
Removing and removing tea stains is easy. How to easily remove a tea stain

The Russian people love to have tea. They used to sit at the samovar, drinking tea from saucers, with crushed sugar and bagels. Now the drink is poured from kettles and French presses, boiling water with electricity. How things have changed! In addition to stains: both then and now, they can suddenly appear on clothes or tablecloths, ruining all the pleasure of drinking tea. How to remove tea stains, experienced housewives know.

Remedies for tea stains:

1. Modern means.

They are easy to use, following the directions on the package. Both hand and machine washable.

Many housewives have already realized that dishwashing detergents can be used not only for their intended purpose - they do a good job with greasy, coffee and tea stains.

2. Express method:

Wash fresh stain immediately with laundry soap. We turn on warm (if the fabric allows, then hot) water and substitute the soiled area under the jet. In this way, the dyes present in the tea are very well washed out of the fibers of the fabric.

3. Salt against tea stains on clothes.

Spilled tea on a fabric (be it clothes or a festive tablecloth) - we immediately “sweep” the traces with salt. It is better to choose coarse salt, natural, without impurities. Salt has the ability to absorb moisture. Remember what we do first when we put a grease stain? That's right, sprinkle with salt. Tea is a water-based drink with the addition of tea leaves. As soon as you see that the salt has become moist and stained, brush it off and cover the stains with a new portion. And so on until completely dry. Now it’s not scary for things: they will wait until you are free and start washing them. By the way, things with tea stains should be soaked in warm water with salt (2 hours is enough), and then washed in the usual way.

Removes tea stains on white...

Lemon. We take a fresh slice, stretch the fabric where the tea spilled onto the palm (so that it does not come into contact with other places on things and does not share the color), wipe it with an acidic piece. The acid in the lemon neutralizes the tea color.

Tea stains on white clothes clean up and with the help of citric acid (sold in grocery stores in powder form). We rinse the soiled things in a solution of water and citric acid crystals. You can not wash the whole thing, but only the places where the tea leaves are spilled. It will take a few minutes to rinse. It is better to soak only light things - acid is acid. She is able to lighten what was not needed.

Alternatively, you can squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon into a saucer, dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Soak a cotton pad in the solution, wipe tea stain. It remains only to rinse.

What else can you do to remove tea stains from clothes?

Suitable for wool and silk fabrics "Grandmother's" recipes with ammonia:

  1. Soap-ammonia solution: soap or soap shavings + ammonia (3-5 teaspoons are taken for 1 liter of water). The fabric is soaked in the solution and the stain is treated with it. Then a wash is required.
  2. Solution in proportion: 20 parts of alcohol + 20 parts of water + 1 part of ammonia. The stain is wiped, dried with a clean cloth, and then rinsed.

Glycerin is often used To remove coffee and tea stains:

  1. A gruel is prepared from table salt and glycerin, applied to the stain, washed.
  2. The combination of glycerin + ammonia removes even old tea stains: 1 teaspoon of glycerin is combined with 1 teaspoon of water and a few drops of ammonia. The ingredients are mixed and the stain is wiped with a solution, then the clothes are washed in warm soapy water.

If tea is spilled on a sofa or carpet...

A carpet or sofa is difficult to wash if tea has been spilled on them. The stain will be bleached with hydrogen peroxide. However, it is recommended that you first test the effect of peroxide on a tiny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, hidden from view. Peroxide is more suitable for light-colored things, but it can lighten colored fabrics.

For a sofa or carpet, the above solutions are also suitable if applied to the stain with a cotton pad or cloth.

Tea stains can be removed with household products: ammonia, vinegar, citric acid, glycerin and others. You can also use stain removers, and in extreme cases you have to go to dry cleaning.

Instructions on how to remove tea stains depend on the surface on which the contamination has occurred. They remove stains with a variety of means - household (lemon juice, glycerin, ammonia and others) or professional. In some cases, you can get by with a simple machine wash. Our recipes will help to cope with the problem in the most common situations.

Machine wash

If the stain on jeans, T-shirts and other surfaces is relatively recent, it can be removed with a normal wash. Usually, deciding how to wash tea can be very simple.

