
Cake without baking gingerbread: a simple and delicious recipe. An unexpected and quick recipe: gingerbread cake with sour cream

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Have you ever tried gingerbread cake? If your answer is no, then you are welcome - just an incredible recipe for your attention - gingerbread cake with bananas, kiwi and sour cream. The cake is prepared in literally ten minutes, and it turns out so delicious that an unknowing person in life will not guess what the cake is made of, and this is true, it has been checked more than once. When I first made such a cake, I didn’t have any special illusions and hopes, but after tasting the result, I was simply impressed. The easiest thing to do is to use fruits for the filling, and take ordinary sour cream as a cream, but sometimes you can go further, prepare your favorite cream, make a richer filling - guests will be delighted. Be sure to insist the cake, the longer it stands, the more it will soak, in the end it will be tender, soft and simply incomparable. Be sure to save yourself my simple recipe step by step photos. This one is no less delicious.

- gingerbread - 1 pack,
- sour cream - 1 cup,
- banana - 1 pc.,
- kiwi - 1 pc.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Gingerbread to choose the most ordinary, without filling. Cut the gingerbread into plates, preferably not thick.

Peel the banana and kiwi from the peel. Cut the banana and kiwi into slices, also try to make them thin.

Prepare a cake mold - it should be any deep shape, you choose the diameter and depth for yourself. Line the inside of the mold with cling film. Now start collecting the cake - put the chopped gingerbread cookies in the first layer on a plate, grease them with sour cream.

Lay a layer of gingerbread and sour cream again, then cover the gingerbread with bananas.

Close the banana layer with gingerbread, layer them again with sour cream. Now lay out the kiwi.

In this order, fill the form to the very top. At the end, lay out a layer of gingerbread, cover it with sour cream. Seal the form with cling film, compact the cake a little and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

Beat the remaining gingerbread in a blender bowl until fine crumbs form.

After a while, remove the form from the refrigerator, turn it over onto a dish, remove the cling film.

Brush the top of the cake with sour cream. You can drizzle with melted chocolate if you like.

Sprinkle the cake with chopped gingerbread crumbs. Decorate the cake to your taste, let it brew for a few more hours and you can safely serve it to the table. Also be sure to cook this very beautiful and delicious

Let's build a gingerbread house, or rather, make a gingerbread cake with sour cream. The recipe surprises him with its laid-back simplicity. But the taste, softness and sophistication of such a dessert will forever remain in the hearts of gourmets. Gingerbread cakes are quick desserts. A couple of these recipes should definitely fill up your cookbook.

Unbelievable, but true: gingerbread, which not everyone loves, can play a useful role and become a delicious base for a cake. Baking is not needed, so a similar delicacy can appear on your table with a wave of a magic wand.

But there are still a few tricks in preparing such a dessert, in particular:

  • you can choose absolutely any kind of gingerbread, but chocolate is best combined with cream;
  • gingerbread must be cut lengthwise, dividing them into two parts;
  • the thinner the gingerbread base, the better the cream will soak;
  • classic cream is made from sour cream and granulated sugar;
  • the taste of sour cream can be supplemented with cream, chocolate or cottage cheese;
  • nowhere without fruit, tropical notes are the highlight of the dessert;
  • bananas, peaches, pineapples, raspberries, cherries - far from an exhaustive list of possible fillings;
  • decoration is the final, but important stage, do not skip it.


  • 0.5 kg of gingerbread;
  • 0.2 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 400 ml sour cream;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of walnut kernels.


  • The auditor is coming to us: we will start with the preparation of all the products.

  • Let's arm ourselves with a mixer or blender for a few minutes and turn this set of ingredients into an exquisite cream.

  • To reveal all the sophistication of the taste of nuts, we fry them lightly in a dry frying pan.

  • Now a little trick: take a cake mold and cover it with a plastic bag.

  • Each gingerbread piece is dipped in sour cream and laid out in the first layer in a mold.

  • In this order, we continue to assemble the cake, while there are enough ingredients.
  • Then carefully lay our cake out of the bag on a dish.

