
Cake Count ruins recipe with fruit. Cake Count ruins: recipes

Cake "Count ruins" is made from pieces of biscuit cakes and this recipe is the best. The cake prepared according to our recipe is soaked, tender, not too sweet and simply incomparably delicious! Cake "Earl ruins" is very easy to prepare. In a detailed recipe, we will show you all the cooking steps and help every housewife, both young and novice, and experienced. Once prepared according to our recipe, we guarantee that you will no longer look for other ways to make the Count Ruins cake!

The nutritional value:

  • Serving Size: 100 g
  • Proteins: 5.4 g
  • Fats: 13.7 g
  • Carbohydrates: 52.3 g
  • Calories: 314.2 kcal


For the dough (1 cake):

  • 1. Flour - 1.5 cups
  • 2. Chicken eggs - 1 piece
  • 3. Sugar - 0.5 cup
  • 4. Sour cream (at least 25% fat) - 0.5 cup
  • 5. Condensed milk - 0.5 cans
  • 6. Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • 7. Soda - 1 tsp
  • 8. Apple Cider Vinegar - 1 tsp (turn off the soda)

For cream:

  • 1. Sour cream (at least 25% fat) - 1000–1200 g
  • 2. Sugar - 450 g

For glaze:

  • 1. Sour cream - 4 tablespoons
  • 2. Cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • 3. Sugar - 6 tablespoons
  • 4. Butter - 30 g

For the filling - any dried fruits and any nuts to taste. We have:

  • 1. Raisin - 150 g
  • 2. Dried apricots - 150 g
  • 3. Walnuts (peeled) - 100 g
  • 4. Prunes - 150 g


  • 1. Making the first cake. In total, we will need 2 of them. One is white, the second is chocolate. Pour the flour into a mixing bowl.
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    We offer you to buy a postcard and your favorite recipe will always be at hand.

  • 2. Add 0.5 cans of condensed milk, ...
  • 3. ... 0.5 cups of sour cream, ...
  • 4. ... break 1 chicken egg.
  • 5. Mix lightly.
  • 6. Extinguish 1 teaspoon of soda with vinegar, ...
  • 7. ... and knead the dough.
  • 8. Lubricate the baking sheet with butter.
  • 9. Pour the dough into a baking sheet, ...
  • 10. ... and evenly distribute. We put in the oven, heated to 150-170 ° C for 40 minutes.
  • 11. To make a chocolate cake, repeat all the steps and add 2 tablespoons of cocoa, ...
  • 12. ... and knead the dough.
  • 13. Lubricate the mold with butter.
  • 14. Pour the dough into the mold and distribute it evenly. We put in the oven, heated to 150 - 170 ° C for 40 minutes.
  • 15. While the cakes are baking, we are preparing the filling.
  • 16. Red, yellow dried apricots and my prunes and pour boiling water ...
  • 17. ... leave for 5 - 10 minutes.
  • 18. Wrap the peeled walnuts in a towel, put on a cutting board, ...
  • 19. ... grind with a rolling pin ...
  • 20. ... can be small, can be larger, as you like.
  • 21. Cut red and yellow dried apricots into cubes, the size of raisins.
  • 22. Cut prunes in the same way.
  • 23. And all this beauty - we mix.
  • 24. Our filling is ready.
  • 25. White cake ...
  • 26. ... and the chocolate cake were baked, we took them out of the oven and left to cool.
  • 27. Making cream. We take sour cream. The fatter the sour cream, the better the cream will whip up. We have packages of 400 g and sour cream 27% fat. And we take such packages - 3 pieces.
  • 28. Add 450 g of sugar ...
  • 29. ... and start whipping. Whip for at least 15 minutes, at maximum speed. But so that the sour cream does not start to peel off, i.e. so that there is no liquid.
  • 30. Take the chocolate cake and cut ...
  • 31. ... in arbitrary pieces.
  • 32. We do the same with white cake.
  • 33. During this time, sour cream and sugar were whipped. It increased in volume by about 3 times and became airy and thick.
  • 34. We take a piece of cake on a fork ...
  • 35. ... dip in cream ...
  • 36. ... and begin to lay out on a dish.
  • 37. Pieces of white and chocolate cakes can be alternated in absolutely any order. When the first layer is laid out, sprinkle with walnuts, ...
  • 38. ... and dried fruits.
  • 39. And we continue, alternating in the same style, lay out pieces of dough and stuffing.
  • 40. We complete everything with dried fruits.
  • 41. We begin to make glaze. You can cook it yourself, like us. We take 4 tablespoons of sour cream, add 6 tablespoons of sugar ...
  • 42. ... add 30 g of butter ...
  • 43. ... and 4 teaspoons of cocoa.
  • 44. Mix.
  • 45. We put on a small fire or a water bath and stir constantly.
  • 46. ​​Until the glaze becomes more liquid and homogeneous. If it seems to you that the icing is too thick, add a little water until you get a consistency that suits you.
  • 47. And, until the icing is frozen, pour her cake.
  • 48. Or icing can be made from ordinary black chocolate (cocoa at least 70%). We make a water bath.
  • 49. We break chocolate into a saucepan.
  • 50. And, unlike the first method, we don’t touch it at all. Just waiting. When the chocolate melts.
  • 51. And in the same way, until the chocolate has cooled down, pour over the cake.
  • 52. Such beauty is obtained.
  • 53. Leave the cake overnight in a cool place so that it is well soaked. And the cake "Count ruins" will become your favorite cake! It turns out not dry, but well-soaked, and therefore tender, moderately sweet and simply amazingly tasty!

