
Thermometer for moonshine, why is it needed. Thermometer for moonshine: types, selection, installation

Hi all!

For a long time I was looking for where to buy an electronic thermometer for a moonshine still. Not that it would be a rarity, rather the opposite - there are plenty of them. But here the prices bite. The cheapest one I found cost 500 rubles. There were also 600, 750 and even under 1000.

I was looking for an electronic one with an LCD display. There are also bimetallic thermometers, but about them another time.

So, I searched, I searched. I was already going to buy for 600 rubles in a store for moonshiners, where I visit from time to time and buy something. But then I remembered Chinese, from which I periodically order any small things.

I went to Aliexpress, typed in the phrase “food thermometer” and immediately found what I was looking for. And the prices start from 100 rubles! I ordered myself more expensive - for 160 It is called TP101.

Now I went to the site to make a picture for the blog, I look, but it has already fallen in price!

Today he came. Delivery took less than three weeks. Packed well, in a protective bag with air pimples. The thermometer itself is placed in a plastic flask with a strap. Made neatly, maybe only the buttons protrude too high.

Instructions are included. Measurement range from -50 to +300 degrees Celsius. You can switch to Fahrenheit. Measurement error ±1 degree. Battery included. There is a self shutdown feature.

In appearance, it is no different from those that I saw in stores and on the Internet. Most likely this is the same device, only they sell it with us already with a triple or even five extra charge.

Here is a picture from the website of the online store. Even the lace is the same as mine

After the first inspection, I, of course, immediately decided to test it.

Thermometer test

First of all, I put it in boiling water. He, not just instantly, but rather quickly raised the numbers on the screen to the expected 100 degrees. More precisely, up to 100.4. In general, the stated error fits. I boiled it for another 10 minutes so that it would warm up properly. The temperature hasn't changed. The case did not stink of cheap plastic.

Then, thinking that any fool could name the boiling point of water, I decided to test it on a colder liquid and compare the readings with a mercury thermometer.

I put both devices in a glass of warm water. The indications are visible in the photo. On the thermometer 37.8, on the thermometer 38. Again, within the stated error.

I'll sum it up. Great and cheap thermometer. I have ordered another one for myself. Aliexpress useful in the household. If you buy there, pay attention to the reviews and the number of pieces sold.

That's all. Have you ordered anything from the Chinese? Good experience? Tell in the comments.

Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Dorofeev Pavel.

The temperature in the brewing process plays a very important role. Previously, they simply warmed the mash on wood and collected everything that dripped. Now people have begun to follow and generally make much better distillate. That's it for this and you need a good and accurate thermometer for moonshine, which allows you to closely monitor the distillation of moonshine.

We invite you to consider various types of thermometers, decide on the best option, as well as learn how to properly install this device so that the data is as objective as possible.

There are 5 types in total, but some of them are practically not used for objective reasons.

  1. Bimetallic. The most popular option, which is equipped with absolutely most modern moonshine stills. Its capabilities are most often not enough for efficient distillation, so options 2 and 3 are preferred.
  2. Electronic. Very accurate and fast device. Usually they buy it separately (for example, on Aliexpress) and already install it on the moonshine with their own hands. A little later we will show you how best to do this.
  3. digital with output. Quite a convenient option that can be brought to a decent distance from the distiller (by the length of the cord). It is rarely used, but its accuracy is the best.
  4. Liquid. With alcohol or mercury inside. Not used due to high temperatures, which in 100% of cases will ruin the device.
  5. Infrared (non-contact). It costs around 2-3 thousand rubles, so it is not advisable to buy it.

The first three types are considered universal, and everything else is not used in home brewing.

How to equip a do-it-yourself moonshine with a thermometer

Not all distillers come with this device. Even some modern versions did not provide for this moment and do not show the temperature.

You can solve this problem on your own by installing a thermometer on the device yourself. You will need some tools and nipples, but overall the whole process looks easy. You can watch the installation instructions on the video from the Youtube channel Alex Bootlegger.

Which thermometer for moonshine is better to buy

Anyway, electronic thermometer is considered the most accurate and convenient. Yes, it is less reliable, breaks easily, periodically requires battery replacement, but still the best. First of all, we would recommend you to buy it.

