
So you haven't made pancakes yet! A wonderful recipe for pancake dough in ... a bottle. Step by step recipe for pancakes in a bottle

Pancakes in a bottle is a recipe that is rapidly gaining popularity. This is really a very convenient, fast and unusual way. And the dishes will have to be washed much less. Be sure to try making pancakes at least once in this way.

How to cook pancakes in a milk bottle


  • 2 tbsp flour;
    2 eggs;
    0.6 l. milk;
    0.5 tsp salt
    3 tbsp sugar;
    3 tbsp vegetable oil.


The main tools will be a clean plastic bottle and a kitchen funnel.

Cooking dough for pancakes in a bottle

To obtain a more uniform and airy dough, it is better to sift the flour beforehand. This will also help avoid extra lumps.
We place the funnel in the neck of the bottle and carefully pour all the flour into it.

Next, we release two eggs into the container, they calmly pass through the funnel. Oil is next, along with salt and sugar. Lastly, pour the milk into the bottle.

And now comes the most interesting moment - you need to tighten the bottle well with a lid and shake it properly. Shake vigorously until all ingredients are thoroughly mixed and uniform.
When the contents of the bottle reach the desired consistency, we begin to fry the pancakes.

fry pancakes

Grease the pan with vegetable oil. It is convenient to do this with a culinary brush. Wait until the pan is hot enough.
Now start pouring the batter out of the bottle, tilting the pan slightly and spreading it evenly over the surface. Do not be afraid, this is a simple process, so by the second pancake you will have everything easy and simple.

Continue to cook pancakes in this way, frying them on both sides. They should be light and thin. Serve hot with sweet syrup or sour cream.

For these pancakes, any filling is perfect. It all depends on your preferences. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and grated apple, place in the center of the pancake and roll it up. You will have a delicious dessert.

If you cook pancakes with meat filling, they will be ideal for a hearty snack.

An important advantage of this recipe is that pancake dough in a bottle is successfully stored in the refrigerator. Naturally, you should not keep it there for several days, and until the next morning it is quite possible. Put the unused dough in the refrigerator, and in the morning please yourself with a homemade breakfast of hot and ruddy pancakes!

How to bake pancakes without dirtying a mountain of dishes? Yes, so that both quickly and tasty, and from products that are always at hand?

Probably, almost every housewife asked herself these questions, standing at the stove and thinking with horror that she would again have to wash this flour and stuck dough.

And there is a way out! Pancakes in a bottle. Haven't heard of this?

Let's take a closer look at the recipes.

Pancakes according to the traditional recipe

To prepare this dish right in the bottle, you need a set of products: medium-fat milk - 0.6 l; granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons; flour - 2/3 cup; egg - 2 pcs.; vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons; salt.

This recipe will allow you to knead the dough right in a regular plastic bottle. This saves a lot of time.

After all, you will not have a whole mountain of used dishes, there will be no need to turn on a mixer or blender. And you don't even need a ladle anymore. These are miracles, these pancakes in a bottle!

Recipe with photo:

  1. I insert a funnel into the neck of a plastic bottle.
  2. I sift the flour and carefully pour it through the funnel.
  3. Right above the neck, I crack the eggs and add to the mixture.
  4. Pour milk at room temperature and butter.
  5. And only now I take out the funnel, tightly close the lid. I start shaking the bottle vigorously. Make sure that the eggs are shaken properly, and the mass acquires a uniform consistency. Of course, you can beat the eggs a little in a separate bowl, but this will already be a slightly different cooking option.
  6. I open the lid and slowly pour the contents from the neck into a hot frying pan (after pouring a little oil on it).
  7. Bake on each side until golden brown.
  8. I serve straight from the stove. Jam, sour cream, condensed milk are perfect for these pancakes.

Pancakes mixed with kefir

This pancake recipe allows you to bake tender and very airy pancakes by kneading the dough on kefir right in a plastic bottle.

In order to bake them, you need to take the following set of products:

low-fat kefir - 2.5 cups; flour - 1.5 cups; granulated sugar - 2.5 tablespoons; vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons; salt.

