
Pumpkin puree soup: recipes. Lean pumpkin puree soup - a healthy dish for children and adults

Many affordable vegetables are healthier than expensive delicacies. These include the pumpkin, which our ancestors treated with great respect. In almost every house, various dishes were prepared from it. Not all modern housewives treat the pumpkin with the same reverence as their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Pumpkin dishes are not on the table in every family. The reason is often that novice cooks do not know enough recipes for cooking dishes from this vegetable. Do not think that only porridge can be cooked from it. Pumpkin first courses are no less tasty and refined than cauliflower, broccoli and similar products. Creamy pumpkin soup is able to turn your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "queen of the garden": after tasting it, you will almost certainly begin to include it in the family menu often.

Cooking features

Compared to other vegetables, pumpkin boils for a rather long time, but this should not stop the cook who wants to feed the household with delicious and refined puree soup from this vegetable. The cooking process itself is not very difficult, even an inexperienced hostess can handle it.

  • Do not choose thick-skinned pumpkin for making soup-puree: it has coarse fibers and takes a long time to boil. Muscat varieties with tender flesh are most suitable for cream soup.
  • Considering that the pumpkin takes longer to cook than other vegetables, it is put first in the soup or cooked separately. In the latter case, it would be a good idea to bake this vegetable - this way the pumpkin will retain the maximum amount of nutrients.
  • To obtain a creamy consistency, the products that make up the dish are ground to a puree state. This should be done after they are sufficiently boiled. Previously, vegetables were rubbed through a sieve to make soup-puree. Today, you can also go this way, but this option is very laborious. The use of a blender helps to simplify the task.
  • Do not neglect the recommendations for the use of household appliances. A common mistake is to turn on or turn off the immersion blender too early: at the moment it is immersed in the liquid and removed from it, the rotating knives spray the dish.
  • A thicker texture of pumpkin puree soup can be given by adding potatoes or brewing it with flour. Dilute the soup with broth, milk or cream. Cream not only helps to make the soup's consistency optimal, but also gives the dish a delicate creamy taste.
  • Cream is added to the soup last. After their introduction, the finished dish must be heated over low heat to sterilize it. It is not necessary to boil it: the cream from this can curdle, spoiling the appearance of the dish.

Creamy pumpkin soup with croutons is served. You can make them yourself by drying slices of bread in the oven or in a pan. When using purchased crackers, it is better to give preference to those that have the most neutral taste.

Classic Pumpkin Cream Soup Recipe

  • pumpkin pulp - 0.6–0.7 kg;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • potatoes - 0.3–0.4 kg;
  • broth or water - 1.5 l;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • pumpkin seeds - 40–50 g;
  • cream (fatty) - 100–150 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the pumpkin from the skin, remove the pulp with seeds. Cut the rest into small cubes (about 1 cm).
  • Peel and cut potatoes into medium-sized pieces.
  • Scrape the carrots, rinse, dry with a napkin and grate coarsely.
  • Free the onion from the husk, cut into medium-sized pieces.
  • Peel the garlic, finely chop with a knife.
  • Pour oil into the bottom of the pot in which the soup will be cooked.
  • Heat it up, put the onion and garlic. Fry them over low heat until they become translucent.
  • Add carrots. Cover the pan with a lid and sauté the vegetables for 5 minutes.
  • Put the pumpkin, fill it with water or broth. 5 minutes after the liquid boils, add the potatoes.
  • Boil for half an hour or a little more - until all the vegetables are completely soft.
  • Puree the contents of the pot with a blender.
  • Add salt, spices, cream.
  • Heat the soup over low heat until it starts to boil. Remove the saucepan from the stove.
  • Toast the pumpkin seeds (peeled) in a dry frying pan.

When serving, sprinkle the soup poured on plates with pumpkin seeds, serve the croutons separately.

Pumpkin cream soup with cream and ginger

  • pumpkin pulp - 0.4 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • cream (fat) - 150 ml;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • ginger root - 15 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, fresh dill - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the pumpkin, cut into small cubes or grate coarsely. The more you grind it, the faster it will cook.
  • Remove the skin from the onion, finely chop it.
  • Peel the carrots, chop them in the same way as the pumpkin.
  • Slice the garlic into thin slices.
  • Peel the ginger, cut a piece of the desired size. Grind it with a grater or blender.
  • Heat the oil in a saucepan, put the vegetables in it. Fry them for 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the pumpkin and carrot pieces.
  • Pour in water, bring to a boil. Boil for 10-20 minutes. 5 minutes before cooking, add ginger, salt and pepper.
  • Blend the contents of the pot with an immersion blender.
  • Thin the soup with cream and return to the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat and remove from heat.
  • Chop the dill, sprinkle it on the dish when serving.

The soup prepared according to this recipe has a piquant taste, it is pleasant to eat it in the cool season. The dish has an appetizing orange color, it turns out tender and tasty. Pairs well with garlic croutons and donuts.

