
Tie guan yin history of tea. Tea "Te Guan Yin": effect, useful properties and reviews

We often have a common misunderstanding: oolong is called green tea. Probably, because officially, in the compositions according to the norms of the Russian Federation, the manufacturer can only write either black or green tea; there are no other teas for bureaucrats. But you and I have access to wider information: oolong is not green tea, it is a separate group of Chinese teas with unique processing technologies. Oolong is more fermented than green tea, which puts it in the classification between black (in Chinese - red) and green tea. But in fact, he is not like anyone else! Anyone can like Oolong: those who love green tea, those who do not like green tea, those who do not know what tea is at all)) Oolong is a surprisingly harmonious and multifaceted drink, everyone will find pleasure in it for themselves.

But oolongs are different. Now we are talking about Tie Guan Yin. And even tea under this name can be very different.

Firstly , there are several subspecies of Te Kuan Yin according to the processing methods. The most common:

  • Qing Xiang- the lightest, lightest and most fragrant, it is he who is most often found on sale;
  • Nong Xiang- darker, denser in taste, "roasted".

  • There are also intermediate variations Hua Xiang). There is also a strongly fried Te Guan Yin - the so-called Lao Tie Guan Yin- “aged”, “aged”, but in fact it is unlikely that tea aged for years is found in retail sales, it is just a high-roasting processing technology that makes the tea remotely similar to something aged.

  • Tie Guan Yin is found with cuttings - they give a special taste, but the most common is still without cuttings.
  • South Fujian oolongs can be harvested in spring and autumn, with autumn ones being considered more fragrant. Take tea only from sellers who indicate the year and season of collection.

Secondly , under the same name, tea of ​​completely different quality can be sold. There is no unified grading system for leaf tea in China (although attempts are being made), so the main selection criterion is the price and personal feelings, but these indicators are very, very biased and slippery. The higher the quality of tea, which consists of the quality of raw materials and processing technology, the higher the flavor and aroma characteristics.

Since most of the market is flooded with light Qing Xiang Te Guan Yin, this review will be dedicated to him.

The Chinese have created an ideal packaging for tightly rolled teas - a vacuum bag, this allows you to keep the tea fresh longer while it is waiting for its buyer. The most common volumes: portion bags of 7-8 grams, large ones of 125, 250, 500 grams.

By the way, the packages themselves and the inscriptions on them most often do not carry significant information, because. in any package with the inscription Te Guan Yin, the seller can package absolutely any tea.

Tie Guan Yin has a catchy appearance - its leaves are twisted in a special South Fujian manner. Rolling Taiwanese oolongs, for example. has a higher density. The color of the dry leaf is green in different shades, from light to dark.

Aroma . Oh, this is an unforgettable aroma of freshness and flowers! Aroma of fresh leaves with hints of lilac flowers. Causes associations with late spring, although the tea itself is harvested in autumn. When brewed, sweetness is more clearly heard in the aroma, I would even say sweetish freshness, inherent only in South Fujian oolongs.

Taste also fresh, light, and quite a bit of astringency. Will appeal to lovers of weak tea without bitterness. And of course, the incomparable refreshing-sweet aftertaste!

Color infusion - light golden. The camera refuses to catch it))

Brew it can be done in different ways. Best of all, oolongs are revealed in traditional brewing: such a portioned 7 g bag for a teapot or gaiwan with a volume of about 150 ml. It is brewed in short infusions of 5-10-15 seconds, the infusion is completely poured into cups, drunk and the tea leaves are poured again - this is how tea withstands many infusions, even medium-quality oolong can easily withstand 5-7 infusions, each of which brings new flavors. aromatic sensations. It is about this method that we are talking about when it is said that tea can be brewed a number of times. If you brew with infusion: a teaspoon for an ordinary office mug or a large teapot and 3-4 minutes, then we are not talking about any 7 brews.

During brewing, the twisted leaves unfold. After drinking tea, you can evaluate them. South Fujian oolongs have large mature leaves, the edges are most often “ripened”, but the shape of the leaf should still be visible, and not shapeless stumps. The more solid and beautiful the leaf, the better the quality of the tea. This representative, as you can see, is very average.

Of course, oolong also has a lot of benefits for the body. His most famous properties : normalizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens teeth. I also use it for cosmetic purposes - I wash my face with infusion, it makes the skin velvety.

Oolong gently affects the nervous system, harmonizes and soothes. It is pleasant to drink it in the evening, with good people.

