
Crispy waffle rolls with stuffing recipe. Homemade waffle cookies in a waffle iron

It's amazing what culinary feats a seemingly ordinary cleaning in the pantry can push. Today, in the midst of this process, an old electric waffle iron, forgotten by me, was discovered by a child on one of the shelves. And I immediately remembered those homemade thin, incredibly tender and crispy waffles that my mother once baked with or without reason. Of course, I immediately wanted to please the family and bake waffles. The recipe for the Soviet electric waffle iron is the same, nostalgic, and, from my point of view, ideal. These waffles are thin, crispy, with an amazing creamy flavor.


  • large eggs - 4 pcs.,
  • butter or creamy margarine - 200 g,
  • sugar - 0.5 tbsp.,
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanillin - 1/3 sachet,
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can,
  • butter - 150 g.

Break the eggs into a bowl for mixing waffle dough. I had large ones, so 4 was enough. If your eggs are small, take 5 pcs.

We introduce sugar and salt into the eggs, arm ourselves with a mixer (or blender) and beat the mass well. It is not necessary to grind it until white, but the sugar should dissolve completely. To make things go faster, it is better to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance (15-20 minutes before kneading the dough).

Next, butter (margarine) must be added to the dough, but first it must be melted. To do this, chop the butter into cubes and send it to the microwave or on the stove. Pour the warm melted butter into the sugar-egg mixture and mix the dough again. A few words about oil. The original version of the recipe (and I found it in my mother's old notebook) contains margarine. But margarine gives waffles a very unpleasant aftertaste that even cream cannot kill.

The dough is almost ready, it remains only to add vanillin to it - an optional ingredient, but incredibly fragrant, so we add quite a bit of it. Then sift the flour into the dough and knead it until smooth.

The dough turns out to be watery, approximately like sour cream of medium fat content. You don’t need to make it thicker, otherwise the waffles will turn out not so thin and crispy.

Everything, the dough is ready, it's time to turn on the waffle iron. I have a very ancient waffle iron, Soviet, we inherited from our parents. But, despite her advanced age, she still bakes perfectly, although she already looks pretty shabby. I let it warm up for 5-7 minutes, then put a tablespoon of dough in the middle of the bottom plate. No more needed, otherwise the dough may try to escape outside. Additionally, it is also not worth lubricating the plates with any fats - there is already enough oil in the dough, nothing will stick.

As soon as the dough is laid out, cover the lid and press it tightly with your fingers. Carefully! At this moment, a characteristic hiss will be heard from the waffle iron and hot steam will pour out of all the cracks, so we keep our hands as far away from the waffle iron as possible, given the fact that the lid still needs to be pressed for at least 10 seconds.

Waffles are baked quite quickly, so after 1-1.5 minutes. you can already check the degree of roasting. You shouldn't fry the waffles too much, you just won't be able to roll them. Slightly reddened and can be taken out.

Now very, very quickly, while hot, roll up the waffle and put it on a plate. Here I have my little secret. The waffles are very hot, and when there are a lot of them and they are baked quickly, the fingers, at times, are unable to endure such high temperatures. And to make waffle folding less sensitive, I put a bowl of ice water next to the waffle iron and dip my fingers into it. :)

You can roll waffles with a regular tube or a cone. The second option is preferable if you are going to fill the waffles with stuffing.

I will have a filling, because as soon as all the waffles are ready, I make a quick and simple cream for them from boiled condensed milk and butter. Such a filling is more tender than ordinary boiled condensed milk and not so cloyingly sweet. To do this, I mix both ingredients in a saucepan and beat them with a blender at minimum speed, using a whisk attachment. A couple of minutes - the cream is ready!

I fill the waffles with cream and you can put the kettle on!

And put it to cool down.

You can take the oil out of the refrigerator in advance and leave it on the table at room temperature. The butter will become softened and a water bath is not needed.

Then we take eggs at room temperature, which must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance, and drive them into a deep bowl.


I used small C2 eggs. If you have large eggs, you can take 1 less.