Use regular automatic washing powder and add a little stain remover. The washing mode is selected depending on the type of fabric, for example, for cotton, cambric, guipure - a delicate mode. And for denim, jersey T-shirts, sweaters and other similar items, you can use everyday washing.

If the tea party took place a long time ago, stain removal occurs differently:

  1. First, wash the thing in a basin with warm water (temperature is about +35 ° C - the hand should not be burned).
  2. Then soak the item in water with hand wash powder for about 4-5 hours.
  3. After that, the trace usually disappears, but it is better to additionally wash it on a typewriter.
  4. After washing, rinse the laundry with warm water, especially if it is children's clothes and other delicate items of clothing.

Similarly, you can remove coffee stains or.

Note! If the contamination is very fresh, it can be dealt with with ordinary dishwashing detergent. It can be "Fairy", "AOS" and many others.

Removing stains from whites, tulle, tablecloths and towels: 5 effective remedies

Very often you have to figure out how to remove welding stains on white. Far from all cases, bleach is used - often household products (acids or glycerin) can cope with pollution.


Glycerin and ordinary edible salt are mixed to a mushy consistency, applied to the surface of things and incubated for up to 1 hour.

It is necessary to wait until the stains lose their saturated color.
They should become the color of weak tea (if it is brewed for a short time). Next, the thing is washed in the machine.

Advice! If the clothes are made of wool and other delicate fabrics, it is better to do it by hand.

Mix glycerin with ammonia in a ratio of 4:1. The solution is applied to a cotton swab and the stain is wiped, then they act as described above.

Lemon acid

Mix citric and oxalic acid in a ratio of 2:1. The mixture is dissolved in a glass of water, then they act in a similar way. Oxalic acid has powerful bleaching properties, so it can remove both black and green tea stains. But for colored and black things, it is undesirable to use it.

Similarly, you can mix citric acid with ammonia in a ratio of 2: 1, apply the mixture to the fabric, wait until the stain fades and wash it by hand or in a typewriter.

Reference! If there is no citric acid, it can be safely replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Hydrogen peroxide

Another effective remedy is a pharmacy solution of hydrogen peroxide.

A cotton swab is moistened in it, after which the contamination is abundantly wiped with it, and then processed manually or in a typewriter. So you can wash a variety of clothes, such as a dressing gown, shirt, coat.

If the fabric is rather embossed (knitted sweater, scarf) or dense (terry towel), etc., it is better to hold the product for more than 1 hour.

If it is not too thick (knitwear, leatherette, etc.), you can hold it for up to half an hour, and then wash it in the usual way.


Removing traces of tea from paper

If stains appear on the surface of paper wallpaper, cardboard or documents, they are removed by another method:

  1. Mix cool water with hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2: 1, blot the paper with a rag soaked in this solution.
  2. Then it is washed off with clean water with calcium hydroxide (this is slaked lime), which are mixed in equal proportions.
  3. The last step is to dry the paper with napkins or clean cotton rags.

There are many effective ways to help remove .

Professional stain removers

If the soiling is quite old or the products described above did not help, you need to purchase a professional stain remover, which is used, for example, when washing clothes for hotel rooms.

There are quite a few effective remedies. The most popular are the following:

  • "Sarma";
  • "Bos plus";
  • baby soap "Eared nanny";
  • Faberlic;
  • Vanish;
  • Astonish.

How to use Vanish to remove tea, see the video:

Thus, there are many ways to remove tea stains. In most cases, they really allow you to quickly solve the problem. However, if the effect is insufficient or you are afraid to spoil an expensive item, it is better to contact a dry cleaner or a cleaning service.

Larisa, August 15, 2018.

Suddenly spilled tea and ruined clothes, furniture, carpet or snow-white tablecloth? Black and green tea stains absorb very well into any type of fabric. And with the help of ordinary washing, it is difficult to get rid of them. Tea stains are especially noticeable on white clothes.

But wait, don't rush to get upset right away and throw away your favorite blouse, skirt or other damaged item! There is a solution! How to remove a tea stain on a sofa, textiles or light-colored clothes? Of course, you can always take the thing to dry cleaning, but for now let's try to deal with the problem on our own.

