
Test dark butler history.

Ciel: You're so cute...beautiful...brave...sexy...fuck! Strong!
Sebastian: *giggles and watches you bludgeon Ciel*
Lisey: You're evil! Go away from me!
Finny: *walks over you*
Bard: Are you crazy!? Why did you have to throw out all the dirty things in the house!?
Meiling: What a dictator… *gets it from you too*
Madame Red: She has a great future in politics.
Grell: *constantly arguing with you*
Undertaker: Hey! cheeky! Give me my braid!
Lan Mao: Nothing like that…
Ash / Angela: That's who I'll take as my assistant!

(that's how always XDDD cleaning still I do better than anyone else XDDD)

Congratulations!!! You are Ciel Phantomhive
the twelve-year-old head of the Phantomhive family. In early childhood, he was left without parents and was captured by a secret organization, but seven years later he entered into a contract with a demon and escaped. He inherited the entire fortune, as well as the title of "Queen's watchdog": from now on, his duties include investigating the most dangerous and mysterious crimes. The boy is also looking for the people who killed his parents in order to take revenge on them.

Take the test
You fly to the entrance, but then the door swings open and the author appears on the threshold with her ward. Muzko is carrying a huge bag on his back, which he dumps at your feet. With an animal grin, the author reaches for the bag and turns it over. A shaggy head peeks out from there ... Sebastian.
Flashing with red eyes and bowing politely, the demon holds out a neatly complex piece of paper. "Sebastian Michaels. Instructions for use. You don’t really need to bathe with this - he will cook dinner, dress, put shoes on, undress, put him to bed and, by order, he will lie next to him, the main thing is to sign the contract. Keep away from the underage Phantomhive, otherwise he may run away to save “my lord” once again. Often stroke the head and let them play with cats, and most importantly, watch out so that you don’t fall into the depraved hands of the reaper Griel.

Name: Dee Brown, Sharon.
Floor: Female.
Classification: Human. Former inmate of Wood Hospital. The bloodhound of Queen Victoria.
Age: 15 years.
Character: Sharon is a very wayward, naughty person, but at the same time very sensitive. She is used to fighting for her life. She remembers nothing from the past, her life began from the minute she woke up in the sewers of London. As Sharon herself admits, she is not interested in the past, because her future does not depend on it.
Before getting into Lady Wood's house, Sharon was a real homeless child: she slept wherever she got, stole food, sometimes, of course, she could earn extra money somewhere.
In Lady Wood's house, Sharon immediately smelled this "vile, reeking of money and violence" atmosphere. Unlike other pupils, Sharon did not feel any gratitude to Gertrude Wood, who allegedly saved her from a terrible life on the street. She hated this whole house, every door, every wall and window, but her attempts to escape were successfully thwarted.
Living in Lady Wood's house, Sharon soon learned the truth and came to hate the "rich pigs" who treat the poor like cattle, but also harbored a genuine dislike for those who act like cattle.
He still blames himself for the death of his friend, a boy named Dusty, who was the only one who died in a fire on that fateful night.
And then she contacted a traveling circus, whose members nursed her for some time for the services of an errand girl. Although Sharon had a special affection for them, she did not want to be reciprocated. She did everything to be seen only as a servant, because she was afraid to lose dear people again.
A year later, she was found and recruited by Queen Victoria. Sharon was forced to comply so that nothing threatened the members of the circus.
She rages when she is called the "royal pooch".
Homeland: London. England. Great Britain.
Family: Parents are unknown.
Trustee - Essex, Gertrude. Dowager Countess Wood. Headmistress of Wood Hospital. A rather attractive middle-aged woman, obsessed with order, rules and punctuality in everything. A real lady from an early age. God forbid she sneeze in the presence of strangers, so depression for two days. She loves secular receptions (both hosting and attending), where she will definitely appear either in a fashionable dress made to order from the best tailors, or in brand new (even if not the right size) shoes, or with chic expensive jewelry. He loves the general attention of others to his person, in particular, when she is admired. And many admire her: of course, the lady is beautiful, educated, with excellent manners and a sense of style. Gertrude does not allow anyone to pour mud on her and, conducting any conversation, boldly looks into the eyes of her interlocutor.
She knows absolutely every rumor that she has ears all over London, as her late husband put it.
The reason why some people do not feel good towards Lady Wood is the unexpected death of Count Wood, wife of Lady Gertrude Wood. According to her friends and colleagues, Count Wood was more than healthy, and his sudden death arouses suspicion. But whether this was the work of Gertrude Wood - no one still knows.
Gertrude founded an orphanage for foundlings and street children.
But her activities did not have a noble character for long. Having owed a large sum to one earl (Gertrude had a passion for gambling), she was forced to obey his demands in order not to go to prison or be killed: from now on, the children in the orphanage are toys for aristocrats. Subsequently, Gertrude even got a taste, because something from the profit went into her pocket. In great demand at her orphanage were little girls, untouched virgins, who were taken in the middle of the night when they were asleep and returned by the morning of the next day. Some were bought after that, others were returned such that you won’t look without tears. After, of course, these girls were less in demand, because they were no longer virgins, but later methods began to be used, thanks to which innocence was restored.
