
Own business: production of canned food. Technology and equipment for the production of canned food

Natural canned vegetables


Canned vegetables are products made from vegetables processed in accordance with established technologies and recipes, with or without natural food ingredients, packaged in hermetically sealed containers and subjected to heat sterilization. The shelf life of canned vegetables is at least 6 months.

In the assortment of canned vegetables, the following groups can be distinguished:

natural canned food;

Snack food;

Canned lunches;

vegetable juices;

Concentrated tomato products;

Vegetable marinades.

Natural canned vegetables

natural canned food- these are products prepared from one or more types of vegetables, filled with water (juice) with or without salt, sugar, food acids, then sterilized.

Canning factories and low-capacity workshops produce a wide range of natural canned vegetables, such as Green Peas, Green Beans, Sugar Corn, Whole Tomatoes with Skin in Tomato Juice, Cauliflower, Sweet Peppers , "Garnished carrots", "Garnished beets", "Natural tomatoes in their own juice" and other types.

Natural canned vegetables are intended as semi-finished products for the manufacture of salads, vinaigrettes, first dinner courses, as well as side dishes for second courses, or they are consumed directly with or without oil, heated or cold.

The technological process for the production of natural canned vegetables includes all operations for preparing raw materials for processing: washing, inspection, sorting, calibrating, cleaning from inedible parts, cutting or chopping, blanching.

Consider the production of canned vegetables on the example of canned food "Garnished carrots", "Garnished beetroots" and "Natural sweet peppers".

To carry out high-quality blanching, beets are pre-calibrated for small diameter 50-70 mm, medium 70-120 and large - more than 120 mm, then steamed in autoclaves or steam-water-thermal units. The processing time depends on the size of the roots. The criterion for evaluating the completion of the beet blanching process is the temperature inside the root crop, which should be 98 ° C, which ensures the inactivation of enzymes (primarily tyrosinase) and prevents darkening when cutting root crops. During the heat treatment of beets in an autoclave, they are peeled in washing machines with a grater surface. Small beets are preserved whole, and medium and large ones are cut into cubes with a face size of 8-10 mm or circles no more than 5 mm thick. Carrots, cut into sticks with a section of 5 × 5 mm, are blanched for 1-2 minutes in boiling water or steam and quickly cooled in running water. Pepper fruits are blanched with steam or in boiling water for 1-3 minutes, then quickly cooled with cold water. Blanched peppers should be elastic.

Filling preparation. Pre-sifted salt, sugar and citric acid are loaded into the boiler, the required amount of water is added, all components are dissolved by heating, brought to a boil and boiled for 3 minutes, then filtered. Check the pH of the filling before and after sterilization. For carrots and beets, the pH is 2.6 ± 0.1 before sterilization and 4.5 ± 0.1 after sterilization. Consumption rates of salt, sugar and citric acid are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 - Mass fraction of filling components for preparation
natural canned vegetables, %

Packing, seaming and sterilization . Prepared carrots or beets are placed in jars in the following ratio: 55-60% of vegetables and
40-45% fill. Jars filled with vegetables and filling are corked and sterilized. Banks of type I-82-1000 are sterilized according to the formula for 25-30-25 minutes in an autoclave at a temperature of 120 ° C and a pressure of 235 kPa. After sterilization, canned food jars are rinsed, dried, labeled and sent to a warehouse for storage.

canned food "Sweet pepper natural" cooked whole or halves (Fig. 1). To produce pepper in halves, after removing the stalk along with the seeds and blanching, the fruits are cut lengthwise into halves. The ratio of pepper fruits and filling in a tin should be as follows: pepper - 60% net weight, filling - 40%. Pepper halves are stacked tightly vertically with a wide part of the fruit up, laying the concave side one into the other in pre-prepared glass jars with a capacity of 0.5-3.0 dm 3. Jars filled with pepper are sent for pouring. The filled jars are filled with a solution at a temperature not lower than 90 ° C, immediately sealed with lacquered lids on a seaming machine and transferred for sterilization. Fruits of different colors are allowed in one jar. Cans I-82-1000 are sterilized at a temperature of 100 ° C according to the formula 20-10-25 and a pressure of 216 kPa.

Carrots and beets garnish Cauliflower

Green peas Sweet corn Sweet pepper

Picture 1 - Vegetable natural canned food

Cooking green peas. It is preferable to use varieties with a brain grain, and not with a smooth one. It is important to remove green peas in a timely manner when the grain is tender in texture (milky ripeness phase) and contains 5-8% sugars, and starch - no more than 3-5%.

Threshing is carried out in the field when harvesting with combines or at threshing stations with special machines, while the grain is isolated from the beans. Grain is delivered to canning factories in tank trucks with cold water. In chilled green peas, ripening processes are slowed down, so starch does not accumulate so quickly and a delicate texture lasts longer. Storage of green peas before canning should not exceed: in beans 12 hours, in grains 4 hours, in the refrigerator 5 days.