Black tea, thanks to the tannin it contains, leaves unpleasant yellow spots on the fabric, which can hopelessly ruin a snow-white thing. If at this moment a stain remover for white things is nearby, then the problem will be solved. But what to do when it is not there or the trouble happened to you outside the home?

For many years, people have successfully used a variety of improvised means to combat tea stains. We hope that the above recipes will help you to successfully remove tea stains on white or colored fabrics and get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity.

Precaution won't hurt

  • Before using any chemicals, first test them on a piece of similar fabric or on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.
  • First apply a solution of a lower concentration, and if necessary, increase it.
  • Remove stains from the wrong side by placing white paper or a napkin under the stain.
  • First, rub the area near the stain with a cotton pad, and then rub the solution from its edge to the middle. So the stain on the material will not blur.
  • After applying stain removers, wait about 15 minutes.
  • At the end of any cleaning method, wash the item in 30 degree soapy water.


How to remove a tea stain on white manually:

  • Ammonia: Dilute 1 tsp. ammonia in a liter of water, wet a sponge with a solution and apply to the stain. Remove the resulting stains with a 10% solution of citric acid, which is applied for a quarter of an hour. Then clean the fabric with a damp sponge or wash.
  • Citric acid: Dissolve in a glass of water 2 tsp. citric acid. Treat the stain and leave for a while.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Simply dampen the stained area with a piece of cotton wool containing 3% hydrogen peroxide.

This method is suitable for delicate white and light fabrics.

  • Ammonia and Glycerin: Take 1 part glycerin to 4 parts ammonia. The method is well suited for natural fabrics such as cotton and linen.
  • Glycerin: You need 1 tbsp. glycerin per liter of water, heat the solution and moisten the stain. After 15 minutes, blot it with a napkin and wash the thing.

This method is especially effective for wool or silk.

  • Glycerin and table salt: mix these components, apply the resulting slurry to the stains.
  • Lactic acid: This method is excellent for removing tea stains on natural silk. Dilute water with lactic acid in a ratio of 1:1. Moisten the damaged area with the prepared solution.
  • Lemon Juice: Just soak a piece of cotton wool in the lemon juice and rub it on the stain. You can prepare a 10% lemon solution by adding a few drops to water.
  • Oxalic acid: This method is able to cope even with old tea stains. Dissolve ½ tsp in 200 grams of water. acid and rub the stain for a quarter of an hour.

Remember that this method is not suitable for colored fabric!

  • Bleach: Bleach will help you quickly and easily get rid of tea stains on whites. But remember that this is a rather aggressive method and it is only suitable for cotton fabric, other materials may deteriorate. Chlorine bleaching is also suitable for machine washing.
  • Vinegar: It can gently remove dirt. Moisten a cotton pad with it and apply on the dirt.
  • Alcohol: This method is perfect during a feast. You just need to moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and rub the contaminated area, and wash your clothes at home.
  • Boiling water: Fresh and mild tea stains are excellently able to be boiled.


The listed funds are often in the arsenal of every good housewife, so removing tea from white things will not be difficult if you use one of the above methods. Try to find the one that suits your particular case. Knowing how to remove a tea stain on white, you can easily keep your light and white things in their original form and extend their life to you.

Tea is not just a drink, it is a whole philosophy. How often, in a variety of circumstances, we resort to a tried and tested way to warm up, think, communicate, confess or make a decision. However, from a practical point of view, tea has one unpleasant feature: stains from it are quite difficult to remove. And yet this is not a reason to immediately contact the dry cleaner - you can try to cope with pollution at home.

Spot Features

"You need to know the enemy by sight" - says folk wisdom. In our case, the role of the enemy is stains, the resistance of which is due to the content of tannin in tea. This aromatic hydrocarbon - a phenolic compound - provides the drink with an amazing taste and exquisite aftertaste. But tannin has one very important feature: the substance shows coloring properties only with time, so the “older” the stain, the more difficult it is to remove it.

For the amazing taste and aroma of tea, sometimes you have to pay with a merciless fight against stains from this drink on different surfaces.

