
What bowl to cook cocoa. Delicious powdered drink

From the mere word “cocoa”, many will immediately salivate: the name of this invigorating drink is no less seductive and appetizing than its taste. The subtle aroma of cocoa will cheer you up on a cold, dreary day, and a cool cocktail with cocoa-based ice cream will pleasantly refresh you on a hot summer day. But in both cases, you will get incredible pleasure from the unique and rich taste of life-giving nectar from cocoa beans.

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Beneficial features

Cocoa is an extremely successful compromise for both chocolate lovers and coffee lovers. The taste of cocoa, rich in shades, is in no way inferior to the tempting sweetness of the chocolate mass, but, giving the same refined pleasure, cocoa, unlike sweets, does not threaten our figure with sad and undesirable consequences.

A cup of properly brewed cocoa invigorates and tones up no worse than coffee, but at the same time it has a more gentle effect on the heart and blood pressure ─ it’s not for nothing that even small children can drink cocoa.

And for people suffering from anemia and a breakdown, cocoa is not just a tasty and pleasant drink, but a real salvation that enriches the blood and fills the weakened body with an influx of energy.
The secret of the amazing properties of cocoa is hidden in its balanced composition, which contains vitamins, healthy oils, and minerals important for our body. Cocoa has everything to lift our spirits, give new strength, increase efficiency and even cure us of a cold. Therefore, when once again you feel sad, treat yourself to a cup of hot cocoa, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cooking methods

There are many different recipes for making cocoa: another beauty of this wonderful drink is that its simple, but at the same time, refined taste allows you to create new and interesting combinations. Let's start with a classic recipe that will tell us how to cook cocoa with milk correctly.

cocoa with milk

For one cup we need:

  • 1 teaspoon cocoa (if you like a richer taste, you can take two);
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 glass of milk.

Heat milk in a saucepan or ladle. Mix in a cup of cocoa with sugar. Pour off about a quarter of warm (but not boiling) milk and pour cocoa and sugar over it, then mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour the resulting mixture in a thin stream into the rest of the warm milk, stirring constantly, and heat for another couple of minutes. Pour the finished drink into a cup.

On the water

As already noted, cocoa does not pose such a threat to harmony as chocolate. Moreover, the use of cocoa stimulates the metabolism, which means it promotes weight loss. However, one must be realistic and understand that cocoa is a harmless product in itself, but when combined with sugar and heavy cream, it turns into a calorie bomb. If you care about your figure, do not deny yourself the pleasure of drinking a cup of invigorating yummy, we will tell you how to cook cocoa on the water. By the way, this option is also suitable for people with intolerance to lactose contained in dairy products. The technology for making cocoa with water is the same as with milk, just the required amount of milk must be replaced with the same volume of water. If you want to make a completely diet drink, then do not add sugar, but increase the amount of cocoa from one spoon to two to make it thicker.

You can also enrich the taste of cocoa on the water by adding a little cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla extract to it, or replace the sugar with a spoonful of honey.

However, sometimes you can arrange a small holiday and treat yourself and your loved ones to a special version of cocoa, which is more like not an ordinary hot drink, but a full-fledged dessert.

Royal cocoa

This cocoa is best served in tall glasses or wine glasses.
For one glass we need:

  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa;
  • 3 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3 tablespoons of whipped cream;
  • 1 scoop of ice cream.

Mix cocoa with sugar. Heat the milk, pour a little into the sugar mixture and stir until completely dissolved. Gently pour the resulting thick paste into the milk and heat a little, stirring constantly. Remove cocoa from heat and beat well with a whisk or fork. Pour cocoa into a glass, put a scoop of ice cream into it and garnish with whipped cream.
These are just a few of the many ways to make cocoa. Experiment on long autumn and winter evenings, comfortably filling your home with the delicious smell of cocoa, and perhaps you will come up with your own unique recipe for this wonderful and mysterious drink.

Quite often, letters began to come to our e-mail address with the question: how to cook cocoa from cocoa powder? We answer, friends, that powder is used in all our recipes, feel free to use our methods of preparing this wonderful drink.

Video recipe for making cocoa:

Bon appetit!

