
Terrible smell of old age! This is because many do not follow these hygiene rules ... Tips for every day! The most smelly substances and objects in the world.

Things or living organisms often have an unpleasant smell, which, as it were, warn us of danger, signaling us: "Do not eat me, I am dangerous." What smells are recognized as the most terrible?

1. Rotten eggs

The smell of rotten eggs is unmistakable. And all thanks to hydrogen sulfide gas, which begins to form during the breakdown of protein containing sulfur. This gas not only smells disgusting, it is explosive and harmful to health.

2. Skunk

If you look closely, you can see that in fact the skunk is a beautiful fluffy animal. He even wants to cuddle like a cat. But everyone in the world knows that it is better not to approach him because of the special weapon of the skunk. It is able to shoot a nauseating liquid from the anal glands in case of danger or alarm. It will be difficult to hide from her, she flies out at high speed at a distance of up to three meters. In addition to the terrible smell, the liquid causes profuse lacrimation, nausea and dizziness.

3. Tobacco smoke

Most people don't cringe at the "aroma" of tobacco smoke, and some even enjoy it. But people who prefer to breathe fresh air most often cannot stand this smell. It is difficult to get rid of it, it eats into clothes and hair, and even into the skin. Surprisingly, in some cases, even smokers dislike the smell of tobacco.

4. Durian

This fruit is considered by many to be very tasty, just a gift from the gods for our taste buds. However, all this will be available to you only if you decide to approach the cut durian, despite its disgusting smell. This fruit is forbidden for consumption in public places, its smell is difficult to remove from the room. Nevertheless, durian is endowed not only with excellent taste, but also with useful vitamins and trace elements.

5. Stale fish

Surely you know many who, in principle, do not like the aroma of fish, even fresh. Most people try to quickly cope with shopping in fish stores. However, the "aroma" of stale and rotten fish is a real adventure. Nobody can bear it.

6. Sweat

Sweat is nothing but water combined with salts and organic matter. Sweat itself is odorless, however, in the summer we often hear this extremely unpleasant smell in public places. The fact is that sooner or later bacteria begin to multiply in it, after which a characteristic repulsive smell appears. The way to fight is very simple - a daily shower (and, if necessary, several times a day) and a good antiperspirant.

7. Cat urine

The excrement of any animal or person, in principle, cannot smell good, but the smell of cat urine stands apart from this list. It is extremely difficult to deal with him if your pet is not yet accustomed to the tray. And if the smell can be removed from a hard surface over time, although it is very difficult, then soft surfaces will always remind you of who was here once.

If you regularly take care of hygiene, then in theory you should not have problems with unpleasant odors. However, sometimes baths, toothpaste, and antiperspirants don't help. It turns out that if the body stinks, the reasons can be very surprising and not always associated with diseases.

Before thinking about what to do if the body emits, to put it mildly, not the most pleasant smell, try to find the reason. Perhaps the list below will point you in the right direction.

1. You are stressed

There are different types of sweat. The most intense, "bestowing" the body with the most unpleasant odor is formed due to stress. It is produced by the so-called apocrine sweat glands, which are located in the armpits, nipples and genitals. Their cells undergo partial destruction during sweat production. In addition, apocrine glands produce sweat that is less watery and contains proteins and fats that are excellent breeding grounds for bacteria. Effect? A pungent, unpleasant odor that is different from the odor of sweat resulting from excessive heat or intense physical exertion. No wonder it makes the body stink. Another, more “innocent” type of secretion from this point of view is produced by eccrine sweat glands, and it consists mainly of water and electrolytes.

2. You have one favorite bra

If you are a woman, answer the question: how often do you wash your bra? Unfortunately, some of us forget that a bra is a piece of underwear, and just like underpants, it needs to be changed every day. However, it often happens quite differently - in particular, because it is difficult to find a perfectly lying bra that does not cause discomfort. Consequently, some women wear the same bra for a long time without washing it at all. Often it is made of lace or other synthetic material, and this part of the underwear touches the body in many places prone to sweating. This leads to the need to wash and change the bra more often than many of us realize.

3. You love and actively eat cabbage

Everyone knows that eating garlic and onions leads to an unpleasant characteristic odor that is felt not only from the mouth. This is due to the presence of sulfur compounds in these vegetables - enzymes that do not decompose and are only excreted unchanged with sweat. However, garlic and onions are not the only culprits that make the human body stink. The reason may lie in the love of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, broccoli and so on. There are the same sulfur compounds here.

