
Technology for slicing potatoes. Chips at home: preparing your favorite crispy snack without chemistry How to thinly cut potatoes for chips with a knife

One of the most beloved, but, unfortunately, not always permissible delicacies, chips are dearly loved by both children and most adults. What a sin to hide, even while on a diet and passionately wanting to lose weight, we are no, no, and we will crunch a tidbit. However, chips have gained a reputation for junk food quite recently, and even then thanks to their brothers, prepared in a factory way. It is factory chips, richly flavored with oil, flavorings and preservatives, with irrepressible consumption, that can add to our health and weight troubles. Quite another thing is homemade chips, cooked with your own hands, in compliance with all the rules for preparing not only tasty, but also healthy food. These chips will serve as an excellent snack, a wonderful side dish and a great addition to many other dishes, and they will do no more harm than any other dish made from potatoes. Today we invite you to learn and remember how to cook homemade chips, chips are not only tasty, but also healthy.

It may seem surprising to you, but chips were invented quite recently, just over a hundred years ago. Even the exact year of the appearance of this delicious dish is reliably known - 1853. It was in this year that the legendary American millionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt first received a portion of chips to his table. Yes, the history of chips begins as the history of the dish of millionaires! However, it was more the revenge of the offended cook than a special culinary foresight. After all, just a few minutes before, Vanderbilt had returned potatoes to the restaurant kitchen, which, in his opinion, were cut too thick and poorly fried. Offended chef George Krum mockingly cut the potatoes into the thinnest slices and deep-fried until crispy. But revenge failed. The resulting dish was extremely liked by the millionaire, instantly became popular among the American beau monde, and then quickly conquered the whole world.

Unfortunately, for many housewives, making homemade chips seems to be an extremely difficult task, if not impossible at all. And absolutely in vain. Making delicious crispy chips is no more difficult than making french fries. All you need is some potatoes, butter and salt, a sharp knife or a food processor, and a great desire to please your loved ones with a delicious homemade delicacy. On the other hand, the apparent simplicity of preparation can be just as deceptive. Indeed, in order for your chips to turn out to be truly tasty, crispy and not soaked half an hour after cooking, you need to know some subtleties and culinary tricks.

Today, the Culinary Eden site has carefully collected and recorded for you a selection of the most important tips, secrets and recipes that will surely help even the most inexperienced housewives and easily tell you how to cook homemade chips.

1. To make chips, you will need a very sharp knife to help you cut the potatoes into as thin slices as possible. Instead of a knife, you can use slicers or a special attachment for a food processor that allows you to cut food into thin, even slices. The thickness of the cut potato slices should not exceed two millimeters. In addition to tools for slicing potatoes, you will need utensils for deep-frying chips. A special electric fryer is ideal, which allows you to control the frying process and temperature conditions. If you have not yet acquired such a device, then you can fry the chips in a cast-iron cauldron or even a simple deep frying pan with a thick bottom.

2. When choosing potatoes for your chips, pay attention to medium-sized, regular-shaped tubers. Chips from such potatoes will turn out smooth, beautiful and comfortable. Be sure to ask the seller if the potatoes offered to you are suitable for frying. After all, to make chips, you need potatoes with dense, not loose pulp and a minimum starch content. Pay attention to the number and depth of eyes. Cutting them out can make peeling potatoes a real torture, and ready-made potato chips with a lot of cut out eyes will turn out uneven and ugly. It seems superfluous to remind you that potatoes should be fresh and unspoiled.

3. Having brought the potatoes home, once again carefully inspect, sort and wash them, selecting only the most even and successful tubers. If your potato has a thin skin, and there are few eyes on it, then it can be cut whole without peeling, but only washed thoroughly with a brush. If the skin of the potato is too thick and rough, then such a potato will need to be peeled. Rinse thoroughly washed or peeled potatoes with cold water, dry slightly, cut into thin slices and rinse again in cool running water to allow you to wash off excess starch. Drain the washed slices in a colander, and then dry thoroughly by blotting with paper towels.

