
What foods have starch in the world. What foods contain starch

Together with food, our body receives all the necessary elements, but often we do not know what is the benefit or harm of a particular product. One of the important organic compounds is starch. It belongs to complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides and is an indispensable source of energy. What are its benefits and possible harm, as well as what foods contain starch, our article will tell.

Externally synthesized from products, starch is a white powder, tasteless and insoluble in cold water. It is produced by plants during photosynthesis from glucose. Due to complex chemical reactions, part of the glucose is transformed into starch. It accumulates in fruits, grains and tubers, providing reserve nutrition for plants in case of adverse conditions.

Starch is obtained by grinding suitable raw materials and subjecting the resulting mixture to chemical treatment. After cleaning, filtering and drying, the finished starch is ready for use. There are several types of finished starch. The production process has significant differences, as well as the scope of application.

Types of starch:

  1. Refined starch l is often used in cooking and homemade recipes. It is obtained from potatoes, corn and some types of cereals. In the food industry, its use is extremely in demand, because it is starch that is a kind of stabilizing component in the manufacture of confectionery and sausage products, sauces and even baby food.
  2. natural starch found in almost all plant products, but only in different concentrations. It is an indispensable source of energy for our body. For people leading an active lifestyle, the inclusion of products with natural starch is a must.
  3. There is another type of starch that is obtained from modified raw materials. The benefits of such a product are still in doubt, but many manufacturers use it as a cheap ingredient in the food industry.

The following crops act as raw materials for the production of different types of starch. In rice grains, the starch content is maximum - about 86%. In wheat, its concentration reaches 75%, corn - 72%, and in potato tubers up to 28%.

Foods containing starch

The main advantage and disadvantage of starch is the rapid absorption by the body. When ingested, foods containing starch break down into glucose very quickly, raising blood sugar levels. This provokes a feeling of hunger, so it is not recommended to abuse such food. On the other hand, glucose is vital to our body for the normal functioning of the brain, and also helps maintain muscle tone. To independently regulate the amount of starch consumed, you should definitely find out the list of products containing it.

Which foods contain the most starch?

Products: Starch content:
Rice flour 79%
Rice groats 78%
whole grain rice 75%
barley flour 72%
Wheat flour 72%
Corn flour 65%
oats 61%
Millet 60%
chickpeas 50%
Barley 58%
Peas 52%
Legumes 45%
Lentils 40%
Beans 38%
Soya 35%
Potato 28%

Optimal absorption of these foods occurs with the addition of so-called light fats. These include vegetable oil, sour cream and cream. When combined, certain chemical reactions occur that help to saturate the body with the necessary amount of carbohydrates, but without oversaturation.

Table of ready meals containing starch:

Name: Starch content:
Pasta 75%
Cornflakes 74%
homemade noodles 65%
Butter rusks 61%
Cereal crackers 58%
flat cakes 52%
Kissel 51%
White bread 48%
Rye bread 45%

Consumption of such products helps to saturate the body with carbohydrates, but in large quantities this can negatively affect the functioning of internal systems and lead to obesity. Each serving stimulates the production of insulin so that glucose can be safely absorbed. Such a load does not always have a positive effect on the body, so you should pay attention to foods containing starch in low concentrations.

List of starch-free foods:

  • Eggs.
  • Meat.
  • Fish, seafood.
  • Milk products.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Onion garlic.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Beet.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Eggplant.
  • Zucchini.
  • Turnip.
  • Leafy vegetables and herbs.
  • Gherkins.

This is an ideal diet for those who want to lose weight, because the carbohydrate content in such a diet will be minimal. At the same time, do not forget that a healthy diet should include the maximum variety, especially with increased mental or physical stress.

Daily intake of starch

Depending on age, gender and the degree of physical and mental stress, starch intake should be regulated. As mentioned earlier, getting into our body, this compound breaks down very quickly into glucose, which means that the body is saturated. On the other hand, excessive consumption of starch has a negative effect on the body and leads to problems of the cardiovascular system, pancreatic dysfunction and even to the development of obesity.

To avoid this, you need to know exactly what amount will be optimal and will only benefit.

The daily intake of starch is:

  • For children, this figure ranges from 50 to 150 grams, depending on the age and weight of the child.
  • For adults, the daily allowance is 330 grams.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the load on the body is stronger, which means that the norm can be increased to 350 - 400 grams.