Grain of smooth-grain varieties is calibrated into 4 sizes, every millimeter from 5 to 9 mm in diameter. Larger grains are not used for canning. The grain of brain varieties is sorted by density, using solutions of table salt of a certain concentration: young light peas float up, mature ones remain at the bottom. Grains of green peas of the highest grade should have a density of no more than 1.03, the first grade - no more than 1.05.

The grain is blanched in water at a temperature of 75-90 ° C for 2-5 minutes or steam (the loss of sugars and vitamin C is lower). Then cool in cold water. At the same time, the starch that has come to the surface of the grains is washed off, and subsequently there is no clouding of the filling. The grain is packed into jars using automatic fillers, which simultaneously dispense hot (80 °C) filling containing 3% salt and 3% sugar. Sometimes 0.2% monosodium glutamate is added to the filling, which enhances the natural taste and smell of peas.

Filled jars are sealed on vacuum-sealing machines, sterilized in autoclaves at 116-125 ° C and quickly cooled to 40-45 ° C, otherwise the grains may soften, the starch will gelatinize, and the filling will become cloudy. Sometimes green peas are made with carrots.

The mass fraction of peas in canned food should be at least 65%, salt
0.8-1.5%, fill pH not less than 5.6.

whole natural tomatoes canned with or without skin, poured with grated tomato mass or tomato juice with the addition of herbs (parsley, dill, celery, horseradish, garlic), salt, acetic or citric acid.

Tomatoes are washed, peeled by steam or steam vacuum methods. When processing tomatoes with live steam for 10 ... 12 seconds, the connection between the skin and the pulp of the fruit is weakened. When leaving the evaporator, the tomatoes are quickly cooled with cold water, which leads to cracking of the skin, which is removed by hand.

With the steam vacuum method, tomatoes are processed for 15 seconds. live steam (steam under high pressure) followed by depressurization to 8 kPa. At the same time, the moisture under the skin instantly boils, the skin is separated from the pulp and is easily removed with water on a washing and shaking machine. The peel is removed by treatment in hot (88...99 °C) alkali with a concentration of 16-20% sodium hydroxide solution with an exposure of 45...60 sec. Then, under the shower, rinse with cold water to remove the separated peel. To remove alkali, peeled tomatoes are rinsed in containers with water and under the shower. After rinsing, the tomatoes are immersed in a 10% citric acid solution to neutralize the remaining alkali.

Tomatoes are peeled in an electric kiln at a temperature of 1000 ° C for 30 seconds in a gas flame stream or at a temperature of 400 ° C for 6 ... 8 seconds. in a hot air environment.

Tomatoes, peeled or with skin, are packed in glass or metal lacquered jars, poured with hot (80 ... to prevent cracking of tomatoes during sterilization. Banks are rolled up and sterilized at 108...120 °C for 15...40 minutes. After sterilization, canned food is quickly cooled with water.

Vegetable marinades

Marinades are canned food prepared from whole or chopped vegetables of one or more types (assorted) with the addition of drinking water, table salt, vinegar, sugar, edible vegetable oil, spices, herbs or without them. The range of vegetable marinades is very wide. Most of the vegetables grown worldwide can be preserved in this way (Fig. 2).

Picture 2 - Vegetable marinades

Classification of marinades. Depending on the content of acetic acid and the method of preparation, vegetable marinades are divided into slightly acidic, sour and spicy.

Subacid marinades are prepared from zucchini, eggplant, white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, green beans, pumpkins or their mixtures (assorted) with an acetic acid content of 0.41-0.6%.

Sour marinades are prepared from white cabbage with beets, cauliflower, garlic and other vegetables containing acetic acid from
0.61 to 0.9%.

All weakly acidic and acidic marinades are subjected to pasteurization or sterilization.

Acute marinades are made from any vegetables without pasteurization with an acetic acid content of 0.91-1.8%.

Vegetable marinades can be made from fresh vegetables or pre-salted cucumbers and tomatoes, whole or chopped, or from a mixture of whole or chopped vegetables (assorted). Depending on the method of preparation, vegetable marinades (including assorted ones) are divided into pickled whole vegetables and chopped pickled vegetables.

Features of preparation of certain types of vegetables for processing. Blanch peppers in boiling water for 0.5-1.0 minutes or steam for 15-30 seconds, cauliflower in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and white cabbage for only 1 minute (non-digestible varieties). Boiled varieties of white cabbage are pre-salted. To do this, chopped cabbage is sprinkled with table salt (2% by weight of cabbage) and after thorough mixing, it is kept for 1-2 hours at room temperature, and then served for packaging. The salt used for salting is taken into account in the total amount of salt that is based on the recipe. Tomatoes, squash and garlic are not always blanched. Cucumbers are kept for 2 hours in cold water.

