
Thai blue tea for weight loss. Blue tea: useful properties and consumer reviews

For a long time, no one is surprised by the variety of teas. Black, red, green, herbal and medicinal, they are represented by different brands in large quantities and under various names. But few people have tried the mysterious blue tea from Thailand. It stands out from the general idea of ​​tea with its unusual ultramarine color and its inherent beneficial properties. Are there any reviews about it?

Mysterious blue tea from Thailand

Butterfly peas, anchan, Thai orchid, trifoliate clitoria - all these are the names of the same plant, from the flowers of which the mysterious blue drink is obtained. This is an evergreen herbaceous vine, reaching a length of over 3 meters. Large, up to 6 cm in diameter, flowers are harvested early in the morning, dried for about 10 hours, subjected to oxidation, re-dried and then the buds are tightly folded by hand. When brewed, an absolutely incredible blue color is obtained. When lemon is added, the drink acquires a purple color, which only adds to its mystery and beneficial properties.


Anchan - that's what the people of Thailand call this amazing flower. The blue tea made from it is known as Butterfly pea tea. Bags of these exotic dried petals are one of the most popular souvenirs purchased by tourists in Thailand. The blue color of brewed buds attracts with its unusualness. As for taste, there are some disagreements. Someone calls the taste of blue quite specific, and someone does not feel any taste at all. Therefore, in order to form your own impression of the ultramarine miracle, most likely, you need to try it personally. Now you can buy this tea not only in Thailand, but also in numerous online stores or search in specialized stores in your city. Such popularity is justified not only by the ultramarine color of the drink. When brewed, special substances are released that make blue tea especially useful.

Dry flowers of clitoria trifoliate Mysterious blue tea A welcome souvenir from Thailand


Blue tea contains a large group of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C, E, K, D, B1, B2, B12, B 13, as well as phosphorus, iron and manganese have a beneficial effect, normalize the metabolism in the body.

Beneficial features

Butterfly pea tea is a 100% natural product, consisting only of Clyteria trifoliate flowers. It has many useful properties:

  • improves memory
  • helps improve vision
  • increases stress resistance
  • helps get rid of insomnia
  • helps normalize high blood pressure
  • has a healing effect on hair and nails
  • normalizes metabolism
  • recommended for weight loss
  • slows down the aging process (including preventing the appearance of gray hair in the hair)
  • perfectly quenches thirst

It is important to remember that the use of any drink should be in moderation. For weight loss, it is enough to drink blue hour for a week, no more than 3 cups a day, then take a break for 3 weeks. If you just drink anchan tea for pleasure, then after a month of drinking the drink, it is advisable to take a break for 2-3 weeks.

The extract from the clitoris trigemina is part of many cosmetics produced in Thailand, and also serves as an excellent natural food coloring.


Like any useful plant, the trigeminal clitoris has contraindications for use. First of all - individual intolerance. When using Butterfly pea tea, you should not drink a lot of water, as the load on the kidneys increases. You should also refrain from anemia and low blood pressure. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who plan to become pregnant, should consult their doctor before use.

Reviews of doctors about the therapeutic effect

Opinions of specialists in the field of medicine are quite opposite. Many doctors, and especially Thai and Indian doctors, confirm the undoubted benefits of the plant, citing numerous patient reviews and pharmacological studies as evidence. Another group of doctors argues that blue tea is an exceptionally ordinary drink, with the use of which all the benefits can be explained by the placebo effect. But these radically opposite groups are unanimous in one thing - anchan cannot harm the human body in any way, except for individual intolerance.

How to brew a Thai orchid

It is better to choose a teapot for brewing glass or porcelain. After the water boils, let it stand for 5-6 minutes, as the drink is not brewed with boiling water. Then pour 2 teaspoons of flowers with hot water and drain it after a minute. This will rinse the buds before use. Now you can add 200 g of water and after 5 minutes the infusion will be ready for use. It is drunk both hot and cold. You can add sugar, honey, lemon balm, mint, currant leaves to taste. It is noteworthy that adding a few drops of lemon juice changes the color of tea to purple-violet, which, however, does not harm its taste in the least.

