
Blue cheese: names of species and varieties, what is useful, how to eat. Cheese with white mold - production technology, the most famous varieties and use in recipes

People have been making cheeses since ancient times, and all of them were riddled with or surrounded by mold. This was the case, since they did not know such a method of milk processing as pasteurization before. Thanks to this method, a modern person can observe a wide variety of mold-free cheeses on store shelves. But it should be noted that a properly prepared blue cheese under certain conditions and precise technology does not cause any harm. Moreover, the mold gives this or that cheese a unique taste and aroma, makes the taste of cheese more piquant. There are many names of blue cheese, it all depends on where this cheese was made or where the raw materials for its preparation were taken, that is, milk.

Thus, there are only three types of blue cheese that are suitable for consumption. Namely:

  • Cheese with white mold, which most often covers the crust;
  • Cheese with blue mold that permeates the entire cheese;
  • Cheese with red mold that forms under certain conditions.

Cheese with white mold


It is a French soft cheese made from cow's milk. Its production falls on cool autumn-spring-winter weather, since in the hot season the technology for making this cheese can be violated. Under the right conditions, the mold quickly covers the cheese, and the white color of the mold turns into blue and gray. Next, the cheese is in a place where the temperature is 10 degrees and humidity is increased. And after the cheese becomes viscous, it is considered ripe. The ripening process of Camembert cheese lasts 4-6 weeks. Ripe Camembert cheese is soft to the touch, but does not crumble when cut. If there is a semi-liquid mass near the crusts, then this means that this cheese is cooked poorly. High-quality Camembert cheese is covered with a light velvety crust of mold, and its “folds” are slightly cast in pink-red. It has a fresh smell, sometimes with a mushroom tint, and it tastes delicate, maybe salty. The fat content of cheese is 45%. This cheese is best served with young red wines such as Beaujolais.

It is a French soft cheese made from unpasteurized (fresh) milk. Milk is fermented with rennet and after two hours the resulting clot is formed. In forms without cargo, it is a day. After that, the cheese is sprinkled with salt, after removing it from the molds. Ripening of Brie cheese occurs from 14 days to a month, at which time its surface is covered with white-gray mold. Ripe cheese can have a waxy and even semi-liquid texture. Brie cheese has a creamy sweet-salty taste and a slightly nutty flavor. But the taste of this cheese may vary depending on its type (Brie de Melun, Brie de Meaux, Brie de Montero, Brie de Nangis). The taste of this cheese can be both fruity and mushroomy. The smell of Brie cheese is ammonia.


It is a Norman soft cheese made from cow's milk. At a temperature of about 20 degrees, enzymes and rennet are added to the milk and left to curdle for a couple of three days. After the whey is drained, the mold is added. The obtained is pressed in molds and salted. The cheese ripens already in the basement at a temperature of 12-14 degrees, and a humidity of 95%. This cheese matures in 10 days. However, to get a dry, edible crust, a sharper taste and a low fat content (about 20%), you need to wait 10 weeks. Neuchâtel cheese is produced in different forms: barrel, briquette, square and heart (this form is the most popular). By consistency, this cheese is similar to frozen condensed milk, its structure is granular, soft, light yellow in color, but at the same time the cheese has a dry crust covered with light fluffy mold. Neuchâtel cheese has the aroma and delicate taste of mushrooms. This cheese is produced with both 20% and 45% fat content. Neuchâtel cheese pairs with red wines such as Saint Emilion, Cotes du Rhone, Pomerol, Beaujolais.

blue mold product

It is a French soft cheese made from unpasteurized sheep's milk. From sour milk, the cheese mass is isolated, formed, populated with mold spores and salted. Roquefort cheese ripens for about three months on oak racks in a limestone grotto with good ventilation, and best of all, a draft. The result is cheese cylinders that have a hazelnut flavor and a complex aroma due to where they matured. Roquefort cheese has firm white flesh interspersed with blue mold. Roquefort is combined with such wines as Cahors, Sauternes, Porto.

