
Cakes are light and not very sweet. A simple cake in five minutes is possible! A selection of the easiest cake recipes in a hurry: quick and tasty

Sometimes even an experienced hostess has an idea to cook something as simple as possible, but at the same time beautiful and tasty. For example, a cake. A simple recipe should consist of available components, and the whole process should take a minimum of time and effort. Do you think that such dishes will fit only for a snack? But no! There are many simple ones that will look very worthy even on the festive table.

In this article, we will look at the most beautiful, delicious and not difficult to cook.

Rational proposals

How to save time and effort? There are many ways, the most common of which involves the use of semi-finished products. For example, you can not bake cakes, but use ready-made ones, and you just need to dilute the cream from the pack with water and boil. But often the effect of such products is disappointing. It is better to go the other way - make your own cake. A simple recipe, of course, may contain ready-made ingredients, but not consist entirely of them.

"Nimble Napoleon"

To prepare such a cake, you will need any. The well-known "Ears" are perfect for everyone. You can use any form in which the cake will be formed. Line it with cling film or foil.

We will need 700 g of cookies. Set one quarter aside, break into pieces, roll with a rolling pin. The resulting crumb is needed for decoration. A good cream will complement this cake recipe.

It is easy to cook according to the following recipe. Beat with a mixer 300 ml of boiled condensed milk, gradually add a pack of butter to it. Before use, the oil must be laid out on the table so that it softens at room temperature. The cream will be smooth and uniform. In a bowl, mix "Ears" and cream, carefully fill out the form. Place the cake in the refrigerator for an hour, then take it out, turn it over and cover the top and sides with crumbs. Such a cake is in no way inferior to other varieties of Napoleon, with which you would have to tinker a lot more.

"Gingerbread Castle"

Surely this recipe for a simple homemade cake is familiar to many from childhood. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of small gingerbread cookies. If you come across large ones, cut them into pieces lengthwise. Banana cream is perfect for this dessert. Beat a glass of fat sour cream with a mixer, add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Mash two bananas with a fork and mix with cream. Prepare a big meal. Dip each gingerbread in the cream and stack them in a slide, closer to each other in the form of a castle. After a couple of hours, the cake can be served at the table.


This cake is sometimes found under the name "Dembelsky", because in the army for many it is the only dessert option. To prepare it, take 800 g of the simplest cookies with baked milk, a jar of condensed milk and a pack of butter. Break the cookies into pieces, mix with butter and condensed milk, place on a plate in a pile and let stand in the refrigerator for half an hour. Such a dessert turns out to be surprisingly tasty, and it looks aesthetically pleasing. No wonder they say that beauty is in simplicity.

This recipe for a simple cake at home can be improved so that it will look decent even at a holiday. Pour generously with melted chocolate and it will sparkle in a completely different way. And for decoration, you can use cocktail cherries, roasted nuts, candied fruits.

Cottage cheese banana cake

Many have had a chance to try such simple cakes even in childhood. Recipes with photos of cottage cheese desserts often evoke nostalgic feelings. In the Soviet Union, this dessert was very popular among young mothers and caring grandmothers.

To prepare it, beat 0.5 kg of cottage cheese with a blender, adding sugar and cream to it to taste. Curd mass should be thick enough. Prepare 300 grams of any sweet shortbread in a square or rectangular shape. Heat a glass of milk by adding vanilla sugar to it. Dipping the cookies in milk, lay them on the foil, forming a path about 10x30 cm in size. Lay the cottage cheese tightly on top, giving it the shape of a house. On both sides, make walls of cookies soaked in milk. In cross section, such a cake usually has a triangular shape. Prepare this simple dessert, and your work will be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults.


Under this name lies not quite an ordinary cake. True, sometimes it is called differently - “Broken glass”, but this name does not seem appetizing to everyone. It is prepared from multi-colored jelly.

Put 3-4 packs in different containers to harden in advance. When it is completely dry, cut into cubes. Beat 500 ml sour cream with 1.5 tbsp. sugar, add steamed gelatin, stir, add colored jelly cubes. 300 grams of biscuit cookies, cut into pieces. put in a mold and leave to harden overnight. When you turn the mold over, the biscuit will be on the bottom.