Blue tea in cooking

In Thailand, hard-boiled anchan is often used as food coloring for rice, noodles, and scrambled eggs. Blue jelly will also look unusual on the table. In order to make this dessert, you will need 1 cup of strong clitoris ternary tea, 3 tsp sugar, 3 grams of gelatin, 2/3 cup of water. You can add a few drops of lemon juice, then the jelly will be purple. Pre-soak gelatin in 2/3 cup of water, dissolve sugar in warm tea leaves. After the gelatin swells, mix it with sweet tea leaves and stir until completely dissolved. Strain, pour into molds and leave to harden.

Application in home cosmetics

This exotic drink has also found its way into beauty recipes, especially when caring for color-treated hair. 200 gr. clitoris trifoliate flowers, boil 100 g of sliced ​​ginger and a few sprigs of bergamot for 5 minutes and cool. Rinse your hair with this decoction after shampooing. This procedure will help strengthen hair, get rid of dandruff, keep hair from early graying, and brunettes will be able to refresh their hair color.

In 2013, “liquid chestnut” was popular among the super weight loss products, in 2014 – goji berries, and this year the Russian Internet is rapidly conquering a new exotic purple tea.

Site pages are full of photos of stars who have lost weight on miracle tea, and are full of tempting reviews and incredible weight loss stories with visual photos of the results. Many people want to buy purple tea in pursuit of harmony.

When I heard about this tea, of course, I also went to see what kind of curiosity it was.

What was my surprise when I saw the familiar Thai flowers with the sonorous name "anchan".
It is about Thai blue tea that we will talk about.

I met anchan, or clitoria trifoliate (aka “Butterfly pea” or “blue tea”), as soon as I arrived in Thailand, relaxing on the island of Koh Chang, it was presented to us at check-in at the hotel to quench our thirst. Blue tea is very popular here - both among the local population and among tourists. For example, in hotels it is served cold with ice cubes. When lemon juice is added, blue tea acquires a beautiful purple color.

My Thai nanny brews blue tea for poisoning and viral infections, it gives energy and strength for recovery. I myself planted a trifoliate clitoris near my house, and it pleases me with juicy greenery, twining the fence and beautiful blue flowers.

*The information on our site is a translation from the Thai language of resources that collaborate with doctors and specialists to provide reliable information. However, the content on this site is for additional, general educational information only.

The site materials are not intended for diagnosis or self-treatment in any way and are not a substitute for qualified medical examination and diagnosis.

If you have any illness or discomfort, see your doctor. We are against self-treatment, we are for a reasonable approach to recovery.

Travelers in Thailand are pleasantly surprised by the taste of the blue drink, which you can try in local cafes. This is Thai blue tea. For its preparation, flowers and leaves of the clitoris trifoliate, plants of the legume family, are used. It grows in tropical Asia. Widely used in traditional and folk medicine. The clitoria has many names: pigeon wings, moth peas, shameful flower, Thai orchid. In Thai, anchan, hence the name of the tea. The plant reaches a height of about 3 meters, the flowers are large, beautiful, bright blue.

Do not confuse anchan with blue Chinese tea. In China and on about. Taiwan grows and produces blue oolong, when brewed, it gives an intense aroma, but its color is not blue. Anchan is produced only in Thailand, the tea turns out to be a beautiful blue hue, the taste is weak, the aroma is pleasant.

Raw materials for making tea are collected by hand. Only blossoming buds with three petals are broken. The collection is carried out early in the morning, at dawn. Drying takes place in several stages. First, about ten hours, the flowers are dried in the fresh air. Then the still wet buds are oxidized, after which the final drying is carried out. The process ends with the buds twisting into tight curls. Staged processing allows you to get buds that will retain elasticity and will not break.

It is possible to determine how the procurement of raw materials was carried out when brewing tea. The buds must remain intact, not break into fragments. Especially effectively brewed tea looks in a glass teapot.

