
The theme of the project is pancakes, a national Russian dish. Russian national meal Pancakes

Pancakes are rightfully considered a national Russian dish, there is no doubt that Russians invented them. The history of Russian pancakes dates back to the mists of time. It is believed that the first pancake was baked around 1005 - 1006, so Russian pancakes are definitely more than a thousand years old!

Pancakes are rightfully considered a national Russian dish, there is no doubt that Russians invented them. This is a historical fact. It would be more accurate to say not Russians, but ancient Eastern Slavs, only then there was no clear division into Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. It was a very long time ago, even before the baptism of Rus', when the faith was pagan. They baked them in a round shape, golden in color, so that they looked like the sun. Most often on holidays dedicated to Svarog - the god of the sun among the Slavs. That is why pancakes are rightfully considered a dish of national Russian cuisine.

Pancakes for a Russian person are not just a favorite dish - they are a genetic memory of the Russian village, of merry festivities on Maslenitsa, of centuries-old Russian traditions and customs. Our ancestors treated guests with pancakes, celebrated the birth of children with pancakes, gave pancakes to women in labor after childbirth, escorted pancakes on their last journey and commemorated dead relatives. It can be said without exaggeration that Russian pancakes reflect the thousand-year history of the Russian world, its spirit, traditions, and color.

Pancakes in Rus' have long been an ordinary dish of Russian cuisine, but in ancient times, pancakes among the Slavs had a special, ritual meaning, and their preparation was a ritual, a whole sacrament where outsiders were not allowed. Pancake recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. The hostesses prepared the dough for pancakes in the evening, secretly from their families, in the light of the moon, saying: “A month, you, a month, your golden horns, look out the window, blow on the dough.”

It is erroneously believed that among the Slavic peoples, hot, round pancakes were a symbol of the sun. In fact, pancakes have always been a memorial dish among the ancient Slavs. They commemorated dead relatives with pancakes, intended for long-dead relatives, “passing” pancakes to the “other world”, distributing them to carolers, the first wanderers they met, the poor. No wonder since ancient times they say that "The first pancake is always for rest."

They escorted pancakes on their last journey not only to deceased relatives, but also to the winter - on Maslenitsa, pancakes have always been an indispensable attribute of this holiday, because they so correspond to the memorial character of Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa not only saw off the winter and met the spring, but also saw off the old year and met the new one, because until the 14th century in Rus' the year began in March. It is not for nothing that Maslenitsa was called honest, wide, gluttonous, because as you meet the year, so you will spend it, therefore the Russians did not skimp on this holiday for a feast and fun.

Many nations know a variety of ways to cook pancakes, different in type and consistency, using different types of flour. In the countries of Central Asia and Western Europe, it is customary to cook pancakes from unleavened dough of various compositions, while in Rus' they preferred yeast pancakes made from liquid yeast dough, aged until carbon dioxide forms in the dough.

Now, wheat, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal and even pea flour or their combinations are used for baking pancakes, but buckwheat pancakes are considered classic Russian pancakes. They have a pleasant taste and slight acidity. Compared to pancakes made from wheat flour, buckwheat pancakes are more fluffy and loose.

Traditional Russian pancakes are small pancakes the size of a saucer, which in the old days were baked only in pans cleaned with salt and well-heated (preferably cast iron). Before starting to bake each pancake, the pan for pancakes was greased with oil using an onion or a potato chopped on a fork, or a piece of lard. Pancakes were baked in a Russian oven, which is why they still say “bake” pancakes, not fry them.

Baked in Rus' and stuffed pancakes (with spices) spread the filling in the middle of the pan and pour pancake dough. As a baking powder, ready-made crushed products were used. These could be:

a layer of fried onions or carrots

boiled eggs

minced fish or meat

cottage cheese, etc.

Ready pancakes are stacked and served hot.

Nowadays, pancakes are no longer perceived as ritual food, and have long been taking their rightful place in the usual Russian menu.

