
Uzbek melon Torpedo: useful properties of cultivation and care.

In medicine and cosmetology, natural ingredients are often used. So, melon Torpedo, its benefits and calorie content have repeatedly become the subject of research by dietitians. Experts have found that this product is unique. Melon does not require additional supplements, it in itself is able to normalize the functioning of the body as a whole, increase immunity, help prevent many diseases, and also improve appearance.


Due to its low calorie content, Torpedo melon is considered a dietary product. It effectively cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, activates metabolic processes and allows you to part with a few unnecessary kilograms in 4-5 days. Nutritionists recommend weekly unloading melon days.

For weight loss, it is necessary to use only fresh melon, since the calorie content of the dried product increases dramatically to 342 kcal per 100 g.

Melon Torpedo is a universal product in which both the pulp, the peel, and the seeds are useful. It has many valuable properties:

  • has a mild laxative effect, therefore it is indispensable for prolonged constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • due to the high content of ascorbic acid, it helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • the high content of iron in its composition helps to saturate the blood with oxygen and increase the level of hemoglobin;
  • has a diuretic, choleretic, anthelmintic effect;
  • removes excess antibiotics from the body during treatment with such drugs;
  • helps to maintain emotional balance and contributes to the stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • melon peel tea is a cure for depression: it improves mood, relieves fatigue, relieves insomnia;
  • pulp compresses relieve burns, scars and other skin defects;
  • regular use of melon Torpedo has a rejuvenating effect on the body as a whole.

The inclusion of melon in the daily diet has a positive effect on the appearance of a person.

Cleansing the body, this product tidies up the hair, softens the skin, strengthens the nail plate.

Torpedo melon is popular as a main ingredient in homemade beauty recipes. Funds based on it

  • prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • smooth out already existing skin irregularities;
  • reduce pigmentation and lighten freckles;
  • treat acne;
  • stimulate the production of collagen;
  • give the face a beautiful peach shade;
  • restore the hair structure;
  • give freshness and shine to the lips;
  • relieve brittle nails.


Melon can be harmful if combined with other products. You can’t eat melon for dessert: at least an hour must pass between eating it and eating. It goes especially badly with alcoholic beverages, fermented milk products, cold water.

Naturally unripe melons may contain carcinogens that promote cancer. To choose a melon without harmful substances, you need to focus on its smell. In ripe melon, it is a mixture of pear, vanilla and pineapple flavors.


The calorie content of 100 g of Torpedo melon is 35 kcal, which is 1.7% of the recommended daily allowance. The table shows the number of kilocalories in a medium-sized whole melon.


Melon is well tolerated by pregnant women, so it is not contraindicated during this period. It helps to improve the mood of the expectant mother, saturates her body with essential vitamins, and prevents the appearance of edema. It is not recommended to consume more than 2 pieces of melon (200 g) per day during pregnancy.

Pediatricians do not advise giving melon to children under 3 years of age. The product is difficult for the child, since the fragile body lacks the necessary enzymes for its digestion. The use of melon at a young age can cause a severe indigestion in the baby, accompanied by profuse diarrhea, bleeding from the intestines, and vomiting. For the same reason, melons should not be eaten by nursing women.

The use of melon Torpedo is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • with diabetes;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • when combined with any food and drink.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Torpedo melon contains many vitamins necessary for the human body:

The main minerals contained in the Torpedo melon:

Only seasonal melon should be used for consumption. The most valuable for the body and tasty are late varieties. If there are contraindications to the use of Torpedo melon, you should consult a specialist.

Melon Torpedo is the most famous Central Asian variety. Its homeland is sunny Uzbekistan, for which the Mirzanchulskaya melon (the local name of the variety) has long been a visiting card. It is grown here in every yard, it is treated and presented to guests who are happy to bring fragrant fruits home from a distant business trip. In Europe, the variety of Uzbek melon Torpeda began to be grown in the 17th century. Of course, its taste differs from that grown in Uzbekistan, but nevertheless, the variety has not lost its popularity for more than three centuries.

The Uzbek melon Torpedo has an oblong, sometimes very elongated shape, which is probably why it got such an unusual name. The peel of ripe fruits is yellow, uniform in color, completely covered with a grayish mesh pattern. The pulp is white or creamy, slightly oily, very delicate texture, delicious honey-sweet taste, exudes a light vanilla aroma.