A small note: a no-bake gingerbread cake with sour cream will turn out incomparably delicious if you add a little creativity. For example, you can add a couple of drops of rum or liquor, mix different fruits. Spices and citrus zest also play an important role. Do not forget to infuse the cake in the refrigerator before tasting. This is a must for soaking gingerbread.

Air dessert: unravel the secret

Have you ever tried gingerbread and marshmallow cake? The preparation of such a wonderful dessert does not require baking. Gingerbread can be used vanilla, chocolate or honey. The mint version is not very suitable. But the choice of marshmallows you have is unlimited. Marshmallow layer will give the cake extra lightness and extraordinary taste. This amount of ingredients will make a huge cake, which is enough to feed a large group of friends.


  • 1 kg of gingerbread;
  • 7 pcs. bananas;
  • 7-8 pcs. marshmallow;
  • 500 ml sour cream;
  • 80 ml cream;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 125 g of granulated sugar.


  1. Let's get started. Let's take gingerbread cookies and quickly process them. How? Yes, just grind it into equal cubes. Troublesome, but the game is worth the candle.
  2. Cut the banana pulp in the same way. No need to grind bananas to a puree consistency.
  3. Zephyr also cut into cubes. A couple of pieces can be eaten while no one is watching. So it's tastier.
  4. Put cream and sour cream in a deep bowl.
  5. Shall we buzz? Turn on the mixer or blender and beat these ingredients. Experienced housewives can easily cope with this task with the help of a whisk.
  6. Add cocoa powder and sugar.
  7. Fans of culinary experiments can complement the taste of the cake with ground ginger, cinnamon or nutmeg.
  8. Now it's time to combine the prepared cream with the gingerbread-marshmallow mass.
  9. Look - what a play of colors! Chocolate pieces of gingerbread combined with pink and white marshmallows are simply mesmerizing.
  10. We take the most beautiful dish and put our cake on it.
  11. It's time to turn on the fantasy: form a cake, decorate it and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

The main feature of the preparation of this dish is the presence of gingerbread and sour cream in the recipe, and the fact that the gingerbread cake is prepared without baking.

When choosing one of the main products of the cake - gingerbread, you should take into account the wide variety of these products.

To prepare this pastry, according to the recipe, you will need gingerbread made from oats, and set aside ginger, rye or chocolate for other pastries. Sour cream is best to take not particularly fatty (15 percent is enough).

It will take no more than 90 minutes to prepare this dish with a calorie content of about 2300 kilocalories, and this is taking into account cooling.

Cake making process:

For baking a cake - 0.5 kg of oatmeal gingerbread; 130 g of sugar; 0.5 l 15% sour cream; 5-6 g of vanillin.

  1. First you need to prepare the filling. To do this, take the gingerbread cookies and evenly cut them into several pieces so that, if possible, three pieces of equal appearance come out.
  2. Next, you need to take sour cream, vanillin and sugar and beat everything thoroughly with a mixer, after stirring with a spoon. It is not necessary to beat for a long time, just half a minute is enough.
  3. When all the ingredients are prepared, you can proceed to the formation of the cake. To do this, you need to take a large dish and layers of gingerbread on it, form a layer of sour cream on top, on which again put a layer of gingerbread and so on until all the products run out. If there are a few gingerbread cookies left, then they should be crumbled on top of the cake.
  4. Before serving it to guests, it should be kept in the refrigerator for a little, not for long, about an hour. The recipe is simple and the dessert is amazingly delicious.

Gingerbread - banana dessert with sour cream

Fruits are the decoration of any festive table; they not only look great on the table, but are also a great addition to all kinds of pastries.

Of all the fruits, when baking cakes with gingerbread, according to many recipes, bananas are very often used, since their taste harmonizes very well with the taste of gingerbread and gives the cake zest and originality.

But for the sake of originality, you can try and experiment with other exotic fruits and change the recipe a little.

It takes only 80 minutes to prepare this dessert with a calorie content of 2350 kcal.

