
Uzbek manti with meat and pumpkin - photo recipe. Manti with pumpkin and meat - Asian flavor

In cooking, there are many ways to prepare a dish such as manti. You can use almost any topping. However, the most original minced meat for this dish is made from meat and pumpkin. Manti prepared according to this recipe are very original and fragrant. Such an extraordinary combination of ingredients gives the dish a unique taste. So, how to cook manti with pumpkin and meat.

What is needed for cooking

The recipe for the dish is quite simple. For cooking you will need:

  • One chicken egg.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Glass of water.
  • 800 grams of flour, preferably wheat and only the highest grade.
  • Salt pepper. You can use other spices.
  • 0.5 kilograms of onions.
  • 400 grams of ripe sweet pumpkin pulp.
  • One and a half kilograms of fatty minced meat. It's better to have pork.
  • Butter or vegetable oil for greasing the pan in a double boiler.

How to cook manti with pumpkin and meat

First, let's prepare the minced meat. For this you need:

Take the meat and chop it in a meat grinder with a large grill or cut it with a knife;

Peel the onion, wash and cut into small pieces with a knife. Add to minced meat;

Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes about 5 millimeters thick;

Mix minced meat with chopped pumpkin, adding spices and salt;

If the minced meat was lean, then 2 tablespoons of fat or vegetable oil should be added to it.

Dough preparation

The sequence is:

Sift the right amount of flour through a sieve twice, this will make the dough more elastic, elastic and tender. Sow the flour into a bowl in such a way that it lies in a slide.

Make a well in the top of the flour and crack the egg into it.

Mix water with salt, dissolve it and pour it into the egg.

Knead a dense homogeneous dough. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with cling film and leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Cooking and sculpting manti

Now the most crucial moment:

The resulting ball of dough must be cut into four equal parts, each of which is subsequently rolled into a "sausage" and cut into identical pieces.

Carefully roll each piece into round cakes with a diameter of approximately 12-13 centimeters. If the dough is rolled out too thin, then during cooking it may break, and if the dough is thick, then manti with meat and pumpkin will turn out to be tasteless.

For each resulting cake, put about 2 tablespoons of the prepared filling and mold the manti. It is not at all necessary to come up with intricate shapes and beautiful carved edges, you can simply carefully mold manti of the same size, their taste will not deteriorate from this.

Of course, you need to cook manti with pumpkin and meat in a double boiler. Here, too, there are no tricks, they are cooked like a regular steamed dish. And so that the manti does not stick to the steamer tray, it can be lubricated with vegetable oil or fat.

You need to cook them at maximum power for 30 minutes.

Serving to the table

Immediately after cooking, for each manti separately, you need to put a small piece of butter so that it completely envelops the surface of the dough, and they do not stick together in the future.

It is best to serve them on the table immediately after cooking, until they have lost all their aroma and taste.

As a sauce, homemade fat sour cream, seasoned with herbs, garlic or any other spices or herbs to your liking, is perfect. You can also take mayonnaise, but because of its taste, it will not allow you to feel the full aroma of manti and their filling.

Summing up

In order to cook manti with pumpkin and meat (the recipe, as we see, is very simple), you do not need anything special and intricate, for this it is enough to have only the desire to make something tasty and original.

Bon appetit!

Manti is an Asian dish that is popular not only in its homeland, in China, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Tatarstan, but also gained fame in Russia. In general, manti in Uzbekistan and Central Asia is a new, young dish. It came there with the Uiguromi. Their cuisine is something between Chinese and Uzbek, that is, very tasty and rich.

It's no secret that if you cook them correctly, then you won't find anything better than this dish. At the moment, this delicious meat dish can contain different fillings. But if you want real manti, then of course they are made from lamb with onions and fat tail fat. You can also use stuffing from potatoes with meat, from potatoes with fat, from a mixture of other types of meat, in particular beef. In our case, we will add pumpkin to our dish and cook it according to a real Uzbek recipe with minced meat.

This wonderful dish has its own characteristics:

Always add fat and onions to manti, they give them juiciness and flavor. Without these ingredients, they will be dry and tasteless.

