
Feijoa jam, recipe for the winter. Feijoa with sugar

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 2-3 hours for exposure

Yield - 2 kg

Calorie content - 205.8 kcal

Below is information on how to prepare feijoa with sugar for the winter, how to store it and use it correctly, and the benefits of feijoa preparations. With the help of these recommendations, harvesting feijoa for the winter with sugar will be done easily and simply.

What is useful feijoa with sugar

Feijoa fruits contain vitamins, micro and macro elements, organic acids and essential oils, easily digestible iodine in large quantities, proteins and fats. Therefore, feijoa and its preparations are used in dietary nutrition and for medicinal purposes in case of iodine deficiency diseases of the thyroid gland and high mental stress, in the treatment and prevention of diseases such as inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, atherosclerosis, beriberi, hypovitaminosis, pyelonephritis, gout, colds, acute respiratory infections. and influenza, as well as an immunomodulator. The peel of the fruit contains powerful antioxidants that have a preventive effect on cancer.

Feijoa practically does not cause allergies. The composition and beneficial properties of feijoa fruits make them equally useful for both children and adults. Pregnant women can use both fresh berries and various preparations from them in their diet.

Those who know about the beneficial properties of exotic feijoa berries and preparations from it involuntarily wonder how to cook them so that they are both tasty and healthy for everyone, and preferably with the lowest labor costs.

The classic feijoa recipe with sugar for the winter is very simple. Since this preparation is prepared without cooking, it retains all the useful elements of the feijoa fruit. Along with the benefits and ease of preparation, feijoa mashed with sugar, the recipe with a step-by-step photo of which is presented in this article, is very tasty and fragrant. Anyone who tries this delicacy once will fall in love with its delicate taste and aroma forever.

How to cook feijoa with sugar - recipe with photo step by step

If you want feijoa harvesting for the winter to be tasty and healthy, it is preferable to use ripe berries. You can distinguish them from unripe ones by touch or by cutting the berry in half. A ripe berry is softer, as there is juicy pulp inside. There are different varieties. feijoa. They are distinguished by the smoothness of the skin and its color. For preparations, berries with a smooth skin of a bright salad color are usually used. They differ from berries with a rough brown-green skin in a more intense aroma and more juicy pulp.

First of all, the berries must be sorted and washed. The sepals and tails on both sides of the fruit are removed. Darkening on the skin is also cut off. Damaged berries can be used for compote.

How to grind feijoa with sugar

Feijoa fruits must be crushed to a puree state. This is done with a blender, meat grinder or grater.

How to make feijoa with sugar through a grater

If the volume of the workpiece is small, you can use a grater with large holes to grind the feijoa fruits. When doing this, be careful not to damage your fingertips. Grated berries are mixed with granulated sugar in equal proportions until it is completely dissolved.

How to make feijoa with sugar through a meat grinder

If a meat grinder is used to grind feijoa, then it is preferable to use a meat grinder with a manual drive. The use of an electric meat grinder is not advisable. This is due to the structure of the berries. Feijoa fruits have tough skin and juicy pulp. When fruits are scrolled in an electric meat grinder, the internal space of the meat grinder is quickly filled with a hard peel, which leads to blunting of the knife, which is not designed for such a load. At the same time, the abundant juice that stands out from the pulp does not have time to scroll and pours out of the upper opening of the meat grinder.

If the use of a manual meat grinder is excluded, then when using an electric one, it is necessary to select a grid with the maximum size of the throughput cells and scroll through the berries in very small portions.

In this case, the scrolled mass will be heterogeneous, and the crushed pieces of berries are larger in size.

To many, this jam seems even tastier than the one made from a homogeneous puree-like mass. Next, crushed feijoa fruits with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mass should stand for 2-3 hours, you can leave it overnight until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Ready-made feijoa with sugar without cooking has a greenish-lettuce hue.

How to make feijoa with sugar using a blender

Using a blender is preferable if you like jam of a uniform consistency. In this case, chopped feijoa berries are covered with sugar and the mixture is scrolled with a blender until the berries are completely crushed. This is about 20 minutes. The processing time of the mixture can be increased, then the granulated sugar dissolves better. A mixture of feijoa with sugar in a blender turns out to be whipped and airy and slightly viscous.

