
Pork baked in foil whole piece. How to bake pork in the oven in one piece

When roasting meat, you need to be able to find the right compromise. The fact is that very high temperatures fry the meat to a pleasant crunch, but also overdry it. If you overexpose the meat in the oven at high heat, even the highest quality, it will turn into a sole. But you also want a crust! How to be? Follow the three steps below and you'll be good to go.

Step number 1 - crust in half an hour

Let's start with the well-known theory that pre-frying meat is necessary in order to "seal" the juices in it, to prevent them from leaking out. This is a myth, dear friends. Practical experiments have long proved that this is not the case. In fact, the fried crust is needed to give the meat the taste we all love. You can achieve a crust both before and after baking. But technically it will be easier for you to fry the meat first, and then, by lowering the temperature, bring it to readiness. So, preheat the oven to 210-230 ° C. At this temperature, you need to hold the meat from 10 to 30 minutes. depending on the size of the piece. During this time, it will brown well. The exact temperature will depend on the size of the meat. If you are cooking a piece weighing up to 1 kg and with a small amount of external fat, preheat the oven to 210 ° C. For a cut weighing more than 1 kg, you need to heat the oven to 220-230 ° C.

Step #2 - Bringing the meat to readiness at lower temperatures

As already mentioned, if the meat is overexposed in high heat, it will become dry. That is why it is important to learn how to determine the required baking time depending on the size of the piece. This skill will definitely come to you with experience.
But there are basic principles that you can build on.
When baking an average piece of meat at a high temperature, it is necessary after 10-30 minutes. reduce it to 150-180 °C. To cool the oven faster, open the door for 30-60 seconds. It all depends on the cut, but in general it is preferable to set the temperature to 160 ° C and let the meat sweat longer.
A good piece of baked meat requires patience, but we promise that the effort will be rewarded in full! In addition, you will have time to do your own thing. The time of the subsequent languishing can vary from a few minutes (as in the case of roast beef) to 4 hours if you have a very large piece of meat.
If you think the crust on the meat looks like it's about to burn, cover the meat with a sheet of foil. In addition to the weight of the piece of meat and its thickness, the roasting time depends on what kind of meat you like - fully cooked, pink inside, or "blooded".
We put "with blood" in quotation marks, because the expression is figurative. There is almost no blood in the butchered meat, there is juice, the red color of which is given by the protein myoglobin. Remember that only two types of meat can be undercooked: beef and lamb. Pork, veal, goat meat must be fried completely.

Estimated cooking time table for meat in the oven

Knowing the weight of a piece of meat, you can roughly calculate how long it will take you to bake it. So, at a temperature of 160-170 ° C for a piece of meat weighing less than 5 kg for every 500 g you will need:

Beef 20 min. 15 minutes. 10 min.
Lamb 20 min. 15 minutes. 10 min.

For meat weighing more than 5 kg for every 500 g at 160-170 ° C, you will need:
Full Rare Medium Rare Rare
Beef 18 min. 12 min. 9 min.
Lamb 18 min. 12 min. 9 min.
Pork 25-30 min. It is forbidden! It is forbidden!

Step #3 - The meat is "resting"!

No matter how fast you are, this step is a must. It is the observance of this last condition that will make your meat amazingly tasty and juicy.

When the meat has almost reached the desired temperature and is almost ready, do not rush to serve it to the table. Let him "rest" and prepare yourself! Due to the residual heat, the piece will get another 4-8 ° C, and the juices inside it will be evenly distributed. The temperature of the meat will also even out throughout the thickness of the piece. The meat should “rest” at room temperature, in no case in a draft. You can leave it in the turned off oven with the door open, but only if it cools quickly, otherwise the meat may dry out. The easiest way is to take the meat out of the oven and loosely cover it with slightly crumpled foil. Depending on the weight, the meat should “rest” from 10 to 30 minutes.