Cook them in a special steam pot, in a pressure cooker or double boiler. By the way, it is even good for digestion.

And most importantly, do not twist the meat through a meat grinder, just take a little time and cut with a knife. It is not for nothing that chopped manti are very popular. Although minced meat is chopped with special axes, we will get by with a knife because minced meat in manti should be crumbly, not sticky.

Pumpkin manti with meat - fast and tasty!

My family and I cook these manti almost every week. This wonderful meal goes away faster than any other meat dish in particular or pilaf. By the way, it is also a good appetizer for the festive table. Therefore, if they are cooked correctly, the guests will be delighted. Let's prepare an Uzbek cooking recipe and see for yourself.

We will need:

  • Lamb meat - 700 gr.;
  • Onion - 800 gr.;
  • Fat tail fat - 300 gr.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • Zira seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Pumpkin - 400 gr.

1. First we need to make minced meat. We take lamb and cut into layers, and then into small squares, about 10 mm and put in a deep plate, where everything will interfere.

3. Then put salt, pepper and finely chopped pumpkin (can be grated). We mix everything, so to speak, we crush the onion into the meat, so that our minced meat marinates, as it were, with onions and pumpkin. Next, we press so that the onion starts the juice and leave to stand for 40 minutes.

4. While the minced meat is infused, let's make the dough. How to do it for manti, I have described in detail in this.

5. Now we begin to sculpt them. In order to get very tasty manti, it is necessary that the dough cakes turn out to be very thin from the edges, and thicker in the middle, for this you need a special spindle-shaped rolling pin, it is she who gets the most correct juices for manti.

6. We put minced meat in our rolled cakes and wrap it in any of these ways.

7. We take the manti and grease it with vegetable oil and put the finished manti there.

9. While they are cooking, make the sauce, boiled water, a little vinegar, salt and pepper. And of course, if you want, add garlic and finely chopped onion.

10. Everything is ready, pour over our sauce and eat. Bon appetit!

Manti with pumpkin is an Asian dish that has gained popularity far from its territorial homeland. The variability of the dish will allow you to choose the most suitable recipe for your taste and preferences and enjoy the result of its execution.

Manti with pumpkin in Uzbek

When decorating pumpkin manti, the recipe of which may vary depending on the composition of the additional filling components, you should know the following:

  1. with pumpkin in an authentic version is prepared by a simple kneading of salted water and flour, sometimes with the addition of eggs. Flour is added until the stickiness of the lump disappears and it acquires a dense texture.
  2. The resulting flour base is kept for 40 minutes under the film, after which round blanks for products are rolled out and cut out.
  3. with a pumpkin of the most diverse form, but more often closing opposite edges at first, and then opposite corners between themselves.
  4. Products are cooked exclusively for a couple in a double boiler, lubricating the bases with oil before being placed in the device.

Pumpkin stuffing for manti

Knowing how to cook manti with pumpkin, it is important to decide on a variation of the pumpkin filling. It can be laconic and contain only pumpkin cubes, salted and seasoned with spices to taste, or multi-component, refined and original. In order to get a tasty dish in any case, you need to follow simple rules when creating the filling:

  1. The filling, simple or complex in composition, must be supplemented with oil or any other fat, for extra juiciness.
  2. It is preferable to chop the vegetable in very small cubes. When preparing it, it is not advisable to use a grater, blender or meat grinder, as the vegetable mass loses a lot of juice.
  3. Pumpkin pulp goes well with any kind of meat and other vegetables.
  4. From spices, black pepper or a mixture of several types is used, less often turmeric, curry and other spices.

Manti with pumpkin and meat

Hearty, nutritious and juicy are manti with pumpkin and minced meat. This variation will satisfy both meat-eaters and supporters of dishes with vegetables. The authentic recipe uses lamb, which is cut very finely with a sharp knife. In this case, the products are made easier: with minced meat, which can be either beef or pork. 8 servings can be made in two hours.


  • dough - 700 g;
  • minced meat - 350 g;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 400 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • seasonings.


  1. Knead the flour base, roll out and cut out round patterns.
  2. Minced meat is mixed with chopped onion and chopped vegetable pulp as finely as possible, seasoning the mass.
  3. Prepare the desired shape of the workpiece, spread them on generously oiled trays of a pressure cooker or double boiler and cook for 40 minutes.