In second place is bimetallic. It is so simple that it will serve you for many years. But the quality of his testimony is not as accurate and fast as we would like.

Approximate prices for thermometers on Aliexpress (Aliexpress):

The simplest electronic thermometer (about 200 rubles).

  • Electronic with a probe - from 200 rubles.
  • Bimetal - about 700 rubles.
  • Digital with output - about 2 thousand rubles.

If you still decide to give preference to electronic, then it makes sense to buy a more expensive device (about 700 rubles).

No one guarantees that it will work better and longer, but even in appearance it looks more impressive.

The process of making high-quality home-made alcohol from mash. And at all its stages, thermometers for moonshine are a necessary toolkit. At the factory, technologists control the temperature in both the raw material tank and the alcohol tank, as well as the degree of steam heating in different areas. Why is a home distillery worse? We can take control of production and achieve maximum results. Moreover, the costs will be negligible.

Why you need to know the exact temperature

Initially, there is a mixture of various substances, some of which are completely unsafe. All of them have different boiling points: ethyl alcohol - + 78.4 ° C, acetic aldehyde (one of the most harmful impurities) - + 20.8 ° C, methyl alcohol (poison for humans) - + 64.7 ° C. If the raw materials are heated slowly and evenly and brought to + 100 ° C, then we will get a “bouquet” that will definitely undermine health.

If you use a thermometer for a moonshine still, you can. As a result, we will reduce the duration of those phases in which the compounds we do not need evaporate. So an ordinary thermometer for a hundred rubles will allow us to get better moonshine.

What processes need to be controlled

The most important parameter for us is the t of raw materials in the still. Therefore, thermometers for moonshine are mainly installed on their lid, that is, they measure the degree of heating of vapors. It is also possible to embed the device in a dry steamer in order to assess what part and what substances are deposited in it, but this is not necessary.

It is also important that the alcohol at the outlet has a temperature of less than +30°C, because otherwise it will quickly evaporate from an open tank, and in addition, high heat is a sign that some of the valuable substance may not reach the collector.

Using a thermometer, it will be possible to sample all phases at the recommended speed and temperature for them. Then the yield of the product from the raw material will be maximum, and the amount of impurities - minimum.

Which meters are better to buy

Our thermometer for moonshine should ideally have the following characteristics:

  • high thermal stability and strength;
  • small measurement error (preferably 0.1°C);
  • gradation up to 0.1 ° C (important, since alcohol boils at + 78.4 ° C, and not earlier);
  • scale up to at least +100°C.

Now on sale there are various types of thermometers:

  • electronic outdoor (may not work properly when in contact with steam, liquid);
  • culinary electronic with a probe;
  • alcohol homemade ("strip" type; almost always not suitable, since they are designed for t up to + 40 ° C);
  • floats (also do not capture high temperatures);
  • in bimetallic cases - an excellent option.

According to the subjective opinion of professionals, a culinary electronic thermometer with a stainless steel probe or models in bimetallic cases can be considered optimal. They are easy to use, reliable and give the accuracy you need.

A thermometer for a moonshine still is one of the main details; it optimizes the distillation process of moonshine.

Even the simplest modern factory distillation units are equipped with them, not to mention complex distillation units.

Particularly relevant issues of purpose, device, principle of operation and installation of a thermometer are for owners of older moonshine stills or for those who create a complex do-it-yourself distillation installation.

In this case, a detailed acquaintance with every aspect of the operation of the measuring instrument is simply necessary for its most effective use.

A moonshine thermometer is a device that provides data on the temperature regime inside the system. This information is needed for better process control.

In particular, a thermometer is needed to prevent the mash from burning, to maintain the optimum temperature for its evaporation, or to more accurately “separate heads” and “cut off tails” of moonshine.

The measuring device itself is not included in the basic "moonshine still" device, unlike, hoses or "refrigerator" and is an additional improvement.

Device and principles of operation

The design, as well as the principle of operation, of the thermometer varies from its type, the most common are:

  • bimetallic;
  • electronic;
  • digital;
  • liquid;
  • infrared.


Such a device most often has a round, metal case with a scale and an arrow placed on the front plane under the glass to visualize the readings of the device.