6 factors to consider:
1. The temperature of the meat before cooking: the colder it is, the slower it will cook.
2. Shape of the cut and its thickness: narrow and long pieces of meat are cooked faster than short but thick ones.
3. Amount of surface fat: Fat is a thermal insulator, and meat under a layer of fat will cook more slowly, but will be juicier.
4. Bone-in: Bones conduct heat faster than flesh, so bone-in meat cooks faster.
5. How many times the oven door has been opened: at this time, the temperature drops and the oven takes time to heat up again to the desired temperature.
6. Features of your oven.

To cook pork in the oven, you can take any parts from the carcass, although some advise that it is best to use a ham, shoulder or back. Let's take a look at a few recipes together on how to bake pork meat in the oven, in foil, so that it is juicy and tasty.

A few tricks and tips for cooking pork in the oven:

  • a little fat on the meat will give it juiciness, so take your time to remove all the fat, but if there is too much it can spoil the whole taste;
  • like kebabs, a whole piece of pork baked in the oven will turn out amazingly tasty if marinated before being wrapped in foil;
  • You can prepare the marinade in various ways and add any ingredients to taste;
  • pork should be cooked for 1-2 hours, depending on the size of the piece, it usually takes 1.5 hours of baking, per kg. meat;
  • for the marinade, you can use various spices, you can buy special seasonings for pork in the store;
  • to get soft meat, it is best to first set the oven to 220 degrees, and after half an hour reduce by 180-190 gr.;
  • vegetables can also be put in the foil for meat, which will give the dish a bright aroma.

Pork in foil with sour cream

  • Pork (better neck) - 1 kg
  • Sour cream or mayonnaise - 2 or 3 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt pepper
  • Bay leaf - stuff 2
  • A little rosemary
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

Rinse the meat and make small cuts over the entire surface, this will help it to better soak in the marinade, which we will now prepare. Crush garlic together with lavrushka in a blender and mix with all other products. Lubricate the pork thoroughly with the resulting mixture and leave to soak for several hours. Then wrap with foil, folding it in two layers.

Preheat the oven at 220 degrees, put the bag of meat on a baking sheet and leave in the oven for half an hour. After that, reduce the fire to 180 degrees, cook for about another hour. To check if the pork is done, open the foil and poke with the nose of a knife, if the rib is not pink, but white and transparent, you're done.

Pork meat with garlic in the oven

  • Pork - 1 kg
  • coarse salt
  • Garlic (large) - 8 cloves
  • Black pepper and paprika
  • Some Italian Herb Blend

Cut the garlic into long thin slices, make deep holes in the meat with a knife and insert the garlic strips there. Then mix all the spices with salt, and grate the pork without sparing.

Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 190 degrees. Wrap the prepared meat tightly in foil, applying several layers. Put on a baking sheet, which is placed on the middle shelf of the oven. After one hour has elapsed, slightly open the foil and taste the pork for doneness. Continue if necessary.

marinade recipes

If you have time, you can marinate the pork before sending it to the oven.

  • onion marinade: 3 large white onions are crushed in a blender and mixed with one tablespoon of mustard, three tablespoons of oil (vegetable) and two dessert spoons of your favorite spices. Garlic-stuffed meat is rubbed with cooked marinade, placed in a bag and left overnight in a cold place;
  • one glass of freshly squeezed apple juice is combined with four tablespoons of mustard and three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Put the meat in the yushka and leave for about 4 hours.

We told you a few recipes and gave you some small tips on how to bake pork in the oven, in foil, so that it is juicy and tasty. Cook and delight guests and family with delicious dishes.

Today I’ll tell you how you can easily bake one large piece of pork in the oven without much difficulty. I propose to do this using foil - the most reliable and already proven method hundreds of times.

For me, meat baked in this way is just a lifesaver! If you cut it into thin slices (and you can do this without any problems), then here you are, we have an excellent meat appetizer for the festive table! In addition, it is a great substitute for sausage when making sandwiches for a snack, and I know for sure that no one is hungry ...