The Torpedo bush cannot be called compact. Its lashes are powerful, strongly expanding, reaching a length of 2 meters or more - that is why the cultivation of this variety often takes place on supports. This method helps the fruits to ripen faster and excludes their damage from contact with the ground. Torpedo melons grow better in their homeland, where it is hot and dry. There, their weight can reach 15 kg, but in a temperate continental climate, fruits rarely reach even 5 kg.

Main characteristics

Variety Torpedo is late-ripening. In the conditions of the European climate, the fruits ripen in 90-100 days. In hot Uzbekistan and other countries of Central Asia, they are able to ripen in a shorter period - by mid-August. Due to the dense, albeit thin skin, melons are well stored and transported over long distances. In cool dry conditions in a suspended state, their storage is possible until spring.

The taste qualities and useful properties of fruits deserve special attention. Ripe melon Torpedo is considered one of the most delicious and healthy among all Asian varieties. Its pulp contains many useful substances: vitamins, minerals, pectins, fiber, carotene, acids and enzymes. 90% melon consists of water, making it easy to quench your thirst.

The nutritional value of a ripe Torpedo melon is only 35 kcal / 100 g of product. This is a small figure, although among other varieties it is the highest. Due to such a caloric content, Torpedo melons in their homeland are considered a full-fledged independent product that can be consumed by absolutely everyone, adults and children, because its pulp is easily digestible carbohydrates that give the body strength and energy.

How to choose a melon

In countries where the Torpedo melon grows, even a child will be able to choose from a huge pile the most ripe and sweet. But the situation is quite different with urban residents, most of whom see them only in supermarkets or markets. How to choose a ripe Torpedo melon so as not to be disappointed with your purchase? Perhaps the following suggestions will help you with this:

  • firstly, you should not buy a melon before the beginning of September - the fruits that appeared on sale in the summer are usually grown using substances that accelerate ripening;
  • the skin color should be evenly yellow - orange skin is a sign of excess urea in the soil, greenish spots indicate insufficient ripeness of the fruit, a green vein is a sign of nitrate accumulation, dark spots on the melon indicate that it has begun to deteriorate;
  • when we choose a ripe Torpedo melon, we pay attention to the condition of the peel - it should be springy and easily bend when pressed;
  • you can determine the ripeness of the fruit by tapping on the peel - the sound should be deaf;
  • the flesh of a ripe melon is white or slightly creamy, of a uniform consistency - a green stripe under the skin indicates that the fruit was picked too early;
  • melon contents (seeds) are easily separated from the pulp;
  • taste of ripe melon Torpedo is sweet, reminiscent of a combination of honey, pear and vanilla - fresh or bitter flesh indicates that the product has begun to deteriorate.

Even if you did not manage to buy a ripe melon, do not worry. In a dry place, it keeps for as long as you like, so just leave it there until fully ripened.

Growing features

The torpedo is thermophilic, so in our latitudes it is better to grow it in greenhouses, greenhouses or through seedlings, which, after transplanting into the ground, need to be covered with a film for a long time. The soil should be light and fertile, contain peat, humus, preferably black earth or at least loam.

When grown on trellises, plants can be planted according to the 50x80 cm scheme, but if they spread along the ground, they should be planted so that each bush has about 2 m² of area.

Caring for a melon bed consists of the following activities:

  • watering - you need to water often, since the root system of the Torpedo is shallow;
  • top dressing - liquid mullein is applied 1 time per month;
  • until the plants are untangled, it is necessary to carry out hilling, and then regularly loosen the soil;
  • in order for the fruits to grow large and sweet, pinching the lashes and removing excess ovaries is required - a maximum of 3–4 ovaries should remain on the bush.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the variety, of course, are the taste and useful properties of the fruit. In addition to being a very valuable food product, Torpedo melons have medicinal properties and are widely used in folk medicine. With its help, it is possible to strengthen a weakened body, increase immunity, normalize digestion, kidney function, improve metabolic processes in the body and solve many other health problems.

The progenitor of the melon is the cucumber. This melon culture was brought to Russia from England in the 17th century. Since then, it has become a mandatory component of the autumn-winter menu.

Melon "torpedo": variety description

Every year from August to September along the route you can find whole strings of melons and watermelons for sale. Among all varieties, the torpedo melon is considered the most delicious. How does she look?

Melon "torpedo" is a melon culture of a late variety of an oblong form of yellow color. On the surface of the peel there are uniform grooves that form a mesh. Its flesh is juicy white. Ripe melon has a pronounced aroma. The fruits of this variety are large, the average weight is 4 kilograms.

