries. From them you can cook delicious royal jam, which was highly valued and appreciated in Russia. Preparing the jam does not take much time, but in order for its taste to be fully revealed, you need to let it brew for several months.

Such a berry gooseberry, for some reason does not enjoy success in our time, but in vain, it is very tasty and, moreover, rich in useful substances. Today I want to pay attention to gooseberries, and cook tasty and quick and nuts, with the addition of honey. Did you know that gooseberries contain a salt of succinic acid, which is not known to everyone. This salt is very good for brain activity.

Those people who need to increase hemoglobin should also consume this berry more often. In addition, they say that green gooseberries are healthier than ripe berries. For good health, it will be enough to drink a decoction of gooseberries.

There are many varieties of gooseberries, and each of them is healthy and tasty. Do not miss the opportunity until this berry has departed, and eat it in any form, you can also prepare a couple of jars of gooseberry jam.

For example, you can do gooseberries in walnut-honey sauce. In addition to healthy gooseberries, this jam will contain an equally tasty product, like a nut. Jam does not cook for a long time, and without special skills.

  • gooseberries - 500 grams,
  • honey - 250 grams,
  • walnuts 80 grams,
  • water 70 ml.

Gooseberries in walnut-honey filling - recipe

Select large and dense gooseberries, tear off the tails, wash and dry them. Put the gooseberries in a container in which you will cook the jam.

Dilute honey with water, in this jam it will give its flavor.

Then pour this syrup over the berries.

Add nuts to berries and stir with a spoon. Everyone knows the taste and benefits of walnuts, this product came to us from Ancient Greece, hence its name. This delicacy has a positive effect on our body, in terms of the totality of useful substances, it has no equal. It contains many vitamins and antioxidants, more than twenty amino acids.

For example, walnuts contain much more vitamin C than blackcurrants, and even more than citrus fruits, so they should be consumed more often during the cold season and for people with reduced immunity. To saturate our body with the necessary elements, it is enough to eat 3-4 walnut kernels every day.

On low heat, bring to a boil, cook the jam for 10 minutes, remove the foam with a spoon.

hotter gooseberry jam with honey and nuts remove from the stove, prepare pre-sterilized jars. Pour into jars, close lids tightly. Store this jam in a cool place.

How to make gooseberry jam? Recipes for the winter and without cooking are easy to prepare, and gooseberry blanks are unusually tasty and full of vitamins. The beneficial properties of gooseberries do not depend on the variety and color of the berries: each gooseberry is rich in vitamin A, C, E, PP, B vitamins, micro and macro elements - calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium and phosphorus.

The benefits of gooseberries are enormous, the berries have a diuretic, choleretic and mild laxative effect on the human body, are indicated for high blood pressure, bleeding and menstrual irregularities, gastritis with low acidity and diabetes mellitus. Eating gooseberries strengthens blood vessels and promotes rapid fat burning in obesity, helps fight anemia in pregnant women.

Gooseberries are contraindicated only in patients with gastric or duodenal ulcers, enteritis or colitis. If no one in your family suffers from these diseases, be sure to choose a jam recipe to your liking and prepare this healthy berry.

First, let's talk about how to sterilize jars and prepare gooseberries for harvesting, and then move on to the 6 best jam recipes: five-minute, emerald with cherry leaves, royal with walnuts, with orange, with lemon and raw without cooking. The TestoVed site team hopes that each reader will find a recipe to their liking.

Sterilization of jars and preparation of gooseberries

If the jam rolls up for the winter, regardless of the recipe chosen, before starting cooking, it is imperative to prepare jars and lids. First you need to wash both jars and lids with plenty of soapy water under hot water, and then sterilize them with your preferred method.

Testoved advises. There are many ways to sterilize jars, but one of the simplest and most convenient is sterilization using an oven.

To sterilize the jars, after washing, put them in a cold oven and heat it to 150 ° C. After 15 minutes, turn off the oven and do not remove the jars until you are ready to transfer the finished hot jam into them.

To sterilize the lids, boil water in a saucepan and boil the lids for 2-3 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the lids in the water until you need them, but at least 10 minutes.

How to remove pits from gooseberries?

For cooking gooseberries, it is better to choose a slightly unripe, strong, with an elastic skin. Gooseberries, like, for example, apricots, are rich in natural pectin, therefore, according to any recipe, jam from it thickens perfectly without adding a store-bought thickener.

Read:, tasty and thick - a detailed recipe + tips.

Some recipes for jam with whole berries require you to remove the seeds (pits) from the gooseberries. To do this, in the washed berries, you need to cut off the tails and the edge of the lower part with a knife or scissors, and then carefully remove the seeds with the tip of a knife, a pin or a hairpin. To make the sugar better absorbed during cooking, the berries can be chipped with a toothpick.

4 hours to prepare

15 min to prepare

280 kcal per 100 g

Five-minute gooseberry jam is the easiest gooseberry harvest recipe for the winter.

