
Dinner in Russian style. Russian-style wedding menu: traditional dishes and drinks for a feast

A festive table is an integral part of a Russian wedding. No other country can compare with the Russian customs of the wedding feast, despite the fact that large-scale feasts for this holiday are held everywhere. The menu of a Russian wedding is distinguished by an abundance of national dishes. Few people follow these traditions now because they are difficult and expensive to organize. But at a Russian-style wedding, you can’t do without a full-fledged Russian menu.


Dishes in Rus' were not just for treats. Each of them was prepared with a symbolic meaning, usually with a wish.

Pies were the most important at the ancient feast. The serving of pies and fish pies was obligatory: they were considered simple bread and were offered as they were eaten. So there were enough pies for everyone.

Kurnik is the most important cake in the old days, without which not a single wedding feast could do. With chicken and wheat-grain filling, it was symbolic. Wheat was considered a sign of fertility and wealth, and the rooster and hen are birds that are symbols of rich fruiting and have a connection with the sky.

If the future spouses did not have enough for chicken meat, the kurnik was baked with millet, mushrooms and turnips as a filling.

In the kurnik one could find an egg in a shell or chicken bones. They put them there for good luck.

One of the two wedding cakes was baked by the bride's family, the second by the groom's family. On the cake, the girls made patterns in the form of various flowers. On the groom's cake were figures of people representing a family.

If now the choice of a dress and the color of a limousine is important for the bride, then in Rus' everyone was worried about the organization of the richest feast. The main dish in wealthy families is a goose in apples. It was believed that the more meat and fish dishes, the richer the celebration, because the poor did not have the opportunity to arrange a luxurious feast.

From alcohol at the Russian wedding feast there was nothing strong, they were treated only to honey, beer and mash.


When compiling the menu, do not forget: in Rus' they did not save on feasts, it was customary to treat guests with the best to show their generosity. You will need to arrange a big feast.

Dishes should be traditional, classic in Russian folk cuisine. These are not pizzas or sushi.


  • Cold appetizers - salads, vinaigrettes, aspics

First of all, it is customary to serve cold appetizers. They should be enough for all guests who will consume alcohol. Cold appetizers always come with salted and smoked fish, caviar, herring, pickled mushrooms, cabbage and pickles.

  • Hot snacks - baked mushrooms, omelettes, meat, vegetables

Hot appetizers are served alongside cold appetizers, although they are rare in home and restaurant cuisine. However, these are the best snacks for alcoholic drinks. They need to be beautifully designed and decorated with the products that make up the dish.

  • Fish - jellied, stuffed

Jellied / stuffed fish is an important part of the wedding menu, especially at a Russian wedding. It is served immediately after appetizers.

  • Meat snacks - stuffed pork, cuts

Meat snacks go with fish. They must be present on the wedding table, as they are usually in great demand.

  • Other dishes - vegetable, mushroom

An important part of the menu at a Russian wedding in summer or autumn is fresh vegetable dishes. If your wedding takes place in winter or spring, swap fresh vegetables for pickled and salted ones, or use mushrooms.

  • Main hot dishes - game, meat on a spit, roast goose, suckling pigs

Russian cuisine is rich in hot dishes. Choose large dishes that will also decorate the table: a whole pig, a turkey, a goose in apples. Place the main course immediately in the center of the table, and when it comes to them, reheat, cut and serve.

  • Dessert - pies, other pastries, loaf, cake in the form of a samovar or matryoshka

A festive cake is included in any menu, without it a wedding feast is not a feast at all. In the case of a Russian wedding, instead of a festive cake, it is customary to serve a large loaf and sweet apple or berry pies. If guests really want a cake, bake it in the form of a samovar or nesting dolls.

  • Drinks - fruit drink, compote, uzvar, jelly

Guests will want alcohol. It must correspond to the Russian style. Choose vodka and wines with names that have a Russian flavor. Homemade alcoholic drinks are also suitable: vodka, which is infused with berries, etc.