Bleu d'Auvergne

It is a French soft cheese made from cow's milk from special breeds of cows in the Santal Mountains. Rennet is added to this milk at a temperature of 30-34 degrees. The curdled mass is mixed until curd particles the size of a corn grain are obtained. After straining this mass, it is laid out in molds, pierced and salted. Bleu d'Auvergne cheese ripens for 2 months in cool and damp cellars. During this time, a noble blue mold permeates the entire cheese. The consistency of the cheese is sticky and slightly friable, but does not crumble. Bleu d'Auvergne cheese has a spicy and slightly salty taste, as well as a strong pungent aroma. The fat content of this cheese is 50%. It is preferable to use this cheese with sweet dessert wines, liqueurs and ports.

This is a Danish cheese made from cow's milk. The technology of making this cheese is almost no different from others. There is only one difference: the pores and cracks for the reproduction and flourishing of mold are made with special needles. Danablue cheese ripens for 2-3 months, after which it acquires a marble color (blue mold against the background of snow-white cheese). Danablu cheese has a pasty texture and is suitable for daily use as a snack.

Varieties with red mold

This is a French cheese made from cow's milk and salt water from sources located in the Vosges. To freshly milked milk, heated to 32 degrees, rennet and lactic ferments are added. After one hour, the milk curdles. The resulting mass is salted, laid out in molds and left to mature in a damp cellar. There, the surface of the cheese is covered with light mold. But after turning this cheese every two days and rubbing it with the same salt water, the mold crust turns first orange and then reddish. This cheese ripens for 3 weeks, after which it acquires a sharp and peculiar aroma, which is associated with the smell of highland pastures. Münster cheese pairs best with Tokaj wine, Gray Alsatian Pinot and Gewurztraminer.


This is a French cheese made from goat's milk. This milk for the manufacture of this cheese is collected during the day from two milk yields, then sourdough is added and allowed to sour. Next, the resulting mass is formed into disks and left to mature in the cellars on wooden shelves for one to four weeks, possibly longer. Aged Rocamadour cheese is covered with a whole bunch of mold (these ripen from a month to a year). Pinkish or reddish mold gives a sharper rich taste, and has a sharper aroma. The wine is selected according to the taste and aging of this blue cheese. Both white Tokay and strong Calvados will do.

So, there are many names of blue cheeses, here are only the most popular ones. Do not be afraid and disdain mold on cheese made according to old proven technologies. After tasting blue cheese, you will experience an extraordinary taste and a great aftertaste. And, perhaps, you will even become a fan of blue cheese, and want to try different types of it.

Cheese is the pride of France. They are known all over the world for their unsurpassed taste and aroma.

In French, the word for "cheese" sounds like "le fromage" (or in the original - le fromage). It is believed that it comes from the distorted "formage", that is, "formation" or "shaping". And this is no accident. After all, the layout of the curd mass, which is formed as a result of coagulation of milk, into molds is a very important step in the manufacture of real cheese.

To date, more than 500 types of this dairy product are produced in France. And each of them is unique in its own way. French cheeses can be soft or hard, young or aged, with a hard rind or mould, from goat or cow milk.

However, experts are surprised not only by the variety of types of this product, but also by the incredible number of its forms. So, French cheeses, photos of which are presented in this article, are produced in the form of circles, disks, rectangles, drums, squares, standing and lying cylinders, ingots, cones, hearts and triangles.

Why is this product not produced in a single form? The fact is that all French cheeses have their own personal history, life and even character. For example, cheeses such as Brie and Camembert are always made in the form of a disk. After all, it is in this form that the product ripens evenly and turns out to be very tasty.

Name Features

All French cheeses have not only their own character and individual history, but also a unique name. Moreover, each product has the AOC label. It means that this variety has an Appellation d'origine contrôlée, that is, an Original Controlled Name, which can only be assigned to those cheeses that meet all the requirements of the current legislation.

Thus, any kind of French cheese should be made only from high-quality raw materials, that is, milk. Moreover, the entire process of manufacturing the product must strictly comply with local established recipes and traditions.

The cheese that bears the corresponding French name can only be produced in the region of France where it was historically prepared.

The first AOC label was awarded to Roquefort in 1925 and the last to Rigotte de Condret in 2009.


Each state has its own classification of cheeses with its own system and terminology. But most of this product can be easily identified in groups, based only on its structure, types of crusts and the principle of formation, on which the amount of moisture in cheese (or so-called whey) depends.