Manti with pumpkin and lard

This recipe for manti with pumpkin is performed with the addition of lard. Fat tail fat is often used, which gives the products an authentic oriental taste, but for lack of it, you can also take lard, twisting it in a meat grinder or finely chopping it. It is very tasty to add chopped dill or parsley to the filling. A treat for 8 people will be ready in an hour and a half.


  • dough - 700 g;
  • bulbs - 200 g;
  • fat tail fat - 150 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • seasonings.


  1. Finely chopped vegetable is combined with chopped bacon, herbs and seasonings.
  2. Mix and fill the prepared round billets from the flour base with the resulting mass.
  3. Fasten the edges, giving the pumpkin manti the desired shape, and steam them for 30 minutes.

Manti with chicken and pumpkin - recipe

Tasty, juicy, nutritious and at the same time dietary, manti with chicken and pumpkin succeeds. You can use chicken breast or sirloin from legs and thighs without skin and bones. The chicken is slightly frozen, after which it is finely chopped with a knife, like vegetable pulp. You can add some fresh chopped dill. A dish for 8 people will be ready in a couple of hours.


  • dough - 700 g;
  • chicken - 350 g;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • pumpkin slices - 400 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • spices.


  1. Organize the filling by chopping the chicken with vegetables and seasoning with spices and herbs.
  2. Thin round cakes are rolled out of the dough, filled with stuffing, pinched and steamed for 30 minutes.

Vegetarian manti with pumpkin

No less tasty are manti with pumpkin without meat. By kneading the dough without adding eggs, and filling without meat, you can make a dish that can be included in and served with a lenten meal. In this case, vegetable fat is used to coat pallets. The onions are also sautéed on it before being added to the filling. 8 servings will be ready in an hour and a half.


  • dough - 700 g;
  • bulbs - 300 g;
  • pumpkin pulp - 500 g;
  • vegetable fat - 120 ml;
  • seasonings.


  1. Saute onion cubes in a frying pan in fat until transparent.
  2. After cooling, the roast is mixed with vegetable slices, seasoned to taste with a pepper mixture.
  3. From the flour lump prepared in advance, blanks are made, filled with pumpkin mass.
  4. The edges are fastened, giving the manti with pumpkin the desired shape, and steamed.

Manti with potatoes and pumpkin - recipe

Another option for an oriental dish that does not contain fast food and is suitable for a vegetarian meal. Manti with pumpkin and potatoes, despite the lean composition, turns out to be hearty and tasty. Be sure to supplement the filling with herbs, pepper mixture and, if desired, ground cumin, which will give the dish an oriental flavor. 8 servings can be issued in 1.5 hours.


  • dough - 700 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • pumpkin slices - 400 g;
  • vegetable fat - 100 g;
  • spices.


  1. Prepare a flour ball and roll it thinly.
  2. All vegetables are cut into small cubes, seasoned to taste, adding a little vegetable fat.
  3. Decorate manti with pumpkin and steam them for 30 minutes.

Pumpkin manti with onions

Next, you will learn how to cook manti with pumpkin and onions, which in this case is the dominant component, thereby giving the dish a special juiciness and piquancy. The vegetable is not fried as in the vegetarian version, while maintaining its sharpness. If possible, tail fat or butter is added to the filling, which will make the taste irresistible. To feed eight people with Asian delicacy, you need to devote 1.5-2 hours of time.

Manty is a national dish for the southern peoples. To many, they resemble dumplings, but in principle the difference is quite large. As a filling, you can use completely different products, for example, the original combination of meat and pumpkin allows you to make the dish juicy and very tasty.

Recipes for cooking manti with pumpkin and meat

This dish can be prepared in many ways, but it is important to note that this does not affect the taste in any way. Another note - you can use both fresh and frozen pumpkin. In the second case, the vegetable must first be thawed to remove excess moisture. Consider a few popular options for preparing this dish.

Recipe number 1 - in a pressure cooker

There is a special technique designed directly for cooking this dish. It should be borne in mind that manti are quite large in comparison with dumplings and it is better not to cook them in large quantities right away.