Preparation of marinade components. Parsley, dill, celery, marjoram, basil, clary sage should be fresh. It is carefully inspected and washed on a machine or in small portions of 3-4 kg on nets for 5-6 minutes at a height of a layer of greenery of 15-20 mm and pressure
196-294 kPa. Then the greens are cut into pieces 40-60 mm long. The criterion for assessing the correctness of the preparation of greens is the total bacterial contamination. The total number of microorganisms in 1 g of fresh herbs prepared for processing should not exceed 75 thousand.

Grains of black and allspice pepper are sterilized dry in jars
I-82-500 according to the formula 25-50-25 min in an autoclave at a temperature of 120 °C and a pressure of 177-216 kPa. After the inspection, the bay leaf is poured with five to six times the amount of water and kept for 30-40 minutes at room temperature, then the water is drained and the bay leaf is poured again with the same amount of water, the water is drained, and the bay leaf is rinsed and used to prepare the marinade filling.

Salt and sugar are sifted through a sieve with an electromagnet. Sunflower oil is heated at a temperature of 130 ° C and filtered through a sieve with a hole diameter of 0.8-1.0 mm.

Cylinders with acetic acid are washed with water from dust and straw, opened, the integrity of the neck of the cylinders is checked and the actual concentration of acetic acid is established. The recipe calls for the use of 80% acetic acid. Using an acid of a different concentration, its amount (in kg per 100 kg of filling) is calculated by the formula:

N \u003d m 1 /m 2 M × 10000,

Where t 1 And t 2 - the content of acetic acid in the marinade and in vinegar or essence,% ;

M - filling content in the can at the time of packaging, % to the net weight.

Preparation of extracts from spices. An extract from spices is prepared according to the recipe, insisting them in water or in a 20% solution of acetic acid in accordance with the technological instructions.

Preparing the marinade. In accordance with the recipe, pre-prepared salt and sugar are loaded into a stainless steel collector, water is added, dissolved, bringing the solution to a boil, and boiled.
5-10 min. Then filtered through a linen filter. To the filtered solution is added an extract of spices or extract and 80% acetic acid and water.

Packing. Prepared vegetables are tightly packed in glass jars. The degree of filling of cans is determined by the established net weight. The filling temperature must be at least 85 °C. The pH value is checked systematically before sealing the jars. For slightly acidic marinades with an acidity of 0.4-0.6%, the pH value should be in the range of 3.9-4.2, for acidic marinades with an acidity of 0.6-0.9% - 3.7-3.9.

Capping. Filled jars are sealed with varnished lids made of tinplate on a vacuum-sealing machine. Capping without vacuum is allowed. After corking, the jars are immediately sterilized or pasteurized.

Sterilization of marinades. It is carried out strictly according to the technological instructions, where the sterilization formula is given. For example, pickled cabbage with apples is sterilized in jars of type I-82-1000 according to the formula 25-7-25 in an autoclave at a temperature of 105 ° C or at 100 ° C for 15 minutes.

Quality vegetable marinades in the production process are evaluated by the workshop tasting commission (all types of canned food produced by each shift).

"Salted-marinated eggplants" are in great demand. The technology of their production has become widespread in the places where eggplants are grown (Fig.)

The peculiarity of the production of eggplants is that they are subject to mandatory blanching and oppression (i.e., the imposition of oppression) in order to remove the bitterness, which is due to the presence of solanine, and to soften their consistency. Therefore, after washing, inspection, trimming the stalk with the adjacent part of the fruit (no more than 10 mm), they are rinsed and blanched in boiling water for 3-6 minutes, depending on their size. Hot eggplants are laid on sloping surfaces of tables and oppression is placed on top for 20-30 minutes. Clean blanched eggplants are placed in a container with the addition of garlic and poured with marinade filling.

Eggplant fermentation is carried out at a temperature of 20-24 ° C for 2-3 days. After that, they are placed in refrigerated storages with a temperature of 1-2 °C. During storage, lactic acid fermentation is completed and the marinade ripens in the process of diffusion of the filling components and fruits.

Food products are classified as cult in our country. Whether this is connected with the memory of the general shortage in the late USSR, or simply with the love of our fellow citizens for tasty and healthy food, who knows. It is only known that even among the whole variety of modern food products, our people always and everywhere distinguish canned food.

Stew is sacred. Almost everyone can tell about the principles of her choice, about her favorite manufacturers. And almost everyone sadly notes that "canned food is not the same." So why not open your own canned food production in order to please your compatriots with the “right” product?

Justification of the profitability of the project

Immediately after the crisis of 2008, a strong decline was recorded in the domestic canned food market, but already after 2010, production volumes approximately returned to pre-crisis levels. But to this day, the growth of the market by 30% or more is due to imports. With this in mind, the well-established domestic production of canned food has every chance of occupying a worthy niche in the developing market.

Most manufacturers are engaged in the production of canned fish. The number of those who chose the “meat” specialization is much smaller. This is due both to the difficulties of purchasing high-quality raw materials, and to the stringent requirements of supervisory authorities.

It is much easier to make canned vegetable products, but leading retailers warn that the demand for it in our country is much lower. Sales volumes of even banal sprats in tomato are much higher than those for the same canned cucumbers.