In order to bake pork in one piece, you and I will need:

    pork pulp (weighing about 1.2 kg)

    2-2.5 tsp salt

    5 pieces. bay leaves

Time required to cook pork: 4-8 hours for marinating (you can overnight), 1 hour 10 minutes for baking, a couple of hours for cooling

Difficulty level: it's incredibly simple

Proposed course of action:

When choosing meat, I advise you to give preference to a piece with layers of fat - this is all so that the already prepared pork turns out to be tender and juicy. Indeed, during heat treatment, all kinds of juices will come out of it, and if the meat turns out to be lean, then it will simply turn out to be dryish.

Thus, for roasting pork in one piece, the choice of brisket or neck is ideal. In my case, I used the brisket.

So, we bought meat and thoroughly washed it under running water - this is a mandatory rule that cannot be neglected in any case. Then we put it in a colander so that all excess moisture is drained from it, or we get wet with paper towels. We put it in a large bowl in which it will spend some time while it marinates.

First, add salt to the meat.

Then we start up the usual black ground pepper.

And then you have a whole field for experiments - chopped garlic, Provence herbs, spices, hot chili peppers ... I really like to bake meat, seasoning it with suneli hops - then it turns out incredibly fragrant, and it even seems to me that it smells of Georgia ( since I have never been to this country, I’m just sure that it smells like that in any Georgian house).

So, add hops-suneli seasoning to the meat.

With all our efforts, we carefully rub salt, spices and seasoning into a piece of pork. This is perhaps the most time-consuming moment in the entire process of cooking meat.

Now we spread bay leaves to the meat from all sides, cover it with a flat plate, and put some kind of load on top. In this form, we send the pork to the refrigerator, or, given today's weather conditions, we simply take it out to the balcony.

Now lay the marinated and ready-to-bake meat on a piece of foil and wrap it tightly in two or three layers.

We place the pork in foil in any form suitable for use in the oven, and in the oven - the temperature there should be about 200 degrees.

In this temperature regime, we bake the meat for 40 minutes, and then reduce it to 180 and cook for another half an hour.

Then we take the form out of the oven and leave it to cool - I just took the meat out to the balcony again.

Now we unfold the cooled meat and take it out of the foil - the smell is simply indescribable!

The dish that I want to talk about today is pork baked in the oven in a whole piece. Meat cooked in this way is also called boiled pork. This dish with full confidence can be considered both a festive dish and an everyday one. Festive, because at the laid table it is always perceived very positively.

When you take it out in a hot form, or on a dish to the table - ruddy, fragrant, juicy, it always causes great excitement among guests. And even if they have already eaten various salads and snacks, no one refuses a piece of such delicious meat.

But now many have adapted to bake it just like that, for example, for breakfast. And there are a number of reasons for this. The first and most basic one is that you yourself have chosen a piece of meat and cooked it yourself. You know for sure that this is meat without any additives and without chemicals. That it contains only pulp without any veins, veins, cartilage and fat.

The second reason is that cooked on your own, it turns out to be much cheaper than even the most inexpensive sausage. And this is at 100% quality.

Another reason is that cooking it is absolutely no problem. The whole cooking process can be described in a nutshell - "Simple".

And finally, it's just delicious. And certainly tastier than all store analogues. Therefore, we have not been buying sausages and meat products of this kind for a long time. And we try to cook ourselves.

Pork baked in the oven in foil in mustard and honey

I use this recipe for my breakfast meat. It turns out not too juicy, and is suitable for making sandwiches, for wrapping it in pita bread. If you need to cook meat salad, then this method is also suitable.

Meat turns out delicious. And how else, because the marinade contains a lot of all sorts of goodies. There is a sour taste, and sweet, and bitter, and spicy. Having connected, they all penetrate the pulp and remain on the crust. Therefore, the result is always simply excellent.

We will need:

  • pork ham - 1.2 kg
  • mustard - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ketchup - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • paprika - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • tarragon - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste

We also need foil.