Properties of traces from different types of tea

Green tea stains, which are not as intense in color as black tea, are considered harmless. But in fact, this is a delusion, since there are even more phenolic compounds in this type of drink. Regarding herbal teas, pu-erh, they also contain tannins, only in different quantities, which, in fact, does not change things: it will not be easy to remove old stains, especially from fabrics.

Any type of tea contains tannin, which has tannins.

This is interesting. Pu-erh tea lovers probably know that it takes many months, years to produce it. Moreover, if the Shen Puer production method is used, then the tea leaves undergo natural fermentation for 7–8 years, and the infusion is not too dark. But with the accelerated Shu Puer technology, fermentation takes only 100 days and 12 months for aging, but the color becomes saturated, dark. These stains will not be easy to remove.

So, we can conclude that the method of removing stains does not depend on the type of tea, since the basis of any pollution is the coloring properties of tannin, which is present in any brewed drink.

Stain removal options

There are two ways to deal with pollution:

At the same time, resorting to the help of specialists is definitely worth it only in a few cases.

  1. If the trace of tea remains on natural fur or artificial, but light shades. It will not be easy to remove traces of a drink from such a fleecy surface without damaging it mechanically. So it's better not to risk it.
  2. If your attempts to remove the stain have not been successful. True, it is worth noting that not all dry cleaners will take up the thing that they tried to clean at home.
  3. If you are afraid of the prospect - even minimal - to spoil the thing.

Work rules

From whatever surface you have to remove the stain, there are three important conditions that must be observed:

We clean textiles

The most common category of surfaces "affected" by tea is textiles, that is, clothing, furniture upholstery, carpets. At the same time, it is hardly possible to compete with clothes: these things are more often than others in the line of fire. Removing stains from fabrics requires careful study of labels to find out the best cleaning methods. Namely, washing and its regimen, or dry cleaning. If you settled on the first option, then in this case the invariable rule applies: the faster you start removing the stain, the more chances for luck.

The sooner you start removing stains, the greater the chance of success.


The most effective and convenient option for removing any stains, including tea stains. But here you need to know which washing method (machine or hand) is allowed in a particular case.

Please read the cleaning instructions label carefully before washing.

Table: machine wash different types of fabric

If the stain is fresh, it is likely that one wash will suffice. But if the pollution has already eaten in, then you will first have to take care of removing traces of tea, and only then wash it: in a typewriter or by hand.

Effective ways to remove stains

As we have already found out, no matter what kind of tea appears in the form of a stain on natural or artificial textiles, the methods for removing it will be the same. There is only one difference: the degree of saturation of the stain remover. So, for synthetics, the concentration of the solution should be higher than for natural materials. The composition of stain removers will vary depending on the color of the item.

Generic Methods

Regarding the removal of tea stains, such textile cleaning options are not always effective, but it is still better to start with them. Especially if the stain has just appeared.


The traditional way to remove stains.


Salt or sugar


  1. We fall asleep a fresh trace with sugar or salt.
  2. We leave for 1 hour.
  3. We remove the remnants of the product and rinse the problem area with warm water.

White things, tablecloths, towels and tulle

If we are talking about bulky products, such as, for example, tulle, then a fresh (!) Tea stain is not yet a reason for washing, washing after processing the pollution is enough.

Ammonium chloride and citric acid


This is interesting. This method is great for removing stains from white cotton and linen.

As an alternative to ammonia, you can offer a stain remover based on 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Lemon juice

A great option for an ambulance that is always at hand.


  1. Lemon juice is dripped onto a cotton pad and rubbed into the dirt.
  2. We leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Wash off with warm water.

Video: how to remove a tea stain from a white cloth with lemon juice



By the way, if the stain is old, then we add one more ingredient to this recipe: ammonia.


  1. We heat the glycerin as in the previous method.
  2. Add ammonia in a ratio of 1:2, that is, for example, 2 tsp. glycerin 1 tsp alcohol.

For fleecy fabrics, we prepare a special paste based on glycerin.


Oxalic acid

Old stains require more drastic measures. In our case - acid treatment.


This is interesting. To avoid acid burns, add acid to water, not the other way around.

Hyposulfite (salt used in medicine and photography)

In terms of effectiveness, this tool may well compete with oxalic acid. In this case, there is no risk of burns or tissue burning at the slightest violation of the proportion of the connection.



