
Three cups of tea download in txt. Greg Mortenson - Three cups of tea

Sep 26, 2017

Three cups of tea Greg Mortenson, David Relin

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Title: Three cups of tea
Author: Greg Mortenson, David Relin
Year: 2006
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Foreign psychology, Foreign journalism, Personal growth, Modern foreign literature

Description of the book "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson, David Relin

Greg Mortenson is an American humanist, writer, and philanthropist who is the co-author of a popular autobiographical bestseller. Mortenson is a truly great man who decided to change the world for the better. Through his efforts, more than 170 schools were built in the poorest areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan, which gave tens of thousands of children such previously inaccessible education. Mortenson was awarded the Star of Pakistan for his great personal contribution to the field of children's education.

The book is an incredibly heartfelt story about a brave and noble man who sees the meaning of his life in changing and improving the world around him. Greg Mortenson, co-author of the book and its main character, leads a very unpretentious lifestyle: he is fond of mountaineering, works as a nurse and is extremely unpretentious in everyday life. Once, having decided to conquer a mountain peak, he almost lost his life if the locals had not come to the rescue. A few days that Greg had a chance to spend in a Pakistani village far from the benefits of modern civilization impressed him so much that he decides to return there and organize a school for local children.

Much of the book is devoted to descriptions of various terrorist groups and reflections on how elementary school education could prevent the entry of children from Pakistani villages into these organizations. The problem of crime prevention is relevant today more than ever.

In his work, Mortenson skillfully combines the dynamic development of the plot with amazing descriptions of everyday realities. Indeed, in our time it is difficult to even imagine that in some corner of our planet, secondary education is still considered a hard-to-reach luxury. And, in truth, you don’t even think about such things until they burst into your life in all their terrifying reality. "Three Cups of Tea" is a kind of story about a real person who wants to do good and firmly believes in the power of education.

The book "Three Cups of Tea" is primarily a story about charity, based on real, very impressive events. And, most importantly, this is a message to each of us. A message that emphasizes the importance of achieving one's own inner harmony, as well as harmony with society and with the entire multifaceted surrounding world. Greg Mortenson, by example, encourages us to use every opportunity to do something good selflessly and wholeheartedly.

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Free Download Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson, David Relin


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The book Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin evoked a great response from readers and critics. Some admire her, others resent her. The book tells the story of Mortenson, but, as in any work of fiction, the author contributed a fair amount of fiction. However, not everyone liked the fruits of the author's imagination. Nevertheless, if we consider the plot in isolation from the real facts, the book will make you think about many things, and perhaps even push for change.

Greg was an ordinary guy, his financial situation left much to be desired. He worked as a nurse and slept in cheap motels or in his car. To honor the memory of his sister, he decided to conquer the summit of Mount K-2. Despite the fact that many have already failed and were injured, he sets off on his journey. This attempt almost cost him his life, but the guy was lucky. The highlanders of the Pakistani village helped him. Greg spent several days in the village of Korfe, where he saw the difficult conditions in which people live. He promised that he would do his best to return and build the first school in the village. The knowledge gained will help people avoid many diseases and conflicts.

The problem was that Greg himself didn't have a penny. He was looking for people who could help him realize his dream. And such people were found. With their help, the necessary funds and materials were delivered, and the school building was built.

The book contains not only descriptions of the experiences and searches of the protagonist, but it also contains illustrations. But the most important thing is that while reading, you often think about what you can change in life. Let this not be a global act, but you can help at least one person. The topic of education is important, because people who are illiterate are more likely to resolve conflicts using force. Without important knowledge and skills, people cannot provide themselves with decent living conditions and good health. Education and help can solve many problems, and good deeds ennoble the soul.

On our site you can download the book "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Book author:

26 Pages

7-8 hours of reading

106 thousand Total words

Co-authors: David Relin
Book language:
Publisher: EXMO
City: Moscow
The year of publishing:
ISBN: 978-5-699-43672-9
Size: 312 Kb
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Book Description

"Three Cups of Tea" is an amazing story about how the most ordinary person, possessing nothing but determination, is able to change the world alone.

Greg Mortenson worked as a nurse, slept in the car, and kept his few possessions in a storage room. In memory of his dead sister, he decided to conquer the most difficult mountain K2. This attempt almost cost him his life, if not for the help of local residents. A few days spent in a Pakistani village cut off from civilization shocked Greg so much that he decided to raise the necessary amount and return to Pakistan to build a school for village children.

