
Braised rabbit with potatoes, carrots and garlic. Delicious rabbit in a slow cooker

Rabbit meat, unlike beef or lamb meat, and, not to mention pork, is special, because it is not served every day. And even then not for all holidays. But the rabbit always fits well into the festive menu, and if it is also very tasty cooked, then it will be impossible for him to find equals. Moreover, it will only cause enthusiastic applause from guests and relatives.

Rabbit meat is suitable even for those who are on a diet, so even he will not be able to refuse this magnificent meat. There are a lot of preparations and recipes for this dish. So in this article you will see one of the most delicious recipes. It’s good that in our time there is a slow cooker that has simplified the life of all housewives.

And now you can not worry that something will burn or run away. The main thing is to choose the desired mode and the multicooker will do everything for you. This recipe takes about two hours to prepare and is designed for six people. The calorie content of the dish is 340 kcal per serving.


  • Carrot - 2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Half of a rabbit carcass - 800 gr.
  • Olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Onions - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 1 cup.
  • Salt and black pepper.
  • French mustard seeds - 2 teaspoons.


Soak meat in water first. It's better to leave it overnight. Divide the rabbit carcass into small portions into portions. Then wash the meat again in order to get rid of small bones that may be when cutting. Then dry well or pat dry with a paper towel.

Before you stew the rabbit, you need to fry it.

Turn on the multicooker, select the mode - fry.

Pour the olive oil into a saucepan and place the rabbit pieces in a heated saucepan with the garlic cloves.

Fry the meat on both sides until a golden crust forms, while do not forget to salt and pepper.

When the meat is browned, put coarsely chopped onions and carrots on top, then add a little warm water - about 0.5 cups. Salt and leave to languish for one hour, while switching the multicooker to the stewing mode.

Rabbit with prunes

We buy:

  • Onions and carrots - 2 each
  • Rabbit carcass - 2 kg
  • Prunes - 200 gr.
  • Ketchup and sour cream - 3 tbsp each
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Ready mustard - 1.5 tsp
  • Spices

Now we are preparing:

Soak prunes for half an hour. If it is a little dry, then soak for an hour. Cut the carcass into portioned pieces. Fry the meat in the Baking mode for 30 minutes. While frying is in progress, it is worth cutting the carrots into strips, and the onion into half rings. Add vegetables with meat to the bowl and continue to fry for another 10 minutes. In total, it turns out 40 minutes.

Fill two-thirds of the rabbit with water, add ketchup, mustard, sour cream and spices. Sprinkle your favorite spices as desired. Stir the mass so that the ingredients are evenly distributed. Set the Extinguishing mode to an hour and a half. Half an hour before the expiration of this time, soaked prunes must be added to the bowl. Be sure to taste it. If there are not enough spices, then pour more. 10 minutes before turning off, we throw garlic. That's it. Rabbit can be served with rice and sprinkled with herbs.

Boiled rabbit with vegetables

We take:

  • Young rabbit - 800 gr.
  • Leek - 2 stalks
  • Cauliflower - 300 gr.
  • Brussels sprouts - 300 gr.
  • String beans - 300 gr.
  • Spices and salt

How to cook:

Cut off the white part of the leek and chop it finely. First, cut in half, and then cut each half into small half rings. Put the fillet pieces and onions in a bowl. If you are using a whole rabbit, then chop it into pieces. fill with water so that it completely covers the pieces of meat. sprinkle with pepper and salt.

Place a steamer on top of the bowl and place the vegetables in it. Also salt and pepper. Close the lid. Press the Multicook mode, select the type of product - meat and set the time - 25 minutes. Put vegetables and meat on a dish. Then garnish with cherry tomato halves. If you want, then sprinkle everything with lemon juice.

Roast rabbit

We buy:

  • Rabbit - 1.5 kg.
  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Greenery
  • Glass of water
  • Spices and seasonings


Finely chop the onion and cut the rabbit into pieces. Bake meat and onions for 30 minutes. Turn the meat over at intervals. Then we add some water to the bowl and turn on the Extinguishing mode for 1 hour. During this time, slice the tomatoes and peel the potatoes. Open the lid and add all the ingredients to the meat. Salt and pepper. Add water that remains and turn on the Extinguishing mode again. As soon as the dish is ready, sprinkle it with herbs.

Video: how to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker

Vegetables should always be present in any diet. Without them, beriberi may develop, there may be a shortage of many useful trace elements. Fiber, which is found in vegetables, helps in better digestion of food.