Almost all the foods that we consume contain starch in different concentrations, so the daily diet must be as varied and nutritious as possible, but without an excess of the same substances. The ideal ratio for this would be 1:1:4, which means that for each serving of proteins and fats, you need to consume four times more carbohydrates.

Healthy Starch

The so-called resistant starch. It takes longer to digest and releases a large amount of energy for the body to work. It has been proven that the regular inclusion of foods containing "healthy" starch in the diet helps to renew tissues at the cellular level, speeds up metabolism and prevents the development of tumors.

The maximum content of useful starch is noted in legumes, especially beans and lentils. Whole grains (buckwheat, oats, and rice) are slightly inferior in concentration, but also boast the presence of this beneficial compound. Root vegetables also contain useful starch. These are potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams and sweet potatoes. It is also found in small amounts in fresh fruits and berries, so be sure to include them in your daily diet.

An indispensable source of energy for our body - starch, brings not only benefits. Excessive consumption leads to the development of serious conditions, in particular obesity, so a reasonable restriction of foods rich in starch is necessary.

Dear readers, the topic of starch interested me so much that I decided to write another article dedicated to this very interesting product. Yes, and after the publication of the first article about starch, readers ask a lot of different questions, so today I will try to answer all your questions. So, I will ask everyone on board, we continue to explore the starch :)

The thing is that the previous post, despite the fact that it was devoted to this amazing product, did not at all touch on the topic of the benefits and harms of starch for the human body, so the first thing I would like to do is fill this gap. And we will start by remembering how in the article "" I told you that by and large, only 2 main types of starch can be distinguished - easily digestible or glycemic and difficult to digest or resistant. Therefore, raising the topic of the benefits of starch, it is separately necessary to say what are the benefits of resistant starch and what are the benefits of glycemic starch. With the same structure, it is worth consecrating the negative effects of starch on the body.

Benefits of glycemic starch:

  1. Speaking about the benefits of fast-digesting starch, it's time to remember that starch is primarily a carbohydrate. And carbohydrates are the main and most efficient source of energy. By the way, in human diets, starch accounts for about 80% of the total amount of carbohydrates consumed.

  2. Starch is a complex carbohydrate and, therefore, unlike such simple carbohydrates as glucose, fructose and lactose, must undergo a splitting process in our body, which begins in the oral cavity and ends in the gastrointestinal tract. This process is quite long, so the feeling of satiety from a meal rich in glycemic starch is longer than from a meal rich in simple carbohydrates alone.

The negative impact of starch on our body:

Yes, there are not many advantages, but they are very significant, hence I summarize that the benefits of starch are obvious and it is vital for our body. The negative side of easily digestible starch clearly shows that this substance must be treated very carefully. So, when building diets, it is extremely important to choose the optimal ratios of qualitatively different types of carbohydrates. The most important thing to consider in the diet is the ratio of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugars) and slowly absorbed (for example, starch). The latter should account for 80-90% of all carbohydrates consumed!

What foods contain "fast" starch?

And where can we find this easily digestible starch?! Almost all foods that are in the human diet in one form or another contain starch. But still, the absolute leader in starch content is potatoes (you can read more about this controversial root crop in our article “!”. Next, I will list foods also rich in glycemic starch: sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, corn, soybeans, peas, wheat, rice, barley, rye , millet, chickpeas, cauliflower, etc.

Separately, I will say about some products of the modern food industry, which contain only one easily digestible starch - this is my “extremely favorite” white wheat flour of the highest grade. Also, a lot of such starch contains instant and instant cereals and semolina.

In order to reduce the negative impact of starch on the body, first of all, it is necessary to determine which products contain starch that is unnecessary for you, and only after that it is worth deciding what, in what quantity and at what time should be consumed.

Benefits of resistant starch:

For a very long time, indigestible starch was considered a by-product and was perceived only as a ballast substance and a binding element. But a lot has changed in recent years. Now resistant starch has taken “its place in the sun” and is under close scientific observation!

Now let me list the positive qualities of resistant starch that modern science is already familiar with:

  1. Resistant starch increases the body's sensitivity to insulin and lowers blood glucose levels. This is especially important for those people who have problems with blood sugar levels, such as diabetics. According to some studies, if you eat 20-30 grams of resistant starch per day, then in just 4 weeks, insulin sensitivity increases by 40-50%!

  2. With the use of this type of starch, the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases. Stimulates the production of the hormone glucagon, which increases the rate of fat burning in the body.