Composition of anchan

Blue Thai tea contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals:

  • phosphorus, it is useful for brain activity;
  • iron, necessary to improve the condition of the skin, the structure of hair and nails;
  • manganese, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the emotional state;
  • vitamin D, good for skin health;
  • vitamin K, slows down the aging of the body;
  • vitamin C, improves mood, helps fight free radicals;
  • vitamin B12, helps with depression, obesity;
  • vitamin B1, necessary for the normalization of the digestive tract;
  • vitamin B3, improves blood circulation;
  • vitamin B2, normalizes metabolism, stabilizes the work of the cardiac system.

Useful properties of blue tea

  • Regular consumption of tea helps improve memory.
  • It is used in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, cataracts and glaucoma. Tea cleans blood vessels, has a positive effect on visual acuity, improves eye condition.
  • Tea improves the condition of hair and nails. Recommended for those who suffer from baldness and early gray hair.
  • The drink contains a large amount of polyphenols, they contribute to the removal of fats from the body. This property allows you to use anchan for weight loss. A large number of vitamins improves metabolism.
  • Blue tea is an excellent antioxidant.
  • It has a calming and relaxing effect, acts as a natural antidepressant.

How to make blue tea

To prepare anchan, it is better to use a porcelain or glass teapot. The brewed tea turns out to be a beautiful color: from light blue to purple. The taste of this drink is unusual, slightly reminiscent of iodine, with a pea note, but it cannot be called unpleasant. It leaves a long sweet aftertaste. This tea is very refreshing. The aroma of anchan is more reminiscent of roasted seeds. In Thailand, blue tea is drunk at any time of the day. It is good in cold and hot form. Ice is added to it to quench thirst on a hot afternoon. Recipes for preparing drinks for medicinal purposes and as regular tea are different.

Preparation of classic tea

Water must be boiled and left to cool to 90 ° C. Then tea buds are poured into it, counting to ten, the water is drained. Again, pour the petals with hot water and insist for two minutes. It turns out a beautiful blue infusion that can be drunk as an independent drink. You can add lemon or mint leaves to tea. In this case, the drink will turn purple and acquire a rather pleasant taste. If desired, you can add honey or sugar to the tea. Some gourmets drink blue tea with coconut milk. Tea can be brewed several times, each time the color will become less saturated.

Preparation of medicinal tea

To use blue tea, clitoria buds are brewed with water at a temperature of 90 ° C. In a thermos, tea will need to be infused for 30 minutes. Drink the prepared drink in a glass at night. The drink must be drunk in courses. For the prevention of eye diseases, tea should be taken 2 cups a day. The course is three weeks.

Anchan for weight loss

A number of studies have been conducted to establish whether blue tea actually helps with weight loss. At the American University of Colorado, as a result of experiments, it was proved that anchan helps to actively fight excess weight, has a beneficial effect on the liver, reducing its obesity. A note about this was published in the International Journal of Metabolic Research. Catechins have been noted to speed up metabolism, increase thermogenesis and oxidation levels, creating ideal conditions for burning fat.

If you want to achieve weight loss, drink tea up to three cups a day. After three weeks of taking tea, it is better to take a short break so as not to be addictive. From a medical point of view, there are no problems if there is a possibility of regular purchase of tea. The price for it is low, but in our country you will not find it in ordinary stores, you will have to order directly from Thailand or use the services of intermediaries, which is not cheap.

Blue tea in cosmetology

Anchan can not only be drunk. It has been successfully used in cosmetology. Having prepared an infusion of clitoris buds, it is used to rinse the hair. To obtain an infusion, 10 buds are brewed with a glass of hot water and allowed to infuse for 20 minutes. Before use, dilute in a liter of warm water.

Blue tea improves the condition of the scalp, eliminates dandruff, itching, nourishes dry hair, preventing brittleness. The natural dyes contained in the tea give the hair a healthy shine. Thai cosmetics manufacturers produce shampoos, conditioners, clitoria-based therapeutic masks.

Blue tea contraindications

Anchan has few contraindications, but they exist. It is not recommended to give this drink to pregnant women and children. It is contraindicated in anemia and hypertension. This is due to the fact that blue tea contains substances that interfere with the absorption of iron, caffeine, which increases blood pressure. Due to the high fluorine content, tea is not recommended for kidney disease.