I bought a piece of pulp in 1 kg and 200 gr. But don't look at that number. A piece of meat can be more or less. Accordingly, take the rest of the ingredients. The photo will show how much is needed.

1. Wash the ham and dry well with paper towels. Make several deep punctures with a thin sharp knife from all sides. So that the marinade can freely penetrate inside.

2. Sprinkle the ham with salt and rub it into the flesh. Finely chop the bay leaf and sprinkle it on top. Let stand for 5-7 minutes so that the salt has time to penetrate inside.

3. Sprinkle with ground dry tarragon. If you didn’t have it, then ground parsley is also suitable. Rub the greens into the pulp.

4. Then sprinkle with paprika and repeat the manipulation.

5. Next is the turn of ketchup. If you want the meat to be spicier, you can add a spicy variety. If it's not too important, then add any.

6. Honey will not be superfluous with us either. It caramelizes the crust slightly. And thanks to this, it will look very appetizing.

Both ketchup and honey will also need to be rubbed into the pulp.

7. And we still have mustard. It is also smeared and rubbed. As much as the pulp takes.

8. Cover the baking dish with foil and put the prepared ham on it. Wrap in foil and let stand for 20 minutes to marinate the meat.

9. In the meantime, you can put the oven to heat up. We will need a temperature of 180 degrees. When it warms up, put in it a form with meat.

10. Bake for 1.5 hours. After that, get the form and unfold the foil, freeing the meat. Now let's give it a little blush. To do this, put the mold back in the oven.

Keep in the oven, uncovered, for another 15 minutes. And get it again. Cover again with foil to keep the meat from drying out as it cools. And wait until it cools down completely.

11. Wrap in a piece of parchment paper and refrigerate. Take out in the morning, cut into pieces and serve for breakfast.

The taste of the meat is very interesting. Thanks to the punctures that we made at the very beginning, the entire marinade was able to saturate its deep layers. Therefore, not only the crust, but also the pulp itself turned out delicious.

And if you want to cook pork according to this recipe as a hot dish, then after you get it out of the oven, first cover it with foil. In this state, let it stand for 15 minutes. After that, the meat can be transferred to a dish, cut into pieces and served hot to the table.

Meat baked in the oven in foil whole piece

This recipe differs from the previous one in that before we bake the meat, we salt it. And if according to the previous recipe the meat turns out to be a little dry, then here it will turn out juicy and soft.

We will need:

  • pork ham - 1600 gr

For marinade:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons or 50 gr
  • bay leaf - 2 - 3 pieces
  • peppercorns - 7 - 8 pcs
  • coriander grain - 1 tbsp. spoon


1. Prepare a brine, or as it is also called brine. To do this, pour water into the pan. You can use either boiled or raw. But preferably not from the tap.

Add salt and stir until completely dissolved. Add the coriander seeds and tear the bay leaf into pieces with your hands. Grind the peppercorns in a mortar and pour into a saucepan.

2. Wash the meat. Make punctures on it with a narrow sharp knife.

Place in water and leave for 12 hours at room temperature. Then put in the refrigerator, covered with a lid. The total infusion time should be 3 days. This is along with the time that the meat stood at room temperature.

So that all the meat is in the brine. crush it with a saucer.

3. When the time is up, take out the meat and let the brine drain. Then place it in foil, wrap it up and put it in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

4. Bake for 1.5 hours. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, unfold the foil and bake uncovered for another 15 - 20 minutes. Until the crust is browned.

5. Then remove from the oven and cover with foil again. Leave in this state until completely cooled. Then put in the refrigerator.

It is best to store by wrapping the meat in parchment paper.

If you serve as a hot dish, then let stand closed for 15 minutes. Then cut into portions and serve.

Sometimes the meat is smeared with butter. So the crust becomes more shiny and attractive.

Meat baked with vegetables in a mustard coat

This is my very first recipe, according to which I learned to bake meat in a whole piece. And I remember that it turned out delicious for me the first time. Pork according to this recipe is very juicy, and delicious both hot and cold.