Feijoa in taste and aroma resembles both strawberries and pineapples at the same time. Therefore, when preparing feijoa grated with sugar, there is no particular need for various flavors and additives to enrich the taste. However, some people like blanks with various additives. Therefore, we give other recipes for making feijoa with sugar.

How to cook feijoa with sugar and orange

One large orange must be washed and grated along with the peel. Orange seeds must be removed from the grated mass, as they have a bitter taste. Add the resulting mass to the mixture of feijoa grinding with sugar, mix well until the orange is evenly distributed throughout the mass.

How to cook feijoa with sugar and lemon

One medium-sized lemon must be washed and grated along with the peel. Bitter-tasting lemon seeds must be removed, then the resulting mass should be added to the prepared mixture of crushed feijoa berries with sugar. Then this mass must be evenly mixed and left for 2-3 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved.

How to cook feijoa with sugar and walnuts

Introduce 200 g of finely chopped walnut kernels into the feijoa grind with sugar. Those who like the homogeneous mass of the workpiece can grind nuts with a meat grinder or blender, combining the grinding of nuts with the process of grinding feijoa berries. However, the jam tastes and looks much better when the nuts are just chopped.

How to cook feijoa with honey

If, when preparing feijoa for the winter, you replace granulated sugar with an equivalent amount of honey, you will get a valuable food supplement for the treatment of thyroid gland with hypothyroidism.

How to sterilize jars for storing feijoa mashed with sugar

To store feijoa with sugar for the winter, you need to prepare jars. Sterilization of jars can be carried out using hot steam from an ordinary kitchen kettle. Well-washed jars are carefully steamed from the spout of a boiling kettle. Plastic lids can be used to seal jars of feijoa jam. To sterilize the lids, they are poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. After sterilization, jars and lids are laid out on a dry towel.

The finished feijoa preparation with sugar is laid out in prepared, sterilized jars up to the very neck and tightly closed with a lid. There should be minimal space between the lid and the mass of jam. In this case, the tightness of the lid is enhanced if the neck of the jar along the edge of the lid is wrapped with a tape of ordinary stationery tape.

How long can feijoa be stored with sugar at home

If you store the feijoa with sugar at a temperature of 5-8 ° C, it will retain its taste and beneficial properties for the entire winter season. Therefore, store jars in the refrigerator. In winter, banks can be exposed to the cold. There is no need to store the workpiece in the freezer.

Why does feijoa jam darken?

Over time, the grinding surface acquires a brownish tint. This is normal - iron and iodine oxidize when exposed to air, but everything is very edible. It is important that when filling the jar with jam to store it on, there should be as little space as possible between the lid and the mass of jam. In this case, the surface of the feijoa blank will be less in contact with air and, accordingly, darken less.

How to eat feijoa with sugar

Above is information on how to properly prepare feijoa jam. Since exotic feijoa berries are not familiar to everyone, not everyone knows how to use them correctly. Here it will be told about how and with what such jam is eaten.

First of all, feijoa jam is delicious to drink with tea. Also, 2-3 tablespoons of jam can be diluted with boiling water, you get a hot drink, like compote.

But most often it is used for breakfast or as a snack, spread on bread covered with a layer of butter. Such a sandwich can be eaten with hot unsweetened tea, or you can cover it with another slice of bread and lightly bake in a flat toaster over low heat until crispy, so that the butter and jam are absorbed into the bread, but in no case leak out. This toast should be eaten hot.

Feijoa grated with sugar is not very suitable for filling when baking pies or other muffins, since during the baking process the sugar heats up, becomes very liquefied and flows onto a baking sheet and burns. During heat treatment, feijoa also loses its nutritional value.

Feijoa is a small ovoid green fruit of the myrtle family, 2 to 9 cm long, originating from South America, where it grows in the mountains of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay in subtropical conditions. climate. Thanks to the huge number vitamins in its composition this berry spread all over the world, and today, after a long selection of the best varieties foreign selection, it is grown in the southern regions of our country - in the Krasnodar Territory, the Caucasus and the Crimea - as well as in Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Abkhazia and other countries.