Similar and uncomplicated jelly cakes are especially good in summer, when you don’t want to bother with the oven.

Crazy Crazy Cake

Such pastries will please even those who, for some reason, do not eat animal products. In some cookbooks, this cake, whose simple recipe came to us from the USA, is hidden under the name "Vegan Cake". It contains only herbal products.

Mix 1.5 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 tsp. soda. Add to the mixture 5 tbsp. l. cocoa. Separately connect 1 tbsp. water, 0.5 tbsp. refined oil and 1.5 tbsp. l. vinegar. Combine both parts, stir and pour into a dry mold. You need to bake the cakes in a preheated oven, checking the readiness with a skewer. The cake is very fluffy, beautiful and fragrant. You can decorate it with any favorite cream.

Lazy cake "Kyiv"

If you're looking for an easy birthday cake recipe, this one might be a lifesaver. And this recipe can be useful for those who do not have an oven.

Kill with a blender 250 g of shortbread cookies (for example, "Jubilee"). Add 100 g softened butter and 100 g condensed milk. Melt a 100g bar of milk chocolate in the microwave or over a water bath and add to the cookie dough as well. Divide the resulting mass into 2 parts. Cover the bottom of a detachable form with cling film, carefully distribute half the mass. Cover with foil and mold the second cake. Refrigerate the mold for 15 minutes.

At this time, break 200 grams of Meringue cookies or any other meringue-based cookies with your hands. Toast a handful of walnuts or peanuts in a dry skillet. Whisk condensed milk (1 b.) with butter (150 g), and then carefully add the meringue crumbs and nuts. It's time to assemble the cake. Put half of the cream on the first cake, cover with the second cake and spread the cream again. You can decorate such a cake with nuts or meringue crumbs. To taste, it is very reminiscent of the classic "Kiev", and cooking will take you only half an hour.

Cake in the microwave

Did you know that not only in the oven you can cook a delicious simple cake? The recipe with a photo below will help you make sure that even a regular microwave can be used for this purpose.

First, lightly beat 2 eggs with a fork, and then send exactly half a glass of the following components to them:

  • vegetable oil;
  • milk;
  • cocoa;
  • sugar.

At the very end, add a glass of flour mixed with a pinch of baking powder. You need to bake the cake for 5 minutes on the 900 W mode. You don’t need to get it right away, let it rest for another 10 minutes - then it can be easily removed from the mold. Cut the finished biscuit into 2 cakes, spread with custard, decorate as you wish.

You can quickly prepare custard according to the following recipe. Pound 2 yolks and 80 g of sugar, gradually add 3 tbsp. l. flour and 400 g of milk. Put in the microwave at maximum power for 1 minute. Remove, stir, put back for a minute. On average, you may need 4-5 minutes.

pancake cake

A simple recipe, which we will consider next, recommends frying in a pan. And to make the cake even more beautiful, we will make chocolate pancakes - they are just amazingly combined with snow-white cream. To prepare the dough, mix a glass of flour with four tablespoons of cocoa and half a glass of sugar. Add a pinch of baking powder. Separately, stir 350 ml of warm milk with one egg and a small amount of refined vegetable oil. Make a well in the bowl and pour the liquid into it. Beat thoroughly with a mixer.

Pancakes need to be baked in a heated pan. Make them more fluffy and thicker than regular pancakes, so the cake will be tastier.

As a cream for such a treat, you can use ready-made whipped cream in a balloon. Re-layer pancake cakes, grease the sides and top of the cake. Top the treat with melted dark chocolate and decorate with fruit pieces.

Cakes on condensed milk

And here is another wonderful recipe for making a cake using a frying pan. It is fundamentally different from pancake, because the dough for it is not poured, but dense, which needs to be rolled out.