Beat the eggs well with a blender with a whisk attachment or a mixer. Beat the egg mass until foamy. I got it done in 7 minutes.

In the whipped mass, add soft or melted butter, sugar and flour. Only the flour does not need to be added all at once, but pour it in 3-4 sets.

Thoroughly mix the poured ingredients with a spatula so that the dough is perfectly homogeneous. The dough will come out quite liquid. The main thing is not to forget that we measure the flour and sugar with a glass in which 200 ml, and we will get the perfect waffle dough.

Excellent dough is ready, you can bake waffles. We will bake in an electric waffle iron, which we turn on in advance so that it heats up well. I don’t lubricate the waffle iron with anything, but just put 2 tbsp in it. test and close. You don't need to flip the waffles as they cook on both sides.

All waffles are different. You may need to lightly grease the plates of your appliance with vegetable oil when baking the first product.

We bake each waffle for about 2-3 minutes.

The heating temperature for each model of the waffle iron is individual. I recommend setting the cooking time for your appliance empirically. It is possible that 30 seconds will be enough for you.

Remove them from the hot waffle iron with a spatula so as not to burn your fingers. Another note about the softness of waffles, if you want waffles to be soft, then you need to bake them until they are slightly golden, and if you want crispy ones, then bake them until brown. That is, the longer the oven, the crispier they turn out, but the main thing here is not to overdo it, so as not to burn out.

We shift the waffle to a plate, in which we immediately wrap it with a tube. You need to fold while they are hot, if you do this later, they will break.

Together with modern models of electric waffle irons, special devices for folding waffles in the form of tubes and horns are included.

From this amount of dough, approximately 30 tubes are obtained, this is considered a double portion. If you need less, feel free to reduce the amount of products by 2 times.

And now, if you want, you can fill the tubes with filling, in my case, this is boiled condensed milk. I took out a jar of condensed milk from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes more plastic. And with the help of a teaspoon, she carefully stuffed the cooled tubes.

To some, such pastries seem cloying or too sweet. In this case, to get a more refined taste, it is better to prepare a cream with the addition of butter. See the recipe below.

This is how easy and simple you can make many delicious wafer rolls.

Do you still have an old Soviet electric waffle iron? Or maybe there is a new one? Great! Because we can cook thin, crispy waffles in an electric waffle iron - a recipe from childhood!

Remember the delicious wafer rolls with condensed milk or cream? These are now sold in stores and worn on the beaches. But the purchased tubes are not the same, the waffles do not crunch in them, but the filler is sugary and so heavy that one tube will weigh 200 grams. Therefore, let's get our waffle irons and bake homemade waffles - crispy, tasty, thin!

Roll up waffle rolls and fill with your favorite cream. And it will turn out to be a warm family tea party, and then your children will remember waffle rolls with pleasure and ask you for a recipe for crispy waffles to treat their children to them! 🙂

This is the recipe for the most crispy, but also the most high-calorie waffles. But you can cook waffles on kefir, and on milk without butter, and even dietary ones from whole grain flour. For every taste! And we will try all these recipes with you. Come to Waffle Week! 🙂


  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 cup sugar (maybe a little less);
  • 1 and 1/3 cups of flour (I have a glass with a volume of 200 g, 130 g of flour without a slide is placed in it. So, 1 and 1/3 cups are about 180 g of flour).
  • 1 tablespoon unscented sunflower oil - so that the waffles do not stick to the waffle iron.

Note: to reduce fat content, you can replace half of the butter with sour cream, take 100 g of butter and 100 g of sour cream.

How to bake:

The dough recipe for crispy waffles was told to me by Olya, a regular reader and author of delicious children's recipes on the site. This recipe came with an electric waffle iron, “native”, so to speak, and therefore the most successful.

I improved it a little more, taking into account the information found on the Internet. In the original, the butter needs to be melted, but it’s even better to just soften it: then the waffles do not stick to the waffle iron.

So, beat the softened butter with sugar using a mixer.

Add eggs and beat some more.

Sift flour into the dough and mix.

The consistency of the dough should be like pancakes.