In addition to vegetables, meat should also be included in the menu. It is rich in animal proteins necessary for good nutrition. It is advisable to choose meat that is better absorbed by the body, does not cause allergic reactions or indigestion due to the large amount of fat. Rabbit meat belongs to such meat.

Rabbit with vegetables - the ideal ratio of animal and vegetable proteins. And if dishes from rabbit and vegetables are cooked in a slow cooker, then such food can be given even to small children. True, at the same time, it is necessary to make adjustments to the recipe, excluding spicy seasonings, vinegar or mushrooms from it.

Subtleties of cooking

  • The principle of cooking stewed rabbit with vegetables in a slow cooker is the same as on the stove. The taste of the dish largely depends on the proper preparation of products for cooking. If rabbit meat is not young, then it can be cooked for a very long time. Therefore, such meat must first be marinated in vinegar, wine, sour cream, ketchup or a mixture of herbs.
  • Old meat may have an unpleasant odor, which is easily removed by soaking in cold water or marinade.
  • When adding certain vegetables, you need to take into account the time of their preparation. Therefore, they are placed in a slow cooker sequentially, starting with those that are cooked for a long time, ending with vegetables that require minimal heat treatment.
  • If the assortment of vegetables contains potatoes and tomatoes, put the potatoes first and only after a few minutes add the tomatoes, since the acid of the tomatoes slows down the process of softening the potatoes.
  • Any greens are added to the dish at the very end of cooking or to a ready-made dish in order to preserve as many vitamins and nutrients as possible. And the taste of fresh greens is much better than boiled.
  • The entire roasting process is carried out in the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. Then the program is reinstalled by turning on "Stew" or "Soup". You can also stew meat with vegetables in the "Multi-cook" mode, setting the temperature to 95-97 °, so that the contents of the bowl do not boil, but barely noticeably boil.

Stewed rabbit with vegetables and green beans in a slow cooker


  • rabbit - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • green beans - 100 g;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • any greens - a small bunch.

Cooking method

  • Rinse the rabbit carcass thoroughly in cold water. Cut into large pieces.
  • Prepare vegetables. Peel and wash carrots and onions. Cut carrots into slices. If the carrot is thick, cut it in half, and then cut it across into slices 0.5 cm thick. Chop the onion into half rings.
  • Wash the string beans, cut off the ends on both sides. Cut the shoulder blades crosswise into pieces 2-3 cm long.
  • Wash the tomatoes, immerse in boiling water for 2 minutes, pour over with cold water, remove the skin. Cut into slices, immediately cutting out the stalks.
  • Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, warm it up by setting the “Frying” or “Baking” mode. Perform the entire frying process with the lid open. Put the rabbit pieces, fry on all sides until light brown. Continuing to fry, add the onion.
  • When the onion turns light yellow, add the carrots. Fry for 5 minutes.
  • Add tomatoes, stir. Cook until most of the liquid has boiled away. Put in the chopped beans. Stir. Pour boiling water up to the level of vegetables. Put salt and pepper. Turn off the multicooker.
  • Set the mode to "Stew" or "Soup". Stew the rabbit with carrots for another 30 minutes. Check the readiness of the meat. If it is soft, turn off the multicooker.
  • Put any chopped greens, mix. Leave for 15 minutes so that the meat and vegetables are saturated with the aromas of herbs.

Stewed rabbit with vegetables and cream in a slow cooker


  • rabbit - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • cream - 400 g;
  • dill and parsley - to taste.

Cooking method

  • Since this dish is prepared without herbs and fragrant spices, it will be better if you take a young rabbit. It cooks quickly, it does not need to be soaked, it does not have an unpleasant odor. Cut the rabbit carcass washed in cold water into large portions.
  • Peel and wash onions, garlic and carrots. Cut the onion into half rings or strips, carrots into thin slices, chop the garlic.
  • Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, set the “Frying” or “Baking” mode, wait until the oil heats up. Put the pieces of meat, fry first on one side, then turn them over to the other side and fry too. Put on a plate.
  • Put onions and carrots in a bowl, lightly sauté in the remaining oil. Vegetables should not be fried, otherwise the sauce will acquire an unappetizing darkish color.
  • Put pieces of rabbit meat, garlic on vegetables. Salt and pepper. Pour in hot cream. Don't stir.
  • As soon as the liquid boils, switch the frying mode to the "Extinguishing" mode. Cook 1 hour. If the sauce starts to boil away during cooking, add a little hot water. There should not be a lot of liquid, because then the sauce will turn out not so tasty.
  • Put the finished stewed rabbit with vegetables on a plate, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Note to the owner

Instead of cream, you can take 200 g of sour cream. Before pouring it over vegetables, dilute it in the same amount of hot water.