But of course there are, and those who attribute the authorship of pancakes to themselves. But of course this is not the case. For example, Chinese pancakes look more like simple flatbreads than pancakes. Onion, rice flour, seafood powder and tea leaves are added to the dough of Chinese pancakes. There is another opinion that ancient Egypt was the ancestral home of pancakes. The question is debatable, and all because, in the recipe, the ingredients were different, and they looked like Chinese ones. The Bible also mentions a similar dish, but this is again not the same. This does not mean that foreign pancakes are not delicious - they are just different.

And in Rus', a thousand years before the principalities, pancakes were baked for ancient rituals or religious holidays. Pancakes were used in fortune-telling, they were sacrificed, served to the poor and the needy. And at present, in many families where the connection with the ancestors is strong, pancakes are still baked at funerals and commemorations. The Slavs cooked just such pancakes that we eat today, with the exception, perhaps, of the filling. We have a larger selection of products and therefore we make fillings according to your taste. From the Slavs pancakes spread all over the world. Each chef has contributed to pancake creativity. Especially enriched the world cuisine of pancakes, oddly enough - the British. They loved to experiment with flour and other ingredients, and achieved wonderful results.

Pancakes from all over the world

Pancakes, as you know, are baked not only in Russia, although it often seems to us that this is our national dish. However, for example, the French also believe that pancakes are a "horse" from the kitchen. Fast food Americans also appreciate their own food (although their pancake recipe, like everything they create to save money, is as simple as possible).
So what kind of pancakes are there?

Let's start with Russian, traditional ones.

Russian pancakes


(products for 20 - 25 pancakes)
wheat flour - 600 g
granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
butter - 5 tsp
eggs - 1 pc.
yeast - 25 g
salt - 1 tsp
milk - 4 cups
olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

To prepare pancakes according to this recipe, you need to heat three glasses of milk to 30-35 °, dissolve the yeast in it, add 1/2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, salt, yolk and melted butter, mix and add 300 g of flour. Knead the dough. Cover the dish with the dough with a towel and leave to ferment in a warm place. After 1 1/2 - 2 hours, when the volume of the dough has doubled, dilute it with the remaining milk, heated to a temperature of 50 °, add the rest of the flour and sugar, gradually pour in the well-whipped protein. Knead the dough again and let it rise. The dough should ferment for a total of about 3 hours.
Grease a frying pan with a thin layer of oil and heat it until the smoke disappears. Scoop up the batter with a spoon and pour it into the pan. When the underside of the pancake is browned, dip a brush in oil, brush the top side and turn the pancake over. When the second side of the pancake is browned, brush the top side again with oil and transfer the pancake to a pan wrapped in a towel. During baking, the dough must not be stirred.

Scottish pancakes

oatmeal - 100 g
flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
grated cheese (preferably Cheddar) - 3 tbsp. spoons
yolk - 1 pc.
milk - 3 tbsp. spoons
butter - 1 tbsp. spoon

Mix oatmeal, flour, cheese, salt, soda, oil. Add milk immediately. Knead the dough and roll into a thin layer. Cut out large circles with a saucer, and cut each into 4 pieces. Grease the edges with yolk. Bake pancakes in the oven.
Cheese can be replaced with sugar, then you get sweet pancakes. You can add 1 tbsp to the dough. a spoonful of flour in excess of the norm, but the pancakes will be harsh. You can add ground nuts or poppy seeds for a sweet option.

french pancakes

flour - 100 g
a pinch of salt
big egg - 1
milk - 300 ml
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Here the main thing is the observance of the cooking ritual.
Place the flour and salt in a large dish and make a well in the center.
Crack an egg into this recess, then add the egg yolk and pour some milk into it.
With a whisk, mix the egg and milk, then gradually mix with flour from the edges to the center. Add milk until you get a dough of the consistency of half whipped cream. Beat the dough until smooth, then mix with vegetable oil.
Stir in the remaining milk - the batter should now have the consistency of liquid cream. Close the dish and leave for 30 minutes. - this will give the finished dough airiness.
Heat up the pan. When it is hot, brush it lightly with a little vegetable oil and pour in 25-30 ml of beaten dough. Tilt the pan so that the batter spreads evenly across the bottom. Put on fire and fry for 1 min.
Insert a spatula (wide knife) under the pancake, flip it over and fry the other side until golden brown. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate. Repeat the procedure with the remaining test.