Today, blue tea is very popular. Also known as oolong tea or black dragon tea, it has been the subject of numerous studies that have determined its ability to accelerate weight loss naturally. Its taste, in fact, is the golden mean between green and red tea, it gives pleasure and enriches our body with useful substances. This is definitely worth a try.

Blue tea has a great reputation among tea connoisseurs. It has a refined and pleasant taste. This species is becoming more and more popular, so it can be easily found in supermarkets as well as health food stores. It comes from the heights of Thailand and China, where it has always been known as a weight loss drink - a healthy and natural way to shed those extra pounds. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Properties of blue tea

Regular consumption of blue tea can provide the following benefits:

  • As already noted, this variety is ideal for weight loss. According to several studies, its ability to speed up metabolism dominates the properties of other varieties of tea. It allows us to burn more fat naturally.
  • Increases hepatic metabolism, thereby lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Blue tea or oolong tea is an ideal antioxidant.
  • Prevents fatty liver and improves its condition.
  • It is believed that it contains good properties for preventing various types of cancer and increasing the body's overall immunity levels naturally.
  • Takes care of the cardiovascular system, cleansing the arteries and improving blood circulation.

Is it true that it will help me lose weight?


  • A modern study was conducted at the University of Colorado. His results, published in the International Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders, show that blue tea prevents and helps fight obesity and diseases associated with fatty liver disease.
  • In addition, researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center also concluded that blue tea is an ideal weight loss aid due to its antioxidant levels, which are higher than those of green tea.

What makes him burn fat?

  • OK. Khan, lead author of the study, states that due to the appropriate concentration of caffeine in blue tea, it stimulates the body to burn calories and also acts as a diuretic to remove fluids. Its catechins are excellent antioxidants and increase metabolism, oxidation, and thermogenic levels, thus generating an important fat-burning effect.
  • Its polyphenols prevent type I diabetes by positively influencing glucose metabolism.

How exactly should it be prepared and drunk?


Making tea is a real art. It is worth understanding each type in order to take full advantage of the benefits of a particular variety.

There are a number of rules to follow regarding the preparation of blue tea, which will be explained below:

  • One teaspoon of blue tea per glass of water.
  • Use mineral water.
  • If possible, try not to use a metal teapot, as this material robs the tea of ​​infusion properties. It is best to use clay teapots similar to those used in the East.
  • To make good blue tea, the water must be very hot, between 90 and 100 degrees Celsius. After putting the leaves in boiling water, leave them to brew for only three minutes. It is important to only steep for three minutes because this type of tea oxidizes very quickly.

How should you drink it?

  • Ideally, it should be consumed one hour before or after a meal. Be aware that tea contains tannins, which interfere with the normal absorption of iron if taken immediately after a meal. They do not allow us to properly absorb the elements, so it is better to drink tea either an hour before a meal or an hour after a meal.
  • You can drink twice a day. It is important to stick to the regularity and drink this tea every day. Don't add sugar to it. If you want to sweeten, add a teaspoon of honey or a small amount of stevia.

Where can I find blue tea?

Blue tea is gradually becoming more popular, which is why you will find it on the tea shelves in stores. You can look for it in health food stores. It is usually sold there, since the demand for this type of tea is quite high among those who wish to lose weight, as well as among those who are being treated for diabetes.

It is also known as blue tea, oolong tea or black dragon tea. Usually, it is not very expensive and always gives good results. Try it!

How many types of tea exist in the modern world! White, yellow, red, not to mention the widespread and popular varieties - green and black. It is hard to believe that all this color variety gives a single type of bush - camellia sinensis. And whether the drink will be green, white or black, depends only on the way the leaves are processed. But in this article we will not consider a product that comesllia sinensis gives a person, no. The main character of this essay will be blue tea from Thailand. Useful properties, reviews of the taste of the drink will be analyzed below. It should be said right away that this tea has nothing to do with Chinese camellia. Yes, and not the leaves of the plant are brewed, but the flowers. Therefore, it is necessary to skillfully prepare a drink of a beautiful turquoise color. How? We will also talk about this in our article.

