
Cake sandwich with sausage. sandwich cakes

Sandwich (or snack) cakes until recently were especially popular in Poland, Hungary, Sweden. Making sandwich cakes is not a very difficult task, but it requires good taste and imagination. The shape of sandwich cakes can be round, rectangular, oblong, oval, etc. So, for round sandwich cakes, they use ordinary hearth or pan bread, giving it the appropriate shape. A round sandwich cake can also be made from oblong, cake-like sandwiches, beautifully designed and arranged on a platter to mimic a cake. Square and oblong sandwich cakes can be made from small triangular or quadrangular sandwiches. For filling and decorating sandwich cakes, the same products are suitable as for ordinary sandwiches. Just remember that the products must be combined with each other to taste.

In the section "Sandwich cakes (snack bars)" 76 recipes

Sandwich cake with red fish

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Lavash roll herring under a fur coat

This appetizer roll recipe is another nod to the traditional festive herring salad under a fur coat. We thought that it would be nice to cook delicious sandwiches or something like that with the taste of fish salad, and as a result, we spun "village...

Sandwiches daily and festive
17th page


Sandwich cakes, with plenty of toppings and well-decorated, can be made from a wide variety of sandwiches. They are prepared from different types of bread, placed in layers or interspersed.

The shape of sandwich cakes can be round, charcoal, oblong, oval, etc. For round sandwich cakes, ordinary hearth or pan bread is used, giving it the appropriate shape. A round sandwich cake can also be made from oblong, cake-like sandwiches, beautifully designed and arranged on a platter to imitate a cake. Square and oblong sandwich cakes can be made from small triangular and quadrangular sandwiches.

Sandwich cakes are low (single-layer) and multi-layer. Instead of bread for the base of a sandwich cake, you can use thin cakes baked from salty, yeast or crumbly dough.

Juicy mixtures of pureed bread and various additional products are also good. The bases baked from the dough should have time to cool, so it is better to prepare them in advance. On a warm base, the filling may melt.

For filling and decorating sandwich cakes, the same products are suitable as for ordinary sandwiches. Just remember that the products must be combined with each other to taste.

Layered sandwich cakes should be ready a few hours or even a day before serving. It is better to keep them under light pressure in the cold. To prevent the bread from stale, the finished sandwich cake must be covered with a cap or bowl.

It is advisable to decorate the cake immediately before serving, so that the decorations do not dry out and do not wither. Chopped foods (egg yolk and white, greens) and green salad dry out especially quickly, they need to be put just before serving the cake on the table. To keep the products intended for decoration more firmly, you can put or stick them in a thick layer of whipped butter (mustard, green, pink, etc.), sour cream or mayonnaise.

It is advisable to cut single-layer sandwich cakes into sectors or cubes before placing food on top, but after the butter has already been spread.

You need to stack the products so that individual sandwiches can be reached, but together they create the impression of a whole cake.

A multi-layered sandwich cake is beautifully served on the table as a whole. It is better to cut the cake before garnishing. To do this, you need a sharp thin knife, which is recommended to be lowered into hot water from time to time (food does not stick to a hot knife). When decorating, you need to take into account that the cake will be cut into slices, then it will remain beautiful during distribution.

Sandwich cakes with a lot of toppings, well decorated, can be prepared from a wide variety of products and different shapes: round, oval, rectangular, etc.

You can cook single-layer, double-layer and multi-layer cakes. The main difference from sandwiches is that they are decorated on top with mayonnaise, sour cream, butter or butter mixture, all incoming products and herbs. It is advisable to decorate the cake immediately before serving, so that the decorations do not dry out and do not wither.

A sandwich cake can be made up of individual sandwiches, beautifully decorated and arranged on a platter to mimic a cake.

Sandwich cake with herring and mushrooms

Ingredients :
200 g of white wheat and 200 g of black wheat bread, 200 g of herring, 200 g of butter (of which 50 g for decoration), 5 medium dried mushrooms, 1 medium tomato, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped onion, parsley, dill.