  3. Also, the benefit of resistant starch lies in the bifidogenic activity due to prebiotic properties. In simpler terms, the products of the fermentation of such starch in the large intestine are fatty acids (lactic, acetic, propionic, butyric), which feed on the cells of the intestinal walls. By the way, let me remind you that it is in the large intestine that up to 90% of all beneficial bacteria of our gastrointestinal tract are contained, and it is resistant starch that ensures that these bacteria feed and do not die.

  4. Indigestible starch promotes the absorption of minerals into the blood, especially calcium and magnesium.

  5. Resistant starches promote the release of butyrate by the gut microflora, which promotes the growth of beneficial gut microflora and also supports the body's anti-inflammatory defenses.

  6. In recent years, a lot of studies have been carried out that prove that resistant starches have a positive effect on the parameters of human antitumor immunity, thereby making it possible to use it in the immunoprophylaxis of tumor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Take a look at the impressive list of resistant starch benefits - the facts speak for themselves! Difficult-to-digest starch is not only useful for humans, it is vital for each of us, without exception!

Harm of indigestible starch:

There is not much to write here, so that the harm from resistant starch is practically not revealed. The only point with a minus sign is that the use of resistant starch should be limited to people with irritable bowel syndrome. But in this case, this applies not only to starch, but also to all insoluble dietary fibers.

Where to find resistant starch?

  1. Of course, in legumes, beans, peas and lentils have the highest levels of indigestible starch. But you should be very careful with the heat treatment of these products - the longer it is, the less resistant starch will remain in them.

  2. Also of note are some nuts such as cashews and peanuts. If we are already talking, then I strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with ours - you will not find such information anywhere else!

  3. A lot of resistant starch is found in whole grains. For people who are just starting to get acquainted with healthy eating, let me remind you that whole grains are those cereals that are not processed. I include polishing, grinding, flattening, etc. as treatments. Thus, you will not find resistant starch in white rice and pearl barley.

  4. Rounding out our list are root crops such as carrots and beets, in which the content of resistant starch is certainly low, but it is still present in them.

A few last words...

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about starch. I really hope that I have answered all your questions. Well, if you still have something to ask, feel free to write to me in the comments. Until then, goodbye, see you soon!

We have already talked about how useful non-starchy vegetables for weight loss. It is believed that if you want to get rid of excess weight, you need to eat as little as possible starchy foods that are supplied to the body. easily digestible carbohydrates.

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starch in the body

However, this is a double-edged sword, as it is also not recommended to completely exclude foods rich in starch from the diet. Depriving the body of the supply of light carbohydrates affects the functioning of internal organs, may be causes low mood and depression, general weakness of the body. To extract energy from protein dishes, the body has to make remarkable efforts, while extracting carbohydrates from starchy foods happens faster and easier. After all, starch during digestion turns into glucose which is absorbed very quickly.

Therefore, if you include starchy vegetables in your diet, try to combine them with non-starchy vegetables and fats. They are strictly forbidden to use together with proteins, sugars, acids.

Moderately starchy vegetables. List and Compatibility

Many nutritionists divide all vegetables into starchy and non-starchy. Some subdivide three groups of vegetables by adding a group of moderately starchy vegetables. That is, they still contain starch, but in small quantities, so they can be included in the menu of a losing weight person. TO moderately starchy relate:

  • zucchini;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • soy (beans, sprouts);
  • turnip;
  • beet;
  • carrots.

According to Herbert Shelton, the founder separate power supply, moderately starchy vegetables should be classified as cauliflower. On the one hand, he believed that it can be attributed to non-starchy foods, but on the other hand, he did not recommend eating it in large quantities, and also advised using it with fats. Eggplant also refers to both moderately starchy and non-starchy vegetables, according to various experts.

Tomatoes are neither starchy nor non-starchy vegetables. They stand apart and are not included in any of the groups. Their main components are acids: oxalic, malic, citrus. Due to the high content of acids, this vegetable belongs to sour vegetables, and its starch content is not taken into account. Proponents of separate nutrition are advised not to combine tomatoes with any other foods containing starch. But Tomatoes pair perfectly with fats and salad vegetables., poor in starch.

Non-starchy vegetables. Full list

Nutrition experts say that non-starchy foods can be combined with any other types of food: proteins, starchy foods, fats. Moreover, non-starchy vegetables contribute to their speedy breakdown and assimilation, stimulate digestion without harming the figure. Most non-starchy vegetables are green in color, so they are a kind of “green traffic light” for losing weight.

