
Classic honey cake recipe with semolina cream. Cream of semolina for cake

The recipe turned out to be unique, because, having studied several methods, I applied the best moments of preparation. The cream chose semolina and was not mistaken.

Composition for 10 cakes
For honey dough:
Honey - 2 tbsp.
Soda - 2 tsp
Softened butter - 100 gr
Sugar - 2 cups
Eggs - 4 pcs
Flour - 5-6 cups

For mango cream:
Milk - 1 liter
Semolina - 4 tbsp. without a slide
Softened butter - 600 gr
Sugar - 2 cups

If you want to cook a not so high cake in 10 cake layers, take 2 times less ingredients and you will get a 5 cake cake.
Cooking honey dough:
Warm honey in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Add soda. Let's interfere. The mass will rise and foam. Add softened butter. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer and add to our mass in a water bath. We heat over low heat and beat with a mixer until the sugar dissolves and the mass does not increase in volume. You don't need to bring it to a boil. Let cool 7 minutes.
Now add flour in portions and knead the dough so that it slightly sticks to your hands. If we add a lot of flour, the cakes will turn out tough.We separate a small part from the dough and roll out a thin layer about 3 mm thick on a floured board or on tracing paper. The dough can be immediately divided into 10 parts.
Put a large plate and cut out a circle with a knife. You can immediately send the layer to the oven without applying a stencil, and after baking, give it a round shape. Using a rolling pin, transfer to a hot baking sheet, sprinkled with flour or greased with vegetable oil.
We bake cakes at a temperature of 210 gr. 5 minutes until reddish. You will immediately see when the excess flour separates from the cakes. We shift the uncooled ready-made cakes to the table and trim the edges with the help of a stencil-plate. Scraps are collected to decorate the cake.
...and so we have 10 fragrant honey donuts. Shake off the flour with a clean towel or sponge.
Bake the trimmings for another 5 minutes on a baking sheet at 180 g until brown. Next, transfer them to a plastic bag and roll them out with a rolling pin. Sprinkle through a sieve on a plate or immediately on the finished cake after greasing with cream.

Semolina cream for honey cake:
As salted milk boils, add semolina. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Sprinkle a little sugar on top so that foam does not form. Let's cool down. At this time, beat the softened butter with sugar. Add 1 tbsp. cooled semolina porridge, without stopping whisking. Do not rush to add porridge, beat the mass thoroughly and the cream will turn out to be lush and snow-white. When whipping, you can add lemon zest or vanilla for flavor. I just fell in love with semolina cream - light, airy, snow-white ... and what a delicious one, you just lick your fingers!
Now the final stage has come. We collect the cake, smearing the cooled cakes, sides and top of the cake with cream, lightly pressing the next cake with the palms to give a stronger shape. Semolina cream perfectly soaks the cakes. You can sprinkle chopped nuts on the cakes. Sprinkle crushed scraps over the top of the Medovik, and lightly grease the sides with your hands. Scraps instantly stick to the cream.
For impregnation, keep in the refrigerator or a cool place for 12 hours.
To make the cake look neater, after you sprinkled the side surface and top, you need to press the crumbs with a cutting board and the cake will look much more beautiful. And you can decorate such cakes with powdered sugar using stencils.
The Medovik cake turned out to be soft and fluffy with a layer of delicate semolina cream, with a honey aroma ... not a cake, but a real fairy tale. A ten-cake cake will look chic at any holiday.

Bon appetit!


Crack the eggs into a deep bowl.

Now you need to grind them with sugar until white with a mixer or a hand whisk.

Pour honey into the lush egg mass, mix with a spatula. If your honey has hardened (thickened), just melt it in a water bath. You can also add thick honey to the bowl, the result will remain unchanged.

Add baking soda, it must be extinguished with vinegar.

Add a small pinch of salt, mix well. The mass will begin to foam slightly, and increase in volume.

Sift wheat flour and add to dough.

The result is a thick (but not tough) dough.

Of this amount, you will need to bake 2-4 cakes. Simply line a small cake tin with parchment paper or foil. Divide the dough into several approximately equal parts. You can bake two cakes, and then cut them into two more, in the end you get four. Pour the dough into the mold and smooth with a damp hand.

These cakes are baked very quickly, about 7-10 minutes. But for accuracy, always check with a wooden skewer when piercing the finished cake.

I baked 2 cakes, after they cooled, I cut them in half again. If you will make 4 cakes, you will not need to cut.

Cooking semolina cream for cake

While the cakes are cooling, you can prepare the cream. Absolutely anyone is suitable here, but be sure to try making a cream of semolina and sour cream.

Pour milk into a ladle and sprinkle semolina.

On low heat, with constant stirring, brew semolina.