Cut the soaked herring into fillets, cut into small pieces (leave some of them for decoration), add finely chopped boiled, and then slightly fried and chilled mushrooms, butter; mix everything well. On a slice of bread smeared with herring mass, put another, also smeared with herring mass.
So repeat again and again, alternating slices of wheat and rye bread. Do not grease the top slice.
Put a light press on the cake and refrigerate. Trim the cooled cake from the sides, grease with butter and sprinkle with chopped eggs.
Place the herring fillet, slices of butter, a slice of egg, a slice of tomato, green onions, dill, parsley on top.

Sandwich cake with pate

Ingredients :
200 g wheat bread, 150 g liver pate (or liverwurst), 100 g butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped greens (parsley, onion or dill), 1 lemon, 100 g of Dutch cheese.


Grease slices of wheat bread with butter, put a layer of pate on them. The sandwich can be made with three layers of pâté. Do not grease the top slice of bread.
Put a light press on the cake and refrigerate.
Grease the edges of a chilled sandwich with butter and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
Top with cheese and a slice of lemon.

Sandwich cake with cottage cheese and ham

Ingredients :
200 g wheat bread, 150 g cottage cheese, 100 g butter, 50 g boiled ham, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped parsley, dill or onion, 3 large radishes or 2 medium tomatoes, salt to taste.


Lubricate slices of wheat bread with a mass of cottage cheese, butter and finely chopped boiled ham, connect them, grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve, mixed with butter and salt.
Garnish with greens, radish or tomato slices.

Sandwich cake with cheese and ham
(from Hungarian cuisine)

Ingredients :
200 g crumb of round bread, 50 g butter, 50 g ham, 1 egg, 1/2 cup grated cheese.
For finishing: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cream cheese (you can grind 1 tablespoon of butter with 1 tablespoon of processed cheese), 1 medium cucumber, 1 egg, 30 g of salmon.


Trim the crusts and top off round rye or wheat bread. Cut the remaining bread pan (horizontally) into 4 loaves. Mix butter, finely chopped ham with finely chopped hard-boiled egg and grated cheese.
Spread this mixture on tortillas of bread and place them one on top of the other in the form of a cake.
Spread cream cheese on top and sides, sprinkle with finely chopped cucumber, chopped egg and garnish with slices or strips of salmon.
Cut into a cake.

Sandwich cake with cheese, ham and chicken

Ingredients :
200 g of wheat bread, 100 g of butter, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 100 g of boiled chicken, 100 g of cheese, 100 g of ham.


Cut wheat bread into long thin slices. Spread the slice with oil mixed with mustard, put finely chopped boiled chicken meat on top and cover with the same slice with butter. Put a slice of cheese on this sandwich, then another slice of bread with butter and ham, etc.
Make used such layers, press down on top with something heavy and put in the cold.
Before serving, cut like a layer cake.

Sandwich cake with cheese mass
(from Polish cuisine)

Ingredients :
200 g wheat bread, 100 g processed cheese, 50 g butter.


Grind melted cheese with butter until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Slices of wheat bread shift with cheese mass 1 cm thick, connecting them. Gently press on top, trim the edges, wrap in parchment, put in the refrigerator.
Before serving, cut crosswise into slices 1 cm thick and place on a dish.

Sandwich cake "Mix"
(from Hungarian cuisine)

Ingredients :
200 g wheat loaf, 10 g ham, 50 g smoked tongue, 50 g sausage, 50 g lamb fat, 3 sprats, 50 g Dutch cheese, 50 g butter, 1 egg.


Cut the wheat loaf lengthwise into two parts and take out the crumb with a wooden spoon, leaving the cover layer as thick as the little finger. Grate the crumb. Pass all products (except butter) together with the grated crumb through a meat grinder, mix with butter and fill the halves of the loaf with this mass.
Wrap the loaf prepared in this way in thick paper and put in a cold place.
Cut into thin slices before use.

Rye bread sandwich cake with herring mass
(from Polish cuisine)

Ingredients :
200 g of rye bread, 100 g of herring mass (80 g of herring, peeled, without bones and passed through a meat grinder, pounded with 1 tablespoon of butter).


Cut off all the crusts from a loaf of rye bread, give it a rectangular shape, cut into slices 1 cm thick, spread them with a layer of herring mass 1 cm thick. Instead of herring mass, you can use herring forshmak. Lay out 4 slices of bread.
Then gently press on top, carefully trim the edges, wrap in parchment, put in a cold place.
Before serving, cut crosswise into slices 1 cm wide.