Based on this system, cheeses from France can be divided into types such as:

  • fresh;
  • fresh aged;
  • soft white;
  • semi-soft;
  • hard;
  • blue;
  • flavored.

It is impossible not to say that this or that French cheese recipe may include either cow's, or goat's, or sheep's milk. In addition, this product can be produced on private farms or industrially.

Fresh cheeses

To understand what differences certain types of French cheeses have, you should consider them in detail.

Fresh cheeses are quite easy to distinguish from other varieties. After all, they have a white and shiny surface. This product does not have a peel. As a rule, it is ready for use within a few days or even hours after production.

Eighth place - Emmental

This product has a spicy and sweet taste with a characteristic piquancy. In the context of this cheese, large cavities are visible. Their presence is explained by the manufacturing process, as a result of which bacteria release carbon dioxide. In some countries, it is called Swiss, since it was in this state that it was first produced.

In combination with cheese such as Gruyère, Emmental is used to make fondue.

Ninth place - Reblushon

It is a French soft cheese made from unpasteurized cow's milk in the Savoie region at the foot of the Alps. This product has a so-called washed crust. After all, after pressing it is thoroughly washed in brine.

Reblochon was originally made in the Arly and Tone valleys. Its name comes from the verb reblocher, which in French means "re-milk the cow". According to legend, in the 16th century, peasants paid a tax that depended on the amount of milk produced. To reduce the tribute, cows were not milked in the presence of officials. But after the tax collectors left, this process was carried out again. It was from this milk that the peasants made the magnificent Reblushon cheese.

This product is produced in the form of a circle, which matures for 2-4 weeks. The finished cheese has an orange rind with a thin white coating and a sweetish pulp.

Tenth place - Roquefort

It's blue French cheese with mold. It is ideal for preparing fresh vegetable salads. In addition, this product is served with toast and white wine. It is made from pasteurized sheep's milk. After a long exposure, the cheese acquires the taste of hazelnuts.

Now you know which top ten cheeses are the most popular among the French. But in addition to the listed varieties, I would like to introduce others. If our ranking had 11th place, then it would, without any doubt, be taken by the French soft goat cheese Sainte-Maur-de-Touraine, which has a salty-sour taste and nutty aroma. It ripens from 10 days to 6 weeks.

In addition, I would like to highlight the French soft goat cheese called Chabichu-du-Poitou. It has a specific smell of milk and a strong nutty aroma.

Popular French cheese with an unpleasant aroma

Vieux Boulogne is the stinkiest French cheese made in Boulogne-sur-Mer in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais. It is made on the basis of unpasteurized cow's milk and matures for 7-9 weeks. The head of this product is square in shape.

Vieux Boulogne cheese is known all over the world for its strong aroma. In the fall of 2004, experts from Cranfield University awarded him the status of "the most smelly cheese."

It is known that the mold product is an exquisite component that is used to create many culinary masterpieces or served as an independent snack. Each piece intrigues with a complex flavor bouquet, attracts with its unusual elegant crust and delicate pulp inside. Find out what varieties of cheese are, why it is considered beneficial to human health.

Benefits of white mold cheeses

A specific smell and not too attractive appearance hide not just a masterpiece of production, but also a storehouse of benefits for humans. Due to the daily use (serving should not exceed 50 g) of a delicacy with white mold, tremendous changes occur in the body:

  • The activity of the digestive system, metabolic processes is normalized, the intestines are cleansed, the work of the brain and heart improves due to the mold spores present in the composition.
  • The bone skeleton, teeth, nails, and muscular system are strengthened due to the presence of minerals and vitamins.
  • The body is saturated with irreplaceable, easily digestible amino acids - milk proteins.
  • Arteries/vessels are cleansed, their performance is increased, thereby reducing the risk of arthritis / heart attack and even multiple sclerosis - all this is due to the anti-inflammatory effect that the mold delicacy has.
  • The hormonal balance is restored, the mental and emotional state of a person improves, because the adrenal glands produce an increased dose of glucocorticoids.
  • Wounds heal quickly due to the presence of histidine and valine.
  • The process of natural breakdown of fats is launched, which helps people achieve better results when losing weight.