You can freeze the stuck "bags" to use them in the future.

For this dish, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • For the dough: about 300 g flour, 1 tbsp. water, egg and salt;
  • For the filling: 0.5 kg of fatty lamb, about 225 g of pumpkin, a couple of bell peppers, 3 onions and the same number of cloves of garlic, as well as a bunch of parsley, salt and ground pepper.

To cook manti with pumpkin and meat, you need to make a delicious filling, for which prepare the meat: remove the veins and chop finely with a sharp knife. Of course, it is easier to use a meat grinder. Add salt, pepper to the minced meat and leave to stand for a while. Finely chop the peppers and greens, and pass the garlic through a crush or chop. Add everything to the meat.

Now it's time to work on the pumpkin, which needs to be cut into small cubes or grated. It is recommended to leave for a while to remove excess juice, and then add everything to the filling and mix well.

Combine the ingredients for the dough and knead it, it should be cool, like ordinary dumplings. Leave to stand for a while so that it is saturated with oxygen. Remember it again, and roll it into a thin cake.

Using a sharp knife, cut the layer into 7x7 cm squares. Put the filling in the center and form envelopes, pinching the edges and twisting the "leg".

Pour water into the cooker, put on fire and boil it. Grease the grate with oil and lay out the manti. Close the container with a lid and cook for 40 minutes. It is recommended to serve with sour cream.

Recipe number 2 - in a pan

In this case, the dish cooks much faster compared to steam processing, but at the same time it turns out juicy and soft. This recipe appeared back in the days when it was difficult to get a pressure cooker, and people were looking for other cooking options.

For the dish you need to take the following ingredients:

  • For the test: about 6 tbsp. flour, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. water and 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • For the filling: 0.5 kg of beef, 400 g of pumpkin, a couple of onions, salt and pepper.

To prepare the dish, you need to make dough. In 1 st. dissolve the salt in water. Add butter, salt liquid to the flour and knead the dough, adding more water if necessary. The mass should turn out cool. Wrap everything in foil and leave for a while.

You can proceed to the filling, for which cut the pumpkin into small cubes, chop the onion, and chop the meat with a knife until minced meat is obtained. Combine everything, add salt and pepper, and then mix.

Let's move on to molding. Cut off part of the dough, form a sausage, cut into pieces and roll them out. It is important to note that the dough should not be thin, as it will tear during cooking. The filling is laid out in the center of the cakes, and then "bags" are formed.

Grease the bottom of the pan with oil and lay out the manti, just do not lay them out too tightly, as they will increase in size during cooking. Turn on a high heat and hold the pan on it for a minute.

Then pour in 1 tbsp. water, bring to a boil, close the lid and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. If necessary, water can be added, but keep in mind that it should be boiling water.

Recipe number 3 - in Uzbek

Instead of the usual meat in this recipe, it is customary to use tail fat. It will take a little over an hour to prepare the dish.

For 8 servings, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • For the test: 3 tbsp. flour, a couple of eggs, 1 tbsp. water and a pinch of salt;
  • For the filling: 0.5 kg of pumpkin, 4 onions, a bunch of parsley, 100 g of tail fat, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, pepper, salt and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil.

For Uzbek manti with pumpkin and meat, you need to prepare the filling, for which the pumpkin should be grated, chopped onion, and chopped greens. Scroll the fat in a meat grinder or finely chop with a knife.

Combine the ingredients and add sugar, salt and pepper to them. Make a dough out of the prepared products, cover it with a film and leave for 20 minutes. at rest.

After the time has elapsed, roll out the dough and cut it into 10x10 cm squares. Put 1 tbsp in the center. spoon the filling and connect the tips diagonally, and then, squeak everything so that the manti are round and the filling is visible in the center.

Lubricate the tiers of the double boiler with oil and lay out the prepared "bags". From above it is recommended to lightly sprinkle everything with cold water. When the water starts to boil, cover the device with a lid and cook for half an hour. It is recommended to serve with greens.

Recipe number 4 - in a slow cooker

This delicious dish can also be prepared in this miracle technique, which has recently been very popular. Cooking it is not difficult, the main thing is to know some rules. To improve the taste, we suggest making a delicious sauce.