The sensory part consists of a spiral or bimetal strip. A fairly simple device determines the relatively low cost, and with it the high prevalence of this type of thermometer for moonshine stills. You can buy the product in almost any store or on any online platform.

The main benefits include:

  • High strength and reliability of the metal case, which protects against a wide range of influences: heat, pressure, shock and moisture.
  • Easy to repair due to simple design and low cost of spare parts.
  • Easy to install and operate.
  • Moderate cost.

The main weakness of a bimetallic thermometer is the error in measuring the temperature, which is quite tolerable on simple distillation units, but for distillation systems such shortcomings will result in a significant decrease in the quality of the distillate. Its price starts from $5.


The device is an elongated object of small size, most often made of polymer material and has a small display on which the readings are displayed.

Also, an electronic thermometer for moonshine is equipped with a long, pin-shaped metal sensing element that extends from the main body.

Under the influence of temperature, the density of the material changes, which is fixed by the electronics at the other end, determining the temperature from the degree of expansion.

The main advantages of such a device include:

  • High accuracy of readings, the error is only 0.1 ° C.
  • Convenience in measurement, since it is easy to reach the desired zone with a long stylus 20 cm long.
  • A thin measuring element requires a small opening in the housing, and therefore it is easier to insulate it and there is less heat loss from it.

The weak side of the device is the low strength and resistance of the body of the product to various influences. He is afraid of blows, and inadvertently leaning against the hot body of the moonshine can lead to its melting or damage to the internal filling.

It is also not possible to repair such a product, respectively, any breakdown results in the cost of buying a new device. The cost, depending on the quality, varies between 1000 and 2000 rubles.


Such a device resembles a small rectangular electronic clock. A wire departs from the body of the product, at the end of which there is a sensitive element that reacts to changes in the pressure of the external environment. The sensor through the hole in the body of the moonshine is placed inside it.

The main advantages of digital thermometers are:

  • High measurement accuracy.
  • Compact sensor dimensions that do not require a large opening for penetration into the working environment.

The main weakness is the vulnerability of the wire to mechanical damage, and the main part of the digital thermometer to humidity, temperature and mechanical stress.

Therefore, they must be used very carefully, which means that convenience is out of the question. Such a device costs from 15 to 30 dollars.


The classic version is a “thermometer”, but made of heat-resistant glass and using a non-toxic working fluid, such as kerosene.

Outwardly, it looks like a glass rod, inside of which there is a scale, with a marked temperature, along it, expanding when heated, “a strip creeps”.

The strengths of glass devices are:

  • High measurement accuracy.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • Low cost.

On the other hand, such a device has serious drawbacks. It is very fragile, and any impact will lead not only to its damage, but, possibly, to damage to the raw material from getting particles of the device into it.

Also, this type is not designed for very high temperatures, it is difficult to find a product on the scale of which there is a markup of more than 100 ° C. In terms of money, the product will cost 7-15 dollars.


The most modern type of measuring device for moonshine.

According to the principle of operation, it differs fundamentally from its predecessors: it does not come into contact with the medium, the temperature of which must be measured, but analyzes it by the outgoing amount of heat - infrared radiation. Outwardly, such a device looks like a control panel or a store barcode scanner.

The main advantages of an infrared thermometer are:

  • High ease of use.
  • There is no need to "spoil" the body of the moonshine still.

But he also has a significant drawback, the accuracy of measurements largely depends on the material from which the body of the moonshine still is made, and its thickness.

Therefore, you need to know exactly its physical parameters in all places where measurements are taken in order to correct the readings. The cost of the device is from 15 dollars.

How to choose

When choosing a measuring device for a moonshine still, it is worth considering a number of factors:

  • Temperature Range.

Since the wash initially has a temperature approximately equal to room temperature, and subsequently heats up to a maximum of 100 ° C, the operating range of the device should also be between 0 and 120 ° C. A small margin will provide more accurate readings and reduce equipment wear.

To understand which device meets the required parameters, in the case of a mechanical thermometer, you can simply look at its scale; for products with electronic indication, this indicator will be indicated in the instructions or the list of parameters; if it is an online store, you can ask the seller for advice in a regular store -consultant.

  • Material.

The most reliable and durable are stainless steel cases, they are resistant to both corrosion and high temperature, mechanical stress and pressure.

