
Cottage cheese for children from milk and sour cream. Delicate cottage cheese for the first feeding

“It’s time to introduce cottage cheese to the baby,” my mother-in-law told me in a general tone, so that you won’t object. “After all, we are still very small! - I was indignant in response, still deciding. Most modern young mothers know by heart that cottage cheese is necessary, but at what age and in what proportions?

Mom knows what's good for her baby.

When to start eating

With this question, I turned to our pediatrician. The only thing that the experienced doctor said: “It is categorically impossible to feed a child with cottage cheese before the age of six months.” And again a stupor, because the Internet “screams” that it is possible to feed a child with fermented milk products from 4-5 months, and mom adds fuel to the fire.

Crumbly and tasty, excellent complementary foods for six-month-old babies.

Digging in the medical reference literature, I found confirmation of the words of the doctor. The smart book talked about the introduction of complementary foods from 7-8 months, after the baby has mastered fruits, vegetables and cereals. And in children with allergies - from 10-11 months (someone suffers up to a year). It also turned out that some babies are really given curd complementary foods from 4 months, but they do this in cases where the baby does not gain much weight or suffers from rickets.

The question “from how many months can you give cottage cheese?” We found out.

Only at 6 months and not earlier (better later) can a normal healthy baby be introduced to sour-milk cottage cheese complementary foods!

Buy or make at home

My baby has already reached this age. As a responsible mother, I was puzzled by a new dilemma: what kind of cottage cheese to give to my child? Purchased or homemade? I decided to weigh all the pros and cons:

I decided not to take risks and found several ways to make cottage cheese for babies at home.

How to cook cottage cheese at home

Recipe #1

Required Ingredients:

The amount of milk is determined individually. For the first feeding, it is better to take 200-300 milligrams of milk, boil it and let it cool. In the cooled milk, add calcium chloride at the rate of: 1 milliliter of the drug per 100 milliliters of milk. Stir the solution and bring to a boil again (but do not boil). Throw curdled milk on a sieve. We let the whey drain a little, but not much, so that the future product is not too thick. Pass the resulting mass with a spoon through a sieve to achieve a uniform consistency. Let's feed our baby!

Recipe number 2

This method was suggested by my mother. My little one loves this dish.

Required Ingredients:

Recipe number 3

Homemade cottage cheese for babies can be prepared without sourdough. This will require fresh kefir (not older than a day). We heat 200-300 grams of kefir over low heat until the whey exfoliates, let it drain a little through a sieve and wipe the resulting mass. Such cottage cheese turns out sour and not all children like it, but it is also useful.

Cottage cheese on kefir, unfortunately, will not be appreciated by everyone.

What's the use?

What gives the use of this wonderful product to our kids?

A properly prepared meal contains:

  1. Vitamins A, B2, B6, B12 and PP;
  2. folic acid;
  3. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium;
  4. Protein and other elements necessary for a growing organism.

Of course, like many young mothers, I want my child to develop well and grow up healthy. Therefore, I decided that my baby really needs such a product, but how to introduce cottage cheese?

Where to begin

Experts advise starting with half a teaspoon a day. We tried. Liked. I was afraid of a negative reaction from the baby. Fortunately, the allergy has passed us. My stomach didn't bother me either.

Slowly but surely.

A friend’s child reacted terribly to sour-milk complementary foods: he was capricious, scolded, covered with a rash. She unknowingly continued to regale him with an allergen. At the next trip to the pediatrician, it turned out that it was necessary to stop feeding the child a product that causes allergies even at the first symptoms.

A friend was worried: “Is this for life now? The specialist explained: “If the baby has a predisposition to allergies at the hereditary level, then most likely, yes. And if the body of a small one simply recognized the new product as a stranger to itself, then everything will work out. We just have to wait a bit."

This dish is definitely not for me!

Inspired, I went to prepare a new batch of delicious treats for my little one. Many sources say that this product, rich in vitamins and nutrients, can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-3 days. I am wary of such advice.

  • First: the result of my labors can be saturated with the smells of other food stored in the refrigerator (even with the lids closed). The result may be the refusal of the baby from food.
  • Second: in any fermented milk environment, harmful bacteria multiply at a high rate. Personally, I do not want to poison my child with spoiled food.

