
Duck fillet in orange sauce in the oven. Duck breasts in orange sauce

As you can see, the set of ingredients does not contain hard-to-find ingredients. Duck breasts can be taken without skin, but it’s better not to remove it, since it is she who, when frying and baking, gives the breast juiciness and allows it not to be dry.

The method of preparing duck breasts with oranges according to this recipe is quite simple and affordable for everyone.

How to cook? It's important to know

Duck breasts must first be prepared for cooking. To do this, rinse them well under running cold water, carefully clean them from films, veins, excess fat. If there is a lot of skin, then it can also be cut off, but it is better to leave at least a little. It is also important to ensure that the skin is well cleaned, and that there are no remnants of feathers and other unnecessary elements on it.

Next, the breasts need to be beaten off a little, but not with a hammer for chops, but with another blunt object. The reverse side of a knife or a hard spatula is suitable for this. This will soften the breast a bit and make it more pliable when cooked.

Prepare the marinade. To do this, squeeze orange juice into a suitable container, add salt, rosemary, pepper, garlic, and a little orange zest. Mix everything well and place the duck breasts in the marinade. They need to be doused with marinade so that the entire surface of the meat is in the marinade. Leave it like this for an hour.

After this time, heat the pan and pour a little vegetable oil into it. It is worth noting that it is better to use sunflower here, olive oil is not very suitable. Put the breast on a hot pan and fry until a golden crust appears.

Now our duck needs to be transferred to a baking sheet covered with foil. Place peeled orange slices on top of the duck, put a few sprigs of rosemary. Next, you need to pour orange juice, or juice from the marinade. Water generously, they absorb this marinade well during baking and become covered with a shiny golden crust.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. You need to bake the breast for a period of time from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on what degree of doneness you want to achieve. In any case, even if you bake the duck breast until cooked, it will be tender, juicy and you will never overdry it. Place the baking sheet in the oven while preparing the sauce.

We're preparing the sauce. To do this, pour the oil in which the duck was fried into a saucepan. The main thing is that the oil is not burned, then the taste of the sauce will turn out to be very pleasant and tender. Throw in a few more peeled orange slices, evaporate this liquid a little. Then pour the prepared red wine into the saucepan and also evaporate. By the way, the juice from the marinade is well suited to the sauce, it can also be added to the saucepan.

When the alcohol has evaporated, add 50 gr. to the sauce. oil and one tablespoon of honey. Cook a little more over low heat and stir well. The sauce will turn out very fragrant and will perfectly suit the duck, which, by the way, is probably already ready.

You can check the readiness of the duck by cutting it a little with a knife and seeing what color the duck has. As mentioned above, you can cook the duck until the meat turns white, it will still remain juicy, so here, in principle, everything depends on you. Remove cooked meat and cool slightly. Cut into thin slices and put on a dish. Pour over the prepared sauce, garnish to taste and you are ready to serve! Bon appetit.

This duck breast with oranges is easy and simple to prepare, and the result of the recipe will definitely please you. This dish perfectly combines the taste of the meat itself, with a sweet and aromatic sauce. Due to the marinade, the meat will be saturated with the aroma of citrus fruits and will play with new flavor notes. In general, there are many variations in the preparation of such a dish. For example, you can use a recipe for duck breast with orange syrup, which will have a more pronounced sweetness.

It is also worth noting such a moment that duck breasts with oranges in the oven - the recipe is not only simple, but also healthy. It combines products that have a positive effect on the state of the human body and health in general. For example, the duck breast itself contains a very large amount of vitamin E, A, as well as group B and trace elements such as iron, potassium and magnesium. There are actually many more of them, so the beneficial properties of duck meat can hardly be overestimated. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, fights depression and insomnia. In addition, it is able to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, only if it is cooked correctly, because the meat is quite fatty.

Such a duck breast in the oven is a recipe with an orange, which means that one cannot but mention the beneficial properties of this fruit. Oranges are very fragrant and beloved by all citrus fruits, they contain a lot of vitamin C, so it successfully fights colds and supports the immune system. That is why in all films you can see how oranges are brought to the hospital to the sick. It is already a common belief that this citrus fruit really helps.

So such a wonderful dish will not only please with its wonderful taste, but also saturate the body with vitamins. It can be prepared for lunch, then for the whole day you can recharge your batteries and get a pleasant feeling of satiety. And you can also cook for a hearty romantic dinner, your soul mate will definitely not refuse such a dish and will be very grateful to you! So feel free to take note of this recipe and surprise your family!

Duck doesn't get on our table very often. And to cook something ordinary out of it is not at all interesting. And for a festive feast, one of the most successful choices will be duck breast in orange sauce. Thanks to this “neighborhood”, even the driest part of any bird becomes tender, soft and juicy. And the aroma will delight everyone from the doorstep!

Japanese recipe

The first step is to prepare the fillet: it should be dried so that not a drop of water remains, and sprinkled on all sides with pepper and salt. The zest is removed from two oranges, then two more are added to them, the juice is squeezed out. In a small saucepan, it is combined with an incomplete glass of white, weak and unsweetened wine and the same volume of broth (it is better to take chicken or boiled duck). After boiling, three tablespoons of good honey are laid (you can replace it with sugar, but there will be the wrong flavor). On the smallest fire, the sauce languishes until it is reduced by half.

