
Wedding cake and cupcakes for what. Elegant wedding cake with cupcakes: design and serving options

A wedding cake is a dish that is given special attention when planning an event. It is decorated with figurines of a pair of doves, swans, a bride and groom. In the last decade, traditions have been broken, and cupcake compositions have replaced the cake. This trend provides even more opportunities for culinary and confectioners. Wedding cupcakes are collected in huge pyramids or small groups to decorate the table. Compositions of mini-cakes correspond to the overall design, style and color of the celebration.

Advantages of cupcakes at a wedding

According to one version of the origin of the name, 3 centuries ago, the dessert was baked in an aluminum cup, which is why it was called so unpretentiously “cake in a cup”. This is not just a "cupcake with cream", but a miniature cake, which recently cannot be called anything other than a culinary masterpiece. The popularity of this dessert for a wedding is growing, and now the cupcake is at the height of fashion. Mini cakes decorate tables at anniversaries, anniversaries and other celebrations. The benefits of cupcakes at a wedding are obvious:

  • No matter how much effort the confectioner spends on decorating the cake for the wedding, there will be a banal piece with a layer of cream on the plate. The mini-cake in the composition and on its own looks great.
  • The most important advantage is that the cupcake does not need to be divided into portions. For the bride and groom, carefully cutting the cake at a wedding is a whole test. No need to worry that someone will not have enough dessert: each guest will receive their own cupcake.
  • You can beautifully place a composition with such cakes for a small wedding (50 - 60 guests) on a stand, even consisting of 4 tiers, which cannot be done in the version with a cake (3 tiered cake weighs from 15 kg, this is for 150 people).
  • Cupcakes are easy to transport to the wedding venue. A large cake is very problematic to transport, a sharp turn or braking can be fatal for him. Cupcakes are easily packed into boxes, and even if it suddenly happens that individual copies lose their appearance, they are easy to remove from the composition. But at the same time, you should order a slightly larger number of cakes.
  • Ability to prepare different types of cupcakes. Each guest can choose the mini cake that they like best. For example, for ladies who follow their figure, it’s a good idea to order low-calorie confectionery, for children - fruit cupcakes, etc.
  • If you want to keep the tradition of cutting the cake by the newlyweds, then a small cake with classic figurines of pigeons or swans is placed on the topmost tier of the composition, and the lower tiers of the stand are filled with cupcakes.
  • Sweet is the final dish of the wedding, for which the guests already “have no place”. The opportunity to take a cupcake with you in a convenient package will be a pleasant end to the celebration. To do this, before serving the cake, small paper bags are placed near each guest.

A wedding cake is a dish that will be remembered for a long time by the newlyweds and everyone present. The confectionery product should be in harmony with the chosen style of the wedding, but, most importantly, it should be to the taste of the guests. It is better to order a cake with cakes at the very end, when the number of guests, the style and color of the wedding are known. The following tips will help you cope with this difficult task.

Stand and number of tiers

Cupcakes are convenient because the number of tiers of the stand determines the design of the composition, and not the number of mini-cakes. Even with the help of 60 cakes, it is easy to create a pyramid in both 3 and 5 "floors". The industry produces a wide range of cupcake supplies. But due to the fact that such desserts are only becoming fashionable in our country, the choice of accessories is still limited. The problem can be solved by buying a stand for mini cakes through online stores or by making it yourself. There are several approaches to choosing the number of tiers of a cupcake stand:

  • Take as a basis the already available stand. Then everything is simple: we place cupcakes on it and complete the composition with decorative elements. Bakery shops often offer beautiful mini cake stands for rent for a reasonable fee.
  • If a wedding cake with cupcakes will be created on your own, then it is easy to make a stand of any size yourself from cardboard or other material. Then you should rely on the design of the composition itself, the materials that are planned to be used to make the "pyramid", the number of cupcakes. A very interesting and simple solution is presented in the photo below.

Finishing color and filling

Pyramids with cupcakes for a wedding can be of different shapes and colors. Depending on the chosen option for wedding decoration, they think over the main tone of the composition. The shape and color of a cupcake cake can be symbolic at a national or themed party. Taking the following ideas as a basis, it will not be difficult for you to choose the color scheme for the design of the composition with cupcakes:

  • The shade of mini-cakes matches the chosen color of the wedding. If the celebration is organized in a classic style, then it is better to choose a different concept.
  • The color scheme of the cupcakes is in contrast with the wedding decoration. This is ideal for a classic wedding or if white, pastel colors predominate. The rich bright color of the composition with cupcakes for the wedding will cause a real sensation and stand out noticeably against such a background.
  • The color and shape of the pyramid with mini-cakes repeats the bride's outfit.
  • Arrange cupcakes according to the time of year. Winter, summer, spring or autumn compositions look very unusual.