Natural fabrics have one undoubted advantage over artificial ones: they can be bleached with chlorine stain removers. But at the same time, such a tool cannot be used on thin delicate tissues - either a hole is formed, or the product turns yellow.

Colored products

A feature of the processing of such things will be that after treating the stains, it is desirable to wash them completely - so there will definitely not be stains after the place of pollution dislocation has dried.

Of course, in the arsenal of means for removing stains from colored textiles there should be a universal recipe. This is exactly what borax solution is. They can process jeans, cotton, linen, silk and even knitted sweaters.

Borax or sodium tetraborate


Warm glycerin

This is an excellent option for removing tea stains from silk items, fine wool products.


  1. In a water bath, heat 2-3 tbsp. l. glycerin.
  2. We wipe the pollution with this solution.
  3. We wash the product in the usual way.

How to remove tea stains from a carpet or sofa

Working with these surfaces is difficult due to the inconvenience of cleaning them, which means that there is a high probability that the treatment will have to be repeated 2-3 times. And yet the problem is still solvable. The main thing is to choose the right tool.

Dishwashing liquid


  1. We localize the stain, that is, we blot it with a soft cloth (for example, microfiber) or a paper towel.
  2. We breed in 2 tbsp. cold water 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing gel.
  3. We wipe the stain.
  4. We remove the remnants of the product with clean water.
  5. A cotton pad moistened with table vinegar is applied for 10 minutes to the place where the stain was.
  6. Rinse off the vinegar with cool water and pat dry.

The inconvenience of using dishwashing gel is that after it it is quite difficult to wash the foam - you have to wash the trace many times

This is interesting. You can dry a wet mark on a sofa or carpet naturally (this is the best option!), Or you can speed up the process with a hair dryer by directing a warm stream of air onto the wet area.

Glycerin and ammonia

This remedy is also effective and safe for cotton and linen.


  1. We mix 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and ½ tsp. ammonia.
  2. Apply to the stain with a cotton pad. Lightly rub the place of contamination.
  3. We remove the stain remover residue with a cloth dampened with clean, cool water.

This is interesting. If this method turned out to be ineffective the first time, then you should try something else. Since the textiles may turn yellow from excessive efforts.

Professional stain removers

If there is no desire to prepare home remedies for removing stains, then you can use finished products. Moreover, modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products to combat stains of various origins on different types of textiles. Before using the product, carefully read the instructions for processing a particular type of fabric.

Video: step-by-step instructions on how to remove a tea stain with Vanish Oxi Action stain remover

From time to time, housewives wonder how to remove tea stains on white, using both household chemicals and folk methods. They should be applied in accordance with the type of fabric, the degree of concentration of the stain and the amount of time elapsed since contamination.

How to remove tea stains?

It is best to start removing tea stains without wasting time, until the persistent tannin present in the tea leaves has dyed the fabric. If you are unable to immediately remove the stain, then try to wash it with water or wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth. There are various methods and means to remove tea stains on white:

  1. Use special stain-removing powders or soap, after cleaning, rinse the contaminated area with water, then wash.
  2. For white fabrics, special oxygen bleaches added to hot water are ideal. In such a solution, products can remain soaked for 6-8 hours.
  3. Sprinkle the stain with salt, after 30-40 minutes shake it off, wipe the place of contamination with a cloth dipped in a solution of ammonia.
  4. Tea stains are removed from light fabrics by soaking them with lemon juice.
  5. You can remove tea stains with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  6. If the stain has managed to eat into the fabric, try to remove it by mixing glycerin with ammonia (in a ratio of 2: 1). Put the solution in a water bath, heat up to 35-37 ° C and rub the stain well. Leave the soiled area moistened for 40 minutes, after the time has elapsed, wash with detergent.

How to remove green tea stains?