Not everyone took the news about the brothel orphanage of Gertrude Wood calmly, some people began to look at her with condemnation and contempt, while others, who were not painfully alarmed by this news, showed interest and even became clients.
Having paid the debt to the old count, Gertrude continued her activities anyway. She offered homeless children, boys and girls, food and a roof over their heads, took them with her (Gertrude even hired servants to scour London in search of street children), washed and fed, and then they had no choice but to live and work by Lady Wood's rules.
When twelve-year-old Sharon appeared at Lady Wood's house, Gertrude immediately had the feeling that it would be difficult with this child. Indeed, Sharon did not obey the demands of the "grouchy toad." When they first came for her, Sharon bit off a piece of the ear of one of the customers. Gertrude was forced to put the girl under lock and key in the attic, she was in full confidence that now her case was over. What was her surprise when the demand for "savage" suddenly began to grow and grow. But Sharon did not obey anyone, she fought, bit, scratched, did anything, just not to be on her back. And money dripped. Lady Wood's purse almost burst, until one day there was a catastrophe.
When Sharon was thirteen, there was a fire. He quickly swept through Lady Wood's house. The children and Gertrude herself barely managed to escape when the building collapsed. As it turned out later, it was arson, the fire came from the top floor, from the attic. Realizing what was happening, Gertrude double-checked all the children several times, but did not find Sharon.
Now Lady Gertrude Wood is behind bars. She was seized immediately, as soon as Scotland Yard's hands were untied, previously squeezed by secular society, which suddenly ceased to patronize Lady Wood's activities (apparently, they were worried about their own skin). The children have been placed in other orphanages and Scotland Yard is looking after their rehabilitation.
Capabilities: Developed ingenuity, intuition, high physical data, a developed sense of rhythm, the ability to control the environment, flexibility.
Intelligence: Average.
Basic skills: Excellent arnis skills on sticks.

Phantomhive Manor


Undertaker: You met him during your new business with Ciel.
The corpse of a young boy was found in the city cemetery, however, the dead man himself looked by no means ordinary. Clothes in black colors, a pale face and protruding front fangs, but the strangest thing is the method of killing - a stake in the heart. Word of the vampire immediately spread throughout London. Absolutely all the newspapers wrote about it, the headlines screamed on the front pages.
... You needed some new clues in order, firstly, to continue the investigation, and secondly, to refute this stupid fiction. And then Ciel told you about the funeral home, where he supposedly has connections.
You caught the creepy atmosphere as soon as you were on the threshold of the office. And Ciel didn't seem to be embarrassed at all, and neither did his butler. There was no one in the room, there was absolute silence.
You hurried around several coffins located right in the middle of the room and stood in the corner, arms folded tightly across your chest. Ciel did not miss your reaction to all this and quietly laughed into his fist.
Suddenly, a hand was on your shoulder and squeezed it. You immediately stretched out along the string, turning into a tin soldier. Then she slowly turned her head. In the shadow of the coffin that opened behind you, a crazy smile shone.
- Yes, what's the matter? - you shouted and, kicking the coffin, jumped to the side. The box rocked in place and fell to the floor, a strange man rolled out of it. Ciel and Sebastian turned sharply at the noise.
- Good afternoon, young count, - the stranger saluted him, quickly jumped to his feet, without waiting for anyone's help (this is pointless), then turned his attention to you. - I see, there is a replenishment in your company.
"Stop it, Undertaker," Ciel demanded. But he still continued to circle around you and inspect, mumbling something about an interesting specimen. - We're on business.
- On business? Undertaker chuckled.
- Yes! - you boldly confirmed the words of the count and turned on your heels to the eccentric (you can’t call him otherwise). As soon as you did that, you ended up nose to nose with the Undertaker. It smelled of death, corpses, and you barely restrained the urge to vomit. It got worse when the hands of this eccentric were suddenly on your shoulders. - Let go! You squealed, jumping behind Ciel. Undertaker, driven by curiosity, continued to advance, but stumbled upon the tip of the cane.
- M? - he sat down a little and began to consider it as a kind of work of art. Ciel immediately lowered his cane, sighing doomedly.
- Enough. Let's get down to business, - the young count said in a broken voice.
- Of course, - Undertaker sat down on the coffin. - What can I do?
- We need new data on the murder.
You, having calmed down, awkwardly straightened your uniform, and stood next to the count.
- I will tell you everything with pleasure, but, - he put up his index finger, - only after you, my young count, give me your wonderful laugh!
From the outside, it was perfectly clear that Ciel was not happy with this. With an air of martyrdom, he asked Sebastian to take you out of the office, even though you swore through a smile of anticipation that you would not tell anyone. Five minutes later, the bureau shook from the laughter of the Undertaker, who was lying on the floor near the coffin, wiping his tears. Ciel towered over him with an unhappy look. You were seized by that still interest - why did Count Phantomhive make him laugh so much?
"I'm listening," Ciel said in a serious voice, taking his cane back from the butler.
- Well, well, - the Undertaker smiled broadly, resting his head on the roof of the coffin. - I'll tell you what I know...
