
Thick soft pancakes. Fluffy pancakes with milk

Lush thick pancakes made of air dough, hot and fragrant on your table, will surely bring together the whole family, and at the same time guests. What could be better for breakfast than freshly baked pancakes? What could be more beautiful than butter melting on their hot sides, sweet jam with berries or amber honey, airy snow-white sour cream, or maybe even condensed milk or chocolate in the company of lush fried pancakes. Forgive me people who are fasting or dieting, but there can be nothing better for breakfast, despite the high calorie content.

We can cook or, but I don’t advise you to refuse thick lush pancakes either.

When, if not in the week of Shrovetide, it is worth trying them. In my family, for example, there is a tradition of having a pancake marathon for the entire Shrovetide week with a big feast at the end. This is not very useful for the figure, but this is a real family holiday. We always get together and eat fresh pancakes, it can be breakfast or even dinner, but always together. Tradition.

But on any other day, thick pancakes are a real belly feast!

Fluffy pancakes with dry yeast and milk

Thick pancakes have their undeniable advantages, you can get enough of 1-2 pieces. They are very satisfying and tasty, there are not as many of them as thin pancakes, which means that it will take less time to cook them. But at the same time, the family is fed and happy. If desired, you can wrap the filling in thick pancakes, but thin ones are still more convenient. With lush pancakes, it is better to use those fillings that are placed on top or added immediately to the dough. I will tell you how to cook thick pancakes, but at the same time fluffy and even with holes.

You will need:

  • milk - 1 liter,
  • flour - from 2 glasses,
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 0.3 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil for frying.


1. In order to cook yeast pancakes, of course, first of all, you need to start dissolving the yeast. In our case, the yeast is dry packaged, which means it will take some time to dissolve and start playing. It is better to wait, but end up with airy pancakes. Pour about half a glass of milk into a bowl or mug and heat it slightly, pour dry yeast into it and stir. Now set aside in a warm place to dissolve the yeast. At least for five minutes.

2. Heat the rest of the milk in a saucepan. You can put it on the stove until it reaches a temperature of 36-38 degrees. Hot and even more so boil milk is not worth it. Pour the prepared milk with yeast into the milk heated in this way. Pour in the sugar and salt.

3. Now sift the flour into the same pan. It is best to add it gradually, because it is difficult to tell the exact amount of flour in advance. The quality of the flour and the type of wheat determine how thick the dough is obtained from it. Sifted about one glass, mix with a spoon or mixer on the lowest speed and look for a batter or thick. The result should be a dough in consistency resembling a slightly watery sour cream, not the one in which the spoon stands, but the one that drains.

4. Break one egg into the stirred dough and mix a little more so that it completely disappears in it. Now the dough needs to be put in a warm place so that it rises.

5. In order for the dough to rise, heat is needed. In the cold season, I put a pan with a dough, covered with a lid, next to the battery or even on it. And when the heat and heating are not working, I briefly turn on the oven at the lowest temperature, literally for a few minutes, so that it just starts to heat up. The inside of the oven should be comfortably warm if you put your hand in it, no heat, we are not going to bake our dough into a pie. Literally in 15-30 minutes, depending on the temperature and the quality of the yeast, our dough will rise, possibly doubling.

6. Now is the time to bake thick pancakes. DO NOT stir the dough, otherwise it will fall off and all the airy effect will be lost. It is in this form that it must be poured into a pan and fried. Take a large ladle for this, because the pancakes will be large.

Do not forget to add vegetable oil to the pan, because we did not add it to the dough and pancakes can burn. It is very convenient if you have two suitable frying pans, the main thing is that the temperature of the burners is the same. Pancakes are baked on medium heat.

7. As soon as the first side of the pancake becomes a little matte and distinctly thickens, that is, not raw and not liquid, and a blush appears around the edges, then it's time to turn our lush thick pancake over. Take a large, handy spatula and carefully turn it over. If the pancake is torn, then it may not be baked yet. A baked pancake will not tear, because it is quite dense and elastic.

By the first pancakes, you can judge whether the temperature at the burner is correct, if it is too hot, then the pancakes will turn black on the outside, but they will not have time to bake inside. Turn off the fire if you see this. If the pancake is golden and dense, then everything is fine.