Vegetables that do not contain starch are saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture, so when losing weight, a person who prefers such products quickly feels full. Starch-free vegetables also contain iron which promotes the best assimilation of meat. That is why very often restaurants serve protein dishes in combination with “light” vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, cucumbers).

The diet of the peoples of the world is based on foods containing starch. In our country it is wheat and potatoes, in China and India it is rice, in Central and South America it is corn. There is a lot of energy in starchy foods, but they do not participate in the construction of body tissues. Animal starch is healthier than vegetable starch. In some cases, both varieties can be harmful.

Composition and types of starch

The substance belongs to complex (polysaccharides), it contains residues of glucose molecules. It is poorly soluble in water, which helps to perform the main function - to retain nutrients for a long time.

Plants with its help accumulate energy reserves, form tiny grains in greenery.

Hydrolysis processes convert starchy grains into water-soluble sugars (glucose). Through cell membranes, they penetrate into various parts of the plant. Glucose feeds the sprout when it emerges from the seed.

When chewing foods containing starch, saliva partially breaks it down to maltose (complex sugar). Under the action of pancreatic secretion, the process is completed in the small intestine.

Vegetable products with starch bring maximum benefit if they are not consumed in cereals or soaked, but chewed thoroughly, not washed down.

  • Before eating, it is useful to grind whole grains, add the resulting powder to a vegetable salad.

Animals store glucose in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen (animal starch). Its slow hydrolysis keeps the blood constant between meals.

vegetable starches

Potato. This product has a high absorption rate. It breaks down to glucose 10-12 times faster than starchy cereals and grains (several hours).

Rapid absorption is facilitated by a thin oily layer under the skin of young potatoes. As a rule, it is cut off during cleaning. This is also why potatoes baked in their skins or boiled in their skins are useful.

Most potato dishes are quickly evacuated by the body; they do not burden the function of the digestive organs.

Rice. The product is rich in starch, has an astringent effect. Cooked without oil, rice is useful for diseases of the genitourinary system, enhances lactation, soothes, improves complexion. Round rice has the most starch, so the grains boil and stick together.

Wheat. Products with wheat are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dissolution of salts in the genitourinary system, and have a vasodilating effect. Outwardly baths with starch are used to get rid of itching, with children's diathesis.

Rye. Products are used in diabetes mellitus, to enhance resistance, bind and remove harmful substances.

Oat. Kissels and other products help to cope with physical and intellectual overwork. Remove excess, help with diabetes, anemia, insomnia.

Corn. Products have a rejuvenating effect. The extract from the grains prevent the development of tumors. It is used as a choleretic agent or to increase blood clotting.

animal starch

In fact, vegetable starch is nothing more than organic glue. If you forget to wash the plate after porridge or potatoes, only hot water and a hard brush remove hardened food residues.

The complex formula of vegetable starch contains glucose, which is the body's main source of energy. Its chemical formula consists of the same elements as glycogen, but their spatial arrangement in plant and animal varieties is different.

Therefore, enzymes designed to break down glycogen do not completely break down glucose from the plant variety.

Such food is more difficult to digest, and by-products of cleavage accumulate in the body. They require additional energy costs for their removal. Accumulated harmful substances cause atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, and other diseases.

Some researchers believe that diabetes mellitus develops as a result of the depletion of the enzyme system during many years of processing vegetable starch. It is not the level of glucose ("sugar") that increases in the blood, but the amount of products of incomplete breakdown. They clog tissue and disrupt microcirculation.

More useful to the body starch contains the liver of animals or fish, in which up to 10% glycogen.

Therefore, the less you consume starchy foods, the more health. Arnold Ehret wrote about the dangers of foods containing starch in the early twentieth century in his book The Healing System of the Mucusless Diet.

List and table of foods containing starch

Vegetables and fruits contain up to 10% carbohydrates. When apples ripen, the amount of starch increases, and during storage it decreases. There is a lot of it in green bananas, in ripe ones it turns into sugar.

The largest amount of starch in products from cereals, legumes, rice. The proportion recommended by nutritionists is 10% of the daily diet.

Non-starchy and green vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, turnips, carrots, sweet peppers, onions, parsley, pumpkin.