This situation is associated with the traditionally strong position of home canning throughout the former CIS, which makes the production of canned vegetables promising only if you do it on an industrial scale.

The situation with canned fruits is even worse: except for the legendary canned peaches, which have been known to many since the times of the same USSR, their purchases have been in a stage of stable stagnation since 2011.

Market prospects

Experts warn that high profits in this market can only be expected if the manufacturer does something truly unusual. For example, a jar of deer liver pate can cost more than $25 and weigh less than 100 grams.

However, I would like to note once again that the domestic food market has been going through far from the best of times in recent years: the quality of canned food is low, and therefore, to confidently occupy your niche, it will be enough to establish yourself as a responsible and honest manufacturer.

requirements for preservatives

There are several basic methods for the production of canned food, the most common of which are physical and chemical varieties. It is no secret that in modern products of this kind there are many preservatives. In principle, the entire production of canned foods has been sinned with this, since they began to be produced on an industrial scale.

Special requirements are imposed on these substances: they must be completely harmless, not disturb the original taste of the product, and be excreted from the human body in an unchanged state. Unfortunately, none of the common preservative agents immediately meets all the requirements.


Regardless of the initial product, the standard production of canned food involves approximately the same steps. At the first of them, the raw materials are carefully examined, their organoleptic characteristics are evaluated. Fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed and, if necessary, treated with steam and/or UV radiation.

Foreign impurities, excess veins and substandard parts are removed from meat blocks. The same applies to fish. Further technology (the production of canned food must strictly follow it) depends solely on the type of initial product.

As a rule, vegetables and fruits are pickled, for which they are laid out in jars, after which they are poured with a hot or cold (depending on the recipe) solution and sent for sterilization and capping. If we are talking about the production of mashed potatoes or something similar, then the finished product is also packed into containers and goes for sterilization.

Meat and fish are most often stewed in their own juice, and industrial autoclaves are used for this, where even botulism spores are completely destroyed under enormous pressure and temperatures above 100 degrees.


Thus, you will need equipment for the production of canning lids, autoclaves, washing equipment, steam generators, conveyor lines, packaging machines, etc. Fortunately, there are currently a huge number of domestic and imported models of this kind of equipment.

Manufacturers offer completely finished and automated lines, the cost of which largely depends on functionality and capacity. For example, the simplest kit for rolling up canned vegetables will cost you 2 million rubles. But to this money you need to add the amount of 450-500 thousand rubles, which will go to the production of marinade. Another 300 thousand will be spent on the purchase of sterilizers.

For about the same money you can buy equipment for the production of canned fish. Additional equipment for cutting fish preserves costs approximately 700-800 thousand rubles. In addition, 100-150 thousand rubles will be eaten up by the production of caps. It is more profitable to produce them yourself, since the quality of third-party products is often very poor.

The finished line for the production of canned meat is already estimated at 10 million, and multifunctional Western machines are still sold for 50 million or more. So to say something specific about the costs will not work, because everything depends solely on the direction of your activity. So before you open your own production, you need to carefully approach the planning issues.

SES requirements

As you might guess, they are quite serious. Let's start with the staff. Firstly, each employee must have a properly completed sanitary book with permits for the production of food products.

Secondly, each of them must pass a medical examination for workers in the processing industry within the prescribed time frame. All employees must have overalls and shoes. Workers can only wear gloves.

As for the shop for the production of canned food, then, firstly, it must be located at a distance of at least 500 meters from the nearest residential building. The building must have a water supply, as well as be connected to the sewer system. In addition, you need to equip a convenient access to the production premises, agree on regular waste disposal. In the summer, they must be cleaned at least once a day.

Please note that any food technology (the production of canned food is no exception) provides for daily disinfection of all work surfaces, so there must be both a supply of disinfectants and containers for storing ready-made solutions on the territory of the enterprise.

Walls and floors are tiled to make these surfaces easier to disinfect. Each batch of raw materials and finished products must have all the necessary certificates of conformity.

canning shop

The company "Food workshops" is ready to provide customers with an opportunity to make a profitable investment and purchase canning mini-factories, canning equipment and canning shops. Such an acquisition will be a good start to your own business and will lead to payback in a short time.

Product types

1. Canning equipment

In the company "Food Shops" you can purchase all the necessary equipment to fully equip the canning production line.

  • Seamers and cappers. With the help of these tools, it is possible to fully automatically pack food products in any container (glass, tin). The device can work in normal and vacuum mode.
  • Seaming and capping semi-automatic devices. An analogue of the previous proposal, but performing work in a semi-automatic mode. Works in vacuum and normal environment.
  • Dosing and filling automatic machines. With this automation canning shop it is possible to carry out automatic dosed filling of containers with food contents.
  • Bank washing machines. Needed in order to prepare the container for use and remove contamination.
  • Labeling equipment. Used to stick a paper label on a jar. In this case, the label and container can be any.
  • Equipment for fruit and vegetable canning shop. With it, you can process any vegetables, fruits and berries.
  • Additional equipment for canning shops. Conveyor, lift-loader, trolley tipper, semi-automatic marker device, autoclave and autoclave basket loading and unloading device.