Turquoise exotic in a cup

Many gourmets believe they know what blue tea is. So in China they call varieties oolong or oolong. Mature tea leaves of dark green color are collected for them. They go through a medium fermentation. Compared to other species, oolong spends more time in the sun and air than green tea and less than black tea. Such leaves, which have passed the average degree of drying, do have a slightly blue color. But rather it can be called bluish-gray. And in a cup, oolong tea acquires a completely reddish-golden hue. Quite another thing is a drink from Thailand. To be honest, this is not tea in the strict sense of the word. The raw material for it does not grow on the Chinese camellia bush. And they collect it from the triple clitoris. This plant is endemic. It is found only in Thailand and nowhere else in the world. Its flowers are a bit like an orchid. On the other hand, this creeper, reaching a height of two or three meters, looks like a bindweed. Therefore, the trifoliate clitoris is also called the Thai orchid or moth peas.

What is the difference?

We have already partially clarified how blue tea from Thailand differs from its namesake from China. They have nothing in common other than the name. Tea in the truest sense of the word can only be called oolong varieties. The raw materials for the Thai drink are the flowers and leaves of exotic peas. But since we are used to calling steamed herbs (mint, thyme, linden, etc.) tea, why not apply this term to this plant? Butterfly peas have beautiful large bright blue flowers. Their petals contain a lot of turquoise enzyme. Therefore, the liana in Thailand is still used as a dye. And if oolongs, when brewed, give a reddish-golden infusion, then the flowers of moth peas color the water in a marvelous, exotic blue color. But the taste of Thai blue tea is weak, inexpressive, while that of oolong tea is powerful, rich.

Blue tea production

Everyone has heard of plantations located high in the mountains in South China or Taiwan. It is there that bushes grow that provide the best raw materials for oolong or oolong varieties. How is Thai blue tea made? We assure you, with no less precautions. The creeper of moth peas has marvelous large flowers with intense blue petals - outer, large and round, and inner, small. The middle of the bud remains white-greenish. Flowers are plucked at dawn, before they open. Only young buds are suitable for tea. Together with the flowers, the picker (the harvesting process is carried out strictly by hand) also removes three leaves, no more and no less. A special tea master monitors the quality of raw materials, screening out overly opened flowers or unripe buds. The drying process is no less responsible. After all, the quality of the drink directly depends on it. The petals should be dry, and the middle of the bud should be slightly damp. After the flowers and leaves reach the desired condition, they are oxidized in a special way. And then they roll it into a spiral and pack it.

Properties of butterfly peas

Throughout Southeast Asia, this plant is used as an excellent food coloring. Flowers give an intense blue color. Since the plant is absolutely harmless, this dye is widely used in cooking. And the Thais themselves prepare “nam dok anchan”, or blue tea, from dried flowers and leaves of moth peas. The beneficial properties of this drink have been known to the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Smiles for a long time. It perfectly quenches thirst and makes the heat invisible. It is a natural antidepressant. Thais are sure that such tea improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on visual acuity. It is used not just for daily drinking. Herbal infusion of pea flowers has found wide application in traditional oriental medicine. They drink it with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, with a sick heart, they normalize blood pressure, relieve stress, and treat insomnia. And how does modern medicine relate to blue tea?

Composition of flowers and leaves of butterfly peas

If you brew blue tea from Thailand correctly, the beneficial properties of the plant will definitely pass into the drink. The color enzyme is absolutely harmless. On the contrary, it makes the drink beautiful, festive. Therefore, in Thailand it is customary to serve "nam dok anchan" exclusively in transparent glass teapots. The herbal infusion contains large amounts of iron, phosphorus and manganese. These trace elements are indispensable for the health of the body. Blue tea also contains other beneficial substances. First of all, this is the entire line of vitamin B. It is not in vain that traditional medicine ascribes antioxidant properties to blue tea. After all, it is exceptionally rich in vitamin C. Another of his fellow, D, will make the skin healthy and toned. There are also vitamins E and K in blue tea. Have you noticed that there are practically no obese people among Thais? Not only a healthy diet rich in fish and seafood saves against obesity, but also the frequent use of blue tea. The drink contains polyphenols. They are responsible for the rapid breakdown of fats and their removal from the body.