Stack ready pancakes. you can put a piece of butter on each pancake and it will melt and be absorbed on it. The taste of this pancakes will turn out simply amazing!

According to this recipe, pancakes are thick, fluffy, delicious, like a grandmother in the village. Real Russian pancakes.

Eat for health and pleasure!

Recipe for thick porous pancakes on kefir

Kefir is great for baking fluffy thick pancakes. Earlier, I already talked about how to bake very plump air pancakes using kefir. Now I will tell you how to make pancakes from kefir, large, thick and with holes. Yes, with holes there can be not only thin pancakes, but also solid and plump ones.

By the way, I recommend baking thick pancakes smaller in diameter, it is more convenient, because one such pancake is very satisfying, and if it is also huge, you won’t eat many of them. Yes, and medium-sized thick pancakes look better than large ones.

For such pancakes, it is good to use a small frying pan or pour less dough onto a large one so that the pancake lies in the middle and does not reach to the edges. A good thick dough will not let it spread, the main thing is to regulate its volume, for example, with a suitable ladle.

You will need:

  • kefir - 500 ml,
  • flour - 2 cups (approximately depends on the density of the dough),
  • egg - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon,
  • boiling water - 250-300 ml,
  • soda - 2/3 teaspoon,
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.


1. Traditionally, we start with an egg, which is mixed with sugar and salt to a light foam. It is not necessary to beat strongly, we do not bake biscuits.

2. Add kefir to the egg, stir everything well, and then set this mixture to heat up. To do this, do not forget to pour into a suitable dish, ladle or saucepan, if initially kneaded in a plate. You need to heat up quite a bit, up to 50 degrees no more, it should not boil. Should be slightly hot.

3. Now stir the heated kefir mixture with two glasses of flour. The dough should be very thick, thicker than for pancakes. I will explain why, this is not yet the final version, but only a blank. We will still add boiling water, which will significantly dilute the dough. Therefore, feel free to stir the thick dough and do not be afraid.

4. Boil a kettle of water. Pour baking soda into a mug, and then pour boiling water there, the soda will foam and hiss. Stir it with a spoon so that it dissolves completely.

5. Feel free to pour boiling water into our dough and immediately stir it well. Don't worry, the dough won't cook, it will cook and become even better than before. And soda in water and kefir in the dough will begin their chemical game and will release bubbles.

6. In order for our pancakes to turn out really thick, the dough should turn out thick, like condensed milk. If you are not sure about the result, then pour the water gradually, stir and add more if necessary. Add a little more liquid in the face of vegetable oil, just one tablespoon. This is necessary in order for the pancakes to lag better when frying. Stir the oil well.

7. Preheat a frying pan, cast iron is best because it has a thick bottom and the heat is evenly distributed. When it's hot, turn the heat down to medium. You can start baking pancakes. Scoop up the dough with a large ladle and pour it into the middle of the pan. Help spread a little to the desired size and bake. You will immediately see how the holes appear.

8. Flip to the other side as it browns and bake a little more. The other side should also brown. After that, you can remove the finished thick pancake.

9. Place each finished pancake on its hot counterpart and spread butter on top. It will just be a meal. As soon as the dough is over, you can call everyone to the table.

These thin golden suns will delight you and your loved ones, believe me. Happy tea drinking!

Royal pancakes - lush and thick according to an old recipe

On this, perhaps, I will finish with pancakes for now. Wait for new recipes and stay in touch. We will definitely prepare something delicious.


Who loves thick pancakes on kefir, whey, or milk? Welcome to our page!
Pancakes are a fairly versatile dish, almost everyone loves it. You can cook thick pancakes on kefir, milk, etc., you can make the dough not so thick, then the pancakes are thin.
We offer 2 types of thick pancakes with kefir and milk. These pancakes are worth serving after a hearty hot meal, such as

Recipe for thick pancakes on kefir

Thick pancakes in milk or kefir can also be cooked on yeast dough, but in time it will be much longer, which is the beauty of the yeast-free pancake dough for a quick hand. Let's start with thick pancakes on kefir, although it can be replaced with yogurt, fermented baked milk or regular sour milk.