Preparation of pancakes in a bottle mixed with kefir:

  1. I use a funnel and pour in the pre-sifted flour, a pinch of salt and sugar.
  2. Shake the bottle lightly to mix evenly.
  3. I pour in kefir at room temperature and sunflower oil.
  4. Once again, I shake the bottle more intensively, after closing it with a lid. The mass mixed with kefir should be homogeneous and without lumps.
  5. I remove the lid and pour a small portion of the dough directly through the neck onto a heated frying pan (previously lubricating it with oil).
  6. I evenly distribute the mass on kefir over the surface of the pan, tilting it in different directions.
  7. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Pancakes in a bottle on kefir are no worse than their counterparts mixed in the usual way.

Pancakes mixed with mineral water

This recipe for low-calorie pancakes allows you to knead the dough using water with gases. Thanks to gas bubbles, pancakes are incredibly tender and fluffy.

In order to prepare them, you need the following set of products:

min. water - 0.5 l; eggs - 5 pcs.; flour - 1 cup with a slide; vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons; sugar - 1 tablespoon; baking powder; salt.

The video recipe looks like this:

  1. I pour the pre-sifted flour mixed with baking powder into the bottle.
  2. I add sugar and a pinch of salt.
  3. I shake the bottle with the contents so that the whole mass is evenly mixed.
  4. I pour sparkling water and oil.
  5. Crack the eggs and add to the bottle.
  6. I twist the lid and begin to shake vigorously so that the contents are of a homogeneous consistency.
  7. I pour a small portion of the dough into a preheated frying pan and distribute it in a uniform thin layer.
  8. I fry on both sides.

Openwork pancakes from a bottle

The bottle allows not only to knead the base. You will need it in order to give the pancakes a beautiful shape or bake an intricate pattern from them.

Well, after a good workout, you can delight your loved ones with pancakes in the shape of your favorite animals or heroes, turning cooking into a festive event!

In order to prepare them, you need to take the following set of products:

milk - 2.5 cups; flour - 1.5 tbsp.; egg -2 pcs.; granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons; vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons; starch - 2 tablespoons; salt.

The video recipe is as follows:

  1. I pour the sifted flour through the crow directly into the plastic bottle.
  2. I add starch and sugar. I add a little. And I begin to actively shake the bottle so that everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. I pour milk at room temperature.
  4. I crack the eggs and also send them through the funnel to all the contents.
  5. At the end I add vegetable oil. I close the cork and shake the bottle vigorously.
  6. Now the most crucial moment. By the way, you can do this procedure only once, and then, if necessary, use a ready-made hole. I heat the needle or awl and make a small hole in the center of the cork. It is through it that I will pour the contents.
  7. In a hot frying pan with the addition of oil, I “draw” different patterns and figures with dough.
  8. I fry pancakes in the usual way.
  9. Before a new portion of pancakes, I shake the bottle so that the starch does not settle at the bottom.

Chocolate pancakes from a bottle

A real treat for lovers of baking and chocolate. And if you use the above method, you can easily bake chocolate openwork pancakes and please yourself and your children.

By the way, you can safely involve children in the cooking process. After all, there are no fragile dishes, no dirty dishes and a flying ladle. And as for mixing and shaking the bottle, the kids can easily cope with this even better than adults.

In order to bake such pancakes, the following set of products is needed:

milk - 3 cups; flour - 250 g; cocoa - 4 tablespoons; vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons; granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons; baking powder; vanilla; salt.

  1. I put the bottle on a flat surface, insert a funnel into the neck and start pouring the sifted flour.
  2. Behind her in the bottle is cocoa and sugar, mixed with vanilla and baking powder.
  3. I add a little salt and shake the dry mixture.
  4. I pour milk at room temperature.
  5. Let's send the oil and close the lid. I begin to vigorously shake the bottle so that the mass is homogeneous.
  6. Further, if you want to get openwork pancakes, then pour the mass through the hole in the lid. Or, like me, unscrewing the lid, pour a little dough directly from the neck and bake pancakes in the usual way.

Do not forget to preheat the frying pan by dropping vegetable oil on it.

Pancakes from dough on the water

Pancakes that are familiar to us using water can be made without staining anything except the pan (as you understand, you can’t do without it). And any unnecessary plastic bottle of a suitable volume will help us prepare the base.