Impact of minerals

It is not surprising that due to its rich composition, blue tea from Thailand is so popular in Southeast Asia. The beneficial properties of iron have long been known. Experiencing a lack of this mineral, a person becomes ill with anemia. Iron also has a positive effect on the skin. The mineral strengthens the structure of hair and nails. It is not in vain that milk and fish are included in the diet of schoolchildren. These foods are high in phosphorus. And this mineral improves brain function, develops memory. All this helps the child in the learning process. But in blue tea there is no less phosphorus than in fish. Manganese is often found in antidepressants. With the help of blue tea, you can overcome the effects of stress, insomnia, stabilize the emotional background and just cheer up, like from a cup of strong coffee.

The impact of vitamins

As we have already mentioned, blue tea is rich in these health-promoting substances. The beneficial properties of the drink come precisely from the vitamin storehouse. How do all these substances affect the human body? Vitamin B 1 is responsible for the full functioning of the nervous system. It also stabilizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin B 2 is no less important. It also acts as an antidepressant, and it also normalizes metabolic processes in the body. B 2 has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. This vitamin is indispensable for those who work at the computer for a long time. B 2 normalizes pressure in the eyeball, which is why vision remains sharp. Vitamin B3 helps the pancreas process sugar. At 12, it helps to lose weight and prevent the development of depression. There is no need to talk about the benefits of vitamin C. In the period of influenza epidemics, it is indispensable. But besides the fact that this substance improves immunity, it also fights free radicals. Vitamins E and K, as well as antioxidant C, can be called elixirs of youth. And D has a beneficial effect on the health of the skin.

Blue tea from Thailand: useful properties

Reviews call this drink an elixir of health. Consider its complex effect on the body. So, Thai tea soothes shaky nerves and invigorates at the same time. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and regulates metabolism. People also speak of it as a beauty box. Those who frequently drink a decoction of butterfly pea flowers have shiny, healthy hair, strong nails, and healthy teeth. Thai tea is also good for diabetics because it helps the pancreas and breaks down sugar. The drink slows down aging and normalizes blood circulation. Therefore, it is good to use it as a prevention of strokes and heart attacks. Blue tea is simply necessary for those who spend a lot of time straining their eyesight. And this drink is also called the elixir of harmony.

Harm of blue tea

Such qualities simply do not exist! The drink can be consumed by both pregnant and lactating women. Unless you have an individual intolerance to any ingredient, such as vitamin C. Then you need to use blue tea from Thailand with caution. The properties of the drink have been noticed by Thais for a long time. It is famous for its ability to calm the nerves. Therefore, you should not drink it before a long drive or an important meeting. But on the other hand, the drink contributes to a productive learning process. It stimulates the brain and improves memory.

How to brew Thai tea

All the benefits of butterfly peas can be reduced to zero if you simply pour boiling water over its flowers. And the drink itself will lose its aroma and taste. Blue tea cannot be called an economical product. A glass of drink will require two teaspoons of raw materials. Boil water and let stand for two minutes. During this time, it will cool down to the prescribed ninety degrees. The petals are poured with hot water, but after ten seconds it is drained. Then the tea is brewed again. In order to give a concentrate of a rich blue color, the flowers and leaves of butterfly peas will take five minutes. This tea can be drunk both hot and cold. It has a delicate floral taste and rich aroma. Lemon juice gives the drink an exotic purple hue. Honey or sugar can be added to tea according to taste. You can also make herbal mixtures. For example, add mint, thyme or ginger to butterfly peas.

Medicinal use of blue tea

In order for the drink to become a healing extract, it should be steamed differently. Let the boiling water cool down to 90 degrees. Pour blue tea spirals into a dry thermos. Pour slightly cooled boiling water and insist for half an hour. This herbal extract is drunk before going to bed in a glass. You can use blue tea for weight loss. Do it according to the following scheme. You need to drink it every other day for a week. Due to the fact that the body quickly gets used to the action of the product, you should stop taking it for twenty-one days. And then repeat the course again. So you can easily lose a couple of extra pounds. The polyphenols contained in butterfly peas accelerate metabolic processes in the body, break down and remove fats.