Sandwich cake homemade

Ingredients :
1 kg yeast dough, 5 tbsp. tablespoons flour, 60 g butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of fat-free broth to choose from, 4-5 eggs, 3-4 medium-sized boiled and mashed potatoes, salt, black and red pepper, cumin, vinegar, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of tomato puree, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of chopped pickles or a mixture of pickles and pickled mushrooms, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of mustard, 100 g of veal or mixed minced meat, 100 g of finely chopped sausage, 50 g of onion or hard smoked sausage, a few olives, 1/2 onion, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of fat for frying.


Bake the yeast dough in a cake mold. The next day, cut off the top and bottom crust and cut the inside into 3-4 horizontal layers (the more the better). Pour the layers with a slightly fat-free broth.
Prepare the filling: cook a light dressing from butter and flour, which is diluted with one glass of fat-free broth (or salted water). Boil with continuous stirring until slightly thickened and remove from heat. Add potatoes (mashed through a sieve). Season the mixture with eggs, add salt, black pepper, ground cumin and a little vinegar to taste.
Divide the stuffing into three parts. In the first 1/3, add tomato puree and finely chopped and strained pickles (or a mixture of cucumbers and mushrooms). Finely chopped onion fry lightly in fat with minced meat and sausages, season to taste with a little black pepper, cumin and salt, and add the mixture to the second 1/3 of the filling. Fill the bread layers with the prepared filling in shifts. Cover the cake with the third 1/3 of the filling on top and around the edges.
Decorate with slices of sausage, onions, slices of hard-boiled eggs, olives, while determining the number of pieces. Sprinkle the edges of the cake with bread crumbs, mixed with grated cheese or cheese. Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to harden, cut with a sharp knife dipped in warm water. When distributing portions, add a little toppings or some kind of salad to each.
Variation: Make a filling of canned fish mashed to a puree and mixed with mashed tomato, lemon juice and finely chopped onion (optional). Pour the cake with thick mayonnaise.
Decorate with anchovies, stacking them radially (1 fillet per piece), olives, hard-boiled eggs and fish roe. Serve with lemon wedges or fresh tomatoes.

Figured sandwich cake with cheese, ham, pate
(from Polish cuisine)

Ingredients :
200 g crumb (round wheat bread), 50 g butter, 1 tbsp. spoon of horseradish with sour cream, 1 egg, 50 g of ham, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of grated Swiss-type cheese, 100 g of poultry pate, 3 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of mayonnaise with mustard (mixture to taste), 2 small hard tomatoes, 1 medium cucumber, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped green onions or parsley.


Cut a circle of crumb 1.5-2 cm thick from round bread with a sharp knife. Spread it with oil, trim the edges.
Draw 5 circles with the tip of a knife, starting from the center to the edge.
Sprinkle the smallest central circle with finely chopped green onions or parsley. Spread the next circle with horseradish with sour cream and a finely chopped egg. In the third circle, lay a mass of small pieces of ham. In the fourth circle, put a mass of grated cheese. Fill the last circle evenly with pate.
Along the edges of the circles, lined with various masses, make a rim of thick mayonnaise.
Decorate the edges of the cake with circles of small hard tomatoes and cucumbers, put the cake in a cold place.
Cut into portions before serving.

Pizza sandwich cake

Ingredients :
200 g flour, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 cup fresh milk, 15 g yeast, 1 teaspoon salt, 200 g chopped cheese or salted cottage cheese, 1/2 kg of ripe tomatoes (or 3 tablespoons of tomato puree, mixed with a small amount of chopped white bread or crushed crackers), 10-12 anchovy fillets, 1 onion, pitted olives, black and red pepper.