Cocoa is a very famous and beloved drink by many in many countries. And he's also very helpful. After all, cocoa contains many trace elements and vitamins. Cocoa contains substances that cause the human body to produce endorphins (hormones of happiness). Therefore, it will come in handy in a bad mood or depression. It is also useful for skin tone and elasticity. Sometimes cocoa is even called the "drink of youth." Cocoa has a positive effect on brain activity, strengthens blood vessels and the heart, and reduces high blood pressure. According to doctors, cocoa is also used to prevent diabetes and cancer. It can satisfy the feeling of hunger and give a charge of vivacity. This is a tonic drink, but unlike coffee, cocoa does not contain harmful caffeine. He is loved by both adults and children.

But not everyone knows how to cook cocoa properly. To obtain a fragrant drink, it should be prepared exclusively from natural cocoa powder and always fresh. Therefore, when buying, be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture. It is worth giving preference only to proven manufacturers. Questionable quality will not bring benefits, and added chemicals threaten to harm the body.

There are several technologies for preparing this tasty and aromatic drink - based on milk or water. The result is a different taste, so it's up to everyone to choose.

How to boil cocoa with water

It is not difficult. Dissolve a few tablespoons of cocoa powder in hot, freshly boiled water. Care must be taken not to form lumps. Take 2 teaspoons of cocoa for 1 glass of water. Those who like sweet drinks can add about 2 teaspoons of sugar. Already in the finished drink, you can add cream, milk or condensed milk. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, because the drink may turn out to be too sweet.

How to cook cocoa with milk

Mix cocoa powder with the right amount of sugar and pour the mixture into a Turk (cezve) or saucepan. In another bowl, boil the milk and pour it into a mixture of sugar and cocoa, stir thoroughly to avoid lumps. About 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder goes into a glass of milk.

How to cook cocoa on condensed milk

Dilute condensed milk with water twice and cook cocoa according to the above recipe, but without adding sugar.

Cocoa with cinnamon and vanilla

This recipe is especially popular in the winter cold. Cooking cocoa in the traditional way, but before removing it from the stove, add a little cinnamon or vanilla to the drink, or both of these components at your discretion.

Cocoa with soy milk

Soy milk is often used for cow's milk intolerance. It will hardly affect the taste of the drink. The only thing is that the drink with soy milk should not be heated too quickly or kept on fire for a long time.

Fruit cocoa

Finely chopped banana or peach is added to classic cocoa and beaten with a whisk. When serving, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to each cup.

cocoa on compote

Boil compote from your favorite fruits, strain and use it to make cocoa instead of water or milk. Very tasty and original!

Cocoa with marshmallows

Brew classic cocoa. Before removing from the stove, add a few pieces of chocolate to the drink and stir until dissolved. Pour cocoa into refractory cups and put a few marshmallows in each. Send the cups with a drink to the oven preheated to 180 degrees, wait until the marshmallows are browned and remove from the oven. Pour over the surface of the drink with chocolate syrup in the form of patterns.

Cocoa with liquor

The finished cocoa is cooled to room temperature and liquor is added to your liking.

cocoa with honey

Honey is mixed with cocoa powder in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of honey per cup of cocoa. The drink is prepared according to the classic recipe.

Cocoa with egg yolk

Prepare cocoa according to the traditional recipe. Separate whites from yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar and dilute with hot cocoa. Put on the stove and heat, but do not bring to a boil. Whisk and serve. For 800 g of milk there are 2 egg yolks.

Hot pepper cocoa

Cooking is very easy. Cocoa powder, sugar and a little ground chili pepper should be added to the milk. Let it boil and keep on fire for a few more minutes.

cocoa with coffee

Pour coffee with cocoa into the coffee pot in a ratio of 2: 1. Pour in boiling water. Bring the drink to a boil and let it brew for a few minutes. Pour into cups and sprinkle lightly with cinnamon.

Cocoa in the microwave and slow cooker

Mix the ingredients for the drink and send cold to the multicooker bowl. You can dissolve cocoa powder well in cold liquid using a blender.
The microwave cooks differently. They take a thick liquid in which half of the milk is used, put it in a microwave with a power of 750 for 30 seconds. Then all this is diluted with the second half of the milk, which was boiled on a conventional stove.