Pumpkin puree soup with cream and salmon

  • pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • salmon fillet - 0.4 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • cream (fatty) - 100 ml;
  • walnut kernels - 100 g;
  • water - as needed;
  • salt, pepper, dill, cinnamon, nutmeg - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the pumpkin from the skin, cut into small slices.
  • Lubricate the baking dish with butter, put the pumpkin on it. Drizzle with remaining butter.
  • Grind cheese on a grater, fill them with pumpkin.
  • Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180–200 degrees, bake for 15–25 minutes, depending on the type of pumpkin and the size of its pieces. Remove from oven.
  • Peeled carrots cut into medium-sized cubes or circles.
  • Peel the onion, chop finely.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  • Wash the salmon fillet. Dip in boiling water, cook for 15-20 minutes. Remove the pieces of fish from the pan, divide into portions.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into medium-sized cubes, cover with water.
  • Add carrots, bring to a boil.
  • Boil vegetables until they become soft.
  • Transfer the boiled vegetables and onions to a blender jar or a container in which you usually mix and beat food.
  • Put the baked pumpkin in there.
  • Add spices and a glass of vegetable broth.
  • Roast the nuts in a dry frying pan, crush with a crusher, add to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Using a blender or in any other way, turn the vegetables into a homogeneous mass. Dilute with vegetable broth to desired consistency. Salt to taste.
  • Add cream, stir. Pour into a saucepan, add the fish pieces and bring to a boil, but do not boil.

When laying out the soup on plates, make sure that everyone gets salmon approximately equally. This exquisite soup can be served not only for a family dinner - it will not be a shame to offer it to guests.

Pumpkin cream soup with cream has a pleasant taste, delicate texture. The presence of several completely different recipes for this dish allows you to find an option that even the pickiest gourmet will like.

Such a useful fruit as a pumpkin is successfully used in cooking. In one of the previous articles, you could find out, and today we will consider recipes for making soup from this vegetable.

The first dishes from this product are considered dietary, therefore they are well absorbed by the child's body and are prescribed for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Puree soup can be prepared by anyone, as this process is completely simple. In some recipes, only pumpkin is used, in others, various vegetables and spices are added. We will consider the most popular options.

This dish is associated with autumn, but the fruits are stored throughout the year, so you can cook pumpkin puree soup at any time. We will need affordable products and some free time.


  • 1 pumpkin;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • Sour cream to taste.


First of all, we clean and wash the onions, carrots and garlic in cold water. Cut the vegetables into arbitrary pieces and fry for 5 minutes in a small amount of oil. Don't forget to stir occasionally.

Peel the pumpkin. Cut in half and take out the seeds. Then cut the fruit into medium-sized cubes.

We send the pumpkin to the rest of the vegetables, pour a liter of water and cook until fully cooked. At the next stage, chop the vegetables with a blender, salt, add pepper and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream if desired.

Bring the vegetable mass back to a boil and remove from the stove. You can immediately pour into plates.

Serve with pumpkin seeds or crackers. During cooking, if desired, add nutmeg, which will give an original taste.

How to make delicious pumpkin soup with chicken

This liquid dish not only diversifies the usual diet, but also improves health. You will not have any difficulties with cooking, since the process itself is quite simple. The soup will be useful for both adults and children.


  • 500 g pumpkin;
  • 500 g chicken;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 5 sausages;
  • ½ head of onion;
  • Spices and table salt according to preference.


We send the chicken to the pan and fill it with water. We put on the burner and cook until fully cooked. Add spices and salt. We take out the boiled chicken, cut it into pieces and put it back into the pan along with chopped vegetables, except for pumpkin. Cook for 15 minutes.

At the next stage, we throw pumpkin into the pan and cook for about a quarter of an hour. Vegetables should become soft. After that, we drain almost all the broth into a separate container.

Grind the vegetables in a saucepan with an immersion blender, then pour in the broth. Put the soup on the stove and bring to a boil. If desired, decorate the dish with sausages.

You can skip the chicken pieces and just make a stock-based soup. Serve hot, as when the dish is reheated, it loses its taste.

Classic pumpkin puree soup

Great option for a healthy lunch. The soup is not only tasty, but also low in calories. It can be prepared in just a few minutes, so take note of this traditional option.


  • 1 kg of peeled pumpkin;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 600 ml water or vegetable broth;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • Pepper and salt to taste.


Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the chopped onion in it. Cook until golden brown.

At the next stage, we send chopped garlic, pumpkin cubes into the container and fill everything with broth or water. Also do not forget to salt and pepper. Cook for about 20 minutes until pumpkin is soft.

Grind the contents of the pan with an immersion blender, pour in the cream and mix everything thoroughly.

Serve immediately with crackers or slices of bread. If desired, you can sprinkle the dish with seeds or nutmeg.

Creamy pumpkin soup with cream and cheese

Pumpkin has a long shelf life, so you can use this wonderful recipe at any time. The dish turns out tender and satisfying.


  • 1.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 4 medium sized potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 onion heads;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • Cheese to taste;
  • 1 tsp turmeric;
  • 2 tsp curry;
  • Salt and ground hot pepper to taste;
  • parsley roots;
  • Celery roots.


First, let's prepare the pumpkin. We cut the fruit into two parts, remove the seeds from it and send it in this form for one hour in the oven, heated to 190 degrees.

To prepare vegetable broth, chop the parsley and celery roots. We send them to the pan, pour cold water, add a little salt. After boiling, cook the root crops for half an hour.

In a thick-walled saucepan, heat the sunflower oil and fry the chopped onion in it until transparent.

Now we send the chopped carrots to the container. When it is well fried, then add potato cubes to the vegetables.

Pour the contents of the pan with the prepared vegetable broth. Cook until the vegetables are fully cooked.

Scoop out the pulp from the baked pumpkin with a spoon and add it to the rest of the products.

Using an immersion blender, grind all the ingredients until a puree mass. Pour the required amount of cream and add spices.