The offers of event agencies are full of all kinds of events, the themes of which relate to cultures and traditions unfamiliar to us. Russian folk style unfairly relegated to the background. So why not recreate old traditions and have fun in the images of brave guys and Russian beauties?

How to invite guests in Russian style?

For any holiday, the theme of which is Russian traditions, the ideal invitation would be a postcard decorated with Khokhloma, Gzhel painting. And you can put the text in a nesting doll - you get an unusual invitation, and an excellent souvenir that can set guests on the right wave.

Where and how to organize fun?

The basic rule for a Russian party is the bigger the room, the better. Ideally, such festivities should take place in the open air in nature or on the territory of a country cottage.

To recreate the picture of past years and impregnate the atmosphere with a real Russian spirit, you need to add a certain number of details to the decor of the room: bundles of straw, bear skins on the floor and on the walls, beautifully arranged wicker baskets, nesting dolls and caskets. Dishes on the tables should be wooden and earthenware. Tables and chairs can be covered with burlap, canvas, and wooden lampshades can be hung from the ceiling.

Do not forget to emphasize the style of your party with fabrics with patterns in Russian folk style.

Chairs, a festive table, walls can be decorated with such patterns, even waiters can have a uniform with elements of such a pattern, however, however, do not overdo it with patterns! There should be one leader, the rest can only partially supplement it in the design details.

What outfit to choose for a Russian folk party?

There are two ways to decide the dress code for a Russian-style party. The first is an authentic outfit that belongs to folk costumes, recreated in its original form. The second is to dress in modern clothes, stylized as folk. Today, many fashion designers offer quite stylish and comfortable things that will be appropriate not only for a themed event, but also for everyday life.

Girls should pay attention to sundresses and shirts with puffed sleeves. The head is decorated with a kokoshnik or ribbon. Be sure to collect hair in a braid, owners of short haircuts can think about false hair.

The approximate composition of a suit for guys looks like this: wide loose pants, an embroidered satin shirt and a scarlet sash. A cap with a flower on the head will complement the image.

What to serve on the table in the Russian style?

Russian cuisine has always been distinguished not only by its unique flavor, but also by delicious and hearty dishes. Serve roasted poultry or roasted pig. For meat, you can cook potatoes, mushrooms. All kinds of pickles must be present on the table: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. From sweets: gingerbread, bagels, cranberries in sugar, jam.

Drinks that were popular in Rus': kvass, mead. Of the “stronger” options - vodka, of course. Organize a real tea party behind a samovar.

For table setting, tablecloths with a Russian folklore pattern will come in handy, the dishes can be wooden, and in the middle of the table there is a huge samovar, all this will certainly complete the interior design of your evening.

What music to dance to and how to have fun?

The musical accompaniment of the evening is Russian folk songs that can be found in the recording (the ensemble "Golden Ring", for example), or invite a folk group that will perform several numbers live. If the guests of the holiday are young people, then order a DJ who will make excellent dance hits based on folk songs.

A Russian person likes to have fun, so entertainment should be appropriate. Arrange a tug of war, and, despite the fact that this is a purely male entertainment, attract girls to the exciting action - it will be a lot of fun!

Another interesting competition about the bath! To carry it out, you need to prepare all kinds of equipment that you need to go to the bathhouse: brooms, basins, sheets, hats for the steam room. Several players must dance to an incendiary melody, but at the same time “steam” with a broom. At a certain point, the music stops, and then the players must very quickly pull on their hats, wrap themselves in a sheet and flop into the basin. Whoever is faster wins!

From quiet entertainment, a quiz on knowledge of Russian culture and traditions is suitable - an excellent break between music and dance marathons. In addition, guests will also like contests in which you need to remember Russian folk ditties and songs. Give prizes to the winners and let them be objects of Russian folk art.

A Russian-style party is not only fun, joy and dancing, it is a kind of tribute to the traditions and culture of our country. So let's popularize what is so often forgotten. Our ancestors knew how to have fun, let's learn from them?

