
Cottage cheese at home from sour milk - the secrets of delicious pleasure. Homemade cottage cheese from sour milk or curdled milk

There are many recipes for making cottage cheese at home, and today I will share one of them with you. Tender, juicy, moderately crumbly, with a pleasant sourness, tasty and healthy cottage cheese we will make from sour milk, which, if desired, can be replaced with kefir. It can be eaten just like that, flavored with sour cream, natural honey or jam. And if you want, make cheesecakes, desserts, cookies or other pastries from homemade cottage cheese.

By the way, the site already has 2 options for how to make cottage cheese in a cold way (that is, without heating) - see and. In this case, we will subject the fermented milk product to a slight heat, that is, we will prepare home-made cottage cheese in a hot way. As a result, from 1 liter of sour milk (2.5% fat content), I get about 230 grams of cottage cheese. If you take raw materials of lower fat content, there will be less cottage cheese and vice versa.


Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare homemade cottage cheese in a hot way, we only need sour milk, which, if desired, you can safely replace with kefir. As I wrote above, the fatter the original product, the more weight and fat content, and the more tender the finished curd will be.

Pour the fermented milk product into a suitable saucepan and put it on the stove. On medium heat, warm the sour milk (kefir), stirring until it warms up. It is important that the liquid warms up evenly throughout the volume, otherwise everything will curl up faster from below.

When the milk (kefir) becomes almost hot and light steam appears on top, it is important not to miss the moment. Do not let the contents of the dishes boil - then the homemade cottage cheese will turn out to be too dry and hard. We need the milk to curdle, turning into small clots and whey.

This is what the future cottage cheese looks like when it has practically curled up. As you can see from the photo, a yellowish serum began to separate. Turn off the heat, close the pan with a lid and let it stand for about 5 minutes. During this time, the contents will delaminate and you can work with it further.

We take a deep container, insert a sieve into it, put gauze on top in 3-4 layers. Pour the contents of the saucepan into the cheesecloth. Whey will drain into the bowl (3 minutes is enough), and homemade cottage cheese will remain in the gauze.

By 06.10.2015

How often do we buy milk with sourness in the store. Either the expiration date has expired, or it was stored incorrectly, but it is no longer possible to drink it, at the risk of getting an upset stomach. Do not rush to pour the spent money down the drain. Nothing bad has happened to the milk yet, the fermentation process has just started. For the human body, only the first and last stages of the fermentation of a dairy product are digestible: when it, fermentation, is not yet and when it has just ended.

We have purchased milk that is already on its way from the first to the last stage. Therefore, it is no longer possible to drink it, but this milk, pasteurized somewhere at the factory, and then forgotten on the counter or in the refrigerator, can turn out to be an excellent healthy natural product.


  • Milk
  • Liter glass jar
  • Deep saucepan - with sides above a liter jar
  • Colander
  • Plate
  • A bowl
  • Gauze

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. Pour the sour milk into a liter glass jar, cover with a napkin and leave in a warm, dark place until completely soured. You should get a full-fledged yogurt. If the jar is not shaken, then in a day the milk flakes will rise up, as in the photo. To speed up the souring, you can put a crust of black bread, a spoonful of sour cream or kefir in a jar.
  2. Prepare a deep saucepan. Place a linen towel or napkin on its bottom. If this is not done and the jar is placed immediately on the bottom of the pan, the glass may crack from the heat.
  3. Place the jar on a towel, and then carefully pour cold water into the pan up to the shoulders of the jar. If you put a jar in already poured water, it is difficult to calculate the correct amount of liquid. DO NOT MIX the contents of the jar. It's okay if the edge of the water doesn't line up with the edge of the liquid in the jar. 2-3 cm will not greatly adjust the heat balance.
  4. Cover the jar with a plate. Choose its diameter so that the pan is as closed as possible. Heat the water to a boil. Reduce heat and leave on stove for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the protein in the jar will curl up enough. The density of the future cottage cheese depends on the duration of the heat treatment.
  5. If you bring the steam bath to a boil and immediately turn it off, the curd will be tender and soft. If you leave the jar in boiling water for 10 minutes, you will get fine-grained dry curd as a result.