When and how much can

Fresh food is great! But the following question appeared: how often and when (time of day) to give cottage cheese to a child?

I give baby food in the morning. So I can always fully observe his reaction to the product. A dish in the baby's diet is present 3-4 times a week, every other day (so as not to get bored).

You are probably wondering how much cottage cheese can a child? As I wrote above, you need to start with half a teaspoon. If all is well, next time the dose can be increased to one teaspoon. Gradually we bring the volume of consumed yummy to 40 grams, and by the year - up to 50 grams in one day.

If you want to be beautiful, eat cottage cheese.

I won't eat!

One friend had some kind of flour: her child does not eat cottage cheese and that's it. What to do? She got used to making dumplings and cheesecakes with cottage cheese at home. True, her baby was then already 10 months old. We will grow up a little and try to make a cottage cheese casserole. And we advise you!

Who will arrange in front of these ruddy cheesecakes!?

Let's summarize everything that has been said:

  1. Baby needs cottage cheese!
  2. Complementary foods are introduced from six months, and cottage cheese - from 7-8.
  3. With manifestations of allergies, you can not continue to feed the child with the product.
  4. It is better to prepare children's dairy products on their own.
  5. A healthy dish can be disguised in dumplings or a casserole.

Young mothers in the first year of their baby's life are faced with many questions, but perhaps the first place is taken by the issue of child nutrition. When it comes to complementary foods, doctors strongly recommend that mothers cook meals on their own, and not buy in a store, cottage cheese for babies is no exception. It is not difficult to make it at home, there are a lot of recipes for making cottage cheese for children up to a year old, more about the technologies - later in the article.

When to introduce cottage cheese into the baby's diet

Before deciding to cook homemade children's cottage cheese, you need to find out at what age it can be given to a child.

For example, Dr. Komarovsky, known to many, believes that up to 6 months the baby does not need complementary foods at all. The baby should be fed exclusively with mother's milk, and if it is not there or there is not enough milk, then you need to buy high-quality baby formulas, and feed / supplement the baby with this.

  • At 6 months, it is already possible to carry out the first complementary foods, but it should not be cottage cheese at all.
  • The turn of curd comes up to about 7.5-8 months. It is necessary to start giving cottage cheese from small portions (from ½ tsp) and preferably in the first half of the day, so that you can understand the reaction of the child's body to a new product.

If no allergic and other undesirable reactions occur in the baby, then gradually the portion of the curd can be increased.

  • At 9 months, you can give a child 30 g.
  • At 10 months - 40 g.
  • At 11-12 months - 50 g.

Cottage cheese for a child up to a year: cooking recipes

Why is cottage cheese better to cook with your own hands? Yes, because homemade is always better: both in quality and in taste.

Of course, you can buy a finished product in a baby food store, but in it, albeit in a minimal amount, there will be chemical additives, and no one can predict in advance how the fragile children's body will react to them. That is why it is best to cook the cottage cheese for the baby itself.

We offer you some simple recipes for its preparation.

How to make cottage cheese for babies: a recipe from milk

It is very easy to prepare fresh cottage cheese at home. For everything about everything, we need 10-15 minutes. The technology for making homemade cottage cheese for babies consists of a few simple culinary steps.

  • We heat the sour milk (do not bring the mass to a boil) until it curdles.
  • Then we transfer it to a sieve (lined with gauze) installed over the pan.

  • We are waiting for the serum to drain, and that's it - you can try.

From a liter of milk, you can get 1 bowl (medium size) of delicious, tender home-made curd.

How to make children's cottage cheese at home: a recipe from kefir

You can cook cottage cheese for your baby not only with milk, but also with kefir. It will be better and healthier for the child's health if you make kefir yourself.

The process of cooking cottage cheese on kefir will take a total of hours, but you will be sure that your baby has eaten a 100% natural product that will not cause allergic reactions in him.

Cooking homemade kefir

To prepare a fermented milk product, we need: jars of yogurt maker, a container for milk, a ladle. Be sure to pour boiling water over all the dishes.

  • Pour 1 liter of milk into a special container, add bacterial starter culture to it.
  • Mix the whole mass well, pour into special jars, put them in a yogurt maker.