From flour, salt, vegetable oil, milk and yeast, knead a thin dough and leave to rise for about 1 hour. Separate 1/4 from the risen dough, and spread the rest evenly on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
From the separated dough, make a wick with which to protect the spread dough. Grease the whole dough with vegetable oil and sprinkle with crumbled cheese. Lay tomato slices on top, on which put chopped onion, and fish fillet on top. Salt it all and sprinkle with black and red pepper.
Place the cake in the baking oven for approximately 25 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cake with chopped olives.
Served with green salad.
a) cover the dough with a mixture of 100 g of crumbled cheese and 200 g of finely chopped sausage and cover with tomato slices. After baking, sprinkle the cake with cheese;
b) cover the dough with 200 g of finely chopped pickled mushrooms (well strained) and 200 g of finely chopped smoked brisket. Pour the mixture with sauce made from 3 eggs, beaten with 1/4 cup of broth, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice, red pepper and 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped parsley. Bake the cake in a moderate temperature oven for 30 minutes;
c) spread evenly on top of the dough a mixture of two onions, 100 g of peeled small salted fish, 100 g of finely chopped tomatoes, 2 grated carrots, 10 olives, salt and red pepper. Pour the mixture with 3 beaten eggs. Bake the cake in a hot oven for 25 minutes (until browned). Immediately after removing from the oven, sprinkle with pitted olives, cut into strips, and grated cheese.

Pie sandwich cake

Ingredients :
1 kg bread dough (white or sieve), 100 g butter, 12 pieces of anchovy fillets (or other type of fish, well decorated), 4 hard-boiled eggs, 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato puree, 1 teaspoon of anchovy marinade, 2 cups of strained fish broth (or salted water), 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin, 2-3 boiled carrots, 1 pickled cucumber, a few pickled mushrooms, lemon wedges (without peel and seeds), salt, black pepper, lemon juice.


Bake the dough in a cake mold (or in a pan with a wider bottom). Leave to dry for at least a day. Cut off the top and bottom of the crust and cut into 2 layers. From the upper layer cut out a circle with a shape of 3-4 cm of smaller sizes.
Whip the butter until frothy, add the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs, the tomato puree, the anchovy marinade and beat the mixture vigorously until smooth. Bring the broth to a boil, season to taste with salt, lemon juice, a pinch of grated zest and add gelatin pre-soaked in 1/2 cup cold water. Mix well until completely dissolved.
Put the bottom layer of bread on a dish and spread with whipped butter. Place the second layer of bread cut out with a wreath on top. Put slices of eggs, mushrooms, olives, circles of carrots, cucumbers, fish fillets, etc. into the free middle and pour over the cooled, but not yet hardened, gelled broth. Place the cake in the refrigerator.
After 3-4 hours, when the jelly hardens, serve the cake on the table and divide into portions.
a) the lower layer of bread can be spread with pate, put a second layer with a wreath and put slices of sausage, egg circles, mushrooms, chopped cucumbers in the free middle. In this case, meat broth is used for gelling;
b) pate of cheese, eggs, slices of tomatoes and olives. For gelling, vegetable broth is used.

Single-layer sandwich cake with different products!
(Polish cuisine)

Ingredients :
250 g wheat bread, 100 g ham butter, 50 g butter, 100 g cheese butter, 100 g pate, 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 1 tbsp. a spoon swept tana with horseradish, 1 egg, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 1 tbsp. tablespoon finely chopped green onion or parsley.


Peel the round bread from the crust, cut it into a round cake, which is spread with butter, and draw 5 circles with the tip of a knife, starting from the center.
Sprinkle the circle in the center with green onions or parsley. Spread the next circle with a mixture of sour cream, grated horseradish and a finely chopped egg. Cover the next circle with ham butter, the fourth with cheese butter. Spread the last, fifth circle with pate.
Separate the circles with rims of thick mayonnaise.
Garnish the edges with slices of small fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Cool and cut into portions.

Sandwich cake with toppings of your choice

Ingredients :
1 kg of round white bread, aged at least 24 hours, toppings of your choice, 1/2 cup fat-free broth (or salted water), 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed crackers, 120 g of butter;
for garnishing - 5-6 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 6-7 pickled mushrooms, 12 pieces of anchovy fillets, 20 olives, boiled carrot slices, pickles, etc.