In order to knead such a dough for pancakes, the following set of products is needed:

2.5 glasses of water; 1.5 cups flour; 2 eggs; 3 tbsp sunflower oil; granulated sugar; baking powder.

The preparation looks like this:

  1. Pour the sifted flour through a funnel into a bottle. I also send granulated sugar mixed with baking powder there. Shake a little so that the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. I break eggs.
  3. I add water at room temperature and sunflower oil. I shake the bottle vigorously, after closing it with a cap.
  4. I pour a small portion of dough into a hot frying pan with oil and bake pancakes in the usual way.

It turns out that pancakes in a bottle on the water are a very simple and affordable way to prepare a delicious treat!

Pancakes from sour milk dough

Agree that there are such cases: there is open milk and its term has come to an end, but the hand does not rise to throw it away. And it doesn't rise properly.

After all, there are many ways to benefit from such a product. One of them will be baking pancakes. Let's also use a dough mixing bottle.

In order to bake such thin pancakes, the following set of products is needed:

a liter of expired milk; 2 cups of flour; 2 eggs; 5 tbsp sunflower oil; 4 tbsp granulated sugar; soda.

The cooking method with video will be presented below. The sequence of steps is somewhat different from previous recipes. Be careful:

  1. Through the crow I pour the egg, granulated sugar and a pinch of soda into the bottle. Shaking.
  2. I add sifted flour and milk.
  3. I pour out the oil last. And I begin to shake the bottle vigorously until the dough becomes homogeneous.
  4. I pour a small portion of the dough into a frying pan, which I preheat and grease with oil. I bake pancakes the usual way.

Pancakes in a bottle with expired milk are a great way to prepare a quick and tasty treat for the whole family.

Whey dough pancakes

Another product that should be used to its fullest is whey. Let's say they decided to make homemade cottage cheese, and you are going to pour out the whey as unnecessary.

Do not do this under any circumstances! On whey, pancakes are simply wonderful, very porous and tender.

In order to bake thin pancakes, the following set of ingredients is needed:

a liter of whey; 2 cups of flour; 3 eggs; 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and sunflower oil; soda.

The recipe looks like this:

  1. Through the funnel I pour the sifted flour and granulated sugar mixed with soda. I shake the bottle a little.
  2. I pour out the serum at room temperature.
  3. I crack the eggs and pour out the oil. I mix the dough well, shaking the bottle vigorously.
  4. I let the dough stand for a quarter of an hour right in the bottle.
  5. Before baking, I once again shake the contents in the bottle well and start baking pancakes.

Whey-based pancakes are a real find for thrifty housewives.

  • the dough for pancakes in the bottle should be quite liquid;
  • the order of mixing products: first dry and bulk products, then the rest;
  • for frying the beam, use a frying pan with a small diameter, since the dough is very thin and the pancakes can tear when turned over;
  • the pan should be evenly coated with oil before frying;
  • chocolate pancakes can be filled with any creamy filling, for example, cottage cheese dessert;
  • the dough mixed in the bottle can be placed in the refrigerator overnight. Pancakes can be made the next day.

My video recipe

If you want to cook pancakes, staining as few dishes as possible, use an unusual way - make pancakes in a bottle: the mixer, bowl and ladle, which pours the dough into the pan, will remain clean, and we will simply throw away the plastic bottle at the end of cooking. There are many options for dough for pancakes in a bottle, any recipes are suitable: in a plastic bottle it can be made both lean on water, and for the most delicate pancakes on kefir, and for thin pancakes, which are ideal for stuffing, on milk. The positive point is also that there will definitely not be lumps in it, even if the hostess does not have a mixer. It is easy to feed a family with pancakes in the country, where often there is not the whole arsenal of urban dishes, but there is only an electric stove and a frying pan, and children with fragrant pancakes from the heat - from the heat in the fresh air will gladly eat healthy vegetables and herbs from the garden, which sometimes they hard to get to eat.

General cooking rules

A plastic soda or mineral water bottle should be washed clean and allowed to dry from the inside. You will need a funnel to facilitate the task of laying the ingredients.