4. Heat the oil for frying chips in advance. The recommended oil temperature for frying chips varies from 170 to 200 degrees, but never higher than 220⁰, when the oil is already starting to smoke. The choice of oil type depends on your personal taste preferences. Just do not forget that only refined deodorized varieties of vegetable oils are suitable for frying. Unrefined oils will give a lot of smoke and spoil the taste of the finished product, in addition, when unrefined oils are overheated, carcinogens can form. If you want to make the taste of your chips more vivid and rich, just add a small amount of beef or pork fat or lard to vegetable oil.

5. Fry the chips in small batches so that the potato slices float freely in the oil without overlapping or sticking together. To lower the potato slices into the boiling oil and to catch the finished chips, you will need a wide slotted spoon, or even better, a special deep-frying basket. Equipped with a convenient handle, this basket allows you to easily lower and remove all the slices of one serving at the same time, which will prevent overcooking the potatoes. Be very careful, be sure to dry the potato slices before dipping them into the oil, this will avoid the sudden bubbling and splattering of the boiling oil. The frying time of the chips depends on the thickness of the slices and the temperature of the oil, on average, the chips are ready within a minute after being dipped into the oil.

6. Remove the finished golden chips from the oil and transfer to a colander lined with paper napkins. Let excess oil drain. Such chips can already be served at the table, they turn out tasty, crispy and appetizing. And only one thing can overshadow your pleasure - such chips retain their crunchiness for a very short time, literally for half an hour, and then soften, turning into thin slices of simple fried potatoes. The second stage of cooking chips - drying will help you avoid this. The easiest way to quickly dry a small amount of chips is to place them in the microwave for 30 to 60 seconds at maximum power. If you are preparing a large portion of chips at once, then it will be more convenient for you to use the oven. Preheat the oven to 200⁰, place a baking sheet with chips on it and dry for 10 - 15 minutes. Be careful not to burn your chips! Remove the chips from the oven, transfer to paper towels and let them cool completely. Salt and sprinkle with spices only fully cooked chips!

7. Summing up all of the above, let's try to make our first batch of homemade chips together. Thoroughly wash and peel 500 g potatoes. Using a sharp knife, a food processor, or a simple vegetable peeler, cut the potatoes into thin, even slices no thicker than 1 to 2 mm. Rinse the finished potato slices in cool water, washing off excess starch, and then dry thoroughly with paper towels or napkins. Heat the vegetable oil in a cauldron or deep fryer and fry the potatoes in small portions until golden brown. Transfer the cooked potato slices to a colander lined with paper towels and let the excess oil drain. Then arrange your chips on a plate in a single layer and place in the microwave to dry. Dry the chips for 30 - 60 seconds on full power. Spread the chips on a paper towel and let them cool completely. Season the chilled chips with salt and your favorite spice mix. Store your chips in a paper bag in a dry, cool place. However, who will keep such delicious chips of their own preparation for a long time?

8. Delicious homemade chips can be made without deep frying. It is enough to bake potato slices until crispy in the oven. Rinse, peel and cut into thin slices 800 g potatoes. Rinse excess starch off potato slices and pat dry on paper towels. Put the slices in a deep bowl, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, salt, black and red pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 10 minutes. Line a baking sheet with buttered baking paper, arrange the potato slices in a single layer, and place in a preheated oven at 200⁰ for 15 minutes. Then turn the pan 180⁰ and bake your chips for another 15 minutes until golden and crisp.

9. If you don’t have any extra time at all, and you really want homemade chips, you can use a quick recipe for making chips in the microwave. Wash, peel and cut as thinly as possible 500 g potatoes. Put the potato slices in a bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, a pinch of your favorite spices and salt to taste. Mix everything and let stand for 10 minutes. Arrange the slices on a wide dish in a single layer so that they do not touch each other. Microwave at maximum power for 4 to 6 minutes until golden brown and crispy. Keep an eye on your chips while cooking, don't overdry them! These chips are best eaten as soon as possible - they can quickly soak.