To prevent the waffles from sticking to the waffle iron, add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. I did this after the 2nd waffle: the first two things had to be separated from the surface of the waffle iron with a knife, but after adding oil, the waffles were perfectly removed, and it was not necessary to lubricate the waffle iron every time. Once before the first waffle was enough.

The dough is ready! You can start an exciting activity - cooking homemade waffles!

our electric waffle maker for thin waffles

My parents gave me a waffle iron. Once upon a time, delicious waffles were baked in it, and then they were not used for a long time. Found this while cleaning out the garage. I was very happy, because I had long wanted to learn how to bake homemade waffles, but at the same time I was a little worried if the waffle iron would work after 10 or 15 years of oblivion? I rubbed it well, dried it, properly smeared the surfaces with sunflower oil and plugged it into the outlet. A couple of minutes of waiting ... and - hooray! - the waffle iron started to heat up! Works! So there will be waffles. 🙂

Just don't touch the surface of the waffle iron with your finger to see if it's hot. You can not only burn yourself, there is a risk of getting an electric shock. To check if the waffle iron has warmed up enough, you can drop a drop of dough on it: if it starts to cook, then you can start baking waffles. It takes 4-5 minutes to warm up, but then the unit will heat up and the process will start.

pour a little less than in the photo

Pour on the bottom surface of the dough - 1-2 tablespoons. The exact amount is determined by experiment. If you pour a lot, the dough will run a little over the edges, and it can be carefully removed with a knife. If you pour a little, the waffle will not turn out to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe waffle iron. It's not scary, it will just be a small tube.

So, pour the dough, close the waffle iron and press the handles. Carefully! - at this moment, hot steam flies out of the waffle iron, so put on a mitt-tack on your hand.

We hold a little, and then you can let go, and let it bake. One waffle is baked from 20-30 seconds to 1.5-3 minutes, depending on the power and settings of your waffle iron. To find out if it’s ready, we open the waffle iron and look in ... Still pale, which means you need to hold it for a couple more minutes.

the waffle is not quite ready yet

Here it will be ready...

a little bit more...

And now it's time to take it out! We act quickly, as the finished waffles quickly harden and become brittle.

waffle is ready!

With a knife or spatula we hook the waffle, transfer it from the waffle iron to a board or plate and quickly, while soft, twist it into a tube.

Be careful, the waffle is hot. After twisting the waffle tube, hold it for a few seconds so that it does not unwind. Hooray, it worked! The first tube is not lumpy. We put it on a dish and proceed to baking the second waffle.

This is not a quick matter - 15 waffles are obtained from a portion of the dough, and since each is baked for 4 minutes, in general, cooking will take 1 hour. But it's great to sit in the kitchen, warm, chat with your family about this and that, and then taste crispy homemade waffles together!

So the whole slide of tubes is ready! We could not resist and tried two at once without filling. By the way, very tasty, you can eat waffles and just like that, without cream!

And you can fill them with condensed milk, or custard, or chocolate, or protein ... There are many options! And we will slowly try them out with you - because we already know how to cook thin, crispy waffles in an electric waffle iron!

And here is a bonus for those who have read to the end :) The funniest selection of funny pictures that I have ever seen at the moment. 😀

Perhaps, nothing can be more fragrant and tastier, sweeter and more appetizing than homemade cakes and desserts. Favorite sugar waffles from a homemade electric waffle iron, simply out of competition. They can be eaten without filling, or with cream, ice cream or jam, condensed milk or protein meringue. This is a versatile product, a tasty budget dish that is prepared quickly and easily. And homemade waffle recipes regularly grace the fickle culinary fashion.

  • Eggs- 5 items
  • Sugar- 0.5 - 1 glass
  • Flour- 1.5 cups
  • Butter or margarine— 180 gr
  • How to cook waffles in a waffle iron

    1 . Wash chicken eggs with soap, break into a cup. Pour in sugar.

    2 . Beat eggs with sugar until smooth.

    3 . Melt margarine or butter. Cool down a bit.

    4 . Mix the egg mixture with margarine (butter).