In the yogurt maker, the product should spend 6-8 hours, which is necessary for the full souring of milk. If you do this culinary procedure in the warm season, when the room temperature is high, then reduce the downtime of kefir by 1-2 hours.
During the entire time that the milk is sour, the yogurt maker must be turned on.

  • After 6-8 hours, turn off the yogurt maker, take out the kefir in jars from it, cover them with lids and put them in the refrigerator. Keep homemade kefir for no longer than 2 days.

Attention! To use for the preparation of kefir, and later on cottage cheese, you need pasteurized milk. It must be boiled before being diluted with bacterial starter. It is not recommended to use homemade milk for the preparation of a fermented milk product for children, it is very fatty and is not suitable for a child's body.

Method 1: Quick Boiler Cooking

When homemade kefir is completely ready, you can proceed directly to the preparation of children's cottage cheese.

All we need to do for this is to put a little kefir in a water bath, bring it to a boil, and then turn off the fire. The mass that rises up is the cottage cheese we need.

Method 2: curd settling

This method of making cottage cheese differs from the first one in the duration of the whole process and in the technology of milk fermentation.

We will prepare children's cottage cheese without sourdough as follows:

  1. Mix pasteurized milk with 2 tsp. (without a slide) granulated sugar.
  2. Bring the mass to a boil, cool, add 50 ml of homemade kefir to it.
  3. Stir everything thoroughly - remove the product in a warm place for 12 hours. After that, put the curd mass in the refrigerator for another 12 hours.

Everything - the cottage cheese for the baby is ready, you can give the child a try.

If the baby does not want to eat an unsweetened product, then it will be possible to sweeten it a little. To do this, first beat the finished cottage cheese with a blender, and then mix the curd mass with banana / apple / peach / pear puree.

Only as an additive, be sure to use those fruits that you have already used in complementary foods, and you know for sure that your baby's body responded well to them.

You can also add some fructose to the dish.

That's all - delicious homemade cottage cheese is ready to eat. Stick to the required dosage, depending on the age of the child, and do not store the home product for a long time.

Pasteurized vs UHT Milk: What's the Difference?

There is a lot of controversy around the use of ultra-pasteurized milk in baby food. Someone claims that it is dangerous to health, since antibiotics are added to it for longer storage.

Others, on the contrary, argue that it is better to use it for the preparation of fermented milk products, since it has a lot of advantages. But, nevertheless, despite all the disagreements, UHT milk is inferior in quality to pasteurized milk, and many laboratory studies serve as proof of this.

A significant difference between both types of milk is in the temperature indicators at which the product is amenable to heat treatment.

  • Pasteurized milk is not stored for long, due to the fact that it is processed at t 72-75 ° C for 20 seconds. All unnecessary bacteria and their spores are destroyed, but after 5-6 days they reappear and the milk turns sour.
  • During ultra-pasteurization, milk is processed at t 135-150 ° C for 2-3 seconds. This is enough for all bacteria and spores to be destroyed once and for all, and the milk to become cleansed of everything unnecessary.
    However, at such a high temperature, many beneficial bacteria are also destroyed, which is why doctors recommend replacing ultra-pasteurized milk in baby food with pasteurized milk.

There are, as you can see, many recipes for how to quickly cook cottage cheese for babies at home. So that your baby can get all the necessary vitamins, minerals, macro- and microelements, always find time for home cooking of all dairy and sour-milk products that you will give to your baby. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but you will always be calm about the health of your child.

Healthy and proper nutrition is important during the period of active growth and development of the baby. You should carefully select products for the first complementary foods. Among the main food are fermented milk products. You can make cottage cheese for babies at home on your own. It will contain more nutritional ingredients than store-bought.

In the menu, cottage cheese for babies is included no earlier than six months. In rare cases, when the child is too thin or has rickets, complementary foods can be tried earlier - at 4-5 months. If a child under one year old is prone to allergic reactions, then this food product is best left for a later period (8-9 months). It is at this age that the child's stomach begins to produce an enzyme that can break down protein foods. You can add fruits to cottage cheese only after a year.

Benefits of this food

  1. Nutrients and trace elements contribute to the rapid growth of children up to a year.
  2. Strengthens the skeletal system.
  3. A special protein - albumin - helps to strengthen the body's immune system.
  4. Prebiotics restore the intestinal microflora.
  5. Promotes rapid weight gain.
  6. It has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system.