10. But what are homemade chips without a delicious homemade sauce? Try to cook a gentle and at the same time spicy sauce with sour cream and garlic. Mix 100 ml. good sour cream and 100 ml. low fat yogurt. Add to them one crushed clove of garlic, one tablespoon of chopped dill, a pinch of cayenne pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew in a cool place for 15 - 30 minutes. This sauce is perfect for both homemade chips and croutons, crackers and french fries.

And on the pages you can always find even more interesting ideas, proven recipes and important tips that will always tell you how to make homemade chips.

Zhalnin Dmitry

Not only the appearance, but also the taste of the dish depends on the form of slicing potatoes: if the pieces are the same, then they are boiled or fried evenly. Homemade slicing potatoes is different from the restaurant. In restaurants, chefs do everything to make the dishes look as impressive as possible, so they sacrifice savings in favor of beauty. The hostesses are trying to clean and cut the tubers so that there is less waste. Restaurant methods of slicing at home are used only in preparation for the holidays.

Preliminary preparation

Before cutting the potatoes, the tubers must be washed well. If the potatoes are subsequently going to be peeled, then you can simply wash the skin with your hands so that damage and eyes are clearly visible. But for the preparation of tubers in their skins (boiling in their uniforms, roasting in a rustic way), they are washed especially carefully: rubbed with a brush under running water.

Even slightly damaged tubers are not suitable for boiling in their skins. If there are rhizoctonia black specks on the potato (similar to tiny lumps of dirt), they must be removed with a brush. Perfectly clean tubers of the correct shape should remain, without damage. If such potatoes are boiled or stewed in a rustic way, they can be eaten with the skin: after brushing, the skin becomes thin, like tissue paper.

Potatoes that will be cooked without peel are peeled after washing, eyes and damaged areas are cut out, then they must be dipped in cold water so that the flesh does not darken. You should first cut all the peeled potatoes, then put them in a container for cooking. If you cut one potato at a time and transfer it to a hot pan or pot of boiling water, the pieces will cook unevenly.

Easy ways to cut potatoes

Simple ways of slicing potatoes include those that are easy to perform with any knife, and without first “cutting” the tuber: circles, slices, sticks, cubes, straws, slices, chips.


A peeled and washed potato can be cut into circles 1–1.5 cm thick (Fig. 1). This method of slicing is called Paysanne. Pieces with a thickness of 1.5, sometimes 2 cm, are used to make "rustic" soups, stews, and bake in a rustic way. Mugs 0.7–1 cm thick are deep-fried.

Fig.1. Potatoes cut into slices

To fry potatoes in the usual way, the tubers are cut into circles 2-3 mm thick, and for making chips - even thinner, about 1-2 mm. Usually small and medium tubers are cut in this way: it is difficult to separate a neat thin circle from a large potato with an ordinary knife. Therefore, for making homemade chips, it is more convenient to grind potatoes with a shredder (Fig. 2).

When restaurant cutting, circles of approximately the same diameter are selected from the middle of the tuber, and the rest are used for mashed potatoes.

Fig.2. Universal shredder for vegetables


If the circles are cut into 2 or 4 parts, you will get slices (Fig. 3). The tuber is cut lengthwise into 2 parts. If it is large, then each half is also cut lengthwise into 2 parts. These pieces are cut across. While one half of the tuber is being cut, the other half is lowered into the water.

Fig.3. slices

Slices 1-2 cm thick are suitable for making soups, baking. For frying, potatoes are cut into slices 2-3 mm thick. The rule for restaurant cutting is the same as for circles: choose slices of the same size.


Slices are cut into medium, less often - small tubers. First, the potato is cut into 4 parts (as for slices). To get slices, each quarter is cut in half (Fig. 4). This is an excellent form of cutting for baking with duck stuffed with apples, stewing with meat, cooking potatoes in a rustic way. The slices are also deep-fried.

Fig.4. Slices

The restaurant form of cutting differs from the home one only in that tubers of approximately the same size are chosen for festive dishes.


Restaurant cut:

  1. Choose tubers of approximately the same size, wash them and peel them.
  2. Cut off a piece on each side of the tuber to make a rectangular parallelepiped.
  3. Cut it into plates.
  4. Stack the plates one on top of the other and cut them into sticks.