"Torpedo" is grown in Asia Minor and Central Asia. It is imported to Russia mainly from Uzbekistan, which is why it is sometimes called "Uzbek melon".

The composition and calorie content of melon "torpedo"

To find out the calorie content of melon, first of all, those people who monitor their weight seek. And all because its juicy fruits have a sugary-sweet taste. What is the calorie content of melon "torpedo"? 100 grams of this product contains 36 kcal. And this means that everyone can eat melon, even those who are on a strict diet. The amount of protein in the fruits of this variety per 100 grams is 0.6 grams, fat - 0.3 grams, carbohydrates - 7.5 grams.

Melon "torpedo" has a high nutritional value. Therefore, in early autumn, during the period of fruit ripening, it is recommended to use this product daily.

The nutritional value

Melon "torpedo" in its composition is rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes it especially beneficial for the body. The fruits of this gourd culture contain a large amount of provitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamins C, E, PP, group B (B1, B2, B5, B6).

Melon "torpedo", the calorie content of which is only 36 kcal, has a rich mineral composition. It is provided by elements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, silicon, fluorine and iron, in large quantities (1 mg per 100 grams of pulp). According to the content of the last element, melon is more useful than milk by more than 10 times. In addition, the composition of the melon contains malic, citric and folic acids, as well as vegetable sugar (sucrose - 18%).

The benefits of melon for the body

Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, torpedo melons are very useful. They are recommended to eat in such cases:

  • Due to the high iron content, the fruits of this gourd culture increase hemoglobin well, so it is useful to eat it with anemia.
  • Melon "torpedo" is recommended for eating with urolithiasis and pathologies of the urinary tract.
  • It is an effective diuretic and choleretic agent.
  • With regular use of the pulp, the work of the intestine improves, its peristalsis increases.
  • Melon acts as a mild laxative.
  • Promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body.
  • It is an effective tool for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system and atherosclerosis.
  • Melon "torpedo", the calorie content per 100 grams of which is 36 kcal, with moderate use promotes weight loss and is the main component of the melon mono-diet.

In order for the melon to bring the maximum benefit to the body, it should be eaten separately from other foods and avoid overeating.

Contraindications for use

Melon "torpedo" is the product that everyone, without exception, cannot eat in unlimited quantities. There are a number of contraindications to its use.

Firstly, the “torpedo” melon, whose calorie content is quite low, is a product that is difficult to digest. Therefore, it should be excluded from the diet of children under the age of three years and limited to pregnant women. Otherwise, when overeating, bloating, diarrhea and intestinal colic can be observed.

Secondly, for the same reason, melon is a forbidden fruit for people with diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

Thirdly, due to the high sugar content, melon is contraindicated for people with diabetes.

The benefits and calorie content of melon "torpedo" and "collective farmer"

These two varieties of melon are the most popular and in demand among similar melons. But there are certain significant differences between them.

In appearance, the "torpedo" is elongated with a rough light yellow skin. "Kolhoznitsa" - melon is round and smooth bright yellow. Calorie melon "torpedo" is 36 kcal per 100 grams of product. The "collective farmer" variety is less nutritious - only 33 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

In terms of nutritional properties, these two varieties practically do not differ. And since the calorie content of the "torpedo" and "collective farm girl" is quite low, this allows melon to be used as the basis of a mono-diet. For three days, it is recommended to eat only melon pulp, while drinking at least two liters of liquid (pure water, herbal tea, fat-free yogurt). During the diet, you can lose up to three kilograms. The effect is achieved due to the fact that the melon "torpedo", the calorie content of which is only 36 kcal per 100 grams, has a diuretic property. At the same time, fiber, which is contained in a melon in large quantities, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

How to choose a melon

There are several criteria for choosing a good melon.

  1. You should not buy melons sold along the highways. Exhaust gases and other harmful substances penetrate into the pulp through cracks in the skin.
  2. To begin with, the melon should be smelled. A pleasant melon smell of ripe fruit should come from it.
  3. Feel the rind of the melon. On the opposite side of the stem, it should be slightly springy, soft. This is the difference between a ripe fruit and an unripe one, in which the rind is hard.
  4. Before buying, the melon should be slammed. From a ripe fruit, not a sonorous, but a deaf sound should come.

The ripened juicy melon "torpedo", the calorie content of which is low, is cut gently and easily. Its edible part is white with a pleasant aroma. The flesh of the torpedo melon is extremely juicy and tender.