Which is better - buy a product or cook it yourself?

Every mother wants the best for her children. This also applies to the choice of food, especially before the first year of life.

  1. In the store you can choose cottage cheese with various fillers. It may be tasty, but it is of little use. Not always fruit additives are real, which, moreover, can cause allergies.
  2. The presence of vitamins is also on the conscience of the manufacturer.
  3. The composition includes sugar, which is unacceptable for the first complementary foods of children under the age of one year.
  4. The consistency of purchased cottage cheese is homogeneous, soft. This is convenient, but at home, if desired, you can make a similar mass from cooked cottage cheese.
  5. Store-bought dairy products have a shelf life of several weeks. This has nothing to do with the benefits, so it is better to give preference to cottage cheese from dairy cuisine, the shelf life of which is about three days.

All these arguments lead to the fact that it is better to make cottage cheese for babies on their own.

How to cook the product at home

Recipe number 1. Based on milk and calcium chloride solution

Cooking method.

The product is ready to use.

Recipe number 2. Based on milk and sour cream

Cooking method.

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and heat.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream and stir.
  3. Cover the pot with a lid and wrap it in a warm towel for several hours. It is better to do it in the evening and leave it overnight.
  4. Put the resulting thick mass on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Pass the finished mass through a sieve with a spoon.

Recipe number 3. Based on kefir

Cooking method 1.

  1. Add 200 g of kefir to the pan and put on a slow fire.
  2. After the mass is curtailed, move to a sieve.
  3. After draining excess liquid, the mass must be wiped with a spoon.

Cooking method 2.

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Pour 100 g of kefir into a smaller saucepan and place in a saucepan with water. Thus, cooking takes place in a water bath.
  2. After the whey appears, use a spoon to move the kefir away from the walls of the pan - this ensures uniform heating. You don't need to mix.
  3. After heating the kefir (after about 10 minutes), the fire should be turned off.
  4. Over the next hour, the structure should not be disassembled, as the mass is languishing for a couple.
  5. After that, instead of warm water, cold water is poured and the curd is kept in such a bath for another 20 minutes.
  6. Then you should move the cottage cheese into a sieve, let the liquid drain a little and rub it with a spoon.

Ready-made kefir cottage cheese for babies has a sour taste and not all children like it, but this does not affect the nutritional value and usefulness of the product.

Recipe number 4. Based on goat milk

Cooking method.

Goat's milk is considered hypoallergenic and contains more vitamins and minerals than cow's milk.

  1. Pour milk into a container and leave in a warm, dark place for two days.
  2. Pour the resulting sour milk into a saucepan and put on a slow fire.
  3. Heat the liquid, stirring constantly and not bringing to a boil.
  4. As soon as the milk begins to curdle, turn off the fire.
  5. Then the mass should be moved to a sieve and allow excess liquid to drain.
  6. To obtain a homogeneous mass, the product can be rubbed through a sieve.

cooking secrets

In order to prepare the most healthy and tasty cottage cheese for children under one year old, you should follow some rules.

  1. Milk must be fresh and of good quality.
  2. Enamelware is not suitable for cooking, because milk burns in it and gives the cottage cheese an unpleasant aftertaste.
  3. Heating kefir or milk should take place over low heat.
  4. You can not boil the resulting mass, as the nutrients of dairy products disappear.
  5. During the separation of whey from cottage cheese, it is important to keep track of the process in time, otherwise the product will turn out dry and hard.

Rules for the introduction of complementary foods

  1. For children under one year old, the product should be offered for the first time in the amount of half a teaspoon.
  2. The product should be given in the morning.
  3. If during the day there were no reactions from the body (rash, vomiting, impaired stool), then the dosage can be increased. By the age of about a year, the daily dosage should be 50 g per day.
  4. In the event that any reaction occurs, the product must be stopped for a while.

How to store the cooked product

The finished product is stored in the refrigerator. It should be borne in mind that cottage cheese absorbs other odors, and the baby may refuse to eat it. You need to store cottage cheese for no more than three days. After this time, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply that can cause indigestion. Ideally, it is better to prepare fresh cottage cheese before each feeding.

Cottage cheese at home is prepared easily and quickly, you just need to devote a little time to cooking. The finished product will bring great benefits to the child, and you don’t have to worry about its composition.

