
Curly pinscher cake from Alla Kovalchuk. Curly Pinscher Cake

Cooking cakes

  1. Beat eggs with sugar for about 3 minutes.
  2. We extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to the eggs. Sift the flour there and add sour cream
  3. Mix, divide the dough into 3 parts and put one into a greased form.
  4. Add cocoa to the remaining 2 parts of the dough and mix again. We spread the dough into a larger form.
  5. We put the cakes in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, and bake until cooked. We check with a wooden toothpick - if it comes out of the cake dry, then it is ready.
  6. Cut the chocolate cake into 2x2 squares.

Cooking cream

Mix sugar and sour cream.

For a cream, it is better to take thick sour cream so that it does not turn out to be a liquid cream.

Cooking icing

We mix all the ingredients, put on a small fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Glaze can also be made from dark chocolate with milk

Folding Curly Pinscher Cake

We put the white cake on a dish or cake. Soak the chocolate squares in the cream and spread on the cake in a slide. Drizzle the cake with cream and icing. We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours so that it is well soaked.

In the New Year, you want to surprise your loved ones with a famous dessert, but you think that you can learn how to cook an exquisite cake only at an expensive master class at a culinary school? Lisa Glinskaya shared her cooking secrets with us, and now you can cook the famous Opera French cake on your own - simply and effortlessly!


Preheat oven to 200℃.

Beat egg whites, then add sugar and beat again.

Mix dry ingredients. Beat eggs with sugar, add melted butter and flour mixture. To stir thoroughly.

Add beaten egg whites, mix gently.

Divide the dough into 3 parts.

Cover the form with parchment, spread the dough on it.

Bake for 5-6 minutes at 200℃.

Heat the cream in a saucepan (until steam appears) and pour into the chocolate broken into pieces.

Mix thoroughly and chill.

coffee syrup
Mix water with sugar, bring to a boil. Add coffee, chill.

Mix water with sugar, bring to a temperature of 116℃, pour over the yolks beaten with sugar with syrup.

Add instant coffee, beat and add cold butter.

Beat until creamy.

Heat the cream and add to the chopped chocolate.

Add butter and mix thoroughly.

Then, as necessary, dilute with sugar syrup, to a state of shiny glaze.

Cake assembly
Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

Cut out squares from the cakes.

Coat the bottom cake with chocolate and cool (2-3 minutes).

Place on parchment paper, chocolate side down.

Soak the cakes with coffee syrup.

Apply buttercream on top.

Cover with the next cake and cover with ganache.

Lubricate the next cake with buttercream.

Send to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Remove the cake from the refrigerator and cover with icing, then send it back to the refrigerator.

With a hot knife, cut the edges of the cake by 0.5 cm and make the inscription “Opera” with dark chocolate.

Bon appetit!

1. In the bowl in which you will knead the dough, beat in the egg yolks and pour in the sugar. Beat the products with a mixer at high speed until a lemon color and a fluffy air mass are formed.
Place the egg whites in a clean and dry container and add a pinch of salt. Send them to the refrigerator. While you work with other products.

2. After that, sift the flour and cocoa powder through a fine sieve into the egg mass.

3. Put the whisk “hooks” on the mixer and knead the dough until smooth.

4. Beat the whites with a mixer until a white, airy, stable foam forms and add to the dough.

5. Knead the dough until smooth. Its consistency should be like thick sour cream.

6. Cover the form with baking parchment and pour the dough. Send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees, where bake for about 40 minutes. Test readiness with a wooden toothpick - it should be dry. If necessary, bake the cake for another 5 minutes.

7. The finished cake will turn out to be quite high. Cut it crosswise into two cakes. One of them should be a - part of the total height of the product. Put a thin cake on a dish in which you will form a cake, and cut or break a large cake into medium-sized pieces.

8. Beat sour cream with sugar with a mixer until thick. Whipping time will be about 10 minutes. Wash or defrost cherries and remove pits from them.
Lubricate the base with cream and put on top - part of the cherries.

9. Pour sour cream into the broken pieces of the cake and mix well. Then add the cherries and mix again.

10. Put the mixed mass with cream on the cake, forming an oval cake. By this time, melt the chocolate in the steam bath or in the microwave. But make sure that it does not boil, otherwise bitterness will appear and the taste of the product will change.