To make a banana gingerbread cake You will need components such as:

500 g oatmeal gingerbread, 100 g sugar, 500 ml thick sour cream, 2 yellow bananas, 25-30 g walnut kernels.

How to prepare this dish without baking:

  1. First you need to take gingerbread, always oatmeal, and cut it into two, if possible, identical parts, you need to cut it along, making two plates from each gingerbread. Cut bananas into oval rings.
  2. Next, you need to mix sour cream with granulated sugar, for this it is best to use a mixer.
  3. After that, you need to take the cut gingerbread cookies and put them in a deep pan to the very bottom, beforehand, each piece of gingerbread must be dipped in sour cream, after a layer of gingerbread you need to lay out a fruit layer, then again a gingerbread layer and so on until the last piece.
  4. The last step in preparing the dish will be its impregnation in the refrigerator, where we should send it for one or an hour and a half.
  5. As soon as the cake is completely soaked, it must be removed from the refrigerator and turned into a shallow plate.
  6. It is best to decorate the cake with chopped walnut kernels. The cake is ready to delight everyone with its amazing taste.

This recipe will delight lovers of sweets, and just by replacing ordinary gingerbread with chocolate, you can change the whole range of flavors of baking.

And if you come up with a creative and original way to decorate the cake with chocolate or coconut crumbs, you can get a perfectly tasty and beautiful dessert.

The cake preparation time is not long, only twenty minutes and two hours for cooling, and the cake will be ready, its calorie content will be 2500 kilocalories.

To prepare this dessert you will need:

Two glasses of sour cream, two yellow and large bananas, half a kilogram of chocolate gingerbread, 125 grams of powdered sugar, half a chocolate bar, 10-15 grams of cocoa powder and 25 grams of pre-crushed walnut kernels.

Step by step cooking process:

  1. First you need to divide all the gingerbread cookies into two equal halves by cutting them lengthwise.
  2. Then you need to peel the bananas and cut them into even, not thick circles.
  3. After that, you need to prepare a cream of sour cream and powdered sugar, for this, using a whisk, you need to beat these products until a homogeneous mass, at the very end, you need to add chopped walnut kernels to this mass.
  4. Now you can proceed to the formation of the cake. To do this, you need to take a suitable size pan, cover it with cling film.
  5. At the bottom of the covered pan, you need to lay out the first layer of gingerbread, previously dipped in sour cream, the pieces of gingerbread should be evenly distributed over the entire bottom. The bottom must be filled in completely without gaps.
  6. On a layer of gingerbread, you need to evenly lay out a layer of banana circles, then again gingerbread, then bananas, and so on until all the products run out.
  7. After the cake has been formed, it must be placed in the refrigerator for several hours, two hours is enough.
  8. The finished cake should be taken out of the refrigerator and put on a flat plate, decorate on top.

In its own way, an original and unique recipe. The cake turns out to be unusually tasty and tender, no one will remain indifferent to it. And most importantly, it will be enough for a very large army of eaters. It is prepared without baking.

List of necessary components for the cake:

1 kilogram of honey gingerbread, 1.5 kilograms of ripe bananas, 500 grams of marshmallows.

To prepare the cream:

90 grams of the fattest cream, 130 grams of granulated sugar, 500 grams of thick sour cream, 60 grams of cocoa powder.

In order for the cake to turn out tasty and edible, it is required follow the instructions below:

  1. Peel all bananas from the peel, cut them into equal slices.
  2. Take a marshmallow and cut it into cubes, if possible the same.
  3. Gingerbread cookies break or cut into small pieces.
  4. Take a deep pan, wash and dry.
  5. Prepare cream. To do this, using a whisk, whip the cream, cocoa powder, sour cream and all the granulated sugar.
  6. Mix all the products at the bottom of the pan, pour the cream prepared in advance on top.
  7. Gently and carefully remove the cake from the pan and place on a large dish.
  8. Move the cake to the refrigerator, wait until the cake is completely frozen.
  9. Before serving, decorate to taste, either with chocolate, or chopped nuts, or you can also with coconut flakes.