    . Gradually, in small portions, pour flour into the dough.

    . Mix. The consistency of the dough will turn out like sour cream.

    . Heat up the waffle iron. Pour in a teaspoon, close. Bake 2-3 minutes.

    . Roll up the waffle while it is still warm. If desired, fill with cream or boiled condensed milk using a pastry syringe.

    Delicious homemade waffles are ready

    Bon appetit!

    Waffles in a waffle iron recipes

    Delicious waffles in a waffle iron, the recipe of which is always stored in the nightstand with the rest of the culinary records, can be prepared at any time. Get out the waffle iron and let's remember how to cook this amazing dessert.

    Thin waffles in a waffle iron

    Margarine - 1 pack (200 gr).
    Flour - 1 cup (200 gr).
    Sugar - 1 cup (200 gr).
    Eggs - 4-5 pieces.

    Such waffles are baked in a Soviet-era waffle iron, and this recipe is at least 25 years old. It has already been checked and rechecked, so do not hesitate, but rather try it. And so, let's start by grinding margarine and sugar into a homogeneous mixture. Why Margarine? Yes, because waffles with oil are not crispy enough, although this is a matter of taste. But this time we still take baker's table margarine.
    When the mixture is ready, add the eggs, preferably one at a time, to make it easier to mix. Slowly, after the eggs, pour the flour in a thin stream, knead well. We get the dough, watery, but not enough to drain around the edges when the waffle iron is strongly compressed (we press the top and bottom of the waffle iron shutters). You need to pour the dough a little so that it does not spill out onto your work surface around the edges.
    And so, thin waffles are ready while they are hot, roll them into tubes, and you can fill them with butter, custard, protein cream, or just ice cream. Serve with coffee.

    Homemade waffles with mineral water and milk

    Milk - 1 cup (200 grams).

    Butter - 100 grams.
    Mineral water - 100 grams.
    Sugar - to taste, from 50 to 100 grams.
    Eggs - 2 pieces.
    Baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon.
    Salt is on the tip of a knife.
    Vanilla sugar - to taste (according to the recipe 1 sachet).

    Separate the whites from the yolks, in a separate large bowl, mix the yolks with sugar, butter and salt, vanilla sugar. The sugar should melt, so take a mixer or mix everything by hand until smooth.
    In another container, mix milk with baking powder and flour until smooth. Mix the contents of two plates, knead with a spoon, and then pour in the mineral water, mix again.
    Beat the egg whites well so that they turn into a thick foam, add them to the dough and mix until the mixture becomes homogeneous. We bake thick and fluffy waffles, serve with honey and tea.

    Homemade waffle cookies in a waffle iron

    Margarine - 1 pack (200 gr).
    Fatty sour cream - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Sugar - 100-150 gr.

    Eggs - 3-4 pieces.

    Soda - 1 teaspoon.
    Vinegar - extinguish soda.
    Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
    Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.
    Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons.
    Cinnamon - on the tip of a knife, optional.
    And so, our homemade waffles can be made in the form of cookies. It is quite tasty, relatively simple, satisfying, fragrant, and in general, who can refuse sugar wafers? It all starts as usual: we beat the yolks in a bowl with sugar and vanilla until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mass will eventually become magnificent. Margarine needs to be melted and cooled a little so that, adding it to the yolk-sugar mass, the eggs do not boil. Mix everything at medium speed, or manually until smooth, at the end add sour cream and mix again for several minutes.
    We extinguish the soda with vinegar, add a little lemon juice, pour into a bowl with dough, mix. Sift the flour and add it in small portions to the mass, stirring with a spoon. The dough for waffle cookies will not be as liquid as for pancakes, a little thicker.
    Lubricate the waffle iron with sunflower oil, and bake cookies for 2 minutes on each side. When the waffles are still hot, sprinkle them with cinnamon and powdered sugar, serve with tea and raspberry jam.