Cocoa for weight loss

Such a drink is prepared on water without adding sugar. You can sweeten it with a little honey. Such cocoa will give a feeling of satiety for a long time and will allow you not to think about food.

Cocoa with honey, condensed milk and ice

Cold cocoa with honey and milk

Preparation time

10 minutes

cooking time

10 minutes

Total time

20 minutes

For 1 cup of cocoa: put 300 ml of milk or water in a saucepan over a fire, bring to a hot state. In milk, put 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa and sugar to taste (as for tea or coffee), mix well. Bring cocoa to the first bubbles and turn off. Pour into a cup, serve hot. As a rule, the entire brewing of the drink takes 5 minutes.

How to cook cocoa

The easiest way is in a pan
Add and dissolve chocolate to taste, add cinnamon and citrus zest, decorate marshmallows. Immediately pour a little water into the bottom of the pan, otherwise the dried powder will complicate the washing of the pan.

Advice: To cook cocoa effortlessly and quickly, use the timer: 1 mug of cocoa will boil in 3-4 minutes. But sometimes you need to cook cocoa slowly (for example, if you are late and need to move away from the stove before breakfast in the shower). In this case, after dissolving the powder, set the stove to very quiet (usually this is the 2nd power out of 10), then the cocoa will definitely not boil before switching to a more active fire - and you will only have to bring the cocoa to the first steam.

How to brew cocoa in a coffee maker
Dip the cappuccinator tube into a mug of milk and sugar, turn it on and wait 2-3 minutes until the drink warms up. But you should not fill cocoa powder in the coffee maker's container, as it is too small to be steamed.

How to cook cocoa in the microwave
Pour milk or a mixture of water and milk into a cup suitable for microwave ovens in the ratio to taste. Add sugar, mix vigorously, put in the microwave for 1 minute at maximum power. The microwave will heat the liquid and now mix everything until there are no lumps. Put in the microwave for a maximum of another 1-1.5 minutes.

How to brew Dominican cocoa Dominican cocoa is sold in the form of balls or bars. The balls must be ground before cooking or rubbed on a fine grater. Cook in the same way, but because Dominican cocoa is minimally processed, for fullness of taste, after boiling, boil the drink over low heat for 1-2 minutes.

Cooking tiles is completely different: they must be broken and melted like chocolate, and then diluted with milk or water.


- You need to cook cocoa without a lid and on the quietest fire. It is best to brew as much cocoa as you can drink at a time, as standing on the stove for more than an hour will cause the drink to lose its taste.

Children are very fond of cocoa, but how to cook it so that there is no foam? - If you mix milk with water, there will be no foam. Well, or the foam before serving cocoa can be removed with a spoon.

Cooking cocoa is useful for those who “sit” tightly on coffee: if you boil the powder in water and without sugar, it’s enough

Cooking cocoa without sediment is almost impossible, this is how the powder works. But if you really want to please yourself with a drink without grains of powder, drain it through several layers of gauze.

To make cocoa, you can mix milk with water in proportions 1:1, by the way, with this method, foam is not formed. As an option, boil cocoa in water, and add milk or cream to the finished drink.

For cooking, use any convenient crockery, whether it be a pot or a cezve, this drink differs from coffee and tea, which have special devices for brewing and infusion.

Cocoa does not absorb moisture well, so at the beginning of cooking it should be carefully mix, the powder must be evenly distributed in the water, otherwise it will clump.

Rules cocoa selection: homogeneous brown powder without lumps; the smell of the product is chocolate, very pleasant, stimulating the desire to drink a cup of drink immediately. Cocoa powder, crushed with fingers, leaves the feeling of an oily product, not dry dust.

Doctors have proven the benefits of cocoa: just a cup of drink improves mood- the substances contained in the drink stimulate the production of the "hormone of happiness" - serotonin. Cocoa contains invigorating and performance-boosting caffeine, but in safe amounts.

The drink contains prolonging youth antioxidants: it improves blood flow to the brain and lowers blood pressure. The product contains a lot of zinc and iron, which are so necessary for the health of the skin and support of hormonal balance.

- calories finished cocoa drink - 69 kcal / 100 grams.