Do you want to please your loved ones with a delicious cake, but you don’t want to bother with pastries? Then this recipe is for you. Gingerbread and sour cream cake is prepared without baking, it turns out tender and very tasty. And canned pineapples and nuts will make this dessert even more interesting. If you do not reveal the secret of cooking, no one will even guess what the cake is made of.


To make a gingerbread and sour cream cake without baking, we need:

chocolate gingerbread - 500 g;

sour cream 15-20% - 600 g;

canned pineapples - 500 g;

walnuts - 0.5 cups;

chocolate chips for decoration.

Cooking steps

Prepare products.

On a flat plate, lay out in one row part of the gingerbread soaked in sour cream.

Cover the top of the cake with the remaining sour cream and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Before serving, sprinkle the top of the cake with grated chocolate or crushed nuts.

Cut a very tasty cake into pieces and serve with tea.

Gingerbread and sour cream cake, prepared without baking, turns out to be tender, with a rich chocolate flavor.

Happy tea!

Even a novice cook can make a gingerbread cake. To do this, you do not need to measure the exact amount of food and stand by a hot oven. In addition to the main ingredient, the recipe for this dessert includes components for a delicate cream and juicy fruits.

Simple gingerbread and sour cream cake

This recipe will always help out the hostess, who wants to surprise suddenly arriving guests.


  • 0.6 kg of large gingerbread;
  • 0.7 l of sour cream with a fat content of 25%;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 70 g dark chocolate.

Cooking progress:

  1. All gingerbread cut into 3 longitudinal parts.
  2. Beat cold sour cream with a mixer with sugar until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. The cut confectionery products are dipped into the resulting mass, then placed on a plate. Fold a slide, smearing each layer with sweet sour cream.
  4. The cake is completely doused with cream, the top is decorated with melted chocolate.
  5. Dessert can be served immediately, but it will turn out more soaked if you first hold it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Tip: To make a low-calorie cake, you need to use low-fat sour cream and half a serving of sugar.

Cooking with condensed milk without baking

Thanks to the cream whipped from condensed milk and sour cream, the gingerbread delicacy is very soft and just melts in your mouth.

You will need:

  • 8 medium gingerbread;
  • 100 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 60 g thick sour cream;
  • 20 g of powdered sugar.


  1. First, gingerbread is broken into small pieces.
  2. Then combine sour cream with condensed milk.
  3. Gingerbread mass is poured with sweet cream. Stir.
  4. The dish or form for serving dessert is covered with cling film.
  5. Gingerbreads filled with a sweet mass are distributed over it, tamping them so that there are no voids.
  6. Dessert is hidden in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  7. The frozen cake is turned over onto a flat dish and decorated with powder.

From chocolate gingerbread

This dessert will captivate hostesses with its simplicity and delicate chocolate taste.


  • gingerbread with cocoa - 0.5 kg;
  • medium-fat sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • vanilla extract - 2 drops;
  • walnuts - 50 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. With a knife with a sharp blade, all chocolate gingerbread is divided into three parts, cutting them lengthwise.
  2. To obtain a cream, sour cream is whipped with vanilla and sweet sand into an airy mass. If the sour cream turned out to be too liquid, you can add 10 g of gelatin pre-soaked in water.
  3. Circles of gingerbread are placed on a dish in one row.
  4. Next comes a thick layer of sour cream.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you run out of ingredients.
  6. The formed dessert is put in a cool place for 3 hours.
  7. The finished delicacy is sprinkled with chopped nuts.

Dessert with bananas

Gingerbread cake with bananas and sour cream is an unusually tasty and tender delicacy. It is impossible to guess that this dessert is prepared in just an hour without baking.

Required products:

  • 0.4 kg of gingerbread;
  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • 0.5 kg of sour cream;
  • 90 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of dark chocolate;
  • 50 g butter.

Step by step recipe.