We will need:

  • ham or neck - piece over 1 kg
  • carrots - 1 - 2 pieces
  • garlic - 5 - 6 pcs
  • mustard - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • salt, ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying

For cooking, it is better to use foil.


1. Wash and dry the meat with paper towels. Sprinkle the piece with salt and rub it into the pulp. Then sprinkle with ground black pepper, and rub in too. However, add pepper only for flavor. Don't forget we also have mustard.

It is better to crush the pepper yourself. In this form, it gives just a crazy smell.

Take a large piece of meat weighing 1.5 - 2 kg. Then the dish will turn out juicy.

2. Make longitudinal punctures with a knife on both sides of the piece. After piercing, turn the knife inside the piece 90 degrees.

3. Peel carrots and garlic. Cut the carrots into long segments and put them in the place where the punctures were made. If the carrot is dense, then it passes into the hole quite easily.

4. For garlic, also make punctures. If you stuffed a lot of carrots, and there is no room left for garlic, then you can make punctures on top and bottom of the piece.

5. Coat the piece with mustard on all sides, and let it lie for 30 minutes so that the meat marinates a little.

6. Pour a little vegetable oil into a large frying pan. Warm it up well and lay out a whole piece of pork. The oil must be hot enough. This will allow you to quickly fry the meat until golden brown.

In this way, we "seal" the juice inside. And it will not evaporate during baking. And remaining inside will make the dish very juicy.

Fry each side over high heat for only 1.5 - 2 minutes.

7. Then take out and transfer to a mold covered with foil. Wrap well and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake a piece weighing 1.5 kg - 1.5 hours, and 2 kg - 2 hours.

8. When the time is up, take out the form and unfold the foil. Pierce with a knife or toothpick. Pink juice should not stand out from the hole. If it is not there, then put the meat back in the oven, but already open, for 15 minutes. If the juice stands out, then you need to cover it again with foil and bake for another 15 minutes. And only then you can “blush” the crust.

9. Then remove the meat from the oven, pour over the top with the juice that has stood out and cover again with foil. Leave for 15 minutes. Then cut into pieces and you can serve.

Or leave in foil until completely cooled. Then transfer to parchment paper and refrigerate.

Boiled pork with garlic, stewed in the oven in a baking bag

This recipe is similar in structure to the second recipe. But it does not need to withstand meat in brine for three days. Quick salting is obtained by adding more salt.

And although the meat will not be as juicy as in the previous recipe, it will still turn out appetizing and tasty.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 1 kg
  • garlic - 1 head
  • spices for meat - 1 teaspoon

For brine:

  • water - 1 liter
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • coriander seeds - 1 teaspoon
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 6 - 7 pcs


1. Boil water. Add salt, chopped bay leaf, coriander and peppercorns to it. Boil everything together for 2 - 3 minutes and turn off the gas. Allow the water to cool completely and soak up the aroma of spices.

2. Put the washed meat into the cold brine. It is best to take the neck part. It is the most tender and does not require long salting and marinade. We are from it, and it always turned out soft and gentle.

You can make punctures with a sharp knife so that the brine penetrates into the inner layers of the pulp.

3. Press down the meat with a saucer and leave to salt for 3-4 hours. Cover the pot or bowl with cling film or a lid.

4. Then take out, let the water drain and dry with paper towels.

5. Stuff with garlic. To do this, cut the cloves into two or three parts along the cloves. Then make punctures with a knife over the entire surface of the pulp and stick the garlic into them.

6. Grate the pulp with salt and spices.

7. Place in a baking bag or sleeve, tighten it with clips. Pierce with a knife in two places to let steam escape. Put in a mold or baking sheet and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour.

If you bake on a baking sheet, then place wooden Chinese sticks under the meat so that the package does not stick to the surface.

If you have a piece of meat more, for example 1.5 kg, then you need to bake for 1.5 hours.