Knead the dough from 1 b. condensed milk, 1 egg and 500 g flour. Add baking powder or slaked soda, knead thoroughly, roll into a lump. Flour can be added if necessary. Cut the dough into 7-8 parts, thinly roll out with a rolling pin to the size of the pan. Fry the cakes on both sides, let cool and form a cake. Cream cheese is perfect for this cake. It is prepared very easily - you just need to beat 200 g of mascarpone and the same amount of butter with a mixer, and then add powdered sugar to taste.

As you can see, there are many desserts that can be easily prepared at home. They help not only to save time and effort, but also to begin acquaintance with home cooking for young housewives. If you are just starting to learn pastry art, master simple recipes first - this will be a great start for more complex techniques.

Simple recipes for do-it-yourself cakes will not take much time and effort from the hostess. Even without culinary experience, she will be able to dream up a little and add her own zest, while getting a real masterpiece. Homemade jam and cottage cheese cakes, a delicious biscuit, a fragrant chocolate cake, a delicate honey cake and the lightest Napoleon will cause admiration and delight among loved ones.

Making popular cakes according to simple simple recipes will not be much of a hassle.

The easiest cake "Express"

If unexpected guests have arrived and you need to quickly prepare sweets for tea, a simple recipe for an express jam cake will come in handy. Baking is prepared in half an hour, and the result is unusually delicious.

In any house there will always be jars with last year's jam preparation, which is a pity to throw away, you need to take note of the proposed jam cake recipe. Households, having tried such a cake, will ask you to cook it more than once.

Cooking steps:

  1. Beat the raw egg with a whisk, and then add the jam. You need to add water only with a very thick jam;
  2. Pour flour, slaked soda, foam will immediately begin to rise. Mix the mass well. You need to watch that it is not very liquid - it does not pour out from a spoon;
  3. Put the dough into the oiled form. Bake in the oven for about 25 minutes. at 185-190°C. Cut the cooled pastries lengthwise;
  4. Whip cream (chilled) with powder until creamy;
  5. Brush the inside and the top of the cake. Ready!

Easy Napoleon Recipe

Napoleon cake is the most beloved and popular dessert in every family. He likes both kids and adults. Due to rumors about the difficulties of cooking Napoleon, some housewives did not even try to cook a delicious cake. A simple homemade recipe will surprise loved ones and delight guests.

  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 5 gr. salt;
  • 0.5 kg butter;
  • 4 gr. hydrated baking soda;
  • 1 jar of condensed milk.

Cooking steps:

  1. Oil 250 gr. should not be melted, it is better to chop it with a knife. Add chopped butter to the sifted flour. Then pour cold water in a stream, add salt;
  2. Knead the dough, add slaked soda. Continue kneading the dough until elastic. Then remove it for 50-60 minutes. in the refrigerator, wrapped in a plastic bag;
  3. In a container, mix condensed milk with 250 grams of melted butter. Stir until soft texture;
  4. Preheat oven to 195-200°C. Remove the dough from the cold, divide into 7 equal parts. Roll out alternately on a kitchen surface crushed with flour;
  5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake each cake no more than 4-5 minutes;
  6. After baking, wait until all the cakes have cooled down. Then settle them one by one, smearing with cream. Dessert can be decorated with grated cookies or nuts.

Honey cake home

Since the 12th century, French culinary experts have called honey the “king of spices” for traditional desserts. The recipe for a honey cake soaked in delicate sour cream will remind you of the taste of childhood, and evening tea with a piece of fragrant cake will cheer up loved ones.
Medovik - childhood memories, you always imagine your mother's hands that roll out delicate cakes for baking.

Products for the test:

  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 gr. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 200 gr sugar;
  • 8 gr. baking soda.
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • 500 gr. thick sour cream.