Gooseberries are rich in natural pectin, so there is no need to add store-bought thickeners to the workpiece.

Keep in mind that gooseberries are reluctant to release juice, so be sure to add water to the recipe, and it is also advisable to fill the gooseberries with sugar in advance and leave them for several hours, and preferably all night, in the refrigerator.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml.


  1. Let's prepare the berry. We sort out the gooseberries, discard the damaged fruits, remove the tails. Rinse thoroughly and lay out on a clean towel to dry. We transfer the dried gooseberries to an enameled pan, cover with sugar and put in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight, so that the berries let the juice flow.
  2. We take out the pan and fill the berries with water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Pour the remaining granulated sugar, stir with a wooden spatula. Remove foam as needed.
  3. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes on low heat. Remove from heat, leave to cool completely.
  4. We boil the cooled mass again, cook for 5 minutes, then cool. We repeat the procedure for the third time, but do not leave it to cool, but immediately lay out the hot jam in prepared sterile jars and roll it up with metal lids. Turn over, wrap with a blanket and cool. We store in the winter in a cool place.

Emerald gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe berries. The right gooseberry for emerald jam is large, but with elastic skin, sour in taste. Such a gooseberry will keep whole berries in jam.

To make the jam acquire a beautiful emerald hue and fragrant aroma, fresh cherry leaves are added to the recipe.


  • gooseberries - 1.6 kg;
  • fresh cherry leaves - 20 pcs.;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients: green gooseberries, fresh cherry leaves, water (preferably filtered) and sugar.
  2. We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the gooseberry stalks and cut off the tails. Cut each berry and remove the seeds. As a result, about 1 kg of peeled pitted berries should remain.
  3. We spread the berries in layers in an enamel bowl of sufficient capacity, alternating with cherry leaves. Fill with cold filtered water and leave for at least 6 hours.
  4. We drain the water through a colander (but do not pour it out!) And let the gooseberries dry a little. Strain water from gooseberries and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour sugar into boiled water and boil the syrup for 3 minutes.
  6. Remove the syrup from the heat and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, put the gooseberries in it. Leave at room temperature for 3 hours.
  7. When the berry mass is infused, again put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-8 minutes and remove from heat. Again, leave at least 6 hours. Bring to a boil again, also boil for 5-8 minutes and again leave at room temperature for 5-6 hours. For the last time, cook the jam for no more than 8 minutes.
  8. Pour the jam into sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids. We turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Store the workpiece preferably in a cool place.

Like emerald, royal gooseberry jam is made from slightly unripe berries. For making jam, gooseberries are suitable for both green and red, depending on the desired color of the workpiece.

As in the previous recipe, to achieve a beautiful emerald hue, royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves is prepared. To do this, the green berry must first be soaked with cherry leaves, and then proceed to make jam.

In the classic royal jam recipe, walnuts are placed inside each berry, but this is a rather troublesome and time-consuming task, so we will fill only part of the berries with nuts and prepare jam with a surprise.


  • dense not overripe gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - 200 g (or more if desired);
  • sugar - 1.1 kg;
  • water - half a glass.


  1. We prepare the ingredients. We wash the berries, clean them from the sepals and stalks, take out the seeds. We don't throw away the seeds. We cut the nuts with a knife not too finely so that a piece of the nut fits into the berry.
  2. We fill the berries with nuts as much as enough. The more nuts you take, the more berries you can fill.
  3. Put the seeds together with the pulp in a saucepan, fill with water and cook for 5 minutes. After five minutes, wipe the seeds through a sieve and discard. Pour sugar into the remaining liquid and bring the syrup to a boil over low heat.
  4. After boiling, put the berries with nuts in the syrup. Mix carefully so that the nuts do not come out of the berries. Bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Leave at room temperature for 8-10 hours without closing the lid.
  5. After the specified time, boil the mass again, and then again set aside for 8-10 hours. Bring to a boil a third time, boil for 5 minutes.
  6. We lay out the jam in pre-sterilized jars and twist with metal lids or cork with nylon. Leave until completely cool. We store in a cool place.

If you have the desire and free time, you can take more walnuts for the recipe and stuff each berry.

Useful gooseberry jam with orange in winter perfectly improves immunity and helps fight beriberi due to the rich vitamin composition of gooseberries and oranges. Oranges, like gooseberries, contain vitamins A, C, E and PP, strengthen the immune system and lower blood cholesterol levels.

Gooseberry jam with orange turns out to be very thick due to the high concentration of pectin in the berry and the gelling properties of orange peels, so there is no need to add thickeners during cooking. Berries are better to take green, slightly underripe, elastic to the touch.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. We thoroughly wash the gooseberries, cut off or cut off the tails. Wash the oranges thoroughly, cut into slices and remove the pits. We don't peel oranges!
  2. Gooseberries, together with orange slices, are passed through a meat grinder until smooth.
  3. We spread the fruit mass in a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn.
  4. After boiling, remove from the stove and set aside until the mass has completely cooled, at room temperature.
  5. When the jam has cooled, put the saucepan back on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Hot jam is immediately poured into sterile jars and corked with metal or nylon lids. We turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool.