Composition of the product

Cheese production is often based on the use of a domesticated spore species - Penicillium camemberti. In addition, the products covered with a white edible coating contain vitamin D (calciferol), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium - nutrients that help maintain the normal functioning of the human body. Amino acids are also present in such products: histidine, valine, tryptophan, arginine.

Taste qualities

Depending on the type, the cheese can have a delicately spicy, salty, creamy taste with hints of fruits and mushrooms. A dairy product with white mold should leave a pleasant mossy aftertaste after tasting. A high-quality delicacy melts in your mouth, has a delicate texture without hard and dry pieces. The smell of a moldy product is weak, the mushroom aroma is barely caught.

How blue cheese is made

There is a soft and hard moldy product, but it is prepared mainly from cow's milk of maximum fat content. True, the popular Roquefort cheese and some other Eastern European types are made on the basis of sheep and goat milk. There are many recipes for a delicacy with mold, but the cooking technology is the same in almost all cases:

  1. Unpasteurized goat's or cow's milk is heated in a heavy-bottomed pan (triple) or in a water bath to a certain temperature.
  2. Mold is poured into milk, then sourdough. Lastly, rennet is added.
  3. After stirring and infusion, the resulting clot is cut into small pieces.
  4. The milk billet is heated again and left - the curd mass (without whey) must settle in a certain time. For the next few days (or hours), the delicacy is placed on a drainage pan (or drainage mat) or placed in a round shape. From time to time, the product is turned over so that it compacts and mold grows on all sides.
  5. After this stage, the delicacy is manually salted and left to mature, placed on a rack in a cold, damp basement, the walls and ceiling of which are covered with noble mold. On average, the product ripening period is 5 weeks. The finished delicacy has a fluffy moldy coating, round, square or oval shape (neuchatel is more often made in the shape of a heart).

Popular varieties

Each of the existing types of delicacies, covered on all sides with white mold, has its own homeland, its own history of occurrence and distribution. Such dairy products are becoming increasingly popular - true connoisseurs, gourmets and ordinary consumers appreciate them for their aromatic properties and excellent original taste. The most famous varieties are:

  • boulette d'aven;
  • nonchatel;
  • crotten;
  • Camembert;
  • saint-more;
  • valence.

Brie - soft cheese with noble mold made from cow's milk

The French delicacy gained unprecedented popularity several centuries ago. The product is made from fresh unpasteurized cow's milk, using rennet, and after 2 hours it is put into molds. For a day, the clot is left without a load, then it is taken out and salted. Brie is left to mature for 2-4 weeks. The product ripens due to the activity of mold enzymes penetrating inside. The consistency of mature cheese is from semi-liquid to waxy.

The classic French delicacy attracts consumers not only with creamy pulp, but also with a delicate creamy-nutty taste (with a barely perceptible bitterness), intertwined with mushroom and fruit notes. Young soft cheese with white mold has a sweetish taste, while mature cheese is pungent and has a bright smell. There are several varieties of this variety:

  • Brie de Mo - covered with a thin crust, under which there is a yellowish, oily, almost non-spreading creamy pulp. It has a rich aroma, a well-pronounced sweetish-nutty flavor.

  • Brie de Melin - with a dense yellow center, bright aroma with notes of mold, hay and damp earth. Captivates consumers with a refreshing strong taste.

  • Brie Noir, unlike other varieties of the subgroup, has more intense flavor notes, a pronounced aroma and a long aftertaste, because it comes to full readiness within a year, while the cheese is provided with special conditions. Brie Noir is covered with a gray-black rind, which is slightly scraped with the blunt side of a knife before use.

Boulette d'Aven - French flavored cheese with spices

A dairy product is made using cow's milk. The name of the delicacy comes from the city from which its history began - Avena. In the preparation of boulette d'Avena, skimmed cream made from cow's milk first served as the basis. Later, the producers changed the recipe, and as the main ingredient they took fresh sediment obtained from merual cheese.

Boulette d'Avena is prepared as follows: the mass is crushed, mixed with various seasonings (cloves, parsley, tarragon, pepper), shaped into cones or balls. The crust is tinted with annatto, a special plant, and then sprinkled with paprika and molds. For ripening, the cheese is left for 2-3 months. During this time, the crust is periodically soaked in beer, which makes it more aromatic and tasty.