Cut off the bottom and top crust of white bread, giving it the shape of a cake. Cut into three layers, which are sprinkled with broth (salted water), spread with the chosen filling and put one on top of the other. Place the cake on a tray or dish, spread with whipped butter on the outside and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, and put a side dish on top.
Prepare the garnish in such a way that in a wreath made of mayonnaise, sprinkled with chopped egg, lay out as many anchovy fillets radially as the cake will be cut into pieces, and put slices of pickles, boiled carrots, pieces of mushrooms, peeled olives between them. In the center of the cake, make a mayonnaise rosette with a syringe.
Before serving, cut the cake with a sharp knife dipped in hot water and put 1 tbsp on each serving plate on the side. a spoonful of filling or salad (if the filling is from fish - salad seasoned with mayonnaise, or fish mayonnaise, if the filling from chicken is mayonnaise with mustard and white meat, etc.).
a) if a liver pate is used for the filling, the top of the cake should be garnished with finely chopped chicken meat mixed with mayonnaise or salad seasoned with mayonnaise and lemon slices without peel and seeds;
b) if the filling is cheese (whipped to a creamy state), the cake is garnished with grated cheese and thin slices of smoked or melted cheese, laid radially in a tile-like manner;
c) if the filling is from whipped caviar, the cake is garnished with black or red caviar, circles of hard-boiled eggs and anchovy fillets, herring, laid on a layer of whipped butter.

Sandwich cake with herring butter

Ingredients :
500 g rye bread, 1 fresh cucumber or 100 g corn flakes.
For the filling: 150 g butter, 1/2 herring, 1 teaspoon mustard.


Peel the round bread from the crust and cut into cakes 1-2 cm thick. Spread each with herring oil and lay one on top of the other.
The top cake can be decorated with fresh cucumbers or spread with butter and sprinkled with corn flakes.

Sandwich cake with pate and prunes

Ingredients :
250 g rye bread, 250 g wheat, 100 g green or tomato oil, 250 g pate, prunes, pickled fruits, parsley.


Peel black and white bread from the crust, cut each into two slices of the same shape and size, cover with green or tomato oil, lay layers of pate on top and put all the slices together with the buttered sides.
From the sides and top, spread the cake with pate, tomato or green butter, decorate with prunes, pickled fruits and herbs.
If you use molded white and black bread, then such a cake can be decorated in the form of a chessboard. To do this, cut the finished cake into identical square sandwiches and turn them in a checkerboard pattern in different halves.
Lubricate only the sides of the cake with pate and decorate dark sandwiches with dark products, and white ones with light ones.

Sandwich cake with smoked fish and mushrooms

Ingredients :
250 g of wheat bread, 250 g of rye bread, 200 g of smoked fish (fillet), 200 g of butter, 5-8 dried mushrooms, 2 boiled eggs, 1 fresh cucumber, dill, parsley.


Peel the rye and wheat bread from the crust and cut each into two slices.
Cut smoked fish without skin and bones into small pieces (leave a part for decoration), add finely chopped boiled, fried and chilled mushrooms, butter. Knead the mass and spread the prepared slices of bread with it. Lay them on top of each other and refrigerate under light pressure for 2-3 hours.
After cooling, grease the sides of the cake with butter, sprinkle with chopped egg. Top with fish pieces, small mushrooms, butter roses, boiled egg daisies, fresh cucumber slices, dill, parsley.
If, after cooling, the cake is cut into identical square sandwiches, then it can be arranged in the form of a chessboard by turning the sandwiches in a checkerboard pattern on different sides, alternating black and white bread.
Decorate the dark parts of the cake with dark products, and the white parts with light ones.

Sandwich cake with hard cheese and ham

Ingredients :
500 g of wheat bread, 200 g of hard cheese, 150 g of butter, 100 g of ham, greens, radish, tomato.


Remove the crust from the bread and cut into several thin slices. Spread each of them with a mass of hard cheese, butter and finely chopped boiled ham.
Lay the prepared slices on top of each other in the form of a cake, grease the sides with butter and sprinkle with cheese rubbed through a sieve.
After cooling, decorate with herbs, slices of ham, radish, tomato. I

Sandwich cake "Mix"

Ingredients :
500 g of wheat or rye bread, 50 g of butter, 1 processed spicy cheese, 1 fresh tomato, 50 g of ham.
For the egg filling: 1 boiled chopped egg, 8 chopped olives, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise, salt to taste.
For the carrot and cabbage filling: 1 grated carrot, 100 g shredded cabbage, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise.