8. Then take out a baking sheet or baking dish and carefully open the package so as not to burn yourself. It will be necessary to release the upper part of the pulp.

Place back in the oven for 15 minutes until the top is golden brown.

9. After complete cooking, take out, cover with parchment paper and cover with a towel for 15-20 minutes so that the meat “rests”. Then you can put it on a dish and serve it to the table.

Or wait until it cools down completely and eat cold at breakfast.

Pork baked in mayonnaise and mustard

All methods of roasting meat are of course similar. However, there are differences in the methods of salting and marinades. And here is another one of those ways.

We will need:

  • pork neck - 2 kg
  • garlic - 6 - 7 cloves
  • grain mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mustard ordinary - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • ground black pepper - 6 - 7 pcs
  • salt to taste


1. Wash the pork neck and let the water drain. Make punctures with a knife over the entire surface.

2. In half a glass of water, stir salt and ground black pepper so that the water does not turn out to be too salty.

3. Peel the garlic and cut lengthwise into 2 - 3 pieces.

4. Pour a little salt water into each puncture and insert a piece of garlic. Thus stuff the whole piece.

5. Then salt and pepper on top, rub it all over the entire surface. Coat with mayonnaise, then with a mixture of grain and ordinary mustard, thoroughly coating the entire surface.

Mayonnaise keeps the meat from drying out, and all the juice will remain inside the piece. As well as additional juice, which is formed by adding salt water.

6. Wrap the meat in foil and leave for 2-3 hours to marinate the meat. In this way, you can marinate for a longer amount of time, for example, overnight.

7. Then preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the meat in a mold and set to bake. If we use a 2 kg piece of meat, then the baking time will be 2 hours. If the meat is 1.5 kg, then the time spent in the oven will be 1.5 hours.

After this time, the foil can be unfolded and the meat left in the oven for another 15 minutes to brown the crust.

8. Then take the dish out of the oven and again cover it with foil for 15-20 minutes. Give him a chance to rest.

You can eat it both hot and cold.

The meat is very juicy, thanks to mayonnaise. Perfectly salted inside and out and very tasty.

Boiled pork marinated with honey and soy sauce, baked in a sleeve

Delicious recipe, according to which I bake meat very often. My family members like it very much. We eat it both hot and cold. And it is simply impossible to single out which one is tastier.

Also, as in previous recipes, the meat is baked in one piece.

We will need:

  • meat - 1.5 kg
  • garlic - 5 - 7 cloves
  • soy sauce - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • honey - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - to taste
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs
  • dried spices - oregano, thyme, rosemary


1. For baking, it is better to choose the neck or ham. Wash and dry the meat. Then make not very deep punctures over the entire surface with a sharp thin knife.

2. Peel the garlic and cut each clove lengthwise into 2-3 pieces. Push them into the puncture sites, deeper into the pulp.

3. Mix the spice mix. If you don’t have such spices ready-made, then you can use purchased Provence herbs. It contains all the listed components and added others. You can also substitute any of your favorite spices.

Sprinkle them on all sides. Also sprinkle with salt. Rub both into the pulp.

4. Crush the peppercorns in a mortar. It would be possible to use ready-made peppers, but freshly ground or crushed peppers have a simply magical aroma. Therefore, it is better to spend a minute, another and crush it yourself. You can also use a pepper grinder.

Pepper also plentifully rub into the pulp from all sides.

5. Prepare soy sauce. Pour generously over a piece of pork. Some of the sauce will drain into the plate, but that's okay. When the bottom part is saturated with it, it will be possible to turn the meat over to the other side.

6. And one more final touch. Brush generously with honey. It is better that it be liquid, it will be easier and easier to lubricate the entire surface.

7. Cover with a bowl and leave for 2 - 3 hours. Turn over periodically so that both the top and bottom are saturated with juices evenly. Don't forget about the sides too.

8. After this time, place the meat in the sleeve, or you can take a baking bag. If neither is available, then use foil.

Poke two holes in the sleeve to release steam.