When restaurant cutting, the bars should be the same (Fig. 5). The cross section of the bar is a square with a side of 6–7 mm. This cut is called a batonnet. These sticks are deep fried.

Fig.5. Homemade slicing potatoes Rice. 6. Restaurant slicing potatoes into cubes

When cutting at home, the tuber is not pre-cut, so some of the bars are irregular in shape and differ from others in size.

For soups, shorter sticks are used, cut using the Prentanier method: 3–4 cm long and 0.7–1 cm thick. Prentanier sticks are fried (in the usual way and deep-fried), stewed.

There are slicers on sale, with which you can easily and quickly cut potatoes into cubes, even for a very large company.

Fig.7. Slicers for slicing potatoes


Straws are very thin sticks.

Straw types:

  • julienne (julienne) - bars 2 mm thick and 2.5 cm long;
  • share - length 4-5 cm.

Straws are most often deep-fried, used to make Korean salads.

To cut the tuber into strips, you need a very sharp knife. It is much easier to chop potatoes on a grater for Korean salads or using a special tool (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Devices for cutting tubers into strips


To get cubes, the tuber is cut into sticks, then a stack of sticks is cut across (Fig. 9).

Types of cubes:

  • brunoise (brunoise) - face 1–2 mm;
  • jardinier (jardinière) - 3-4 mm;
  • Macedonian (macédonienne) - 5 mm;
  • Peizan - parallelepipeds with a base of 1 × 1 cm and a height of 0.3–0.4 cm.

Raw tubers are cut into cubes for soups, boiled - for salads.

Fig.9. Cubes


Potato chips are long thin ribbons 1–2 cm wide. They can be cut with an ordinary knife, but there is also a special device that allows you to make very even and neat chips (Fig. 10). Deep fried potato strips.

Rice. 10. Knife for planing potatoes

Ways to "grind" whole tubers

To make whole potatoes look the same and look more beautiful in the finished dish, they are given various, sometimes intricate shapes.


To make a barrel:

  1. Cut off the top and bottom of the potato.
  2. The sides of the tuber are "turned", forming a barrel (Fig. 11).

The barrels are stewed whole or the middle is taken out, stuffed and baked. Barrel-shaped tubers are stable and can be placed compactly in a baking dish.


To make garlic, the barrel is cut into slices. A little pulp is cut off from the sharp edge of each slice (Fig. 12).

Fig.12. Garlic


Deep transverse cuts are made on the tubers at a distance of 3-4 mm from each other (Fig. 13). Pieces of bacon or cheese are inserted into the slots and baked.

Fig.13. Baked potato "accordion"


The tuber is "turned", giving it the shape of a pear. Such potatoes are usually baked (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Potato "pears"


Medium tubers are washed and cleaned. A transverse incision is made on the tuber. With the help of a knife and a spoon, a “bast shoe” is formed (Fig. 15). On the "toe" make shallow transverse and longitudinal incisions. Bast shoes are stuffed, greased with butter and baked in the oven.

Rice. 15. Potato "bast shoes"


On a tuber washed with a brush, a circular transverse incision is made. One half of the potato is left in its skin (this is a “hat”), the second is hewn, forming a “leg” (Fig. 16). "Mushrooms" are smeared with butter and spices and baked.

Rice. 16. Potato "mushrooms"

Curly slicing potatoes

Curly cutting requires special tools.

Wavy Chips

The peeled tuber is cut in the same way as in circles, using a special knife with a wavy blade (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Chip knife


To make potato balls, you need a special spoon. It is thrust into the tuber and the stalk is rotated around its axis. The result is neat identical balls the size of a hazelnut (Fig. 18). They are baked or deep fried.

Rice. 18. Potato balls


A metal skewer is pierced into a raw tuber. Then a device with a sharp blade is screwed onto it (Fig. 19). The knife cuts the potato in such a way that one long ribbon 1–2 mm thick is obtained, twisted into a spiral.