    • Drive fresh eggs into a container, add sugar, melted butter slaked in vinegar, soda, honey. Place in a water bath, stir, bring to 100°C;

    • Remove from heat, combine with three glasses of sifted flour. Knead soft dough, periodically add flour;

    • Divide the elastic dough into 8 identical parts, form balls from them, and then roll them out thinly;

    • Dust a baking sheet with flour, put the cake on it and bake for about 3-4 minutes. in a preheated oven (200°C);

    • After all the honey cakes are baked, take a round plate, put on top of each cake and cut in a circle. Do not throw away the remaining pieces;

    • For cream, beat sugar with thick sour cream with a mixer;

  • Smear the cakes with the prepared cream, put one on one. Grind the rest of the cakes, sprinkle the sides and top of the honey cake. Refrigerate the cake for a couple of hours.

Easy Biscuit Recipe

After work, there is no energy to cook complex dishes for the sweet tooth. If there is sugar, flour, kefir and 3 eggs at home, you can quickly bake a homemade kefir biscuit. In this recipe, sour cream is used for cream, you can replace it with condensed milk or fudge.

An airy biscuit with fruit will appeal to the kids. Such a cake can be prepared for evening tea drinking, and for a children's holiday.

  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 3 fresh eggs;
  • 4 gr. soda;
  • Vanillin;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • Vanillin;
  • Fruits;
  • 0.5 kg of sour cream.


  1. Take three raw eggs, separate the protein and yolk. Then beat the whites until a strong foam appears, adding sugar in the process. Beat again until all sugar grains are dissolved. Now gradually add the yolks, beat again. Pour kefir into the mass;
  2. Combine the sifted flour with vanilla and soda with the beaten egg-kefir mass, stir gently. The consistency of the dough is obtained, like homemade sour cream;
  3. Put the mass into the oiled form. Bake the cake in the oven at 180-190°C. After 45 minutes, pierce the baking with a torch, if it is dry, you can pull it out;
  4. When the biscuit has cooled, it should be cut lengthwise. Beat sour cream, sugar, coat two cakes, put in the middle any chopped fruits that you can find at home (strawberries, bananas, pears, etc.).

The lightest chocolate cake

A wonderful chocolate cake is not difficult to bake. A low-calorie dessert can be allowed even for those who are on a diet.

  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 100 gr. sunflower oil;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 4 gr. salt;
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder;
  • 5 gr. vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of cocoa;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 5 gr. vanillin.
  • 3 art. l. cocoa;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk.

Cooking steps:

  1. Beat fresh eggs, combine with sifted flour, add sugar, salt, baking powder and vanillin. Then mix all the ingredients;
  2. In a cup, stir the vegetable oil with vinegar, add to the total mass. Next, pour a glass of water, bring to a homogeneous consistency;
  3. Lubricate the form with oil, pour the mass, determine in a heated oven (180-185 ° C). Bake the cake for 35-40 minutes. At the end of baking, pierce the cake with a torch, if it is dry, the cake is ready;
  4. To prepare the glaze, you need to pour milk into a small saucepan and add sugar, cocoa. Set over low heat, stir all the time until sugar dissolves. Put the butter, cook the glaze until the mass is homogeneous;
  5. Spread glaze on cooled cake, place for 15 minutes. into the cold. Here's a simple but delicious chocolate cake.

A chocolate dessert for those with a sweet tooth will certainly please relatives and guests: fragrant chocolate icing soaks the cake and makes it even softer. A decent look of the cake will allow you to use it for celebrating various celebrations.

Cottage cheese cake (without baking)

Delicate cottage cheese dessert that does not require baking, cooking will take 10 minutes. You can add various fruits or peanuts to this cake. The above recipe is a cake for two. If you increase the number of cookies, you get a big cake. A simple recipe is available even to a child.

  • 16 pcs. cookies;
  • 1 chocolate bar;
  • 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 1 glass of sour cream.


  1. Put cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar in a bowl. Beat the mass with a blender until thick, so that there are no curd lumps. Put four cookies on a dish, so that they touch one another;
  2. Lubricate the cookies with curd cream. Then again put 4 cookies, distribute the cream over them. Repeat layers until you run out of cookies. Be sure to smear the sides of the cake with cream;
  3. Sprinkle the top of the cake with grated chocolate bar. Leave to soak for 2 hours.

If you need to quickly prepare a dessert, cookies can be slightly soaked in milk, then the cake does not require soaking.