  • 3 eggs
  • 500 ml kefir
  • 1/2 l soda
  • 3 art. l sugar
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • vegetable oil
  • salt

1. We combine eggs with sugar, add kefir, soda, vegetable oil and mix everything well.

2. In any recipe for thick pancakes on kefir, fermented baked milk, etc. flour is put in the very last turn and rubbed well to avoid lumps. It is better to sift the flour and add to the dough in parts.

3. Before frying, heat the pan well and grease with vegetable oil.

Ready-made pancakes are best poured with butter, which must first be melted.

Recipe for thick pancakes with milk

Pancakes will turn out porous, and will go well with any sweet syrup.

Required products:

  • 1 st. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. flour
  • baking powder package
  • 50 gr. sl. oils
  • salt

How to make thick pancakes

1. Any recipe for thick pancakes in milk, kefir, or the preparation of ordinary thin pancakes starts the same way. Eggs are beaten with sugar.

2. Add salt, baking powder to the flour and pour the mixture of eggs and sugar into it.

3. Add butter, which is pre-melted. Thanks to butter, thick pancakes in milk are especially delicate in taste.

4. Before you start frying thick pancakes in milk, the dough needs to brew a little. Pour the dough into a well-heated pan, make sure that the height of the pancake in its raw form is at least 3-4 mm.

Thick pancakes in milk, as well as in kefir, must be fried under the lid and wait until the dough thickens, and the second side is already as usual.
Pancakes are ready!

There are certain subtleties in the recipe for thick pancakes on kefir, milk

Pour the batter into the center of the pan and spread it all over the bottom. Watch the thickness of the pancake while still raw, it should be at least 2-3 mm

- When the pancake starts to fry, cover it with a lid and only after the dough stops spreading, remove the lid and fry the second side as usual

When I see on a plate a stack of freshly baked cakes with curvaceous shapes, I always remember the saying: “Pick in your hands - you wave a thing.” Let's treat ourselves and the family today with delicious thick pancakes baked from milk dough. It is clear that every hostess strives for the ideal - to learn how to fry thin pancakes with holes, like our mothers and grandmothers. But not so long ago, a fashion for thick pancakes came from America. They are also called pancakes. And soon the fashion for pancakes of impressive size swept the country.

In fact, this is not an American invention. Many have forgotten that our grandmothers, far from culinary delights, baked lush pancakes. Even then, each craftswoman had her own secrets for making delicious pastries. The flight of fancy was not limited to the classic recipe. Lush pancakes are cooked in sour milk, using soda, yeast, kefir. They experiment with various types of flour, sometimes completely refusing it. I did not stay away from experiments, having found some wonderful recipes. Keep a selection of the most successful, in my opinion.

A couple of tips for inexperienced hostesses:

  • ingredients for pancakes should be at room temperature, otherwise they will not knead well, and the dough will not rise well.
  • the dough for thick pancakes has the consistency of thick sour cream - this is an axiom.
  • Love holes on pancakes - knead the dough on soda.
  • Pour the dough only on a hot pan, otherwise it will be difficult to turn over, and the first pancake will come out exactly according to the proverb.

Classic thick pancakes with milk - a step by step recipe

Where without the good old classics! Baking has a delicate taste and a lush dense texture. Love holes - you'll get them. Favorite additive in the form of jam, sour cream will make the dessert unique.


  • Flour - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Baking powder - 10 gr. (you can replace 1 tsp of slaked soda).
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 300 gr.
  • Butter - 65 gr.


  1. Take a deep bowl. Break the eggs, add sweetness to them, beat well. While continuing to beat the egg mixture, pour in the milk.
  2. Melt the butter (use a microwave or water bath). In a thin stream, gradually pour it into a bowl, while stirring the mixture with a spoon.
  3. Sift flour, enriched with oxygen, add in portions to liquid ingredients. Stir each portion of flour well to break up lumps.
  4. Add the baking powder and salt last, mix well again.
  5. The finished dough should be kept warm. It will be ready to bake when bubbles appear on the surface.
  6. Heat the frying pan, pour in a little oil, lay out the first portion of the dough with a ladle. After about a minute, lift the edge of the pancake. If it's already browned, turn over and cook in the pan for a few more seconds.
  7. Fold the finished cakes in a pile, spreading each with oil.