Cocoa is a favorite drink of many. Its preparation is not difficult. What is most interesting - there are a lot of options. And by experimenting with the ingredients, you can create a new, original drink every time. So now it’s worth talking about how to brew cocoa, and what is needed for this.

What should be cocoa?

It is very important to choose the right raw materials. All you need is a natural product. Instant cocoa is chemistry. And the real one is chopped beans.

It is important that the package contains the inscription "non-alkalized". This suggests that the composition was not chemically treated.

Even in good cocoa, the fat content is at least 15%. Of course, there are no sticky particles and lumps in it. You no longer need to buy a manufacturer's product in which such particles once caught.

By the way, the quality of cocoa can be easily checked. Take a little powder, rub it thoroughly between your fingers and shake off. Is there a greasy coating with a pleasant coffee color? So the quality is excellent. This is a trace of cocoa butter - a healing and valuable substance of natural origin.

Classic recipe

It will take about 5 minutes to prepare a hot tasty drink. You will need:

  • Milk - 0.3 l.
  • Natural cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - the desired amount.

First you need to pour the milk into a saucepan and heat it. In a separate bowl, mix sugar with cocoa. Slowly pour the resulting sweet mixture into the milk heated on the stove, stirring constantly.

Boil. Cook for 2 more minutes. You need to stir it constantly, otherwise the milk will “run away”. After 2 minutes, you can serve a drink. As you can see, nothing special is needed to make cocoa.

Hot chocolate with marshmallows

An interesting recipe for making a fragrant drink. For four servings you will need:

  • Milk - 0.8 l.
  • Cocoa - 3 st. l.
  • Sugar - optional. Usually - 8 teaspoons, 2 for each serving.
  • Small marshmallow marshmallows - 2 cups.
  • A pinch of vanilla.

In a saucepan, you need to combine all of the above. Send it to medium heat and cook, stirring without interruption. The marshmallows should melt. This will take about eight minutes.

As soon as the drink becomes homogeneous, you can remove the saucepan from the stove. It remains only to pour it into cups and serve.

C adding cinnamon

This is also a very popular and simple cocoa recipe, so it needs to be mentioned. You will need the following components:

  • Milk - 0.2 l.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cinnamon. One stick and a pinch of powder.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Whipped cream.

On a very low heat, heat the milk with sugar and a cinnamon stick, do not forget to stir. When it becomes warm, add cocoa. Cook for two minutes while stirring. Then remove the saucepan from the stove, remove the stick, pour cocoa with milk into a transparent glass. Add aesthetics to the drink by decorating with whipped cream, sprinkle with cinnamon. You can apply.

Cocoa with egg

This is perhaps one of the most original recipes. And if the classic cocoa is boring, you can try this option. You will need:

  • Yolks of chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 0.4 l.
  • Cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Clove buds - 2 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

In a metal bowl, stir the milk with cinnamon and cloves. Boil over medium heat.

In a separate container, combine cocoa powder, half the indicated portion of sugar, water. Warm up over low heat. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass. While stirring, pour milk into it through a sieve. Remove from fire immediately.

Pour the remaining sugar into the yolks and beat them. A thick foam forms. Without stopping the process, pour cocoa into it. Again send to the fire. However, do not boil. You just need to warm it up. Then you can pour and serve.

Cocktail "Tiramisu"

Interesting drink and easy to prepare. Cocoa is an auxiliary ingredient here, but it is so delicious that it is simply impossible not to tell about the recipe. For two servings you will need:

  • White ice cream - 100 g.
  • High fat milk - 300 ml.
  • Mascarpone - 100 g.
  • Rum, liqueur or cognac - 2 tsp
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

What should be done? Blend everything in a blender and pour into glasses. Sprinkle plenty of cocoa on top. A delicious dessert drink is made in an elementary way.

spicy drink

Cocoa with milk can be original if you experiment with adding different aromatic spices. Spice lovers are strongly advised to try the recipe, for which you will need:

  • Milk - 0.2 l.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Cardamom - 1 box.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp
  • Hot ground pepper - 0.3 tsp.
  • A pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon.