Table of foods that contain starch
Product (100g)Starch content, g
White bread47
Rye bread44
celery root0,6
Bulb onions0,1
Sweet pepper0,1
Black currant0,60
Plum fresh0,10

Harm starch

Cereals are the most difficult to digest, even when boiled. Products from them cause fermentation and gas formation.

Grains, cereals, starchy foods are contraindicated in young children, because they do not produce the necessary enzymes. Even in a two-year-old, they are less active compared to an adult's body.

Therefore, before the age of two, it is better to prefer fruits to starchy foods - prunes, dates. They are easily digested, give enough energy, do not require long digestion.

Modified: 02/11/2019

We often hear that vegetables are essential for daily human consumption. But why? After all, there are many other foods endowed with vitamins, but why should vegetables not be overlooked? Everything is very simple.

It is with vegetables that the guarantee of a healthy diet begins:

  • Vegetables are not fatty foods;
  • They are endowed with many trace elements and vitamins;
  • Some vegetables do not even need to be steamed, fried or boiled. They can be consumed fresh;
  • They are very light and easily absorbed by the body.

But many will argue with the fact that not every vegetable is so light and harmless.

In this regard, they are divided into two categories:

  • Vegetables containing starch;
  • Vegetables without starch.

Starch is one type of carbohydrate found in vegetables. In appearance, it is a white powdery substance, odorless and tasteless. This powder is insoluble in cold water, therefore, when it merges, it forms a viscous paste.

This complex carbohydrate serves as a source of energy for both plants and humans. In plants, it is mainly found in tubers and stems, when it breaks down it is converted into glucose, which feeds the plant with energy. In the human body, it also tends to break down and turns into sugar.

The benefits and harms of starch for the body

Starch in the human diet performs the function of nourishment. Enriching the body with additional energy due to breakdown and conversion into glucose. This process begins from the moment food containing its granules enters the human oral cavity.

Not having time to bite off a piece of the product, saliva begins to envelop each granule, at this stage a carbohydrate called maltose is formed.

After that, this carbohydrate enters the small intestine and there, under the influence of an acidic environment, it turns into glucose, which is absorbed by the intestinal walls and enters the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body, feeding it with energy. But you need to take into account the fact that starch is not always useful.

Positive properties of starch:

  • Due to the content of a large amount of the substance - amylose, starch has a beneficial effect on the stomach.
  • He is a kind of personal massager of the walls of the stomach and intestines. When this type of carbohydrate is absorbed by a person, it does not disintegrate, but remains in the form of a lump, which gradually massages the walls of the stomach, and improves the digestive system, reducing the absorption of cholesterol by the latter.
  • Another equally useful property of the carbohydrate in question is that it helps a person restore the body after a sharp increase or decrease in sugar in the body. This is very important for people with diabetes.

Negative properties of starch:

  • People who watch their figure and carefully read the sugar level in each product will tell us that starchy foods are almost taboo. It is he who turns into glucose (sugar), is absorbed into the walls of the intestines and into the blood, and oversaturates the body with sugar (if such foods are consumed in excess), which cannot but affect weight gain.
  • Starchy compounds that enrich the body sometimes lead to the formation of body fat. Therefore, when you hear that you can lose weight by adding vegetables to your diet, then be careful, not all of them will be useful in this matter.

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of sweets gently affect the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the efficiency will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

Starch free or low starch foods

It should be noted that no animal product is starchy, while almost all plant products are.

The table of low or no starch foods below includes many foods.

Vegetables without starch Low Starch Vegetables
Onion, leek, shallot, chives Garlic
Chervil Pumpkin
Cucumber Peas
Gherkin Artichoke
Swede Kohlrabi
Purslane Chicory
Tomatoes Asparagus
Greens: dill, parsley, sorrel, spinach, nettle, Cabbage
Eggplant Green and red pepper
Cauliflower, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts Radish
Broccoli Parsnip
Dandelion Mushrooms
Rhubarb Endive

Starchy foods are very quickly absorbed by the body (potatoes, legumes and cereals), and in a short time saturate it with energy, turning into glucose.

Important! For complete assimilation of starch, an alkaline environment is required. It is difficult to digest if consumed with foods containing protein.

Vegetables that have this carbohydrate are well absorbed when combined with food containing fats. These include:

  • Sour cream;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Cream, etc.

Combining the presented fats with vegetables containing a low level of starch, such as radishes, peas, cabbage, pumpkin mushrooms and others, the human body is saturated with various types of microelements and vitamins. They are all necessary for people to stimulate the work of internal organs.