... That's how your first acquaintance went. To tell the truth, for some time you flatly refused to go into the office and even went to the other side of the street, because once the Undertaker, not seeing a third person in the Count's company, quietly opened the front door, noticed the desired figure two steps away and, laughing loudly, dragged you into the bureau.
Basically, you're amusing him. Although, as he himself admits, he is a little offended that you are afraid of him. Once, as a compliment, if it can be called such, he said that red velvet would suit you - and then he still wondered why you stopped visiting him.
Grell Sutcliff: He was put in charge of stopping the life of that killer you and Ciel were after. Grell appeared, as always, at the last moment and was about to throw himself into the arms of his beloved demon, when he stumbled upon a female figure walking a little behind Count Phantomhive. But that wasn't what caught his attention, it was the fact that you were walking too close to his Sebastian. Jealousy surged up in him, and Grell rushed into battle for his love.
... - The time is already approaching nine o'clock, - Sebastian remarked, glancing at his pocket watch.
“So he will come soon,” Ciel replied, looking around suspiciously.
Your target was a certain Rowland Strutt, an unfortunate little known inventor. In his thirties, he has achieved nothing in life, although he continues to try to "create something that will shake not only London, but the whole of Great Britain." According to the dossier, at the age of ten, Rowland was in a children's psychiatric hospital. He was placed there because of his frequent outbursts of anger and cruelty. Little Rowland did not hesitate to show violence towards animals at first (which gave his parents a reason to give him for treatment), and later attempts were noticed to harm people - so he cut the hands of a nurse who protected her face with them. He left the psychiatric hospital only at the age of twenty-one. A passion for inventions was instilled in him even during treatment, because the ward was single, and he had to entertain himself. The place of treatment connected him with the murdered man - it turns out that that young man was also in a psychiatric hospital, and Rowland managed to make friends with him. Considering that Rowland was the killer of that poor fellow, gives the latter no alibi for that evening.
Now you have come to his house and awaited his return. You leaned your shoulder against the wall of the building and yawned lazily. Suddenly you were struck by lightning, a strange acute sense of danger arose. When you abruptly turned around, someone's hand had already been intercepted by Sebastian.
- What are you doing here, Mr Grell? the butler asked politely and let the man go. He took a few steps back. You stared at him with all your eyes, roughly speaking. There was an opinion that meeting the Undertaker was the strangest thing in your life, but then you realized that you were wrong. In front of you stood an effeminate man, dressed in a long red cloak that came down to his elbows, a plain white shirt tied at the neck with a ribbon, a simple cut brown waistcoat, black trousers with pleats and high-heeled ankle boots. Most likely, if Sebastian did not say the name of this man, you would probably think that a woman is standing in front of you. But then your eyes caught on one thing that Grell held in his right hand.
"Chainsaw?!" your consciousness screamed, which has already regretted a thousand times that you contacted Count Phantomhive. His friends are too eccentric.
“Ah, Sebastian,” Grell murmured in a bitter voice, making an attempt to warm the demon on his chest, but he stepped aside, and the man fell face down on the ground. - How cruel you are... - Grell smiled at him and suddenly turned to you. He immediately jumped to his feet and walked towards you and Ciel with a confident step, but Sebastian blocked his way. - Tell me, Sebastian, who is this girl? - with tears in his eyes, Grell rushed at the butler, but stumbled upon the exposed fist. - Oh-oh-oh!
- I'm sorry, we don't have time for that right now. You came for Rowland Strutt too, didn't you?
Grell immediately stopped howling like an offended girl and looked at the butler with a sparkle in his eyes.
- That's right, - he nodded his head and took out a book. “It says here that Rowland Strutt is to die at exactly half past ten, falling out of a window.
While Sebastian and Grell discussed the man's death, you and Ciel continued to watch. You now and then looked back not an unexpected guest.
“You don’t need to get to know him,” Ciel said sternly, looking at you.
- Do you think your ally will defect to me? You giggled into your fist, to which Ciel chuckled self-confidently.
- I'll be glad, - Ciel finished your conversation and turned to the house. - Here he is! whispered the young count.
A mature man entered the house on the other side of the street. His gait was drunk, a bottle of alcohol was clamped in his hand. Five minutes later, a light came on in the apartment on the third floor.
- Well, well, I went, - Grell waved his hand to you and ran to the house. You wanted to run after him, but Ciel stopped you.
- Why? Shouldn't we grab it? - you wondered, moving away from the count. He first looked at the house, then looked back at you.
“It’s not our job anymore, since one of them arrived here,” Ciel said mysteriously and signaled to Sebastian that you were wrapping up.
- No, wait! You stopped the count by grabbing his shoulder. - Explain to me!
But Ciel remained silent. His eyes sparkled mysteriously in the light of the evening lanterns. You get the impression that he could, could very well tell you everything, but he doesn't want to, because he likes to watch you thrash about.
- And okay! - you got angry and rushed to the suspect's apartment. Ciel didn't even raise an eyebrow, just sighed wearily.