If the device is made of a polymeric material, it is necessary to clarify which one, and whether it is chemically inert and heat-resistant, otherwise it will quickly fail.

  • fastening method.

The stronger the provided mechanism, the better, fastening with a bolt and nut is optimal.

At the same time, it is worth refraining from buying devices with Velcro-clamps or plastic fasteners, which have become widespread recently, for the most part they cannot withstand the operational load and become unusable within a short time.

How to install a thermometer in a moonshine still

The correct sequence of actions in this matter is as follows:

  1. Choice of location.

The moonshine still has several zones with different temperatures, by monitoring which you can control various aspects of distillation. The main thing is the temperature of the steam.

In this case, the measuring device is installed, if it is the simplest system of a cube, - hoses - and a refrigerator, in the upper part of the cube, if the system is more complex and contains such elements as or full-fledged, then the thermometer is also installed in the node responsible for rectification, and in the holding tank.

  1. Arrangement of the installation site.

In the selected place, a hole is drilled in the housing for the diameter of the mounting sleeve, which is used to mount the device.

  1. Installing a thermometer on a moonshine still.

When installing the sleeve, a gap is formed between it and the body of the unit; to seal it, you need to use a gasket made of high-quality food grade silicone. After that, the equipment is fixed in the prescribed manner.

  1. Equipment check.

The first time it is better to drive the system filled with water. So it will be possible to check the tightness of the installation site, and its ability to withstand pressure and temperature, the adequacy of the instrument readings and at the same time not risk damage to raw materials.

The thermometer in the moonshine is perhaps the most important of the optional parts of the system.

It is difficult to overestimate its influence on the accuracy of "separating heads" or "cutting off tails", because each fraction of impurities has an optimal evaporation temperature, following which, you can accurately understand when and what comes out of the refrigerator.

In addition, as the liquid from the mash evaporates, it is important to maintain the correct temperature, which allows both to evaporate the remaining ethanol and not to burn the dry remains of the mash, thereby spoiling part of the raw material.

So, a thermometer for a moonshine still. Let's see if this is a useful thing, or an unnecessary extra crap. In fact, many generations of moonshiners have received an excellent product without even knowing that there is such a thing as a thermometer. However, a properly installed thermometer makes life much easier, because, guided by its readings, you can change the dishes to collect the product in time, as well as change the intensity of heating the mash in order to cut off heads and tails from the body as clearly as possible. The thermometer is usually inserted into the lid of the tank with mash (can, pressure cooker). There is no fundamental difference in whether the thermometer is in the liquid level or the vapor level. The temperature of the vapor is usually identical to the temperature of the liquid itself, in any case, the difference will not be higher than the error of the thermometer. The only caveat - in the case of using a thermometer in a liquid, there is a definite plus in that the influence of the temperature of the container itself, in which the mash boils, on the instrument readings is reduced.

What can be thermometers

Thermometers can be electronic, liquid and bimetallic.

The principle of operation of the latter is based on the use of two metals in its measuring element, which have different temperature coefficients of linear expansion.

A bimetallic thermometer usually has a threaded connection, and when using it, a fitting with the appropriate thread will need to be soldered / welded into the lid of the distillation cube. To use liquid and electronic thermometers, a simple hole in the lid is sufficient, into which, through a silicone tube seal, a thermometer is inserted and smeared with dough for tightness.

Do I need a thermometer in a moonshine

Summing up, we agree that a thermometer for a moonshine still is, in principle, a useful thing in a moonshine still, but not necessary. In any case, before completely focusing on the readings of the thermometer, you need to carry out several distillations in which you need to compare the temperature and other approximate factors. For example, at what temperature, with constant heating, moonshine begins not to drip, but to flow in a thin stream? At what temperature do 5% of the expected distillation come out - the so-called. "pervach". At what temperature does a distillate begin to flow that does not ignite with a blue flame? By comparing these factors with the temperature table, you can quickly get the hang of determining the moment of transition from stage to stage of distillation solely by a thermometer. That's when he becomes a truly invaluable assistant. And to sit down by the apparatus with a thermometer and a smart book, and act only on it - the road to nowhere. Therefore, in addition to the thermometer, it is also necessary to use experience, other analyzers and simple logic.