    Lick your fingers!

    By the way, click on the envelope and buy a laminated postcard with a recipe so that you always have it at hand!

The Count's ruins are a cake, but it's not quite ordinary. The dessert is distinguished by its appearance and unusually delicate taste.

The pieces soaked in cream melt in the mouth and give great pleasure. Time to cook! Here are the most popular step-by-step recipes for the Count's Ruins.

"Count ruins" - general principles of cooking

A cake is prepared from meringue or biscuit cakes, sometimes they are combined. Biscuits are prepared with sour cream, but you can also use a classic biscuit. If there is no time, then even purchased cakes will fit. Get a lazy and quick cake in a hurry. For a medium-sized cake, you need two layers, usually one with vanilla and the other with cocoa. One cake serves as the base, the second is cut into pieces, moistened in cream, stacked in a slide.

What cream can be used:

Sour cream, this is a classic option;

Condensed milk with butter;


Heavy butter and airy butter creams are not suitable for the "Earl ruins", as they do not soak porous pieces very well, the cake will not turn out tender and moist.

In addition to cakes and cream, meringues, fruits or berries are often added to the cake. Nuts and chocolate icing are used for decoration. But the ruins are not completely covered with chocolate, but simply poured on top. The icing flows down in drops, reminiscent of streams on sweet ruins.

"Count ruins": a step by step recipe with sour cream and orange

A simple step-by-step recipe for "Count ruins" with sour cream. For a layer, you will additionally need an orange or a couple of tangerines.


Two eggs;

180 grams of sugar;

2 tsp soda;

2 tablespoons of cocoa;

200 g sour cream in the main dough + 1 s. l.;

240 grams of flour.

For cream:

500 grams of sour cream;

160 grams of powder;


For chocolate glaze:

4 tablespoons of cocoa;

4 spoons of sour cream;

0.5 packs oils;

4 spoons of sand.

Additionally, you will need a handful of nuts, 1-2 oranges (you can use tangerines), a little syrup or sweet tea to soak the biscuit cakes.


1. Combine eggs and granulated sugar in one large bowl. Beat with a mixer for about five minutes to dissolve everything.

2. Add sour cream to the eggs, stir. If the sour cream is sour, then you can immediately extinguish the soda in it. If not, then extinguish separately with lemon juice or vinegar. Add to dough.

3. Sift flour, fall asleep. Knead the mass with a spoon. Divide the dough in half.

4. We cover the form of 22-23 cm with a sheet of parchment, lay out one part of the dough. We level with a spatula so that the thickness of the cake is the same over the entire area.

5. We send it to an oven heated to 180 degrees. Bake for 14-15 minutes until done.

6. In the second part of the dough, add two tablespoons of cocoa powder and one full spoon of sour cream. We mix. We also put it in the form.

7. We take out the light cake from the oven and immediately put the biscuit with cocoa. We bake it for about twenty minutes. We cool both cakes.

8. Cooking cream. Spread sour cream and add powdered vanilla. Whip for two minutes. You can also use granulated sugar, but in this case the cream will need to be whipped longer, it may turn out to be thinner.