A short plan for preparing for a disco party

If after this article you feel that the party will be necessarily in the Russian style, we suggest moving from words to actions.

Answer yourself the first most important question: we will organize it ourselves or order it on a turnkey basis.

If you decide to order a turnkey party, the issue of choosing a quality performer is very acute, use our services to greatly simplify your task.

If you are confident in your abilities, we offer you a short thesis plan to help you, which will help you keep your finger on the pulse and not forget anything when preparing. Copy, print it in Word and go! Disco disco!

  1. If the party was decided by the company, determine who will be responsible for preparing the party (one or more people, if several, determine who will be the coordinator) and distribute tasks according to this list.
  2. Make a preliminary list of party participants.
  3. Call or meet with each to clarify the preliminary list of participants.
  4. Determine the date and time of the party.
  5. Determine the budget that you are ready to spend on the party (the solution of all subsequent issues will largely depend on this amount)
  6. Solve the issue of financing (who, in what amount, when and how will pay all the costs of preparing and conducting)
  7. If you plan to fully match the style of the party, the issue of Russian folk attire for becomes one of the important preparation items on the list of each participant. Find costume rental studios and give each party member a memo with addresses and phone numbers (this way you can avoid excuses like “I didn’t know where to find the right outfit ...”)
  8. Decide where you intend to hold the party (restaurant, office, yacht, country complex, etc.). To solve this issue easier, leave a request on the site indicating that a party in the Russian folk style is planned, for sure, you will be answered by venues that not only have experience in organizing such a style, but were also originally conceived as establishments in the Russian style, which means interior plan 100% meeting your requirements. Or maybe someone is organizing a similar party in the near future, then from the entire list of things you just have to remember to come to the address on the day of the party.
  9. What dishes / drinks should be on your table? Who prefers what?
  10. Consider the issue of transport and delivery of participants home.
  11. Decide who will be responsible for decorating the space. If you plan to do everything on your own, decide on the decoration elements, it is best that they be ready at least 1 week before the event. If you rely on the experience of professionals, leave a request on the site, you will be offered not only design options, but also demonstrate the existing decoration elements. You can choose the best performer for quality and price.
  12. Consider the entertainment part. Which contests and competitions attract your friends and which don't? Use our contests section to quickly solve this problem.

eventspro wishes you a super disco drive!

Red girls and glorious heroes, remember the traditions of the people? Let's rest so that the devils in hell become unbearable? Noisy Russian parties in folk style - this is general fun, loud songs, ditties, Slavic fun and revelry to the fullest! Let's measure strength and ingenuity, arrange a feast for the whole world!

A peasant yard, a Russian hut, royal mansions or a boyar tower? The first option is ideal for a holiday in the fresh air - in nature or in the courtyard of a private house. To create an atmosphere, decorate the perimeter with a fake wattle fence (a fence made of willow, hollow or willow branches), sheaves of hay, figurines or images of livestock. In the distance or near the house "exhibition" - a Russian party with a contest "Guess what it is and what it was used for?". Tools (carded, scraper and adze, hoe, etc.) can be drawn and cut out of cardboard.

Peasant hut - earthenware and wooden rough dishes, linen or hemp fabrics, wild flowers, bast shoes and felt boots, barrels and tubs, rough unhewn furniture. The queen of the house (Russian stove) can be drawn or made from cardboard. Boyarsky tower - Khokhloma, "bear" skins, wide long benches, feather beds with pyramids. The royal party in the Russian folk style is a decoration rich in silver, gold and stones, thin cotton or silk tablecloths, carved furniture, shelves with expensive dishes and clay figurines on the walls.

Suitable for decoration:

  • garlands of dried mushrooms, berries and fruits, onions and garlic. Bunches of fragrant herbs and sprigs of mountain ash, flowering apple trees, cherries;
  • painted nesting dolls, caskets, chests. A large chest can be left open, putting costume elements inside, so that guests can choose accessories to their taste;
  • wooden utensils, stavets or tubs, baskets and tubs. The original decor is a cut plastic bottle with wild flowers inserted into a felt boot or into a tub (if the tub is wide, the bottles are placed tightly so as not to stagger);
  • stylized scarves, shawls, head coverings.