All canning equipment can be purchased in various variations, there are always several different models of each item in stock.

2. Canning mini-factory for the production of canned fish

An excellent solution for a small business, such a factory will not require many resources and will pay off very quickly.

Main characteristics:

  • Produces 600 cans of canned fish per hour.
  • Power 163 kW.
  • Required area 70 sq.m.
  • Service workers - 8 people.

3. Canning plant for vegetable salads

This vegetable canning mini-factory will be a great investment. This type of canning is always in demand. The starting material is quite cheap. Therefore, the payback period will be minimal.

Main characteristics:

  • Preservation is carried out in glass containers.
  • Productivity 1100 cans (650 ml) per shift.
  • Power 83 kW.
  • Required area 40 sq.m.
  • Service workers - 4 people.

4. Mushroom canning shop

Buying this canning equipment will provide an opportunity to get big benefits with a relatively modest investment. Few resources are required, and the return will not be long in coming.

Main characteristics:

  • Preservation is provided in glass jars with a twist-off lid.
  • Productivity 500 cans per hour.
  • Power 92 kW.
  • Required area 30 sq.m.
  • Service workers - 3 people.

5. Mini vegetable cannery

A very profitable business investment. Such cannery will not only quickly pay for itself, but will also provide an opportunity to make good profits. Production will not require large human and energy resources.

Main characteristics:

  • Preservation takes place in glass jars with a volume of 3000 ml.
  • Productivity - 450 cans per shift.
  • Power 134 kW.
  • Required area 30 sq.m.
  • For service canning mini-factory 3 people are required.

6. A set of canning equipment for the production of fish preserves

This canning shop will cut, pack and pack fish into preserves. It does not require a large area and a lot of human resources. Ideal for organizing a small family business.

Main characteristics:

  • The fish is packed in plastic containers.
  • Productivity - 1000 cans per hour.
  • Power 1.7 kW.
  • Required area 26 sq.m.
  • For service canning mini-factory 2 people are required.

7. Canning shop for the production of canned meat in tin

Excellent investment! Canned meat is always popular, so the organization of such production is always profitable. Buying a shop in the company "Food Shops", you can count on the purchase of high-quality canning equipment at a favorable price.

Main characteristics:

  • Packaging and sterilization of meat takes place in glass or tin cans.
  • Productivity - 600 cans per hour.
  • Power 131 kW.
  • Required area 44 sq.m.
  • For service canning mini-factory 6 people are required.
  • Ease of operation and repair canning equipment.
  • Affordable cost that will be affordable for entrepreneurs of any level.
  • The organization of production takes place in a short time.
  • For service cannery does not require a large number of workers.
  • You can establish conservation in any conditions, including at home.
  • Fast payback.

Why buying canning mini-factories is profitable?

In order to establish your own production of canned food with the help of modern technological equipment from the Food Workshops company, you will not need much effort and investment.

Employees of the company will carefully treat each client and help you choose the most effective solution in terms of choice. canning equipment in each specific case.

Canning mini-factories, purchased from the company "Food Shops" is a guarantee of high-quality uninterrupted operation and profitable investments.

If someone thinks that opening a mini cannery is a hopeless project, then he is deeply mistaken. With a careful study of all aspects of this type of economic activity, it becomes quite clear that this business has excellent chances not only to become profitable in a short time, but also has large-scale prospects for development in the future.

Perspective business ideas

The main advantage of this type of activity today is the fact that absolutely all farmers who grow vegetables experience an acute shortage of sales markets. If, for example, any root crops, including potatoes, carrots or beets, can be sold for a long period of time, then the bulk of vegetables have a shorter shelf life and, accordingly, should be sold as early as possible. Therefore, many farmers are forced to take completely extreme actions, they either completely refuse to grow such perishable products as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, or they are limited to only very small areas for these crops. But if you give such farms a stable market, which any cannery can do, then things will be completely different.

At the same time, the mini cannery will also be fully provided with raw materials. And it will be quite cheap raw materials, since at the peak of productivity the prices for such agricultural products are minimal.

Another plus of the business idea follows from the above - today the cannery will have practically no competition on the market. There is no need to worry that you will not be able to compete with such giants of the market as Baltimore or Bonduelle, because you don’t have to do this at all. The fact is that these well-known brands work in our market according to the following scheme: only 4 months a year they are manufacturers, and the rest of the time they act only as importers. And this circumstance is quite realistic to use.

How to do it:

  • In the winter season, it is necessary to establish the production of exclusive products, including various pickled vegetables with sauces in the form of ready-made snacks (mushrooms, eggplant, cucumbers, etc.), stews, lecho. The assortment in this case is limited only by the imagination of the manufacturer and the peculiarities of the national cuisine.
  • In the cold season, you can retrain for the manufacture of ready-made canned meals, including cereals with vegetables, various salads.