Rice. 19. Potato spirals

Spirals are not removed from skewers, but immediately deep-fried (like chips). These "kebabs" look very impressive.

Slicing for cooking potatoes in a rustic way

Students at the University of Essex found that when baking, the largest area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pieces will be covered with a golden crust if:

  1. Cut the tuber lengthwise.
  2. Cut each half at an angle of 30° (fig. 20).

Fig.20. tuber slicing

The way potatoes are cooked is influenced by both the size and shape of the tuber and the way it is cut. There are many potato slicing technology, the main ones of which we will now get acquainted with.

How to properly cut potatoes

Rubbing on a grater

Potatoes are grated both raw and boiled. Boiled cooled potatoes are rubbed with a grater with larger holes in a separate dish.

When rubbed raw potatoes give a large amount of starchy liquid. Therefore, starting this process, decide whether it will be useful to you in the dish you are preparing. If it is not useful, then grate the potatoes on the board using a standard grater. In the event that you need liquid to prepare another dish, then the potatoes must be grated with a medium or large grater into a deep dish so that the liquid does not drain. Using your hands, carefully squeeze the liquid out of the potato mass and drain it into a separate container. Remember that grated raw potatoes darken and turn brown very quickly, so you need to cook them right away.

French fries

To prepare classic french fries, you need to cut large potato tubers into slices 1.5 cm thick (if desired, thicker). And then cut each slice into cubes 1.5 cm wide. The cut semi-finished product must be immediately immersed in boiling vegetable oil.

Potatoes are cut in the same way for making most soups.


An even brick is cut from the tuber, and the remaining trimmings are left to be used in the preparation of potato soup or vegetable stew. Then the brick is cut lengthwise into even pieces. The next step is to stack the pieces in an even stack, cut them lengthwise, then across to get even cubes.


Most often when cooking potatoes, it doesn't matter how straight you cut the tubers, but in some potato dishes this affects both appearance and cooking time. Use a large, sharp knife to cut potatoes into slices. Cut the potato first lengthwise into two halves, and then each half a few more times lengthwise until you get long, almost triangular pieces. To keep the slices even, while working, place the tip of the knife on the board and rhythmically press on the handle of the knife with your wrist.


To prepare a not very large portion of chips, it is necessary to cut the potatoes into slices as thin as possible with a sharp knife, while firmly pressing the tuber against the board with one hand.

To prepare thinner chips, grate the potatoes with a coarse grater with a special oblique cut of the blade, it is also called berner grater or cut potatoes shredding knife.

Helpful advice: so that the grater does not slip while cutting the chips, place a rag or kitchen towel under it. However, if you're planning on making a larger batch of chips, it's best to do this in a food processor.

Fine cutting

This method of slicing potatoes is most often used when preparing salads. For this purpose, starchy varieties with a denser texture are used, and which do not boil soft. Cut for salads need only cold potatoes. The tuber is cut in half, then each half lengthwise into several strips, and then across.

Chips(from English - a thin piece) - a snack, which is a thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotato or other fruit, fried in boiling oil (deep-fried). Usually we eat chips with beer as a snack, add them to various homemade salads or decorate a dish with them.

You know, after all, you can cook potato chips at home and they will be much healthier and tastier than those that we buy in stores, knowing in advance that they are high in carcinogens and, of course, various unhealthy additives and flavor enhancers. Having prepared your chips at least once, you will definitely use store-bought options less often. I'm just sure you will like it and you can even treat your children to them without fear that they can eat some kind of dye and harm their health. If you have a special device (grater) with which you thinly chop vegetables, you can cut potatoes for making chips with it. A curly kitchen knife will also help you make beautiful chips, making thin slices of potatoes corrugated.

I was preparing a trial version of the chips, so I cut the potatoes thinly with a regular sharp knife. Of course, if you have a special deep-frying machine or your super-multi-cooker has a sieve for cooking in oil, you can use it. I advise you to try to cook potato chips using a microwave oven. It is very simple and tasty, the chips are healthy, do not contain such a substance as acrylamide, which is formed in those chips that we fry in oil. Therefore, my dears, today we are preparing homemade potato chips using a microwave oven, which, as a rule, are now in every home.