See how easy it is to make sour cream:

  • It is better to cut airy pastries with a hot knife, then there will be no crumbs;
  • If the baking on the baking sheet is stuck, you should draw a strong thread under it;
  • Be sure to observe the proportion of sugar for the dough, its lack will not give the pastries a ruddy hue, and the excess will leave the dough damp;
  • It is impossible to add other products to whipped proteins, on the contrary, it is necessary to carefully add foam to the ingredients;
  • If you oversalt the dough, it will become liquid.

No celebration is complete without a cake. But the holidays are not so often, and the soul requires sweets. Standing at the stove all day is not a very tempting prospect, and buying a sweet dessert in a store is not interesting. The proposed recipes for simple homemade cakes will come to the rescue.

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All cakes are prepared very easily and quickly!

Should be in the piggy bank of every housewife 😉

1. The most delicious and fastest cake
2. Simple and delicious kefir cake
3. Curd cake in a pan
4. Cake "Minute" in the microwave
5. Cake "Minute" in a pan
6. Tiramisu in 5 minutes

1. The recipe for the most delicious and fastest cake!!!


Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Milk - 1 tbsp.
Jam - 1 tbsp. (blackberry, blackcurrant, plum or blueberry)
Soda - 2 tsp
Flour - 2 tbsp.

Cake cream:

Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
Powdered sugar - 1/2 tbsp.


1. For the cake, take 2 eggs, beat, adding 1 cup of sugar.
2. Add one glass of milk, one glass of jam, two glasses of flour, 2 teaspoons of soda.
3. Bake 2 cakes at a temperature of 180 gr. and cut them into layers.
4. Beat two cups of thick sour cream and 0.5 cups of powdered sugar.
5. Coat the cakes with sour cream and put the cake to soak in the refrigerator.

2. Recipe for a simple and delicious kefir cake!!!

Very simple and delicious cake. Cooking takes very little time and even novice housewives can do it. If you have half a liter of kefir left, and you don’t know what to do with it, bake a kefir cake!

Dough Ingredients:

Eggs - 3 pcs.
Kefir - 1 glass
Sugar - 1 cup
Soda (repay) - 0.5 tsp.
Flour - 2 cups

Sour cream - 500 g
Sugar - 100 g


1. Beat everything well (the dough should turn out like thick sour cream).
2. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, add 1 tsp to one of them. cocoa.
3. Bake 2 cakes, cool and cut with a sharp knife into 2 parts.
4. Lubricate the cakes with cream. Optionally, you can add nuts or candied fruits.
5. Sprinkle cocoa on top.
6. Let it brew for about 3 hours.

3. Recipe for cottage cheese cake in a pan !!!


Eggs - 1 pc.
Curd - 200 g
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Flour - 250–300 g
Slaked soda - 1 tsp

Milk - 500 ml
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Butter - 150–200 g


1. Grind the egg with sugar and flour, add vanillin, pour in milk. Stir with a whisk, put on a slow fire, cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool down completely.
2. Beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding the cooled custard mass.
3. Mix the egg with sugar, add cottage cheese, vanillin, soda and gradually add flour. The dough should not turn out quite steep, but dense.
4. Divide into 6-8 parts. Roll out thinly, prick with a fork so that they do not swell. Bake until browned in a pan on both sides. Trim uneven edges. Cool down.
5. Lubricate the cakes with cream, sprinkle with nuts and chocolate.

4. Recipe for a Minute cake in the microwave


Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Milk - 5 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
Wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
Baking powder - 1 tsp


1. First, beat the egg with sugar.
2. Then add cocoa to our mixture and mix gently.
3. Now add flour, starch and baking powder to our chocolate mixture and mix everything thoroughly.
4. Next, add vegetable oil and milk to the resulting rather thick dough. Mix well.
5. Pour our dough into a greased form and send it to the microwave at maximum power. If the power is 1000, then for 3 minutes, if 800 - then for 3.5 minutes.
6. After 3 minutes, we get such a wonderful biscuit.
7. Now we turn our biscuit into a wonderful cake. To do this, we cut the biscuit into 2 parts, beat sour cream with sugar, which we soak our cake with, layer with strawberries and invite everyone to tea.