Peel the round bread from the crust and cut into 5 cakes 1-2 cm thick. Prepare the fillings, for which mix the products indicated for each of them.
Spread a thin layer of butter on the bottom cake and sprinkle with half a serving of grated cheese. Put the second cake on it, spread with butter and put half of the ham, cut into slices, on the third - the egg filling, on the fourth - the carrot and cabbage filling. Spread the fifth (upper) cake with butter and put the remaining ham on it, sprinkle with the second half of the cheese and garnish with chopped tomatoes.
Brush the sides of the cake with butter and sprinkle with cheese.

Sandwich cake with cheese or ham butter

Ingredients :
500 g of rye bread, 250 g of ham butter, 4-6 slices of ham, 150 g of cheese butter, tomatoes or red bell peppers, dill or parsley leaves, pickled berries, radishes.


Clean the bread from the crust, cut into 4 slices, spread them with ham butter and put them on top of each other. On the sides and top, spread with cheese butter, and around the edges with the remaining ham.
Top with rolled ham slices, slices of tomato or pepper, dill or parsley leaves, pickled berries, beautifully cut radishes.
The cake can be made up of small two-layer sandwiches, stacked on a dish and decorated accordingly.

Sandwich cake with cheese, ham and olives

Ingredients :
500 g of wheat or rye bread, 300 g of cheese butter, 150 g of ham, 2 eggs, 1 fresh cucumber, parsley, pitted olives.


Remove crust from bread and cut into 4 slices. Mix cheese butter with finely chopped ham, finely chopped hard-boiled egg, finely chopped olives.
Spread slices with this mixture, stack them on top of each other, grease with cheese butter on top and sides, sprinkle with finely chopped cucumber, chopped egg and decorate with slices of ham, parsley.
The cake can be made up of individual puff sandwiches stacked on a platter and decorated accordingly.

Sandwich cake with cheese butter

Ingredients :
500 g wheat bread, 400 g cheese butter radishes or tomatoes.


Remove crust from bread and cut into 4 slices. Spread with cheese butter and fold.
Also cover the resulting cake with 6 oks with cheese butter, and squeeze this butter out of a pastry bag or parchment paper cornet bag on top in the form of a mesh.
Place a radish or tomato decoration in the mesh squares.

Sandwich cake with soft base (herring)

Ingredients :
400 g of rye bread, 1 herring, 1 glass of sour cream, 4 eggs, 1 onion, 100 g of green or tomato oil, radishes, fresh cucumbers, tomatoes or sweet red peppers, sprats, herbs.


Grate stale bread. Combine it with minced herring and onions. Add finely chopped boiled egg, sour cream. Knead and shape the resulting mass into a cake (when molding, sprinkle the board and the mass with grated bread).
Transfer the cake to a dish, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
After cooling from the sides and top, grease the cake with green or tomato oil.
Decorate with slices of radish, fresh cucumber, egg, sweet pepper or fresh tomato, peeled sprats and herbs.

Sandwich cake with ham and egg

Ingredients :
1 large slice of black bread (100 g), 30 g mustard, tomato or green butter, 50 g ham, 1-2 eggs, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated horseradish with sour cream.


Spread a slice of bread with a thick layer of butter. Chop egg white and yolk separately. Lay finely chopped products on bread in stripes - yellow, white, red, green (protein, yolk, ham, cucumber, horseradish - next to the ham). You can do it in a different order if you like.
Cut a ready-made large sandwich into rhombuses or triangles.

Sandwich cake with cottage cheese

Ingredients :
250 g rye bread, 250 g wheat bread.
For the filling: 1 cup cottage cheese, 2 raw egg yolks, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.


Peel wheat and rye bread from the crust and cut into cakes, lay them one on top of the other, after spreading each with a mass of well-whipped cottage cheese, yolks, sugar.
Refrigerate under light pressure.
Decorate with stuffing.

Sandwich cake with cheese and sausage

Ingredients :
1 large slice of bread (100 g), 30 g of cheese, rose or green butter, 50 g of doctor's sausage, 50 g of cheese, 1 tomato or parsley.


