
Pigtail cheese is very salty what to do. Cheese is too salty

Cheese brine is a self-prepared solution consisting of salt and water. It is believed that in order to make 10 liters of brine, an average of 2.5 kg of salt and 7.5 liters of water will be needed. How to make pickle for cheese correctly? Do I need to cook the cheese first and should the purchased product be poured with homemade brine?

Brine for homemade cheese

To use the brine, you first need to prepare homemade cheese, which will be simply excellent for testing. By taste, it will resemble Adyghe.

For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 liters of milk;
  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt.

Step by step cooking instructions

Cooked kefir should be put on low heat and wait until the cottage cheese begins to separate, and a greenish liquid appears from below. After that, the cottage cheese should be filtered with a colander covered with gauze. The resulting cottage cheese can be put in the refrigerator, and the whey is poured into a liter jar and let it sour for 2 days.

After two days, you need to take fresh milk, bring it to a boil and, after reducing the heat, pour cheese brine into the milk pan - ready whey. On low heat, the milk should curdle and give all the protein. The cheese will rise up, separating from the whey. After that, the fire on the stove can be extinguished and the contents of the pan drained into a colander, previously covered with fresh gauze.

Add salt to the strained cheese and mix the resulting product thoroughly. Next, it must be hung for 30 minutes in gauze so that all the liquid is glassed. When half an hour has passed, you should form a head of homemade cheese from the mass in gauze and place it under oppression.

After waiting a couple of hours, you can remove the gauze and cut the finished homemade product. From this amount of milk, as a rule, half a kilogram of pickled cheese is obtained. If the whey remains, you can make another head of homemade cheese from it according to this recipe.

In the event that the cheese turned out to be very salty, it must be poured over with boiling water before use. Another option is to dip the product into boiled water or milk a couple of hours before eating. To achieve a more delicate creamy taste, it is necessary to put the cheese in milk for a couple of days. To spice it up, you need to dilute 350 grams of salt in 1 liter of boiled water and pour the cheese with the resulting brine for another 1 day. Then try the product and either leave it for another 1-2 days, or change the brine to a lighter one by adding 200 grams of salt to 1 liter of water. Cheese that has been soaked in milk should be stored in the same solution.

How to prepare cheese pickle?

In the event that homemade cheese is already ready, but there was no brine at hand, you can use the following recipe to make it.

For the brine you will need the following ingredients:

  • 65 grams of salt;
  • 500 ml of water.

The finished cheese must be cut into pieces about 10-15 cm thick. To prepare a brine for cheese, salt should be dissolved in boiled water. Then leave the salted solution until it cools to room temperature. After that, pour the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of cheese with brine and salt them for 1-2 days. After the allotted time, the resulting homemade product can be eaten.

Georgian cuisine

If you prepare Georgian cheese pickle, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 200 grams of salt;
  • 50 grams of sugar.

Add the required amount of salt and sugar to 1 liter of water. Pre-cut the cheese into medium-sized pieces, put the resulting product in a bowl and pour water. Then drain the liquid, measuring the required amount of water, and boil it with sugar and salt. The brine should be allowed to cool slightly, then strain and pour cheese over it, placing a plate on it, and a press on top of the plate.

How to store cheese?

In order for cooked cheese not to spoil for as long as possible and retain its beneficial substances, you need to learn how to store it properly. For this you will need:

  • brine;
  • storage capacity;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • textile;
  • foil.

The better the quality of homemade cheese, the longer it will be stored. It is important that it does not release a large amount of moisture. In no case should its packaging be raised or contain sticky crumbs. When the cheese crumbles or dries up on different sides, it is likely that it has been cooked for a relatively long time.

Therefore, it is better to leave the cheese in the brine in which it was made. It will serve as an additional means of protecting the fermented milk product, a kind of preservative that protects it from premature spoilage. Cheese with brine is sealed tightly in a storage container and remains edible for several weeks. If the cheese was bought separately without brine, you can make it yourself at home by preparing a lightly salted solution. You can also leave the cheese in a plastic container, after wrapping it in a damp cloth or aluminum foil. In addition, you can put a small piece of refined sugar next to it.

Before cutting the cheese, the knife should be doused with hot water. So the product will not crumble when cutting.

Brynza cheese, obtained from sheep's milk, contains a lot of necessary substances in its composition. It can be consumed in its pure form or used to make various dishes. But the peculiarity of this cheese is that it is quite salty at the beginning, which is determined by the method of its manufacture. If the acquired product turned out to be exactly like this, there are several methods for soaking cheese.

You will need

  • - the deepest dishes;
  • - cheese;
  • – water;
  • - milk.

Take a single bar and cut into pieces of the desired size. If a salad is to be prepared, then these should be small pieces of 1 by 1 cm; for sandwiches, cheese is cut into thin plates. You can soak the feta cheese in a whole piece, but the excess salt will leave the crushed cheese even faster and it can be used as an ingredient in various recipes. Remember that excessive saltiness gives the cheese a peculiar zest, otherwise it would have a completely different taste, so it cannot be completely unsalted.