Do not try to use as many decorative elements as possible. Enough of a few details, but well thought out and sustained in the same style. For example, Gzhel and Khokhloma, coarse wooden and fine workmanship, unbleached linen and fine fabrics do not go well together.


For a theme party, Russian-style costumes include a peasant dress, a boyar caftan, a royal outfit, and a hero’s chain mail. Therefore, in the invitation, specify the dress code if you want good people to be from the same class. You can arrange a fair or a folk festival, where all the honest people had fun on an equal footing:

We invite queens and kings,
Knights and heroes,
funny buffoons,
Peasant and boyars,
Whether you are a prince or a milker!

The simplest version of a women's suit consists of a white shirt with wide sleeves (tunic, ethnic ornament on the collar, hem and sleeves) and a long sundress (red, yellow, blue, green). On the head there is a wreath, ribbon or kokoshnik (can be made of cardboard, covered with fabric and decorated with beads), on the legs there are bright little laces (shoes or boots). Large jewelry made of stones, beads, beads, blackened silver.

Read also: Party for adults in the style of "kindergarten" (+ photo)

For men- a wide belted shirt with wide sleeves (do not forget about the ornament), loose dark pants (plain or longitudinal stripes). Trousers were tucked into boots or gathered down with a braid of onuchi or bast shoes. So that the strong half of humanity does not feel constrained at a Russian party, you can wear loose trousers of standard length and simple dark-colored shoes.

Stylized costumes for leading and most active guests:

Or even like this - modern, comfortable and beautiful:


To withstand the atmosphere, set the table with the simplest dishes or vases with recognizable ornaments, plant motifs, rural animals (for example, roosters surrounded by flowers - Gorodetskaya, Petrikovskaya painting). The main decoration of the table is a brilliant samovar, bursting with heat. If there is no place for a samovar on the common table, put it against the wall on a small table. Around the samovar there was jam and jam in pot-bellied jars, candied fruits and berries, dryers and gingerbread, cockerels (lollipops).

At festivities in the Russian folk style, the table should burst with treats. A party can cost a pretty penny or turn out to be very economical, depending on which dishes of Slavic cuisine to choose:

  • goose in apples, chicken, game, roasted pig;

  • jellied or baked sturgeon, black and red game;

  • roast with mushrooms, porridge with meat or mushrooms, okroshka, casserole, cabbage soup;

  • salted milk mushrooms and boletus, tomatoes and cucumbers, pickled apples, sauerkraut with cranberries;

  • pies, rolls, cheesecakes, pies, pancakes and pancakes, carols, bagels;

  • baked or boiled potatoes, steamed turnip, herring;

  • "our" fruits and berries. You can put a dish with pineapples, bananas, kiwi, etc., with a comic sign “Gifts to the light prince from the Byzantine ambassador” or “Beware of foreign fruits!”.

From drinks– traditional vodka and mead. Crazy mash and hoppy beer can be poured with a ladle with a spout straight from an oak barrel! Contrary to popular belief, the Slavs drank "drunk" drinks only on these occasions: a wedding, a military victory, the death of a family member, the birth of a child. Therefore, the party does not have to turn into a banal booze, add low-alcohol drinks to the menu - birch tree (fermented birch sap with sugar), kvass, sat (fermented honey water). From non-alcoholic - non-hop kvass, compotes and juices from fruits, berries and vegetables, herbal teas.


In addition to a noisy feast, festivities in Russian traditions necessarily include games of ingenuity, courage and, of course, strength. We will not offer to beat each other with a log or beat with fists until one falls.

1. But dancing is a sacred thing! Apple, Cossack, Kamarinskaya, mistress, Kalinka and Metelitsa - invite guests to repeat the movements of the host (animator) or dancer on the video. Do not forget to prepare Russian music for the party, in original or modern version.

