
Cheese in a white shell. Cheese with white mold

Blue cheese is a real gourmet food. This product is classified as a delicacy. Its cost is quite high, so not everyone can enjoy it daily. Usually blue cheeses are served on the festive table, supplemented with fruits, nuts, combined with wines. The presented selection and description will help you navigate the world of cheeses and choose the right variety.

Blue cheese: types and names

Blue cheese is a special type of hard and soft cheese. People have been making it since time immemorial. It is told about in myths and legends, there are records about cheese in old manuscripts and books.

Modern cheese makers have become so successful in craftsmanship that the consumer is easily lost, frozen in front of the counter, where dozens of blue cheeses are presented. To deal with these delicacies, a story about what types of cheeses there are and what is the originality of their tastes will help.

Came to the store and were confused by the variety of cheese products? Do not know what blue cheese is called and what variety goes well with wines or fruits? Use this guide if you are preparing for a celebration and want to treat your guests to delicious cheese.

Only three types of mold are used in cheese making: red, white and blue. Depending on this, three basic types of blue cheeses are distinguished, each of which has subspecies or varieties. Let's talk about them in more detail:

Cheese with white mold

Have you seen cheese covered with a thin white crust in stores? It is a cheese that is created thanks to two types of fungi - Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum. Their spores are applied on top, which is why the cheese acquires a specific nutty or mushroom taste, smells like withered grass or moss.

Four varieties of white mold cheeses are popular:

  • Camembert- soft cheese with mushroom notes. It is made from cow's milk.

It has a rich creamy taste and contains a high percentage of fat. It is added to soups and desserts, sauces are made from it. Camembert pairs perfectly with fruit, herbs, nuts, crispy baguette and rosé wine.

  • Bree- delicacy of the French kings. Its difference is a rich spicy aroma and delicate taste of cream.

Choose brie with a soft crust. It is a ripened cheese with pronounced taste qualities.

At a banquet, serve brie with white crackers or a baguette, candied almonds or walnuts, honey, figs, pears or apples. Brie is in harmony with dry red wines and dark beers.

  • Neuchâtel- cheese from Normandy.

Differs in saturation and depth of mushroom aroma and creamy taste, has a granular structure. It is served with crispy white bread and red wine.

  • boulet-d'aven- semi-soft blue cheese, whose name comes from the mining village of Aven, located near the borders of Belgium.

It is distinguished by a granular loose structure, has a pronounced spicy, piquant and spicy taste. According to the French writer Emile Zola, this cheese is the miners' favorite food. Boulette d'Aven reveals its properties and taste when paired with dark beer, gin or strong red wines.

White cheeses with mold are considered dessert. They are served at the end of the main meal. Thanks to fungal spores that form a thin fluffy crust, even heavy food is digested and absorbed faster.

blue cheese

Blue cheese is considered a royal treat. For a long time, this type of cheese was available only to wealthy people.

It differs in that bluish-gray or green-blue streaks of mold penetrate through the pieces of the product. Cheese makers, using a special needle, inject Penicillium roqueforti or Pencillium glaucum spores into a piece of cheese prepared for aging, which create a noble effect and give the product a spicy taste.

By varieties of blue cheese, you can study the geography of Europe. On the shelves of shops you will find such varieties of blue cheese:

  • Roquefort- aristocratic cheese.

For its production, a special type of mold is used, which is found only in the caves of a mountain range located in the south of France in the historical part of the county of Rouergue.

Classic Roquefort is made only from sheep's milk. Its distinctive property is an intense spicy taste and spicy aroma.

Roquefort is best served as a snack in the company of walnuts or added to salads, where there are bitter herbs (for example, arugula leaves), vegetables. It harmonizes with all fruits except citrus.

Roquefort will reveal its taste in the company of red and white sweet and dry wines, porter and Muscat liqueur. It does not tolerate heat treatment well, so it is better not to add it to sauces.

  • Dorblu- noble semi-hard cheese with bluish mold comes from Germany.

It appeared about 120 years ago. It features a creamy, dense texture laced with greenish mold streaks that create a marbled pattern.

In the taste of dorblu, a combination of nut and mushroom notes is felt. It has a sharp, spicy taste, quite salty. Gastronomic company dorblu - red grapes and nuts, dry red wine and champagne. It is used for sauces and salads.

  • Gorgonzola- Italian semi-hard cheese that matures for about 4 months.

It has a rich spicy taste and spicy aroma, thin green streaks of mold are visible in the cut.

There are two subspecies of this variety - sweetish young and mature, dense with bright veins. The first is served with white wine, the second with red. Gorgonzola is added to classic Italian dishes - risotto, pasta, pizza, polenta. It can be added to salads.

  • Danablue- a relative of Roquefort originally from Denmark.

The variety was invented 100 years ago. It is immediately recognizable by its white texture with thin blue veins of mold that create a marbled pattern. It has a salty taste with a distinct spiciness.

Serve danablu as an appetizer before your main meal. It harmonizes perfectly with fruits and vegetables, so it is used in salads and sauces. Feature: the taste of danablue is revealed when it becomes warm.

  • Stilton- the creation of English cheese makers from Nottinghamshire.

Aging period - up to 120 days. It is made only from morning cream collected from cow's milk. Therefore, the Stilton has a creamy brittle texture with thin bluish veins. A ripened piece of such cheese will hit the receptors with a spicy buttery taste and a mild fruity aroma.

Stilton is served with sweet fortified wines (port or sherry), apple cider or dark beer will suit it. Chefs use this variety of cheese to make soups, mashed potatoes and casseroles, sandwiches and vegetable mixes.

Cheeses with blue mold are considered snack foods, so they are mainly served as part of an aperitif - salads, canapes, sandwiches. Their characteristic properties: high fat pungency and slightly salty taste.

Cheeses with red mold

This type of cheese is distinguished by an ocher-colored crust, pink or burgundy top layer. These varieties are considered exotic. They are produced by washing with alcohol or grape pomace. Due to alcohol, penicillin takes on various shades of red.

Such varieties of cheeses with red mold are known:

  • Livaro- French cheese with a yellowish-orange rind, originally from Normandy.

Known since the 13th century as "the meat of the poor". In its production, cow's milk of the highest quality and fat content, vegetable juice and sea cane are used.

This cheese has an expressive spicy taste that true gourmets can appreciate. Livaro is served as an independent appetizer for dry red wines.

  • Reblochon- a pressed variety of French soft cheese with an orange rind covered with a white bloom.

The cheese matures for 2-4 weeks, during which the heads are constantly washed in a special solution.

Reblochon is served with white Savoy wine, used in soups and salads, light snacks with smoked chicken fillet and prunes.

  • Epoisse- sharp French soft cheese with a creamy velvety texture.

Its difference is a dark orange crust, which is obtained by washing small cheese heads (up to 18 cm in diameter) in brandy. Sell ​​and store it in wooden boxes.

It has a pungent odor, so it is forbidden to carry it openly in public transport. Epoisse is combined with Burgundy wine.