The baby gradually gets acquainted with new tastes, one of the important products that you will need to introduce into his diet is cottage cheese. When to give it to a baby for the first time? How to cook a healthy and tasty product at home? Is it possible to make homemade cottage cheese from breast milk?

The benefits of cottage cheese

Dairy protein products are very important for the growing body of the crumbs, since they contain all the important substances for the development of the child.

  • Proteins are broken down into amino acids, from which muscles and tissues are built;
  • there are many essential amino acids in cottage cheese: some are important for the functioning of the nervous system, others for the cardiovascular system and digestive tract;
  • this product contains folates, B vitamins;
  • white protein mass is rich in calcium and phosphorus, which are important for building bones and cartilage;
  • all useful substances are contained in an ideal ratio, allowing them to be absorbed and assimilated by the body as fully as possible.

Introduction to Diet

  1. It is impossible to introduce cottage cheese to a baby on the menu earlier than six months, until this time his intestines are too weak to cope with a heavy fermented milk product, and the kidneys are not ready to withstand the load from nitrogen compounds that appear when proteins are processed. For the same reason, it is impossible to rush things and arbitrarily increase the amount of cottage cheese for babies in the diet.
  2. As a rule, pediatricians recommend starting to give cottage cheese to babies at 7.5-8 months, when the child successfully perceives cereals, vegetables and fruits. Often, experts "postpone" the baby's acquaintance with the product, introducing meat and fish into its menu first. In special cases, cottage cheese is “ahead” of other types of complementary foods, for example, when a baby has rickets or is not gaining weight well.
  3. Cottage cheese for children up to a year should be given gradually - from half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the volume by the same amount. In the first month, the baby should eat no more than 30 grams (3 teaspoons) per day, in the second month of introducing complementary foods - 40 grams, and a one-year-old child can already eat 50 grams of cottage cheese. The baby should eat exactly as much of the product as it should be according to the norm for the introduction of this complementary food, exceeding it can overload his kidneys.
  4. In order to have time to track negative reactions, cancel complementary foods and do everything necessary to relieve allergies, enter the product in the morning.
  5. You need to give the child cottage cheese at the beginning of the meal, and then supplement it with the type of food that is more familiar to the crumbs - milk or a mixture. For a one-year-old baby, you can already mix the product with fruit puree.

Purchased cottage cheese

Industrial production of cottage cheese, of course, has its advantages:

  • children's products are fully adapted for babies up to a year;
  • the product has a pleasant homogeneous texture, and the kids swallow it with pleasure;
  • manufacturers create products for different children: for well-fed there are low-calorie dairy curds, for “slender girls” - nutritious creamy ones;
  • curds for babies are additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the development of babies;
  • the use of ready-to-eat cottage cheese for babies, of course, frees up a lot of time for a young mother.

But such products also have a lot of disadvantages:

  • most curds for babies have sugar in their composition;
  • fruit additives can cause allergies in crumbs;
  • the product may contain harmful bacteria due to factory conditions;
  • the integrity of the package could be broken during transportation or storage, which will lead to premature deterioration of the product;
  • you will have to regularly replenish the "home" stocks of cottage cheese and track the expiration dates on the packages in order to give the crumbs only a fresh product.

Homemade cottage cheese

Cottage cheese for babies can be made almost without difficulty at home on your own. The product is most often based on milk itself and ingredients that act as starter cultures.

To make the cottage cheese tender and pleasant for the child, it is better not to decant the released whey completely - leave the curdled protein moist, wipe it through a sieve or beat it with an immersion blender.

There are quite a few options for preparing a homemade product; you can easily pick up a simple recipe that will be convenient for you to make cottage cheese.

Spoiled milk

Cottage cheese is usually made from sour cow's or goat's milk, which must be heated, without boiling, in a saucepan until the whey separates. To make the product softer and more pleasant, it is better to use the water bath method for heat treatment.

When the milk begins to curdle into flakes that float in a yellowish liquid, you can remove the pan from the heat and pour its contents into a prepared colander lined with several layers of gauze. When most of the whey has drained, hang the curd so that the excess liquid drains off.