It is better to make the dough liquid so that it easily pours out of the neck. So that it does not stick to the walls and turns out without lumps, you should first lay the dry ingredients. You can add a little salt to any recipe.

After laying all the ingredients, the bottle is closed with a cap and shaken vigorously until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Pour into a hot frying pan, greased with fat, in the right portions directly from the neck.

To bake elegant openwork pancakes, you need to pour the dough into a frying pan from a bottle, closed with a lid in which a hole is made, and “draw” any patterns with a trickle.

Pancake dough right in the bottle is stored in the refrigerator for a day - it does not take up as much space as in a bowl or saucepan, and you can bake fresh hot pancakes in the right portions as needed. Shake the container taken out of the refrigerator before the next preparation.


The classic milk dough for pancakes in a bottle is prepared using the products:

  • 600 ml of milk;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of soda.

To make pancakes in a bottle, the recipe requires the following simple steps. Using a funnel, pour flour, soda and granulated sugar into a clean, dry bottle, shake well to mix the products. Then beat in the eggs and pour in the oil and milk, shake well. You can bake without oil, as it is in the composition of the pancake mixture: it should not stick to the pan.

Pancakes will turn out thin, with a dense elastic texture, so they are ideal for stuffing: their rich milky taste goes well with fillings of lightly salted red fish, liver, minced meat fried with onions, confiture and sweet and salty cottage cheese.


Pancakes in a bottle based on kefir - "Lakomka", ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of kefir (you can take both fresh and slightly sour - it will be even more magnificent);
  • 250 g wheat flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without top - soda.

Place flour, baking soda and granulated sugar in a bottle, shake to mix dry ingredients. Next, pour in slightly warmed kefir - not hot, about 40 degrees - so that the hand endures so that it does not curl up on its own, and a raw egg does not curl in it, this can be done in a microwave oven directly in plastic or cardboard packaging (so as not to stain the excess dishes - this is the whole point of the method). Send oil to the mixture, drive in an egg. Shake everything. Let stand for 15 minutes - a reaction of warm kefir and soda will occur. Shake again and fry.

Pancakes on kefir are ruddy, plump, soft, porous, melting in your mouth - this is a real delicacy. They will be especially tasty if fried in a mixture of vegetable and butter. Good with sweet condensed milk, jam, honey and fresh berries.

Lean on the water

Lean pancakes in a bottle on the water, we need products:

  • 600 ml of water;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon without top of soda.

Pour flour, soda and granulated sugar into the bottle, shake to mix the ingredients. Beat eggs, pour in oil and water, shake well. Bake in vegetable oil.

Pancakes will be thin. They will be much more interesting in taste if instead of wheat flour we take rye, linseed, buckwheat, and the oil in the dough is not sunflower, but fragrant mustard or extra virgin olive oil with a bright taste. In non-strict (since eggs are present in the composition), fasting is good as an independent dish, as well as with natural honey: linden, flower. You can serve summer-smelling apple jam with rye flour pancakes.


Dessert figured pancakes in a bottle, ingredients:

  • 600 ml of fat milk;
  • 350 g wheat flour;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Pour flour, starch and granulated sugar into the bottle, shake to mix the ingredients. Beat in eggs, pour in milk, add butter. Shake the mixture well.

Make a hole with a diameter of 3-5 mm in the cap of the bottle so that the stream flows well, and it can be used to draw patterns in the pan. Bake in a hot pan greased with vegetable oil: think over the pattern in advance, the dough must be poured quickly so that it bakes evenly.

Openwork pancakes are a beautiful delicacy, they can be decorated with curls of grated chocolate, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon - you get delicious fragrant snowflakes, and for lovers of the original combination of sweet and salty - serve in a festive way, sprinkled with red caviar.

Having saved time on washing dishes, embody your culinary talent in experiments with dough and serving - and invite your friends to pancakes.

We all love pancakes and their preparation has become traditional. It's time to bring novelty and unusualness to this dish. Therefore, today we will make dough for pancakes in a bottle. The recipe for such a dish is absolutely simple and definitely will not cause difficulties, even for the most inexperienced hostess. But the main difference between such pancakes is the presence of a plastic bottle during the preparation process.