9. Peel the oranges, cut into circles, take out all the bones.

10. Put a white cake on the bottom of a flat dish, pour syrup or just sweet tea. Impregnation must be cold.

11. Lubricate the cake with the prepared cream on top and lay out one layer of oranges.

12. Cut the chocolate biscuit into pieces or break gently. Soak each in cream and put on top of a layer of oranges, forming a slide. It is very important that there are no voids inside. Therefore, we press the pieces lightly.

13. Is the cake assembled? Coat it on top with the rest of the sour cream and put it in the refrigerator for now.

14. Cooking the glaze. To do this, mix sour cream, butter. Cocoa and granulated sugar in a saucepan. You can cook the glaze in a water bath, it will be according to the rules. But you can also cut down the time and do it on the stovetop. Just do not need to move away from the pan, stir constantly.

15. As soon as the glaze becomes homogeneous, remove from heat. Let it stand to cool down. If you apply a hot mass on a cake with cream, sour cream will flow.

16. Pour the cake on top with cooled, but not frozen icing.

17. Immediately, before the chocolate has hardened, we decorate the "Count's ruins" with nuts. We leave the cake for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, let it soak and harden.

"Earl ruins": a step-by-step meringue recipe

Air meringue dessert option. The step-by-step recipe for "Earl Ruins" uses condensed milk cream. But, if you really want, you can replace it with something else. It will be delicious with rich custard, especially since the yolks will remain.


300 grams of sugar;

5 proteins;

300 grams of oil;

1 can of condensed milk;

1 tsp lemon juice;

1 sachet of vanilla;

50 g of chocolate;

2 handfuls of nuts.


1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Transfer to a clean bowl. This is very important, if even a drop of fat gets in, then the meringue will not whip.

2. We begin to beat with a mixer and as soon as the proteins turn into a dense foam, we begin to add granulated sugar. Whisk until it is completely dissolved. Dense patterns should come out of the mixer.

3. It's time to add lemon juice. We interrupt everything together for a few seconds. If there is no fresh lemon juice, then you can use diluted acid or just throw in a few crystals, beat well in the total mass until dissolved.

4. Line baking sheets with parchment. You can use silicone mats.

5. Transfer the meringue into a bag and squeeze out small balls of 2-3 cm in diameter. Or just spread the lumps with a spoon, as you like.

6. Put the meringue in the oven. Dry at 90 degrees for 2 hours. Take out, cool completely.

7. Cut the butter into pieces, put in a bowl and leave for an hour at room temperature. It should soften, but not melt.

8. With a mixer, beat the butter into a fluffy foam, about ten minutes.

9. Open a jar of condensed milk, gradually bring into the oil. If this is done quickly, then the cream may turn out to be liquid or there will be lumps. Whisk milk into butter.

10. For flavor, add vanillin from a bag or a few drops of liquid essence.

11. It is better to roast nuts a little, they will be tastier. In the classic version, walnut is used for count ruins. But with peanuts or hazelnuts, it also turns out quite tasty.

12. Lightly chop the roasted nuts so that the pieces are not too large.

13. Grate the chocolate into chips. It can also be melted with a piece of butter, but it turns out easier.

14. Lubricate each meringue with cream, put the first layer on a plate or on a flat dish. Sprinkle lightly with nuts.

15. We spread the second layer of meringue and cream, also sprinkle and collect the whole cake.

16. Coat the dessert with the remaining cream on all sides. Sprinkle with chocolate, nuts, remove for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

"Earl ruins": a step-by-step recipe with meringue and biscuit

A classic step-by-step recipe for "Earl's Ruins" from a delicate biscuit and airy meringues. In order not to occupy the oven for a long time and not spend a lot of time, you can prepare meringues in advance.


150 g sour cream;

1 st. Sahara;

1.3 Art. flour;

0.5 tsp soda;

For meringue:

1 st. Sahara;

1 pinch of lemon.

For cream:

Bank of thick condensed milk;


250 grams of butter.

Additionally, nuts, 0.5 chocolates and 2 tbsp. l. oils.


1. For the dough, beat fresh chicken eggs into foam, add sugar in parts. In total, beat the mass for about ten minutes at the highest speed of the mixer.

2. Add sour cream, stir with a spoon. Now it is better not to use the mixer, so as not to precipitate the foam.

3. Connect the ripper with flour, add a bag of vanilla to them. Pour everything into the dough, stir.

4. Pour the dough into a 22-24 cm mold.

5. Put the biscuit in the oven. We bake the cake at a temperature of 180 degrees.

6. Cooking meringue. You can make it in advance, it keeps well. Separate the whites and beat for a couple of minutes in a dry bowl. We introduce granulated sugar on a spoon, but we do not stop whipping. Ten minutes later, we introduce a pinch of citric acid. Another minute and off. Proteins should become dense, thick.