How to bake fluffy pancakes on yeast dough in milk

The recipe will appeal to lovers of airy yeast baking. Rich perforated cakes will saturate the household until the very dinner.


  • Flour - 300 gr.
  • Milk - 280 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Butter - 90 gr.
  • Dry yeast - 6 gr.

How to bake:

  1. First of all, let's set the steam. To do this, take half a glass of milk, warm it up slightly, not letting it boil. Add a couple tablespoons of sugar, stir until dissolved.
  2. Pour two large spoons of flour, yeast into sweet milk. Stir the mass well. Cover the dough with a towel, put in a warm place so that the yeast starts working.
  3. Whisk eggs with sugar in a deep bowl. With the mixer still running, pour in the milk and melted butter. Next, pour the finished dough (it should increase by 2 times) and pour the flour in portions. Thoroughly mix the dough so that there are no dense lumps left.
  4. Let the dough rest again for a while. The dough ready for baking pancakes will rise well, bubbles will appear on the surface. To speed up the process, the bowl with the workpiece can be placed on a steam bath, but the water should not boil.
  5. It remains to bake lush cakes, and enjoy their delicious taste.

Sweet thick pancakes with semolina and milk

In our country, semolina is very popular. And often included in the recipe for baking. Fluffy pancakes were no exception. The addition of cereals gives the finished cakes an impressive volume and density.

You will need:

  • Semolina - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dry yeast - 4 gr.
  • Milk - 270 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. In a deep bowl, beat the egg, adding sugar, into a homogeneous mass. Add slightly warmed milk, stir.
  2. Combine dry semolina with yeast and salt. Add food mixture to liquid. Thoroughly knead the mass (a mixer will help you).
  3. Make a short pause, for 20-30 minutes, allowing the dough to ripen.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the finished dough, mix quickly and start frying the cakes.

Thick pancakes with sour milk - very tasty

Sour milk is not a reason to be upset. Experienced hostesses know that this is an occasion to bake pancakes! The family will certainly appreciate plump, airy pancakes, especially if served with condensed milk.

Test Ingredients:

  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • Egg.
  • Salt - ¼ tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour milk - 250 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l


  1. In a mixing bowl, beat eggs with sugar until slightly white. Pour in milk at room temperature.
  2. Add salted flour gradually. Do not fall asleep a lot at once, put in portions, conscientiously stirring each one. Mix until there are no lumps in the dough. If the indicated amount of flour is not enough, add more. The consistency of the dough should be like that of very thick sour cream, but flowing freely from a spoon.
  3. The dough needs to stand in a warm place so that the flour disperses, sticks together with other components.
  4. Before you start baking pancakes, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough and mix well.
  5. Bake the tortillas on both sides until nicely browned. Fold in a pile, brush with oil.

Thick yeast-free pancakes in milk with soda with holes

It is not necessary to use yeast to make thick pancakes. You can go for a little trick and add splendor with soda. This is a centuries-old method that will never let you down.


  • Flour - 2.5 cups.
  • Milk - 1 liter.
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - ½ tsp.
  • Baking soda - ½ tsp
  • Lean oil - 3 tbsp. l.

How to bake:

  1. In a large bowl, mix all ingredients except flour. Soda is desirable to pay off.
  2. Gradually adding flour, knead the dough. At the end, pour in sunflower oil, and mix well again.
  3. Pause for 30 minutes by placing the bowl in heat. Fry in the usual way, without departing far from the stove in order to have time to turn the cake over in time.

A step-by-step video recipe for delicious pancakes made from milk dough. The author shares all the known secrets, watch and repeat the steps. Good luck with your pancakes, and so that even the first one does not turn out lumpy!

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Thick pancakes in milk are airy and porous. They go well with sweet gravy in the form of jam, syrup, jam or honey. Thick pancakes with milk are prepared much easier and faster than traditional thin pancakes. Milk, eggs and butter make this dish rich and very tasty, so both adults and children are happy to eat them for breakfast. If necessary, when preparing thick pancakes in milk, a product such as milk can be replaced with kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk, but then the taste of the pancakes will change slightly.