The cheese has a round or original triangular (cone-shaped) shape, the weight of one product does not exceed 300 g. The surface of the boulette d'Aven is covered with a moist red crust, consisting of mold and paprika. Inside hides a snow-white pulp with fragrant spices. The fat content is 45%, and the main flavor notes of the delicacy are provided by pepper, tarragon and the main milk component. The French delicacy is used as a main course or served as an appetizer.

Camembert is a plush cheese from Normandy.

Camembert de Normandie is a product made from cow's milk. According to legend, the recipe was discovered by a peasant woman from the village of Camembert in 1791. Camembert is one of the most popular types of soft cheeses. In hot weather, the production of this dairy product is often difficult, so it is made from September to May. Favorable conditions contribute to the accelerated growth of white plaque, which quickly turns blue, so the surface of the product is covered with a bluish-gray crust.

After that, the product is transferred to another cellar, where the humidity level is maximum and the air temperature is about 10 °C. Under such conditions, microorganisms grow more slowly, and become reddish-brown. Cheese is considered ripe when its consistency is viscous. The finished dairy product should be soft to the touch, but not crumble when cut. The solid middle and semi-liquid pulp around indicate that the product was prepared without following the technology.

Quality camembert is covered with a white velvet crust, and the “wrinkles” should be with a pink-red tint. The smell is fresh, mushroom notes may be present. The product has a delicate creamy taste, under no circumstances gives off ammonia. The heads are packed in straw in 6 pieces, transported in light wooden boxes. Camembert is not stored for long, so it is often sold unripe. In this case, you will need to let the cheese ripen at home without cutting the white surface. Before use, the product is removed from the refrigerator, cut into portions and left to thaw slightly.

Buch de Chevre - exquisitely spicy cheese in the form of a roll

This dairy product is made in Russia in compliance with French technology. The main ingredients are the milk of exotic Nubian goats and Spanish noble mold. The product is produced in the form of a large roll, the surface of which is evenly covered with a thick layer of snow-white crust. Buch de Chevre has a delicately spicy taste, while nutty notes are noticeable near the velvet shell, closer to the middle - a creamy aftertaste and aroma.

Neuchâtel - a delicacy with a hard, heart-shaped crust

This French blue cheese comes from Upper Normandy. A feature of the nechatel is a dry dense crust with a snow-white fluffy coating and an elastic pulp with a mushroom smell. The manufacturing technology of the product has hardly changed for several centuries: milk is poured into warm containers, rennet, whey are added, after which the mixture is left for a couple of days. The whey is drained, bacteria are sent to the dishes, then the mass is pressed and dried on wooden shelves. The nechatel is salted by hand, after which it is left in the cellar to mature for 7-10 days.

The fat content of the finished dairy French delicacy is 50%. The product has a dry velvety crust, the surface of which is completely covered by a homogeneous snow-white noble mold. Neuchâtel differs from other types of cheese in its original shape - it is mostly prepared and served in the shape of a small or large heart, rather than the traditional circle, oval or square.

How to eat white cheese

It is recommended to eat foods with a white crust in the evening, because the calcium contained in them is better absorbed by the body at night. The optimal portion for every day is 30 g. All elite varieties can be eaten with bread, but without the use of butter. Roquefort in this case is an exception. Delicacies such as camembert or brie are best served with soft white bread. This kind of product goes well with fruits, especially grapes and pears. The best companions of products are white semi-dry and dry wines, champagne.

What do they eat with

Depending on the type, dairy products with a white crust are recommended to be consumed with different products. Best combined:

  • brie de meulin - with rustic bread;
  • classic brie - with cherry tomatoes, strawberries, melons, ripe apples, arugula and all other types of lettuce, balsamic vinegar;
  • camembert - with berries, pears, apples, homemade bread, cider, calvados;
  • busche de chevre - with cherry tomatoes, avocado, grapes, mint, berries, wine sauces, mixed salad, asparagus, sweet tea;
  • boulette d'Aven - with red wine and gin.