  • Limburg cheese- a semi-soft cheese from Germany with a pungent smell, a brick-colored crust and a delicate creamy texture that spreads when cut.

Due to its very specific aroma (the effect of "unwashed feet"), it is rarely served at the table. Gourmets enjoy its taste in combination with red wines.

On the shelves you can find Camembert with a red crust. This variety is produced by dipping heads in cider. As a result, fruity notes are added to the airy creamy texture of Camembert.

Use the described types of cheese as appetizers or additions to salads, hold a wine tasting with cheese plates, cook national Italian or French dishes using blue cheeses.

Blue cheese: benefits and harms

Blue cheeses belong to the category of products that should be consumed with caution and in moderation. It's all about the fungi that form the specific taste and aroma of cheeses. They can benefit the human body, however, they will harm if you do not follow the recommendations of doctors and nutritionists. Let's dwell on these points in more detail.

The benefits of blue cheeses are due to their exclusivity. They are made from high quality cow, sheep or goat milk, which is environmentally friendly. Add to this the use of pure cultures for curdling milk, settling curds and you have a clean production based on organics.

In addition, the chemical composition and biological properties of blue cheeses have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs. This product is useful because:

  • restores the microbiological properties of the intestine (stops diarrhea, eliminates constipation);
  • positively affects digestion (accelerates it, neutralizes toxins);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores the acid-base balance in the oral cavity and strengthens the teeth;
  • enhances the protective functions of the skin (melanin is produced, age spots disappear, wounds heal faster), maintains its youth, tone, provides vitamin A;
  • has an antioxidant effect on all systems and organs;
  • stabilizes the nervous system, improves sleep and memory;
  • enriches the body with protein, which is necessary to maintain muscle mass;
  • beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • improves hormonal levels;
  • prevents osteoporosis and arthritis.

Scientists have noticed that those people who regularly eat blue cheese live longer, are more energetic, they are less prone to the development of coronary diseases and diabetes.

  • allergy sufferers;
  • Small children;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • people with severe disorders of the digestive tract (peptic ulcer, enterocolitis, pancreatitis), disorders in the hormonal system;
  • losing weight.

Mold can cause various allergic reactions - from reddening of the skin to Quincke's edema and cardiac arrest.

Listeria, found in white and blue cheeses, will cause women who are carrying or breastfeeding children to develop fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. The consequences will be deplorable: miscarriages, premature births, deviations in the development of the fetus, food poisoning and allergies in the baby.

The high fat content of cheese delicacies makes them unhealthy for those with liver or gallbladder problems. High calorie content will harm those who control the diet or adhere to the rules of a balanced diet.

Nutritionists also limit healthy people in the consumption of blue cheeses. The recommended daily portion should not exceed 50 g, preferably in combination with fruits, vegetables or nuts. Overeating blue cheese will result in obesity, indigestion, increased cholesterol, and changes in eating habits.

Cheeses with penicillin mold are a noble and specific product that does not often appear on the tables of the average consumer. However, when preparing for a banquet or a buffet table, include snacks or salads in the list of dishes, which include blue cheeses.

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Blue cheeses gradually moved from the category of exotic to familiar products like spiced bread or. You no longer need to go to France for the real one - just go down to the nearest supermarket. But what lies behind the dense snow-white crust and viscous creamy texture of the cheese?

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine claims that the product is 70% dangerous trans fats, and the remaining 30% is a good source. What you need to know about blue cheeses and how safe are they for the human body?

General characteristics of the product

Cheeses with white mold are delicate, fatty creamy pulp and a dense snow-white crust.

For the production of the product, special types of mold from the genus Penicillum are used, which are safe for the human body. The ripening period of cheeses is about 5 weeks and can vary in both directions depending on the variety and characteristics of the product. The shape of white cheese is standard - oval, round or square.

Interesting: cheeses with white mold are considered the smallest group compared to, for example, blue or red. They appeared much later on the shelves of supermarkets and for a long time retained a high cost.

Popular product varieties with white mold


It is this type of blue cheese that has gained particular popularity. It is a soft cow's cheese. Its name is associated with the French province, which is located in the central region of Ile-de-France - this place is considered the birthplace of the product. Bree has gained worldwide popularity and recognition. It is made in almost every corner of the planet, bringing a special touch of individuality and geographical recognition. That is why it is customary to talk about the Brie family of cheeses, and not about a specific product.

Historical note: Brie has long been considered a royal dessert. Blanca of Navarre, Countess of Champagne, often sent a white cheese head as a precious gift to King Philip Augustus. The entire royal court was delighted with the taste and aroma of cheese, so for every holiday, the retinue was looking forward to another moldy gift. Henry IV and Queen Margot also made no secret of their love for the Brie.

The peculiarity of brie is a pale color with subtle grayish blotches. The delicate texture of the pulp is covered with a layer of noble mold Penicillium camemberti or Penicillium candidum. Most often, the product is made in the form of a cake with a diameter of up to 60 centimeters and a thickness of up to 5 centimeters. The mold crust is characterized by a pronounced ammonia aroma, and the cheese itself gives off a slight smell of ammonia, but this does not affect its taste and nutritional properties.

Young brie has a delicate mild taste. The older the cheese, the more sharp and spicy notes in its flavor palette. Another rule that applies to brie is that the spiciness of the cheese depends on the size of the tortilla. The thinner it is, the sharper the product. Cheese is produced on an industrial scale at any time of the year. It is classified among the so-called universal French cheeses, as it is equally well suited for a family lunch or a special gourmet dinner.

Advice. To achieve a delicate texture and dense crust, remove the brie from the refrigerator a few hours before the meal. The optimum storage temperature is +2 to -4 °C.

Boulette d'Aven

It is a French flavored cheese made from cow's milk. The name of the product is associated with the city of Aven. It was with Aven that the rapid history of blue cheese began.

Initially, skim cream from cow's milk was used for the base of the cheese. Over time, the recipe changed, and the main component was the fresh sediment of Marual cheese. The raw materials are crushed, mixed with an abundance of seasonings (tarragon, cloves, and are most often used), after which they are shaped into balls or cones. The cheese crust is tinted with a special annatto plant, sprinkled with paprika and white mold. The ripening period of cheese is from 2 to 3 months. During maturation, the crust is periodically soaked in beer, which provides additional flavor and aroma accents.

Triangular or round pieces of cheese weigh no more than 300 grams. The product is covered with a moist red crust, which consists of paprika and mold. Under it hides a snow-white pulp with bright splashes of spices. The fat content of the product is 45%. The main flavor notes are provided by tarragon, pepper and milk base. Boulette d'Aven is eaten as a main course or served as an appetizer with gin or red wines.


It is a type of soft fatty cheese. It, like most cheese products, is prepared on the basis of cow's milk. painted in a pleasant light creamy or snow-white shade, covered with a dense crust of mold. The outside of the cheese is covered with Geotrichum candidum, on top of which the fluffy mold Penicillium camemberti additionally develops. The peculiarity of the product lies in the taste - a delicate creamy taste is combined with noticeable mushroom notes.