Where and how much . Finding Te Guan Yin is not a problem now, it is sold everywhere. The tea in this review was purchased from this Taobao store (the specific reference to the lot has now died). In my opinion, the lower price threshold: 100-200 rubles per 100 grams in Russian stores, $ 5 or 10-20 yuan in Chinese - this is extremely cheap, you can drink such tea, but without great pleasure. It is better to focus on a higher price, but not go into space. A vivid example of the fact that a high price is far from always an indicator of quality: I somehow happened to drink Te Guan Yin Wan from a chain tea store with a claim to the boutique "Ouncia" at a price of as much as 2000 rubles per ounce (28 g) - and it was very mediocre tea, not worth the price.

Recently, "Milk Te Guan Yin" has been encountered - this, like all teas with the prefix "milk" or "nai xiang" in Chinese, tea with artificial flavoring.

And don't forget that Te Guan Yin has other closest brothers, though not so sensational, but no less tasty and interesting: Mao Xie, Ben Shan, Huang Jin Gui.

Pleasant and joyful tea drinking to all!

Te Guan Yin lovers use poetic metaphors to describe their tea experience. Many of them say that each tea leaves, like a journey, gives new unforgettable sensations. There is nothing surprising in this, such tea is grown and produced in compliance with ancient traditions. Therefore, its use requires special attention.

Te Guan Yin tea has a thousand-year history. It began to be produced between 618 and 907, at the end of the Tang Dynasty. His homeland is Fujian Province, Anxi County. There are all conditions for year-round cultivation of tea. In winter there is no severe cold, and in summer there is no heat. The drink gained popularity in the 18th century during the reign of Emperor Qian Long. He was so captivated by the amazing taste and aroma of Tie Guan Yin that he awarded him the title of "Imperial Tea".

FUN FACT: Tie Guan Yin translates as "Iron Goddess of Mercy Guan Yin". Moreover, the word "iron" refers to the characteristics of the tea leaf. It is heavy and dense. And after opening it becomes large, with notches.

Today, due to increased demand, Tie Guan Yin is also grown in Taiwan, Thailand, and even in Japan and Vietnam. However, in terms of taste, they are inferior to the reference South Fujian tea.

It is produced at private enterprises in China. Raw materials are collected 4 times a year. Use leaves from young bushes - not older than 5 years. The highest valued tea is the autumn harvest, but there are many fans of the spring harvest. Summer and winter Tie Guan Yin do not have such a rich taste.

Features of Tie Guan Yin tea

Taste and aroma

Chinese tea has an incomparable taste and aroma, which is difficult to describe accurately. Taste with a predominance of floral and honey notes. It clearly contains shades of lilac, incense, acacia, there is a multifaceted aroma and a sweetish aftertaste.

Despite this, few people will like tea the first time. It needs to be felt. But if you fell in love with this drink, then it will become your constant companion and friend.

Tea withstands up to 7 infusions using the strait method. And every time its taste and aroma are revealed in a new way.

Health impact

  • improves immunity;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • promotes the removal of toxins and toxins;
  • helps in the fight against excess weight.

Tie Guan Yin oolong tea can also be used as a cosmetic product. The cooled tea leaves are used as a lotion, cosmetic ice is made from it. Tea has a rejuvenating effect and improves complexion.

Psycho-emotional impact

Tie Guan Yin gives an incredible feeling of inner peace and harmony, relaxes, helps to gain clarity of thought and get rid of anxiety. This tea is good to drink with nervous strain and depressive disorders. It is good for a quiet rest alone or in company, it sets you up for mutual understanding and love, plunges you into a state of light euphoria.

How to drink Tie Guan Yin?

Since Te Guan Yin is relaxing, you can drink it in the evening. The best time is when all the important things have already been completed, but sleep is still far away.

At night they drink a little. It can cause excitement, gaiety and talkativeness. This state is called "tea intoxication", within a few hours it is replaced by drowsy relaxation. It is impossible to name the amount of drink to achieve such a state, since it is individual for each person.

It is better not to drink Tie Guan Yin during working hours, especially in the following cases:

  • non-creative specialty;
  • there are tight deadlines;
  • requires constant concentration.

Brewing methods

Traditionally, Chinese tea is brewed following a ritual. It involves a large number of dishes, certain actions are performed that take a lot of time. In Western countries, few people regularly perform the tea ceremony at home. It is mastered as a hobby to surprise friends or please a loved one. But this is a separate issue.

How to brew tea in a quick and easy way? There are two main methods. But they are united by general rules:

  1. Water should not be hot, about 80-90 degrees.
  2. Ideally, filtered or spring water should be used.
  3. Before brewing tea in it, the dishes must be warmed up.
  4. The use of plastic and aluminum utensils is unacceptable. Ideally glass or porcelain.
  5. The use of a French press is unacceptable - crushing tea leaves destroys the taste and aroma. It is best to use special transparent teapots, which also allow you to enjoy the contemplation of tea opening.
  6. Water should not "boil". It must be removed from heat as soon as large bubbles begin to appear on the surface.