A green tea stain on white, like many others, is easiest to remove while it is fresh, often a regular wash with any detergent is enough. Let's touch on several ways that are effective for saving white clothes, tablecloths, towels spoiled by green tea spilled on them:

  1. Pull a cloth with a contaminated area over any container and pour hot water over it, the stain will gradually disappear.
  2. Sprinkle fresh stain with salt. Then add salt to a bowl of warm water and soak the soiled item for one to two hours. After the specified time, wash.
  3. To clean stains on white items made from natural fibers, prepare a solution of one liter of water, 50 ml of ammonia and chopped laundry soap.
  4. A good stain remover from green tea pollution is a mixture of vodka and glycerin.

How do you remove black tea stains?

Black varieties contain a tannin - tannin, which gives us the biggest trouble, as it quickly penetrates into the fabric, and stubborn, old stains are more difficult to remove. The task of how to remove a tea stain on white is always problematic, because even after processing the fabric, a yellowish stain can still remain on it. Such stains lend themselves well to removal with the following compounds:

  1. Salt with glycerin. Rub the stain with the prepared gruel, glycerin salts will dissolve and discolor it, then wash the soiled item in the way that suits it.
  2. If the stain is old, use the composition more aggressively. Combine citric acid with oxalic acid (2:1), add a glass of warm water (20-30 drops of ammonia will enhance the effect), apply the mixture on the stain, rub lightly, and wash in cool water.

Sweet tea stains

There are many recipes for how to remove a tea stain from clothes, there are times when you need to use several of them. Avoiding dry cleaning, thinking about how to remove tea stains on white, you can use the following people-tested products:

  • glycerol;
  • lemon acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • lactic acid.

Sweet tea stains can be removed from white clothes by all the methods mentioned above, but bleach or any other modern bleach will also be a highly effective remedy in this case. When using them, be sure to follow the instructions, but for your own peace of mind, conduct a test on how the fabric reacts on a section of clothing that is invisible to prying eyes.

How to remove tea stain from carpet?

Contamination from tea is not uncommon, upholstered furniture and are not immune from them. The methods discussed above on how to clean tea stains from light products and on colored carpets can be used effectively, but others can be added to them. Commonly used means of removing tea stains from carpets can be considered folk methods used in everyday life:

  1. Mix cold water with table vinegar, dip a cotton ball into it and wipe the stain. This method is used when the stain is treated immediately after the appearance.
  2. Clean the contamination with a cloth soaked in a solution of borax (10%). Then dilute a pinch of citric acid in a small amount of water (20:1), with the addition of table salt to fix the dye, carefully treat the stain again and rinse it well with cold water.
  3. Treat the stain with a solution of cold water and glycerin (20 ml per liter).

How to remove a tea stain from a sofa?

After learning how to get rid of tea stains from a carpet, you can apply the same methods to remove stains from your carpet. The most versatile way to remove a fresh stain from a sofa upholstery is to use ordinary laundry soap and warm water, any dishwasher, washing powder or baking soda will help. In some cases, when removing old stains, try using special, modern stain-removing compounds, carefully testing the result of their application in inconspicuous areas.

How to remove tea stains on a jumper?

Before you remove tea stains from white clothes, especially from a jumper, you need to decide whether natural or synthetic fibers are used in its manufacture. When using stain removers, carefully study the instructions, and do not conduct any experiments, especially if they contain aggressive substances. A good, high-quality stain remover is not cheap, so folk remedies can come to the rescue:

  1. With a solution of ammonia and water (1 tsp per liter), moisten the stain well on the wrong side of the jumper, then treat the contaminated area with alcohol.
  2. From white things that require delicate handling, hydrogen peroxide will perfectly remove tea stains. To do this, moisten the contaminated area well with liquid, after 15-20 minutes, wash the jumper in cool water.
  3. Heated glycerin will save the woolen product from tea stains, which should be soaked in the area of ​​contamination. Leave the thing with a wet stain for a quarter of an hour, then rinse thoroughly and, in accordance with the rules for washing woolen products, wash.

How to remove an old tea stain?

To avoid damage to clothing, before removing tea stains on light colors, select the appropriate laundry detergent for this type of fabric. For old tea stains on cotton or linen fabrics, whiteness is ideal for removing, but it is categorically not suitable for synthetics. From synthetics or knitwear, an old stain can be removed with a concentrated solution (slurry) of bleaching washing powder. Solving the problem of how to remove old tea stains on white, you will have to use the above methods, applying them one by one.