    Wafers "Viennese" homemade

    Flour - 1.5 cups (300 gr).
    Butter - 200 gr.
    Fatty sour cream - 4 tablespoons.
    Sugar - a little less than 1 cup, 120-150 gr.
    Vinegar - to extinguish the soda.
    Soda - 0.5 teaspoon.
    Eggs - 2-3 pieces.
    Cream - 1 cup (20 gr).
    Lemon zest - if you like, to taste.
    Potato starch - 1 teaspoon.
    Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
    Salt - on the tip of a knife (a pinch).
    Beat eggs with sugar until it dissolves completely in the mass, and stops crunching under a spoon. Melted butter, not hot, you need to pour in eggs and sugar, mix. Add cream and sour cream, salt and vanilla sugar, lemon zest, mix everything thoroughly.
    Sift flour, add starch to it, mix with dough. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add soda quenched with vinegar, mix. The dough is ready, it needs to be poured into a mold, and give a little time to the waffles to brown and acquire an appetizing crust. Serve with condensed milk or cream based on it.

    Homemade wafer rolls with buttercream

    Butter - 400 gr.
    Flour - 200 gr.
    Cream - 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Starch - 1 tablespoon.
    Eggs - 5 pieces.
    Sugar - 100 gr.
    Salt - a pinch.
    Condensed milk - 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Take the eggs out of the fridge and let them come to room temperature a little. Next, put the whites and yolks in a separate bowl. Beat the yolks with salt and sugar until they are completely dissolved. Melt the butter, add it slightly cooled to the egg mixture, mix until smooth.
    Sift the flour, add starch and soda, quenched with vinegar. Beat egg whites until fluffy, separately - cream. Mix the creamy and protein foam, add to the butter and yolks, mix. Then slowly and gradually introduce the flour and also mix so that the dough is without lumps. After 20-30 minutes, you can pour the dough into the waffle iron and make delicious waffles. Roll them up immediately while still hot.
    For the cream, you just need to beat the condensed milk and butter until smooth, the cream will foam a little and become airy, and fill it with tubes that are great for coffee.

    Homemade Lemon Waffles

    Flour - 1 cup (200 grams).
    Butter - 70 grams.
    Eggs - 4-5 pieces.

    Sour cream - 1 cup (200 grams).
    Lemon juice - concentrate 1 teaspoon.
    Lemon zest - half a teaspoon.
    You should start preparing homemade waffles by beating sugar with eggs until smooth. Next, put sour cream, zest and lemon juice, start adding flour a little at a time and mix so that there is not a lump. The mass is lush and fragrant. She needs to cool a little and stand, then you can bake waffles. And serve them with tea and meringue.

    Homemade lean waffles in a waffle iron

    Honey - 2 tablespoons
    Flour - 1 cup (200 gr.)
    Fruit syrup - 6 tablespoons
    Tea - 200 gr.
    Sunflower oil - 50 gr.
    In hot tea, fruit syrup and liquid honey must be dissolved. We add sunflower oil there. Sift the flour and add it a little bit to the tea, mix well, thoroughly. The dough is ready, you can bake delicious lean waffles, serving them with fruit, tea.

    Wafers on yogurt

    Flour - 1.5 cups (300 grams).
    Yogurt fruit, berry or without fillers - 1.5 cups (300 grams).
    Butter - 140 grams.
    Eggs - 2 pieces.
    Sugar - half a cup (100 grams).

    With a mixer or a whisk, you need to beat a little softened butter with sugar, when the mass is almost homogeneous, add eggs, 1 each. We continue to beat, turning the mixture into a dough, add yogurt. Sift the flour through a sieve and mix with the baking powder, then add a little bit to the dough, without ceasing to mix the ingredients. As a result, we will have a dough that resembles fat sour cream in consistency. In a waffle iron, you need to bake a dessert for 3-4 minutes, until golden brown. Serve with berries and freshly squeezed juice.

    Homemade waffles in an oatmeal waffle iron

    Oat flakes - 150 grams.

    Water - 200 milliliters (1 cup).
    Mineral water - 100 milliliters (0.5 cups).