Meanwhile, you broke into the house and ran through the broken door. The apartment met you with darkness, on the floor, in the center of the room, there were fragments of a scattered chandelier. There were dark spots on the wall. Smearing them with your fingers, you sniffed and realized that it was blood. Baring your teeth tensely, you walked deeper into the living room and stopped dead in your tracks. On the floor, right in the center of the room, lay the corpse of a man. Near him stood the same Grell, who thought about something. Noticing that he was no longer alone in the apartment, Grell smiled slyly and turned to the girl.
“Sorry, my dear, the performance is over,” Grell sang in a sweet voice, then he grabbed the corpse by the scruff of the neck and carried it to the window.
- No! Stop! you screamed, but the body had already been thrown away. Two seconds later, there was a dull thump on the ground outside. There was horror in your eyes. You turned your dumbfounded gaze to Grell.
- What? he didn't understand. - He was supposed to fall out of the window at exactly half past ten.
You looked at the wall clock - it showed exactly the time.
When you looked at Grell again, you were electrocuted. That insane smile, insane sparkling eyes, flowing red hair - all this you have already met in your past. Pictures that hurt the heart flashed through my head to this day: fire - fire was everywhere, the boy surrounded by it screamed and begged for help, his voice was hoarse because he was choking. You run towards him with your arm outstretched, ready at any moment to grab and pull him out of here, but suddenly you stop, noticing a tall silhouette. In his hands was a weapon, it growled like a wild beast. Unknown swung, not listening to your cries, lowered his weapon with a sharp movement, and immediately there was a terrible silence.
“You were there,” you say dumbfounded. Grell raised his left eyebrow in bewilderment and tilted his head to the side.
- What are you talking about?
Your face was not visible - only your lips were illuminated by the light of a street lamp penetrating through the curtains. Okhnuv, you put your hand to your heart - it hurt, your chest ached and burned unpleasantly. Anger, resentment, anger - absolutely all the negative feelings in you have increased.
- It was you! - with tears in your eyes, you screamed into Grell's face. He even recoiled, hitting his back against the wall. - You killed him! You! You killed Dusty!
- Dusty? - Grell repeated, trying to remember anything connected with this name. And then it dawned on him. - Are you talking about that boy? He laughed, and pain reflected in your eyes. You could not take your eyes off the laughing Grell, half listening to his admiring speech about how beautiful the boy had become, washed in his own blood.
Clenching your fists, you wanted to throw yourself at him, but Sebastian stopped you, holding out his hand.
- Sebastian? What are you doing? Get away immediately! - you were indignant, pushing the butler aside, but he seemed to be rooted to the floor.
“I beg you, milady, calm down,” Sebastian said and turned his intense gaze to Grell, who also fell silent when he saw the object of his love.
Count Ciel Phantomhive stepped out of the shadows and stood beside you.
“It makes no sense to grieve,” Ciel said quietly. You looked at him with a look as if he had plunged a knife right into your back. And even if this is only a figurative expression, but the sensations were just that. - The past cannot be changed.
- It is true noticed ... - there was a strange voice.
... Grell Sutcliff is a reaper tasked with taking the life of an orphan boy from Lady Wood's house. He did it without thinking, in his best manner. It didn’t even occur to him that they could see him - the honor fell on a little girl who risked her life and rushed to save her only friend. That child was you. Grell is well aware that you will never be able to forget what you saw, but feel guilty for it, repent, ask for forgiveness? Grell Sutcliff can't do that.
William T Spears: You would never have met if the well-known reaper named Grell Sutcliff did not want to be free again.
... - It makes no sense to grieve, - Ciel said quietly. A young girl standing next to him threw a derogatory look at the young count. - The past cannot be changed.
Adjusting his glasses out of habit with a pruner, the newly-minted guest decided to show himself.
"That's right," he said, and everyone present turned to his voice.
- William! Grell squealed happily, throwing himself at the reaper with a romantic embrace. But William took a sensible step to the side, and Grell slammed into the wall of the room.
"Grell Sutcliff, do you have any idea what you've done?" - restrained, but with a hidden menace, voice inquired William. He turned to the reaper as it sprawled across the floor. "Grell," he repeated, and he jumped up on the string.
- I remember ... - Grell did not have time to finish, as he was hit in the face with a pruner. The victim howled like a wounded animal and began to complain about his colleague.
Meanwhile, William saw on the floor what he came for, picked up the object and took it for himself. Then he stood in front of Grell with such an unhappy look that he immediately stepped back.
- You stole a book from the Reaper's Library. An unforgivable act, - William sighed and turned to you, trying to understand the situation. “I beg your pardon,” the reaper bowed. As he straightened up, his gaze caught on you. Something in your face seemed familiar to William, but, as he understood, this is a thing of the past.
Once again apologizing for the unlucky partner, William grabbed Grell by the hair and dragged him along.
... It was strange. After that night, the image of you never left William's mind. He felt that you had already met, or maybe he saw you somewhere, but why did it hurt him so much?
Now he was sitting at a table, drinking tea in the company of the silent Grell. Still, he flew in from the authorities, so he pouts.
What did that girl accuse you of? William put his cup aside. Grell only turned away with puffed out cheeks. This attitude was not to William's liking. - How many people did you kill off the list this time?