Use in cooking

White mold on cheese is not a sign of spoilage, because thanks to these fungi, the product is considered a royal delicacy. This kind of dairy products are used as an independent meal or as part of a cheese plate, which is served for dessert. In addition, white-crusted treats act as additional ingredients in the preparation of salads, sauces, second courses, sandwiches:

  • Mix Roquefort with butter, spread the resulting mass on warm white bread toasts (after cutting off the crusts).
  • Combine brie with Dijon mustard, spread pita bread with the mixture, roll everything into a tube, put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After that, cut the roll obliquely and serve with dry wine or grape juice.
  • Camembert cut in half, soaked in fortified wine or liquor, breaded, deep-fried, served with lingonberry sauce.
  • Sprinkle camembert with spices and raisins, bake in the oven, serve with sweet and sour berry sauce.
  • Brie breaded in small breadcrumbs, deep-fried (or in a pan), serve hot with fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  • Brie add to fondue, batter, pie, cottage cheese casserole, filling for croissants or puffs.
  • Buch de Chevre clean a little of the white moldy layer, breaded in almond flakes, fry in vegetable oil. Serve hot, garnished with blueberries and raspberries.

Storage Features

Cheese with noble mold is a living product that ripens very quickly and changes its qualities. For those who do not have the skills to "communicate" with such a delicacy, it is important to know how to store it in the refrigerator so that fungi do not destroy the pulp. To do this, check out some recommendations:

  1. Penicillium develops in warm rooms with high humidity, so products with a white (and blue too) surface are best stored in places where the temperature is 4-6 ° C, humidity - 95%. At a higher temperature, the fungi will grow, but if the thermometer is at a lower level, the cheese mass will crumble.
  2. The above temperature conditions do not apply to moldy brie. This variety is able to retain its taste even at very low temperatures - up to -20 ° C. Otherwise, there is no difference between the storage conditions of a product with white mold and blue mold.
  3. When storing delicacies in the refrigerator, they must be wrapped tightly with cling film, foil or parchment, because noble microorganisms can quickly "crawl" to nearby foods and make them their habitat, after which they will cease to be beneficial to the body.
  4. Soft cheese with mold should not be placed on the same shelf with components that have a pungent odor: onions, fish, and other cheeses. The delicate porous mass will quickly absorb foreign odors, after which the taste of the delicacy will change.
  5. Subject to all recommended storage rules, the shelf life of Camembert is up to 5 weeks, Brie - up to 2 weeks, Roquefort - up to 3-4 weeks. Gorgonzola, on the other hand, will need to be consumed in 3-5 days, because the product quickly overripes.

What is harmful soft cheese with mold

Although such products are considered delicacies, they must be introduced into the diet with caution, because the components contained in large quantities with constant use can harm the human body. Learn more about what these components are and how they can be dangerous:

  • Salt. Cheese has been recognized as the most salty food - in CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) it ranks 3rd after bread and bacon. 100 g of the delicacy contains 1.7 g of salt, while the daily requirement for a person is only 2.3 g. Regular consumption of excessive amounts of dietary sodium is fraught with impaired functionality of the body. In addition, salt is addictive.
  • Hormones that pass through cow's milk. In addition, pus from the bladder of a pet gets into the product. Cows on farms are often given injections of antibiotics and hormones. Together with milk (and products made from it), all these enzymes penetrate the human body, and the result is a hormonal imbalance, breast or prostate cancer, and the development of osteoporosis.
  • Listeria monocytogenes bacteria introduced with unpasteurized milk. Due to the consumption of contaminated cheese (bacteria can also be concentrated in seafood and poultry), an infectious pathology occurs - listeriosis. The disease is dangerous for pregnant women, because it can cause miscarriage, premature birth, the development of pneumonia / sepsis / meningitis in the fetus.
  • Spores of the Penicillium fungus suppress the intestinal microflora, disrupt its work, and cause dysbacteriosis. These ailments occur in people who consume more than 50 g of the delicacy per day.

Contraindications for use

  • with arthritis or polyarthritis;
  • during pregnancy, while breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of fungal diseases (also applies to thrush);
  • people who are obese and have a tendency to edema;
  • with asthma or neurodermatitis;
  • people with a weakened liver, unstable blood pressure;
  • suffering from neurological diseases;
  • those who have dysbacteriosis, acute or chronic diseases of the stomach or intestines;
  • children under 12 years old.