Yes, this is such an unusual tool. Many will immediately wonder what this bottle is for. The answer is simple, it is in it that we will mix all the ingredients for the dough. Experienced housewives will probably immediately realize that this will significantly reduce the amount of dishes that have to be washed after cooking, all pots, mixer, spoons and other utensils that we usually use will remain clean. Many, after that, have already wanted to cook dough for pancakes in a bottle, without lumps. In addition to such practicality, the pancakes themselves are very tasty and ruddy. So, let's study the list of ingredients that we need for cooking.

  • Flour - 10 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Milk - 600 ml;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.

Step by step recipe

Here is such a simple and interesting recipe, thanks to which we prepared dough for pancakes in a bottle without lumps, while not staining a single pot or spoon, you only have to wash the pan.

The recipe is interesting in its execution. Pancakes are obtained without lumps, very tender and tasty. You can easily serve such pancakes just like that, greasing them with butter. It is very tasty to eat them with sour cream, jam or honey. And you can make some delicious stuffing. For example, the most popular filling is cottage cheese with sugar, or honey. As a sweet, you can add jam or grated apples.

The recipe does not limit the making of any meat filling. There are even more options here, it can be ham, and liver with onions, and potatoes, and mushrooms, pancakes with meat are very tasty. If you decide to make the filling, then after preparing it, put it on a pancake, fold it with an envelope and put it in a pan to fry a little more.

In other words, there are a lot of options for making ordinary pancakes, which you definitely need to try everything and choose your favorite.

During cooking, when you pour the dough into the pan, watch the thickness of the pancakes. You need to lift the pan and let the dough spread, so if you pour a lot of dough, the pancakes will turn out thick. [pic 7]

By the way, if you have not used all the dough, you can simply close the bottle and put it in the refrigerator, in this form you can easily store it until the next time.

Try and learn new, tasty and interesting recipes.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cook delicious pancakes quickly and with a minimum of dishes? Yes Easy! And do not believe those who say: "Do not go into the bottle." Be sure to climb! Especially if you want to cook pancakes with it. Yes Yes! It is in the bottle that we will make the dough for our pancakes. It turns out homogeneous, and pancakes are very tasty. The entire cooking process only takes a few minutes! So, today we are preparing pancakes in a bottle, the recipe for which I offer.

- wheat flour - about 10 tablespoons,
- whole cow's milk - 500 milliliters,
- chicken eggs - 2 pieces,
- granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons,
- table salt - ½ teaspoon,
- refined sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We will knead the dough in an ordinary plastic bottle (1 liter or 1.5 liter) from under the water, so we wash and dry it in advance. We also need a funnel.

Pour wheat flour, granulated sugar, salt into the bottle using a funnel. Not great advice. In order for the flour to simply enter the bottle, you need to make a funnel out of paper. This greatly simplifies the process. Well, we add liquid products through a plastic funnel. Pour warm milk into the bottle, 40 degrees.
Crack the eggs into the funnel with a knife. Pour in odorless vegetable oil.

We cover the bottle with a cap, twist.

Then we begin to make movements that you probably saw while watching the bartender preparing cocktails. And to be more precise, we take a bottle and actively shake it (we make a kind of pancake cocktail).

Well, then - we bake pancakes. We put a frying pan on the stove, which is well suited for baking pancakes (thick-bottomed and flat), heat it up well, grease it with oil or lard. Pour the dough into a well-heated pan immediately from the bottle in small portions, without the help of a ladle. You will be surprised, but it is easier to do it from a bottle!

We quickly scroll the pan, tilting it alternately in different sides, so that the dough spreads evenly and forms a pancake. We put it back on the stove. Brown, turn over with a knife or a wooden spatula (if the surface is Teflon or ceramic).

We put the prepared pancakes in a pile, if desired, coat with butter.

If at the moment of “building a tower” from pancakes you suddenly realize that you already have enough food for today, you can simply stop this process. We close the plastic bottle with a lid and put it in the refrigerator until tomorrow. Is it really convenient?

We serve cooked pancakes in a bottle hot on the table, with traditional snacks - honey, sour cream, melted butter. It is very tasty to eat them with milk or sweet hot tea. We also advise you to get acquainted with the recipe. Eat for health!

Old Lesya