How to cook

Pinscher is one of the most beloved and famous homemade cakes. Pinscher cake is very tasty, delicate and most importantly beautiful. We offer a Curly Pinscher recipe - quite simple, but it will take a little of your time. Curly Pinscher Cake is a delicious and nutritious cake for a festive table or if you just want a little belly celebration. The recipe is very clear, easy to prepare, does not take much time, the products are available. And the cake itself is very tasty and unusual.
You will need:
For cakes you will need:
Sour cream - 200g
Condensed milk - 0.5 cans
Eggs - 2 pieces
Sugar - 0.5 cups
Soda - 1 teaspoon
Flour - 1.5 cups
Cocoa - 2 tablespoons

For the cream you will need:
Homemade sour cream - 500g
Powdered sugar - 1 cup

To impregnate the cake and add to the cream, you will need:
Prunes - a full handful or to taste
Dried apricots - a full handful or to taste
Walnuts - a full handful or to taste
Cognac - 2 - 3 tablespoons

For the frosting you will need:
Chocolate - 75 g
Butter - 15 g
Cream (any fat content) - 25 ml
How to cook:
1. Pre-soak dried apricots and prunes by adding 2-3 tablespoons of cognac and water so that dried apricots and prunes are completely covered with liquid.
2. Sour cream dough for cake layers is prepared very easily and quickly according to the “mix everything” principle.
Add sour cream, eggs, sugar to condensed milk and mix everything until smooth.
Mix soda with flour and, adding in portions, mix into the sour cream base of the dough.
3. As a result, you should get a thin pouring dough, resembling sour cream or condensed milk in consistency.
4. Lubricate the form in which you will bake the bottom cake for the cake and lay out part of the cooked dough. The thickness of the bottom cake depends on the amount of dough laid out. If you like the bottom cake to be thick enough, then lay out half of the cooked dough. Personally, I prefer the bottom cake to be as thin as possible, so I literally spread 3-4 tablespoons of dough and just spread it on the bottom of the mold.
When preparing cakes and sweet pastries, it is recommended to use high-quality baking utensils, which, by the way, can be ordered on the website http://comoda.com.ua/, where it is presented in a large assortment and in a different price range.
5. In order for the cake to be as even as possible after baking, cover the dough on top with parchment paper cut out in the shape of the bottom. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 C until lightly browned.
6. Add cocoa to the remaining dough, stir. When adding, be sure to sift the cocoa to avoid lumps.
7. Bake a cake about 3 cm thick from the rest of the dough. Bake at 190 C until a wooden stick comes out of the cake dry.
Cut or break the chocolate cake into cubes about 3 cm wide.
8. For cream, beat sour cream with powdered sugar.
9. In order for the finished cake to look more geometric and neat, I laid out its upper part with a bowl. Line a bowl (of the right size!!!) with cling film. Next, you will need to mix the chopped pieces of chocolate cake and sour cream. You can do this in different ways. You can take one piece at a time, dip it in the cream and then put it in a bowl, or you can put all the cut pieces in the cream, stir and put it out. To be honest, I don't like either way. The first method is very long, and the second method is very easy to turn the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcake into porridge. I usually lay out the chopped pieces in batches and try to mix them with the cream VERY gently and carefully.
10. If you do not have enough experience in preparing such a cake, then in order for you to match the amount of cream with the number of cut pieces, divide the entire cream and the entire cut cake into 4 parts and mix each part of the cream with a part of the cut pieces. Sprinkle the lined pieces with chopped dried apricots, prunes and nuts.
11. Easily soak the bottom cake of the cake with cognac liquid remaining after soaking dried apricots and prunes.
Don't soak too hard! This is not a biscuit! And with a strong soak, you run the risk of getting porridge instead of a cake!
12. Cover the chocolate base of the cake laid out in a bowl with the soaked bottom cake and put the cake in the refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes so that the cream sets slightly. Turn bowl over and remove cling film.
13. For the frosting, melt the chocolate, butter and cream in a double boiler or microwave until smooth. Heat the chocolate mixture very carefully! As a result, you should get a homogeneous pouring chocolate mass. Decorate the top of the cake with icing.
14. Put pieces of dried apricots and prunes and nuts on top. Place the cake in the refrigerator for about 1 hour to set the frosting.

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