  • potato
  • ground pepper
  • spices to taste

How to make potato chips at home:

The potatoes are cut into thin slices and washed in running water to wash off the starch. Otherwise, when cooked in the microwave, our chips will simply stick to the plate. Pat the potatoes dry with a kitchen towel and arrange on a plate in a single layer. Sprinkle on top with salt, ground pepper and any seasonings to your taste. I wanted to make chips with seasoning for barbecue.

We send a plate with potato petals to the microwave for 4-10 minutes at maximum power. It depends on your microwave and its power. If you have a grill, the chips will cook faster. It took me 6-8 minutes to get delicious, crispy, beautiful chips. If desired, each chip can be turned over and allowed to fry on the other side.

Put the finished chips on a plate in a slide and serve. Excellent homemade chips are ready and eaten instantly. As needed, homemade chips can be made endlessly, just lay, fry, remove and eat them and do it again and again, experimenting with new flavors each time.

Bon appetit wishes everyone Svetlana and my home site!

Chips in a large assortment are presented on the shelves of grocery stores and supermarkets. Crispy snacks are loved by children and adults, and therefore it will be interesting for many to learn how chips are made and what raw materials are used to make them in factories. And affordable recipes will allow you to cook homemade chips from a variety of products.

Chip manufacturers use special varieties of potatoes to prepare their products, which are distinguished by a denser structure and a minimum amount of sugar.

Thanks to this composition, the root crop retains its golden color and does not fall apart during cooking.

Surely, sending another portion of a crispy snack into your mouth, you at least once thought about how chips are made at the factory. Meanwhile, this is a rather laborious process. Potatoes go through several stages there until they turn into familiar snacks in bright packaging.

  1. Raw materials delivered from the fields are unloaded, washed and placed in special boxes for storage.
  2. Vegetables are visually inspected for defects and removed.
  3. Potatoes are peeled in special drums.
  4. Blades in the bottom of the drum cut slices up to 2 mm thick.
  5. Then the slices fall into a frying bath filled with oil heated to 180 degrees, where they are fried for 3 minutes.
  6. Chips are sprinkled with salt, special flavoring and aromatic additives.
  7. Ready snacks after weighing come into the package.

Some manufacturers use an easier way to make chips. They take corn or wheat flour and mix it with starch. Chips are formed from this dough and fried in boiling oil. It is difficult to call such a product potato chips, but with the help of special ingredients it turns into snacks.

Home Cooking Recipes

Proponents of a healthy diet do not trust the quality of purchased chips with an incomprehensible composition and a large number of nutritional supplements. Therefore, many cooks prepare them on their own in the home kitchen.

What are chips made from? In addition to traditional potato chips, you can cook carrot, apple and banana chips, as well as delicious snacks from lavash, onion and cheese. Simple and quick recipes are available to everyone.

Microwave potato chips

Especially delicious are your favorite potato snacks cooked in the microwave.

Required Ingredients:

  • large potatoes - 400 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • spices.

How to cook:

  1. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into slices 4-5 mm thick.
  2. Put the slices in any bowl and pour cold water for 10-15 minutes to release the starch.
  3. Dry the slices with paper towels, sprinkle with spices to taste and put in a single layer on a microwave oven dish.
  4. Cook at maximum power for 3 minutes.
  5. Flip over and cook on low power for another 2-3 minutes.

Chips are ready when they turn brown.

From potatoes in a pan

You can cook potato chips in a regular frying pan.


  • potato;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and peel the potatoes, cut into slices 5 mm thick.
  2. Put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire (layer - from 3 cm).
  3. Pour spices into the oil, and when it boils, reduce the heat.
  4. Carefully place the slices in the pan at some distance from each other.
  5. Fry the chips until golden brown without flipping.
  6. Put the finished dish on a paper towel to remove excess oil and dry the chips.

Cooking from bananas

Delicious banana pulp makes delicious snacks. The most useful are baked banana chips.


  • 4 bananas;
  • 1 lemon;
  • coarse sea salt.