Delicious soup is ready, pour into portioned plates and serve.

Sprinkle with cheese slices on top. Add a slice of bacon, shrimp, or sun-dried tomatoes to give an original flavor to the dish. Bon appetit!

How to quickly cook pumpkin soup with semolina

Pumpkin goes well with semolina. The dish is more like porridge than soup, it all depends on the amount of liquid. It will be very helpful for children.


  • 200 g pumpkin;
  • 2 tsp semolina;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • Sugar and salt;
  • Butter.


Cut the skin off the pumpkin, remove the seeds and chop finely. Then we put a pot of milk on the stove, and when it boils, we send pieces of pumpkin. Cooking for a quarter of an hour.

The next step is to pour semolina into the pan. The contents of the pan should be stirred periodically so that the dish does not burn. Also add some sugar and salt.

Simmer the soup over low heat for about 20 minutes. During this time, it will acquire a homogeneous state. Serve with a piece of butter.

A healthy and fortified dish is ready in just a few minutes. Bon appetit!

Soup recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

If you like how a popular TV presenter cooks. Then I offer you its cooking option. Watch the video where Julia talks in detail about all the stages:

Experiment if you wish. Feel free to add the spices and seasonings you like best. The main thing is to understand the basics of preparing a liquid dish. Of course, the presenter does everything at a fast pace, as if she is in a hurry, but you can understand all the stages.

Diet pumpkin and zucchini soup

People who are trying to take care of their health prefer low-calorie meals that are well digested. Delicate pumpkin cream soup is light, but satisfying enough. 100 g contains only 30 calories.


  • 0.5 kg of pumpkin;
  • 0.5 kg of zucchini;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste;
  • 0.5 tablespoons of edible salt.


We will prepare all the necessary products so that they are at hand if we want to cook cream soup in a short time. First, pour the chicken or vegetable broth into the pan and put it on the stove. If you want to reduce the calorie content of the dish, then it can be boiled in water.

Peel the carrots, rinse with water and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. We send it to the broth when it boils. Cut the onion into half rings and add it to the pan when the liquid with carrots boils again. We cook for about five minutes.

Peel the zucchini and pumpkin and cut into medium-sized cubes. We send it to the pan with the rest of the vegetables.

The next step is to add salt and tomato paste. If desired, use various spices. After boiling, cook the soup for about 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove and grind the dish with an immersion blender.

Pour the soup into bowls and serve. Decorate with fresh herbs. If you cooked with water, then add a small piece of butter.

Pumpkin soup with shrimps and ginger

The original recipe for the classic pumpkin soup. Thanks to the addition of spices and shrimp, a unique taste is obtained. Your household will ask you to make such a dish again and again.


  • 1 kg pumpkin;
  • 2 onions;
  • Prawns according to preference;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp curry;
  • Olive oil;
  • Parmesan;
  • 30 g of ginger root.


We clean and cut the pumpkin with carrots. Onion cut into half rings.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic slices in it until golden brown, then remove it.

At the next stage, we send the prepared vegetables to the pan and fry them for 5-10 minutes. After that, add spices, fill with water and cook under a closed lid for about a quarter of an hour.

We put the boiled vegetables in the blender bowl and grind until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, put on the stove and bring to a boil. But this step is optional, so you can skip it.

Pour the soup into bowls, add boiled shrimp and grated cheese.

The dish turns out incredibly tasty. Be sure to try this recipe. And don't be afraid to experiment with adding different spices and spices.

Recipe for Pumpkin Wisdom Soup with Poppy Seeds

Smart soup is familiar to many people from Soviet childhood. The origin of this name is not exactly known. There are several options for preparing this dish. The video will discuss one of the simple ways.

Some experts note that this dish contains ingredients that improve memory and brain activity.

Cooking pumpkin soup with potatoes

A healthy and nutritious cream soup can be prepared by any housewife, even without experience. We will need simple products that are available at any time of the year.


  • 400 g of peeled pumpkin;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 200 ml coconut cream;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • Nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger optional.

Coconut cream can be replaced with regular milk.


We clean all the necessary vegetables in the indicated volume, then cut them into large enough pieces, since we still have to chop them.

Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Then we send all the other vegetables into it, fill it with water, add lavrushka and cook until tender. All foods should be soft. Cook for about 20 minutes over medium heat.

After the specified time, add chopped garlic and ginger, coconut cream, and spices if desired to the pan. Blend the soup with an immersion blender until smooth.

Add chopped greens and a little cream to each plate if you are not on a weight loss diet.

Pumpkin cream soup - cooking in a slow cooker

Thanks to modern kitchen technology, the process of preparing various dishes is simplified. You can make pumpkin soup very quickly and without much effort. Watch the instruction video. Of course, the modes depend on the multicooker model, but the general principle will be clear to you.

I tried to collect in this article the simplest recipes for making delicious pumpkin soup. This vegetable is unpretentious in storage, so you can leave it in the pantry from autumn and use it for its intended purpose at any time.

Pumpkin is a versatile vegetable. It is used to prepare a variety of dishes, from soups and main courses to salads and desserts. We will turn our attention to. This is just a godsend for those who follow their figure, because pumpkin soup is low-calorie and nutritious. Pumpkin soup is ideal for baby food. Kids are not allergic to pumpkin - isn't this happiness for parents?