For previously prepared cheese, put in a deep bowl. Take ordinary milk and fill it with cheese so that it completely covers all the pieces. If you soak the cheese in milk instead of water, it will be more tender. Soaked cheese will be ready in 4-5 hours. If you add a little dark pepper and chopped greens to milk, you can get a more special taste.

If there is no milk at hand, take ordinary boiled water. From time to time you can come across advice that it needs to be brought to the highest temperatures, but if you overdo it too much, you can simply spoil the product. Therefore, its temperature should be warm, but not very hot. Pour water over crushed cheese and leave overnight, this will help make the cheese less salty.

If there is not so much time for soaking, speed up the process by changing the water a couple of times, in which cheese is soaked. A sign that it is time to change it is the cooling of the water to room temperature. Its repeated change will help to restore the taste properties of even completely salted cheese. If even after soaking the taste of cheese remains very salty, you need to choose a combination with such products that will absorb salt and not add it additionally to the finished dish.

In some cases, the degree of saltiness of the cheese is due to its excessive shelf life, so pay attention to this when buying. Health is even more valuable than saving on buying a fresher block of cheese.

A reasonable person is reasonable because he is able to come up with cunning ways that greatly facilitate survival. Take, for example, the highlands. It is inconvenient to engage in agriculture there, so you have to focus on animal husbandry. Meat, milk, rare cereals that can still be collected in such places - that's the whole diet. And it still needs to be stored somehow ... Fortunately, the cunning highlanders found a way out.

Cheese is the result of exposure to lactic acid bacteria in milk, as well as some additional manipulations. But even this wonderful thing cannot, because the mold is only happy with such a nutritious basis. So the highlanders decided to soak such cheese in a strong saline solution. The idea justified itself, and the resulting product was called suluguni.

What, exactly, is the point. Thermally processed cheese is not a very favorable environment for bacteria and other microorganisms. And if it is also placed in brine, with a salt content of at least 15, then in this form the cheese will easily last for several months. In fact, lying in brine for a month and a half suluguni considered "aged" and valued much more than fresh.

Cooking process suluguni differs from classical methods of cheese making. But first things first.

First we need raw materials. Any milk - cow, sheep, even buffalo milk will do. We heat this milk to 35 degrees, and then add lactic ferment there. Any - sour cream, pure sour-milk culture. Wait half an hour. During this time, the milk will begin to sour and turn into a dense clot. Grind it into small pieces, drain two-thirds of the whey and set aside until better times. The cheese itself is lightly pressed, soaked with whey and left to ripen, periodically turning over.

This will take at least 5 hours. The readiness criterion is a small piece of the future suluguni, placed in hot (70 degrees), water becomes viscous. If the cheese has already reached this state, we take it out, cut it into strips a centimeter thick and place it in a cauldron filled with hot water or heated and fat-free whey (which we set aside) with a temperature of up to 70 degrees. The strips will start to melt, so suluguni You will need to knead by hand until completely smooth.

Next, the molten mass is pulled out onto the table, pieces are cut off from it, manually wrapped, rounded and smoothed to obtain the shape of a disk - the traditional “cheese head”. Immediately after that we put suluguni for a couple of minutes in cold water, and then - in a mold sprinkled with salt. When the mass finally hardens, we immerse the cheese in a concentrated saline solution based on the same fat-free whey. The salt concentration is 15-20 percent.

In salt whey, the cheese is quite calmly stored for at least several months. If necessary, the serum can be updated. Well, what's next with suluguni to do ... To be honest, salty slightly viscous cheese goes well with beer. But other areas of application are very extensive. And a quality long-term storage product is not nonsense for you.

Brynza is a pickled cheese made from cow's, goat's or sheep's milk, usually white or slightly yellowish in color, with a sour-milk taste and smell, dense, even hard, slightly brittle texture.

Every hostess who loves this cheese is faced with the following situation: “I bought feta cheese, but it is very salty. What to do?"

Cheese must be stored in saline. If it is lightly salted, then it will spoil faster.

Most often it is Bulgarian cheese. You can make it less salty, or you can cook something so that this quality only benefits the taste of the dish. Let's consider both options.

Tip 1: soak the cheese in water, and even better in milk for several hours, then it will become a little denser. Cheese must first be cut into plates about 3 cm thick or even thinner. The water needs to be changed after 2 hours and be sure to taste the cheese. But whey takes the salt best of all.

Feta and soft cheese cannot be soaked in liquid, it can dissolve.

Tip 2: pour boiling water over the cheese (if it is dense and elastic enough) so that the salt comes out faster. Keep until the water cools down. But be prepared for the fact that the cheese can become soft, like chewing gum. Therefore, many chefs do not recommend this method of soaking cheese.