The easiest way to brew Te Guan Yin

For 150 ml of water you need a pinch of tea. The exact amount is determined with experience based on your own preferences. Dry tea leaves should be poured with hot water (80-90 ° C) and drained immediately. This is necessary to rinse and "wake up" the tea. Then immediately pour hot water again and insist under the lid for about 5 minutes. After that, the tea must be poured into a cup, and you can enjoy the taste and aroma.

Method for pouring tea

Take approximately 10 g of tea per 100 ml of water. Rinse the tea leaf. Brew several times, starting with 20 seconds and gradually increasing the time, but not more than 2 minutes.

In order to enjoy the unique taste and aroma, you need very little. The main thing is to choose high-quality tea.

In China, Te Guan Yin tea is one of the most popular teas. It is customary for them to meet guests at home and treat them in a restaurant, celebrate a successful deal and wash off fatigue after a hard day. Its taste and aroma are remembered from the first time and cause a wave of emotions that change with each new cup.

Tie Guan Yin's memorable turquoise oolong scent

In Anxi County in the south of the Chinese province of Fujian, since the 7th century, the monks have been growing the amazing Te Guan Yin oolong tea. Its name in Russian sounds like the Iron Goddess of Compassion. The Buddhist Bodhisattva Kuan Yin is also called "Hearing the Cries of the World", she has been worshiped in all Asian countries since ancient times.

The legend about the origin of Tieguanyin tea says that there was once a farmer named Wei Yin who grew tea trees in Anxi County. For 10 years, he offered a cup of his green tea morning and evening to the Goddess Kuan Yin. One night, a farmer had a dream where the Goddess pointed him to a beautiful tea tree with an alluring aroma that grew on a distant cliff. The next day, Wei Yin went to the cliff and found the tree from his dream there. From the leaves of this tree, the farmer prepared a delicious tea, which was named after the Bodhisattva - Tie Guan Yin.

According to the type of tiguanyin, tea is classified as large-leaf medium-fermented oolong, a class of turquoise teas. It is made from more mature leaves than green teas, and a lower degree of fermentation (than black tea) preserves tannins and vitamins and gives the drink a bright aroma.

In China, Tieguanyin tea is one of the most popular and beloved teas; guests are greeted with it at home and in a restaurant. Tie Guan Yin is called the infusion of five tastes, because as it opens from cup to cup, each subsequent brewing brings new shades of aroma and taste.

Good Tiguanyin tea is not cheap. The price is due to the difficult production process and storage conditions - after processing, the tea is immediately placed in the refrigerator. Only at negative temperatures does it retain its taste and useful properties, but not longer than 1 year. In retail trade, tea is packaged in vacuum bags, which allows you to store tea at room conditions - but immediately after opening such a bag should be tightly closed and put in the refrigerator.

Varieties and varieties

The price of Te Guan Yin tea also depends on the time of collection of tea leaves. They are collected 4 times a year, in the spring - 50% of the total leaves, in the fall - 15%, so the autumn collection is less frequent and more expensive.

There are the main varieties of Tiguanyin tea according to the place of growth:

  • Anxi - in this county, traditional bright and fragrant tea is made in autumn and spring;
  • Xiping - mother bushes grow in the village and adhere to the ancient secret production technology, which gives a darker tea, with a dense and oily taste;
  • Chengxiang - in this village, tea leaves are slightly roasted over a fire and smoked over charcoal, after which an aged oolong is obtained.

In general, Anxi County is divided into 13 towns and 11 townships, each of which uses unique technologies that affect the final taste of the drink.

By grade, Tieguanyin tea is divided into:

  • Wang is a raw material of the highest category, translated as "lord".
  • Mao Cha - contains leaves along with cuttings that retain essential oils and increase the shelf life of raw materials. It is customary to tear off the cuttings right in front of the buyer.
  • Lao is a more fermented raw material that is aged in bags for 2 to 5 years in special dark rooms. From this, the leaves fade, and the color of the infusion is saturated, the taste and aroma change.
  • Nong Xiang - autumn collection, gives an oily infusion with a strong smell and deep taste.
  • Qing Xiang - spring and summer collection, with a fresh floral aroma and mild taste.

There is also a variety of Zhong Cha - low-grade raw materials made with errors in technology - overcooked or undercooked, which is sometimes passed off as good tea.