Sour cream

To prepare a treat for a child from fresh milk, you will need sourdough and a certain time so that you can make something like kefir from it. Sour cream is ideal for this, many recipes recommend making sour-milk drinks for a child using this product.

  1. A liter of milk must be heated, and then cooled to a temperature of 35-40 degrees that is comfortable for the starter. Then, add 5-7 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream to the liquid and put it in a warm place until it turns into kefir or yogurt.
  2. To make cottage cheese from breast milk, you need to decant into a sterile container, and then heat the resulting liquid to 60 degrees. It is possible not to do heat treatment, so all useful substances for the child will remain in the product. Add sour cream to milk and infuse it in warm conditions until kefir.
  3. The resulting kefir must be heated until the whey is separated and strained through cheesecloth, as the first recipe recommends. After that, you can give a fresh fermented milk product to the child.

Of course, making cottage cheese using such a recipe is quite a long time. You have to wait for the milk to turn sour under the influence of the starter, and this sometimes takes almost a whole day. If it is inconvenient for you to insist milk on sour cream every day, you can use ready-made kefir, adapted to the age of the baby.


300 ml of fresh one-day kefir should be heated over low heat or a water bath until the whey is detached, and then drained through cheesecloth. From such a volume of fermented milk drink, about 50 grams of cottage cheese will be obtained - this is just enough to feed a one-year-old child.

To prepare cottage cheese for a child using this recipe, in a smaller volume - take 150-200 ml of kefir. When you begin to make and give this product to the baby daily, you will accurately determine how much drink is needed per serving.

Calcium chloride

A very quick way to make healthy cottage cheese for babies is to use calcium chloride. This substance, sold in every pharmacy, quickly curdles milk. A solution of calcium chloride is taken at the rate of 1 ml per 100 ml of milk, about 2 teaspoons of the product, that is, 20 grams, will be obtained from this volume. Based on the age of the crumbs, you can calculate how many starting products you will need.

The solution from the ampoule is poured into the boiled and cooled milk and mixed. Then the mixture must be heated without boiling, so that all the protein curls into flakes. The released whey should be filtered through a sieve with enclosed gauze. A healthy product, additionally enriched with calcium, is ready - you can immediately give it to your baby.

It is known what benefits calcium brings to the human body. First of all, it is an integral basis for teeth, hair, nails. Some argue that there is as much calcium in cottage cheese as in regular milk.

In addition, cottage cheese contains milk protein concentrate - which is the main material for the formation of enzymes, cells and immune bodies.

Cottage cheese is one of the important products that must be included in the daily diet, especially for weak children.

Due to its beneficial properties, that is, the presence of phosphorus and calcium. Curd protein contains all the important amino acids, it is easily absorbed by the body, by the way, its digestibility is an order of magnitude higher than that of meat protein. Baby food in the form of cottage cheese contributes to the growth of the child.

Despite all the usefulness, a lot of vitamins for children, you should not abuse the new product: during protein breakdown, nitrogenous compounds are formed in the body, which create a load on the kidneys. And the more the child eats cottage cheese, the more these compounds.

The daily norm of cottage cheese for a child by months:

  • 7-8 months - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • 9 months - 1.5–2 teaspoons;
  • 10 months - 2.5-3 teaspoons;
  • 11 months - 3.5-4 teaspoons;
  • 12 months - 4.5-5 teaspoons.

Children are usually offered calcined cottage cheese. It has low acidity, but at the same time, retains all the useful elements.

Cottage cheese for children

It is ideal to cook children's cottage cheese from village milk, but not all city dwellers can afford it. Therefore, when buying milk, you should pay attention to its shelf life: milk that can be stored for months is not good. It is best to take milk from local producers with a short shelf life.

In the evening, leave the milk in a warm place so that it sours, and in the morning put it in a water bath and heat until it begins to curdle. As soon as all the milk has curdled, remove it from the stove, put it on a strainer or cheesecloth and wait until the whey drains. Thus, the children's cottage cheese is ready. You can also add your baby's favorite fruits to it.

Calcined Cottage Cheese (Option 1)

In order to prepare such cottage cheese, you need to purchase calcium chloride at the pharmacy in advance. So, you need to boil 0.5 liters of milk and cool to about 40 ° C. Then, 1–1.5 tbsp is introduced into the cooled milk. tablespoons of calcium chloride, while constantly stirring the mixture. The milk should then curdle. You just have to strain it through cheesecloth, and the product is ready for use.