  6. Remove jar from pot and let cool. Don't break the coagulated clumps in the jar.
  7. Place a colander over a bowl and line it with a double layer of clean cheesecloth.
  8. Drain the contents of the jar into a colander. Cottage cheese should not spread in a shapeless mass, but lie in a colander in whole lumps.
  9. Form a knot, gather the ends of the gauze together, fasten them and hang them somewhere so that excess liquid is glassed from the curd. I tie the gauze with a rubber band, and on it I hang the bag on the tap over the kitchen sink in the evening. I take it out in the morning and serve it for breakfast.
  10. The whey left in the bowl contains so much useful, nutritious and tasty that its fate can be very diverse.
  11. Someone wipes her skin in the face and décolleté area, thereby prolonging their youth outwardly, someone prepares delicious dishes (pancakes, okroshka, pies, etc.), and someone just drinks this yummy, with pancakes, rejuvenating from the inside.
  12. This is how much cottage cheese is obtained from a liter of sour milk. Approximately 150 grams.
  13. Recipe to load

    In Soviet times, when everything, including butter, was on coupons, our parents whipped it from liquid (almost kefir) sour cream. If you drive 1 liter of sour cream for 1.5 hours in a three-liter jar, you will get exactly 200 g of butter and a white liquid - reverse. The butter was washed with cold water, and the return was put in a water bath, as we had done with sour milk, and low-fat cottage cheese was obtained from it. On the translucent whey left from the curd, pancake dough was made. Pancakes were smeared with freshly whipped butter and freshly squeezed cottage cheese was wrapped in them. The zero-waste technology used by our mothers to simply feed their families can now be used to eat natural products, and not their surrogates.

Hello, dear visitors, I am glad that you have visited the page of the blog "about sweets"!

Recently, after watching TV, I doubted the benefits of one of my favorite and most respected products - cottage cheese. Fears began to cause store goods. After checking the composition with folk methods, I found that seven out of ten items are of insufficient quality. Manufacturers in pursuit of profit sacrifice the benefits of products and our health. I will not dwell on specific brands, here we are not talking about them.

There is a proverb: "If you want to do something well, then do it yourself." And really, no one wants to deceive themselves. So I set out to make my own cottage cheese. This process seemed to me something very complicated, lengthy and financially costly. But in reality, everything turned out to be exactly the opposite.

Therefore, I strongly advise you not to be afraid and try it. Just rely on my experience, follow the instructions, and you will prepare a wonderful, healthy, budget and very tasty homemade product, the composition of which is known for sure.

So let's get to the recipe...

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BJU: 13/17/10.

Kcal: 240.

GI: medium.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Servings: 700 g.

Dish ingredients.

  • Sour milk or curdled milk - 4 liters.

Recipe of dish.

If you accidentally sour a large amount of milk, like mine, this product can be revived and very tasty and healthy homemade cottage cheese can be made from it.

We place our main and only ingredient in a thick-walled saucepan and heat over low or medium heat, avoiding burning. To evenly separate the whey for 5-10 minutes, stir the liquid until it warms up. In no case do not bring the milk to a boil, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out "rubber".

Now let's prepare the equipment for decanting whey: put a colander on a deep container, put gauze folded several times on top of it (I have four layers of fabric).

When curdled flakes begin to appear on the surface, turn off the stove.

The product remaining inside the bag is our homemade, tender and very tasty cottage cheese.

It has a slightly sour taste, so it can be used on its own, seasoned with sour cream and herbs, or spread on a piece of bread, or as the main ingredient in curd dough for lazy dumplings or curd cookies.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk at home? This question is of interest to a large number of housewives whose dairy product has deteriorated, and it is a pity to throw it away.