9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the meat in it. You can place it on a baking sheet or in a mold. If you use a baking sheet, put two or three Chinese wooden sticks under the bag. This is necessary so that the package does not burn.

10. Bake for 1.5 hours. Then open the sleeve and put the meat already in the open position so that the crust becomes ruddy.

You can eat both hot and chilled.

Pork baked with potatoes, tomatoes and cheese

There are many ways to bake meat with potatoes. And I already have an article on this topic. It offers You can follow the link and see them. All of them are time-tested and quite worthy of attention.

But here is one of the recipes I would like to put in this article. Moreover, it is quite suitable for today's recipes, where the meat is baked whole.

The New Year is coming soon, and maybe one of you will want to cook such a dish. It turns out very beautiful and incredibly tasty. And it's called "Pork - accordion." It owes its appearance to tomatoes and cheese.

We will need:

  • pork tenderloin - 1 kg
  • cheese - 250 - 300 gr
  • tomatoes - 3 - 4 pcs
  • potatoes - 6 - 7 pcs
  • butter - 60 gr
  • broth - 0.5 cups
  • spices - ground coriander, thyme, dried herbs
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste


1. For this dish, tenderloin or loin is excellent. The main thing is that the piece is even and neat.

2. Wash the meat, dry it and make deep transverse cuts. It should look like a book with pages, only thick. But do not cut through to the end, at the bottom there should be a solid base with a side of about 1 cm.

3. Sprinkle the meat with a mixture of spices. Rub it all well into the pulp, smearing the cut pieces of the “accordion” as well.

Wrap in cling film. Leave for 1 hour so that the meat marinates well.

4. Cut the tomatoes into circles according to the size of the resulting pieces. Large fruits are not necessary. It is necessary that they just fit between the cuts and do not stand out much. I have small tomatoes, and I will put two pieces in each cut.

5. Cut the cheese into pieces a little smaller than meat.

6. Cut the potatoes into very thin slices. If you cut it larger, then it will not have time to bake. It happens that it cooks even longer than meat.

7. Sprinkle the pickled meat with salt and pepper and rub it all into the pulp from all sides and parts.

Do not salt before, so that the salt does not pull out all the juice from the pulp.

8. Cover the glass form with foil, leave the edges hanging down so that they can wrap our dish. Place half or more potatoes down. Salt and pepper it and pour in the broth.

9. Put the prepared meat on top.

Place tomatoes in between. As I said, I just have two rounds.

10. Pieces of cheese are larger, so I put one piece at a time.

11. Spread the remaining potatoes around the edges. Sprinkle with spices and put pieces of butter.

12. Wrap the foil. For fidelity in the right places, you can chip with toothpicks.

13. Put in a preheated oven and bake for 1.5 hours. Then take out, unfold and tuck the foil inward. Try potatoes. He should be ready. And if he is ready, then the meat is also ready. And put it back in the oven so that a beautiful golden crust appears on the surface.

14. Time for this will take 12 - 15 minutes.

15. Remove the dish from the oven. Cover again with foil and let rest for 10 minutes.

Then put the meat on a large dish. Scatter potatoes around. There was juice left in the foil that stood out from the meat, well, we also added broth. It can also be poured into cups.

Serve everything together.

The meat was not very soft, although it chews well. If you like it to be very soft, then you need to pickle not an hour, but two, or even more. And you can use either mayonnaise or soy sauce for the marinade. We considered different methods of marinade when.

If the dish turned out to be too big, and you couldn’t cope with it, then it doesn’t matter. The meat is very tasty on the second day. It can be warmed up or eaten cold. In terms of taste, it does not lose at all.

Meat baked with chicken in cranberry sauce

And this is another very interesting recipe that is similar to the previous one. Looks like not really. The meat will also be cooked in the form of an "accordion", but its filling is too interesting. And the marinade is good.

The recipe is rich and interesting. Just right for a holiday table.

