
Fresh beans recipes for the winter. Salad for the winter of asparagus beans

Delicious, satisfying, non-caloric, rich in protein, vitamins and trace elements - beans should be present on our table. This verdict does not seem strange to those who care about their health. Supporters of proper nutrition, knowing about the beneficial properties of vegetables, try to provide themselves with a natural product in winter. Therefore, the question of how to prepare beans for the winter is very, very relevant.


This is the leader of the workpiece, in favor of which the following facts speak:

  • when frozen, almost all the benefits contained in fresh beans are preserved;
  • the vegetable will be as fresh when you defrost it in winter;
  • the natural taste is preserved, so it will be possible to add to different dishes;
  • the harvesting process is easy and fast;
  • the shelf life of this product is long.

You can prepare beans and bean pods for the winter. Let's start with the pods. Pour cold water into a pot to boil. At this time, select the smoothest bean pods and rinse. You can take whole pods for cooking, you can cut into large pieces. Drop into boiling salted water. Boil the beans for 5-7 minutes, then drain the water. Let the pods dry in a colander, then arrange them in bags. Now it's time for the vitamin sachets to be stored in the freezer. In winter, you will not get enough of this product. Quickly thawed, you can cook a healthy omelet with it or add it to a vitamin soup.

Grain beans are prepared in the same way, only it needs to be cooked a little longer. In winter, packages with the finished product will help you out when preparing salads. You can just warm it up for a side dish. Also, by the way, you can prepare green peas.

In summer, you want to freeze everything, but there is not enough space for freezing. Properly pack vegetables and berries in bags. Put no more than 0.5 kg of the product in 1 bag so that you can immediately eat defrosted vegetables in winter. Squeeze out excess air from the bag by flattening the bag. The bags should be flat. Agree, you can put a much larger number of such “bricks” in the freezer. Please sign them for convenience.

Canning of grain beans

There are many recipes for canned healthy vegetables. When choosing it, you can be guided by your taste, the preferences of relatives and even the shelf life. And the shelf life, as a rule, for canned foods is long. Open a jar in winter and delight your loved ones. The most popular vegetable canning recipes are as follows:

1. In its own juice.

To prepare this recipe for the winter you will need: 1 kg of beans, 0.5 kg of turnip onions, 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.25 kg of sunflower oil, 3 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar, salt and pepper.

If the beans are fresh, start cooking right away. If not, then pre-soak for 8-10 hours. Next, rinse them and put to boil. Chop vegetables - carrots and onions, pour them with oil and simmer for 20 minutes. Add beans to them and continue to boil. After 5-10 minutes, salt, add vinegar and pepper. After a couple of minutes, turn off the fire and - in the jars.

2. Marinated.

All the ingredients for the marinade, except for vinegar, are added to a saucepan in which the beans are filled with water. For the marinade, we need 40 g of salt and sugar plus spices (usually black peppercorns). We cook for an hour and a half. When the vegetable has become soft, add 1 tsp. vinegar. The bean snack is ready.

3. In fresh tomato sauce.

The uniqueness of the recipe for the winter is in its complete naturalness. Tomato sauce is made from tomatoes, not tomato paste. 3 kg of ripe tomatoes fall on 1 kg of beans. First, they are prepared separately. Soak the beans, then cook on low heat for half an hour, adding one and a half tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar to the container. Drain the water, put it in a colander.

Let's get the tomatoes. So that they are easily cleaned of hard skin, we pre-pour them with boiling water. Grind the peeled vegetables in a meat grinder. Now we combine tomato puree and beans, add one and a half tablespoons of salt, pepper and cook for half an hour. In the end, everything is as usual: according to the banks.

4. With vegetables.

You can save for a long time, until winter, a real vegetable platter. The finished salad includes beans (6 cups), tomatoes (3 kg), carrots (2 kg), onions (2 kg), herbs, salt and sugar (2.5 tablespoons each) and 9% vinegar (1 tbsp .l.)

Boil the pre-soaked beans for an hour. Stew onions and carrots, pre-cut. Add chopped tomatoes, greens, peppers to them and boil for 15 minutes. After that, we continue to boil for another half hour already with beans. When the dish is ready, put it in jars.