Pumpkin soup is quick and easy to make, especially if it's puree soup or cream soup. You will have to tinker a little longer when preparing baked pumpkin soup, but the result will surprise you, because in addition to preserving many useful substances, baking reveals the taste of all products in a new way. For a festive table or dinner party, pumpkin soup can be effectively served in half a pumpkin, using it as a tureen.

Pumpkin soup with shrimps

Pumpkin contains many useful vitamins and microelements, relieves swelling well, and is an excellent dietary product. Shrimps are a pantry of protein and minerals, especially a lot of iodine - almost 100 times its content in beef. Let's combine these two healthy products and prepare pumpkin soup with shrimp. The soup recipe will appeal to women for its originality and simplicity, and guests and family members for its aroma and unusual taste.

We will need:

  • 300-400 g pumpkin
  • shrimp (to taste)
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 onions
  • butter
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • cream
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • basil


  1. We clean the pumpkin, fill it in the pan completely, cover with a lid, put on a small fire.
  2. We heat the pan in butter, put garlic and peeled shrimp on it. We stir the food in the pan until the shrimp are browned, put out the fire and put the contents on a plate.
  3. We cut the onion, rub the carrots and add everything to the pumpkin. We grind the cooked vegetables with a blender. Put the resulting puree in a saucepan, add water and seasonings and let it boil slowly.
  4. Add the shrimp to the pan after 15 minutes, and on low heat, let it simmer for another 3 minutes. simmer. After that, turn off the fire.
  5. Pour into bowls, top with cream. This pumpkin soup can be served with both shrimp and chicken meat. It all depends on personal preferences, it is equally tasty, the main thing is to keep the proportions and cook it correctly.

Pumpkin vegetable soup with cream

Delicate pumpkin puree soup with amazing taste and aroma will win your heart forever. Kids especially love this soup.

To make Pumpkin Creamy Vegetable Soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - 500 grams.
  • Potatoes - 2 medium-sized tubers.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Dairy cream - 100 ml.
  • Cheese - 100 grams.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Peel pumpkin, remove seeds and cut into small cubes. We also clean the potatoes and carrots, wash them thoroughly and cut them.
  2. Transfer vegetables and pumpkin to a saucepan, pour cold water, salt, put on fire and boil until tender.
  3. Once all the ingredients are soft, remove the pan from the heat. Pour the vegetable broth into a separate pan, and transfer the pumpkin and vegetables to a bowl and puree with a blender.
  4. Return the resulting vegetable puree to the pan, pour in the milk cream and 250 ml. vegetable broth. We put the pan on a slow fire.
  5. Grate the cheese, add to the soup, mix thoroughly. Salt to taste, add spices and seasonings. We wait until the cheese is completely melted, and remove the pan from the heat.
  6. Pour the finished soup into serving bowls and serve.
  7. If desired, you can decorate the soup with finely chopped greens or white bread croutons.

Creamy pumpkin vegetable soup is ready! Bon appetit!

Pumpkin soup with shrimps

A very original pumpkin soup with exquisite taste will be a wonderful decoration for your dinner table.

To make Pumpkin Shrimp Soup, you will need the following: Ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - 500 grams.
  • Shrimp - 150 grams.
  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Butter - 15 grams.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.

How to cook pumpkin soup with shrimp:

  1. Cut the peel from the pumpkin, clean the seeds, rinse under running water. Then cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes. Transfer the chopped pumpkin to a saucepan, salt, pour two glasses of cold water and put on fire. Boil pumpkin until soft.
  2. Pour cold water into another saucepan, put on fire, add bay leaf, black peppercorns and salt, bring to a boil. We lower the shrimp into boiling water, cook for ten minutes. Then we drain the water, cool the shrimp.
  3. We free the cooled shrimp from the shell. Rinse fresh dill under running water, dry and finely chop.
  4. After the pumpkin has become soft, make a puree out of it with a blender. Salt the pumpkin puree, add ground black pepper, spices, seasonings and finely chopped dill, mix and put on a slow fire, bring to a boil.
  5. At this time, heat the milk in the microwave. Pour the milk into the boiling soup, add the butter, stir, heat for a few minutes and remove from heat.
  6. Pour the finished soup into bowls, put shrimp in each bowl and serve.

Pumpkin soup with shrimp is ready! Bon appetit!

Pumpkin soup with fish

A very original recipe for pumpkin soup with fish is quite simple to prepare. This soup is tasty, thick and very rich, and the creamy aroma gives it sophistication.

To make pumpkin soup with fish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - 500 grams.
  • Potatoes - 3 medium-sized tubers.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Hot smoked cod - 400 grams.
  • Milk cream - 250 ml.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.

How to cook fish soup with pumpkin:

  1. Pour four cups of cold water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. We cut the peel from the pumpkin, clean the seeds, cut the flesh into small pieces. Peel the carrots, wash them thoroughly and cut into small cubes.
  2. We clean the onion from the husk, rinse and finely chop. Dip the chopped pumpkin and vegetables into boiling water, cook until soft.
  3. In the meantime, let's prepare the fish. Remove skin from cod. Separate the meat from the bones and cut into small pieces.
  4. We take out the boiled pumpkin and vegetables from the broth with a slotted spoon. Strain the vegetable broth through a sieve into another saucepan. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into small pieces. We put the chopped potatoes in a saucepan with vegetable broth, salt and put on fire. Boil potatoes until tender.
  5. Grind the boiled pumpkin and vegetables with a blender to a puree state. The resulting vegetable puree is transferred to a saucepan with broth and potatoes. Then pour milk cream into the soup and add chopped fish, add spices and seasonings, mix and heat everything together for a few more minutes, then remove from heat.
  6. Pour the finished soup into portioned plates and serve to the table, decorating with finely chopped greens.