Add sugar, you can add a little vanilla sugar for flavor.

So that there are no lumps from the semolina in the cream at all, you can additionally beat it with a mixer. Next, put a piece of butter and mix the mass well. Pour the semi-prepared cream into a clean bowl, refrigerate.

After the cream has cooled, add sour cream to it.

Spread the cream over all the cakes with a spatula. Put the cake for soaking for several hours in the refrigerator.

Decorate the honey cake to your liking, I suggest just sprinkling the cake with chocolate. The taste of the cake is not very sugary, soft and tender.

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I fall asleep at 2 am tired, but satisfied with the thought that I did THIS ... For the first time I mastered this amazing technology and attractive for the stomach

4 hours of effort is not a pity for such a gorgeous result. The recipe turned out to be unique, because, having studied several methods, I applied the best moments of preparation. The cream chose semolina and was not mistaken. The dough was not given immediately, only after 3 attempts, it became obedient. Begin…


For honey dough:

  • Honey - 2 tablespoons
  • Soda - 2 tsp
  • Softened butter - 100 gr
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 4 pcs
  • Flour - 5.6 cups

For mango cream:

  • Milk - 0.5 liters
  • Semolina - 2 tbsp. without a slide
  • Softened butter - 300 gr
  • Sugar - 1 cup

If you want to cook a not so high cake in 10 cake layers, take 2 times less ingredients and you will get a 5 cake cake.

Cooking honey dough. Warm honey in a water bath for about 5 minutes. Add soda. Let's interfere. The mass will rise and foam. Add softened butter. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer and add to our mass in a water bath. We heat over low heat and beat with a mixer until the sugar dissolves and the mass does not increase in volume. You don't need to bring it to a boil. Let cool 7 minutes.

Now add flour in portions and knead the dough so that it slightly sticks to your hands. If we add a lot of flour, the cakes will turn out tough.

We separate a small part from the dough and roll out a thin layer about 3 mm thick on a floured board. The dough can be immediately divided into 10 parts. I sprinkled flour on the rolling pin when it stuck. Put a large plate and cut out a circle with a knife. You can immediately send the layer to the oven without applying a stencil, and after baking, give it a round shape. Using a rolling pin, transfer to a hot baking sheet, sprinkled with flour or greased with vegetable oil.

I baked on two pans at once. We bake our donuts-cakes at a temperature of 210 gr. 5 minutes until reddish. You will immediately see when the excess flour separates from the cakes. We shift the uncooled ready-made cakes to the table and trim the edges with the help of a stencil-plate. We collect scraps to decorate the honey cake.

And away we go ... the first 3 laps did not want to be given. The dough stuck to the board and I added flour. Rolling out thin layers, baking in the oven, cutting off the edges - alternately removing the baking sheets from the oven and again .... so we have 10 fragrant honey cakes. Shake off the flour with a clean towel or sponge.

Bake the trimmings for another 5 minutes on a baking sheet at 180 g until brown. Next, transfer them with a plastic bag and roll them out with a rolling pin. Sprinkle through a sieve on a plate or immediately on the finished cake after greasing with cream.

Various creams are prepared for the Medovik cake - custard, sour cream, semolina, boiled condensed milk cream. I made the mango cream. It perfectly impregnates donuts and keeps the shape of the cake.

Semolina cream for Medovik cake

As salted milk boils, add semolina. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Sprinkle a little sugar on top so that foam does not form. Let's cool down. At this time, beat the softened butter with sugar. Add 1 tbsp. cooled semolina porridge, without stopping whisking. Do not rush to add porridge, beat the mass thoroughly and the cream will turn out to be lush and snow-white. When whipping, you can add lemon zest or vanilla for flavor. I just fell in love with semolina cream - light, airy, snow-white ... but delicious, you just lick your fingers!

Another way to prepare semolina cream: boil 1 liter of milk and add 0.5 cups of semolina, salt and cook for 10 minutes. Hold the condensed milk in advance in the freezer for 6-7 hours. As the semolina cools down, add 300g of softened butter and 1 can of condensed milk, a bag of vanillin and beat the mass with a miser.

Custard for honey cake

Boil and cool 2 cups of milk. Beat 2 cups sugar and 2 eggs and add cooled milk. Boil and hold for 1-2 minutes. Beat 300 g of softened butter and gradually pour in the cooled mass, beating with a mixer.

There is another way to prepare custard: beat 1 cup of sugar with 1 egg. Add 0.5 cups of milk and a bag of vanilla. Cook the mixture over low heat until it boils, stirring constantly. Let's cool down. Separately, beat 200 g of butter until white. Whisking continuously, gradually add the cooled mixture.