Of course, you can make not only cottage cheese from it, but also, for example, knead delicious dough for pancakes or pancakes. However, this option is only suitable for you if you have a small amount of milk sour. But what to do if about 2-3 liters have deteriorated? Of course, delicious and nutritious homemade cottage cheese!

It should be especially noted that such a product, prepared independently, can not only be eaten with sour cream and sugar, but also bake cheesecakes from it, make cheesecakes, pies and other products.

Step by step video recipe

If you want to enjoy delicious cottage cheese, but you don’t want to go to the store, then we suggest making a homemade product yourself. But in order to carry out the plan, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of sour milk available. It is from it that you can make natural and very tasty coarse-grained cottage cheese.

So, we need:

  • sour milk - about 2 liters;
  • large wide pelvis;
  • pan for 3 l - 2 pcs.;
  • multilayer gauze - 1 pc.;
  • water (from the tap) cold - about 1.5 liters;
  • colander and a large spoon.

Cooking process

Before preparing cottage cheese from sour milk at home, you should prepare all the necessary equipment in advance. To do this, you need to take a large and wide basin, and then pour ordinary cold water from the tap into it. After that, you need to put a smaller pan in the liquid. It is required to first pour all the sour milk into it.

After the described actions are performed, the entire structure should be put on a strong fire. After waiting for the liquid to boil between the walls of the dishes, it is necessary to regularly stir the fermented milk product and make sure that it does not boil. If this happens, then, most likely, curd from sour milk will turn out to be dry, hard and tasteless. In this regard, this process should be carefully monitored.

Final stage

After you notice that whey begins to separate in sour milk, the pan must be immediately removed from the water bath. Next, you need to place a colander on another (empty) dish. It should be lined with multilayer gauze. After that, the heated sour milk must be completely poured into a colander and allowed to drain the liquid into an empty pan. If desired, gauze can be tied with a string and hung over the dishes.

After 2-4 hours, the curd from sour milk will be completely ready. It needs to be put on a plate and served with sour cream and sugar.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk using a slow cooker?

Many people know how to cook cottage cheese at home from sour milk using a stove for this. After all, this method was recently used by our mothers and grandmothers. However, modern housewives are increasingly using a popular kitchen device for these purposes - a slow cooker.

If you do not have such a device in stock, then it would be time to think about purchasing it. This is due to the fact that with the help of a slow cooker it is much easier and easier to make cottage cheese at home. There is no need for you to organize a water bath for a long time, and then carefully monitor that the product does not boil, but only warms up slightly.

So, before we make cottage cheese from sour milk using a device such as a slow cooker, we need to prepare the following:

  • sour milk - about 2 liters;
  • multicooker with heating function;
  • 3 l pot - 2 pcs.;
  • multilayer gauze - 1 pc.;
  • colander and a large spoon.

Cooking method

To thermally process a sour product, you do not need much time if you use a slow cooker. About 2 liters of sour milk should be poured into its bowl (if the volume does not allow, then it is necessary to take a smaller amount of the main ingredient), and then close tightly and set the heating mode. It should be noted that almost all modern multicookers have such a program.

The temperature of this mode is ideal for making homemade cottage cheese. However, sour milk should not be kept for too long in such a program either. Fifteen to twenty minutes will be enough.

After the specified time has passed, the multicooker should be opened and see if the product flakes have separated from the whey. If not, then it is advisable to continue heating for another 5-8 minutes. If you have achieved the desired result, then you can proceed to the next step.

We filter the product

While the sour milk is heated in a slow cooker, you should take a deep saucepan, place a colander in it, on which you want to lay out a multilayer gauze. After the product is completely ready, it must be poured onto the mesh and allowed to drain. When the bulk of the serum is in a kind of tray, you can make a bag out of gauze and hang it over a colander.