5. Recipe for "Minute" cake in a pan

Cake Ingredients:

Flour - 3 tbsp.
Condensed milk - 1 bank
Chicken egg - 1 pc.
Soda (quench with vinegar) - 1 tsp.

For cream:

Milk - 750 g
Butter - 200 g
Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Vanillin - 1 sachet


1. We make dough for the cake by mixing all the ingredients (flour, condensed milk, egg, soda). We divide the dough into 8 pieces.
2. Roll out one piece with a diameter larger than the pan and put it on a preheated pan.
3. After a minute, turn over (cakes are fried very quickly).
4. Cut off the removed cake (the scraps will then be used to sprinkle the cake).
5. Prepare the cream: mix all the ingredients, except for the oil, and put on fire until it thickens, while stirring vigorously. At the end, add butter to the hot cream.
6. Lubricate the cakes with warm cream, sprinkle the top and sides with crushed crumbs.
7. Leave the cake for a few hours to soak.

6. Tiramisu recipe that can be prepared in 5 minutes


Cream cheese - 110 g
Condensed milk - 5 tbsp. l.
Heavy cream - 4 tbsp. l.
Vanilla - 3 drops
Coffee - 1 cup
Cookies “Lady fingers”
grated chocolate


1. Whisk cheese, cream, milk and vanilla in a bowl.
2. Dip the cookies in the coffee for a few seconds so they don't get wet.
3. Put the cookies in a continuous layer in a dish.
4. Apply half of the whipped mixture.
5. Lay out the second layer of cookies and cover with the remaining mixture.
6. Grate the chocolate.
7. Refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.

(121 ratings, on average: 4,10 out of 5)

We have collected for you the recipes of the most delicious and easy-to-prepare cakes so that you can treat yourself and those around you with sweets as often as possible! This is only the first part of a collection of recipes for simple cakes, expect part 2 - continuation. To be continued…

Cake "Mother-in-law"

Products for cooking: three hundred grams of flour, two hundred grams of butter, fifty gr. milk, a pinch of salt, 50 gr. sugar, 2 yolks.
For the filling: two tablespoons of breadcrumbs, ten proteins, two hundred gr. walnuts, eight egg yolks, 1/4 kg of sugar, vanillin.

From the products you need to knead the dough. Divide it into several parts and refrigerate for 60 minutes. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour, place half of the dough, grease with the filling, cover with the rest of the dough, brush the surface with an egg and pierce with a fork. Bake the cake in the oven.
Filling preparation method. Beat the yolks and sugar until foamy, gradually add ground nuts, egg whites, vanillin, breadcrumbs.

Cake "Bunch"

Prepare the dough for choux cakes, for this, take 1/4 liter of water and boil it with one hundred grams of margarine, one teaspoon of sugar. Remove from heat, quickly add a glass of flour, stir until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The dough should come off the bottom of the pan. Beat four eggs in turn.

Put the dough on a baking sheet. Bake small cakes. Slice each and place a walnut inside. Then stack the cakes in a pile. And pour a jar of condensed milk on top, which you mix with yogurt. Make chocolate icing, for this mix cocoa, sugar, butter. Pour the icing on top of the cake so that it is soaked, put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Cake "Beautiful Mary"

Products for making dough: four yolks, four cups of flour, four hundred gr. margarine, fifty gr. vodka, five teaspoons of soda.
For cream, use one can of condensed milk.

For the cream, take two glasses of milk, one glass of sugar, mix one egg thoroughly, cook over low heat until the sugar melts. In three hundred gr. butter, add two tablespoons of the mass and beat well

Knead the dough, divide into four parts and put in a cold place. Whisk four egg whites until stiff with 1 and 1/3 cups of sugar, add the same amount of nuts. Roll out a thin layer of dough, place on a baking sheet, grease with a mass of proteins and nuts on top. Bake until light golden brown. Thus, you need to bake four cakes. Lubricate the finished shortbreads with the first and second cream. Decorate the top with walnuts.

sand cake

This is a unique and very tasty cake. When baked, apricots get a sour taste. But along with the sour filling and sweet cream, there is no cloying. If you do not like this taste, then you can replace fresh apricots with canned ones.