Experienced housewives advise wrapping jars with a hot dish in a blanket and leaving them overnight so that sterilization continues during this period. If you turn the jars upside down, you can immediately check whether the jar is closed properly and whether air gets into it.

Canning string beans

Delicate bean pods diversify the menu. Preparations for the winter will be a delicious addition to the already familiar dishes. And how much time is saved. In winter, I took out a jar, and the dish is ready. And it keeps for a long time.

Recipes consist of a small set of products and are easy to prepare:

1. Pickled.

You can pickle green or yellow bean pods by adding a spoonful of salt, 100 g of sugar, 70 ml of 6% vinegar to 1 liter of water. Boiled pods (1 kg) must be tightly packed into jars, pour the finished mixture of salt, sugar and vinegar. After the jars are tightly closed with metal lids, boil them for half an hour.

2. With mustard seeds and garlic.

Spices will add spice to the dish. You can experiment by seasoning a regular marinade with grain mustard and minced garlic.

3. With bell pepper.

For 2 kg of pods we take 250 g of red pepper, herbs and 5-6 cloves of garlic. Finely chop the greens, cut the pepper and crush the garlic. We dip all the vegetables in a marinade of 0.7 liters of water, 150 g of sunflower oil, 70 g of salt, 100 g of sugar and 1 cup of 6% vinegar and boil. Add bean pods and continue to boil for another half an hour. And again, not allowing to cool, - on the banks.

Hearty bean dishes will delight the whole family in winter with summer taste.

As a rule, we traditionally prepare cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, and various salads for the winter. For some reason, beans are not among these products for many. And this is despite the fact that beans are one of the most useful products. It is even recommended as a plant-based meat substitute due to the high protein content of beans. Therefore, you need to make sure that the beans in any form are on your table all year round. A variety of healthy and nutritious dishes are prepared from beans. It also perfectly allows you to preserve yourself for long-term storage. Why not take advantage of this opportunity?

You can preserve both grain and green beans. At the same time, it is important that in the process of canning in the beans all its useful qualities. Grain beans come in different varieties, differ in color. And which of them to preserve - white or red - each housewife will decide for herself, they are equally tasty and healthy.

Canned beans for the winter will perfectly complement your diet, become a good dish for a holiday, and for a family dinner, can become the basis for cooking first courses.

Culinary experts distinguish between asparagus and green beans in terms of size, color of the pod, and quality of the grains. However, both asparagus beans for the winter and green beans for the winter are perfectly preserved, frozen and, as a result, give us an excellent snack dish, which many people use as a preparation for borscht.

The original and popular "twist" is a salad with beans for the winter. It is prepared from both grain beans and green beans, with the addition of other vegetables and using marinade-filling. The process of preparing such blanks is somewhat more laborious than harvesting other vegetables. This is due to the fact that the grain beans need to be soaked, the marinade must be carefully prepared, special attention should be paid to the sterilization of cans, etc. But the result is worth it! Be sure that in winter you will get a real festive table if there are beans on it. For the winter, recipes for its preparations are on our website, use it. Use for this also photos of ready-made bean dishes. For the winter, recipes with photos better illustrate their benefits and bright appearance. Using our recipes, prepare, for example, a bean salad for the winter, its recipes are numerous and varied. And the very preparation of beans for the winter, although time-consuming, but useful and very important. And in order to understand how to freeze beans for the winter, or how to preserve them, you need to carefully read not only the recipes on the site, but also the opinions of experienced chefs. Here are some of their tips:

When preparing grain beans for storage for the winter, they must be sorted out, leaving grains with a smooth surface, a brilliant sheen, without damage and dents;

To preserve green beans, you need to choose small, dense and juicy young pods, without damage and stains;

If the pod breaks easily, with a slight crunch, then it is suitable for conservation;

Raw beans should not be consumed due to the presence of components unsuitable for food in it. They are destroyed during heat treatment.

The beneficial properties of legumes are known to many summer residents who grow plants on the site. Vegetable growers are wondering which recipes for winter bean preparations in jars are the most delicious, retain the maximum of useful substances and are stored for a long time. The answer to this question is sometimes sought for years. And especially lucky summer residents find their own the first time.

It is no secret that eating legumes brings a lot of benefits to the human body. Eating a small amount of beans daily leads to better health.