Pumpkin soup with fish is ready! Bon appetit!

Cold raw pumpkin soup

We bring to your attention a recipe for the most healthy soup, during the preparation of which pumpkin and vegetables will not be subjected to heat treatment. And, as you know, all the variety of vitamins and minerals is preserved in raw vegetables. In addition, such a cold soup will be an ideal option for lunch in the summer heat, when you don’t want to stand by the stove and eat hot dishes.

To make cold raw pumpkin soup, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Pumpkin - 250 grams.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Celery stalk - 1 piece.
  • Pumpkin seeds - 50 grams.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.
  • Fresh dill - to taste.

How to make Raw Pumpkin Soup:

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut out the seeds, rinse with cool water. Cut pumpkin pulp into small pieces.
  2. Carrots are also peeled, washed thoroughly, finely chopped or rubbed on a coarse grater. We clean the stalk of celery, pour boiling water for a few minutes, cut it. We clean the garlic from the husk, rinse and pass through the garlic press.
  3. You can buy pumpkin seeds, or you can use the ones that were in the pumpkin. Raw seeds will need to be thoroughly washed and poured with boiling water for twenty minutes.
  4. We transfer all prepared vegetables, pumpkin and pumpkin seeds to a blender bowl. Pour in the same glass of boiled water and milk, add salt, black pepper and spices to taste. Whisk all ingredients in a bowl until pureed.
  5. Rinse fresh dill, dry and finely chop.
  6. Pour the finished soup into bowls, decorate with finely chopped herbs and serve.

Cold raw pumpkin soup is ready! Bon appetit!

Pea soup with pumpkin

A very original recipe for making pea soup with pumpkin will become a lifesaver for vegetarians and people who adhere to fasting or dietary nutrition.

To make Pea Soup with Pumpkin, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chopped dry peas - 250 grams.
  • Pumpkin - 200 grams.
  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Kefir - 150 ml.
  • Table mustard - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.

How to cook pea soup with pumpkin:

  1. Peas must first be soaked in cold water overnight. Peel the carrots, rinse under running water and cut into small pieces. Onions are peeled, rinsed, no need to chop.
  2. We peel the pumpkin, cut out the seeds, cut the flesh into pieces.
  3. Boil swollen peas, pumpkin, carrots and onions until tender. Then discard the onion. Make sure the peas are well cooked. As needed during the cooking process, you may have to add water. When all the ingredients are boiled, remove the pan from the heat. If there is too much liquid, it will need to be drained.
  4. Now, using a blender, turn the boiled vegetables into a puree mass. If the soup is too thick, you can dilute it with milk, broth or water and heat it again over low heat. Add salt, spices, mix.
  5. Separately, we will prepare a dressing from kefir, vegetable oil, mustard and spices. Pour the finished soup into bowls, season and serve.

Pea soup with pumpkin is ready! Bon appetit!

Cooking delicious pumpkin soup

Pumpkin is one of the universal vegetables, from which you can cook almost everything - from first courses to pastries and desserts. But soups are the best. They are not only easy to cook and surprisingly tasty, but also a real find for those who follow their figure.

All useful elements are preserved in these dishes, and their regular use allows you to maintain a good mood and always be in great shape.

pumpkin soup recipe

Pumpkin puree soup can be prepared even by a novice cook, while pumpkin goes well with a variety of vegetables and is well complemented with seasonings and crackers.


  • Pumpkin - 0.5 kg.
  • Broth or water - 3 cups.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Curry - 1.5 tsp
  • Salt - to your taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces of arbitrary shape. 1 st. l. Melt the butter in a cauldron or pan with thick walls, add the chopped onion and fry.
  2. Put the remaining oil, curry, pumpkin into the prepared frying, pour in the broth or water, salt and after boiling, cook for about 20 minutes.
  3. Next, remove the soup from the stove and, after cooling, bring in a blender to a puree state.
  4. You can serve the dish with croutons or cheese.

Cooking pumpkin soup with cream

The combination of cream and pumpkin is considered a classic, and the soup of these ingredients is rich and easily absorbed by the body.


  • Peeled pumpkin - 0.6 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Sunflower or olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Cream - 0.5 cups.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Ground ginger - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the vegetables into cubes and fry in oil for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Put in a saucepan, season with ginger and salt, add water and cook for about 20 minutes, and then purée with a blender or potato masher.
  3. Pour cream into the resulting soup.
  4. The dish is served on the table with fresh cilantro or crackers.

Cooking pumpkin soup in a slow cooker

There is nothing easier than cooking pumpkin soup in a slow cooker, because you only need to cut the vegetables and put them in a bowl, and the device will do the rest for you.


  • Pumpkin - 0.5 kg.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Broth - 0.5 l.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the vegetables and fry them in oil in the “Baking” mode for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour in the broth, put the slow cooker in the “Extinguishing” mode and cook for about 1 more hour.
  3. We bring the prepared soup with a blender to a puree state, add the rest of the broth to the consistency you need, put salt and pepper.