Important. Companies that specialize in the production of salads make the most profit during the winter seasons. But your company will also have a significant advantage here, because “salad” companies produce their products with a minimum shelf life (no more than 3-4 days), while your products will have a shelf life of up to 6 months.

As you can see, such a business has very real prospects, and therefore we can safely proceed to planning the implementation of this idea in life.

Raw material base

Before starting to resolve issues with equipment for the plant, it is necessary to create a reliable raw material base, that is, to conclude cooperation agreements with suppliers and farms.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of vegetables. Different vegetables require different processing approaches in the canning process, and, based on this, their quality characteristics must be carefully considered. So, for example, vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, peppers do not require preservation of integrity during cooking, since they are amenable to mechanical operations such as chopping, boiling, grinding. Whereas green peas, corn, beans and some other crops that are cooked as a whole must retain their shape during heat treatment.

Therefore, an entrepreneur must make sure that farms provide him with only high-quality products and prescribe these conditions in supply contracts. For farmers, such contracts will mean only one thing: a more serious attitude to their own business, updating the technical park, mastering new technologies for processing crops and new varieties of vegetables. And you, as the main buyer of such products, must convince the farmer that his investments will definitely pay off with higher prices for high-quality raw materials and a stable sales market in your face.

Another major problem associated with the raw material base is seasonality. In the climatic conditions of Russia, many crops cannot grow in winter even with greenhouse cultivation, for example, this applies to crops such as peas or corn. However, they are quite convenient to store frozen.

A related question immediately arises: if vegetables are stored frozen, then their cost increases significantly due to the purchase of refrigerators and electricity costs. Will the new costs completely offset all the profits from the sale of products?

Of course not. The selling price of corn in season and in winter are two big differences. If during the harvest period 1 kilogram of corn grains can be sold for a maximum of 25-30 rubles, then in winter frozen corn can be sold without problems at a price of 100-120 rubles per kilogram.

If we are talking about products that have a long shelf life (potatoes, carrots, beets), then everything is even simpler here. To store these products, you can rent a vegetable store and make basic purchases during the harvest season, when the price of products on the market is minimal. Experts do not recommend considering building your own vegetable store, since such an undertaking requires large investments and will pay off only years later.

Competitiveness and sales of products

The second important point for the success of the canned vegetable business is the presence of stable distribution channels. And here two options are possible: creating your own distribution network or selling products in supermarkets and large retail outlets.

The most acceptable and effective option is cooperation with large trading companies that operate on the market not only in a certain region, but also in all cities of Russia, which greatly expands the possibilities of any entrepreneur. But, unfortunately, breaking into such a market is almost impossible. Such companies themselves often act as importers of various canned goods, so in fact you will act as a competitor for them, and not a profitable partner. And with all this, they work in the lowest price segment.

But, no matter how strange it may sound, it is quite possible to turn such obvious disadvantages into fat pluses.

What can be done:

  • Invite companies to sell your product under their brand name. Buying them from a domestic manufacturer, that is, from you, will be five times more profitable than from foreign companies, so profitability will certainly be the final argument in your favor, especially if the product you offer is really high quality.
  • To exclude competition with the products of the company itself, offer a range of products that will differ from those already on the market, but based on the characteristics of the national cuisine of the Slavs. To implement such a task, you will need to hire a professional technologist who will develop a new recipe for canned food, but such expenses will quickly pay for themselves.

Factory equipment

The complex for processing vegetables for a mini plant must have the following technical characteristics:

  • processing capacity of raw materials - not less than 100 kg/h, preferably up to 500 kg/h;
  • the area of ​​the premises for the installation of the production line is about 100 square meters. m.;
  • electricity consumption - up to 70 kW / h, water - up to 1 cu. m/hour;
  • staff of service personnel - about 10-16 people.

A packaging line is also needed. As packaging should be used: glass jars with cork lids, glass bottles, vertical bags, plastic cups, trays.

Packing volume from 0.06 to 10 liters.

Product range

The following list of products should be considered as a range of products.

But at the same time, it is worth immediately making a reservation that, as already mentioned above, an entrepreneur, when choosing an assortment, should focus solely on his personal experience, the state of the market, and the presence of imagination.

  • canned vegetables, including vegetable caviar, salads, lecho, sliced ​​and stuffed vegetables in tomato sauce;
  • ready-made dinners from vegetables with the addition of meat;
  • semi-finished products that must be heated before use (stuffed cabbage, meatballs);
  • vegetable purees;
  • sauces and vegetable pastes;
  • smoothies from fruits and vegetables with the addition of nuts and cereals;
  • dried fruits;
  • candied fruit, etc.

The cost of a production line for processing vegetables on the market is about 3.5 million rubles.