4. You have a rare genetic disorder called trimethylaminuria

Trimethylaminuria is also known as fish odor syndrome. It is a rare metabolic disorder (more common in women) caused by a deficiency of an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of trimethylamine, a compound found in fish, among others. The result is the excretion of undecomposed trimethylamine in sweat, urine, semen and breath. All this gives rise to a strong smell, and the body stinks in this case of fish, sometimes rotting. The disease can be very burdensome for others, although it happens that in different periods its manifestations are also different. Apart from the strong smell, this disease does not produce other physical symptoms.

5. You were drinking

The fact that you have dealt with alcohol can be felt by others even 2-3 days after the episode of use. About 5 percent of what you "took on the chest" is removed from the body along with the breath. This fact is used during the breathalyzer examination, and at the same time leads to the fact that the company of a person who allowed himself too much the day before is sometimes unbearable precisely because of the smell that he spreads. After all, to the unpleasant “flavor” from the mouth, you also need to add metabolites (i.e. metabolic products), which are excreted through the skin along with sweat. Their smell after drinking alcohol is also not pleasant. It doesn't matter what kind of drink with degrees you drank: when the body decomposes it, the bad smell is almost the same.

6. You have diabetes

In the case of treated or untreated diabetes, so-called ketoacidosis may appear as a result of complications associated with a sharp deficiency of insulin. As the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, the body begins to use an alternative source of energy, i.e. fats. As a result of their breakdown, ketone bodies appear in the blood and urine. One of the signs of ketoacidosis is a noticeable smell of acetone from the mouth, which is a bit like the smell of fermented fruit. It must be remembered that ketoacidosis is a condition that is directly life-threatening (coma often appears as a result of it), therefore, it requires timely medical attention.

7. You are on a low carb diet.

There is not very good news for fans of protein diets. If you are on one of them, for example, the Dukan diet, Atkins, etc., then the answer to the question of why the body smells bad or even stinks lies on the surface. As a result of carbohydrate deficiency, the body is forced to convert fats and proteins into energy. However, during the process of fat transformation in the body, ketone bodies (such as acetone) are produced. It is they who cause bad breath (similar to that of diabetes), which, unfortunately, cannot be removed with a brush and floss. However, in this case, getting rid of unpleasant body odor is much easier. What to do? It is enough just to return to a rational diet, within which fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are supplied to the body in the right quantities.

If the body stinks, you need to look for reasons before thinking about what exactly needs to be done. Sometimes they lie on the surface, but sometimes you have to break your head and / or pass more than one analysis to find the root of evil. Good luck with your searches and solutions, if you have been affected by such a problem!

If at least once in your life you were "lucky" to break a rotten egg, then you will never forget this most nauseating smell in the world. The reason for it is hydrogen sulfide, a gas that is formed during the decomposition of sulfur-containing proteins. It is poisonous and flammable. Used mainly in the chemical industry. And yes, the apartment, after its release, will need a very long airing.

The smell of a skunk

This cute fluffy animal is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. One of its features is the anal glands, which, in case of danger, shoot a smelly liquid at a distance of up to 3 meters. Substances from this fluid at high concentrations are lachrymators (act like tear gas) and can cause nausea and dizziness.

Tobacco smoke

The smell, which is extremely unpleasant for people leading a healthy lifestyle. It can make your head spin and watery eyes. It is also very corrosive, and its aroma remains on things for a long time. The suffocating smell of tobacco often irritates the smokers themselves, because they all become as if saturated with it.

The smell of durian

The ripe fruit has a very corrosive, sweetish-putrid smell, reminiscent of the smell of garlic, rotten onions, rotten fish and sewage. It is forbidden to carry it to public places, because after the fruit is eaten, such a “flavor” remains that it cannot be weathered for a long time by any cosmetics. However, it is considered the "king of fruits" due to its beneficial properties and divine taste.

Smell of stale fish

It can envelop us not only on the counter of a fish store, but also when walking on the banks of a river or lake. At such a moment, you want to plug your nose and run as far as possible from the fetid source.

Smell of sweat

You can’t hide or hide from him, we often become his victim in public places. Almost always there is a stinky person nearby who will not stand aside, but will definitely snuggle up to us. We will not hide the fact that all of us, in stressful and exciting situations, can exude smells that are not very pleasant for others.

Smell of cat urine

Pet owners know firsthand what it is and how difficult it is to deal with it. It’s also good if the cat goes to its tray regularly, in such cases the filler helps to remove the smell. But if the animal decided to play pranks, and wrote on the carpet or sofa, then no matter what we do, the unpleasant smell, alas, will remain there forever.