Read also: Choosing an original gift for the director of a man (+ 26 photos)

2. Invite guests to guess the next line of the folk song (prepare the text or audio cut in advance). Or let them guess the name of the musical instrument. Instead of real instruments, use drawings, photos or toy miniatures: horn and flute, domra and balalaika, palms and rattle, rubel, bells, etc.

3. The serpent Gorynych fell to taste the heroic silushka - beware, evil spirits, Russian peasants! According to the scenario of the party, the guests are divided into two teams. Tie balloons to the back of a chair (how many people are in the team, so many balloons). Prepare two wooden swords. Participants from each team must quickly “cut off Gorynych’s head” with a sword, i.e. pop one balloon. Happened? Pass the sword to the next participant (the team whose Gorynych fell faster wins). Guests will swing the stick quite actively, so place chairs at arm's length plus the length of the sword.

4. Invite the good fellows to surprise the people with their accuracy. The game "Pile" - a metal ring on the ground (or on a piece of foam), a thin metal pointed rod 15 cm (you can just use a large nail or a heavy dart). The larger the ring, the farther you need to stand. The glorious knight must throw a "spear", hitting the ring.

The games "Skovoroda" and "Drunk Carter" are held under cheerful Russian songs. For parties in a large room (with a dance floor) or outdoors.

5. "Frying pan" - a circle marked on the ground (half). You can draw with chalk or paint, draw in the soil, lay out with a ribbon - whatever you like. The diameter of the circle is slightly less than the diameter of the round dance of the participants. All guests are divided into two teams and form a round dance so as to stand through one (a member of the boyar team is a member of the peasant team, etc.). Music sounds, the round dance moves in a circle. Suddenly, the music stops - the team members are trying to "fry" the opponents, pulling them by the hands into the "frying pan" (into the circle). Stepped on the "frying pan" - dropped out of the game.

6. To play the "drunk carter" you will need three ropes about two meters long. The ends of the ropes are tightly tied together. Loose ends are wrapped around the waist of three participants. At the command of the “horse of a drunken driver,” the rod is pulled in different directions. The winner is the one who pulls the other two participants to his side. There can be several “triples”, the winners of the “triples” compete among themselves until the strongest “horse” is determined.

At the end of the party, give out Russian-style gifts to the most active participants or memorable presents to all those invited: nesting dolls, wooden spoons, scarves, beads and ribbons for girls, carvings, painted boxes.

7. To play "Turnip" you need a strong pole or something solid that you can tenaciously grab onto. The “turnip” hugs the pole with his arms and legs, the rest of the participants line up in a chain, holding each other by the waist, and try to “pull out the turnip”. Each participant can be a “turnip”, the leader determines the winner (who lasted longer, count aloud or use a stopwatch).

December crept up unnoticed again, but this will not prevent us from celebrating the New Year fully armed - fun and tasty! This will help you traditional selection of holiday recipes, which is preparing to celebrate with you. Both classic dishes of the festive table and the best New Year's recipes that were released in the past year are waiting for you. Plus, a weighty selection of ready-made New Year's menus for the festive table, and all this is in the next December issue.

For many of us, the New Year is the start of something new and always good. To mark it properly, plan the menu of the New Year's table menu in advance, add the selected recipes to your bookmarks and write out the shopping list and schedule in detail. This traditional collection of New Year's recipes is my gift, which I present to you with best wishes. Meet the New 2019 at a fresh and unusual holiday table, and he will definitely repay you in the same coin!


If you have not subscribed to the site's newsletter yet, I advise you to do it right now, before you go headlong into reading New Year's 2019 recipes for the next couple of hours. Each new subscriber receives three of my books as a gift, including Book of homemade delicacies, which will help in preparing the New Year's table, and will be the first to learn about all new recipes and articles:

New Year's table is impossible to imagine without salads. Its absolute kings are salads Olivier and Herring under a fur coat, but if you wish, you can cook them without my help. New Year 2019 clearly deserves something more original, but we will start with classics.

fresh salads it is difficult to cook for the New Year, they will quickly get soaked from dressing. But there are a couple of tricks.