Eating helps:

  • improving digestion;
  • strengthening the body, fighting infections;
  • blood purification;
  • prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases;
  • hair health;
  • full of protein without fat.
  • prevention of the occurrence of cancerous tumors;
  • decrease in blood cholesterol levels;
  • and the fiber and pectins contained in the beans remove salts of heavy metals from the body. This is especially true for regions with high levels of pollution;
  • providing anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

The benefits of eating beans for food are determined for each person individually, do not forget about the dangers of the culture. In particular, it is not recommended to eat legumes for those who suffer from:

  • jade;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout;
  • or various diseases of the stomach.

The nutritional value of beans depends on the variety, the general averages are as follows:

  • kilocalories - 14;
  • proteins - 1.5 grams;
  • fats - 0.1 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 1.8 grams;
  • water - 83 grams;
  • starch - 6 grams;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 1.6 grams;
  • organic acids - 0.7 grams;
  • dietary fiber - 0.1 grams.

The composition of beans includes many useful minerals and vitamins. The calorie content of canned beans is 95 kilocalories.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Half the success depends on how well the beans are cooked. Basic preparation rules:

  • beans should be sorted. It is advisable to select the same variety, since different beans are cooked differently;
  • in the evening it is soaked in water, you can salt it. Then in the morning it will cook faster;
  • Boil until cooked, as undercooked beans can cause poisoning.

You don’t have to do anything special when cooking beans, but over the years some nuances have been developed that are relevant within the same family.

Delicious recipes with beans for the winter

Home conditions actively contribute to the preparation of simple, healthy and very tasty recipes with beans for the winter. Each housewife selects the methods of preparing the fruits of the culture at her own discretion and the preferences of the household. But there are better recipes that are popular in almost every family.

A classic recipe for preserving white and red beans

Housewives often prefer the classics - a recipe that has been proven over the years seems reliable. It will take a little time and effort to prepare it. And the ingredients for it are always at hand. Used, in cooking, red or white beans, depending on personal preference.


  • beans - 1 kilogram;
  • water - 3.5 liters;
  • salt and sugar - 120 grams each;
  • vinegar - 3 teaspoons;
  • spices - to taste.

When using freshly picked fruits, soak the beans for 1 hour.

It is better to pour the dried product with water and leave it overnight. The beans are first sorted and sorted. When the specified time has passed, the liquid in which the beans were located is drained and poured into a container clean water. They take the entire indicated volume of liquid, salt it, add sugar to it, all the spices that the family prefers. Put on the fire, cook until the beans are ready.

After that, vinegar is added to preserve, allowed to cook a little more and laid out hot in jars. Roll up and turn on the lids, cover with something warm on top. Keep in this form until completely cooled.

This blank is used for cooking any dish or in its pure form, as an appetizer.

canned without tomato

Preservation in this way will allow you to experiment in winter, creating culinary masterpieces using this blank.


  • beans - 2 kilograms;
  • onions - 0.4 kilograms;
  • carrots - 0.4 kilograms;
  • sweet pepper - 0.4 kilograms;
  • salt, sugar and spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Beans are cooked until half cooked. All vegetables are washed, peeled, cut into strips and sautéed in vegetable oil. Combine all the ingredients together, salt, add granulated sugar and spices. Stew until the beans are cooked. Hot poured into containers, previously sterilized. Roll up and wrap in a warm place until cool.

Method of cooking in own juice

This way of cooking beans is called natural or "like a store." Preparing is quite simple.


  • 1 kilogram of beans;
  • salt - to taste;
  • water - 5 liters.

The beans are sorted, all suspicious specimens are selected and poured with cold water for 10-12 hours. If possible, change the water several times.

After the time has passed, the beans are washed with water and put on a slow fire. Cook for an hour.

You can not salt right away, otherwise the beans will remain hard.

Then, when the water boils a little, the contents are salted and boiled to the end. When hot, they are put into jars, covered with lids and sent to be sterilized. The time depends on the size of the containers.

When sterilization is completed, the jars are twisted and wrapped until completely cool.

With vegetables in a monastic style

Cooking fruits of culture according to this recipe does not take much time. In addition, the result amazes even the most sophisticated gourmet, the preparation is excellent, you just lick your fingers.