First of all, you need to remove the seeds from the cardamom box. They need to be well crushed. Then all the spices will need to be combined with sugar and cocoa, pour in the vanilla extract and grind the resulting mass. Add there 2-3 tablespoons of milk previously brought to a state of boiling water. Stir.

Then this mass can be added to boiling milk. Stir and keep on fire for about a minute. Then you can pour into cups and serve. For beauty, it is recommended to sprinkle the hot drink with cocoa or pre-grated chocolate.

Alcoholic option

In continuation of the topic, I would like to tell you more about how to cook cocoa "for adults". In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. You just need to pour a little rum into a glass (50 ml is enough), and then cook cocoa according to the classic recipe and add it to alcohol. Decorate the drink with cream and grated chocolate. It turns out delicious and warming cocoa.

However, there is a more complex recipe. To implement the plan, you will need:

  • Fatty milk - 0.2 l.
  • Cocoa and sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • A pinch of cinnamon.
  • Liquor "Baileys" or "Sheridans" - 2 tbsp. l.

Here the principle of preparation is slightly different. Heat the milk, add all the dry ingredients, except for the cinnamon, stir, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add liqueur and cook for about three minutes. All this time you need to stir the drink. Then pour into a mug and sprinkle with cinnamon.

coffee cocoa

Maybe this is not the most unexpected taste solution, but it is definitely very original. Therefore, it is impossible not to tell about how to cook cocoa with coffee. Or, as it is also called - a drink in Romanian. You will need:

  • Ground coffee - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Cocoa - 0.5 tsp
  • A small amount of vanillin.
  • A little salt. Literally a few grains to eliminate the foam that occurs when brewing coffee in a Turk.
  • Water - 1 glass.

Cooking cocoa does not take much time. In a Turk, combine all loose ingredients, except for vanillin, pour boiling water. Put on low fire. Brew coffee without letting it boil. When it is ready, do not immediately pour into a cup. You need to let him stand. After 5 minutes, add vanillin there. And after that, you can apply.

By the way, by increasing the concentration of the powder, it will turn out to make hot chocolate. To do this, you need somewhere around 7-8 tablespoons. The drink will be thick and strong. But it takes longer to cook. The mass of added cocoa is more impressive, which means that it will take longer to dissolve.

Other options

Based on everything that was said earlier, it was possible to understand how to cook cocoa. The implementation of any recipe in reality does not require much time. It is worth mentioning that there are still a lot of options for making a drink. You can make it with the addition of different ingredients.

Honey and ginger go well in a drink. Some make cocoa based ice cream. Others pre-beat milk in a blender, adding half a banana there, and then they brew a drink on this basis. Some still finely crush the nuts and pour the resulting powder into cocoa during cooking.

There is even a recipe with citrus zest. Lemon and orange “sounds” especially well in such a drink. And if you add some spices or spices, you get a drink with a multifaceted flavor palette that will definitely become unforgettable.

However, this is not the most original recipe. Some people blend wheat germ, oatmeal or bran together with milk in a blender, and then make a drink based on a similar mixture. It is called energy, because the carbohydrates that make up the listed supplements really tone and give vigor.

You can even throw some fresh sweet berries into the drink or pour grated chocolate directly into the milk for richness of taste. The main thing is that all the ingredients are pre-crushed. However, if you wish, you can simply strain the drink before serving it.

Every hot chocolate drink lover knows how to make cocoa from cocoa powder. Its incomparable aroma warms in cold weather. It is enough to drink a cup of a warming drink to cheer yourself up. There are several recipes with minor differences. The difference between them is the set of ingredients and additives. The main ingredients for making the drink are cocoa powder, milk and sugar. You can use fresh milk, pasteurized, condensed or soy milk. If the correct proportion of all products is observed, a drink with a classic chocolate flavor is obtained.

Vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg or other spices can be added depending on preference. But any additive can kill the main flavor, so you need to be careful with spices. Even excessive sweetness muffles the natural chocolate taste.

How to make delicious cocoa with milk

Traditionally, cocoa is boiled in milk - this is an affordable and proven method of preparation over the years. Its taste is considered classic and seems softer and more pleasant. Enjoying this natural aroma, you can remember your childhood. For cooking, both fresh farm milk and skimmed and even pasteurized milk from the package are suitable. To brew 1 cup of the drink according to the traditional recipe, you need to prepare the following list of ingredients:

  • milk (250 ml);
  • sugar (2-3 teaspoons);
  • cocoa (1 teaspoon).