When choosing a color scheme for a cupcake, you need to remember the psychology of food color perception. Psychologists have found that the most appetizing shades are yellow, purple and red. These tones improve digestion and encourage you to try the dish. A person avoids products painted in blue, black and lilac. The top of the most unappetizing tones is headed by blue. Foods dyed with green dye are perceived as having health benefits. White is neutral. If you can not do without blue, black and blue colors, then you should not make them background.

Confectioners have accumulated a huge number of cupcake recipes with even more numerous fillings: vanilla, chocolate, fruit, carrot, etc. Many chefs have their own signature dishes, the composition of which is kept secret. It is very convenient to order cupcakes with different fillings, but made in the same style, so that each guest at the wedding can choose a cake to their liking. Try to avoid heavy oily creams based on butter. If possible, pre-order a small amount of cupcakes “for testing” so as not to be disappointed at the holiday itself.

How to make your own wedding cupcakes

For the preparation of wedding cupcakes, the products must be of the highest quality: butter cannot be replaced with margarine, eggs must be chosen the freshest, and sugar should be finely ground. Particular attention is paid to the design of the cream cap. As forms for baking cupcakes, colored paper cupcake liners are used, which also serve as packaging for cakes. Non-stick or silicone molds are also suitable, but then you need to think about the design of the sides of the cupcakes. Are you going to make mini cakes? Use this step by step guide:

  • The main rule when preparing cupcakes is that the initial products should be at room temperature.
  • Preheat the cupcake oven to 180°C.
  • Butter weighing 110 g at room temperature, beat until a white fluffy mass. Then gradually add a glass of fine granulated sugar, continuing to beat until it is completely dissolved.
  • Add 2 fresh eggs one at a time to the mass, continuing to beat.
  • Gradually pour in half a glass of milk, and mix the mass for cupcakes, achieving complete uniformity.
  • Sift 2 teaspoons of baking powder with 200 g of flour.
  • Gently fold flour into butter mixture.
  • Divide the cupcake dough in two.
  • To one part, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder diluted in 20 ml of water.
  • In the second part, you can add vanilla, lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, almond extract, or a tablespoon of cherry brandy.
  • There are options for filling molds for mini-cakes: put the white and dark dough in half or pour the chocolate and light masses into the molds separately.
  • Immediately after filling, send the forms with the test of the future dessert to the preheated oven for 20 minutes.
  • In the traditional cupcake recipe, the cooled “cupcake” is covered on top with a neat “cap” of any cream that holds the shape.
  • If you move away from the classics, then with the help of a confectionery syringe you can introduce fruit puree or cream into each cupcake, and then decorate the top of the cake with cream, icing, mastic, fruits and berries.

Video - cupcake recipe

There are many recipes and even more options for decorating a cupcake for a wedding. To prepare such wedding cakes on your own, you need to have minimal experience and rich imagination. But you can learn the technology of making classic chocolate cupcakes with banana-cream filling, as well as options for decorating a cake, by watching a video from a professional chef.

A wedding is an important event in the life of every person. And I really want everything to be perfect on this day. From the ribbons on the chair to the bridal veil. And of course, the wedding cake is not the last place in this celebration. It is very important that it is not only beautiful and tasty, but also matches the theme of the wedding celebration as much as possible. It is this cake that can be a good solution for such a massive event. Its design gives the confectioner more opportunities for the scope of his imagination. Cupcake wedding cakes are gaining more and more popularity.


According to one version of the origin of small cakes, which today are called "cupcakes", the dessert was baked in an aluminum cup, which gave it its name, which means "cake in a cup." Today, the popularity of such a dessert is growing more and more, and now cupcakes are at the height of fashion.

The beauty of a cake lies in its decoration. The pastry chef spends a lot of time and effort to decorate his work and create a complete picture, and as a result, the guest will have a piece of cake with a layer of cream and some decoration element on the plate. While in a wedding cake with cupcakes, a cake is a separate decorated element, the beauty of which can be enjoyed by every guest.

The undoubted advantage of such a dessert is that there is no need to divide it into portions. After all, for the bride and groom, sometimes cutting the cake into the same parts, so that each guest has enough, becomes a whole test. In the case of a mini-cake, each guest will receive their own portion.

A composition of mini cakes can be beautifully placed for a wedding of 50 people or 200, which cannot be done with a large cake. If you want to make a cake in several tiers for a small wedding, then it will drag out at least 15 kg (100 people), and as a result, you will have to overpay significantly. Pies can be laid out for 50 people on trays of several tiers. It will turn out beautifully, and at no extra cost.