Grell even choked with indignation. Trying to formulate the phrase of the offended girl, he jumped up from his seat, poking at William with his finger. But after a minute of a stream of incoherent words, he sat back down.
“Well, I took the life of a boy in front of her,” Grell said nonchalantly, noticing out of the corner of his eye that for some reason this made William wary. It seems like they were friends or something.
- That's how...
... Now Will remembered. It was one of Grell Sutcliff's countless joints. The fact is that it was the task of William T. Spears himself to pick up that little boy, but that day Grell pestered him more than usual, and when he saw the document with the name, he decided to do everything himself. Of course, things went worse than ever: not only did Grell make a mistake with the time - he took his life two minutes earlier than expected, he also managed to light up.
When William arrived at the scene, a sad scene awaited him: the boy was dead, a little girl was crying over his body, and fire was blazing around him. William took out the book of reapers to double-check everything. His glasses flashed sternly - he was seething with irritation. Mentally, he promised himself to give Sutcliff a thrashing when he caught his eye (probably not long to wait).
As for this girl, that is, you ... Your name was not on the list, therefore, your hour has not struck. But, as William pointed out, if you continue to sit in the midst of this chaos, you will go to heaven ahead of time.
Suddenly, a burning beam fell from the ceiling. You jerked your head up and then your eyes met. Perhaps your look - crazy, with a blazing fire inside - William will never forget. His pruner easily cut through the beam when it was a few centimeters from your head. William convinced himself that he had done the right thing. Then he oversaw how the firemen pulled you and the dead boy out of the house, and only after that he left.
... It is not surprising that your second meeting made the reaper freeze in place - he will never forget that look. William hopes this was the last time he saw those eyes again - if he didn't know that there was a person standing in front of him, he would certainly call him a demon. But even despite this comparison, William unconsciously shows you condescension and is more polite than with the others.
Ronald Knox: You haven't met face to face yet. However, the night you and the Earl Phantomhive came for Rowland Strutt, Ronald was hanging around. He had to take the life of a dying old woman (which he wasn't happy about), and then he remembered that Grell Sutcliff was working nearby and decided to watch him. His interest grew when he saw Ciel Phantomhive and his demon butler run into the house.
What was his confusion when he noticed his colleague William T. Spears, also hiding within the walls of that house. And after seven minutes, a girl (that is, you) came out of there, cursing everyone and everything. Ronald was infected with excitement - after all, angry women are distinguished by a special passion.
... And just as Ronald was about to introduce himself, he was caught by the scruff of the neck, like a kitten.
"Oh, and you're here, William," Ronald said with a sugary smile, and then he noticed Grell, his appearance left much to be desired.
William shot a glance in your direction, clicked his tongue in displeasure and dragged the stubborn Ronald along with him.
- Enough foolishness toil, - the reaper said in a serious voice.
... It is quite obvious that Ronald could not forget about the failed meeting with you, and for the first time he noticeably ruffled the nerves of William T. Spears, because he shied away from work. Naturally, Ronald had to make written apologies twice, but only thanks to the intervention of William Ronald was not suspended from work (William is not stupid, he understands that if this happens, it will become much worse).
So you still haven't met. But Ronald assures that he is patient enough.
If the meeting does happen, then a completely logical question will arise: how patient are you?

Trancy Manor

Circus "Noah's Ark"

Baron Kelvin: His circus called "Noah's Ark" stopped somewhere near London. Here lived poor families engaged in collective farming.
The performance began in the evening. Sitting in his tent, Baron Kelvin heard the enthusiastic cries of adults and children and smiled contentedly.
... Then your meeting took place. After running away from Lady Wood's house, you found shelter with an old farmer who lived in the area. You had practically no money, you barely made ends meet, and growing and harvesting took the last strength from the old man. It was necessary to urgently correct the situation. And then there was this circus. Its participants dressed up in beautiful shiny clothes walked along the streets, which made you think about money.
While the circus performers demonstrated their dexterity in the arena, you made your way to the tents. In one you stole jewelry, wonderful inexpensive jewelry, in the other - some of the clothes. When you were about to run away, you were seized and taken to Baron Kelvin. He was amazed that a little girl like you snuck into them and offered to join the circus. You categorically refused to "jump around the arena like some kind of goat." Kelvin did not insist, but warned that they would leave this place tomorrow morning, so you, they say, still have time to change your mind. From the stolen Kelvin allowed to take a couple of jewelry.
... You exchanged jewelry for money, but the two of you and the old man will not last long. Standing by the wheat field, you gloomily watched how he worked in the sweat of his brow and broke his sore back. I couldn't take advantage of his kindness.
At dawn, you left the money on the nightstand by the bed of the sleeping old man and left.
... The Noah's Ark Circus was just about to leave when your figure appeared on the horizon.
Baron Kelvin, kindly informed of this, smiled contentedly.
... As he promised, you did not jump around the arena, he assigned you another task - to help the members of the circus in everything, that is, roughly speaking, you were assigned the role of an errand girl. However, as Kelvin pointed out with a squint, at any moment you can join the cast, but he was sure that this would never happen - you are too proud.