First, pour granulated sugar and cocoa powder into the dishes for cooking. Products must be thoroughly mixed until they turn into a homogeneous mass. This technique will help to avoid the appearance of lumps. During the cooking process, it is no longer possible to get rid of them. Then gradually, in small portions, you can start adding warmed milk. The resulting mass must continue to mix. The dishes can be removed from the heat when the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. Then the drink can be considered ready.

You can also cook a fragrant chocolate drink with soy milk. For those who for some reason do not eat dairy products, you just need to replace it with soy. But in this case, the cooking technology has some subtleties. The drink must be brewed only on low heat and should not be boiled for a long time. For the same reason, soy milk must first be mixed with granulated sugar. The sweetened liquid can then be added in small portions to the chocolate powder. As soon as the cocoa boils, it's time to remove it from the heat.

How to boil cocoa with water

Cocoa on the water is not much different from the traditional milk drink. Milk is diluted with water most often to reduce the percentage of fat content. Proportions may vary depending on taste preferences. Water is added from a few tablespoons to a 50/50 ratio. To make 1 cup of this hot treat, you will need the following products:

  • water + milk (250 ml);
  • sugar (2-3 teaspoons);
  • cocoa (1 teaspoon).

To a mixture of cocoa and granulated sugar, you first need to add a few tablespoons of warm water and mix everything thoroughly. There should be no lumps in the resulting slurry. Then you can gradually add the milk mass diluted with water, not forgetting to stir. Remove the dishes from the fire only after the sugar has completely dissolved in the liquid.

On water, you can also cook a drink with condensed milk. By itself, it is very thick, so it is pre-diluted with water. Depending on the ratio of the amount of water and condensed milk, less or more sugar is added. To brew one cup of hot sweet drink, you need to mix 200-250 ml of boiled hot water with 2-4 tablespoons of condensed milk. The number of other products can be left the same.

Add condensed milk to boiled hot water and stir. In a mixing bowl, mix chocolate powder and sugar. Gradually add condensed milk diluted with water to the resulting mixture. Put the dishes on the fire and continue to stir the chocolate mass until it boils and the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

How to make hot chocolate

Hot chocolate has no less fans than classic cocoa with milk. The difference between them is the amount of powder per serving of the finished drink. To prepare classic hot chocolate, you need to mix the same products, but in a different proportion. To get 1 cup of this drink, you will need:

  • cocoa powder (2 tablespoons);
  • sugar (1-2 teaspoons);
  • milk (250 ml).

Making hot chocolate is very easy. To the cocoa powder mixed with sugar, you need to gradually add the heated milk mass. Without stopping stirring the resulting liquid, the dishes should be put on fire. Bringing hot chocolate to a boil, you need to make sure that all the sugar has dissolved in it.

The less sugar and more powder, the more pronounced the natural chocolate bitterness will be. Sweet hot chocolate is more to the liking of children and sweet tooth. Adults like to experiment with supplements. In addition to sugar, nutmeg can be added to ready-made hot chocolate. Vanilla and cinnamon will also give it a spicy aroma. Gourmets add pink pepper and other spices that give an unusual taste to classic chocolate.

How to make spiced cocoa

To give the liquid chocolate delicacy more vivid taste, various spices can be added to it during the cooking process. Cinnamon or vanilla should first be mixed with sugar, and only then add warm liquid to the resulting mass. Cloves or star anise should be added to a boiling drink, after which it should be boiled for another 3-5 minutes.

Making cocoa is not difficult. But to get a truly delicious fragrant treat with a chocolate flavor, it should be cooked only from fresh natural powder. The expiration date is important for a natural product. Stale cocoa powder loses all its beneficial properties. Such a product no longer has a pronounced taste and aroma of chocolate.

A large amount of sugar and spices in the drink interrupt the natural chocolate flavor, so you need to add them little by little.

Hot cocoa is the perfect breakfast drink. Before going to bed, it is not recommended to use it because of the stimulating effect of cocoa on the nervous system.