7. Put the meringue on parchment with a teaspoon.

8. Put the proteins in the oven, dry at a temperature of 80-90 degrees until cooked.

9. Making cream. For him, you can take boiled condensed milk. It will be delicious too. Beat the butter, add condensed milk, vanilla to taste.

10. Cut the baked cake lengthwise to make two biscuits. We put one of them on a flat plate with a cut up, grease with cream.

11. Scatter the meringue layer.

12. Cut the second cake into slices, grease with cream and lay on top of the meringue layer.

14. Combine chocolate and butter, put in a water bath and melt.

15. Let the icing cool slightly so that the cream does not drip. We water the count's ruins and immediately, While the surface is sticky, we scatter the nuts.

"Count's ruins" - useful tips and tricks

If you need to get a big cake, then you need to increase it not only due to the height, but also the diameter. If the slide is high and heavy, the bottom biscuit will be compressed, it will turn out not very tasty.

You can sprinkle the ruins not only with nuts, but also with coconut flakes, puffed rice, colored dragees, maybe plant cream flowers on them?

Too soft and juicy fruits or berries can leak, it is better to put a smaller amount in the cake or combine only with thick creams.

You can cook a biscuit and meringue even a few days before assembling the cake. Biscuit keeps well in the refrigerator, and meringue in a paper bag.

The Count's ruins cake is a classic delicacy that remains popular to this day. Special culinary preparation and special ingredients are not required ... Despite this, the taste promises to leave the most pleasant experience.

Count ruins is an amazing cake that has been around for decades. It is believed that this delicacy is a direct relative of the Kyiv cake. At the same time, the basis of the recipe was invented thanks to the talented employees of the Kyiv factory for the production of cakes named after Karl Marx.

The specialists of the confectionery enterprise tried to actively experiment with various ingredients and their proportions, resulting in a unique cake. Despite the unusual execution in the form of crumbled pieces of dough or meringue-shaped cakes, the taste is stunning.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • two hundred grams of sour cream, regardless of its fat content;
  • flour (optimal volume - 1.5 cups);
  • sugar (classic portion - a glass);
  • extinguished soda (it is best to increase its portion to two teaspoons);
  • natural cocoa;
  • a small piece of butter.

Cream Ingredients:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • 500 grams of thick sour cream (the optimal fat content is 20 - 25%);
  • vanillin.

Ingredients for making glaze:

  • sugar;
  • natural cocoa (glaze should acquire a chocolate flavor);
  • butter packaging;
  • sour cream (the optimal fat content is about twenty percent).

For powdering, chopped walnuts are required.

Cooking steps

  1. At the very beginning, beat the three main components: sugar, eggs, sour cream. Stir in additional flour. Only at the very end is it allowed to add soda.
  2. The dough should be quite liquid. After its preparation, you need to take half an hour to insist.
  3. Now separate one third of the total mass. Pour this dough into the prepared form, which must first be greased with a thin layer of butter.
  4. Allow about twenty minutes for baking. In this case, the temperature should be 180 - 200 degrees. The exact data is determined by the type of oven.
  5. It is recommended to check the readiness of the biscuit with a toothpick.
  6. Add two tablespoons of cocoa powder to the batter and mix thoroughly. Break it into two parts.
  7. Now bake two cakes with cocoa.
  8. At this time, you can make a cream. To do this, all its components are thoroughly whipped with a mixer. At the same time, even the smallest grains of sugar should not come across in sour cream.
  9. The optimal consistency of the cream will be thick. After all the ingredients are whipped, the cream is recommended to be refrigerated.
  10. Cut the finished cakes into small pieces. If desired, break them with your hands. In fact, the size and shape of the pieces do not play any role. Each figure should be dipped in the prepared cream, and then laid on a light cake. The result should be a cake in the form of a slide.
  11. The rest of the prepared cream must be carefully poured.
  12. Now prepare the glaze by mixing all the necessary ingredients. Preparation should be carried out in a water bath. Bring to a boil and turn off immediately, as you do not need to boil the glaze. The mass should be thick and glossy.
  13. It is recommended to pour the cake with icing, and then sprinkle with chopped nuts.
  14. Put the cake in the refrigerator. It should be infused for at least a few hours.