How to consume and store fresh feijoa at home

Like any other fruit, feijoa is best consumed in food V fresh form, because in this way the fruits retain all the richness of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And these green berries really contain a lot of them: in terms of iodine content, feijoa is second only to seaweed. And the fruit boasts the presence of B and PP vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, zinc, magnesium, potassium and sodium.

The maximum amount of all useful substances is concentrated in the fruits when they fully ripen and fall from the branches. It happens in autumn, in October and November. Ripe feijoa pulp is translucent and jelly-like, on taste similar to a mixture of pineapple, strawberries and kiwi. Presence stalks and the white color of the pulp indicate that the fruits were cut from the bush in immature form. And excessive softness, the presence of dark spots on peel and a brownish hue of the core speak of overripe fruit.

Unripe berries can ripen at home for several days without loss taste and aroma, after which they must either be used fresh in fruit salads, smoothies, pies or yogurts or processed into jams, jams or jelly. The peel should not be consumed, as it has a rather tart astringent taste. However, if you dry it and then brew it in tea, you can get a wonderful healthy drink.

To store ripe fruits, they must be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a month, otherwise signs invisible to the eye may appear. rot And damage. If you want to keep fresh fruits for a longer period, for example for several months, then you can freeze them in the freezer. camera, for convenience, after removing the core of the berries and dividing into separate portions.

How to freeze feijoa for the winter

By far, the most popular way to preserve feijoa as a “vitamin pantry” for the long winter is to process it with sugar or honey.

The simplest and most common recipe is feijoa mashed with sugar


  • 0.5 kilograms of feijoa,
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.

The cooking method is extremely simple and as fast as possible.

Rinse ripe (but not overripe!) fruits under running water, dry, remove the stalks and cut in half. The peel in this case will not be superfluous, since it will help to enrich the finished product with additional useful substances - essential oils and enzymes. Grind the berries with a blender or scroll them through a meat grinder.

Add sugar and stir until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved.

Arrange the resulting mixture in pre-washed and dried jars, close tightly and place in a cool place. During storage, the top layer of the product may acquire a brownish tint. There is nothing dangerous in this - this is a normal process that occurs due to the polyphenols in feijoa, which are quickly oxidized in an alkaline environment.

It is necessary to store such “live jam” in the refrigerator, since it has not been subjected to heat treatment and due to this it has retained all the vitamins and nutrients as much as possible. However, precisely because of the absence of the boiling process, the duration of storage should not exceed 2-3 months.

In addition, feijoa pureed with sugar can be frozen in the freezer. Thus, you can increase the shelf life up to six months.

In the event that as preservative choose honey, you get a really healing product for health, which increases immunity and strengthens the body during the period of flu and colds.

Feijoa recipe with honey


    • 0.5 kilograms of feijoa,
    • 200 grams of honey
    • 1 lemon.

Feijoa must be thoroughly washed, cut off the tails and cut into pieces along with the peel. Lemon will not only add vitamins to the resulting mixture, but will also prevent the jam from darkening as a result of oxidation. Unlike berries, it is still better to peel a lemon from the bittering skin, chop and remove the seeds.

Place food in bowl blender and grind until a homogeneous slurry.

Add honey to the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly.

To give the jam an unusual exquisite taste, you can supplement the recipe with walnuts, chopped in a blender.

Transfer the finished product to dry, clean jars, close with lids and put in the refrigerator, where this "pantry of vitamins" can be stored for 2-3 months.

If you consume at least 2-3 teaspoons of this mixture daily, the body will be protected from flu and colds.

Sometimes you want to save feijoa for a longer period, from 6 months to a year. To do this, there are a large number of jam recipes from these fruits with various additives: lemon, orange, pear or even cognac. Cooking with heat treatment will take a little longer, but the result is worth it!

Feijoa jam


    • 1 kilogram feijoa,
    • 1 glass of water
    • 1 kilo of sugar
    • 1 lemon.

Carefully wash the berries, dry and cut into two halves.

Remove the core with a teaspoon and put all the resulting pulp into a deep dishes.

Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Leave the resulting mass for 15-20 minutes to dissolve the sugar.

Remove the zest from the washed and dried lemon to give the jam more flavor, cut and squeeze the juice, carefully making sure that no seeds get into it.