  1. First, mix sour cream with sugar with a spoon. The mass is placed on the shelf of the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that the sand is completely “dispersed”.
  2. Gingerbread cut into thin slices.
  3. The resulting pieces are dipped in cream and laid out on a dish in a single layer. A little sour cream is left to decorate the dessert.
  4. Randomly sliced ​​bananas are placed on top.
  5. Layers of gingerbread and fruit alternate. The top row should be gingerbread.
  6. The cake slide is put in the refrigerator overnight.
  7. The next day, the dessert is smeared with the rest of the cream.
  8. The top of the cake is drizzled with melted chocolate and butter glaze.

With marshmallow

According to this recipe, it will be possible to prepare an original airy cake.

So that it does not turn out cloyingly sweet, it is better to take oatmeal or mint gingerbread.

List of ingredients:

  • 500 g of oatmeal gingerbread;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 30 g cocoa powder;
  • 4 things. marshmallow;
  • 0.25 g sour cream;
  • 40 ml whipping cream;
  • 0.3 kg of butter;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 20 g coconut flakes.


  1. Gingerbread and marshmallows are cut lengthwise into several pieces.
  2. In a blender, a cream is prepared from cream, cocoa, vanillin, sour cream, sugar and melted butter.
  3. Prepared confectionery, alternating, stack on a platter. Each layer of components is filled with cream.
  4. Before serving, the cake is allowed to cool in a cool place, then it is decorated with coconut flakes.

Gingerbread cake with pineapple

Gingerbread-pineapple dessert turns out to be fragrant and very nutritious, so it can be used as a snack.


  • 0.3 kg of pineapples in syrup;
  • 0.5 g sour cream 15% fat;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 500 g of honey gingerbread;
  • half a bar of chocolate.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Sour cream is mixed with sugar.
  2. The gingerbread is cut into several plates, then each is dipped into the sour cream mass and laid out on a serving plate.
  3. Syrup is drained from a jar of pineapples. Fruit cubes are placed on top of the gingerbread layer.
  4. Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the prepared products run out.
  5. After the slide cake hardens in the refrigerator, it is sprinkled with chocolate chips.

With custard

To prepare this dessert, you will need to spend a little more time, but the result will conquer with its taste, which is familiar to many from childhood.

List of components:

  • 800 g of any gingerbread;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 0.7 l of milk;
  • 60 g wheat flour;
  • 3 medium bananas

Step by step recipe:

  1. Half of the cooked milk is beaten with the yolks with a mixer at low speed.
  2. Sift flour into the remaining milk. The mixture is put on low heat and heated, stirring constantly to prevent the formation of lumps.
  3. Sugar is poured into a container with milk and flour and the yolk mass is poured. Continue heating and stirring.
  4. When the cream thickens, it is cooled and softened butter is added to it.
  5. The composition is whipped with a submersible blender until a smooth air mass is obtained.
  6. Gingerbread and bananas are cut into thin slices.
  7. The confectionery tray is covered with a film.
  8. Gingerbread cookies are dipped in custard and laid out in a thin layer in a mold.
  9. Next up are the bananas. The remaining ingredients are also laid out in layers.
  10. The delicacy is poured with the remnants of the cream, wrapped with cling film and pressed down with a load.
  11. The workpiece is cleaned in a cool place for 2 hours, after which it is turned over onto a dessert plate.

Treat "Turtle" from gingerbread

A no-bake gingerbread cake in the shape of a turtle can be prepared by any mother for a children's party.


  • 500 g of dark gingerbread;
  • 500 g homemade sour cream;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 80 g sugar.

Cooking progress:

  1. Each gingerbread is divided into 3 longitudinal parts.
  2. Peeled bananas are cut into circles.
  3. Cream is kneaded from sour cream, vanillin and sugar with a whisk.
  4. Gingerbread cookies are dipped in a sweet mass and put on a plate together with fruits, forming a “turtle”.
  5. The rest of the cream dessert is poured on top.
  6. In order for the sour cream to soak the gingerbread well, the “turtle” is put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

The composition of the gingerbread cake can be supplemented with candied fruits, nuts, dried fruits. Dried or dried berries will give a pleasant sourness: cherries, lingonberries, cranberries.