Noble moldy cheese still frightens buyers not only by the price, but also by its appearance. Yes, this delicacy does not smell as pleasant as a solid counterpart, but the taste of the delicacy is divine. See for yourself, but first find out what are the benefits of the product for the body and what types of this cheese is.

Blue cheese - types

In Russia, cheese with a noble fungal coating is practically not produced, but in Italy and France they have been doing this for several centuries. Meticulous statistics claim that there are more than 500 varieties of delicacy delicacy, but among this huge family there are specialtypes of blue cheese:

  • red crust: Munster-Jerome, Limburgsky, Epoisse;
  • bluish-green mold: Dor Blue, Gorgonzola, Roquefort;
  • white or black bloom: Brie, Camembert, goat Valençay.

With white mold

It is easy to recognize it from a thousand species on the counter - a white fluffy mold is applied on top of the cheese. This variety is eaten with a crust, it gives the product an exquisite spicy taste and oily texture. smellcheeses with white mold, as a rule, earth, moss, withered grass, mushrooms - the same smell in the coming autumn. Among the few varieties popular cheeses are Normandy Camembert, Brie, Boulet-daven - one of the most odorous French cheeses.

With blue mold

This type of cheese mold is located not on the surface of the head, but inside. Its taste largely depends on the milk used, the degree of aging and the technology of preparation. There are three leaders, the most famous around the world - these are Roquefort, Stilton and Gorgonzola.Blue cheeseof these brands has a salty, spicy and pungent taste, and smells like a mixture of thousands of aromas, the most striking of which are moss, oil or mold.

With red mold

Another type of elite delicacy is with red, orange or burgundy mold. Amazing shadered mold cheesesobtained through a special technology of washing during the aging of the product:

  • Camembert is immersed in cider, due to which the taste of this product is too sharp.
  • The German Limburger is tied up with reeds and sprinkled with water tinted with annatto dye.
  • Epoisse is washed with Burgundy vodka, made from red grapes.


Having tasted only 100 grams of elite cheese, you will get approximately 340 kcal and a lot of fat. The feeling of fullness is given by proteins, which are more in cheese than in fish or meat. INcompoundincludes calcium, phosphorus, zinc and other trace elements. In addition, the delicacy will supply the body with a whole group of vitamins:

  • Vitamin B - is necessary for the good functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamin A - responsible for visual acuity.
  • Vitamin D - makes bones, teeth and nails strong.

Benefit and harm

They love a moldy product not only for its pungent taste, unusual look and smell, but also for a lot of useful qualities.What is useful blue cheese, can be summarized as follows:

  • It helps restore the acid-base balance in the mouth and eliminate bad breath.
  • Phosphorus salts will remove toxins from the body and protect the skin from negative UV radiation.
  • Another benefit of the delicacy is the prevention of premature wrinkles, due to the active production of collagen, and the solution of the problems of oily facial skin.
  • Doctors recommend eating 50 grams of cheese treats per day for those who suffer from intestinal upset.

Cheese will be harmful for pregnant women, due to the high risk of developing listeriosis. For the same reasons, you should not feed them to small children. Another contraindication is chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and enterocolitis. High fat and high protein content will harm, not benefit, patients with endocrine disorders and obesity.

How blue cheese is made

The easiest varieties to prepare are Livaro, Brie Noir and Munster. So,how blue cheese is madered color by washing or soaking the curd mass in various brines, including alcohol. The quality and taste of the finished product depends on the degree of maturation of the cheese. At first, they have a soft and creamy taste, after a week of storage - spicy, and spicy for a stale one.

The most interesting is the production of blue cheese. On a small scale, this delicacy ripens in fleurine caves, where the air temperature is around 9 degrees all year round and the humidity is 95%. A draft helps to get moldy, which transfers spores from the walls of the cave to food. On a large scale, bacteria are introduced into the head of the ripening delicacy with special tubes, but this does not affect the quality of the product.

mold for cheese

All noble mold on cheese- this is, in fact, the same penicillin in its pure form. At the same time, each variety of delicacy has its own type of fungus: in Roquefort it is Penicillium roqueforti, and Penicillium glaucum settles in Morbier cheese. A pure bacterial culture is grown in special laboratories and only in the province of Rouergue in France can one find natural strains of the fungus.