Interesting: the French writer Léon-Paul Fargue wrote that the scent of camembert is comparable to "the smell of God's feet" (Le camembert, ce fromage qui fleure les pieds du bon Dieu).

Camembert is based on whole cow's milk. In some cases, a minimum amount of skimmed milk is introduced into the composition. From 25 liters of milk liquid, you can get 12 heads of cheese with the following parameters:

  • thickness - 3 centimeters;
  • diameter - 11.3 centimeters;
  • weight - 340 grams.

Hot weather can adversely affect the ripening of the product, so the cheese is prepared from September to May. Unpasteurized milk is poured into massive molds, left for a while, then rennet is added and the mixture is waiting for it to curdle. During production, the liquid is stirred periodically to prevent the cream from settling.

Ready clots are poured into metal molds and left to dry overnight. During this time, Camembert loses about ⅔ of its original mass. In the morning, the technology is repeated until the cheese acquires the necessary structure. Then the product is salted and put on the shelves for maturation.

Important: the growth and type of mold depends on the temperature of the room in which the cheese ripens. The specific taste of Camembert is formed by a combination of different types of mold and their subsequent development. If the sequence is not followed, then the product will lose the necessary texture, crust and taste.

Camembert is transported in light wooden boxes or several heads are packed in straw. The shelf life of cheese is minimal, so they tend to sell it as soon as possible.


A French cheese made in Upper Normandy. The peculiarity of the nechatel lies in a dry dense crust covered with fluffy white mold and elastic pulp with a mushroom aroma.

The manufacturing technology of the nechatel has not changed much over the several centuries of the existence of the product. Milk is poured into warm containers, rennet, whey are added and the mixture is left for 1-2 days. After that, the whey is drained, mold fungi are launched into the vat, after which the cheese mass is pressed and left to dry on wooden racks. The neuchatel is salted by hand and left to mature in the cellar for at least 10 days (sometimes the ripening period is extended to 10 weeks to achieve a sharp taste and mushroom notes).

The fat content of the finished product is 50%. The crust is formed dry, velvety, completely covered with white uniform mold. Neuchâtel is known for its special form of serving. It is most often prepared and sold in the shape of a large or miniature heart rather than the traditional oval, circle or square.

Useful properties of the product

Behind the specific smell and unattractive appearance lies not only a masterpiece of cheese production, but also a storehouse of benefits for the human body. The Penicillium mold that coats the product is considered noble and very beneficial. Why?

In cheese production, Penicillium roqueforti and Penicillium glaucum are most often used. They are added to the mass by injection, after which they are waiting for the maturation and growth of mold. Penicillium fights against pathological bacteria in the body, kills harmful microflora, cleanses the intestines and improves the functionality of the heart.

Scientists have identified a specific phenomenon called the "French Paradox". The paradox itself is that France has the lowest rate of heart attacks in the world. This is attributed to the abundance of red wine and cheese with noble mold in the daily diet of the French. Cheese is indeed known for its anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to cleanse joints and blood vessels, protects them from inflammation, and increases functional activity.

Interesting: Penicillium slows down the aging process of the human body and, as a nice bonus, helps get rid of cellulite.

The composition of cheeses with white mold includes, and calcium (Ca). All of these nutrients help maintain the health and quality of our body.

Useful properties of cheese:

  • strengthening of the bone skeleton, muscular system and teeth;
  • reducing the risk of developing multiple sclerosis;
  • improvement of control over one's own psycho-emotional state, harmonization of the nervous system;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • additional protection and strengthening of the immune system;
  • control of water balance in cells and tissues;
  • increase in working capacity, stimulation of brain cells, improvement of memory and cognitive functions;
  • reduced risk of developing breast cancer;
  • start the process of natural breakdown of fats.

But there is also the other side of the coin. The main component of cheese is milk of animal origin. Scientists have proven that an adult does not need milk, and its abundant use leads to unpleasant symptoms - acne, intestinal problems, poor metabolism, allergic reactions, nausea, etc.

If possible, give preference to cheeses based on sheep or goat milk. They contain less milk sugar, which we stop absorbing when we reach 5-7 years. The main thing is not to abuse the cheese. This is a fairly high-calorie product with an abundance of saturated fats, an excess of which negatively affects a person. Limit yourself to a few bites to enjoy the taste, but it is better to satisfy your hunger with meat, vegetables, fruits or grains.

Why is cheese dangerous?


Cheese is recognized as the most salty product. According to the Consensus Action on Salt and Health, it is ranked #3 behind bread and bacon. For every 100 grams of dairy product, there is an average of 1.7 grams of salt (the daily requirement is 2,300 milligrams). The abundance of salt in white, moldy heads far exceeds the dosage that inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria. The constant excess of dietary sodium leads not only to violations of the functionality of the body, but also to addiction.


How do hormones get into brie or camembert? The answer is simple - through cow's milk. Often, manufacturers do not care about the quality of the supplied product, but about personal gain. In this case, cows on farms receive injections of hormones and antibiotics instead of proper care. All these unnatural agents penetrate into the milk of the animal, and from there into the human body. The result is the development of osteoporosis, hormonal imbalances, prostate and breast cancer.

Formation of dependence

According to statistics, in modern America they consume 3 times more cheese than 40 years ago. The effect of a food drug is remarkably similar to that of an opiate - it deceives the nerve cells and the stomach, forcing us to consume the product uncontrollably.

Fact: people who depend on sugar and fat are helped by the same medications as drug addicts with an overdose.

The situation is aggravated by the consumption of cheese. We are used to using it not only as an independent dish, but also as an addition / sauce / seasoning to the main meal.

Bacteria that threaten pregnancy

Listeria monocyotogenes bacteria can concentrate in unpasteurized milk, poultry and seafood. They cause the infectious disease listeriosis. Symptoms of the disease:

  • vomit;
  • muscle pain;
  • chills;
  • jaundice;

All these symptoms are especially dangerous during pregnancy. Listeriosis can cause premature birth, miscarriage, sepsis//pneumonia in the fetus and mother. That is why doctors recommend completely eliminating soft cheeses with white mold for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The problem of ethical production

There are many doubts about the ethics of the production of the product. You should not trust the inscriptions "organic" and "vegetarian", it is best to carefully study the composition. Most cheeses are prepared with the addition of rennet enzymes. This is the fourth section of the calf's stomach. In the vast majority of cases, producers use enzymes from newly born slaughtered calves.

Important. If you want to eat vegetarian cheese, make sure that the ingredients include fungi, bacteria, or genetically modified microorganisms instead of rennet.

Is it really necessary to give up cheese with white mold? No, the main thing is to carefully study the composition and know when to stop. Try to avoid foods with a lot of additives and preservatives. Look for products that comply with GOST (state requirements), and not TU (organizational requirements) and do not eat a whole head of cheese in one sitting - stretch the pleasure. Approach nutrition from a rational point of view and be healthy!


Science degree: doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences.