Smell of onion or garlic

Greens are very useful for our body and are one of the sources of vitamins. And how delicious it is with boiled potatoes or rich borscht! That's just after using it, it is better not to leave the house, as the smell from the mouth can scare everyone around.

Traffic fumes

Their smell is familiar not only to drivers, but also to ordinary pedestrians. They are products of oxidation and incomplete combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Exhaust emissions are the main reason for exceeding the permissible concentrations of toxic substances and carcinogens in the atmosphere of large cities, the formation of smog, which is a common cause of poisoning in confined spaces. They can only be avoided in a remote village.

The smell of bleach

Purification of water by chlorination is the cheapest and most effective method for today. Those who often go to the pool know how difficult it is to get rid of the peculiar smell of bleach later. In everyday life, bleach is used as a means that disinfects well, removes rust and other contaminants. Often its smell can be found in hospitals, kindergartens and schools.

For many of us, grandmother's house will forever be remembered by the smell of freshly baked pastries, rose jam and old books. How you want to return to that wonderful time: to sit on the old porch and weave a pie that has recently grown in a miracle oven by both cheeks.

Unfortunately, now the grandmother's house exudes other smells ... With age, it becomes difficult for all old people to take care of not only their homes, but even themselves. Therefore, we can often hear from them a specific smell, which is not too pleasant for our sense of smell.

The smell of old age

The fact is that aging processes negatively affect our skin: tissues become thinner and the amount of fatty lubrication decreases. Because of this, the skin becomes dry and hypersensitive.

Many old people consciously avoid water procedures. This is due to the fact that after the application of soap, the protective lipid film is washed off the skin. Because of what there is a feeling of tightness and pain at the slightest touch.

But despite this, people over 60 should not completely abandon water procedures. Just the rules of personal hygiene will be slightly different from those that were in his youth. It is better to forget about long relaxing baths, replacing this procedure with a shower. Doctors recommend that older people wash every other day.

As a hygiene product, you should not use soap, but a shower gel-cream with a neutral Ph. Moreover, it is necessary to wash only the folds of the arms and legs, as well as the folds of the skin and genitals with the gel. It is enough to wash the rest of the body with water.

If it is not possible to fully take a shower, you can use wet wipes (it is best to use baby wipes). Also, do not forget about washing: this procedure should be done daily, as well as after each stool.

An unpleasant smell can exude not only the body, but also the dwelling. This is directly related to house dust, which is formed from keratinized skin flakes. It gets stuck in clothes, on the surface of carpets and furniture ...

Since it is difficult for the elderly to clean up the house, close relatives should take on the main cleaning duties. Essences of essential oils will help to remove an unpleasant smell in the house. You can also place herbal sachets or scented soaps in cabinets.

Don't stop taking care of your loved ones, they, like no one else, need your attention!

Bad breath is a problem that occurs in every 2 inhabitants of the planet. An unpleasant aroma from the oral cavity is often the cause of insecurity and the appearance of psychological complexes.

This phenomenon is present all the time or appears periodically, for example, before eating.

Such a pathology often becomes a harbinger of dental difficulties and diseases within the body.

Experts call bad breath “halitosis”. It is very important to eliminate the inflammatory processes of the gums and oral mucosa in time, as they are considered a regular provoking factor of stale breath.

To get rid of this phenomenon, you need to find out the recommendations of experts.

Causes and treatment of bad breath

With such an extremely popular pathology, most patients can encounter every day. Often, the smell from the mouth becomes a significant psychological barrier in the process of communication.

Halitosis disturbs a person all the time or appears periodically.

Due to lack of time or financial resources, patients often delay going to a specialist for a long time, and they try to eliminate the fetid odor through a variety of menthol flavors or the constant use of chewing gum.

However, such a pathology can indicate the presence of dental ailments and various disorders in the body.

Types of halitosis

Experts distinguish several varieties of this disease:

  • Physiological. This type of halitosis is associated with the physiological structure of the oral cavity and the putrefactive composition of the plaque microflora on the tongue. At the same time, teeth and gums are fully healthy.
  • Pathological. In such a situation, the cause of bad breath is a variety of inflammatory processes in the mouth or diseases inside the body.
  • Pseudogalitosis. During this type of disease, there is a slight smell from the mouth, which is almost invisible to others, but disturbs the patient directly.

Such situations are typical of people who have had true halitosis, have been successfully treated, but are still worried about bad breath.