    Brown sugar - 50 grams.
    Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups.
    Cocoa - 2 teaspoons.
    First of all, steam oatmeal in a glass of hot water, leave it until it swells to half readiness. In the meantime, sift the flour with cocoa through a sieve, add the baking powder and sugar, mix. Then, already cooled oatmeal, you need to mix with flour and cocoa, add the specified amount of sunflower oil. Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour mineral water into the mass and mix the dough thoroughly, it will look like fat sour cream at the exit. Bake waffles in a waffle iron and serve them with honey, coffee.

    apple-cinnamon homemade waffles

    Apples - 1 piece, large size.
    Flour - 400 grams (2 cups).
    Eggs - 3 pieces.
    Milk - 0.5 cups.
    Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
    Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.
    Salt - a pinch.
    Cinnamon - 2 teaspoons.
    Sunflower oil - a quarter cup.
    First of all, you need to separate the yolks and proteins, we will beat the yolks, add warm milk, sugar, salt, sifted flour with baking powder, cinnamon to them. Mix everything thoroughly, beat. Then pour in the oil, mix again, leave.
    Beat the egg whites until thick, then add them to the dough, mix. We clean the apple, cut it and puree it. Add to dough and mix. Then pour the dough into a waffle iron and prepare a wonderful dessert, healthy and tasty, served with warm milk or cocoa.

    Homemade cheese waffles with sour cream, not sweet

    Semolina - 100 grams.
    Flour - 1.5 cups (300 grams, maybe a little less).
    Eggs - 3 pieces.
    Sour cream of medium fat content - 1.5 cups (300 milliliters).
    Salt - a pinch.
    Sunflower oil - 80 grams.
    Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons.
    Hard cheese - 100 grams.
    First of all, you need to pour semolina with sour cream so that it swells and becomes softer. In a separate bowl, place semolina in sour cream, mix and leave for 1 hour. Then we drive in the eggs, add the sunflower oil, mix everything thoroughly and beat.
    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add it to the prepared mass, knead the thick dough. You need to put at least 2 tablespoons of dough in the dough waffle iron so that the product at the output is lush and tasty. Serve for breakfast with ham and herbs.

    Waffles in a waffle iron with candied fruit

    Flour - 0.5 cups (100 grams).

    Sugar - 150 grams.
    Salt - 1 pinch.
    Powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon.
    Cereal flakes - 50 grams.
    Candied fruits - to taste and desire.
    Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
    Baking powder - 2 teaspoons.
    Eggs - 3 pieces.

    Waffles according to this recipe are crispy, and thanks to a variety of candied fruits - sweet and fragrant. Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Then add a little softened butter, mix.
    Sift flour with starch, add baking powder to them, add the mixture to beaten eggs, mix thoroughly, add flakes, mix again. Then finely chop the candied fruits, put them into the dough, if you think you didn’t guess with the consistency, find similar recipes with photos on the Internet. Bake the waffles in a preheated waffle iron. Serve with coffee or juice.

    Chocolate wafers with coconut - ice cream cups

    Flour - 0.5 cups (100 grams).
    Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons.
    Flakes - 50 grams.
    Vanilla sugar - 0.5 sachet.
    Sugar - 150 grams.
    Starch - 0.5 cups (100 grams).
    Salt - 1 pinch.
    Coconut flakes - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Cocoa powder - 1.5 tablespoons.
    Eggs - 3 pieces.
    Butter - 1 pack (200 grams).
    We mix vanilla and regular sugar, add it to the butter, previously slightly softened and divided into pieces. Stir, stirring thoroughly to melt the sugar. Then add 1 egg at a time and mix again.
    Sift the flour, add salt and baking powder to it, mix with the butter-egg mass, mixing well. Then we grind the flakes in a blender or coffee grinder so that they become almost like flour, pour them into the already prepared mass, mix. The dough is thick, so if it does not fall off the spoon at all, you can pour in a little milk or water, just a little bit, so that you can conveniently place the dough in the waffle iron.
    At the end, you need to add shavings and cocoa, mix again, and bake the waffles, wrapping them in a glass. You can put ice cream balls into the finished product.