  • beans - 700 gram jar;
  • 1 kilogram of pepper;
  • 0.6 kilograms of onions;
  • 0.5 kilograms of carrots;
  • 2.5 kilograms of tomatoes or 2 liters of juice;
  • 2-3 heads of garlic;
  • 150 milliliters of oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon.

Pre-soak the main ingredient. Since it needs to swell, this will shorten the cooking time.

After 7-8 hours, the beans are washed and put to boil over a slow fire. Cook until half cooked. It is recommended to change the first water, then salt a little.

While it is cooking, vegetables are cooked, peeled and washed. Cut at your discretion, as the household prefers.

All ingredients, except beans and tomatoes, are mixed and put on fire, stewed for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, tomatoes are twisted in a meat grinder. Add to the workpiece and continue to simmer for 10-15 minutes.

At the end, add the beans; the liquid in which it was boiled is poured out. Pour out sugar and randomly chopped garlic. Give the mixture the opportunity to boil well, mixing thoroughly and avoiding burning.

Then pour the vinegar and simmer for another 5 minutes. The preparation is ready. When hot, everything is packaged in jars and rolled up. Remove until completely cooled under a blanket.

With tomatoes

The variety of recipes is amazing. There is a cooking method that will appeal to all household members. Just don't be afraid to experiment.


  • beans - 1 kilogram;
  • tomatoes - 3 kilograms;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • spices - to taste.

As in previous recipes, the main ingredient is soaked for 8-10 hours. After that, put to cook until cooked.

Tomatoes in the recipe are used without peel. A simple way to remove it will help: the vegetable should be scalded with boiling water, and the skin will be easily removed. Ready tomatoes are twisted using a meat grinder.

Salt the finished liquid, pour out granulated sugar and all spices, put on fire. For 30 minutes, stirring constantly, boil the mixture over low heat.

Do not let the workpiece burn, it will spoil the taste of the finished dish.

After the time has passed, the beans are laid out and stewed for 10-15 minutes. When ready, the mixture is laid out hot in jars. Roll up and put away for storage. Closing the fruits of culture according to this recipe is not at all difficult.

Stewed with greens

This blank will appeal to all lovers of vitamins. For her, you need to cook the greens and the beans themselves. The rest of the ingredients are on hand.


  • beans - 1 kilogram;
  • tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • 1 bunch of dill and parsley;
  • salt - 100 grams;
  • hot pepper - to taste.

Soak the main ingredient in water for several hours. The more it costs, the less time it will take to cook. Cook until the beans are soft and break in half easily.

Any convenient way to chop the tomatoes. Add some salt and pepper. Finely chop the greens. Put the twisted tomatoes on the fire, bring to a boil. Pour greens and boil for 5-10 minutes. The fill is ready.

Cooked beans are laid out in containers, the jars are not full. Leave 4-5 centimeters to the top, pour boiling mass.

Ready jars are placed in a container for sterilization. The duration of the process is 1.5 hours. As soon as they are ready, the banks are taken out, rolled up and put away for storage.


There are a lot of ways to harvest fruits of culture. In addition to boiling and marinating, baked beans are made. Cook it quickly, it keeps for a long time.


  • 500 grams of beans;
  • 250 grams of tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - to taste.

Beans are boiled until half cooked. Peeled onions are cut into half rings and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Then randomly chopped tomatoes are added to it.

Everything is mixed together, placed in a dish suitable for baking. Set the temperature in the oven and send the mixture there for about 20 minutes. Acetic acid is added 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking. Leave in the oven until the end of the time.

When hot, they are laid out in jars, rolled up, cleaned under a blanket until completely cooled.

Spicy beans with pepper

For seaming in this way, you will need hot pepper, each housewife sets its quantity independently, depending on personal preferences.


  • 5 glasses of beans;
  • 25 pieces of sweet pepper;
  • 7 pieces of onions;
  • 2-3 hot peppers;
  • garlic - 1-2 heads;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt - 50 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 milliliters.

The beans are cooked until tender. Onions are cut into cubes, of which 2 pieces are left raw, the rest is fried until golden brown.

Bitter pepper is also cut into cubes. Sweet cut a little larger. Connect the peppers together and fry in oil. Peeled garlic rubbed on a grater.