Bad breath factors

The formation of a fetid odor from the mouth is often associated with the state of hygiene in the oral cavity.

An unpleasant odor in such a situation is due to the functioning of microorganisms that live in the folds of the mucous membrane and on the surface of the teeth.

During inadequate oral hygiene, germs begin to accumulate in significant numbers on the tongue, in plaque on the teeth.

The reproduction of bacteria is affected by various diseases of the mucous and dentoalveolar systems. Another factor in the fetid odor from the mouth will be the dryness of the mucous membrane in the mouth.

It can be caused by a deterioration in salivation, breathing through the mouth, smoking, and drinking alcoholic beverages.

The smell is formed after the consumption of strongly smelling food products (garlic, onion, coffee).

local causes

Local causes include:

  • Dental. One of the provoking factors of fetid odor from the mouth is considered to be a carious lesion and its adverse consequences. In the cavities that form during tooth decay, food debris accumulates and microbes begin to multiply rapidly, which provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • Gum disease. Inflammatory processes of the gums and oral mucosa are capable of provoking halitosis.
  • Inappropriate oral care. Insufficient hygiene behind the teeth, gums, tongue, structures inside the mouth (prostheses, mouth guards, etc.) is a popular cause of bad breath. Due to the neglect of everyday hygiene between the teeth, near the gums and on the tongue, food residues accumulate, becoming a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacterial microflora. During the life of such microorganisms, volatile sulfur compounds can be released, which cause bad breath.
  • Dry mouth syndrome. This symptomatology is also popular among provoking factors of bad breath. Due to the fact that saliva is produced slowly and in small quantities, the process of natural cleaning of the oral cavity is disrupted and a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of microbes. This phenomenon may be due to diseases of the salivary glands, diabetes, lack of vitamins, as well as the use of certain medications.

Common Causes

Common reasons include:

  • Diet. The formation of a terrible smell from the mouth is affected by the consumption of meat and dairy products, which are saturated with protein. During their processing, alkaline compounds appear that change the acid-base balance in the mouth. Active reproduction of microorganisms begins, provoking bad breath. The use of foods that contain a significant amount of carbohydrates helps to reduce the intensity of flavor.
  • Starvation. In the process of poor intake of nutrients into the body, a fetid odor appears due to the excretion of waste products of the bacterial flora, and oral hygiene will not make it possible to remove the odor.
  • Stressful situations or nervous strain. Often, a terrible smell from the mouth is formed during the transfer of a psycho-emotional shock and immediately disappears after a similar situation has passed. Stress suggests a significant deterioration in salivation.
  • Halitosis, which is associated with the nose, paranasal sinuses. In the process of mucosal damage, including the chronic form of the common cold, sinusitis, influenza, etc., an increase in the number of pathogenic bacteria that produce light compounds is observed.
  • Halitosis, which is associated with pathologies in the bronchi and lungs. True halitosis is the result of pathologies of the lower respiratory tract. The breath and sputum of patients with a viral infection of the lungs have a persistent unpleasant odor.
  • Halitosis, which is associated with the penetration of gases from the gastrointestinal tract into the oral cavity or nose. A terrible smell from the stomach is a rather rare factor in the disease: the esophagus is mostly in a collapsed state, therefore gases from the upper gastrointestinal tract at rest are not able to rise into the oral cavity and penetrate into the exhaled air. So, the aroma from the stomach can change breathing only during the gag reflex, belching, coughing, or during a complex pathological process.
  • Hormonal imbalance. Violation of the balance and content of sex hormones within the body can affect the characteristics of saliva. If it becomes very viscous and its separation is more passive, then the oxygen concentration in it has decreased. This provokes the production of volatile compounds that can cause a terrible aroma.
  • Tobacco smoking. During the burnout of tobacco, microparticles are formed that have a special smell. In the process of smoking, the oral mucosa dries up and there is a violation of the proper cleaning process. When smoking in the oral cavity, the concentration of oxygen decreases, and the number of bacteria increases.

Such an addiction provokes the accumulation of stone on the teeth and the appearance of an inflammatory process on the gums.


In certain situations, it is difficult to say what caused the terrible smell without performing instrumental and clinical diagnostics.

In this regard, if there is a similar phenomenon, the symptoms of which do not disappear during the increase in the intensity of hygiene measures, a comprehensive examination should be done, familiarized with the prescriptions of specialized doctors, and tests should be taken.

The dentist diagnoses the exhaled air and assesses the stage of the disease. It determines exactly whether a person has such an ailment or not.