American pancakes

(serving for about 16-18 pieces)
flour - 2 cups
milk - 1.5 cups
baking powder - 1
sugar - 4 tablespoons
vegetable oil - 8 tablespoons
egg - 2
a pinch of salt

Dilute the dough (the consistency of thin sour cream). Bake like regular pancakes in a dry frying pan. You can’t wrap anything in them - they are quite fluffy. Serve with sour cream, honey, jam.

Indian pancakes

flour - 600 g
eggs - 10 pcs
butter - 200 g
sugar - 4 tbsp. spoon
milk - 1 glass
cinnamon to taste
orange peel to taste

The yolks are put in a saucepan, flour, butter are added, rubbed well and diluted with milk. Proteins are injected into the dough, cinnamon and orange peel are removed. They bake in a pan. Ready pancakes are placed on a plate, sprinkled with sugar and put in the oven.

Guryevskie, "Lace Foam" and others

Pancakes ... at this very word, a festive Maslenitsa fun immediately appears before your eyes: with skiing on a hill and rosy-cheeked beauties serving these very pancakes with heat - with heat! Mmm, delicious!.. By the way, as you know, pancakes are also a symbol of the sun - ruddy, round and hot. And they are baked not only from wheat, but also from buckwheat flour - also very tasty and healthy. Real Russian "Shrovetide" pancakes are cooked on dough, but thin pancakes without yeast are no worse. And also - very tasty pancakes "with pripekom", that is, with filling. It can be anything - finely chopped apples, eggs or onions, pieces of herring or other fish ... Fantasize - you will succeed! And let "the first pancake will not be lumpy"!

Pancakes "According to my mother's recipe"

1 liter of milk
5 eggs
1/3 tsp. l. salt
2 table. l. Sahara
Half spoon of baking soda
A little citric acid (at the tip of a knife)
2-3 table. l. vegetable oil
One and a half cups of boiling water

1. First, beat the milk with eggs, add sugar and salt to the whipped mixture, beat again. Then add soda and citric acid.
2. Add flour to the mixture until it looks like liquid sour cream. The amount of flour will depend on the size of the eggs. It usually takes about 4 cups (at first the dough is a little thicker than regular pancake batter).
3. Add vegetable oil to the resulting mixture and bring to the desired consistency with boiling water.
4. Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes. Then, as usual, bake pancakes on both sides.

Cunning: Grease the pan with oil only once. Pour a spoon, heat it up and pour it into the dough (in addition to the one already added). Thanks to this trick, pancakes do not stick to the pan. Which, by the way, should be special, pancake.

You choose the filling according to your own taste. You can stuff it, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds or spread pancakes with honey.

Guryev pancakes

wheat flour - two cups
egg - 5 pieces
butter - 100 g
sour milk (kefir) - 2 1/2 cups
salt, sugar to taste.

Pour the egg yolks into a saucepan and, adding salt and sugar to them, grind well. Then add flour, add butter, milk and knead a fairly liquid dough. The dough must be beaten very well. The better the dough is beaten, the tastier the pancakes will turn out.

Russian pancakes

Wheat flour - 600 g.
granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
butter - 5 tsp
eggs - 1 pc.
yeast - 25 g.
salt - 1 tsp
milk - 4 cups,
olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Warm up 3 cups of milk, dissolve the yeast in it, add 1/2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, salt, yolk and melted butter, mix and add 300 g of flour.

Knead the dough. Cover the dish with the dough with a towel and leave for fermentation in a warm place (25-30sh). After 2 hours, when the volume of the dough has doubled, dilute it with the remaining milk, heated to a temperature of 50°C, add the rest of the flour and sugar and gradually pour in the well-whipped protein. Knead the dough again and let it rise. The dough should ferment for a total of about 3 hours.

Lubricate the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil and heat until the smoke disappears. Carefully scoop up a portion of the batter with a spoon and pour into the pan. When the bottom side of the pancake is browned, dip the brush in vegetable oil, brush the top side and turn the pancake over.

When the second side of the pancake is browned, again grease the upper side with vegetable oil and transfer the pancake to a pan wrapped in a towel. During baking, the dough must not be stirred.

Serve hot or warm, pouring honey, sour cream, jam.