Tomatoes are crushed in any convenient way. Pour into a container and add all the onions and peppers to them. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

After that spread the beans and garlic. Salt, sprinkle sugar. Let it boil, pour in vinegar and, after boiling for 5 minutes, turn it off.

When hot, they are packaged in jars, twisted and wrapped in a warm blanket.


There are a lot of ways to pickle fruits of culture. Each housewife chooses a method convenient for herself. It is important to follow the recipe, and a delicious snack will delight the household in the middle of winter.


  • beans - 1-2 kilograms;
  • 70% vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt and sugar - 40 grams each.

The beans are sorted, soaked. Put on a slow fire. After boiling, salt and pour sugar. Monitor the readiness of the beans. Before completion, pour in acetic acid and leave to boil.

The finished mixture is laid out in jars and rolled up. To consolidate the result, wrap it with a blanket and leave it at room temperature until it cools completely.

How to store canned jars

Any hostess wants to keep their blanks. To do this, she tries to strictly observe the recipe and sterility during work. But this is not enough. In order for the spins to be well stored, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime in the place where the stocks are.

The optimum temperature is from 0 to +15 ⁰С. Whereas the humidity should be no higher than 80%. Observing these indicators, the finished product is stored for 1 year or more.

Cooking beans for the winter is not at all difficult. Ready-made fruits of the culture significantly reduce the time of cooking your favorite dishes with its use.

Among the variety of preservation, there are blanks that can be used not only as a side dish, but also as an ingredient for preparing other dishes. The latter also includes a salad with beans for the winter. This hearty and nutritious snack with bread will completely replace dinner. And if you suddenly want borscht, and there is no beans at home, you can safely add salad to the pan. Borscht will not suffer a bit from this, but on the contrary, it will acquire an additional taste. In addition, the cooking time will be significantly reduced.

Experimenting with the ingredients, experienced housewives have created and brought to life many delicious bean salad recipes for the winter. Adding different vegetables to the appetizer allows you to play with taste and makes the salad not so rich.

To make the beans cook faster, they should be soaked on the eve of conservation (overnight).

Traditional bean salad

To prepare 5 liters of salad:

The readiness of the salad is determined by the state of the legumes: if the beans are soft, you can turn it off.

Beans with vegetables

Preparing a salad will not take so much time if you boil a kilogram of beans first.

While the beans are boiling, you can do the vegetables:

Beans in tomato sauce

Such a salad is very similar to store-bought beans, which housewives often buy for borscht. However, due to the fact that tomatoes with pulp are used instead of tomato juice, the sauce is thicker.

To make 4.5 liters of canned bean salad, you should:

Greek bean salad

Traditionally, red beans and chili peppers are used to prepare this appetizer in the amount necessary to make the salad spicy. For those who do not like hot dishes, chili can be put in quite a bit, for taste. Greek salad for the winter with beans turns out to be very tasty, and red fruits and vegetables make it also festively beautiful.

First of all, you need to prepare the beans:

Now start preparing the vegetables:

And now you can start cooking directly canned red bean salad:

Bean salad with beets

A jar of such an appetizer will serve not only as a delicious side dish for mashed potatoes, but will also help out during the preparation of first courses. Beetroot salad with beans for the winter can be added instead of fresh vegetables to borscht. From the indicated amount of ingredients, approximately 6.5 liters of the finished product should be obtained.

Step by step preparation:

Bean salad with zucchini

Beans, although healthy, are a little heavy food for the stomach. To make the appetizer lighter, you can add young zucchini or zucchini to it and make a salad for the winter with beans and zucchini.

For the salad you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. sugar beans;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • 3 kg of zucchini;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 500 g of bell pepper;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • to taste - salt and pepper;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar.

Soak the beans overnight, and boil the next day until tender.

Cut the zucchini into large cubes so that they remain whole during the cooking process. You can not cut the peel if the vegetables are young.

Pepper cut into not very thick sticks.

Place chopped vegetables in a large cauldron, pour tomato juice on top and boil for 40 minutes (over medium heat). During this time, the juice that the zucchini will start up will evaporate. Next, screw on the burner and boil the salad for 20 minutes.