Vegetables in winter are inconspicuous and not as tasty as in season, but there are some. vegetables, which before the new year in abundance.

New Year's table - new flavors! Prepare something unexpected, and you will be the center of attention, not Santa Claus!

Cold snacks

On the New Year's table, cold appetizers are usually waiting for guests along with salads, because when everyone has gathered, the holiday should begin immediately. We have another old year to see off! One of the most delicious cold appetizers - fish, we'll start with them.

We close the fish theme caviar appetizers which can also be prepared at home.

An important section of vegetable snacks - caviar from various vegetables, which can be put on the table or served in the form of small canapes.

Canapes and sandwiches- these are not quite bruschettas, but they are just as suitable for an informal meeting of the New Year or its introductory part.

Cheese snack section- small, but not worth passing by.

Hot appetizers

Hot appetizers are, in essence, a prelude to the main course of the New Year's table, which means that they should whet the appetite, and not muffle it. So let's start with recipes for one bite.

A bit more baking, which will also look more than appropriate on the festive table.

Of course, we cannot ignore vegetable snacks, which can be served on the festive table both hot and cold.

So we come to the central dish of the New Year's table. Unlike salads and appetizers, as a rule, only one main course is prepared, so take your choice seriously - and for your convenience, I have divided recipes from meat and fish.

Main meat dishes

The most common, most understandable, most budgetary meat that almost everyone loves - chicken. You can cook a lot of festive chicken dishes for the New Year's table.

Rabbit Dishes are considered the most dietary, but can be very tasty.

Pork is loved by many, and not by chance: it is easier to buy this high-quality meat from us than beef, and there are just as many festive pork dishes.

Main fish dishes

Festive fish dishes are a way out for those who do not like to get up from the New Year's table with a feeling of suffocating satiety. They can be prepared with both fresh and frozen fish, and most of these dishes are easy to prepare. The simplest option is cook whole fish.

There is a whole cohort of fish dishes, the names of which immediately indicate that now there will be something insipid and boring. Use one of these recipes to to surprise everyone.

side dishes

A side dish on the New Year's table, in general, is not necessary - as a rule, everyone gorges themselves even at the stage of salads and snacks. However, it is still worth preparing a side dish in case if someone comes especially hungry.

If one of the guests is fasting or does not eat meat, you can cook a side dish that is quite can be the main course.


If you serve at the New Year's table delicious and fragrant bread, which they baked themselves (and not necessarily just - it can be baked the day before the holiday), everyone will appreciate it!

Pair Italian varieties of bread, which will perfectly fit into the New Year's extravaganza.


As long-term practice shows, not everyone will last until dessert at the New Year's table, but if you or your guests are from the sweet tooth, this item of the program cannot be ignored. Let's start with the simplest - cupcakes and muffins.

. - the basic recipe for your favorite pastries.
. - portioned muffins that someone will probably want to take with them.
. Another classic cupcake recipe.

More Holiday Dessert Recipes You Can Do serve in portions.

. - the original recipe for a simple and not the most harmful dessert.
. - Prepare in advance and add bright colors at the end of a festive dinner.
. A simple yet delicious dessert.
. - in case you couldn't find it in the store.

We continue the theme of baking with several recipes very, very simple desserts.

. - delicious and healthy pastries for a festive tea party.
. - An excellent recipe for homemade buns.
. - in case you've already baked pecan buns and now want something new.
. - a classic French apple pie, which is obtained by absolutely everyone.

Themed weddings are in great demand among young people. The celebration in the national Russian style will be bright and rich. But you have to try! You have to think over not only the outfits, design and scenario, but also the menu for the wedding in the Russian style.