Add feijoa juice and lemon zest to bowl. Pour a glass of water into the resulting mixture and put on fire. Stirring constantly, bring the jam to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, removing the foam that forms on the surface.

Then lay out the almost finished product in sterilized jars and cover with sterilized lids (to do this, place them in a cold oven, turn on medium heat and hold for 15-20 minutes). Let it brew for a few minutes.

Then the jars with jam must be pasteurized again in a water or steam bath for 20 minutes, roll up the lids and put in a warm place for 2-3 days.

After such processing, the jam can be stored for a year in any convenient place: in a pantry, basement or even in a closet.

Feijoa caramel jam


    • 0.5 kilograms of feijoa,
    • 1 cup of sugar,
    • 0.5 l of water,
    • 1 st. l. brandy,
    • 1 tsp ground ginger.

Remove the skins from thoroughly washed and dried berries with paper kitchen towels, but do not discard. In order for the peeled berries not to darken, they must be immediately poured with water acidified with lemon juice.

Pour half the sugar into a preheated pan, after the start of the caramelization process, remove from heat for 30 seconds and at this point carefully pour in the water.

Place the skins in this composition and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly. When finished, strain through a colander.

Put the fruit pulp in a saucepan, pour the resulting caramel and add the remaining sugar. Add ground ginger for an exotic flavor.

Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, add a spoonful of cognac.

Sterilize jars, put jam in them and preserve with sterilized lids. After complete cooling in a warm place, store with the rest of the blanks. Consume throughout the year.

Feijoa jam

Feijoa shelf life table depending on the degree of processing

October and November are the harvest season for autumn fruits that require subtropical climate conditions such as pomegranate, persimmon, feijoa. The shelf life of these fresh fruits is not so long, so their storage and transportation require special conditions. Obviously, the region of wholesale purchases for sale should be located as close as possible to the place of sale. Therefore, the main suppliers are traditionally located in the southern regions of our country and in Abkhazia. For sale in large quantities, feijoa, in particular, is harvested in an unripe form, transported in refrigerators in specially equipped vehicles and stored in cool warehouses in a rigid container, for example, in boxes that do not allow crushing of fruits. Compliance with all these conditions will allow to stretch the ripening period of berries up to 1 month and, upon delivery to the end consumer, comply with all the requirements of GOST R 55726-2013.

Video: harvesting and storage of feijoa

Recommend to friends:

Feijoa is an oblong, dark green berry that appears on our sale in late autumn. The expression "small spool - yes expensive" is very suitable for this berry. Of course, not because of the price (we have it costs 100 rubles per kilogram), but because of the beneficial properties that it contains. How to stock up on useful feijoa vitamins and stock up on them for the winter, read the recipe:

I really love feijoa fresh, it has a very interesting flavor combination: it has the aroma of strawberries and kiwi, besides, it tastes sour.

One of the most beneficial properties of feijoa is its iodine content, so it should be consumed by people with thyroid diseases, as well as those who suffer from kidney disease and inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Feijoa berries contain vitamin C, fiber, pectin, so it is useful to use them for vascular atherosclerosis and to strengthen and maintain immunity. Feijoa peel is tart in taste, but it contains antioxidants that prevent aging of the body and the occurrence of cancer.

When cooking, make sure that the feijoa flesh is white or transparent, brown-fleshed feijoa is a spoiled product.

Feijoa should be used very carefully for overweight people and those who suffer from diabetes.

And I offer a simple and useful Recipe: Raw Feijoa Jam

For cooking jam first wash the feijoa, wipe it or let it dry.

At feijoa cut off the tails, twist the berries in a meat grinder through the smallest grate and mix with sugar in the proportion:

Feijoa - 1 kg.

Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Somebodymaking feijoa jamwith sugar in a smaller proportion: 1:1 and adds 100-200 gr. walnuts or hazelnuts.

The jam will stand a little and thicken.

You can close the jam in jars.

You need to boil it for 5 minutes, pour it into sterilized jars and roll up the lids. To prevent the jam from burning during cooking, you can add half a glass of water to the intended serving of jam. First you need to prepare sugar syrup: boil water, add sugar and let it boil so that the sugar dissolves. Then add twisted berries and boil for 5 minutes.