Benefits and benefits for the body of white cheese with mold

The fact that the product does not look very attractive and not everyone likes its smell is not yet an indicator, since it contains a lot of useful substances and vitamins that are of great benefit to humans. You can eat a maximum of 50 g per day, this amount will be enough for serious changes to begin to occur in the body:

  1. Mold spores contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the intestines become cleaner, useful substances enter the brain and heart.
  2. Since there is a lot of calcium, minerals and vitamins in cheese, bones, teeth, nails become stronger, muscles come in tone.
  3. Milk proteins that are easily digested enter the body.
  4. Vessels and arteries are freed from harmful substances, cleansed, so the risk that a heart attack or arthritis may appear decreases sharply. Blue cheese has an anti-inflammatory effect, so all these changes are possible.
  5. Hormones return to normal, so a person’s mood improves, overall health is good, as the psychological and emotional state is restored.
  6. Cheese contains valine and histidine, so wounds will heal a little faster.
  7. This product will help those who decide to lose weight well, as it breaks down fats in the body faster.

What does this unusual product taste like?

Different species have their own taste, which varies from soft creamy to subtly spicy. May taste like mushrooms and fruits. After its use, a pleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth. If the product is made with high quality, then it should melt in the mouth, there will be no lumps in it, its texture is delicate. The smell is not sharp, the aroma of mushrooms is slightly felt.

Is blue cheese harmful to the body?

Although this product has a beneficial effect on the body, there are still some restrictions on how much, to whom and when you can use it.

Remember that you can not eat more than 50 g in one day, because the fungus can disrupt the intestinal microflora, and its work will be incorrect. Since the cheese is covered with mold, it causes allergies, especially if you eat a lot of it. If you are prone to allergies or have an individual intolerance to penicillin, then the situation will only get worse.

What kind of cheese can be eaten during pregnancy

During pregnancy and when a woman is breastfeeding, you can not eat cheese with white mold and blue: Brie, Roquefort, Dor Blue, Gorgonzola. The mold that is present in the product contains Listeria, and they tend to cause infectious diseases. If a person falls ill with listeriosis, he will easily endure it, but in a pregnant woman it will be vomiting, high fever and fever. So during such periods, it is better for women to take care and use ordinary familiar foods for food. After all, it is clear that the body is already working in an enhanced mode, and sudden changes in the well-being of a pregnant or lactating woman can lead to bad consequences.

Types of cheeses with white mold

  1. Bree. This is one of the most popular varieties of white mold cheese. Produced from cow's milk. It's easy to cook at home. For this, in addition to milk, rennet will be an important ingredient. Cheese is made in various countries, and each of them brings notes of its national cuisine. Brie is distinguished by its creamy color, in which grayish dots are barely visible, the texture is soft and delicate. The older the cheese, the more sharp notes in its taste and smell.
  2. Camembert. It is a type of soft fatty cheese. Also made from cow's milk. Its crust is dense, and the color is snow-white or slightly creamy. There is quite a lot of mold on top, so the smell is sharper than that of the previous type of cheese. This product is prepared in the cold season, because the heat has a bad effect on it. One of the features of this cheese is that it can be stored very little, so it is quickly sold.
  3. Bullet Daven. This is a French flavored cheese. Take low-fat cream for its preparation. But later they changed its main component, now it is a sediment after Marual cheese. A lot of different seasonings are added to it and crushed. The product is shaped into cones or balls. Note that in the period of 2-3 months, while the cheese is ripening, its crust is treated with beer, so the product acquires additional notes of aroma and taste.

How to use white mold cheese so that the first acquaintance is pleasant

Start with Brie, its taste is not as sharp, and gradually move on to other varieties with different flavors and smells. Only when you understand the beauty of these delicacies, proceed to Camembert and Roquefort.

They are the hallmark of the country. In France, it is impossible to calculate the exact number of cheese varieties, the data varies. We can say one thing for sure - there are several hundred varieties, each of which is individual and everyone will find a product to their taste among this variety.

It is worth noting the fact that, according to unspoken rules, each manufacturer protects its product with copyright, which means a patented recipe, so the same, it would seem, type of cheese will have a unique taste.

Cheese is served in France as an appetizer for wine along with a baguette, it is a separate dish. Usually, a cheese plate includes several varieties of cheese at once, so for those who wish to have a tasting, you should definitely order a cheese platter in any restaurant in the capital.

Types of french cheese

The type of French cheese can be determined by several parameters: composition, mold color, hardness, fat content. Let's take a closer look.

French cheeses are made from three types of milk:

  • sheep (Breby Basque, Roquefort)
  • bovine (Brie, Camembert, Conté, Livaro)
  • goat (Chabichou-du-Poitou)

Cheeses are also distinguished by the color of the mold:

  • white mold (Brie, Camembert, Chabichu-du-Poitou)
  • blue mold (Roquefort)
  • red mold (Cantal, Reblochon)

By hardness, cheese can be:

  • hard (Kantal)
  • semi-solid (Breby Basque, Cantal, Conte)
  • semi-soft (Morbier)
  • soft (Munster, Mont-d'Or)

By fat content, cheese can be:

  • light 20-30% (Brie, Neuchatel),
  • normal 40-50% (Breby Basque, Cantal, Saint-Nectar)
  • double fat content 60-75% (Excelsior, Brillat-Savarin, Bellétoile, Petit suisse)
  • triple fat from 75% (Bouille, Tartar)

Absolutely all cheeses can be distinguished by their appearance:

  • fresh (caibot)
  • pressed uncooked (Kantal)
  • soft with mold (Selles-sur-Cher);
  • soft with washed rind (Epuas, Venaco);
  • blue (Bleu de Cosse, Bleu d'Auvergne, Bress-bleu)
  • fused (Canquiot)

Cheeses are produced in certain locations, which influenced the name of the varieties. Cheeses produced in a certain region or city are considered traditional and are labeled Appellation d'Origine Controlee (AOC in Russian). When buying cheese with such a marking, it is safe to say that the production used a traditional recipe developed over more than one century.

French cheese shapes

Properly selected form allows not only convenient storage of cheese, but also ensures uniform ripening, and also affects the taste. Goat milk cheeses are usually molded into cone shapes. This is explained by the fact that the soft pulp better preserves the aesthetic appearance of the cheese. For hard varieties, a round or drum-shaped form is used.

French cheeses can be seen in these forms:

  • drum
  • square
  • bullion
  • triangle
  • cylinder
  • cone

How to choose French cheese

In France, buying low-quality cheese is unrealistic. Cheeses are carefully tested and its manufacturers are fully aware of their responsibility to consumers, since French law provides for serious penalties for low-quality products. In addition, cheese is the pride of the French, so all the cheeses sold in the country are of high quality.