    Video recipe "Waffles in a waffle iron"

    Probably, many people remember the taste of homemade waffle rolls, cooked by mothers and grandmothers, on old waffle irons that were sold back in the Soviet Union. Many people have preserved them at home, and today we want to offer you waffle rolls, a recipe for cooking in a Soviet waffle iron, simple and convenient.
    Such a yummy can be easily prepared, because the waffle iron is easy to use, and knowing good recipes, you can delight your children and adults with a delicious treat at least every day. So let's consider
    recipe for waffle rolls for a Soviet waffle iron, the simplest. Our tubules will be stuffed with the usual butter-condensed cream, the most familiar to the Soviet hostess.


    • 1 cup flour
    • 10 g vanillin
    • 250 g kefir
    • 150 g sugar
    • Chicken eggs 3 pieces

    Grind sugar and eggs with a whisk or mixer, add kefir with vanilla to them. Continuing to beat, add the flour, sifted in advance, in small portions. The dough should resemble non-liquid sour cream.

    Preheat the waffle iron, put a full spoonful of dough on the bottom plate and quickly cover the top one. Press both halves with your hands. Bake 2-3 minutes. Warm the dough immediately twist into tubes or envelopes.
    For the filling, you can use condensed milk mixed with butter, various berry jams or whipped cream. See more waffle recipes for the Soviet waffle iron.

    Tubes on milk and yeast


    • Milk - 200 g
    • 100-120 g sugar
    • Flour - glass
    • Rum (any) - 1 tablespoon
    • Vanillin sachet
    • 2 eggs
    • Salt pinch
    • Butter - 100 grams
    • Dry yeast - half a tablespoon

    Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat with a small portion of sugar. Melt the butter, let cool, and then pour in the egg mass. Warm the milk slightly and add to the whipped mixture, continuing to work with the whisk.

    Now add vanilla, a spoonful of rum, salt and sifted flour, but in portions. Cover the dough and leave for half an hour. When the right time has passed, beat the whites with the rest of the sugar, and stirring the dough with a spoon, gently fold in the whites.

    Pre-heat the waffle iron, pour one spoonful onto the plate. Bake for approximately three minutes. Serve wrapped in envelopes with cream, or simply laid out on a plate in the form of a cake and sprinkled with your favorite jam. You can lay out a few scoops of ice cream nearby. And we also look at the recipe for wafer rolls for the Soviet electric waffle iron, simple and easy.

    See also: with photo step by step.

    Tubes with jam


    • Jam for stuffing
    • Sugar - 300 g
    • Margarine fat - 130 g
    • Flour - 120-130 g
    • Cream - 50 g
    • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs
    • Vanillin - a pinch

    Melt margarine in the microwave, combine with cream and pour into beaten eggs with sugar. Add vanillin and parts of flour, continuing to whisk everything with a whisk. The dough is ready. Spread a full tablespoon on a preheated waffle iron and bake for several minutes. Warm, quickly wrap in envelopes, and then fill with jam. See more waffle recipes for the Soviet waffle iron.

    Tubes, vegetable oil recipe

    Many use products such as a snack for the festive table, which can be filled with pate, cheese or salted soft cottage cheese. It is also very tasty, and guests will like it.


    • One egg
    • One glass of flour and water
    • A little vegetable oil
    • A pinch of soda and salt

    Break the egg and separate the protein from the yolk, which is beaten with soda, then add 120 ml of water. Pour flour, stir with a whisk and pour in the rest of the water. Heat the appliance, use a brush to brush the surface with refined oil and bake. Hot twist into horns and then you can stuff with any filling you like.

    We told you how to cook waffles for a Soviet waffle iron, we have given recipes, choose, delight your household and guests with goodies. Bon appetit!

    Cook more for the household - it's so easy!


    • I love whey-based pancakes - and make and eat! The recipe for thin, already ...

    • Have you ever made chakhokhbili? If not, prepare the obligatory ...

    • "Oatmeal, sir!" Judging by the expression on the main character's face...

    • Cook potatoes with chicken baked with sour cream in the oven very...