Despite the ease of preparation, you need to understand what scheme to move forward in order to successfully prepare a treat.

Meringue ruins cake

If desired, the cake can be prepared on the basis of meringue, with the help of which you will be able to please yourself with an amazing delicacy. How to cook such a special delicacy?


  • one protein;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • a small package of butter;
  • a quarter teaspoon of soda;
  • half a glass of flour.
  • egg whites (the classic amount of 4 should be increased to 6);
  • three glasses of sugar;
  • a small pinch of salt.
  • six egg yolks;
  • three quarters of a glass of sugar;
  • three hundred grams of butter;
  • seventy milliliters of milk.


Despite the fact that there are truly a lot of cake recipes, you can make the most worthy choice for yourself. The classic variation provides for the obligatory preparation of meringue (meringue) for further collection of the castle with the addition of butter cream and condensed milk. Wanting to please yourself with a delicious treat, you can use egg yolks to make custard.

An important tip should be taken into account: only fine sugar is allowed, as it must dissolve and guarantee the preparation of meringue and cream of a uniform consistency.

  1. At the very beginning, you should beat a large and thick foam based on egg white and sugar. Additionally, melted butter is used. Without fail, the mass must be homogeneous.
  2. Add soda to flour and combine with proteins.
  3. The baking dish is carefully smeared with butter, after which it is additionally lined with paper. On the prepared surface, lay out the dough for making cakes, which are best baked in a preheated oven.
  4. Allow about fifteen minutes for baking. The optimum temperature should be one hundred and eighty degrees. The main cake is recommended to be pulled out and cooled, after which it is carefully separated from the paper.
  5. Take care of the meringue. Traditionally, four proteins are used, but their number can be increased to six. As a result, the cake will gain a height of up to 30 - 35 centimeters. Now beat the whites with a small pinch of salt until firm peaks appear. Add sugar. Beat it all for about eight minutes to get a dense mass. After the base of the meringue can be whipped, it is best to bake it in the oven.
  6. Small merengue can be laid out with a teaspoon and even a dessert spoon, a confectionery syringe. It is necessary to lay out blanks at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other, because an increase in volume will be a mandatory step.
  7. If necessary, dry the meringue in the oven on several baking sheets at once (for example, on 2 - 3). The optimum temperature for cooking does not exceed 110 degrees. For baking, take about 1.5 hours, and in any case, the cakes should be small and light.
  8. Start making cream. To do this, beat the egg yolks and sugar, and then add a little milk. Cook until it thickens completely. Now combine the prepared cream with melted butter.
  9. The next step is to assemble the cake. Gently grease the cakes with the prepared cream, after which - lay out small meringues in a slide, while do not forget to dip them in the cream.
  10. The top of the delicacy is decorated with chocolate, which can be melted or grated on a fine or medium grater.

The cake promises to delight with its harmonious taste, which is not so easy to quickly describe in ordinary words ... Bliss is the most appropriate definition of taste pleasure!

Cake Count's ruins with custard

Another interesting dessert option involves the use of custard. The classic taste will leave only the best and most pleasant impressions about yourself. What is the best way to prepare such a dessert?


  • four hundred grams of meringue;
  • five eggs;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • 450 milliliters of milk;
  • starch (the optimal portion is a tablespoon);
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • four hundred grams of butter;
  • one bar of natural chocolate;
  • one hundred grams of chopped nuts;
  • some quality cognac.


  1. Please make sure that all products are actually in stock.
  2. At the very first stage of the culinary master process, you need to beat the eggs. Then add some sugar to them.
  3. Add flour and starch.
  4. Pour in one hundred milliliters of milk.
  5. All components are recommended to be whipped until smooth.
  6. Boil 350 milliliters of milk and pour in a thin stream into the egg mixture. Boil this mixture until it thickens.
  7. Add melted butter to the prepared cream. Mix everything.
  8. Add some cognac and stir again.
  9. Gently grease the bottom of the meringue with cream.
  10. Spread the first layer and spread with cream.
  11. Lay a second layer of small meringues on top. According to this scheme, move to the very top of the tower.
  12. The cake is best decorated with shabby chocolate and chopped nuts.

Count's ruins is an amazingly delicious cake that pleases with a harmonious taste ... Every housewife has the right to cook this dessert. In addition, there are truly many versions of recipes. Perhaps, after all, it will be possible to get to know the classic cake under the unusual name "Count's ruins".