Cooking pumpkin soup with chicken


  • Pumpkin - 0.5 kg.
  • Chicken fillet - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 20-30 g.
  • Green celery, nutmeg and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Fill the fillet with water and cook until tender.
  2. Vegetables cut into cubes of the same size.
  3. Melt the butter in a cauldron, fry the onion, add the potatoes and simmer for a few more minutes.
  4. We put the pumpkin in the resulting mass and cook until it becomes lighter.
  5. Pour the chicken broth into the vegetables - so that it covers them completely, and then cook until fully cooked.
  6. Cool and puree with a food processor or blender.
  7. Add the chopped fillet, seasonings, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Read more:

How to cook pumpkin soup with cheese?

Cheese gives pumpkin soup a piquancy and unusual taste, the dish turns out to be thicker and more satisfying.


  • Pumpkin - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Processed cheese - 100 g.
  • Garlic - 2 tooth.
  • Butter - 20-30 g.
  • Broth or water - 1 liter.
  • Paprika and black pepper - on the tip of a knife.
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut the pumpkin into cubes, fill it with broth or water and cook for about 10 minutes, add the potatoes and bring to readiness.
  2. While the vegetables are cooking, fry the onion in oil, and then put it in the soup along with spices, garlic and salt.
  3. Cool slightly, puree until smooth and put back on the fire.
  4. After boiling, add chopped cheese and let it melt.
  5. Serve with crackers and fresh herbs.

Pumpkin is a versatile vegetable. It is used to prepare a variety of dishes, from soups and main courses to salads and desserts. Let's turn our attention to pumpkin soup. This is just a godsend for those who follow their figure, because pumpkin soup is low-calorie and nutritious. Pumpkin soup is ideal for baby food. Kids are not allergic to pumpkin - isn't this happiness for parents?

Pumpkin soup is quick and easy to make, especially if it's puree soup or cream soup. You will have to tinker a little longer when preparing baked pumpkin soup, but the result will surprise you, because in addition to preserving many useful substances, baking reveals the taste of all products in a new way. For a festive table or dinner party, pumpkin soup can be effectively served in half a pumpkin, using it as a tureen.

Here are some tips from experienced chefs to help you prepare a really tasty and healthy pumpkin soup. Before cooking soup with chicken or veal, the meat can be quickly fried in hot oil until golden brown, this will give the soup a special taste and aroma. When adding cream to soup, remember the calorie content, but, nevertheless, the fatter the cream, the tastier the soup. When serving, pumpkin soup can be sprinkled with herbs, toasted pumpkin seeds, rye or wheat bread toasts, or grated hard cheese.

500 g pumpkin,
1 onion
3 stack. vegetable broth,
1 stack cream,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
150 g hard cheese
2 tbsp butter,
herbs, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds, brush the inside with vegetable oil and place cut side down on a baking sheet. Place the tray in a preheated oven at 180°C for 1 hour. Meanwhile, sauté the onion in butter until translucent. Peel the finished pumpkin and add to the onion, fry a little and pour in the broth. Simmer over low heat covered for 15 minutes. Then puree with a blender, pour in the cream, heat, but do not boil, remove from heat and add the grated cheese. Stir and serve with herbs.

1 small pumpkin
2 bulbs
1 head of garlic
1.5 l vegetable broth,
1 bay leaf,
1 tsp brown sugar
1-2 tsp curry powder,
½ tsp ground cinnamon,
¼ tsp ground nutmeg,
1 stack natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream,

Cut pumpkin in half and place cut side down on a baking sheet. Peel the onion and cut into quarters. Garlic, without peeling, wrap in foil. Put the vegetables on a baking sheet and bake at 180°C for an hour. Let cool slightly, scrape the pumpkin pulp into a saucepan, squeeze the garlic out of the husk, add the onion and puree with a blender until smooth. Add broth, spices to taste, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add sour cream and stir.

1 kg pumpkin,
2 bulbs
2 green apples
3-5 garlic cloves,
1 tsp curry powder,
salt, white ground pepper, herbs - to taste.

Cut the peeled pumpkin pulp and potatoes into pieces. Chop the onion and garlic. In a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil, fry the onion until transparent, add the pumpkin and garlic and fry over high heat for 5 minutes, then put the potatoes and fry everything together for another 5 minutes. Pour in hot water (about 1-1.2 l), bring to a boil , reduce heat to medium and simmer for 15 minutes. Then puree with a blender, add salt and pepper to taste. Cut the peeled apples into cubes and fry in hot oil, sprinkled with salt, pepper and curry powder, for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Serve the soup with 1 tbsp in each bowl. apples and sprinkled with herbs.

500 g hot smoked fish,
500 g pumpkin,
3 potatoes
2 tomatoes
1 onion
1 carrot
200 ml 10-20% cream,
1 tsp pepper mixes,
salt - to taste.

Cut the peeled pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and onions into cubes and boil in boiling salted water for 5-7 minutes. Throw on a sieve. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, scald with boiling water, immediately cool in ice water and remove the skin. Rub the boiled vegetables and tomatoes through a sieve and pour into a saucepan. Divide the fish along the ridge, remove all the bones. Grind one fillet, cut the second into pieces. Add the fish to the vegetables in the saucepan, pour in the cream, stir, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add spices, cover and let steep for 10 minutes.

1 kg pumpkin,
500 g tomatoes,
1 red onion
5-6 garlic cloves,

1 sprig of rosemary
1.2 liters of vegetable broth.
For croutons:
12 French baguette slices
5 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 yolk,
1 tbsp red wine vinegar,
1 garlic clove
1 hot pepper
100 g hard cheese.