... With what a good-natured smile he accepted you into his circus, with the same smile he accepted your decision to leave it (the baron did not know anything about Her Majesty's blackmail).
Doctor: You not only rarely spoke with him, you rarely saw each other. He has a negative attitude towards you, and all because, as he believed, it was your fault that Baron Kelvin departed from the plan that day. They were supposed to kidnap a dozen children, but in the end they got one girl, and then the one who tried to rob them.
In general, the doctor tries not to even think about you. And I was extremely happy when you expressed a desire to leave the circus.
Joker: The Joker was the one who caught you stealing.
... Thanking the audience for the wonderful applause, the Joker finally went to rest. But then his gaze caught on a dark figure running between the tents. Curiosity kicked in at the Joker. He encountered an uninvited guest at the exit of Doll's tightrope walker's tent. In the hands of the thief, he saw inexpensive jewelry, then grabbed, as it turned out, the girl and dragged her to the baron.
... - Let go! - you cracked your voice. - Who am I talking to? Let it go!
“Sorry to disturb you,” the Joker bowed his head guiltily, trying to keep you kicking in his arms. You hissed, biting, scratching like some wild animal.
- Who is that with you? came a heavy male voice. Freezing for a moment, you slowly turned your head. In the dim light of the lanterns, you made out a large figure, completely wrapped in bandages. Yelling in fright, you kicked the impresario on the leg and gasped out of the tent, but as soon as you stepped over the threshold, you stumbled and stretched out on the ground.
And there, other members of the Noah's Ark circus had already gathered, attracted by unfamiliar screams.
- What's the matter? - a young attractive girl stepped forward, dressed, as it seemed to you, in a very revealing outfit. From her look, you quickly realized that her character was not sweet either. - Who are you?
- I... Get out! - you were suddenly grabbed by the ankle and dragged back into the tent. Nothing understanding circus followed.
You were caught by the same impresario, who gloomily rubbed the bruised place. Smiling maliciously, you kicked him in the same place again and wanted to run, but the exit was blocked by other members of the circus. It seems that problems have increased along with the people. Folding your arms over your chest, you puffed out your cheeks as if you were robbed five minutes ago.
... As you know, the Joker is kind and cheerful by nature, he values ​​​​the other members of the Noah's Ark circus very much and considers them his family. However...
"Stop," the Joker asked with a nervous smile. He was assigned to look after you at first, but things don't seem to be going well. Every time he wanted to talk seriously, you categorically refused to listen to him. But now is not about that. Noticing that you fixed an attentive look at him, the Joker, of course, suspected something was wrong, but decided to take the opportunity. - Because the...
“Blah, blah, blah,” she interrupted immediately. The Joker looked at you blankly, but you innocently closed your eyes.
Coughing into his fist, the young impresario continued what he had begun:
- Because the...
And again the children's "blah blah".
- Because the...
- Blah!
- Posk...
- Blah blah blah!
The Joker was about to open his mouth again, but in time he noticed an unkind spark in your eyes and stopped. It's useless. He got the impression that you like to mock him. What is a naughty child? He was about to give up, to admit defeat, when he suddenly heard your serious voice:
"Don't worry," he looked up at you in surprise. And you calmly turned on your heels with your back to him and grinned fervently. - I know my place.
And ran away somewhere in the direction of the tents. And the Joker remained standing until Bist approached him, excited by his strange behavior.
... Funny feuds between you and the Joker have become an integral part of the Noah's Ark circus. Some even claimed that "if Sherry and the Joker don't fight, it's going to be a disaster." By the way, Sherry is the name given in the circus, for the first time the Joker himself called you that, and then it passed to the rest of the guys.
By the end of the first month after you joined the circus, the Joker found himself thinking that he had no idea what his life would be like if you thought about leaving. He is used to your bickering, used to having breakfast, lunch and dinner with you, used to seeing you somewhere nearby.
Once you said that you do not feel any affection for the members of the circus, but the Joker knew perfectly well that this was a lie. He saw that you like being in the company of the restless Dagger, running away from the angry Bist and much more.
In order not to disturb this idyll, the Joker was ready to do anything. Somehow he even stopped responding to your caustic remarks, which put you into a stupor, like the others. He did not notice, but his desire to behave differently completely changed the atmosphere in the circus. So you decided to take matters into your own hands.
... The Joker, adjusting his suit, stepped out of his tent and took a deep breath. There was a long show going on tonight.
- Hey, impresario! he heard from the side. You don't have to be a psychic to guess who's calling. Only one person calls him "impresario".
"Good evening, Sherry," the Joker smiled amiably as you stepped closer to him. Then his gaze caught on your face, expressing extreme displeasure. - Something happened ... Huh?
He was abruptly grabbed by the yellow bow and pulled down until his eyes were exactly in front of yours. He had a mask of shock on his face.
- What the heck? Why would you suddenly become so friendly to me? - Frowning, you growled at the impresario.
- I don't know what you're talking about, Sherry. I always... Oh-oh! You pulled on the bow, causing the Joker to barely breathe. - Look, what's wrong with that? You and I didn't get along from the very beginning, so I decided it was time to make friends.