Sour cream can be diluted in half with ketchup. Rabbit cooked in this sauce will be tender and juicy.

If your slow cooker has a steaming bowl, you can cook boiled potatoes in it at the same time as the rabbit. Use it as a side dish for meat.

Today we have the most delicious rabbit on our menu. A real treat for gourmets and more. The meat is tender, juicy and soaked in sour cream sauce. And it turns out so thanks to yearning. Naturally, we cook the rabbit in a slow cooker, I give the recipe with a photo step by step. For cooking, I prefer rabbit feet, as they are more meaty. But other parts of the rabbit will work fine instead. If you have a whole carcass, just cut it into portions.


  • Rabbit legs - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1-2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 1 cup
  • Vegetable oil - 1-2 tablespoons
  • Salt, spices - to taste

How to cook a rabbit in a slow cooker

1. Thoroughly wash the legs of the rabbit and lightly wipe it with a paper towel from excess moisture. I prepare carrots (since it is small, I took more than indicated in the ingredients) and onions, frying oil, sour cream, salt and spices. For spices, I use ground black pepper and my favorite Herbes de Provence. The percentage of fat content of sour cream is up to you.

2. I turn on the multicooker to the “Frying” mode (I will cook with the choice of the “vegetables” product). Before that, vegetable oil was poured into the bowl. After warming up (I have it just a few minutes), I start frying the rabbit. I fry the legs on each side for a few minutes. I don’t bring it to strong frying, otherwise in my MW the meat starts to stick to the bowl. I do it in stages - first two legs, as I fried them, take them out and do the same with the other two legs. Then I transfer them to a plate, freeing the bowl for the next step. I haven't disabled the mode yet.

3. Now I need to sauté the vegetables. I add oil as needed. First, I fry the onion for a few minutes (I have it cut into small cubes). Then I spread the chopped carrots (I cut them into strips, but you can use a grater), mix and continue the process for about six more minutes. On this "Frying" I turn off.

4. I lay out the rabbit on vegetables. To fit all four parts, I place them a little sideways.

5. I mix sour cream with salt and spices, stir well (if the sour cream is thick, add a little hot boiled water). Pour the sour cream mixture into a bowl.

6. I close the lid of the multicooker. Judging by the name of the recipe, logically, now I should turn on the “Simmering” mode, especially since it is in my MW. But this program in my slightly strange "assistant" is a little active, which I absolutely do not need. Therefore, I choose a different “path” - first, to bring to a boil, I turn on “Extinguishing”; then I transfer to "Multipovar" with a temperature of 85 degrees. And I leave the rabbit to languish for three hours. However, it can be longer - three and a half. If your model has a normal "languor", where there is no excessive "gurgling", but only a barely noticeable "stirring", then you will turn on this program. At the same time, set the time, as I indicated above, also 3 or 3.5 hours. Don't let such a long time scare you. At the same time, the meat will not fall apart, will not “slide” from the bones.
Note: the photo for this step is a ready-made dish.

7. I lay out the rabbit legs on plates along with vegetables and the resulting gravy. Garnish can be to your taste.

Rabbit meat is more of a delicacy than a familiar dish. We prefer to eat chicken or turkey, sincerely believing that poultry meat is the most dietary. But in reality, it is rabbit meat that is not only the most low-calorie and healthy meat, but also a real leader in the content of vitamins, minerals and amino acids important for the human body.

Neither beef, nor pork, nor lamb have so many nutrients. The main feature of rabbit meat is the almost complete absence of cholesterol and fat, but there is almost three times more protein useful for the body than in any other type of meat. In addition, this product is hypoallergenic, which is especially important for the diet of young children, which is why doctors around the world recommend introducing rabbit dishes into the kids' menu.

Even eminent cooks are not very fond of cooking rabbit. Mainly because rabbit meat must first be soaked and then stewed for a long time. Indeed, due to the low fat content, rabbit meat, as a rule, turns out to be rather dry in taste. But this can be easily fixed if you cook the rabbit in the oven or slow cooker.