What to cook from very salty cheese

1. Vegetable salad in the style of Horiatika, that is, Greek. In the homeland of the recipe, it is prepared simply, not without reason it is called rustic. It’s our cooks who argue whether to put bell peppers in a Greek salad, and in Greece they chop all the fresh vegetables that are in the house in large pieces, add greens and olives, put them in a large bowl, put a plate of homemade cheese on top and pour generously with olive oil . Therefore, prepare a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, put diced cheese in it, and serve. Salting the dish, of course, is not necessary. In addition to Greek, beetroot salad with nuts is very tasty with grated cheese.

2. Crushed salted cheese can be sprinkled on baked potatoes. And with too salty feta cheese, they bake khachapuri, puff envelopes with cheese, potato pies or cheesecakes, mixing grated feta cheese with an egg for the filling.

3. Salty biscuits with cheese for beer.


  • 150 g cheese
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g butter
  • 0.5 cup walnut kernels
  • Red ground pepper


Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, mix with softened butter, add flour, chopped nuts. Mash and break the eggs into the dough. Roll out into a layer half a centimeter thick. Brush top with beaten egg and sprinkle with pepper. cut into strips and bake until light brown.

4. Grind with herbs and stuff fresh or even slightly sweet pancakes or pita bread.

5. Cheese sandwich paste.


  • cheese - 500 g
  • garlic - 1 head
  • butter - 250 g
  • walnuts, shelled - 2 cups
  • dill, parsley

How to cook:

Cheese, peeled garlic and nuts pass through a meat grinder. Add butter, mix thoroughly and chill in the refrigerator.

Salt is such an ingredient that you cannot do without in the preparation of homemade cheese.

The structure, consistency and quality of the product depends on the salting. Salt regulates microbiological and biochemical processes in cheese.

Excessive salting dramatically slows down the maturation of cheeses, the cheese mass becomes dry and brittle.

If there is not enough salt, then fermented cheese can be obtained.

The type and taste of cheese will directly depend on the salting method and the amount of salt.

And salt is also a preservative, it affects the reproduction of microorganisms, but an overabundance of it is also detrimental to some varieties of cheeses.

But salt is not just salt, it comes in different qualities and tastes differently. The most important criteria when choosing salt for salting cheese is its purity and lack of bitterness.

And if you use the dry salting method, then the size of the salt should be about 1 mm so that it is gradual.

In other cases, it is best to use fine salt.

There are 4 ways to salt homemade cheese:

  • dry or wet salt (thick)
  • brine
  • in grain
  • combined

Salt penetrates the cheese in dissolved form, that is, in the form of brine.

And if you salt the cheese in a dry way, then when dissolved, it will absorb moisture from the cheese, and then penetrate into the cheese mass. The cheese itself dries out.

With a dry salting method, salt will inhibit the activity of gas-forming bacteria and reduce the number and size of eyes.

This is especially noticeable in the subcortical layer, which is in contact with salt the most.

Even famous for its eyes in the subcortical layer, it either does not have eyes, or they are very small.

To salt homemade cheese in a dry way, you need to rub its surface with dry salt.

This should be done daily, rubbing the top and bottom sides of the cheese in turn and laying it with the salted side up. The duration of the process will depend on the type of cheese, its size and temperature.

A similar option is how to salt thick cheese. Wet salt grounds with such salting should be applied to the top and sides of the cheese.

This is done every day, turning the cheese on the other side each time, until it is completely salted.

Ambassador of homemade cheese with brine

As a result of this process, milk sugar is removed from the cheese, from the surface to deep layers, and the cheese mass receives the right amount of salt.

There is a slowdown of bacteriological processes, which is important in the fight against early swelling of cheese, which is caused by bacteria of the Escherichia coli group.

To prepare 10 liters of such a brine, you need to take 2.5 kg of salt and 7.5 liters of water. For quick dissolution of salt, it is better to take hot water. After that, the brine is filtered and cooled to the required temperature.

If the brine is too weak, the cheese will swell and its surface will be slippery. As a result, the cheese will become softer and begin to soak.

The cheese must be completely immersed in the brine, but the stronger the solution, the more it will float. Therefore, salt is additionally sprinkled on top of the cheese, a wooden board is placed or covered with a clean cloth, the ends of which are dipped into the brine.

It is necessary to monitor the concentration of the brine, checking it with a Bohmet hydrometer and reporting the salt.

Salting homemade cheese in grains

When salting in grain, salt in the amount of 35-50 g per 10 liters of milk must be dissolved in whey or pure water.

After that, the brine is filtered and poured into the container before the second heating. This method is considered the most common among cheesemakers in making homemade cheese.

In the process, the whey is released more quickly from the grain, and it loses its stickiness faster.

Salting in the grain reduces gas formation, and when salted, you can get the so-called "blind" cheese, that is, cheese without eyes.

Brine for cheese on water dilutes the whey and reduces the amount of milk sugar in the cheese, while reducing its brittleness. Therefore, brine is made on the water when the cheese turns brittle.

Combined way to pickle cheese

Another way to salt homemade cheese is the combined method.

According to this technology, several methods are used one after another: first, cheese is salted with dry salt or grounds for 2-3 days, and then salted in brine.

When salting in the grain, the cheese is finally salted in some other way.