How to store

Soft moldy ones cannot be kept at home for a long time, so you should not buy this product for future use. To prevent the piece from molding quickly, ask the seller to first put the cheese on the tray, and then wrap it with paper. If the house has a place with good ventilation, dark and cool, then it is better to put a piece of goodies there.Storing blue cheesein the refrigerator - not the best option. It has a lot of odors and little oxygen.

How to eat

In cooking, there are many recipes for dishes with an elite delicacy. However, do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying the pure exquisite taste of the delicacy without additives. Fruits can be served with soft moldy: apples, figs, mangoes, pears. It is good if walnuts or almonds are present on the cheese plate. Delicacies with a blue coating will seem tastier if you drop a little honey on them.

What is blue cheese eaten with?other than fruits and nuts? They are also served with different wines. At the same time, for each variety, it is worth choosing a special brand of alcoholic beverage. The sharp taste of Roquefort or Bleu de Cos will be emphasized by the addition of tart and sweetish drinks - sauternes or port wine. Brie, Camembert and other soft varieties pair perfectly with Chardonnay and sparkling champagne.

Blue cheese recipes

The overseas delicacy is included in many gourmet recipes: it makes excellent sauces, light salad, polenta and Italian risotto. In fashionable restaurants, you can taste mushroom cream soup or feast on green beans in a creamy cheese sauce. Manyblue cheese disheseasy to cook even in your own kitchen.


  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 225 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.

The homemade recipe for this salad was born in America, where it was nicknamed Cobb salad. In the classic recipe, the dish includes: low-fat bacon, chicken fillet, moldy cheese, avocado and cherry tomatoes. The special piquant taste of the delicacy is emphasized by a light dressing of olive oil. If desired, you can add a little Dijon mustard, olives and any greens to the sauce.


  • cherry tomatoes - 15 pcs.;
  • blue cheese - 150 g;
  • chicken fillet - 1 pc.;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • quail eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - 6 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the bacon, then pass the chicken in the same oil.
  2. Slice eggs, avocado and tomatoes.
  3. Arrange lettuce leaves around the plate, then eggs, cheese, bacon, chicken, avocado, tomatoes.
  4. Refuel blue cheese saladolive oil.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 390 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Sauces based on a noble fermented milk product are perfect for fish or lean meat. The advantage of this dressing lies in the ease of preparation. You only need to heat the cream a little, and then dissolve the pieces of cheese treat in them. The density of the sauce is formed due to the amount of added cheese and does not require additional thickening ingredients - starch, eggs or sour cream.


  • rokforti - 100 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the cream over low heat until thickened.
  2. Add cheese pieces, stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Spice up blue cheese sauce with creamground pepper to taste.

Salad with pear

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 156.3 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This salad is prepared in several steps. First, pear slices are caramelized in a special way in a pan, then all the ingredients are simply mixed. Dressing the appetizer is unnecessary, but you can use olive oil if you wish. For greater satiety, you can put boiled chicken in the salad. It goes well with sweet pear.


  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • rokforti - 25 g;
  • walnuts - 1 handful;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sesame seed - ½ tsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the kernels of nuts, lightly fry.
  2. Melt sugar, vinegar, oil in a pan. Caramelize the pear pieces in the mixture.
  3. Cheese with mold and pearput on a plate, sprinkle with nuts and sesame seeds.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 387 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Blue cheese canape recipeswill be especially appropriate for a light buffet or a celebratory banquet in buffet style. You can string any non-acid fruits on skewers: grapes, apples or pears. Or make hearty sandwiches on skewers of pork and several types of cabbage. Find out how to bring this idea to life with the following photo recipe.


  • pork - 100 g;
  • broccoli - 50 g;
  • cauliflower - 50 g;
  • rokforti - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut fresh meat into pieces, fry.
  2. Blanch the cabbage in boiling water, divide into inflorescences.
  3. Thread food onto skewers.
  4. Finish with a square of soft blue cheese.
  5. Shelf life of skewers - no more than 24 hours.

Video: how to make camembert at home