To get about 45 pieces, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • For the dough: about 680 g of flour, 350 ml of water, about 90 g of butter and 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • For the filling: 1 kg of a mixture of beef and pork, about 50 g of bacon, about 800 g of onion, 0.5 kg of pumpkin, cumin, hot and black pepper, and salt;
  • For the sauce: about 350 g of tomato juice, 90 g of walnuts, half a head of garlic, a chili pepper, salt and ground pepper.

Let's start with the dough, for the preparation of which you need to put salt and oil in hot water. Stir the mixture well until completely dissolved. Separate a little flour and pour most of it into a bowl, where you send the prepared liquid and knead the dough. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, do everything with your hands, gradually adding flour.

At the moment when the dough lags behind the walls of the bowl, it must be transferred to a table sprinkled with flour and kneaded until a homogeneous and elastic mass is obtained. Wrap the finished ball in cling film and put it in a warm place for half an hour.

At this time, we move on to the filling. To create it, cut the fat into a small cube. Freeze the meat a little, and then chop with a knife or cut into small pieces. Peel and chop the bulbs. Combine everything and mix well. The pumpkin can be finely chopped or grated, and then sent to the minced meat. Put salt and pepper in there and mix well.

Today I will tell you how to cook meat manti with pumpkin. Recipes for making manti stuffed with pet meat and chicken will be displayed here.

Lamb manti

In this section, I will describe two types of cooking: manti with lumpy lamb and minced lamb with pumpkin. Everyone prepares the meat part of the filling the way he likes. Either finely cuts meat with fat, or passes the meat through a meat grinder. I prefer minced meat, but this is just my preference. So, I will begin the description of cooking recipes.
Let's start with kneading dough for manti. It is almost always prepared in the same way. We will focus on dumplings, since we usually cook manti with meat and pumpkin at home from just such a dough.

For kneading you need:

  1. Flour - 500-600 gr.
  2. Water - 1 glass.
  3. Salt - to taste.
  4. Egg - 1 pc.

I wrote that the composition includes an egg, but I myself cook without it. In a bowl, dissolve the salt in warm water, break the egg into it, mix. Without ceasing to stir, pour in portions of 2-3 tablespoons of flour and mix until the dough stops sticking to your hands. When kneading with this option, I avoid the formation of flour lumps. And the dough in the end is evenly mixed and elastic. I can also control the amount of flour added during kneading. After the dough has become steep, I dump the contents of the bowl on the table and continue to knead for about 10 minutes. Then I put the dough back into the bowl and cover with a lid for 10 minutes. I knead the dough again after this time and leave it to rest for another 5 minutes.

  1. Dumpling dough - half a kilo.
  2. Meat, lamb - 400 gr.
  3. Fat tail fat - 50 gr.
  4. Onion - 3 pcs.
  5. Salt, black allspice (or seasonings for minced meat) - to taste.
  6. Pumpkin - 300 gr.

Cut the pumpkin, onion and meat with fat tail into small cubes, mix the ingredients, adding salt and seasonings. Stir thoroughly so that the vegetables and fat are evenly distributed over the meat.

Divide the bun of dough into oblong pieces, which are then rolled into sausages.

Cut sausages into bars 3-4 cm wide.

Press the bars to the table, turning into cakes, followed by rolling into round pancakes.

Put 1 tablespoon of the filling in the middle of the pancake and form a manty. Repeat the process with the rest of the dough pieces.

It is not necessary to form lamb manti as in the photo. Sculpt as you are used to and how you feel comfortable. The beauty of the product is not in the first place and nothing depends on it. Place the products laid on oiled sheets from the mantle in a pot of boiling water. Do not reduce the fire from the strong!
Steam lamb manti for 30 minutes. Then do not open the dishes for another 5 minutes.
You have learned how to cook lamb and fat tail manti. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, except for slicing vegetables and meat.
On the finished products, placed on a wide dish, put butter (in a piece) or coat them with melted butter.

Such sweet manti from lamb and fat tail with pumpkin are served with sour cream sauce or sour cream. Sour cream sauce is a mixture of sour cream with chopped garlic and herbs.