Production costs and operating income

It is best to calculate the costs and income from activities, taking into account the fact that the main production cycle is 4 months in the warm season, because when calculating income from additional types of earnings (making salads and ready meals) in the winter period, you can get distorted and not quite exact information.

For the main unit of profit in a specific example, we will take 1 kilogram of frozen peas.

Costs for one production cycle:

  • Peas (or any other vegetables) - 120 tons (1 ton of products is processed per shift, 30 tons per month, respectively, 120 tons per 4 months). The purchase price is 2.4 million rubles (the price of 1 ton is 20 thousand rubles).
  • Electricity - 30 thousand kW (per shift - 250 kW, per month - 7.5 thousand kW, for 4 months - 30 thousand kW). The cost of electricity is 96 thousand rubles (the price of 1 kW / hour is 3.2 rubles).
  • Wage Fund - 1.5 million rubles for 4 months.
  • Rent of production space - 1.2 million rubles (100 thousand rubles per month * 12 months).

Total expenses: 5.2 million rubles.

Income from activities:

  • The cost of selling 1 ton of peas is 100 thousand rubles.
  • The income from the sale of 120 tons of frozen peas is 12 million rubles.

Net profit: 6.8 million rubles.

Return on investment: during the first season of operation (the first 4 months of the season).

Profitability of production: about 40 percent.

Cannery mini-factory is a very profitable business. And the example we have considered is just one more evidence in favor of this statement, so if you have all the necessary prerequisites for putting this idea into practice, it is not possible to doubt the prospects.

Canned meat- Ready-to-eat products sealed in tins or glass jars, subjected to high temperatures to kill microorganisms and make the product shelf-stable. Unlike products preserved by other methods, they can be stored for a long time, are transportable, and can be quickly cooked or consumed without additional processing. They contain amino acids and some vitamins.

The range of canned meat is very diverse and includes more than 200 items. They are classified according to the type of raw material, recipe, purpose and method of manufacture.

By type of raw materials, canned food can be from beef, lamb, pork, poultry meat. According to the recipe (depending on the main raw material), they are divided into meat, meat products, by-products, meat-vegetable and lard-bean.

By appointment, canned lunch and snack foods are distinguished. Dining rooms consume after preheating, snack bars - without heating. According to the method of production, they are divided into sterilized and pasteurized.

Canned meat is produced in the following range: beef, pork and lamb stewed, fried, boiled in its own juice, tourist breakfast from beef, pork, lamb, etc.

Canned meat products: amateur sausage mince, separate, chopped ham; sausages in broth, tomato sauce, melted pork fat, with cabbage; ham; pasteurized smoked bacon slices, etc.

Canned poultry meat: chicken fillet in jelly, chicken meat in jelly, chicken stew in jelly, chicken meat in sour cream sauce, duck (chicken, turkey) in its own juice, etc.

Canned offal: kidneys in tomato sauce, fried brains, fried liver, etc.

Pates: meat, liver, liver with carrots, diet with brains, etc.

Canned meat and vegetables: hodgepodge with meat, pasta with meat, pea puree with tongue, peas, beans with meat, meat with potatoes, goose meat with buckwheat porridge, cabbage, etc.

Canned lard-beans are prepared from beans or peas with bacon or lard and poured with tomato sauce. If bone fat is used, then they are poured with broth.

Canned food for baby food (baby, baby, tongue, etc.) according to the degree of grinding of the product, depending on the age of the children, is divided into homogenized, puree and coarsely ground.

For the manufacture of cans, thin sheet tin coated with a layer of tin is used (the inner side of the can). Their surface is coated with an anti-corrosion varnish that does not contain substances harmful to the human body or impurities that change the taste, smell and appearance of the product. Ready jars are washed with hot water and treated with hot steam. Meat and vegetable canned food is prepared in tin and glass jars. Recently, for the manufacture of cans, aluminized tin is used, consisting of a steel base coated with a layer of aluminum on both sides.

Paper labels pasted on the body of the jar can be torn off, so the necessary information about canned food is stamped on the bottom and lid in the form of numbers and letters.

For example, the sign M2 on the bottom of the can means that the canned meat is made by enterprise number 2. The marking in the center of the lid 82.05A01 indicates that the canned food was made in 1998 (8), on the second shift (2), January 5 (05A), and 01 is the assortment number of canned beef stew.

For the production of canned food, meat of high quality healthy animals is used. It is not allowed to use meat that is poorly bled, frozen more than once, with signs of staleness or foreign smell, pork with yellowed bacon and meat from non-castrated producers.

When laying under-ripened meat in jars, canned food will not have the appropriate flavor. The manufacturing technology of canned canned meat is shown in Scheme 1.

After cutting meat carcasses (half-carcasses, quarters), deboning (separation of the fleshy part from the bones) and trimming of meat (removal of fat, cartilage, tendons, connective tissue films, large vessels, blood clots, small bones and separation of meat into varieties depending on the fat content and connective tissues). Raw fat also lives.