The air exhaled through the nose has an aroma that can come from the tonsils. It has no odor coming from the mouth. In some cases, nasal breathing will become unpleasant (with a cold).

In this regard, in order to determine the exact location of the source of the terrible smell, the doctor evaluates separately the air from the lungs, nose and mouth.

Spoon or napkin test

With a spoon

Plaque is removed from the root of the tongue with a plastic spoon. After 50-55 seconds, the aroma will be evaluated by the patient himself or by a trusted person who conducts the test.

With a napkin

To remove plaque from the back of the tongue, a sanitary napkin is used. For these purposes, it is necessary to stick it out to the surface to the maximum, holding it by the tip.

The root is wiped with a clean cloth and the smell is evaluated after 40 seconds.

The data of such a test make it possible to detect halitosis, as well as to identify the root cause of the pathogenic bacteria provoking it.

Dental floss test

The spaces between the upper and lower molars (molars) are cleaned with unscented and unwaxed dental floss.

After that, they observe what shade the used part of the thread has become. Yellow color may indicate the presence of plaque, red - bleeding gums.

These symptoms are considered circumstances contributing to the formation of halitosis.

After 35-45 seconds after cleaning the gaps between the teeth, the smell of the floss is evaluated.

Organoleptic measurement of breath odor

The dentist is able to assess the intensity and origin of the aroma from the mouth.

In order to obtain accurate data after the test, before its implementation, the patient and the researcher refrain from using antibacterial agents, taking spicy, spices, onions and garlic (2 days before diagnosis), using flavored cosmetic preparations (the day before diagnosis).

For 12 hours before the measurement, the patient is prohibited from smoking, brushing his teeth, using rinses, breath fresheners and chewing gum.

Therapy of halitosis

When bad oral care is the cause of bad breath, the use of a high-quality toothbrush and intensive cleaning of the teeth helps to eliminate bacterial plaque from the mucosa.

It is much easier to get rid of the fetid odor by visiting a specialist (dentist) or some other specialized doctor.

Halitosis is only a sign of various diseases in the mouth or inside the body.

It must be remembered that the use of mouth fresheners, chewing gum or mint lozenges does nothing to eliminate the provoking factor of a fetid odor.

Therapy of the underlying disease

In some cases, halitosis is considered a symptom of various systemic diseases in the body. Odor from the mouth can appear during:

  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney and liver failure;
  • ENT diseases;
  • difficulties with the bronchi and lungs.

In such a situation, in order to get rid of the disease, it is necessary to conduct diagnostic studies, and only then begin therapy for the disease itself.

Therapy of dental diseases

The dentist in this situation conducts:

  • filling of carious lesions;
  • removal of a tooth if its therapy is impossible;
  • treatment of inflammatory gum disease.

The use of local medications. At the moment, there is a large list of products that help get rid of bad breath:

  • various toothpastes;
  • dental gels;
  • pills.

Before using them, you should find out the recommendations of a specialist.


The optimal preventive measure for the occurrence of a fetid odor from the oral cavity will be everyday and intensive care of the oral cavity. It is based on the following guidelines:

  • Using a toothbrush, floss, rinse. It is the simplest and best way to get rid of bad breath. To maximize oral hygiene, brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes with a toothbrush to eliminate plaque bacteria on your teeth. After the tongue is cleaned. Particular emphasis is placed on the back of the tongue, since most of the microorganisms that cause a fetid odor are formed directly there.
  • Use floss to remove food residue. For more comfortable cleaning of the back teeth, it is necessary to use a floss holder.
  • Use a mouthwash that eliminates bad breath and keeps your breath fresh.
  • Drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration. The amount of water varies according to the physical structure and degree of activity of the patient.
  • Use sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production. Using mints will be a temporary measure and not a recommended way to freshen your breath, as it leaves traces of sugar on your teeth afterward.
  • Chronic bad breath is a sign of more serious illnesses. In such a situation, for the treatment of a terrible aroma from the oral cavity (to identify the provoking factors of halitosis and its treatment), you should find out the recommendations of a dentist or other specialized specialist.
  • You need to find out which foods can provoke bad breath.
  • Harmful habits that increase bad breath from the mouth, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, should be minimized.

The problem of a terrible smell from the oral cavity has a medical and psychological side, since the presence of halitosis is a signal of the pathological process of internal organs and systems in the human body.

Also, halitosis has a significant adverse effect on the social life of a person.

If such symptoms occur, it is optimal not to delay visiting a specialist and consult with him without delay.

The doctor will conduct the necessary research and help you choose an effective therapy.

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