Spread bread with butter, then lay long strips of sausage and cheese on top to make sandwiches in pink and white stripes. Cheese can be put in pieces or grated.
Each sandwich can be decorated with tomato and herbs.

Sandwich cake with herring and egg

Ingredients :
1 large slice of black bread (100 g), 30 g mustard, tomato or horseradish oil, 1/2 herring, 1-2 eggs, 1 tomato or small cucumber, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of thick sour cream, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped green onions. Spread large thin slices of bread with butter, pate, mashed with dry wine, and connect the coated sides.
Put pate on top of the cake, decorate with dried apricots soaked in warm water, pickled fruits and lemon slices.

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Perhaps not a single person could do without sandwiches in his life. Even if now we are more and more advocating a healthy lifestyle, giving up harmful foods, starting to eat right, then at large celebrations, receptions and feasts we allow ourselves liberties. Sausage sandwiches, the recipes with photos of which we decided to offer you, may become a violation of the regime for someone, but they are still appetizing and tasty.

And at home, when we receive guests, we do not only proceed from our own tastes, but do everything for people. Therefore, if you are planning a festive feast, if you plan to celebrate the upcoming New Year in your cozy nest with your loved ones and relatives, please them with original snacks.

Sandwiches with sausage and fresh cucumber


  • baguette (or loaf),
  • butter,
  • raw smoked sausage,
  • fresh cucumber,
  • fresh dill.


1. Cut the baguette into beautiful even circles or ovals about 1 cm thick. Spread it with softened butter.

2. Place two thin circles of sausage on top, put also thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumber circles on the sausage.

3. Decorate everything with dill (you can just put twigs, or you can cut and crush the sandwich with greens).

Sandwiches with boiled sausage and cherry tomatoes


  • rye loaf with sesame dressing,
  • mayonnaise,
  • fresh lettuce,
  • fresh parsley,
  • boiled sausage,
  • Cherry tomatoes.


1. Cut the loaf into round or oval pieces. Grease one side of each piece with a thin layer of mayonnaise. Arrange beautifully folded lettuce leaves on top.

2. Buy good quality boiled sausage (you can afford it for the holidays). Cut the loaf of sausage into such thin circles that you can wrap them as you like (in tubes, roses, envelopes).

3. Put a couple of sprigs of fresh parsley on each sausage round, fold the sausage in half and in half again.

4. Lay the folded pieces of sausage on lettuce leaves so that it does not unfold, fasten the entire sandwich with a toothpick or skewer, placing a half of a cherry tomato at the very top.

Sandwiches with smoked sausage "Ladybugs"


  • salty sandwich cookies "Cracker",
  • smoked sausage,
  • Cherry tomatoes,
  • fresh parsley,
  • olives,
  • mayonnaise or sour cream (for decoration).


1. Cut the smoked sausage into circles or ovals.

2. First put a sprig of fresh parsley on the pieces of cracker cookies, place the sausage on top, put half a cherry tomato in the center on it.

3. Cut out the heads and paws for ladybugs from the olives, place “these parts of the body” around the tomato and use sour cream or mayonnaise to make two dots on the head, as if it were eyes (take fat sour cream or mayonnaise so that it does not spread). Children will be most interested in such sandwiches, but adults will also like them.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with sausage


  • loaf,
  • creamy soft cheese,
  • fresh dill,
  • half-smoked sausage,
  • hard cheese,
  • garlic cloves.


1. Cut the loaf into portioned pieces with a thickness of at least 1 cm. Grease one side of each piece with soft cream cheese and sprinkle with fresh chopped dill (due to soft cheese, the greens will stick firmly to the pieces of the loaf and will not sprinkle).

2. Cut the sausage into sticks and put them on slices of loaf across 4-5 pieces.

3. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater, sprinkle sandwiches on it, add a little chopped garlic on top.

4. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180-190 degrees, put the sandwiches on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and send them to the oven for 10-15 minutes.

5. Look at them through the oven window, as soon as the cheese melts and a golden crust begins to form - take out the sandwiches and serve hot to the table. This is a very tasty and filling snack.