Chef of Italian origin Marco Cervetti tells not only how to choose cheese, but also how to store cheeses. Useful video for everyone, I recommend to watch.

french cheese price

Below is a list of the most popular French cheeses with approximate prices:

  • Camembert - 5.90 euros / 250 g
  • Conte - 6.90 euros / 200 g
  • Reblochon - 11.80 euros / 450 g
  • Roquefort - 9.60 euros / 200 g
  • Saint-Nectar - 5.50 euros / 200 g
  • Brie - 5.20 euros / 200 g
  • Cantal - 4.20 euros / 200 g
  • Chabichou du Poitou - 6.40 euros / 150 g
  • Neuchatel - 4.60 euros / 200 g
  • Mimolet - 6.70 euros / 200 g
  • Livaro - 12.90 euros / 500 g
  • Munster - 5.90 euros / 200 g
  • Morbière - 5.80 euros / 200 g

Where to buy cheese in Paris

If you are traveling in France, then the most profitable would be to buy cheese directly from the manufacturer. In the descriptions of cheeses, we always indicate the area, and as a rule, there you will definitely find a private shop with local cheese.

And if there is no such opportunity to ride in France, then visit a specialized one. This is a whole network of small shops, dispersed throughout Paris. Here you will find the widest selection of cheeses. Walking around the city, you will surely find other cheese shops, look for the word Fromagerie on the sign.

Cheeses can also be purchased at the grocery stores of the following large shopping centers:

Is it possible to bring cheese from France

What is most often brought from France? It's cheese and wine. And every tourist has a question, how much cheese can be brought from France. I will answer - a lot! Most importantly, the cheese must be in its undamaged, original packaging. Permissible weight for one person is 5 kg of cheese.

Cheese tasting

Every year, on March 29, the French celebrate one of the most beloved gastronomic holidays - National Cheese Day. On this day, you can safely go to any restaurant in the capital, where you will be offered a cheese tasting plate of 7-8 varieties of cheese at a very reasonable price. Or go to a cheese fair, where you can buy a high-quality and rare product at an affordable price.

Popular varieties of French cheeses

We have counted 15 varieties of French cheese that are worth trying in France.


If you go to the nearest grocery store where there is a selection of cheeses, then, for sure, among all the variety you will definitely find Brie cheese. And, most likely, it will be an analogue of the original, because the cheese has a lot of varieties, which is why the name itself is used in a generalized way.

Brie is a soft cheese made from cow's milk with a fat content of 25%, which is produced in the French province of the same name near Paris. Only two types of cheeses produced in the suburbs of Paris are certified by the Appellation d'Origine Controlee: Brie de Meaux and Brie de Melun.

Cheese is easy to recognize by its white noble mold, its smell and its incomparable taste. It is made in the form of a cake with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm, a diameter of 30 to 60 cm. The taste is dominated by a light taste of ammonia, and a slight smell of ammonia comes from the cheese crust. The thickness of the cheese also affects the taste, the thinner it is, the sharper it is. The same applies to aging, young cheese has no pungency.

Brie is a popular cheese among the French, it is served both at the festive table and at the dinner table. Produced all year round, stored at +2…-4 °C. Before serving, the cheese must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and wait until the cheese reaches room temperature.

Interestingly, the cheese was revered by the royals, so Brie received the status of cheese of kings. King Philip Augustus, Queen Margot and Henry IV were delighted with the flavor spectrum of the cheese.

Brebis basque - Brebis basque

Another large family of hard cheeses made from sheep's milk, which are produced in the southwest of France. The most popular cheese in France is Osso-Iraty (ossau-iraty).

This semi-hard pressed cheese began to be produced by the monks of Belloc Abbey over 300 years ago.

It is a weighty (2-7 kg!) cylinder with a diameter of 18 to 28 cm, a height of 7 to 15 cm. You can recognize the cheese by its characteristic orange-yellow or grayish rind, aroma and unique nutty-olive taste. The cheese matures from 60 to 90 days in special rooms built of stone in the mountains.

Despite the fact that cheese is produced all year round, the best in terms of taste is autumn. The fat content of the cheese is 50%, it is recommended to drink with sweet white wine.

Camembert - Camembert

A soft, fatty cheese made from cow's milk. Outwardly, it resembles Brie cheese, but it has a higher fat content and a specific aroma. It has a mushroom taste, the outside is covered with a white crust with mold.

In the production of cheese, whole cow's milk is used with the addition of a small amount of skimmed milk.

Certain parameters are also characteristic of this variety: the thickness of the cake is 3.1 cm, the diameter is 11.3 cm, and the weight is 340 grams. To obtain 12 servings of cheese, 25 liters of milk are used.

The main cheese production is from September to May. The correct Camembert keeps its shape when cut and is not stored for a long time.


Cantal is one of the oldest French cheeses from the Auvergne region. It is a hard to semi-hard variety, with a strong and spicy creamy flavor that only intensifies over time.

Cheese ripening takes place in a cool room for an average of 3 to 6 months, sometimes up to a year. During the ripening process, the cheese heads are regularly washed with water and turned over.

The cheese is a barrel covered with a thick golden rind with mold and reddish dots, inside is a soft yellow pulp. One head of Cantal cheese reaches a diameter of 50 cm, weight can reach up to 40 kg.

Cantal cheese has several varieties according to the type of milk used. So, Cantal Fermier is made from raw milk, and Cantal Laitier is made from pasteurized (commercial version).

It is important that the Cantal Fermier is de-rinded, as it may contain the Listeria bacterium. Cheese made from unpasteurized milk is not suitable for children, the elderly and people with immunodeficiencies.

Varieties are also distinguished by the time of ripening. Young cheese ripens in 1-2 months - Cantal jeune; medium or gilded matures in 2-6 months - Cantal doré and aged more than 6 months - Cantal vieux.

The latter type of cheese makes up about 20% of the total production. With proper storage, it may not deteriorate for 1.5 years, but it can only be purchased in the region, it is very rarely exported.

The fat content of Cantal cheese is 45%. It is used in the preparation of soups, salads, fondue, it is also added to potato dishes.

In 1980, Cantal cheese received AOC (Authentication of Origin) certification.


Comté is a semi-hard cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk and is produced in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region of eastern France.

Cheese is made from the milk of certain breeds of cows, which are fed with special plants grown in a certain area. Thus, the production uses high-quality milk, which is the basis of the taste of Comte cheese. Cheese contains calcium, copper, proteins and vitamins B2 and B12.

The cheese head is a circle with a diameter of 60 cm, a height of 10 cm and a weight of 40 kg. It takes about 400 liters of milk to produce one cheese head. Withstand cheese from 8 to 12 months on the shelves of spruce boards. During the aging process, the cheese crust is treated with a special solution based on brine. With the right production technology, eyes are formed on the cheese pulp, the size of which can reach the diameter of a pea or cherry.

The cheese has a sweetish nutty flavor. Depending on the place of exposure, as well as on the season, the taste of cheese can vary dramatically. Thus, six flavor varieties were identified (milky, fruity, herbal, burnt, spicy, animal), each of which complements the taste with 90 different shades. At the same time, you need to remember that no flavors or flavors are added to the cheese!