Some housewives prefer not to cook rabbit meat for one simple reason - this animal has rather dense, sharp bones that easily crumble during carcass cutting. These troubles can be avoided if you try to cut the meat into pieces the first time, without allowing the bones to exfoliate. It is most convenient to do this with a small kitchen hatchet, but a sharp, heavy knife with a large handle is also quite suitable. Today we will look at how to cook a tasty and healthy dish - rabbit in a multicooker.


1. It is advisable to soak rabbit meat for several hours before cooking. You need to soak the meat in water with the addition of vinegar or lemon juice. When the meat is soaked, you can start cooking the rabbit in sour cream.

2. First, the meat must be cut into pieces and fried in a small amount of vegetable oil. You can do this in a frying pan or directly in the multicooker bowl.

3. We clean and wash the onions and carrots. We cut the onion into half rings, and either chop the carrots on a coarse grater, or cut them into strips. Now the vegetables need to be added to the meat.

4. When the carrots and onions are lightly browned, you can add mushrooms to them. To do this, wash the mushrooms and cut into thin slices.

5. Lastly, add butter, sour cream, salt and pepper to the dish. We put the slow cooker on the “Extinguishing” mode for 40-50 minutes, depending on the size of the pieces of meat.
After the signal of readiness, the dish can be served at the table, after sprinkling with herbs.

Tip: to make the stewed rabbit in sour cream even more fragrant and tasty, you can replace champignons with forest mushrooms in the recipe. Of course, you will need to tinker with them a little longer, but the end result will pleasantly surprise you.

Rabbit stewed in a slow cooker.

Another popular recipe is braised rabbit. So that it does not come out too bland, it is advisable to marinate the meat before cooking. To do this, you can use the simplest marinade - olive oil, finely chopped garlic and lemon juice. It is not advisable to add pepper and salt to the marinade; it is better to add salt and pepper to the dish during the cooking process.


Rabbit carcass - 1 pc
Onion - 1pc
Carrot - 400g
Zucchini or zucchini - 1 piece
Tomato - 2pcs
Asparagus beans - 100g
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
Salt, spices - to taste

1. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add meat and fry lightly.

2. Peel and cut into strips onions and carrots. We clean the zucchini or zucchini from the peel and seeds, and then cut into small cubes.

3. Wash the tomatoes too and cut into slices. It is better not to remove the skin from the tomato, otherwise the pieces will lose their shape. We cut the pre-boiled asparagus beans into small pieces. If you are using frozen asparagus, you do not need to boil it, just add it to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Add vegetables to the meat, then pour in a glass of water, put a couple of bay leaves and turn on the “Stew” mode for about half an hour.

5. Our rabbit is ready. Now it remains only to finely chop the greens, add spices, salt and you can serve the dish to the table.

Tip: you can take any greens for this dish. Classic parsley or dill are perfect, but if you add a little basil and oregano to the rabbit meat, the rabbit will turn out to be much more fragrant and appetizing.

Rabbit with potatoes in a slow cooker.

Unlike other options for cooking rabbit meat, in this recipe both meat and side dishes are cooked at the same time. If the slow cooker is small, then it is better to cook only the rabbit in it, and boil or stew the potatoes in a separate pan.


1. Put butter in the multicooker bowl. It needs to be slightly melted, then add the meat and fry it until golden brown, adding a tablespoon of flour.

2. Peel the onions and carrots, cut into strips and send to the meat.

3. Cut the washed and peeled potatoes into large slices and add to the rest of the ingredients. Pour everything with water, put spices, salt and leave to cook for 40 minutes in the “Extinguishing” mode.

4. Before serving, finely chop the garlic and herbs and sprinkle the dish on top. Rabbit in a slow cooker ready with potatoes!

Tip: if you want the gravy to come out more saturated and fragrant, then before stewing meat with vegetables, add 100-150g of heavy cream to the main ingredients and mix everything thoroughly. Vegetables and meat will be saturated with a creamy taste, and the rabbit in the multicooker will turn out to be truly fragrant.

Rabbit in sauce in a slow cooker.

Almost all rabbit meat recipes are based on the fact that the meat is stewed for a long time. After all, dryish rabbit meat becomes tender and tasty only after it is saturated with moisture from the gravy. There are a huge number of options for preparing various sauces for rabbit meat.

Some recipes have sour cream or cream, others have lots of vegetables and broth, and still others have tomato paste mixed with various aromatic herbs. Sometimes dry white wine or cognac is added to rabbit meat. Alcohol gives a certain taste to rabbit meat, emphasizing the natural tenderness of this meat.