Aroma and taste of infusion

High-quality Tiguan Yin tea - rich green leaves with white fluff along the edges and red veins, tightly twisted into tight curls. Immediately after the first opening of the package, you will feel a strong smell - floral, with hints of lilac. The infusion is light green with a turquoise tint. The taste is sweet and refreshing, with a slight floral aftertaste.

The higher the level of tea raw materials, the stronger the aroma prevails over the taste. In expensive varieties, the taste is light and unobtrusive, but the smell is revealed brighter and stronger.

How to cook

Let's figure out how to brew Tie Guan Yin. Soft water, spring, filtered or bottled, is suitable for it; dishes - porcelain or Yixing clay. How to brew tea correctly:

  • heat the water to 85-90 degrees;
  • warm up all the dishes;
  • take 7-11 gr. tea for a volume of 200 ml;
  • drain the first tea leaves after 2-3 seconds (it is needed only before washing the raw materials);
  • the second time insist 5-10 seconds, at each next step increase the time by 5 seconds.

How to brew Tie Guan Yin - with quick infusions. If it is overexposed, the infusion will become tart and bitter. In a few seconds, the tea leaves have time to give the water their taste and smell.

During the brewing process, the water temperature and infusion time are changed, so there are no unambiguous recommendations on how to brew Tiguan Yin. For late brews, water is heated to 95 degrees, the exposure time is increased to 3-5 minutes.

Beneficial features

  • The famous effect of Te Guan Yin - it calms the mind, pacifies the mind and brings lightness to the body. It sets you up for positive communication and pleasant tea drinking, immerses you in harmony with the world.
  • Due to the content of vitamins and minerals, tea has many useful properties - it normalizes blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood viscosity. Removes toxins and burns fat, therefore, accelerates weight loss.
  • Tea antioxidants rejuvenate the body, together with vitamin E increase skin elasticity. Tie Guan Yin helps the immune system, increases the body's defenses.

Does it "insert" Puer tea? The effect of Puerh tea, Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao

Recently, among young people, the topic of the impact of Chinese tea on consciousness has been relevant. There are many different opinions on this matter, but the general trend promoted in society is as follows: a certain type of Chinese tea (Puer, Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao) “inserts”, “pret”, "pins", "relaxes","causes intoxication", in general, has a pronounced narcotic effect.

How true and true is this? Is this a rumor or is there some truth in it? We decided to thoroughly understand this issue, this is what our article is about, let's look at it in order.

Let's take the song as a basis "Tea Drinker" popular rappers Basta and Gufa ...

It's not a drug, he's not rushing,
Well, yes, but tea is different
There are dangerous varieties
I made the top three for some reasons
And I decided to draw some parallels ...

3rd place: Puer

First of all, pu-erh has a pronounced tonic effect. This effect can be compared with a light narcotic, but still it is tea, so in moderation it has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Puer has a direct effect on the body. If you describe the effect of pu-erh in one word, then we can say that you become from it: "wound up", "excited", "wound up". Pu-erh is very good to use before sports training, before exams, for drivers during a long journey. From a real high-quality Pu-erh tea, the effect cannot be confused with any other.

The main effects of good and high-quality Pu-erh tea:

  • Tones, invigorates, reduces drowsiness,
  • Clears the mind, makes the mind clear,
  • Calms the spirit, helps to control oneself, focus,
  • Improves digestion and metabolism in the body,
  • Sobering, makes the eye keen and clear,
  • With many medicinal properties, it is one of the most medicinal teas in the world.

How to brew pu-erh:

When brewing pu-erh, the water used is of great importance, it is better if it is spring or soft, purified. Shu (black) pu-erh should be brewed with boiling water at 95-100 ° C, you can even boil it a little. Young Shen (green) Pu-erh should be brewed at a temperature of 80-90 °C. The first infusion must be drained, then the tea is infused for about 3 minutes.

The effect of pu-erh also depends on the time of infusion. The longer the tea is infused, the stronger its tonic properties. Pu-erh can be brewed in a thermos and drunk for several hours. It perfectly retains the temperature and all its properties.

Puer flavor:

Shu (black) pu-erh has a specific earthy flavor, can be with hints of prunes, combine fruity or nutty notes. Shen (green) pu-erh - more tart in taste and more reminiscent of.

In high-quality Pu-erh there should be no bitterness (or it should disappear quickly), it should easily and gently pass down the throat, warming and soothing. The longer the pu-erh is stored, the softer its taste becomes. Starting from 3 years of aging, pu-erh becomes for consumption.


Depending on the variety, the aftertaste of pu-erh is sweetish, full, pleasant and quite long.