How banana chips are made:

  1. Peel the bananas and cut into thin slices.
  2. Moisten the blanks with squeezed lemon juice, which prevents the fruit from darkening.
  3. Place fruit slices on a foil-lined baking sheet and sprinkle with salt, if desired.
  4. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 90 degrees for 2 - 3 hours.
  5. After an hour, turn the chips over to dry evenly.
  6. Ready-made banana snacks should be refrigerated before consumption.

How to make from carrots

Vitamin carrot chips will be especially useful.

For cooking you will need:

  • big carrot;
  • olive oil;
  • seasonings (salt, pepper).

How to cook:

  1. Peel the carrots and cut into slices (or grate on a shredder).
  2. Pour vegetable circles into any bowl, salt and pepper them to taste. Add some oil and stir.
  3. Put the slices in one layer on a baking sheet with parchment paper and put in an oven preheated to 110 degrees for 1 hour.
  4. Turn the carrot slices every 10-15 minutes so that they do not burn.

Ready-made chips are best stored in a glass closed container.

Apple chips in the oven

Apple delicacy is not only tasty and healthy, but also low-calorie.

For homemade chips you need:

  • medium sized apples;
  • sugar;
  • cinnamon.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash and dry the apples, cut into thin slices.
  2. Place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
  3. Put the form in an oven preheated to 100 degrees and turn the slices over after an hour.
  4. After another hour, remove the crispy slices from the oven and leave to cool on a baking sheet.

cheese recipe

This dish is prepared very quickly.

Before making homemade cheese chips, prepare:

  • hard cheese;
  • any spices to taste (Italian herbs, paprika, chili peppers).

How to cook:

  1. Grate cheese, mix with spices and arrange in separate portions in the form of flat pancakes on a baking sheet.
  2. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  3. Follow the process: when the cheese begins to dry out after melting, it's time to remove the baking sheet.
  4. Let the chips cool completely.

Cheese chips can be eaten as a snack, or can be used to make salads and soups.

From thin Armenian lavash

Lavash chips are very satisfying and spicy. They can be quickly cooked in the oven.


  • sheet of Armenian lavash;
  • oil (butter or vegetable) - (30 g);
  • ground chili pepper;
  • curry mix;
  • sea ​​salt (coarse);
  • paprika.

Cooking steps:

  1. Spread pita bread with oil and cut into 2 parts. Sprinkle one with curry mixture, the other with paprika and chili.
  2. Cut the resulting blanks into small triangles and put them on a baking sheet.
  3. Put the mold in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 4 - 6 minutes.
  4. Take out and let cool.

These chips are the perfect snack for beer.

Chips "Onion rings"

Onion chips are an original and fragrant snack. There are two ways to prepare them.

To quickly fry crispy onion rings in a pan, you need to prepare:

  • onions (choose large sizes);
  • vegetable oil.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion and cut into large rings.
  2. Pour 2-3 cm oil into a frying pan with high sides, put it on the stove and heat it up.
  3. Put a layer of onion into the boiling oil.
  4. Fry the rings over high heat until light golden brown.
  5. Put the finished rings on a napkin to remove excess oil.

Dry the chips, providing access to fresh air in the room where they are dried.

The second recipe for onion rings in the oven is more time consuming, but the result is more interesting.


  • breadcrumbs for breading;
  • medium-sized bulbs;
  • milk;
  • egg;
  • salt, black and red ground pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix spices with breadcrumbs in a deep bowl.
  2. Cut the peeled onion into thin slices and divide into separate rings.
  3. Make in a separate bowl a mixture of 1 chicken egg and 5 tbsp. l. milk.
  4. Dip the rings first in the egg mixture and then in the breadcrumbs.
  5. Put the blanks on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  6. Turn the chips over after 15 minutes.
  7. After another quarter of an hour, take out the finished onion rings and dry.

These chips will be even tastier with spicy garlic or sour cream sauce.

When you want to crunch something tasty, do not rush to the store. At your fingertips you will definitely find everything you need to prepare a delicious, and most importantly, healthy snack.