The cheese received AOC certification in 1958, after aging, a special commission of experts evaluates the cheese on a 20-point scale. Thus, cheeses with a score of 14 and above are allowed to be sold with a green casein label with a production date, and the rest are marked with a different label.

Conte is served as a separate dish at the end of the meal. Cheese is also often used to make canapes, fondue, salads, soufflés. It goes well with vegetables and fruits, white, red and sparkling wine.

Chabichou du Poitou

Chabicho du Poitou is a goat cheese made in the Poitou-Charentes region since 1872. Already in 1990 he received AOC certification.

In the production of cheese, goat's milk is used, which is cooled to 20 ° C, rennet is added and left to sour in large vats.

After separation from the whey, the cheese is laid out in cylindrical molds and, two days later, salted by hand and transferred from the molds to a dryer for at least 10 days, where the cheese ripens. Usually 2-3 weeks is enough for bacteria to give the product taste and aroma, but sometimes this period is extended to give a brighter taste.

The weight of one cylinder is 150 grams, the fat content is 45%. The top of the Chabichu-du-Poitou is covered with white mold with a grayish-blue tint, inside is ivory-colored flesh. The cheese has a pronounced nutty taste and a specific aroma. White wine goes well with cheese.

Livarot - Livaro

Normandy cow's milk cheese Livaro has been produced since the 17th century. At the end of the 19th century, cheese was considered the main source of protein among the poor, but today Livaro cheese is an elite product. In 1975, Livaro received AOC certification.

It is noteworthy that cheese is produced exclusively in the warm season. The cheese is aged from three weeks to two months, during the ripening process it is constantly turned over and washed with brine.

It is easy to recognize the heads of Livaro cheese by patterns. Traditionally, the cheese heads are wrapped in strips of dried cattail leaves to prevent the cheese from settling during maturation. Cheese Livaro bears the rank of colonel, because five stripes in France, like three stars in Russia, corresponds to the rank of colonel. Dried leaves are still wrapped around cheeses produced in small batches, but in industrial production they use strips of green paper.

You can also recognize Livaro by its rich reddish-yellow color, which is obtained by adding a natural dye from the annatto plant (grows in South America). The flesh of the cheese is yellow-orange. Taste qualities depend on the aging period: the longer it is, the sharper and more aromatic the cheese is. The cheese is soft in texture, but keeps its shape when cut.

Livaro is served at the end of the meal as a separate dish. Combines with Calvados, cider and red wines.

Reblochon - Reblochon

Reblochon is a soft cheese produced at the foot of the Alps, in Savoie.

For the manufacture of cheese, unpasteurized cow's milk is used, which is left to sour, the resulting mass is crushed, laid out in a mold, pressed, washed in brine and left to ripen for 2-4 weeks. Reblochon is a circle with a diameter of 14 cm, a height of 3-4 cm. The average weight of one head of cheese is 450 grams. Reblochon is also made with a smaller diameter - 9 cm, with a mass of 240-280 grams.

Ripe Reblochon can be recognized by its orange rind with a thin white coating and a soft, resilient, oily filling and bright aroma. The taste of the cheese is rich, with nutty and fruity notes.

Mimolette - Mimolet

The original Mimolet cheese was first made under the decree of Louis XIV, who needed an analogue of edamer, which was banned from being imported into the country under Colbert. A distinctive feature between these cheeses was the orange color of the cheese, which was facilitated by the addition of natural dye annatto.

Interestingly, at the very beginning, the cheese was kept for a short time and it turned out to be soft with a slightly oily texture, with a nutty-fruity aroma. During the experiments, it was found that with a longer exposure, the cheese hardens and acquires bitterness.

Mimolet is a cheese made from pasteurized or whole cow's milk, in the process of curdling, in which not only a dye is added, but also during maturation, cheese mites are specially added, which, gnawing through the bark, have a significant impact on the taste. One head of cheese weighs about 2 kg. The maturation time of the cheese ranges from 2 months to 2 years.

Munster — Munster

The history of Münster soft cheese goes back to 660. It was at this time that the monks produced a unique dairy product in a monastery in the Vosges department. Over time, the village of Münster grew up around the monastery, from which the cheese inherited its name.

The production of cheese is quite simple. Raw milk was heated to a temperature of 32 ° C, poured into wide capacious containers, 100-200 liters in volume, and lactic ferments and rennet were added. Within an hour, the milk turned into a curd mass, which was salted and laid out in molds, and then sent for aging in a damp cellar. To speed up the fermentation process, new cheeses were always piled next to the old ones. The ripening time of the cheese varies from 5 weeks to 3 months, during which it is necessary to regularly turn and rinse the cheese with water from the Vosges springs. Thanks to the procedures, the cheese acquires an orange-reddish rind. The longer the cheese ripens, the richer the color of the crust.

Munster cheese is made in heads with a diameter of 13-19 cm, a height of 2.4-88 cm, and a weight of 450-500 grams. Sometimes you can find small heads, weighing up to 150 grams. In the manufacture of 1 kg of cheese, 8 liters of milk are required. Cheese is stored at a temperature of 2-6 °C.

Cheese is widely used in cooking: used in pies, salads. When serving, cumin seeds are added to Munster.

Mont d'Or

Mont d'Or is a soft cow's milk cheese produced in both France and Switzerland. The second name of the French Vacherin du Haut-Doubs is Vacherin-du-Haut-Doubs.

The production of cheese falls on the period from August 15 to March 15, and it can be found on the shelves from September 10 to May 10.

The French make cheese from unpasteurized milk, to which sourdough is added. After draining the whey, the cheese mass is pressed, molded and wrapped with spruce bark, which retains its desired shape and gives it a special taste. The cheese matures in the basement at 15°C for 5-7 weeks, during which it is periodically turned over and rubbed with brine.

Morbier - Morbier

Morbier cheese is produced in the city of the same name, in the Franche-Comté region. It is a pressed semi-soft cheese made from raw cow's milk.

Morbier has been known since 1795. Initially, the product was produced by peasants for individual consumption. In the evening, after milking the cows, the peasants made small cheese blanks, the next day, in the morning, new blanks were stacked on top of yesterday's ones. In order to prevent the first workpiece from spoiling overnight and insects not landing on it, the cheese was smeared with a thin layer of soot (today crushed charcoal is used), forming a thin crust. Thus, in the section of the cheese, you can see a dark layer, which is typical only for this type of cheese.

Today, Morbier cheese is produced in only four departments: Loire, Saone and Loire, Jura, Doubs, Ain. Only two cow breeds are used in production: Montbéliarde and Simmental. To get 11 kg of the finished product, you need to milk 100 liters of milk.

Raw milk is heated to 40°C, after which the starter is added. For ripening, the cheese is sent to cool rooms, where the cheese ripens for 45 days at a temperature of 7-15°C.

The finished product is a round disk with a diameter of 30-40 cm, a thickness of 6-8 cm. The weight of a massive circle is from 5 to 9 kg. The color of the cheese can vary from creamy to yellow. The taste of the cheese is affected by the aging time, so young varieties of cheese have a sour taste, and more mature ones have a rich, bitter taste.