Calcined Cottage Cheese (Option 2)

Milk, 10% calcium chloride solution or calcium lactate powder (0.5 l of milk requires 1–1.5 tablespoons of the solution or 3 g of powder). Add solution or powder to warm milk and mix well. Heat the milk, but do not boil. Cool the resulting mass, strain through cheesecloth. If the cottage cheese turned out to be watery, it can be put under a heavy load for several minutes.

Calcined Cottage Cheese (Option 3)

To pre-boiled milk add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of 10% calcium chloride solution (from a pharmacy), milk is placed in a boiling water bath for 20–30 minutes, until a clot forms. The clot is discarded on a sieve or in a bag of gauze, the whey is drained, wiped. After cooling, the cottage cheese can be given to the child.

Milk curd

Cool boiled milk to 36°C. A pot of milk must be put in a warm place overnight. After a day, place this pot of milk in a large pot of water, which put on a slow fire. Get the so-called water bath.

After boiling water in a large saucepan, in a small saucepan, after 10 minutes, yellow whey will begin to form between the walls of the saucepan and the mass of sour milk itself.

This can be considered a sign that the pan can be removed from the heat. The mass of sour milk should be dense, gelatinous, with air bubbles inside. This is a ready-made semi-finished product of cottage cheese. When it cools, put it on a double cheesecloth and hang it over a pan to form curd. After 12 hours, the curd will be ready.

Cottage cheese from Milk and Kefir

Bring 200 ml of milk to a boil, then pour 200 ml of kefir into it and leave for 15 minutes. Then drain the whey.

Cottage cheese Nezhny from Milk and Kefir

Boil 1 liter of milk, cool to room temperature, add 1 cup of kefir, stir, leave for about 10 hours, as it turns sour and a clot appears. Then put on low heat for 10 minutes, then fold into a sieve to drain the liquid. It turns out a tender curd.

Homemade Cottage Cheese from Kefir

Pour yogurt into a saucepan and heat over medium heat, but do not bring to a boil. Whey and cottage cheese will gradually separate. Then strain the whole mass through cheesecloth, tie it up and hang it over the sink to drain excess water. Remove the finished cottage cheese from the gauze and put in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese from baby kefir

Pour kefir from the children's dairy kitchen into a clean enamel pan, heat in a water bath to 70–90 ° C and hold at this temperature until a clot forms. Drain the whey, transfer the clot into a fine fine sieve, wipe it, after 10–15 minutes the curd is ready. To get 100 g of cottage cheese, you need to take 600 ml of kefir. Cottage cheese can be given to a child only on the day it was cooked.

Curd from Milk with Sour Cream

Take 100 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Put sour cream into milk and mix. Heat the mixture over low heat, but do not boil. Remove from stove, strain through cheesecloth.

You can make it tastier. Bring a glass of milk to a boil and pour a glass of kefir into it, as soon as it has curdled, put it on a strainer. Then beat with a blender with a banana or fruit puree.

Curd from Milk and Kefir Sourdough

Cottage cheese is prepared from milk, which, after boiling, is cooled to room temperature (22–24 ° C) and fermented with kefir ferment at the rate of 5 ml per 100 ml of milk (5%). The milk is thoroughly stirred, covered with a lid and left for 10-12 hours in a room at room temperature.

When the milk turns sour and has a dense clot, it is put on a low fire. With light stirring, the milk is heated to 70 ° C and kept at this temperature for 30 minutes (it is better to do this in a water bath). After cooling, put on a sieve to drain the liquid, wipe.

Curd from sour milk

Sour milk should stand for at least two days. You can pour it into a jar and put it on the table near the stove. After a very good souring, it is suitable for making cottage cheese. Stir the sour milk and pour it into a small saucepan (jar).

A small saucepan (jar) is lowered into the center of a large saucepan after the water boils. After 5-7 minutes, the curd will become visible on top. We cover the colander with gauze, and we discard the contents of a small saucepan (jar) on it. Raise the gauze and let the liquid drain. Put the cheesecake out of gauze on a plate. Let's cool down.

Kefir cottage cheese in a package

Put a carton of kefir into boiling water, boil for 5 minutes and turn it off. When cool, strain through cheesecloth until all the water has drained.