Pancakes "Lace foam"

2 eggs
3 tbsp Sahara
1 tsp vanilla sugar
100 ml vodka
0.5 tsp salt
1 liter of kefir with a fat content of 1%
1 tsp soda
3 tbsp rast. oils

1. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy. Add vanilla sugar, vodka, salt and beat again.
2. Pour in kefir, mix.
3. Sift the flour and, stirring, gradually pour into the mixture until the dough acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.
4. Add baking soda and vegetable oil to the dough. Mix, let stand 20 minutes.
Then, whisking the dough, gradually pour in boiling water until the dough resembles liquid sour cream.
5. Heat vegetable oil in a pan. Pour in a little dough, spread it in a circular motion throughout the pan. Bake. Flip the pancake to the other side and cook for another 30 seconds. Bake all pancakes.
6. Lightly grease each pancake with butter, sprinkle with sugar. Roll four times. Put the pancakes in a saucepan, sprinkle 2 tbsp on top. sugar and put 100 grams of butter.
Cover tightly and place in a warm oven for 15 minutes.

Interesting facts about pancakes

The oldest pancake recipe in English dates back to the 15th century.

The world record for the largest pancake was set in Rochdale in 1994. The pancake was 15 meters in diameter, weighed three tons and two million calories.

The world's largest pancake breakfast is held annually in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Hundreds of volunteers take part in the event and since 1999 over 71,233 servings have been served by over 40,000 people. If all these pancakes are stacked, it will be over 3.5 km.

Ralph Lau from Leipzig set the world record for tossing pancakes in the air - in two minutes he tossed it 416 times. And Mike Kutsakre ran a marathon, constantly tossing a pancake, for 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

Fomina Anastasia Grade 6

Creative culinary project. The types of pancakes, their use in different cuisines of the world are considered. A recipe for making pancakes with buckwheat flour is given.



Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 11

Technology project

Topic: "Russian national dish - buckwheat pancakes"

Completed by: 6b grade student

Fomina Anastasia

Leader: technology teacher

Kislitsyna I.A.

Berezniki, 2014

  1. Substantiation of the chosen topic and formulation of tasks 3
  2. Asterisk of Ponder 4
  3. Development of ideas and options 5
  4. Historical note 6
  5. Cooking technology 9
  6. Calculation of the cost of cooking buckwheat

pancakes stuffed 13

  1. Conclusion 14
  2. List of used literature and Internet sites 15


Pancake - the "highlight" of the table

Skok-jump pancake-pancake,

Pancake-pancake - ruddy side,

Fresh and pleasant

Delicious, fragrant!

A pancake is baked to fame,

Everyone rightfully likes him

Damn honor, damn praise,

Pancake - the "highlight" of the table!
Everyone wants to taste a pancake,
Old and young eat it
Pancake-pancake is excellent,
Hearty, carnival!
Don't listen to anyone
You eat pancakes
Eat plenty, don't be shy
Eat, enjoy!
Shrovetide of all of us with you
Relish pancakes!

Tasha Poplar

Russian pancakes - a traditional dish of the Eastern Slavs, a national versionpancakes.

At present, in modern Russia, there is an increase in the national consciousness of people, their interest in national traditions is increasing. In this situation, culturological education is of particular importance, in the process of which not only knowledge about the customs, traditions, culture of the native land is disseminated, but also a respectful attitude towards them is formed.

Goal and tasks my research is such that I decided to find out what are pancakes? Is this national dish available to every family? How much does it cost to feed a family with pancakes? Can classmates bake pancakes themselves?


economic calculation Need History

Safety Russian pancakes Types

Decor cooking technology products,



I have considered the following cooking options:

  1. cooking Japanese sushi is delicious but difficult for me.
  1. Rotten Stump cake is also a complicated dish, you will need the help of your mother.

Therefore, I abandoned these ideas, since I like pancakes more, and I know how to cook them well, and I also want to maintain the traditions of Russian national cuisine.