The calorie content of manti with lamb and pumpkin is 168 Kcal per 100 grams of finished products.

Bon appetit!

Following the instructions of the following recipe for making lamb manti, you will facilitate the preparation of the filling and the taste will practically not change.
To do this, you need to replace the minced meat with minced meat, and grate the pumpkin on a grater with large cells.

Grated pumpkin must be squeezed out before adding to the filling. Otherwise, the process and cooking time does not change.
The calorie content of this dish also remains unchanged.

Manti from beef

I heard that it is difficult to buy lamb in Russia, so I offer a recipe for manti not from lamb, but from beef and (or) ground beef with pumpkin. To prepare such manti, you need:

  1. Dough - half a kilo.
  2. Beef (ground beef) - 400 gr.
  3. Pumpkin - 300 gr.
  4. Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  5. Salt, spices - to taste.

This recipe is a good alternative to the classic lamb manti recipe for those who do not like the specific smell of lamb meat or who cannot afford it. It is not bad to combine beef with pork, such a combination of meat ingredients will make manti with pork, beef and pumpkin more juicy. If you decide to use the combined meat part of the filling, then you need to take 200 grams of meat each. Do the same with minced meat. Some people pass the pumpkin through a grater, but I cut it into small cubes, although it takes a lot of time and effort, but the end result of my efforts pleases not only me, but also my loved ones.
Salt the chopped and prepared ingredients, season with spices and mix.

Cut the dough sausage into pieces that need to be rolled into round layers 1-2 mm thick. and 10-12 cm in diameter.

Put the minced meat or minced meat filling in the middle of the cake.

Blind products, first connecting the edges on the sides.

Then the remaining free sides.

And you will get such beautiful products when you connect the ears together.

When laying products on greased sheets, do not forget about the distance between them. Manty increases during cooking.
I steam in a mantyshnitsa on a high-intensity fire for no more than 30 minutes, regardless of the composition of the filling. In some cases, I not only oil the sheets, but also dip the bottom of each item in a saucer of oil.

Use one method or another to keep the mantles from sticking to the sheets.

When I turn off the stove, I do not immediately remove the lid, letting the dish stand for 5 minutes.
Cooking time of half an hour applies to gas stoves. If you have an electric stove, then turn it off after 25 minutes.

The calorie content of manti with pumpkin per 100 grams is 176 Kcal of products (2 pcs.).

I spread the finished products with a spatula on a dish, put butter on top of them, pour sour cream. In addition, I also put a gravy boat with sour cream and vinegar on the table.

Bon appetit!

Chicken manty. with pumpkin

Manti with poultry meat can be attributed to dietary dishes. Given that such meat is low-calorie. And I think chicken meat is more affordable and available in retail outlets. Manti with chicken and pumpkin are very tasty, just like manti with pumpkin and minced chicken. To prepare lumpy manti, purchase:

  1. Chicken breast - 400 gr.
  2. Onion - 3 pcs.
  3. Internal beef fat - 100 gr.
  4. Pumpkin - 300 gr.
  5. Salt, black pepper - to taste.
  6. Parsley greens - a bunch (optional).
  7. Potato - 1 pc.
  8. The dough should be ready - 500 gr.
  9. Tomato paste with garlic - sauce.
    Or adjika - lovers of spicy dishes.

Finely chop the breast with fat (or use ready-made minced chicken 500 gr). Cut the onion, potato and pumpkin into cubes. Mix the ingredients together and salt and pepper.

Roll out the dough into piece blanks or roll out a large layer, followed by dividing it into identical squares with sides of 10 by 10 cm. And then, as in the previous recipes, put 1 tablespoon of the filling in the center of the blanks and mold the products.
Steam on a high flame for no more than half an hour. And be sure to let stand after turning off at least 5 minutes.
Serve greased with butter and with sauces - tomato, adjika, sour cream, soy - whatever you like.

Calorie manti with chicken - 157 Kcal per 100 grams of products (2 pcs.)

Bon appetit!
And finally, a video clip with a visual step-by-step recipe for making manti with meat and pumpkin.