Half a rabbit carcass
Onion - 1pc
Carrot - 1pc
Tomato - 3pcs
Sweet pepper - 1 pc.
Thick yogurt or kefir - 1 cup
Water or broth - 1 cup
Olive oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
Oregano, basil, salt, pepper

It is better not to use frozen rabbit meat for this dish. Due to low temperatures, it becomes more rigid and tasteless. Such meat will need to be stewed longer, and since sour-milk yogurt or kefir is included in the sauce, the long cooking process will spoil the taste of the finished dish. So choose a fresh or chilled rabbit carcass

1. Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl, let it warm up slightly, then add the meat. Fry, turning the pieces with a spatula.

2. Peel and cut into strips carrots and sweet peppers. It is better to cut the onion into half rings, and the tomatoes into large slices.

3. Pour the vegetables into the bowl and fry with the meat.

4. Add water or broth, yogurt, aromatic herbs, salt, pepper and leave the rabbit to stew. In half an hour our dish is ready.

Tip: a rabbit in a slow cooker in a sauce turns out juicy and fragrant, so it’s better to serve something neutral as a side dish. For example, boiled rice or potatoes.

Rabbit with vegetables in cream in a slow cooker.

For this dish, it is better to purchase not a whole rabbit carcass, but its hind legs. Meat in different parts differs in structure and thickness, which means that the time of its preparation will be different.


rabbit legs 4 pcs.;
onion 4 heads;
carrots 1 pc.;
cream 30% 1 tbsp.;
broccoli 300 gr.;
chicken broth 1 tbsp.;
reaping flour;
white semi-dry wine 100 ml;
garlic 4 cloves.

1. Select the "frying" mode in the multicooker, pour in the oil and lay the rabbit legs on the bottom. Fry them until nicely browned on each side. This will give the legs a beautiful look and a pleasant taste.

2. Then remove the legs and chop the garlic directly into the same oil and pour the flour. Stir constantly so that the flour does not burn and mixes well with the butter. As soon as it begins to darken, pour in the wine and simmer until the smell of alcohol disappears. Only a pleasant aroma of wine should remain.

3. Chop the onion into small cubes, cut the carrots into slices and pour into the slow cooker. Let the vegetables brown a little, and then pour in the cream and broth. Stir and wait until the sauce starts to boil.

4. Add allspice and salt well to make the sauce slightly salty. Put the rabbit legs back into the slow cooker, select the "baking" mode and simmer the meat for 45 minutes.

5. While the rabbit is stewing, put water in a saucepan to boil. Divide broccoli into small umbrellas and pour into boiling water. After 1.5 min. Drain the water and put the umbrellas on a plate. Salt immediately while the kale is still moist and lightly pepper with the pepper mixture for rich flavor.

6. Put the finished rabbit leg on a dish and pour over the cream sauce. Try to get bright carrots along with the sauce. Everything, the rabbit in the slow cooker is ready. Arrange green umbrellas around the rabbit leg and serve.

We all know that we need to eat a variety of foods. Do not constantly cook the same pork chops, pilaf or scrambled eggs. Try to add more vegetables and fruits, natural cheeses and dairy products to your diet. But do not forget about the benefits of meat, especially its dietary types, such as rabbit meat.

Cooking a rabbit is not so difficult, especially if the kitchen has a miracle machine - a slow cooker. And if you make it a rule to pamper your family with a rabbit dish at least once every week, then soon this undertaking will turn into a habit. And habit, as you know, is second nature.

Enjoy your meal!

Video - rabbit recipe for multicooker.

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The slow cooker is a great gift that the developers of kitchen equipment have made for modern women. This is a universal device in which you can cook almost everything: first courses, second courses, and even desserts. Porridges and pasta, cabbage soup and borscht, soups and broths, roasts and stews, meat, fish, pastries, preserves and jams, caviar, sauces - it is difficult to list the range of dishes that is available to the miracle machine.

The Benefits of Rabbit Meat

A good, well-fed rabbit carcass is a real find for a skilled housewife. After all, this meat belongs to the category of gourmet varieties, dietary, nutritious, with a delicate pleasant taste. It is not for nothing that doctors recommend rabbit meat as a therapeutic food for children and the elderly, as well as for patients of different ages with anemia, a weakened body, and gastrointestinal diseases. With a low cholesterol level, rabbit meat is a product of high energy value. It is believed that this meat is healthier than bird meat, besides, it is more tender, soft, especially when skillfully prepared. For example, a rabbit in sour cream in a slow cooker turns out surprisingly tasty.