- Yes, who cares about you ... - sighing heavily, you let go of the bow, and the Joker sharply stretched out as if on a string. You did not know how to express your thoughts correctly, so that, firstly, he would understand everything correctly, and secondly, so that he would not say another stupid thing, after which you would hit him on the top of the head. - Did I say that something does not suit me? Well, we exchanged a couple of ... unfriendly words, so what? Who said it's bad? We've already got used to each other.
- A? Joker's eyes widened in surprise. He just couldn’t believe it: you were standing in front of him, speaking in a low embarrassed voice and clumsily hiding your blush. You won't even see this in your dreams. Everything is too unexpected. Therefore, he could not hold back at first a quiet laugh, and then a full-fledged laugh.
- Oh you!
While wiping away your tears, the Joker looked at your reddened cheeks with a wide smile.
"Sorry, sorry," he tried to catch his breath and flicked your nose in a friendly way. You let out an "ouch!" and pierced the impresario with an unkind look.
But the Joker had already passed by, a soft smile on his face.
... He seems ready to cross the line. The Joker realized this when he overheard your conversation with Baron Kelvin.
- Impresario?
The Joker turned with a sad smile. You've never seen him like this before.
- Decided to leave? - he rose from the ground on which he sat, waiting for you. His question took him by surprise. You lowered your eyes, feeling guilty because you didn't plan to say goodbye to anyone.
- Yes, I ... - you did not know what words to choose. The situation in which you recently landed is difficult to somehow explain. Tell the truth? Then Her Majesty Queen Victoria, as she warned, will be merciless. And you could not risk the people dear to your heart. It's better to let it be, let them think that you have exchanged them for money. Plus, you probably won't see each other again. - Well, I have the opportunity to get back on my feet.
- Oh, - the Joker mumbled thoughtfully and suddenly extended his hand to you. The one that is his own (he never let you touch his prosthesis). You looked at her strangely. - Come on. Goodbye.
You hesitantly touched his fingers, when you suddenly found yourself in a strong embrace.
- Im-Impresario! - you spluttered. What is this lunatic doing?
And the Joker at that moment thought how good it is that now you do not see his face. He does not want to part with the person to whom he ...
- Ai! You hit him on the top of the head, causing him to bounce to the side. - Cruel!
You stood in front of him, all red, barely breathing. It seems like it will take you a long time to recover.
- Do not do that!
- So what? Joker continued to smile carelessly and spread his arms again.
You couldn't help but chuckle. Perhaps this is how you will remember the impresario. Slowly, you approached him, but instead of hugging, you patted his shoulder.
- Farewell, - you smiled at him, and when he smiled back, turned on his heels and went forward, but then suddenly stopped. - Hey, impresario! The Joker looked up at you. "I really didn't hate you!" Well, maybe only the first two weeks, - you shrugged your shoulders and continued on your way with a perky smile.
The Joker laughed. Your words, of course, sounded strange, but he was pleased. Taking a deep breath, Joker glanced at his pocket watch.
Time to start the show.
... After you said goodbye, the Joker told the other members of the Noah's Ark Circus about your departure. Someone was saddened by your departure, like Doll and Dagger, someone was angry, like Bist, and it was impossible to understand someone's feelings at all - it was probably Snake.
The Joker himself did not experience anything like that, it seems that with difficulty, but he was able to turn the page of this life.
Bist/Mally: In the beginning, Bist was amused by your joke fights with the Joker. Like others, she gradually got used to your presence and even sometimes showed politeness. However, she soon noticed how the relationship between you and the Joker began to change. If earlier you sincerely disliked each other, now stinging skirmishes gave you pleasure, they have become something of a tradition. You became closer, much closer than just friends, although you yourself did not yet understand this. Beast understood. She even tried to talk about it with the Joker, but he only laughed at her "unfunny jokes".
When the Joker informed the circus staff about your departure, Beist could not help but notice that even though he was smiling, in fact, it was difficult for him. It is for this, for the fact that it is difficult for him to smile, that Bist began to hate you.
Dagger: Dagger is known for his friendliness. Despite your reluctance to make any connections with the members of the circus, Dagger openly offered his friendship. Moreover, he made a special emphasis on the word "friendship" when Bist was nearby. You immediately realized that he was not indifferent to this girl, although the thought that she would someday return his feelings made you laugh, and let it sound terrible.
But something drew you to this kid. One day you saw in him the face of your friend, a boy named Dusty, and it stunned you so much that you could no longer look Dagger in the eyes.
Disappointed to hear of your departure.
... - It seemed to me that she considers me her friend, - he then said to the Joker, to which he remained silent.
Snake: When the Joker introduced you to the main cast and it was Snake's turn, you involuntarily let out a loud sigh. His unusual appearance made you sweat, you couldn't stop looking at his face, outlining the line of the eyes, the straightness of the nose, the pattern of thin lips and beautiful cheekbones. He seemed to you something ... incredible, but insanely attractive.