Today, Mortenson runs one of the most successful charities in the world, having built 145 schools and dozens of women's and health centers in the poorest villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

“When you first drink tea with the Balti Highlanders, you are an outsider.

The second time - an honored guest.

The third cup of tea means that you are part of the family, and for the sake of the family, they are ready for anything. Even die."

The book was published in 48 countries and became a bestseller in each of them. Greg Mortenson himself was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 and 2010.

Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin with the novel Three Cups of Tea for download in fb2 format.

"Three Cups of Tea" is an amazing story about how the most ordinary person, possessing nothing but determination, is able to change the world alone.
Greg Mortenson worked as a nurse, slept in the car, and kept his few possessions in a storage room. In memory of his dead sister, he decided to conquer the most difficult mountain K2. This attempt almost cost him his life, if not for the help of local residents. A few days spent in a Pakistani village cut off from civilization shocked Greg so much that he decided to raise the necessary amount and return to Pakistan to build a school for village children.
Today, Mortenson runs one of the most successful charities in the world, having built 145 schools and dozens of women's and health centers in the poorest villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The book was published in 48 countries and became a bestseller in each of them. Greg Mortenson himself was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

If you liked the summary of the book Three Cups of Tea, then you can download it in fb2 format by clicking on the links below.

To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. The Three Cups of Tea edition is dated 2012, belongs to the Psychology genre in the Editors' Choice series and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot - save it to your wall in a social network, let your friends see it too!

Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin

Three cups of tea


Mr. Mortenson's Orbit

The little red light on the control panel had been flashing for five minutes before the pilot Bangu paid attention to it. One of Pakistan's most experienced helicopter pilots, Brigadier General, he tapped on the instrument and grumbled, “The fuel gauges on these old machines are terribly unreliable. - And looked at me. - And what do you want? Helicopter "Alouett", still Vietnamese times! It seemed like he just wanted to calm me down.

I moved closer to him and began to look through the cloudy windshield of the helicopter. A river meandered six hundred meters below us. She made her way among the rocky cliffs crowding on both sides of the Hunza valley. Glaciers sparkled on the slopes of the mountains, melting under the rays of the tropical sun. Bangu calmly flicked the ashes from his cigarette right onto the "No Smoking" sign.

Greg Mortenson sat silently in the back. Suddenly he tapped on the pilot's shoulder. "General! Sir! shouted Greg. “I think we’re flying in the wrong direction!”

Until his retirement, Brigadier General Bangu was the personal pilot of President Musharraf. After leaving the army, he began working in civil aviation. He was well over sixty, and his hair and well-groomed mustaches of the old helicopter pilot were thickly twitched with gray. The general was distinguished by a superbly delivered pronunciation - the result of studying in the British colonial school, which both Musharraf and many future leaders of Pakistan graduated from.

Bangu stubbed out his cigarette and cursed. Leaning down, he compared the data from the GPS navigator on his lap with the military map held out by Mortenson.

“I've been flying in North Pakistan for forty years now,” he said sourly, shaking his head. “How do you know this area better than me?” And suddenly laid a sharp turn. The helicopter took off in the opposite direction.

The red light that had been bothering me so much blinked faster. The arrow on the gauge showed that we had less than a hundred liters of fuel. This part of Northern Pakistan is so remote and inhospitable that if we cannot get there, we will be in a very unenviable position. The rocky canyon through which we flew was absolutely not suitable for helicopter landing.


Bangu raised the helicopter higher, gave the autopilot the coordinates of the landing site - in case we ran out of fuel - and increased speed. When the arrow reached the limit value and the device beeped alarmingly, Bangu was already landing the helicopter in the center of the large letter H, lined with white stones. A barrel of kerosene was waiting for us there.

“Good job,” said Bungu, lighting another cigarette. “But if not for Mr. Mortenson, it could have been much worse.”

We refueled from a rusty barrel with a hand pump and flew to the Braldu valley, to the village of Korfe - the last settlement before the Baltoro glacier, which rises on K2. Then begins the mountain range of eight-thousanders. It is with him that the story of the appearance of Greg Mortenson in Pakistan is connected. It was at the foot of these mountains that an ordinary American, a native of Montana, began his amazing work.