Curd from freshly sour milk

Pour freshly sour homemade milk into small glasses and put in the freezer, put it on a sieve the next day, let it stand for 3-4 hours, the milk is thawed and the whey drains, but the curd remains.

Curd from Dairy Yogurt

1 liter of milk bring it to a boil and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream (to make it sour faster) and leave to cool, then pour into a jar, close the lid and put in a warm place. Homemade milk turns sour in a day, and store-bought milk needs to stand for two days. When the milk is fermented, it is not necessary to make cottage cheese from all the resulting curdled milk. Bring one glass to a boil and put it on gauze, by the morning the cottage cheese will be ready.

It is not necessary to make cottage cheese immediately from the entire can, it quickly deteriorates, and yogurt is stored in the refrigerator for a week.

Milk cottage cheese with brown bread

Boil 1 liter of milk, cool in a water bath, stirring. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and a crust of black bread. The next day, heat in a water bath and put on a tight gauze, when the serum drains, you can use it.

Cottage cheese from Milk and any Sourdough

Boil 1 liter of milk, cool it, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sourdough, mix well, pour into a thermos or put in a warm place for 12 hours. Then place the mixture in a water bath (make sure that the water does not boil too much). When the whey separates, turn off the heat. Discard the resulting mass on gauze or a colander. As soon as the liquid drains, the curd is ready.

Cottage cheese with sourdough

At the stage of cooling boiled milk at a temperature of about 36 ° C, it is necessary to add sourdough 3 tbsp. spoons of curdled milk per 1 liter, mix lightly. This is done to speed up the fermentation of milk.

A pot of milk must be put in a warm place overnight. After a day, place this pot of milk in a large pot of water, which put on a slow fire.

Get the so-called water bath. After boiling water in a large saucepan, in a small saucepan, after 10 minutes, yellow whey will begin to form between the walls of the saucepan and the mass of sour milk itself. This can be considered a sign that the pan can be removed from the heat.

The mass of sour milk should be dense, gelatinous, with air bubbles inside. This is a ready-made semi-finished product of cottage cheese. When it cools, put it on a double cheesecloth and hang it over a pan to form curd.

After 12 hours, the curd will be ready. The finished curd should be smooth and shiny, and the whey should be a clear yellow color. Cottage cheese from under-fermented milk is tasteless and bland, and from over-fermented milk it is too sour, so it is important to monitor the cooking time of the curd.

Village cottage cheese

To prepare cottage cheese in this way, you will need a Russian stove or oven. Milk is fermented with or without sourdough in glass jars. The resulting curdled milk is not stirred under any circumstances. After souring, the jars are placed in a non-hot (less than 100 ° C) Russian stove or oven.

After 15 minutes, the jars with the semi-finished product are taken out of the oven or oven, the mass is laid out on cheesecloth and hung over the pan until cooked. The hotter it is in the oven or oven, the denser the cottage cheese will turn out.

Curd with Kefir Sourdough

Required products: milk: 1 l; 50–75 ml of kefir, curdled milk or sour cream for sourdough. Milk is boiled and cooled to 40°C. Then sourdough is added to it, mixed and left until the milk acquires the consistency of yogurt.

After that, the soured milk is heated over low heat until the whey is separated. Then they take a colander, put gauze in it and pour the heated mass onto it.

The whey flows down, and the gauze with cottage cheese is tied and hung up so that the excess moisture of the glass is completely. If it is necessary that the cottage cheese be denser, a board with a load treated with boiling water is placed on the semi-finished product in gauze. After 6 hours, the curd is ready. You can do without sourdough, but then the milk should turn sour on its own, and this takes a longer time.

Curd without sourdough

Necessary products: kefir 600 g. One-day kefir is poured into a clean saucepan, covered with a lid, put in a water bath and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. During this time, he should curdle. After that, the pan is removed from the heat and placed in a bowl of cold water.

The cooled cottage cheese is thrown onto a sieve covered with clean gauze, slightly squeezed and rubbed through the same gauze. From 600 g of kefir, 100 g of cottage cheese is obtained.

Recipes from the book "Grandmother's Recipes For Toddlers. Tasty, Hearty, Healthy", Agafya Tikhonovna Zvonareva