Now comes the final chord. We assemble the cake, lubricating the cooled donuts, sides and top of the cake with cream, lightly pressing the next cake layer with the palms to give a stronger shape. Semolina cream perfectly impregnates donuts. You can sprinkle chopped nuts on the cakes. Sprinkle crushed scraps over the top of the Medovik, and lightly grease the sides with your hands. Scraps instantly stick to the cream. For impregnation, keep in the refrigerator or a cool place for 12 hours.

To make the cake look neater, after you sprinkled the side surface and top, you need to press the crumbs with a cutting board and the cake will look much more beautiful. And you can decorate such cakes with powdered sugar using stencils. It's autumn now, maple leaves look good. Draw leaves on thick paper, cut them out. Spread on the surface of the cake, sprinkle with powdered sugar through a sieve, carefully, prying with a knife, remove the leaves and beauty will remain on the cake. Sergey gave me such advice. Thanks for the good idea!

Honey cake it turned out soft and lush with a layer of delicate semolina cream, with a honey aroma ... not a cake, but a real fairy tale. A ten-cake cake will look chic at any holiday.

I decided not to cook a honey cake with semolina cream right away. A friend has long advised - try it. Lush cream of thick semolina porridge with butter and vanilla sugar turns out no worse than traditional sour cream. It's also twice the price. If the idea of ​​saving money on honey cake sounds tempting to you, read on. Do not forget that for cooking semolina cream, you will need the freshest milk of regular or high fat content. Fat free will not work.

We will make the usual dough, based on honey, eggs, flour and slaked soda. Do not forget about the water bath - in the process of mixing the products, they must be heated.


For test:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 550 grams of flour;
  • 1 full glass of sugar;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of slaked soda;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey with a slide;
  • 400 ml sour cream.

For cream:

  • 4 glasses of milk;
  • 6 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
  • 150 grams of butter;
  • half a glass of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of condensed milk (not boiled).


  • crumb from scraps of cakes.


Beat eggs with granulated sugar with a mixer, put a bowl with them in a water bath, add honey (if sugared, melt it in a microwave oven), soft butter, vanilla sugar and sour cream, add slaked soda, mix the base well when heated. Then remove the bowl from the water bath and knead the dough, adding the sifted wheat flour in small portions. Gather the dough into a ball, leave to proof for 15 minutes at room temperature, then divide into equal small parts, roll them into round cakes and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Cool the finished cakes, align the edges with a plate of the right size. Grind the scraps into crumbs for sprinkling.

As soon as the cakes are ready, start cooking the cream. The semolina cream is very gentle and at the same time “keeps its shape” well after hardening. The recipe is simple and uncomplicated. But there is 1 nuance: in order for the cream to turn out to be homogeneous and not to feel porridge, semolina must be poured with cold milk and only then boiled. So do it.

Pour semolina with a small amount of cold milk and stir well to remove all lumps. When everything is mixed, add the remaining milk and over low heat, stirring constantly, cook semolina. Let it cool, stirring occasionally, at room temperature. While the porridge is cooling, beat softened butter with vanilla sugar, powdered sugar and condensed milk. Add porridge to this lush mass, beat well again. Refrigerate for 15 minutes and then you can assemble the cake. Spread the cakes in turn, stacking them on top of each other, sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with crumbs from the scraps of the cakes.

Let the honey cake with semolina cream soak in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

This cake tastes like

  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • soda -1 tsp soda (quench with vinegar);
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 0.5 l jar.

for cream

  • butter - 200 g;
  • sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 2 cups.

Cooking method

  1. Make dough. To do this, take 50 g of soft butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, an egg, slaked soda, 2 tbsp. l. milk. Mix everything in a saucepan.
  2. Put the pan in a water bath, stir so as not to boil.
  3. Mix a half-liter jar of flour with this mass and knead a soft dough. The dough should not stick to your hands.
  4. Divide the dough into 7 parts and refrigerate for half an hour.
  5. Turn on the oven, let it heat up to 180 degrees.
  6. Let's get some cream. Grind 200 g of soft butter with half a glass of sugar.
  7. Cook semolina porridge from 2 tbsp. l. cereals and 2 glasses of milk (cook 5 minutes).
  8. Cool the porridge and mix with a mixer with the oil mass.
  9. Roll out the cake, put on a baking sheet. Place the tray on the middle shelf. Bake until red. Cut out the crust while hot, I use a frying pan lid. So bake all the cakes.
  10. When the cakes have cooled, grease them with cream. Crush the scraps from the cakes with a rocking chair on a cutting board and sprinkle the top layer with crumbs. You can decorate with cranberries.
  11. Put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours to soak.


The cake is soft and fluffy. Very very tasty! You won't regret checking out this recipe.