2nd place: Tie Guan Yin

A real high-quality Te Kuan Yin calms and pacifies, leads the soul and body to harmony. Tie Guan Yin belongs to turquoise teas, has an exceptionally bright and multifaceted floral aroma and taste.

Physical sensations are enhanced by organoleptics (Method for determining product quality indicators based on the analysis of the perceptions of the sense organs - sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste). Therefore, you can enter into a kind of euphoria from the harmonious perception of this tea. These are not just words - with the right brewing, you can really feel it pretty quickly.

Tie Guan Yin has a beneficial effect on the general well-being of a person. This tea cheers up, gives vitality and energy, helps creative people to find inspiration. Ideal for communicating with friends, makes the conversation pleasant and sincere, tunes in to a common wave and brings people together.

Ideally, it should be brewed using the Gongfu Cha (Superior Tea-Drinking Mastery) method, which is how oolongs should be brewed. Can be brewed in the usual way: at a temperature of 80-90 °C. Water should be spring or soft, purified. The first infusion must be drained, then the tea is infused for about 2 minutes, the number of brews is up to 5-7 times. Tie Guan Yin should not be infused for a long time, as it may lose its taste and properties.

Tie Quan Yin is ideal for communication. If you invite a few close friends for a couple of teapots of Te Guan Yin tea, the conversation will flow easily, sincerely, openly and naturally. This tea is able to create a special atmosphere in which all participants of the tea party are immersed.

The apotheosis of tea drinking can be a kind of euphoria that all participants in the tea ceremony will feel. For the best effect, tea drinking should be carried out in a room isolated from extraneous noise, with subdued light and light, pleasant music.

Taste of Tie Guan Yin tea:

Rich, slightly sweet, honey, with pronounced floral notes. The taste of Tie Guan Yin tea can vary from cup to cup, from tart and rich to light, barely perceptible.


Fresh, bright, extraordinarily long lasting with floral undertones.

1st place: Da Hong Pao

So, the first line of my hit parade
I boldly give a big red robe
That's what I like is Da Hong Pao
The tea drinker is here!

In the production of Da Hong Pao tea, fermentation is longer than that of Tie Guan Yin tea, so its taste can be described as full, rich, honey. Its effect is similar to Tie Guan Yin tea, but slightly longer in duration.

Da Hong Pao has a relaxing effect, it will warm you from the inside and let you feel the comfort of the environment. Tea perfectly improves mood, promotes harmonious communication in the company of friends, sets you on the same wavelength.

Da Hong Pao gives a very interesting state and allows you to feel exactly “tea intoxication”, which is unlike anything else. The Big Red Robe makes the mind clear and sober, relieves emotional tension, allows you to feel pleasant spreading sensations throughout the body.

Tie guan yin tea is a blue-green variety. The drink has a strong aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a spring forest. Tea is not only fragrant and tasty, but also healthy.

The effect of drinking te guan yin

The drink combines the beneficial properties of green and black tea. That is why he is so appreciated in China. With each new brew, the taste is revealed and the benefits of tea are enhanced.

For te guan yin, more mature tea leaves are harvested than for green tea, so it is healthier.

The drink contains alkaloids, which tone up, invigorate, improve mood and performance. But they should not be abused. If you drink te guan yin too often, “tea intoxication” sets in, which manifests itself as mild euphoria.

In addition to alkaloids, tea contains vitamins, iron, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, iodine and other useful substances.

The effect of drinking this drink is:

  • relaxes, relieves nervous tension;
  • uplifting;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • strengthens blood vessels, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

The drink is even taken to prevent tumor diseases.

How to brew te guan yin

The result obtained depends on the correct welding by 50%. If you skip even one step or do something wrong, you will not be able to taste and not get the desired effect.

The choice of utensils for tea leaves is approached with special attention. Preference is given to a teapot made of a material that keeps heat for a long time. Suitable clay, porcelain or ceramic dishes. In addition to the teapot (teapot), you will need a bowl and a sieve.

Making tea looks like this:

  1. Pour boiling water over the teapot so that the temperature of the drink does not decrease during brewing.
  2. Pour a handful of tea into it. For 200 ml of water you will need 8 g of tea leaves.
  3. Close the lid and shake the kettle until the sound of tea leaves inside changes.
  4. Pour the tea with water at a temperature of 85-90˚С, slightly covering the tea leaves. Pour out the liquid immediately. After washing the tea, proceed to brewing.
  5. Pour the tea leaves to the top of the dish. Wait 5 sec. and pour the infusion into a bowl. You can start drinking tea.

The taste and aroma of tea are revealed only after the third brewing. In total, up to 15 approaches are allowed, each time the brewing time is increased.