After keeping the product in this state for about 3-5 hours, it should be removed from the net and put on a plate. This completes the preparation of homemade cottage cheese. It can be served at the table along with sour cream, sugar and tea, and can also be used as an additional ingredient to create delicious and nutritious pastries.

How to make sour milk?

We talked about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk using a slow cooker and a stove. However, some housewives are often interested in the question of how to do so in order to get a fermented milk product. After all, not everyone has this drink sour in large quantities (at best, 1 glass). It should be noted that it is not so difficult to contribute to this.

Thus, in order to get sour milk, it must be bought in an amount of 2 liters (preferably homemade), and then poured into a glass jar, closed with a plastic lid and left at room temperature for 2-3 days. After the specified time, you will definitely notice that the dairy product has curdled. After that, it can be safely used to make delicious homemade cottage cheese.

Good day, dear readers! Want to learn how to make the gloomiest morning pleasant? For this you need a good, proper and healthy breakfast. A cup of fragrant coffee or tea, crumbly cottage cheese with herbs or bright pieces of fruit... Do you feel how your mood becomes sunny, it seems that you have enough energy to accomplish the greatest things? How to cook cottage cheese at home from sour milk so that the morning is good?

Why cottage cheese should be homemade

We all know how little good and a lot of harmful substances are contained in a store-bought product, which can not always be called cottage cheese. I especially don’t want to give purchased dairy products to children - at best, it simply will not bring any benefit, at worst, babies develop incomprehensible allergic reactions.

Homemade cottage cheese is a complete absence of chemistry, combined with mother's care, sincerity. If you cook it yourself, you are sure that all hygiene norms and rules are observed, which is not always the case at large manufacturing enterprises. And the taste is much better! Each of you, dear readers, can create your own unique recipe.

Believe me, it’s not difficult to cook a delicious dairy product on your own, I will share with you all the secrets and subtleties. Even lovers of losing weight, without offending their taste buds, can read about.

At home, it can be prepared from yogurt, kefir. But there are a few basic rules that will help you prepare the perfect dish for the whole family.

Subtleties of cooking

  1. The first time you need to take 1 liter of milk - the product will turn out a little, but it will be easier to adjust the process next time.
  2. Milk should sour at room temperature - in the refrigerator it will simply disappear, it will acquire an unpleasant odor. How long does it take for milk to sour enough? If the house is warm - about a day. If you decide to cook cottage cheese in the summer, then you can leave the milk for the night, and start cooking in the morning.
  3. If the milk is not heated enough, the whey will not separate well, the product will turn out sour. If you like this taste, then remove the pan from the heat early.
  4. If the milk is overheated, then the final product will turn out to be tough, very granular.
  5. Milk must be taken at home. If you, dear readers, think that low-fat dairy products are healthier, then you are mistaken. The low fat content prevents the complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus from dairy products. If you still want to make a low-fat product, you can use low-fat pasteurized milk.
  6. If you like a dry curd product, then it is better to dry it in a suspended state - this way more liquid drains.

By the way, have you asked yourself the question - why are syrniki called that way, because we cook them from cottage cheese. Since ancient times, the Slavs have been preparing cottage cheese from sour milk, but they called it cheese, all dishes based on it are cheese.

Well, are you ready? Then let's get started. The main rule of good cooks and housewives is never despair! If the dish did not work the first time, you must definitely try to make it again. Perhaps the first time was just not your day or not the right mood. I believe in you, so we start cooking together a delicious and healthy dairy product at home.

The easiest ways

Our ancestors fermented milk and prepared fermented milk products in a Russian oven. We can use a pot or oven for cooking.

Classic recipe - cooking cottage cheese in a saucepan

To prepare a homemade curd product, you will need a minimum of equipment - a colander, clean gauze, a saucepan.

How to cook :

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, set the heat to low.
  2. It is necessary to heat the liquid until the whey begins to separate. I would recommend using a thermometer for the first time - the optimum temperature of milk is 50 degrees. If there is no thermometer, it is better to cook milk in a water bath, or use special metal fire distributors for burners.
  3. We remove the saucepan from the fire.
  4. We put the gauze in 3-4 layers, put it in a colander, stir it over a capacious container, pour out the milk mixture.