Pancakes are considered one of the most beloved Russian dishes. The history of their creation is shrouded in mystery. There are many versions of the origin of this culinary product. Some Russian historians believe that yeast pancakes appeared in Rus' in 1005-1006. Here is one version of the appearance of pancakes. Once, while warming up oatmeal jelly, our ancestor gaped, and the jelly was fried and browned, so the first pancake turned out. According to the historian V. Pokhlebkin, pancakes appeared in Rus' before the 9th century, and the word "pancake" itself is a distorted word "mlyn", originating from the word "grind". Thus, the word "mlyn" is a flour product. Before the baptism of Rus', pancakes were sacrificial bread. Pancakes were baked in Rus' throughout the year, and since the 19th century they have become the main treat during Maslenitsa. Perhaps because the round pancake personified the sun.

Each family had its ownpancake recipeIt has been passed down from generation to generation. During Maslenitsa, people ate pancakes from morning to evening. On the streets, rich yeast pancakes were sold from stalls, in taverns pancakes were served with mushrooms, herring, caviar, sour cream, honey, and jam. Earlier in Tsarist Russia, pancakes were baked with the addition of millet, semolina or buckwheat porridge. They were served tomeat dishes, as well as how dessert. In the old days in Rus', housewives often cooked pancakes with salt, unfortunately, at present, many recipes are forgotten. But before these pancakes were very popular. As a bake, you can take chopped eggs, vegetables, mushrooms, sorrel. Dough was poured into a heated frying pan, browned from below, then baked on it, which was poured again with dough. Thus, the baking was in the center between two pancakes. After that, the pancake was turned over and fried. Another option is possible. The cake is placed in a pan and poured with dough. Cottage cheese is the most traditional Russian pripek.

Did you know that according to tradition, pancakes should only be eaten with your hands. If you pierce a pancake with a fork or cut it with a knife, you will call trouble, since a pancake is the sun. In ancient Rus', a person who cut a pancake was beaten with sticks. Since then, this rule has remained to take pancakes with your hands, it is allowed to fold, twist, tear them, but with your hands.

Abroad, pancakes are prepared from almost the same products as we do in Russia, but in each country there are different methods for making pancakes. For example, in England, ale and malt flour are added to pancake dough. In America, pancakes are more like pancakes, ready-made pancakes are light, they are served with maple syrup. Often Americans add cheese, raisins, bacon to the dough. Pancakes in Germany can be thin and crispy and thick. Americans add cheese, raisins, bacon to the dough. Pancakes in Germany can be thin and crispy and thick. German pancakes are usually eaten with sugar and lemon. In Spain, Latin America, pancakes are made from cornmeal. In such pancakes, minced meat or vegetables are wrapped. In China, for pancakes, a steep dough is made, to which a lot of green and onion is added.

For many centuries, pancakes have been one of the most beloved dishes of the peoples of the world. But only in Russian cuisine there are hundreds of recipes for pancakes.


Russian pancakes are cooked onyeast doughand are often brewed in water or milk (custard pancakes) before baking in a traditional Russian oven. Often used in their preparationbuckwheat flour.

I cooked buckwheat pancakes as follows:

To prepare the dough, I needed: 2 eggs, 1 liter of milk, 300 grams of wheat flour, 50 grams of buckwheat flour, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of soda.

I mixed all the ingredients until smooth, which had the consistency of liquid sour cream. Then she baked pancakes in a frying pan greased with sunflower oil.

I also decided to cook the filling for pancakes - cottage cheese and ham-tomato.

Cottage cheese filling for pancakes: 250 grams of cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of sugar.

Ham and tomato filling: 200 grams of chicken ham, 1.5 fresh tomatoes, 50 grams of cheese, 1 teaspoon of sour cream, a bunch of fresh dill.

I put the filling on the resulting pancakes and rolled the pancakes with a tube.

From the dishes I needed: 2 pans of different diameters, plates, a ladle, a saucepan, spoons, a spatula.


≈ 1.5 kg

Name of products

Price per kg in the store, rub.

Quantity to cook

Unit price, rub.

Amount, rub.


2 pcs


1 package

Wheat flour

300 gr

Buckwheat flour

50 gr


100 gr


14 gr

Cottage cheese





Sour cream

Dill fresh




In the store, pancakes with ham and tomatoes (without cheese, sour cream and dill) cost 189 rubles per kilogram, with cottage cheese - 169 rubles. By weight, my pancakes pull almost 1.5 kg. The cost is less than in the store.