And we have already considered butter cream in detail earlier, and today we are preparing another equally popular version of this dessert - with biscuit and sour cream. This time the product will consist of two cakes - light and dark, one of which we will leave whole for the base, and the second we will cut into pieces and form a carelessly folded hill, evoking associations with ruins.

According to the assembly method, the cake "Count ruins" with sour cream resembles and. There are other similar recipes based on chopped biscuit, and they all have one thing in common - a delicate, soft, perfectly soaked crumb, as well as a very simple sour cream, but ideal for any cakes.


For test:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 300 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 300 g (+ 2 tablespoons for dark cake);
  • cocoa powder - 20 g;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp.

For cream:

  • sour cream - 600 g;
  • condensed milk - 300 g;
  • nuts (any) - 100 g.

For glaze:

  • butter - 50 g;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Cake "Count ruins" with sour cream recipe with photo

How to cook sponge cake "Earl ruins"

  1. We combine the eggs with sugar, beat until fluffy foam and a noticeable increase in volume.
  2. Add soda to sour cream. Stir thoroughly, completely dissolving the powder. Then add to the eggs, beat lightly.
  3. Gradually add the sifted flour, beat until the mass is smooth and uniform - do not leave flour lumps. The consistency of the dough should be similar to sour cream.
  4. We separate the third part of the dough from the total mass, distribute it in an even thin layer in a baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm. We send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. We check the readiness with a dry match.
  5. Cool the finished cake completely. If necessary, trim the uneven top with a knife. The base of the cake will be thin, about 1-1.5 cm high.
  6. Add the sifted cocoa powder to the rest of the dough. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream to dilute the thick composition. We mix the mass, coloring it in an even chocolate color and dissolving dry lumps of cocoa. We spread the dark dough in a mold with a diameter of 22 cm.
  7. We bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes (until a dry match). We cool the finished cake.
  8. We cut the whole dark cake into pieces with a side of 2-3 cm.

    Assembling the cake "Earl ruins" with sour cream

  9. We prepare a simple cream - mix condensed milk and sour cream with a spoon. We do without whipping with a mixer.
  10. Lubricate the light thin cake with cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
  11. Pieces of chocolate cake alternately lower into a bowl with cream and immediately spread on the base of the cake. Sprinkle the formed layer with nuts.
  12. Further, continuing to dip the biscuit pieces in the cream and sprinkling the layers with nut crumbs, we collect the whole cake in the form of a slide.
  13. When the product is fully formed, prepare the glaze. Combine sour cream, butter, sugar and cocoa powder. Place on low heat and, stirring all the time, bring to a uniform texture and dissolve the sugar grains.
  14. After cooling, pour the icing into a bag and, cutting off the tip, pour plenty of water over the cake in thin streams. Sprinkle the rest of the nuts on top.
  15. We remove the cake "Count ruins" overnight in the refrigerator so that the crumb is soaked with sour cream as much as possible. Then you can start tasting a delicate, completely soaked dessert.

Cake "Count ruins" with sour cream is ready! Happy tea!

Beat eggs, add sour cream, sugar and soda slaked with vinegar. Mix well. Then add flour and mix. We divide the dough into three parts, add cocoa to 2 parts, mix. You can finish cocoa in all the dough, then the cake will turn out completely chocolate.

  • Lubricate the baking dish with oil and pour a third of the dough into it. We put in an oven preheated to 180-200ºС for about 15-20 minutes. We take out the first cake and pour the remaining dough into the form. The result should be one thin light cake and one thick chocolate. Since I added cocoa to all the dough, I have both chocolate.

  • While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the cream. Beat sour cream with sugar until smooth. Sour cream is better to take the highest fat content.

  • Grind the nuts, dry a little on the shortbread.

  • We leave the first cake as the base of the cake, and cut the second, which is larger, into pieces, which will be the ruins.

  • Put the first cake on a flat plate and coat with cream.

  • Now we take each piece of chopped cake, dip it in cream and carefully spread it on the first cake. Cake Count's ruins should be in the shape of a cone. You can also add any filling: nuts, fruits, etc.

  • Now you need to prepare the glaze. Melt the butter, add sour cream, sugar, cocoa and cook for 3-5 minutes.

  • While the icing has not cooled down, pour it over the cake, sprinkle with nuts on top. Cake Count's ruins is ready. We put it in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cakes are well saturated with cream.

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