That's actually all the main steps. We leave our blank for 7–10 hours: during this time, the whey will drain completely. You don’t need to throw it away - it can be used for (by the way, you can cook it with fresh cucumbers even in winter), pie dough, or homemade beauty recipes.

We transfer the finished product to a plate. To please yourself and your child, add some fresh or dried berries, a drop of honey - enjoy the taste, praise yourself for the work done.

Cottage cheese from the oven - a modern version of an old Slavic recipe

It is easy to cook in the oven. This, of course, is not a Russian oven, but the product turns out to be as similar as possible to the one that our ancestors ate, ideal for baby food and desserts. I was lucky to try cottage cheese from a Russian oven - it tastes amazing, non-acidic, and the light aroma of baked milk just makes me dizzy.

In the process of languishing, the cottage cheese acquires a pasty consistency. If you do not like grainy products, then this recipe is for you.

  1. To begin with, we need to pour the sour milk into the correct container - it must be clay, or made of refractory glass.
  2. We will put the dishes with milk in a cold oven, set the temperature to 130-150 degrees - you will have 50 minutes to calmly do other things.
  3. Then we turn off the oven, leave the milk in it until it cools completely. I put milk in the evening, leave it all night.
  4. In the morning, throw the finished mass into a colander with gauze, leave for 6-7 hours.

Do you know, dear readers, that cottage cheese is indispensable for weight loss? It is especially useful for those who cannot resist the evening gluttony. A small portion will give a feeling of satiety, speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Cooking cottage cheese with kitchen helpers

A microwave oven and a slow cooker greatly simplify the preparation of a delicious dairy product at home, saving time and effort.

In the microwave

To cook cottage cheese quickly, you can use the microwave. Some believe that cooking in the microwave is harmful, that this device is intended only for lazy housewives. I do not agree with this statement. If we, modern women, can make our daily household chores a little easier, then it’s a sin not to take advantage of this!

So, we are preparing a healthy product in the microwave. To do this, we need to mix sour milk with an equal amount of kefir - this is the optimal proportion, but you can safely experiment. I once tried to mix milk and natural yogurt - I really liked the result, the final product turned out to be incredibly tender and airy.

To cook cottage cheese quickly, we need to follow 3 simple steps :

  1. Pour the milk mixture into a fireproof bowl, put it in the microwave.
  2. Set the maximum power, in 10 minutes our useful product will be ready.
  3. Pour the milk into a colander, which must first be covered with a thin cotton cloth.

Everything, after 6–9 hours, delicious cottage cheese is ready.

Homemade cottage cheese: photo

In a slow cooker

Do you like to cook in a slow cooker like I do? The first time after acquiring this wonderful device, I cooked everything in it - from soups to pies. Now the ardor has subsided somewhat, but still the multicooker remains my faithful assistant. I like to cook cottage cheese in it - there is a minimum of actions on my part, and the result is amazing.

The main advantage of this cooking method is that you do not need to monitor the temperature. :

  1. Pour sour milk into the bowl of the multicooker, set the “heating” mode for 40-60 minutes.
  2. After that, we need to throw the liquid into a colander with gauze, leave it for 10 hours. This time is enough to cook delicious whey pancakes, and for the filling we will use our delicious homemade cottage cheese.

What to do if there is no sour milk, but you really want cottage cheese? It's simple - bring the milk to a boil, add 30-40 ml of lemon juice, remove the pan from the heat. Curdled milk should be thrown into a colander, after 4 hours you can enjoy a delicious product.

I hope that I was able to convince you that cooking cottage cheese on your own is not at all difficult? But remember, your product does not contain preservatives and other chemicals, so you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. You can make a wonderful one on it - it’s difficult to get hungry, and the kilograms are melting!

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