Simple melon dishes

It is customary to eat melon raw, separately from other vegetables and fruits, since it is a rather heavy product for the digestive system. At the same time, with moderate use, the torpedo melon is a whole vitamin complex; in combination with other fruits and berries, you can get the most healthy dessert from it. What can be prepared from this fruit?

From the melon of this variety, a tasty and healthy fruit salad is obtained. To prepare it, 100 grams of torpedo melon and watermelon are cut into cubes, one peeled and chopped kiwi and grapes are added to them, if desired. Then you need to mix the ingredients - and the fruit salad is ready. It can be eaten as such or seasoned with two tablespoons of natural yogurt.

Melon juice is especially useful for the body. It has a healing effect, therefore it is an adjunct in diseases of the digestive system.

Melon "torpedo", the calorie content, the benefits and harms of which are discussed above, is a healthy treat for the whole family. It provides the body with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals and is an effective tool in the treatment of many diseases. To be convinced of this, you must definitely taste the "torpedo" melon.

Melon "Torpedo" is a late variety that tolerates transportation well. Its fruits have an elongated, oblong shape of yellow color, covered with a mesh. The pulp is juicy, white, has an unsurpassed taste and delicate aroma.

Melons of the Torpedo variety (in Uzbekistan this variety is called “Mirzachulsky”) came to Russia in the 17th century from England. The homeland of this variety is Asia Minor and Central Asia. "Torpeda" - refers to the late varieties of melon, has an excellent taste and delicate aroma.

See also: flights in our time

Torpedo melons are oblong, elongated, yellow in color, the peel is covered with a mesh of veins. The pulp is white, juicy, with a delicate aroma. The advantage of this variety is that it tolerates transportation well.

Melon pulp contains many useful substances: vitamins, minerals, carotene, folic acid, fiber and a large amount of

enzymes, thanks to which the melon improves bowel function. When choosing a Torpedo melon, you should pay special attention to its peel.

If there are large dark spots on the surface that penetrate deep into the pulp and the melon tastes bitter, then the fruit is affected by the so-called “sores”. Such melons are not suitable for food. They can cause food poisoning. But if slightly cracked grooves are visible on the peel, then this is a sign of a particularly sweet and tasty fruit.

The fruit should be fairly firm to the touch. Overripe melons are soft. In place of the stalk, there is usually a small round notch, the stalk itself is usually removed.

Melon "Torpedo" is rich in nutrients, contains a huge amount of enzymes, so it is perfectly absorbed by the intestines, helping its normal functioning.

Melon Torpedo is much juicier than the melons Kolhoznitsa, Gulyabi and Thai melon. Melons contain vitamins C, A, B1, B2, PP, minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, silicon. Silicon is mostly near the rind. Melons normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, have diuretic, choleretic, antitoxic properties, calm the nervous system, lower cholesterol, increase immunity.

Melon helps with depression and bad mood, because the melon pulp contains substances that help produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Melon is recommended for people with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Melons are useful for anemia, anemia, because. they contain 17 times more iron than milk.

Externally, melon is used in cosmetology to remove age spots and freckles, to treat acne.
Melon seeds contain zinc, it is good for skin and hair, and it is also a strong afridisiac. You can’t eat a lot of melon seeds, because it will be harmful to the spleen.

How to choose a melon Torpedo

A ripe melon should be oblong, yellow with small bright yellow longitudinal stripes. If the melon is green, the small stripes along the melon are green, then the melon is unripe. Smell the skin of the melon - it should be strongly fragrant. The tail should be dry, the nose should be slightly soft.

Do not buy melons near the roads and do not take cut melons. Melons are an independent product. You should not eat them with other food, you need to wait 2-3 hours.

In no case should you drink milk and other dairy products or alcohol or cold water after a melon! You can get poisoned. After a melon, you can eat after 30-60 minutes. Melons should be bought in late August - early September.

Useful properties of melon

They spread not only to women, making them more beautiful, but also to the strong half of humanity. From time immemorial, melon seeds have been considered the strongest aphrodisiac. Do not throw away melon seeds, they can increase male power. Melon seeds can simply be chewed fresh, best with honey. However, it is important to observe the measure - no more than 2g per day, otherwise problems with the spleen are inevitable.

Melon is useful for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.