Ingredients needed to make thick pancakes:

  • 350 ml of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • two st. l. Sahara;
  • two tsp baking powder;
  • 55 g butter;
  • 350 g flour;
  • salt.

The process of making thick pancakes in milk:

Beat eggs with sugar and milk with a whisk or blender. Then sift the flour and mix together with the baking powder and a pinch of salt in a separate bowl. Then mix flour with liquid ingredients. At the same time, mix everything well so that there are no breasts. The dough will be thick. After that, melt the butter in a water bath or in a saucepan over low heat. Pour into the dough. Mix the ingredients. Leave the prepared dough for 15 minutes.

The pan must be heated, and the bottom should be greased with vegetable oil. Reduce the fire to medium. Pour one and a half tablespoons of dough into the pan, forming a small circle 4 mm thick. Fry on one side for 2 minutes until golden brown, and flip to the other side (fry the pancake on the other side for a couple of minutes as well).

Put the finished pancakes on a separate dish, greasing with butter. Serve them hot with various additions, such as sour cream, jam, honey, jam, condensed milk - it all depends on the taste preferences of everyone.

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With milk is to take the right amount of ingredients. Pancakes turn out to be excellent in taste, but, of course, appetizers give them a special spicy note. Pancakes based on these products can be sweet or savory, but one thing is clear: they always turn out delicious.

Experienced housewives know that the preparation of this dish has its own secrets. We simply do not have secrets from readers, therefore, the main points on how to cook pancakes successfully are detailed below.

  1. The density of the dough should be like liquid sour cream or 33% fat cream. In no case should the dough be like water.
  2. The homogeneity of the dough and the complete disposal of lumps are important. This is easily achieved by mixing all the ingredients with a fork or whisk.
  3. To make the pancakes thin, but not stick to the pan, you can add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the dough.
  4. If you add melted butter to pancakes, they will acquire a pleasant golden color and turn out with neat holes.
  5. For frying, be sure to take a frying pan with a handle.
  6. Before frying the first pancake, the pan with oil must be heated. It is better not to pour oil on the surface, but to lubricate it using an ordinary pastry brush.
  7. It is most convenient to collect the dough with a ladle, then, tilting the pan, start pouring the dough into the center. Rotate the pan in a circle so that from the center the pancake spreads in an even layer in different directions.
  8. Fry on each side for two minutes;

Pancakes with milk: recipe

Classic variant

According to this recipe, you can quickly and successfully cook thin pancakes in milk. You will need to be very careful when turning them over so as not to tear them. This is best done with a special spatula.

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • Three eggs;
  • 240 ml of wheat flour;
  • a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt;
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

Whisk the eggs in a bowl and add half of the milk to them. Add salt and sugar, mix everything. According to this recipe, neutral pancakes are obtained, which can be filled with both salty and sweet fillings. Pour flour into the mixture, gradually. Mix everything well. It remains to pour in the remaining milk, mix everything again to get a homogeneous mass.

Important! The dough should be liquid, but like store-bought sour cream, not like water. If the batter is too thick, you can add some milk. Too liquid, on the contrary, add flour.

It remains to add vegetable oil and mix everything again. Now sprinkle the pan with vegetable oil (you can grease it with butter or even a piece of lard) and start baking pancakes. Fry on each side until a nice golden color.

On milk and boiling water

This recipe for pancakes with milk is different in that the finished product will have a lot of beautiful holes. The secret, as the name implies, is in boiling water.

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of flour;
  • Two eggs;
  • A glass of milk;
  • Salt to taste, two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • A glass of boiling water;

The cooking process begins with the fact that you need to beat the eggs into the foam, add salt to them. Now pour in boiling water, continuing to beat the mixture with a fork. Next, add flour, vegetable oil. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps. You can even use the mixer at low speed. Bake in a frying pan pre-oiled.


Required Ingredients:

  • Two eggs;
  • 300 ml of milk;
  • Two tablespoons of sugar;
  • Salt and baking powder;
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 60 grams of butter;

Beat eggs with sugar and milk. Separately sift flour, add salt and baking powder. Combine dry and liquid mixture. Mix everything and pour in the melted butter. Once again, the ingredients are mixed and left for 20 minutes. After that, you can start the cooking process. The thickness of each pancake should be somewhere around 4 mm.