Morbier is combined with white, red wine. Can be safely used in cooking, when cooking fish, meat. Cheese also goes well with vegetables and fruits.

Neufchatel - Neuchâtel

Neuchâtel is considered the oldest cheese in Normandy, the first mention of it dates back to 1035. You can recognize the cheese by its shape, resembling a heart. The peak of popularity came in the 19th century, when Napoleon was given a basket of Neuchâtel cheeses during a visit to Normandy.

The cheese is made from cow's milk, has a dry crust with white mold, inside is an elastic pulp with the taste of mushrooms.

Cheese production technology has not changed. It is still made from April to November. Milk in a room where the temperature is maintained at 20 ° C is poured into containers, rennet and whey are added and wait 2-3 days until the milk begins to curdle. After draining the whey, a special fungus is added to the product, after which the resulting mass is pressed into a mold and laid out on wooden boards. After manual salting of the cheese mass, it is sent to a damp and cool basement.

Cheese ripening occurs in 10 days, however, to achieve taste and the necessary fat content (20%), Neuchâtel is kept for up to 10 weeks. Cheese aged less than 10 weeks has a fat content of 50%.

Interestingly, the cheese has six traditional forms. In addition to the heart, the cheese is made in the shape of a barrel, double barrel, briquette, big heart and square.

Neuchâtel cheese is served at the end of the meal, before dessert. It is recommended to use it with a baguette and red wines.

Roquefort - Roquefort

Roquefort is the most famous blue cheese made from sheep's milk in the province of Rouergue. The production of cheese is practically no different from the standards, the main distinguishing feature is the ripening process, which affects the taste of the cheese. The cheese matures in a well-ventilated limestone grotto on oak shelves. The difference between a real Roquefort and a fake is the presence of spores of the fungi Penicillium roqueforti.

The texture of the cheese is soft, buttery. The taste of the cheese is pronounced, reminiscent of the taste of hazelnuts. The aroma of cheese is also indescribable.


Saint-Nectaire became famous in the 17th century, when Louis XIV and his courtiers learned about the cheese. Semi-soft cheese is produced in the Mont-Dore mountainous area. It is also interesting that the area of ​​cheese production is the smallest in the AOC list.

The cheese is made from the milk of Saler cows. The milk is heated to 32°C, after which a special starter culture and an enzyme are added. After curdling the milk, the cheese mass is molded and slightly pressed. Then comes the salting process, for this the cheese is pulled out of the mold, and at the end of the procedure it is wrapped in a cloth and placed back into the mold. Next, the cheese must dry for 3 days, and only after that it is sent for maturation on a bed of straw. Saint-Nectaire matures in 5-8 weeks, at fairly cool temperatures (10-12°C) and high humidity (90-95%). Turn the cheese heads once a week.

For the production of one head of cheese, 13-14 liters of milk are used. The diameter of the cheese circle is 21 cm, the height is 5 cm. The weight is 1.7 kg. They also make a smaller version weighing 600 g. Cheese made from raw milk has the most intense taste of hazelnuts, mushrooms and spices. The fat content of cheese is 45%.

Blue cheese is a delicacy product with a characteristic aroma and a pronounced, pleasant taste. This product is especially appreciated due to its pronounced taste and spicy notes, pronounced, slightly sharp aroma and delicate texture. The properties of the product are due to a special production technology, during which special penicillin fungi are used.

Blue cheeses are divided into many varieties, which differ not only in taste characteristics, but also in the presence of a mold crust or thin veins of various shades. This product is very useful, it contains the richest vitamin and mineral composition, high calcium content. The production technology of such cheeses involves the use of only natural products, which increases the benefits and makes them a rich source of protein and special enzymes. These cheeses are useful for digestion and immunity, the formation of muscle mass.

Cheese varieties

There are many different varieties of cheese, which differ in texture, taste and aroma, mold color. For cooking, natural milk and cream are used, the addition of artificial components is strictly regulated.

There are four large groups that differ in the color of the mold - with a blue, white, red and green tint.

With white mold

Cheeses with white mold are the most common. They are made according to the classic old recipe, they are distinguished by a soft texture, a pleasant, delicate aftertaste. The main representatives of this group are:

  1. Bree. The most popular variety with a moldy crust of white or white-gray color. The heads of the finished product are round in shape with a diameter of about 60 centimeters. The aroma is bright and sharp, while it is more pronounced in the heads, the thickness of which is greater. The structure is soft and tender, in mature cheeses it can be dense. The aroma is pronounced and characteristic, it resembles the smell of ammonia, while the taste is very pleasant. Cheese is absolutely safe and very healthy, goes well with other foods and fruits, such as white grapes.
  2. Boulette d'Aven. For the preparation of this variety, soft curd mass is used, the smell of the finished product is sharp and not the most pleasant. Not everyone dares to try this product. For preparation, the curd mass is first aged in a beer-based brine, to which parsley, garlic, wormwood and pepper are gradually added. It is this composition that gives the product a characteristic, unpleasant odor, which many call stinky. Finished heads look like a cone, each weight is about 180-200 grams. Cheese should be stored in brine for 30 days.
  3. Camembert. Reminiscent of Brie, but with a softer texture. For cooking, two types of milk are used - skimmed and whole, the technology is rather complicated. The color of the finished product is dark or light cream, the surface of the head is covered with white mold, airy and with a slight aroma. Sharpness and piquancy depend on the ripening period, a pronounced, pleasant mushroom flavor is characteristic. This cheese is sold in an unripe state, its shelf life is short.
  4. Kare. A traditional French cheese with an edible moldy rind, high fat content, pleasant texture and mild aftertaste. Often recommended as a product for the first tasting.
  5. Cambozola. High-quality natural milk, cream, sourdough and salt are used for preparation. Blue mold is introduced artificially into the mass, for this long knitting needles are used to pierce the heads. But on the outside, the heads are covered with a white moldy crust, that is, technically this variety belongs to white cheeses. The texture is tender, the taste is light, very pleasant spicy note.
  6. Coulomier. Produced on the basis of pasteurized milk, it has a delicate texture, a pleasant, mild aftertaste.
  7. Neuchâtel. A mild variety that takes about three to four months to mature. The hue is light yellow, the texture is soft, the white mold crust is airy and soft.
  8. Pont Leveque. For cooking, it is aged in a special brine, which provides a pronounced aroma and a very pleasant taste. The technology involves the use of two recipes - homemade cheese from whole milk and factory cheese only based on pasteurized milk. Ripening time - not less than five to six months.
  9. Rugett. This is a brine variety, characterized by a beautiful white mold cap. During the production process, the head is washed at least 4-5 times, the finished crust has white and slightly pinkish hues, due to the content of paprika. It has a sharp, pronounced ammonia aroma.
  10. Shaurs. This variety is produced in the form of small heads having a square shape. The surface is covered with a snow-white crust, the texture of the finished product is delicate, creamy. The variety has a characteristic flavor of hazelnuts or mushrooms.