In 1993, after an unsuccessful attempt to climb K2, Mortenson returned to Corfu completely exhausted. In the evening he went to bed near the hearth, which was heated with dung. Then he was an ordinary climber-loser. And in the morning, when the hospitable hosts gave him tea with butter, he became a man who realized his humanitarian mission and dedicated the rest of his life to it. Since then, in a poor village, among adobe huts, the life of Mortenson himself and the children from Northern Pakistan began to change.

In Korfe, Mortenson, Bangu, and I were greeted with open arms, presented with the head of a freshly killed mountain goat, and began to drink tea. We listened to the children of Corfe - one of the poorest areas in the world - talk about their hopes and plans for the future. Since a big American appeared in their village ten years ago and built the first school, the lives of these children have changed markedly. The general and I were touched.

IN CORFA, WE WITH MORTENSON AND BANGU WAS greeted with open arms, presented with the head of a freshly killed mountain goat, and began to drink tea.

“You know,” Bangu told me as we toured the school with 120 students, “I saw a lot of great people flying with President Musharraf. But I think Greg Mortenson is the most extraordinary person I've ever met."

Everyone who was lucky enough to watch Greg Mortenson work in Pakistan was amazed at how deeply he knew the life of one of the most remote regions of the world. And many, even against their will, were drawn into the orbit of attraction of this person. Over the past ten years, after a series of setbacks and accidents that took him from climber to humanitarian, Mortenson has created one of the most skilled and successful charities in the world. The illiterate porters who worked in Pakistan's Karakorum abandoned their burdens to work alongside him and give their children the education they themselves had to do without. The taxi driver who drove Mortenson to the Islamabad airport sold the car and became an active member of his organization. Former Taliban militants have forgotten about the violence and oppression of women since meeting with Mortenson; together with him they began to work on the construction of schools for girls. Mortenson managed to gain respect and win support in all sectors of Pakistani society, and even in the militant sects of Islam.

Objective journalists also could not help falling into the orbit of attraction of this person. I accompanied Mortenson three times to Northern Pakistan. On old helicopters, which belong in the museum, we flew to the most remote valleys of the Karakorum and the Hindu Kush. And the more time I spent watching him work, the more I became convinced that I was participating in outstanding events.

I was told of how Mortenson built schools for girls in the remote mountainous regions of Pakistan. It all sounded so fantastic that I wanted to check it out before returning home. This story was told to me by mountain goat hunters in the Karakorum mountain valleys, in the nomadic settlements on the border with Afghanistan, at the negotiating tables with the Pakistani military elite, over endless cups of tea in teahouses so smoky I could hardly take notes. The story, however, turned out to be even more fantastic than I had imagined.


For twenty years I have used my journalistic profession to study the lives of different people. Over the years, I have repeatedly encountered facts of distrust of journalists. But in Korfe and other Pakistani villages, I was welcomed as a close relative - because Greg Mortenson managed to win the trust of these people. I realized that the last ten years of his life were rich in extraordinary events.

It must be said that I failed to remain a mere observer. Any of the journalists who visited any of the fifty-three schools created by Mortenson became his supporter once and for all. All you have to do is spend the night talking to village elders, discussing new projects, stepping into a classroom where enthusiastic eight-year-old girls are learning how to use pencil sharpeners, or giving impromptu English classes to deferentially listening students, and you can no longer be an ordinary reporter.

As the journalist Thomas Fowler, the protagonist of Graham Greene's novel The Quiet American, realized, sometimes you have to take sides in order to be human. I sided with Greg Mortenson. Not because he has no flaws. During the two years that we worked on this book, Mortenson was so often late for our meetings that I was already thinking of withdrawing from cooperation. Many people, especially in America, stopped working with Mortenson, finding him "unreliable" or worse. But over time, I realized the validity of the words of his wife, Tara Bishop: "Greg is not like everyone else." He has a strange sense of time, which makes it almost impossible to reconstruct the exact sequence of events described in this book. In the language of the Balti people, with which he works, there is no category of time. These people are as nonchalant about the passage of days, months, and years as the man they call Dr. Greg. Mortenson lives in Mortenson's Time, which was formed during his childhood in Africa and work in Pakistan. To all this, he invites people without experience to work, relying only on his own instinct, does strange and unusual things - and moves mountains from their place.