Clean the pumpkin and cut it into cubes. Also cut the onion into cubes. Wash tomatoes and unpeeled garlic cloves. Put all the prepared foods on a baking sheet, add a sprig of rosemary, pour over with oil and place in an oven heated to 220 ° C for 30-35 minutes. Remove the cooked vegetables from the oven, put the pumpkin in a blender, add the onion, peeled tomatoes and squeeze the garlic out of the skin. Grind into a homogeneous creamy mass, pour into a saucepan, add the broth and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper and cover. Prepare croutons: chop the garlic and hot pepper and rub with a pinch of salt. Add egg yolk and vinegar and beat with a whisk. Continuing to beat, add the oil. Lubricate the baguette pieces with the resulting sauce, put them on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 180-190 ° C for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished croutons with cheese.

600 g pumpkin,
3-4 carrots
150 g raisins,
150 g walnuts,
4-5 tbsp butter,
200 ml 20% cream,
salt, white ground pepper - to taste.

Peel the pumpkin and carrots, cut into cubes and stew for 10 minutes in 1 tbsp. butter. Pour in 1 cup of hot water and boil for 10 minutes. Puree the soup with a blender, add cream, salt and pepper. Stir and heat to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from fire. In the meantime, coarsely chop the nuts, rinse and dry the raisins. Fry the nuts and raisins in the remaining butter and add to the soup.

250 g pumpkin,
250 g zucchini,
4-5 large champignons,
2 cloves of garlic
3-4 tbsp sour cream
1 shallot,
100 ml dry white wine
800 ml vegetable stock
1 tbsp butter,
salt, herbs, lemon juice - to taste.

Clean the pumpkin and zucchini and cut into cubes. Chop shallots and garlic and fry in half the norm of butter until transparent, add pumpkin and zucchini and simmer, stirring, for 5 minutes. Pour in the wine and boil for 1-2 minutes over high heat. Add broth and simmer on reduced heat for 20 minutes covered. Then puree the soup with a blender, add lemon juice to taste, salt, pepper, add sour cream and heat without boiling. Cover with a lid. Cut the mushrooms into slices and fry in the remaining oil for 2-3 minutes, add herbs, salt and pepper. Serve the soup, put the mushrooms with herbs in the center.

400 g pumpkin,
1 small chicken
2 carrots
2 bulbs
8 slices of bacon
8 potatoes
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper, Provence herbs, bay leaf, cumin, sesame seeds - to taste.

Wash the chicken, remove the skin, cover with cold water, salt, add bay leaf, carrots, peppercorns and boil the broth. Cut the pumpkin and potatoes into cubes, add herbs, cumin, vegetable oil and ground red pepper to taste and boil in a small amount of salted water. Fry the bacon in a dry frying pan, remove it and fry the onion in the remaining fat until golden brown. Remove the meat from the chicken carcass and cut into pieces. Puree boiled vegetables with a blender, add meat to them, heat a little and pour into plates. Place sliced ​​bacon, fried onion and sprinkle with sesame seeds on each plate.

400 g pumpkin,
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
3-4 carrots
2 tsp curry powder,
2 bulbs
milk - as needed
salt, pepper - to taste.

Fry the onion in hot vegetable oil until golden brown, add 1.5 liters of hot water, bring to a boil and put coarsely chopped carrots and potatoes. Salt and boil for 5 minutes. Then add the diced pumpkin and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat and puree with a blender. Pour in milk (to desired soup thickness), bring to a boil, remove from heat and add curry and pepper to taste. Serve with white bread toasts.

6 stack pumpkin cut into small cubes
400 g soft cream cheese (or 3-4 regular processed cheese),
1 onion
2 tbsp butter,
3 stack. water,
4 bouillon cubes
½ tsp provencal herbs,
¼ tsp ground black pepper,
salt - to taste.

Sauté onions in butter until soft, add pumpkin, hot water, bouillon cubes and spices, bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Pass the soup through a sieve or puree with a blender, add the cream cheese and heat, stirring, until the cheese is melted. Do not boil! Serve with greens and croutons.

250 g thin noodles,
1.5 kg pumpkin,
2 bulbs
3 tbsp butter,
100 ml cream
¼ tsp red hot ground pepper,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Boil the noodles in boiling salted water and drain on a sieve. Cut the pumpkin and onion into cubes and fry until golden brown in oil. Pour water so that it covers the vegetables, add spices and salt and cook until soft. Puree the finished soup with a blender, add the noodles and cream and heat to a boil.

500 g pumpkin,
2 potatoes
1 onion
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 red hot pepper,
1 stack tomato juice
100 ml cream
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, ground black pepper, nutmeg - to taste.

Fry onion, garlic and hot pepper in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. Cut the pumpkin and potatoes into cubes, add to the fried vegetables, pour 2 cups of water and season with spices. Boil covered over medium heat for 20 minutes. Wipe the finished soup through a sieve or puree with a blender, add tomato juice and cream and boil for another 5 minutes. Serve with greens.

600 g pumpkin,
200 g minced chicken,
1 liter chicken broth
1 onion
1-2 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
2 cm ginger root
salt, black ground pepper, herbs - to taste.