With blue mold

Cheeses with blue mold are of high quality, characteristic texture and beautiful pattern. The most popular varieties include:

  1. Roquefort. Produced on the basis of sheep's milk, ordinary rye bread is also used in the manufacturing process. The mold is introduced with the help of knitting needles, which allows you to get a uniform, very beautiful blue mold pattern. During aging, maintaining a low temperature and humidity is of great importance.
  2. Gorgonzola. Cow's milk is used for preparation, ripening is carried out at a high level of humidity, the preparation time is about 10-22 weeks. The taste of the product is sweetish, injection allows you to get a beautiful, pronounced pattern of blue mold veins. Before selling, the heads are wrapped in foil. This allows you to stop the growth of mold and maintain the achieved characteristics of the product.
  3. Danablue. Produced on the basis of natural cow's milk. The taste of the product is salty, spicy, the aroma is pronounced and stylish. This variety is an analogue of Roquefort, but is produced only in industrial conditions. Before delivery, the heads are washed and dried.
  4. Fourmes d'Amber. It is produced only on the basis of cow's milk obtained from cows from mountain pastures. The mold is introduced artificially with special needles, which makes it possible to obtain a characteristic fine pattern.
  5. Bleu d'Auvergne. Produced on the basis of cow's p=milk obtained from cows grazing in the pastures of the Santal Mountains. The taste is slightly pungent, the consistency of the product is sticky.
  6. Bleu de Bresse. This variety has an unusual spicy taste, a very soft texture and a pronounced aroma. Ripening is carried out only at high humidity for about 15 weeks.
  7. Bleu de Cosse. It is made only from whole high-quality milk. It takes about thirty weeks to ripen; during the ripening process, the heads are periodically sprinkled with salt. A beautiful mold pattern is formed by piercing the product with fine needles.

With red mold

Blue cheeses can have streaks or a crust not only of the classic blue or white hues, but also of red. There are not so many varieties with red mold, but they all have a characteristic piquant, salty taste and a sharp, well-recognized aroma.

Red cheese varieties:

  1. Livaro. This product is made on the basis of natural cow's milk. The manufacturing technology assumes that the cheese does not ripen in the winter, while the product must be aged for at least six months. The hue of the cheese is unusual, brownish, the taste is sharp and pronounced, the aftertaste is spicy.
  2. Epoisse. Only cow's milk is used for production. The finished product has a sharp aroma, creamy, delicate aftertaste. For aging, special wooden lattice shelves are used, which leave a characteristic pattern on the crust. During the cooking process, the reddish mold that appears on the crust is treated with Burgundy vodka and saline solutions, due to which the development of bacteria inside is excluded.
  3. Mara. The product is prepared on the basis of natural cow's milk, the aging period is four weeks. The cheese heads have an unusual square shape, there is no mold on the surface, as the product is washed regularly.
  4. Remudu. This product matures for about ten to fifteen weeks, the finished head is characterized by a sharp aftertaste and a moldy crust of red color.
  5. Munster. Only pasteurized milk is used as a raw material, the head is regularly washed during maturation to get a red color and prevent the formation of mold on the surface. Maturation is carried out only in the cellars, which ensures the best fermentation.

With green mold

Gourmets especially appreciate cheeses with green mold, which have a characteristic delicate taste and pleasant aroma. Among the main varieties it is necessary to highlight:

  1. Dor Blue. For cooking, only the highest grades of natural milk are used. The technology involves the artificial introduction of mold culture, which allows you to get a beautiful pattern in the form of thin green veins. The consistency of this cheese is soft, the taste is spicy, the aroma is pronounced spicy. Due to the peculiarities of the preparation, mushroom spores during storage can come to the surface of the head.
  2. Stilton. For the preparation of this variety, only selected cream of the morning assembly is used. During the manufacturing process, the heads are carefully chipped with spores of penicillin fungi, which provokes the development of mold in the form of thin veins with a greenish tinge. The taste of the product is sharp, the aroma is spicy, very pleasant.
  3. Bergader. Only pasteurized milk is used as the basis. The finished product is covered with a green moldy crust, the veins penetrate deep into the pulp. The taste of the product is spicy and well recognizable, it has sweetish notes.
  4. Saint Agur. A feature of this variety is the head, which has the shape of an octahedron, not a circle. The cheese is very fatty, it takes about 8-10 weeks for the product to ripen. The texture of the product is soft creamy, the taste is spicy and pronounced.

Diet of pregnant women and children. Can you eat blue cheese?

Cheeses with mold are very useful, they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of various internal organs. But there are a number of limitations that must be taken into account. For example, experts do not recommend pregnant women the use of cheese varieties such as Kare, Coulommier, Brie, Cambozola and a number of others. The reason for this prohibition is the increased content in the composition of bacteria, which can be dangerous for the female body during childbearing. There is a risk of developing a disease such as listeriosis, which leads to infectious diseases. The main symptoms are vomiting, nausea, various problems with gestation. But other varieties are not dangerous, you just need to comply with the permitted dose or refuse to use them during pregnancy.

Blue cheeses are also not recommended for children under ten years old. The reason is the presence of slightly toxic substances in the composition, which are not dangerous at an older age, but in a child's body they have the ability to accumulate.

For all other restrictions, there are no restrictions on use, you just need to observe moderation, as with the use of many other products.

The danger of blue cheese: myth or reality?

Can blue cheese cause harm to the body? One of the most common is the myth that mold in cheese causes the development of dangerous diseases, especially in pregnant women and children. But this opinion is erroneous, harm can only be with the uncontrolled use of cheese, like any other product. The recommended norm per day is about 50 grams - this amount is not only not a cause of harm, but will also bring great benefits.

The myth about the danger of blue cheeses is due to the fact that a large amount of mold can be dysbacteriosis or the development of allergic reactions. Even a healthy person who consumes excessive amounts of this product can experience indigestion.

For whom are blue cheeses not recommended? Such a product can be dangerous for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, allergies. High calorie content will also not be useful for those who are overweight, have high cholesterol, and have problems with metabolism. For the rest, the product is completely safe and even useful.

How to choose the right blue cheese

  • the mold pattern should evenly cover the pulp, but too many veins are not allowed;
  • high-quality cheese retains its shape, it remains moist and friable, but without an oily coating, the presence of this indicates non-compliance with the technology and the use of palm oil;
  • the number of eyes and holes should not be large;
  • the composition must correspond to the type of cheese, the basic ingredients are milk, penicillin mushrooms, sourdough, salt, the presence of dyes, flavors and other artificial additives is not allowed;
  • pickled cheese should have a dense texture, friability is not allowed;
  • the smell should be pronounced, strong;
  • for white cheeses on the crust, there must be traces of a lattice or fabric on the surface of which the product ripens;
  • the shelf life of cheese is limited, usually it does not exceed two months, long periods indicate the use of preservatives in the preparation;
  • the product is packed in special paper, which allows you to stop maturation and regulate the amount of mold;
  • the finished product is soft and tender, but it does not melt in the mouth.