But I prefer raw feijoa jam, since it retains all the useful properties.

Raw Feijoa Jam store in the refrigerator with a closed lid.

Bon appetit!

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The recipe for feijoa jam is quite simple. Of course, there are several cooking methods, but all of them do not take much time, but the result is a tasty and healing delicacy.

Classic Feijoa Jam Recipe

Required products:

  • one kilogram of feijoa;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the berries well, cut off the dry tails, chop them into small pieces, sprinkle with sugar and turn them into puree using a blender. To make the sugar dissolve faster, you can add a little water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and after it has cooled, transfer to prepared sterilized jars. Close the lids and put away for storage.

How to cook a blank without cooking?

If you don’t want to mess around, then make feijoa jam without cooking. It will save its useful properties, but it will be stored a little less.

Required products:

  • one kilogram of feijoa;
  • one kilogram of sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the feijoa, dry it well, cut off the tails and interrupt in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour the mass with sugar, let it stand until it is completely dissolved.
  3. With what happened, we fill the prepared containers, cover them tightly with lids and put them in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam "through a meat grinder"

Required products:

  • feijoa - kilogram;
  • sugar - kilogram.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the feijoa well, remove the tails, cut into medium-sized pieces. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Then we reduce the fire, wait until all the liquid has boiled out and pass what is left through a meat grinder. Most likely, you will have to do this several times to get the composition of a homogeneous consistency.
  3. We fill the mass with sugar and wait for it to completely dissolve.

Mix the jam and arrange in jars. Cover with lids and store in a cool place.

blender recipe

Required products: all the same.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the feijoa thoroughly. If desired, you can lightly pour boiling water over them, as the fruits are cooked along with the peel. We cut off the dry tails and dry the berries.
  2. We turn them into small pieces to make it easier to process. We send the berry slices to a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  3. Pour sugar into it, let it stand for as long as it takes for it to completely dissolve. To make the process go a little faster, you can add just a little warm water.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, first rinse the berries thoroughly and dry at room temperature or wipe with paper towels. Remove dry tails and cut feijoa into pieces.
  2. We send them to a blender or you can use a meat grinder, but then, most likely, you will have to scroll the berries a couple of times. The result should be a mass that resembles mashed potatoes.
  3. We put half a liter of water in a saucepan, wait for it to boil, and pour sugar.
  4. Then add the twisted feijoa to the same place, bring the mass to a boil again and keep it on fire for about five minutes.

The finished mass is immediately, hot, distributed in pre-prepared sterilized jars, closed with lids, wrapped with something and left to cool. You can store in the refrigerator.

With walnuts and oranges

Required products:

  • kilogram of feijoa;
  • one orange;
  • sugar - kilogram;
  • any nuts, for example, walnuts - 100 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, decide whether you will crush the nuts heavily or do you want them to crunch in jam? When choosing the second option, it is enough to crush them with something hard, for example, a rolling pin, so that the grains are not too small. In the first case, they will need to be killed in a blender.
  2. We wash the feijoa well, dry it with napkins, remove the tails and cut into pieces.
  3. We move them to a blender or meat grinder and bring them to a puree state.
  4. We clean the orange from the skin, remove all white films and seeds. You can also pass it through a meat grinder, or you can just knead it with your hands.
  5. Mix feijoa puree with orange, and then with nuts.

We lay out the resulting mass in jars, close them and put them in a cold place where they will be stored.

Feijoa jam with persimmon

Required products:

  • five pieces of persimmon;
  • 500 grams of feijoa;
  • sugar - 0.25 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash persimmons and feijoa well, dry them, remove tails from all fruits. Grind the berries and fruits into small pieces, mix by adding sugar, and let the mass stand for about two hours.
  2. After the allotted time, we shift everything into a saucepan and begin to cook, setting a low heat level. After the contents boil, continue cooking for 25 minutes.

After complete cooling, we distribute it among the banks, close it well and put it away for storage in a cold place.

Winter preparation with lemon

The benefits of feijoa for the human body are simply enormous.

And if you add lemon to it, you get just a vitamin “bomb”!