The reason that prompted me to start making pancakes is that the study of the centuries-old Russian heritage is important these days not only in itself, but also carries the light of kindness, mercy, and folk wisdom.

The purpose of my project was not to find out if my pancakes would be cheaper or more expensive than in the store. I wanted to cook a tasty and healthy dish that both adults and children love. However, the pancakes I made were cheaper than in the store. In addition, labor, love and care for their loved ones are invested in them, which will undoubtedly be appreciated.

  • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%F3%F1%F1%EA%E8%E5_%E1%EB%E8%ED%FBWikipedia, Russian pancakes.

  • Pancakes for a Russian person, this is not just a favorite dish - it is a genetic memory of the Russian village, of merry festivities on Shrovetide, of centuries-old Russian traditions and customs. Our ancestors treated guests with pancakes, celebrated the birth of children with pancakes, gave pancakes to women in labor after childbirth, escorted pancakes on their last journey and commemorated dead relatives. It can be said without exaggeration that Russian pancakes reflect the thousand-year history of the Russian world, its spirit, traditions, and color.

    Pancakes in ancient Rus'

    The history of Russian pancakes dates back to the mists of time. It is believed that the first pancake was baked around 1005 - 1006, so Russian pancakes are definitely more than a thousand years old!

    Pancakes in Rus' have long been an ordinary dish of Russian cuisine, but in ancient times, pancakes among the Slavs had a special, ritual meaning, and their preparation was a ritual, a whole sacrament where outsiders were not allowed. Pancake recipes have been passed down from generation to generation, from mother to daughter, from grandmother to granddaughter. The hostesses prepared the dough for pancakes in the evening, secretly from the household, in the light of the moon, saying: "A month, you, a month, your golden horns, look out the window, blow on the dough."

    It is erroneously believed that among the Slavic peoples, hot, round pancakes were a symbol of the sun. In fact, pancakes have always been a memorial dish among the ancient Slavs. They commemorated dead relatives with pancakes, intended for long-dead relatives, “passing” pancakes to the “other world”, distributing them to carolers, the first wanderers they met, the poor. No wonder since ancient times they say that "The first pancake is always for rest."

    They escorted pancakes on their last journey not only to deceased relatives, but also to the winter - on Maslenitsa, pancakes have always been an indispensable attribute of this holiday, because they so correspond to the memorial character of Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa not only saw off the winter and met spring, but also saw off the old year and met the new one, because until the 14th century in Rus' the year began in March. It is not for nothing that Maslenitsa was called honest, wide, gluttonous, because as you meet the year, so you will spend it, therefore the Russians did not skimp on this holiday for a feast and fun.

    How pancakes were prepared in Rus'

    Many nations know a variety of ways to cook pancakes, different in type and consistency, using different types of flour. In the countries of Central Asia and Western Europe, it is customary to cook pancakes from unleavened dough of various compositions, while in Rus' they preferred yeast pancakes - made from liquid yeast dough, aged until carbon dioxide forms in the dough.

    Now, wheat, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal and even pea flour or their combinations are used for baking pancakes, but buckwheat pancakes are considered classic Russian pancakes. They have a pleasant taste and slight acidity. Compared to pancakes made from wheat flour, buckwheat pancakes are more fluffy and loose.

    Traditional Russian pancakes are small pancakes the size of a saucer, which in the old days were baked only in pans cleaned with salt and well-heated (preferably cast iron). Before starting to bake each pancake, the pan for pancakes was greased with oil using an onion or a potato chopped on a fork, or a piece of lard. Pancakes were baked in a Russian oven, which is why they still say “bake” pancakes, not fry them.

    Baked in Rus' and stuffed pancakes (with salt) - the filling is laid out in the middle of the pan and poured with pancake dough. As a baking powder, ready-made crushed products were used. These could be:

    • a layer of fried onions or carrots
    • boiled eggs
    • mushrooms
    • minced fish or meat
    • cottage cheese, etc.

    Ready pancakes are stacked and served hot.

    Nowadays, pancakes are no longer perceived as ritual food, and have long been taking their rightful place in the usual Russian menu.

    Video about how pancakes are baked in a Russian oven