Operating modes

In this appliance, meat is processed most often in the “Stew” and “Baking” modes. The first gives the dishes the very tenderness, softness, thanks to which they melt right in your mouth. Moreover, even rather tough and sinewy meat becomes so. If you then bring it to readiness by turning on “baking”, the product will “acquire” a wonderful crisp. So we will prepare a rabbit in sour cream, in a slow cooker we need the first mode.

carcass cutting

Like any carcass, this one must be cut into portions before the meat is cooked. In a rabbit, the following are distinguished: front legs together with breast, back and rear legs. In length, the carcass is also divided into three parts: in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sacrum - where the hips connect; behind the shoulder blades (along the chest); the back may not be divided. Remove the film from the meat. When everything is ready, you can proceed: a rabbit in sour cream, in a slow cooker, is waiting for you!

Meat with white sauce

The first recipe is pretty simple. In addition to the main product, you will need: 300-350 g of sour cream. You can combine 200 g of sour cream and the same amount of cream - the sauce will turn out more tender. Next, take some fresh dill, 1 onion, 1 carrot and Seasonings and spices: allspice and spicy peas, bay leaf, coriander, etc. Here you can improvise: rabbit in sour cream, in a slow cooker, goes well with different mixtures of spices. Let's start cooking. Put the cut carcass into a bowl for cooking. Add water, but not too much - just enough to cover the meat.

Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, let it boil. Then remove the lid, salt, put 1 whole carrot and onion, a few peas of allspice and black pepper, a couple of bay leaves. Cover and simmer for another 60 minutes (set a timer). Take out the finished meat, and cook the sauce from sour cream and cream on the broth. Add finely chopped carrots, which were with the rabbit, to it. If desired, squeeze 6-7 cloves of garlic through the garlic maker, sprinkle the roast with them, pour the sauce on top and add the dill. The most delicious, flavorful dish is ready! Here is such a wonderful rabbit in a slow cooker, with sour cream and spices, you did it!

sour cream sauce

Let's say a few words about the sauce. As you understand, it is made on the basis of meat broth, which requires about the same amount as sour cream. Both components are poured into the saucepan, about 2 cups each. Salt and let them boil. Lightly fry a few tablespoons of flour in a frying pan in oil, dilute it with another glass of broth and pour into the sauce. Let it simmer for 5 minutes, just stir all the time. Then remove from heat and season the meat. Do not forget that the rabbit in sour cream (the photo emphasizes this well) looks especially appetizing if it is sprinkled with finely chopped parsley (and dill).

with potato

Another amazingly delicious culinary masterpiece is a rabbit with potatoes. To cook it, you will need: a carcass already chopped, a marinade for it, a dozen potatoes. Put the washed and prepared pieces of meat in a saucepan or bowl and pour the marinade (take a glass of apple or grape vinegar per liter of water), add spices, chopped onion rings. Instead of a water-vinegar mixture, sour white wine is also quite suitable. Thanks to him, your rabbit will turn out spicy, with a very special taste. Let the meat marinate for about 2 hours. Then take it out, blot it with napkins and put it in the multicooker bowl. First, turn on the "Bake" mode so that the rabbit is a little browned. Turn the pieces over for even browning. Naturally, this is done in oil or fat. When the crust has covered the barrel, it's time for the rest of the ingredients. So that the rabbit is well stewed, pour the meat with a small amount of water with the addition of sour cream. Place sliced ​​potatoes on top. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the meat for about an hour. Check that the potatoes are not hard. Sprinkle with herbs and ground pepper before serving. Vegetable (cabbage) salad will be excellent with the dish.

Rabbit with vegetables

And one more original in a slow cooker - with vegetables. It requires: half a kilogram of meat fillet, several carrots, 2-3 onions, 4-5 potatoes, oil (vegetable), salt (to taste), spices and hot pepper (ground). Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion and fry together, setting the multicooker to the “baking” mode (about 40 minutes). Cut the meat into small pieces. When 15 minutes have passed from the vegetables, add the rabbit and let it cook until the timer sounds. Then put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes into the bowl, salt and pepper to taste, pour in a little water (to slightly cover the contents of the bowl) and set the “Stewing” program. After an hour and a half, the miracle roast is ready!

What a wonderful device - a multicooker. And what excellent dishes are obtained with the help of it!