When the workpiece becomes thicker, add the finished beans, butter and sugar (salt, pepper - to taste). Boil for another 10 minutes and pour in the vinegar. After 2 minutes, turn off the burner, put the salad in jars and roll up.

A salad with beans for the winter is not only a hearty snack, but also an excellent preparation for first courses, which will help you cook them quickly. Experiment, add other vegetables to the beans, and enjoy your meal!

Beans very healthy and tasty, it is used to prepare various dishes, from soups to salads.

Best recipes for preserving beans for the winter with a description of the preparation: beans with vegetables, canned white beans, bean salad with beetroot, walnut salad with beans, green bean salad with carrots, asparagus bean appetizer.

Tasty snack in winter beans with vegetables, very satisfying and useful. This bean salad is great for any second courses.

Ingredients: beans 1.8 kg, tomatoes 2 kg, carrots 1 kg, onions 1 kg, bell peppers 1 kg, garlic 100 g, vegetable oil 200 ml, vinegar 9% 2-3 tbsp. l, sugar and salt to taste.

salad recipe

Wash the beans, soak for 10-12 hours, then boil until tender.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater. Peel the sweet pepper from seeds, cut into strips.

Wash the tomatoes, remove the peel. To remove the skin, boil each tomato in boiling water for 1-2 minutes. If the peel is not cracked, make an incision with a knife and peel off easily. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Finely chop the garlic.

In a non-stick pan, first fry the onion for 10 minutes in vegetable oil, then add the grated carrots and simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Then add sweet peppers to the pan, simmer for 10 minutes, then add chopped tomatoes, simmer for 10 minutes.

Add beans, garlic and all tight for 20 minutes, stirring. 5 minutes before the end, salt and pepper to taste.

Prepare half-liter jars: wash and sterilize.

Ready bean salad put into jars and roll up the lids. From this amount of ingredients, 12 half-liter jars of a delicious salad with beans were obtained.

In winter, it is very convenient to use canned beans for soups, snacks, salads.

Ingredients: beans 1 kg, onions 500 g, carrots 500 g, vegetable oil 250 ml, vinegar 9% 3 tbsp, salt 40 g, cloves, peppercorns to taste.

winter bean recipe

Wash the beans, soak for 10 hours, changing the water 2-3 times.

Boiling the beans until cooked for 1.5-2 hours, it all depends on the variety and size of the beans.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings, cut the carrot into rings.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan, pour onions and carrots, simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add beans and simmer another 10 minutes.

Salt, add peppercorns and cloves (3-4 peppercorns and 1 cloves per half-liter jar). Boil 2 minutes.

We prepare half-liter jars: wash well with soda and sterilize.

Lay out the finished beans in jars, cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes, then roll up and leave to cool completely.

Healthy and tasty salad for the winter.

Ingredients: beets 2 kg, tomatoes 2 kg, carrots 2 kg, onions 2 kg, beans 4 cups 250 g, vegetable oil 1 cup, sugar 1 cup, salt 1/2 cup, vinegar 9% 1/2 cup.

Recipe for salad with light and beans

Wash the beans, soak for 10-12 hours, boil until half cooked.

Wash and cut all vegetables. Cut the beets and tomatoes into strips, carrots and onions into half rings. We put to cook on the stove, adding vegetable oil to the pan. Boil for 2 hours on low heat. 10 minutes before the end, sugar, salt and add vinegar.

Ready salad pour into sterilized half-liter jars and roll up the lids. Leave until completely cool.

delicious canned snack for the winter. Walnut salad with beans goes well with mint potatoes, various cereals.

Ingredients: beans 1 kg, tomatoes 2.5 kg, carrots 1 kg, bell peppers 1 kg, onions 500 g, sugar 1 cup, salt 3 tbsp. l, vegetable oil 500 ml, ground black pepper 2 tsp, vinegar 9% 1 tsp.

winter salad recipe

Soak beans in water for 12 hours.

Wash all vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots and sweet peppers into strips.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces.

Put the beans, seasonings, vegetables into the pan, add vegetable oil and vinegar. We put on fire and after boiling, boil for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

We prepare half-liter jars: wash and sterilize.

Roll up the finished salad with lids, leave to cool completely.