In a dry, well-heated frying pan, the fillet is fried for ten minutes on each side, then the leaked fat is removed from it and half a glass of soy sauce is poured. As soon as it boils, after half a minute the fillet turns over, and after the same period of time the fire is completely turned off. The pan is left on the stove for ten minutes. Finally, the fillet is divided in half, transferred to the languishing gravy, and the duck breast with orange sauce is warmed up in full for about three minutes. When serving, it is sprinkled with zest and eaten immediately.

Breasts in a slow cooker

The beginning of their preparation in this device is similar to cooking on a conventional stove. The fillet is salted and peppered. Then it is laid out in a heated bowl with vegetable oil skin down and fried in the baking mode for about a quarter of an hour. After turning over in the same mode, the breasts are fried for another ten minutes and left to heat. While they are languishing (and this will take about a third of an hour), juice is squeezed out of one orange, and half of the second is cut - each slice in half. Half a glass of red wine is half evaporated, juice is poured in, salt and pepper are poured. Again, it all doubles down.

Later, slices of orange are thrown in, and the sauce is poured into the fillet. After ten minutes of heating, your duck breast in orange sauce will be completely cooked. The recipe recommends that before putting the dish on the table, sprinkle it with citrus zest.

Cognac-orange sauce with apples

The secret to the success of this recipe is the pre-marination of the fillets. It is sprinkled with a spoonful of cognac and the juice of half an orange, mixed with a small pinch of cinnamon and a spoon. Then the breast is set aside for a quarter of an hour. Only after that it is fried over high heat, very quickly - for three minutes on both sides - and placed for ten minutes in a heated oven. Two apples (without seeds, but with a skin) are cut into neat slices and fried in duck fat for no longer than seven minutes. The juice of the remaining half of the citrus is squeezed out to them and a spoonful of thin honey is added along with the marinade drained from the fillet and another spoonful of cognac. After ten minutes, the sauce is ready. Duck breast in orange sauce “rests” from the oven for several minutes and is served already poured with gravy, cut obliquely, with apples laid out around it.

Chinese duck

Such a successful combination of poultry meat and citrus fruits could not be missed by this people. Thanks to a peculiar look at cooking, the Chinese got a very original duck breast in orange sauce. Julia Vysotskaya, by the way, relied on this recipe when preparing the dish, only removed purely Chinese ingredients from it.

First, the fillet is briefly marinated in equal volumes of honey and soy sauce. Three garlic cloves and an onion are crushed, poured with half a glass of fresh and stewed for about a quarter of an hour. Next, a spoonful of flour is poured in, after boiling, the gravy is immediately filtered.

Shallow cuts are made on three breasts, they are fried in a dry wok. Next, grated ginger, a pound of green beans and half a glass of soy sprouts are poured into it. The fillet is cut, poured with gravy, after which the duck breast in orange sauce is combined with vegetables and chopped peeled slices of two citrus fruits. After mixing, immediately served - it must be eaten hot.

bigarade sauce

Thanks to him, a very tender and fragrant duck breast in orange sauce is obtained. The recipe, however, requires a fairly large number of components. First, a marinade is made from the juice and zest of a whole orange, a stack of natural lemon juice and the same volume of olive oil. From spices, rosemary, pepper and salt are laid in it. The fillet should marinate for an hour. After that, it is dry-fried (due to pickling, the process is very fast) and left to rest for a while.

The sauce is being prepared. Zest (four full spoons) is poured with half a glass of boiling water and filtered after five minutes. A glass of wine is heated, finely chopped shallots are poured into it and the base is evaporated by half. Next, a glass of a stack of cognac, the same amount of orange juice and half a stack of currant jam are added to it. After ten minutes of stirring, the fragrant gravy is ready for use. The fillet is cut beautifully, poured over with it, and the duck breast in an orange sauce with a very rich aroma becomes a table decoration and the chef's pride.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 40 min

Cooking duck breasts is actually not a complicated process. Do not be afraid of this bird. The main thing here is not to simmer the meat for a long time so that it remains juicy in taste. Try to cook duck breasts with oranges, and my recipe with a photo will help you with this. This dish can be consumed separately. You can make salads based on breasts, or serve with mashed potatoes or rice.

Preparation time: 10 minutes.
Cooking time: 30 minutes.

- duck breasts - 2 pcs.,
- a pinch of salt,
- sugar - 1 tsp,
- black pepper - a pinch,
- orange - 1 pc.,
- arugula - for serving the dish.

How to cook with a photo step by step

First, turn on the oven at 200 degrees, let it warm up well. Place the duck breasts on a work surface and season both sides with salt and black pepper. The salt will help draw the water out of the fat.

In a cold non-stick skillet, place the duck breasts skin side down. It sounds strange, but if you put a duck in a cold pan, then when heated, the fat from the duck will gradually melt, which will help to form a crisp on the breast. If the breasts are sent to a hot pan, then this supposedly seals them, the fat will remain inside the skin (to a greater extent). 90 percent of the time, cook the duck on the skin over high heat, about 3-4 minutes. For me, the guideline for turning the breast is the golden crust.