Wedding menu in Russian style

A Russian wedding is not just a feast, it is a feast for the whole honest world. The wedding menu includes a variety of dishes. In their preparation, poultry, animal and fish meat is used. The table is diversified with baked, fresh and salted vegetables.

National Russian dishes

The main national dishes from ancient times are porridges and soups. For the first ear, meat soups with vegetables, mushrooms and cereals. The most famous Russian national dish is borscht.

Kashi make up an assortment of second courses.

For the preparation of cereals, buckwheat, oats, barley and millet are used. Served with meat, pickles, fish and vegetables. Potatoes belong to the national Russian dishes. The popularity of this root crop is explained by the great possibilities of its use for preparing various dishes, from simply boiled tubers to potato pancakes and stuffed pies.

You will learn how to cook delicious potato pies with meat from our video with the famous TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya.

Famous national Russian dishes include all kinds of pies and pies. Rastegai is a special type of pie with a filling (vegetable, fish, or meat). The signature feature of this pie is the hole in the center. The pie looks like it's unzipped. Hence the name. Pies are served as an independent dish, or as an addition to a hot dish.

Traditional Russian drinks

Kvass, mead, berry and herb tinctures and, of course, vodka are the most popular Russian drinks. They are simply made for a Russian-style wedding. Especially if the celebration is planned for the cold season.

Traditional Russian kvass can be prepared at home. We bring to your attention a video with two options for recipes.

Winter wedding menu

Dishes for the wedding menu in winter, both cold and hot, should be hearty. Salted and pickled vegetables and mushrooms, sauerkraut will help diversify the table:

As an appetizer, jelly, aspic fish, dumplings with sour cream are perfect.

And, of course, fat!

Fish dishes from salmon, sterlet, catfish, burbot will not only decorate the festive table, but also make the menu varied and refined. Caviar is one of the traditional national Russian dishes. Black and red. Choose here based on your budget and personal preference. Pancakes with caviar are the hallmark of Russian national cuisine in many countries of the world.

For the first, you can serve royal fish soup, or borscht. The second is meat. Almost anything is used in the national Russian cuisine: pork, beef, rabbit meat. A special chic at the wedding feast has always been a baked suckling pig.

Bird meat is very popular: chickens, geese, ducks. As a side dish, you can stop at national cereals, or potatoes.

Meat in pots can be a great idea for a wedding table. The dish has many benefits. Beautiful design in the national style; meat and garnish together; the pot retains heat for a long time.

Meat baked in this way will be delicious with any side dish: cereals, potatoes, or vegetables.

Salads for the winter wedding menu should be beautiful and satisfying. Traditional "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat" have already become national dishes. You can serve salads in a common salad bowl, or in portions for each guest in a bowl.


In winter, for dessert for a wedding feast, pancakes, pies with various fillings will go with a bang: from cabbage, mushrooms, potatoes, berries, meat, etc.

National Russian sweets include:

- kissel;

- sbiten;

- casserole with berries;

- sweet pancakes with various fillings;

- baked apples and pumpkin;

- marmalade and marshmallow;

- Cookies and cakes.

Replace the wedding cake with a traditional Russian loaf:

Summer menu

Without what it is impossible to imagine a summer feast? Of course, without okroshka.

Cool and refreshing, it is perfect for a festive summer table. Vegetables form the basis of summer dishes. Salads from fresh vegetables, baked vegetables:

They go great with any kind of meat. If the wedding will take place in nature, the best option is grilled meat.

Seasonal fruits will not only be a light and tasty dessert, but will also decorate the table.

In summer, strong drinks are not as in demand as in winter. Of course, the feast will not do without vodka, but lighter drinks will form the basis of your table's alcohol card: cider, mead, fruit drinks and tinctures, traditional Russian kvass and beer.

For dessert, a pancake cake with berries and pies with fruit fillings:

Especially for this article, we have selected a video with a step-by-step master class for making a wonderful pancake cake.

The generosity and breadth of the Russian wedding is famous for its traditions, variety of national dishes. Russian cuisine is not only beautiful, but also amazingly delicious!