You can store jam at room temperature - the acid in oranges will ensure the safety of the workpiece throughout the winter.

Another very useful jam is gooseberry with lemon. Lemon is rich not only in vitamin C, but also in five different B vitamins, carotene and vitamin PP.

It is useful to eat jam not only in winter to combat beriberi, but also all year round - harvesting improves metabolism, strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and normalizes liver function.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 350 ml.


  1. As in the previous recipes, we will first prepare the berries. We sort out the gooseberries, rinse thoroughly, cut off the tails. It is also advisable to prick each berry with toothpicks.
  2. Cook the syrup: in a saucepan, mix water and sugar, bring to a boil. As soon as the syrup boils, put the gooseberries into it. Stir and cook for 20 minutes, skimming as needed.
  3. My lemon, cut in half. One half is peeled and cut into pieces along with the peel. Dip the lemon slices into the pan, mix again and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Find out right now:- step by step instructions + cooking tricks.

  4. Immediately lay out on previously sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and wrap. Leave until the jars are completely cool.

If you want a more uniform, jelly-like consistency of the dessert without individual lemon pieces, you can skip the lemons with berries before cooking through a meat grinder.

Gooseberries are famous for their unique vitamin composition, but some of its beneficial properties are lost during cooking. Much more vitamins are stored in raw jam that has not undergone heat treatment.

Such a blank also has a minus - a short shelf life. Jam without cooking is not rolled under the lids and is stored exclusively in the refrigerator.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. We wash the berries, remove the tails and rinse well. Lemons are also washed, and then poured over with boiling water. Cut into small pieces and remove the seeds from the lemons.
  2. We pass the berries together with slices of lemon through a meat grinder or chop with a combine. The resulting homogeneous mixture is transferred to a saucepan or bowl, covered with sugar and mixed. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours to dissolve the sugar.
  3. Once again, mix well, lay out in dry sterile jars and close with nylon lids. We store strictly in the refrigerator.

As mentioned above, raw jam is not stored for a long time, so it is better to eat it right away and not leave it until winter.

Friends, what kind of gooseberry jam do you cook? Share your recipes, ideas and feedback with TestoVed in the comments!

Many people know how many useful vitamins and minerals are contained in gooseberries. But what exactly? This wonderful berry is rich in vitamins C, E, groups B and P. And also, copper and iron, which are so necessary for the human body, can be obtained from it.

Of course, if you want to preserve all the beneficial properties of gooseberries to the maximum, then freezing this berry is the best option. But most of us, both adults and children, have an incorrigible sweet tooth. And in order to treat yourself to something delicious on frosty evenings, you need to worry about it in the summer. There are a huge number of ways to cook delicious gooseberry jam. Let's opt for gooseberry jam with walnuts. The history of this recipe is rooted in the deep past, and for its unusual taste and color it was called royal.

So, in order to make gooseberry jam with nuts, you will need:

Gooseberries 1 kg (berries must be firm and green);

Chopped walnuts - half a glass;

Sugar - 1.5 kg;

Cold water - 2 glasses;

Cherry leaves - 20 pieces;

Wash the gooseberries well, carefully cut off the ponytails on both sides with scissors. Take a hairpin and use it to remove the bones. Rinse the berries again. Toast the walnuts in a frying pan until golden brown. Cool down. Break open each gooseberry and fill the middle with a piece of toasted nut. Pour cherry leaves with water, bring to a boil, and then cook for another five minutes. Pour the berries with the resulting broth, cool and refrigerate for seven hours. That is, preferably at night.

After the specified time, drain the broth, put on a small fire and dissolve sugar in it. After boiling, put the gooseberries and keep on fire for another four ─ five minutes. Turn off and cool. Let it brew for another five hours. Then put back on the stove and cook until tender, about thirty minutes after boiling. Do not forget to carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon as needed.

Arrange in sterilized jars and roll up. The recipe is quite simple, all you need is patience and inspiration. Bon appetit!

This method will take less time, but for those who love very sweet, it will be just a godsend.


Gooseberries - 1 kg;

Sugar - 1 kg;

Walnuts - 300 grams;

Honey - 300 grams;

Wash the gooseberries and use scissors to remove the tails sticking out on both sides. You can't get rid of the seeds. We put the berries in an enamel bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for a day, while do not forget to stir regularly.

Roast walnuts in a dry frying pan, cool. Gooseberries, before putting on fire, pour honey and add prepared walnuts. Bring to a boil, wait until the sugar and honey are completely dissolved and turn off. Arrange in jars and roll up.

Ideally, the jam should be an amber color. But, if the color is not the same, do not be discouraged, the taste will not get worse from this. And in winter, you will drink hot tea with gooseberry jam, and you will feel like a part of the royal family, because the jam is truly royal. Bon appetit!