Prepared meat and fat are crushed. First, salt and spices are placed in jars (black pepper, bay leaf, fresh or dried onions), then fat and meat in accordance with the recipe for this type of canned food. The material is packed tightly. If canned food is not homogeneous (minced meat, pate), but consists of solid and liquid components, then the garnish, fat and meat put into jars are poured with cooked broth or sauce.

Scheme 1. Preparation of canned canned meat.

Meat and vegetable canned foods additionally contain cabbage, various cereals (barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, millet), beets, potatoes, carrots and other products of plant origin.

After that, the cans are weighed, covered with lids, the remaining air is removed from them as much as possible using a vacuum pump of seamers (exhausting) and rolled up. Before rolling, the lids of cans are marked by stamping or inscription with heat-resistant paint.

To check the tightness, the jars are immersed for 1 min in hot water (80 - 85 ° C). Air bubbles come out of leaky jars into the water. With a slight leak, the jar is soldered and checked again. With a significant leak, the contents of this jar are transferred to another.

Sterilization is one of the main operations in the canning technology. It is final and determines the quality and stability of canned food during storage. Sterilization aims to:

- Destroy or suppress the vital activity of the trapped microorganisms;

- boil meat and other components of canned food, preserving its value as a food product, with minimal breakdown of protein, fat, extractives and vitamins.

Sterilization is carried out in special devices (autoclaves) at a temperature of 113 °C (90 min) or 120 °C (40 min) and high steam pressure. To do this, sealed cans are placed in containers (baskets, carts) and loaded into an autoclave. First, they are heated with open valves for 20 minutes (to remove cold air). After warming up, the valve is closed and the temperature is brought to the required level - sterilization occurs. At the end of sterilization, steam is gradually released from the autoclave over a period of 20 minutes (with a rapid decrease in pressure, cans may burst).

Studies have found that the best quality (in terms of nutritional value and taste) canned food is obtained when the temperature is higher and the sterilization time is shorter (the product is less denatured).

Canned food in glass jars is sterilized with water. In the manufacture of certain types of canned food, meat is blanched before being placed in jars (short-term cooking until incompletely cooked) in order to reduce the water content.

For some canned foods, the meat is fried in fat, which not only increases the nutritional value of the product, but also gives the meat its characteristic taste and aroma. The meat is fried at 150 - 160 ° C until a slightly golden crust appears.

In order to give canned meat the taste of a fried product (without frying), you can use the drug. This prevents the destruction of vitamins and oxidation of fats. To improve the taste of canned food made from frozen meat, it is recommended to add (0.3%) sodium glutamate.

To stop the excessive effects of high temperature and pressure on canned food, the cans are cooled with cold water or for 4-6 hours in air. Then the banks are sorted, checking them for leakage and the presence of various deformations. The contents of vicious jars are processed into meat pate.

After that, canned food (in the amount of 5% of the batch) is thermostated (37 - 38 ° C) for 10 days. This is necessary to detect the presence of viable microflora in the jars (sterilization quality check). If sterilization is insufficiently carried out, the microflora that has retained its viability under optimal conditions (thermostat) rapidly multiplies and releases enzymes that decompose the product with the formation of gases (microbial bombardment). In this case, the entire batch of canned food is sent for re-sterilization and again checked for the quality of heat treatment.

After thermostating, if there are no violations, the jars are lubricated with technical petroleum jelly, labeled, packed in wooden boxes or corrugated boxes and stored in ventilated warehouses with a temperature of 0–6 ° C and an air humidity of 75–80% for 1–2 years or more, depending on the type of canned food and the conditions of their storage.

During the storage of canned food, the following defects may occur: rust and bombage.

Rust occurs on the outer surface of cans that are not coated with anti-corrosion varnish, especially when storing canned food in a humid room. On the inner surface, it may appear as a result of the penetration of air into the can after the contents flow out of it. Rust, destroying the metal, violates the tightness of the can. When minor rust spots appear, canned food is used for food purposes.

Chemical bombing occurs when hydrogen accumulates in banks due to the effect of acid on the metal.

microbial bombing due to the accumulation of gases as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms.

In bombed canned food, swelling of lids and bottoms is noted (corrugation may disappear), when tapped, a tympanic sound is made.

Canned food with signs of chemical and microbial bombardment after appropriate heat treatment can be fed to pigs. They are not suitable for human consumption. Physical (false, thermal) bombardment appears when cans are sterilized or heated in hot water as a result of expansion of the contents. As the cans cool down, it stops.

Currently, the production of pasteurized canned food is organized (for example, ham in jars). In their manufacture, the contents of the jars are heated to 68 - 75 ° C. This temperature destroys the vegetative microflora. The high quality of canned food is achieved as a result of a special selection of raw materials and the use of mild heat treatment modes. The resulting product is juicy.

In Sweden, canned food is produced mainly in aluminum cans, as well as in aluminum foil bags. The production of ready-made frozen meals, which are superior to canned food in terms of taste and nutritional properties, is becoming more and more widespread.