Boil pumpkin in chicken broth for 10-15 minutes. While the pumpkin is cooking, season the minced chicken with salt and pepper to taste and shape the meatballs. Fry the chopped onion and garlic in vegetable oil until golden brown, transfer to the pumpkin and boil for 2 minutes. Then rub the finished soup through a sieve. Put back on the fire, bring to a boil and dip the meatballs into the soup. Cook until tender for 10 minutes, add grated ginger, herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

4-6 pcs. chicken drumstick (according to the number of pots),
600-800 g pumpkin,
4-5 potatoes
3-4 garlic cloves,
1-2 carrots
2 liters of water
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil chicken thighs in boiling water until tender, salt at the end of cooking. Cut vegetables into cubes and arrange in pots. Remove the drumsticks from the broth, put one at a time into the pots and pour the broth over, leaving about two fingers to the brim. Close the lids and put in an oven heated to 220 ° C for 1 hour. Serve in pots, sprinkled with herbs.

1.5 l vegetable broth,
500 g pumpkin pulp
1 onion
2-3 garlic cloves,
½ hot red pepper
1 potato
120 ml heavy cream
1 tbsp grated ginger,
1 small pumpkin ("tureen")

Heat the broth in a saucepan, add the diced pumpkin and the rest of the ingredients and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer without closing the lid for 40 minutes. Remove hot pepper. Cut the “tureen” pumpkin in a ratio of 2: 1, remove the “lid” and remove the seeds and pulp. Brush the inside with oil, put in a cold oven, turn on the heat and bake for 30-50 minutes. In the meantime, puree the pumpkin soup or strain it through a sieve, heat for 10 minutes, pour in the cream, stir and pour the soup into the baked pumpkin. Sprinkle the top with toasted pumpkin seeds or cheese and serve.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

  • We clean the pumpkin from the peel, remove the seeds, cut into cubes.
  • Boil pre-prepared potatoes in a separate container. Cut into small pieces. In this form, it will be more convenient to process them in a blender in the future.

  • Put the pumpkin in a greased dish with a thick bottom, pour a small amount of water and simmer for 15 minutes.

  • Saute the onion in a frying pan until golden brown.

  • We combine the finished pumpkin with onions and potatoes, let it cool slightly.

  • Using a blender, mix all the components thoroughly until a puree mass is obtained.

  • Add cream and seasonings to taste. Once again, we perform the same operation with an electrical appliance.

Pumpkin puree soup according to the classic recipe is ready. It can be served for lunch as a first course. Given the density, it is also suitable for dinner.

Pumpkin cream soup

This tender, melt-in-your-mouth dish is sure to please all family members. The hostesses appreciated it for its extraordinary taste and simplicity of the ingredients:

  • unsweetened ripe pumpkin - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • cream 20% fat - 200 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • butter - 20 g and sunflower - 20 ml.


  • We clean the pumpkin from the peel and seeds. Grind the pulp into small cubes. We put them in a container, fill with water. Cook on moderate heat for 15 minutes.

  • Boil potatoes in another pot. Saute chopped onion in vegetable oil. There, add finely chopped garlic and fry for another 1-2 minutes.

  • Sliced ​​potato tubers are sent to the pumpkin, adding frying. Mash the vegetables with a masher to a puree consistency.

  • Pour the slightly warmed cream into the crushed products.

  • The resulting mass is processed with a blender. Pepper, add salt and put a piece of butter. Simmer the ingredients of a homogeneous consistency for 7 minutes.


Everyone is used to orange-colored pumpkin, it turns out that the peel of this vegetable can be cream, green and blue. Depending on the variety.

Soup puree with cream and ginger


  • ripe tomato - 1 pc.;
  • pumpkin - 350 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • ginger - 10 g;
  • one bell pepper;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • curry to taste;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • cream 20% fat - 150 ml;
  • olive oil - 20 g;
  • granulated sugar and salt to taste.


  • We prepare all the vegetables, clean, remove the seeds.

  • Pumpkin, pre-cut into cubes, put in a saucepan, pour water and cook until tender.

  • Saute chopped onion and garlic in a pan until they become translucent.

  • Cut the tomato and pepper into small pieces, send to the pan.

  • Season with sugar and put a little butter. Simmer the vegetables until they are soft.

  • Add ginger. Mix the roast with pumpkin and use a blender to bring to the consistency of mashed potatoes.

  • Put back on the fire and boil, adding cream, curry and salt to taste.

Mix everything and pour the dish on plates.

Creamy Pumpkin Soup

This delicious dish can be prepared in many different ways. Modify the recipe to your liking. For example, adding porcini mushrooms.


  • pumpkin - 500 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • dried porcini mushrooms - 20 g;
  • salt to taste.
  • pumpkin seeds and white bread toasts.


  1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into pieces.
  2. We chop the onion.
  3. Mushrooms pour water and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Then cook them for half an hour over low heat.
  5. Fry the onion in a frying pan lightly greased with vegetable oil.
  6. Once browned, add pumpkin and fry for 5 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally.
  7. We take out the mushrooms from the pan with a slotted spoon, pour water into the broth. The total volume of liquid should be 200 ml.
  8. Pour the vegetables and simmer for 10 minutes, then grind to a puree.
  9. Boiled mushrooms, lightly fry in a pan.

Pour the puree soup without cream into bowls, add mushrooms and dried seeds to the center of each serving. Place the croutons on a separate plate. To do everything right, a recipe with a photo will help.

Pumpkin puree soup in a slow cooker

Almost every restaurant menu includes pumpkin first courses. Which is not surprising. This vegetable is rightfully considered royal, due to the huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Now it can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker.


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