Ingredients for making dough: one hundred gr. butter, finely chop and mix with 100 grams of sugar and one egg.

Sift 1/4 kg of flour, add half a spoonful of baking powder and knead the dough. Put the dough into a mold, which is greased with butter. It is more convenient to bake a cake in a form with removable sides. Distribute the dough in shape, make a side. Pierce with a fork in several places so that it does not swell during baking. Place in the oven, which is preheated to 180 degrees, and bake for twenty minutes.

While the dough is baking, prepare the cream.
Products for cooking: Mix 75 gr. flour, one bag of vanillin, fifty gr. butter, one hundred gr. sugar, three yolks.

Pour 375 milliliters of milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil and leave over low heat. Directly into the milk, stirring, add the cream. Stir for a few minutes until the cream becomes thick. Put the warm cream on the cake. For the filling 750 gr. cut the apricots and remove the pits. Press the apricots into the cream.

Bake the cake for forty minutes in the oven, which is preheated to 180 degrees. Remove the finished product from the mold, cool and sprinkle with powder.

Ingredients for making dough: two cups of flour, six eggs, two cups of sugar
Products for the preparation of the cream: a can of condensed milk and two hundred grams of butter.

The dough must be made, as for charlotte. Take flour, eggs and granulated sugar, if anyone likes, add vanilla sugar, a few tablespoons of cognac or liquor to taste. Pour everything onto a baking sheet with sides and bake for half an hour until cooked. Remove from oven, let cool slightly. From a square piece on a baking sheet, cut a circle, put the remaining edges in a bowl, and knead with your hands.

Mix these crumbs with a small amount of cream so that it does not turn out thick. Put the circle on a tray, and cut the cake lengthwise and in half. Soak the bottom half with the composition: wine or vodka, plus jam. Top with the creamy crumb filling, then cover with the remaining half. Top with the remaining cream. You can decorate the cake with a cream of a different color.

"Love you"

Products: cake layers, cream of thirty-three percent fat.

Buy any cake for the cake, a very good cake "Ryzhik". Cut the workpiece into three or four layers. Whip the cream until it becomes a thick mass. In the middle of the process, add a few tablespoons of sugar. Take the first cake and moisten with any impregnation (alcoholic), then grease with a thick layer of cream. Do the same with other cakes. Brush the sides of the cake with the rest of the cream. Start decorating with fruit, chocolate chips, or something else.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg of cookies, two bananas, two kiwis, one orange, vanillin, gelatin, one glass of sugar, eight hundred gr. sour cream.

Cooking method. Boil gelatin for forty minutes, at this time beat sour cream with vanilla and sugar. Cut fruit into small pieces: oranges, bananas, kiwi. Take a deep form, the bottom of which is lined with cling film so that its edges come out. Mix gelatin with sour cream.

Let's get cake. Put kiwi fruit on the bottom of the mold, put cookies on the side. Then pour a small amount of sour cream, put fruits, cookies, make everything in layers.

Cover the cake with foil and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Then open the film, bring the plate and turn the cake over onto the plate. Remove the film. Sprinkle the top of the cake with chocolate if desired.

Products for the preparation of one cake: two glasses of flour, a spoonful of soda, cocoa, one glass of milk, one glass of sugar, two eggs.

Cooking method. Mix eggs with sugar, flour, add milk. Put out the soda and add to the dough. Mix well and bake. But you can divide the dough into several parts, one of which will add cocoa. In the form, lay out a tablespoon of strips in the form of a checkerboard pattern. If you bake several cakes, then soak them with sweet impregnation and glue them together with cream or condensed milk. Decorate with something on top, if desired.

How to make a simple chocolate cake will tell you and show the following video. Bon appetit!