Snake mistook your silence for something else. That's why I tried not to run into you, and you, on the contrary, for the first time wanted to establish a relationship with someone. But Snake was adamant. He understood your zeal differently, believing that you would begin to mock him, and in every possible way avoided your meetings. At the same time, his behavior sometimes looked comical: take, for example, at least the time when you went to your tent in the evening, and Snake, by chance, needed to go in the same direction. He hoped that you would not notice him, and that he could slip through unnoticed. But you noticed. And as soon as she took a step towards him, Snake darted somewhere between the tents. Then you froze in confusion, batting your eyelashes, and then suddenly burst out laughing.
Snake, who was hiding in the shadows, raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. He did not expect such a reaction.
As already said, it was impossible to understand how Snake felt at the news of your departure. In truth, he doesn't know himself. To some extent, he was relieved, but another part of him regrets that you will no longer have the opportunity to get to know each other better.
... However, he was wrong. After the sudden disappearance of members of the Noah's Ark Circus, Snake became the lackey of the young Count Phantomhive. It hadn't been that long since you last met, so Snake recognized you right away. But this does not mean that he immediately rushed to you with open arms. Snake was calm and quiet. In his understanding, there is no need to fumble with the past.
However, you think that sooner or later you will have to talk about what happened after you left.
Doll: Doll is a quiet and naive girl, but she managed to become very attached to you, even despite your rudeness towards her. She was worried, seeing how you suffer, being in an unfamiliar place among strangers, and tried to somehow support. For some reason, Doll suddenly felt responsible for you, but strangely, she was good at coping with this responsibility: she shielded you in front of the Joker and others when you did not complete an assignment, left a portion of food, and even once, noticing that a lantern in your the tent is still on fire, she said she would help you sleep - as a result, she watched you for almost four hours, until, even a little funny, she fell asleep herself.
Outwardly, Doll remained completely calm when the Joker broke the news about you, but inside - and she felt it - it was as if something had snapped.
With that, she moved on with her life.
Peter and Wendy: If Wendy reacted to the addition to the circus, then Peter hated you literally from the first seconds of meeting you. He constantly came up with stupid requests, impossible tasks and gloated when you were unable to fulfill them. Yes, the relationship between you is frozen in the phase of "enemies for life" and neither here nor there. Wendy, in most cases, kept Peter from such rash acts as violence and moral humiliation, until the Joker personally took up his discipline (and this gave a new reason for serious jokes).
Of all the members of the Noah's Ark Circus, Peter was the only one who reacted with a happy smile to your departure, even though Wendy asked him to restrain himself.
Jumbo: He was kind to you, calmly endured your naughty character. Often became the one who stopped your verbal skirmishes with the Joker, and, of course, was the first to notice changes in your relationship.
He treated your care with restraint. He does not need to explain what and why. He accepted the fact that you were no longer with them, and did not try to find an excuse for this.

Other characters

You need to work not twelve hours a day, but with your head. Stephen Jobs

Test: Which anime character will help you fall asleep? (2)
Dark Butler
Sebastian Michaelis
Coming out of the bath, you pulled on a dressing gown and wanted to go into the room, but it didn’t work out. There was a light on in the kitchen and at the same time someone else was there. you saw Sebastian Michaelis.
-"So, not a robber, not a maniac, but a demon. I don’t even know which is better- you went into the kitchen, the butler turned around.
-Sorry, what are you doing here? You asked, leaning against the doorframe.
-Toshi said you have a problem and now I'm here
-That's it- and in your thoughts flashed "Benefactor pancake =.=" you sat down on a chair and began to watch Sebastian, you were wondering what he was doing in the kitchen.
-Would you like some tea, milady? Michaelis smiled sweetly.
-You can, only coffee. I don’t really like tea You moved closer to the table.
-As you wish- after a couple of minutes, the demon put a mug of coffee in front of you.
-Thank you- you took a cup in your hands and drank a little - Not bad
Sebastian was watching you all this time, and you still thought what exactly he was doing in the kitchen. I quickly changed clothes and crawled under the covers, after a couple of minutes Sebastian entered the room.
-So what are your problems? The demon smiled.
-Under the windows, the company is constantly gathering in the evening and let's sing and yell songs until the morning. Tired already.
-That's it, then you need to get rid of this "problem" The butler walked towards the front door.
"I think I know what he's going to do" You wanted to look out the window, but changed your mind. As the saying goes "From sin away."
You sat down on the bed again and waited for Sebastian, he returned, he quickly.
-No one else will bother you The butler spoke with his sweet smile.
-That's good- you yawned. Knowing perfectly well that Sebastian killed them, you didn’t really care because now you can sleep.
-Looks like you're too tired
-Of course, THESE were organizing parties under the windows for more than a week, so it was impossible to get enough sleep- you completely wrapped yourself in a blanket.
-Here it is, now you don't have to worry- a smile did not leave the man's lips, he sat down next to you.
-Uh huh, you're right
-And if you want, I can help you fall asleep faster- the butler approached your face - after all i'm here about it
-I'll try it myself, yeah You blushed and immediately plopped your face into the pillow, hoping to hide your embarrassment.
-Then...- you heard a whisper near your ear - have a nice sleep
Sebastian kissed you on the top of your head and left, you hoped that he had left. What is there! In the morning you will have a delicious breakfast and something else *///*