A large amount of fiber is perhaps the main advantage of melon. In modern medicine, the fruit is most often used to cleanse the body, to cleanse the intestines. Melon fibers contribute to the removal of toxic substances from the body. However, the properties of melon as a “body nurse” also have a downside.

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  • why is melon torpedo bitter

By the end of summer, we are all waiting for the melon harvest to enjoy this wonderful fruit. When deciding on a variety, we pay attention to the color of the fruit, the size and brightness of the color of the pulp. But the primary role in the choice, of course, is played by taste. From a melon we expect sweetness, juiciness and an appetizing melon aroma. And what is our grief when we feel that it is bitter. If you are purchasing a melon, then it is easy to refuse to buy a bitter fruit. But if you yourself are the owner of a crop of bitter fruits, then you should think about why the melon is bitter.

There are several possible answers to the question “why melon tastes bitter”.

If you are harvesting a crop, pay attention to the climate zone in which it is located. Fruits growing in the northern regions of the country require more care and attention. Cold and excessive moisture can cause damage to the crop.

The next reason gardeners call the abundance of nitrates used as mineral fertilizers. Nitrates are most often used for greenhouses or on large farms.

Nitrate is a chemical compound of potassium, calcium and ammonium. This composition is used to enhance growth, destroy pests and increase the shelf life of the product. In a small amount, the use of the substance does not harm the fruits and their palatability, however, abuse leads to the fact that nitrates accumulate in some parts of the plant, thus causing changes in the fruit.

Nitrates in large quantities change the composition of cells and the structure of plant DNA. As for people, the ingestion of a large number of nitrogen compounds can harm the human digestive system. This is especially true in summer, because under the influence of high temperatures and humidity, nitrates quickly turn into dangerous nitrite compounds.

Another cause of bitterness is Fusarium melon disease. Currently, breeders have bred a large number of varieties with immunity to this disease. However, many varieties are still vulnerable to this fungus.

Fusarium can enter a plant in several ways. First, there is a possibility that you have purchased already infected seeds. Secondly, the plant can be infected through the root system. If this happens, you will notice damage not only to the fruit, but to the entire plant. It is also possible to infect the fetus directly through external damage - cracks, dents, cuts.

Often buyers complain that the melon bought along the highway is bitter. This is due to the fact that the fruits of this culture very quickly absorb salts of heavy metals and a variety of chemical compounds.

In addition, there is a small chance that when buying you were guided by the original appearance of the fruit and therefore chose the Chinese variety of melon, also known as Indian cucumber. For this variety, the bitter taste of a ripe fruit is natural.

When you buy a melon, remember that any cracks, dents, scratches, or bumps on the fruit are potential entry points for harmful substances and diseases. Also note that a healthy fruit has a delicious melon aroma that immediately communicates the taste of melon.

The chemical composition of melon

As you know, the chemical composition of melon is a very useful product. The fruit boasts a content in the composition of substances such as vitamins A, C, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene, iron and cobalt.

However, all these trace elements affect the sweetness of the melon differently than the presence of carbohydrates in it. The amount of sugar in the most delicious dessert melons cannot be less than 13%. Melons with a lower content of this carbohydrate are rarely used as a table variety.

If the melon is bitter, chemical analysis usually shows a reduced carbohydrate content in the pulp, as a result of which the taste becomes unpleasant.

Remember that the chemical composition of fruits is affected not only by the natural composition of the soil, but also by the quality and quantity of fertilizers. Moreover, water content and the formation of protein in the future fruit can be affected by the frequency of watering and the temperatures in which the crop was grown.

Like any plant, this crop is very sensitive to any environmental changes, so pay attention to the conditions in which you grow it.

How to care for melon not bitter

It is necessary to take care of the melon so that it does not get bitter, according to all the rules of agricultural technology of this crop. Do not try to grow outdoor crops in cold climates. In addition, do not neglect watering, loosening and good bait.

For a melon that has southern roots, the most important thing is the warmth of the soil and weather, as well as an abundance of sunlight.

If you know that there is a risk of fungi or other diseases in your area for melons, pre-treat the land with fertilizers from pests, and then wait at least 2 months before planting the crop. Do not over-treat growing crops with pesticides, and even more so already formed fruits.

Pay attention to the location of the household plot - it should not be located near major highways or industrial enterprises.

Growing a tasty and sweet melon is not difficult if you show accuracy, attention and care in relation to the future harvest.

Video "How to choose a safe melon"

From this video you will learn how to choose a tasty and safe fruit.