Flip the breasts over and cook for 1 more minute, no more.

Put the breasts in the pre-prepared deco and you can add orange slices on top and sprinkle with a pinch of sugar. Place the breasts in the hot oven for 5-7 minutes. Do not overcook the breasts in the oven so that the meat does not turn out dry. Drain the remaining duck fat into a jar and send it to the refrigerator for storage after cooling. This fat can be added to potato dishes.

Take the breasts out of the oven and let them cool, better cover with foil or parchment to distribute all the juices over the meat.

To serve, cut the duck into not very thin slices at an angle. All the white fat is rendered, the meat inside is slightly pink. If you don't like meat with a pink tint. Just keep the breasts in the oven for a little longer.

Arrange the duck breasts nicely on a plate with orange slices. Next to the duck, put arugula or other salad, pour over with balsamic sauce.

Sincerely, Elbi.
And here's how to cook

very tasty dish of duck breasts. Duck breasts with orange sauce. Cooking recipe - duck breast in a pan.

Fried duck breasts with orange sauce recipe

5 of 1 reviews

Duck breast in orange sauce

Duck breast with delicious sauce

Type of dish: Poultry dishes

Cuisine: Russian


  • Duck breasts - 2 pcs.
  • oranges - 2-3 pcs.
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp,
  • cinnamon - 2 pinches,
  • butter - 20 g,
  • a mixture of various peppers,
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the breasts well, pat dry, put skin side up on the table. Make diagonal cuts on the breasts, first in one direction, then in the other. Salt and pepper the breasts.
  2. Place the breasts in a well-heated skillet (no frying oil needed) skin side down and cook over medium heat for 8-10 minutes, then flip the breasts over and cook for another 3-5 minutes. Transfer the finished breasts to a sheet of foil and wrap. Then you need to give them a little "rest".
  3. At this time, squeeze the juice from the oranges, pour the fat out of the pan and put it on high heat again. Pour orange juice, honey, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon, a little salt and pepper into the pan. Heat everything over high heat until the volume is reduced by half. Add butter, stir and remove sauce from heat.
  4. Cut the duck breast obliquely into slices 3-5 cm thick, put on a dish and pour over the sauce.

Bon appetit! Duck breast in orange sauce

We are preparing a very tasty dish of duck breasts. Duck breasts with orange sauce. Cooking recipe - duck breast in a pan. Fried duck breasts with orange sauce recipe 5 from 1 reviews Duck breasts in orange sauce Print Duck breasts with tasty sauce Author: Povarenok Dish type: Poultry Dishes Cuisine: Russian Ingredients Duck breasts - 2 pcs. oranges - 2-3 pcs. honey - 2 tbsp. l., balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp, cinnamon - 2 pinches, butter - 20 g, a mixture of various peppers, salt. Rinse the breasts well, pat dry and lay skin side up on the table. Make diagonal cuts on the breasts first ...

Duck breasts in orange sauce is an exquisite dish that can be served not only as an “ordinary” dinner, but also to please guests with a delicate and original taste, spending a minimum of time on cooking.

Duck is a poultry, which in its culinary qualities in many respects surpasses its "commodities" in the face of chicken or turkey. Duck meat has a rich taste, and in terms of cooking technology, it is in many ways reminiscent of a beef tenderloin steak, which should ideally be fried to a “medium” state. Another plus of duck is that it cooks pretty quickly, of course, when it’s not about roasting a whole bird in the oven.


Recipe for duck breasts in orange sauce

Dish: Main course

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 5 servings


  • 1 glass of orange juice
  • 5 pieces. duck fillet duck breast fillet with skin
  • ground black pepper
  • 40 g butter
  • 5 g honey
  • salt

Step by step recipe with photo

How to cook duck breasts in orange sauce in a pan

Rinse the duck breasts under water and wrap them in a cloth to soak up excess moisture. Place each breast, skin side up, on a cutting board and, using a knife, make several long cuts in the skin without touching the meat.

Place the duck skin-side down in a cold skillet, setting the heat to just above medium. There is no need to add oil to the container; in the process of frying, a fairly large amount of fat will melt out of the duck, in which it will be fried.

Keep the bird on fire until it is well browned - on average, this will take about 12 minutes. While frying, salt the duck breasts and sprinkle them with ground pepper.

Then turn the duck over to the other side, season with salt and pepper, and let sit for another 12 minutes.

Orange sauce for fried duck breasts

While the bird is cooking, prepare the sweet orange sauce. It is ideal to use freshly squeezed juice for it, but in a pinch, purchased packaged juice is also suitable. Pour it into the pan, setting the maximum temperature, and wait until the liquid boils. Then throw a piece of butter into the juice, put honey and, stirring constantly, evaporate the sauce until it thickens slightly (about 10 minutes).

Cut the prepared duck breasts into slices about a centimeter thick, pour over with orange sweet sauce and serve.

Bon appetit!