You can serve such meat as a cold snack even for the New Year, even for a birthday, even for any other holiday.

It turns out not only tasty, but also very beautiful and original.

Glazed pork with vegetables and beer

According to this recipe, you can bake already pre-boiled meat. The finished dish can be served for any holiday. It is beautiful and very tasty.

We will need:

  • boiled pork - 1.8 kg
  • potatoes - 800 gr
  • onion - 4 pcs
  • medium apples - 4 pcs
  • orange jam - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • dark beer - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • meat broth - 1 cup
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper
  • carnation
  • Bay leaf
  • fresh thyme


1. Boil the meat in advance until tender. Then dry it and make shallow cuts in the form of rhombuses along the top. Insert a clove into the center of each.

2. Peel and cut potatoes into cubes or slices. Onion cut into not very large slices.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan and fry potatoes with onions until half ready. The potatoes must not become soft in order to retain their shape.

4. Add thyme leaves and bay leaf. Pour in meat broth and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Simmer 30 minutes.

5. In the meantime, mix beer with jam. Spread it over the top of the prepared meat. 30 minutes after stewing vegetables, put the meat in the center of the baking dish, and spread the vegetables around the edges. Brush the top again with the beer mixture.

6. Put to bake for another 30 minutes. During this time, take out the mold several times and grease it with beer mixture.

Thick beer and apricot jam will make the crust look like caramel. It will turn out shiny and baked.

7. 10 minutes before readiness, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples to the dish. You can leave the skin on them, or you can peel it. Especially if she's tough.

Remove from the oven, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Then cut the meat into pieces. And serve with vegetables.

As you can see, the principles of roasting meat in the oven are quite similar. First, it must either be salted or marinated. And then bake in some kind of protective packaging - this is either foil, or a bag or sleeve for baking. And it would seem that everything is easy and simple.

However, there are some secrets thanks to which baked pork will always turn out very tasty. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

How to cook pork in the oven so that it is soft and juicy

We have already covered many of these general rules in each of the recipes. And here we will just quickly go over the main provisions.

  • to get an excellent result, choose the right meat. And here there is such a rule, the more “working” was the part of the carcass that you use, the more time it will take to bake it.

Therefore, if it comes to pork, then take the ham, brisket, neck, shoulder blade. These are the "soft" parts of the carcass and are best baked.

  • the larger the piece, the better it is suitable for cooking. The juice is stored inside and the meat does not dry out.
  • the larger it is, the longer it should be salted or marinated.
  • Before baking, do not remove any fat or films. Sometimes even the skin is left. They keep the meat from evaporating moisture. And this allows you to keep all the juice inside.
  • if there is no fat at all on a piece of meat, then it is usually smeared with either mayonnaise, or mustard, or honey. Or all at once.
  • foil, bag or baking sleeve serve the same purpose.
  • if the meat is fatty, then it is better not to use liquid marinades for it. “Dry” marinades, consisting of a mixture of spices, salt and pepper, will be appropriate here.

As a rule, they should be actively rubbed into the pulp from all sides. Then give some time for the meat to marinate. And only then you can send it to the oven.

  • there is a rule that the fatter the meat, the more aromatic the spices should be.

Spices such as coriander, pepper, paprika, nutmeg, cardamom, star anise are used. For better absorption, fennel seeds are used. Also, spicy vegetables and herbs will not be superfluous. This is primarily garlic, ginger, oregano, thyme, rosemary.

  • of course, for non-fatty meats, all these spices are also used.

For it, you need to use more delicate spices. Such as zira, turmeric, pink pepper.

  • for lean meats, various vegetable oils should be added to marinades. Soy sauce is often added as well.

Well, that's probably all. You can, of course, still talk about marinades, but this is a whole separate topic. We will leave it for a separate article. Moreover, more than one article has already been written on this topic.

Very soon New Year. And probably many will bake meat in the oven for the festive table. And I hope that today's recipes and tips will help you with this.

Bon appetit!