Another advantage of cupcakes is their transportation. Mini-cakes can be decomposed into different boxes. Upon arrival, the confectioner will be able to easily assemble a single composition. And even if one of the boxes is damaged during transportation, the cakes can be replaced with others, which cannot be said about a whole wedding cake.

If the newlyweds want to keep the tradition of cutting the cake, then on the top tier you can place a small cake with figurines of doves or a bride and groom. Such an example would be the photo of a wedding cake with cupcakes presented in the article.

Usually the cake is served at the end of the celebration, when the guests have already eaten and cannot overpower the dessert. In such a case, a paper bag can be placed near each guest in which they can put a treat and take it home.

What you need to know when choosing a mini cake wedding cake?

Dessert at a wedding is a kind of cherry on the cake that completes the composition. Likewise, the procedure of taking out the cake completes the wedding celebration and should leave pleasant memories for the guests. Therefore, the confectionery product should not stand out in style from the general concept of the wedding and should be pleasantly remembered by guests not only by taste. It is better to order a wedding cake with cupcakes at the very end, when the exact number of guests, the style of the wedding will be known and the main color scheme of the celebration will be chosen.

Forming a cake from cupcakes

You can order a stand for such a cake or make it yourself. It is very important to pay special attention to her choice, since she will be one of the main constituent elements in the overall composition and should not stand out either in design or in style. And already on the stand are pies, depending on the color and shape. At the last stage, the cake is decorated with various additional elements.

Do-it-yourself wedding cake with cupcakes without mastic

As a form for baking the base, you need to take molds for baking cupcakes.

It is important that all products that will be used to make the cake are at room temperature. Also, the ingredients must be fresh and only of the best quality. The oven must be turned on immediately and heated to 180 degrees.

Step-by-step preparation of a wedding cake with cupcakes without mastic (with photo)

Beat 110 grams of butter until fluffy.

Gradually add a glass of sugar. Next, we drive in two eggs and pour in half a glass of milk. Beat the mass all the time until it becomes homogeneous. Now add 200 g of sifted flour with 2 tsp. baking powder. Divide the dough into two equal parts.

2 tbsp. l. dilute cocoa powder with water and add to one part. In the second part, you can add orange juice, cinnamon, lemon zest or cherry liqueur.

Put the dough into a mold. You can put half the light and half the dark dough in one form. Or put a different dough in each form. Bake it for about 20 minutes.

Before putting the filling into the molds, they must cool. You can fill it with any cream that holds its shape. Also, with a confectionery syringe, you can introduce fruit puree into each form, and decorate with cream or orange zest on top.

In decorating cupcakes, the flight of fantasy of every housewife can be unlimited.

A large number of new trends in the field of making desserts can be confusing. Let's see what cupcakes are. These are small cakes originally from the United States. Cupcakes have an amazing decor in terms of beauty and subtlety. Of course, all this is true only if you place an order with real experts in their field.

Why you should order a cupcake wedding cake

  • newlyweds think why it is worth buying wedding cupcake cake in Moscow, and not the traditional dessert in the form of a whole multi-tiered cake. The first benefit of a cupcake wedding cake is that it doesn't need to be cut.
  • the second significant plus is that none of the guests will be offended by the fact that the neighbor has a piece more
  • if you decide to pick up your order yourself, then delivering it to the restaurant will be much easier than a wedding treat, consisting of several “floors”
  • agree that it is quite difficult to correctly calculate the weight of a traditional cake. The situation is completely different with a cupcake cake for a wedding. It is enough to count the number of guests and order a little more cupcakes (just in case)
  • Each cupcake will have its own design. These can be figurines, flowers, mastic letters, pictures, bows, edible diamonds and pearls, berries... All this will allow you to perfectly fit the cake composition into the overall concept of your holiday.
  • can't choose a topping for the cake? Don't stop at just one. Any number of toppings can be "hidden" in cupcakes, and this will certainly please your guests
  • if you want to follow the traditions and cut the cake, the confectioners of the “TortFamily” studio will prepare a small cake for you, which will become the upper tier of the whole composition, and cupcakes will be prepared for the guests

How to buy a cupcake cake for a wedding in Moscow?

Delicate, romantic, sporty, glamorous, rustic - any cupcake wedding cakes to order can be your wedding treat. To do this, just select the design option you like from the confectionery catalog, indicate the toppings for desserts and their quantity. You can place an order both through the website and by phone. If you did not find your ideal wedding cupcake cake in the catalog, just send us a picture or even your sketch of a cake composition. And our confectioners will be happy to do everything exactly according to your wishes.

How to cook wedding cupcakes recipe - a complete description of the preparation, so that the dish turns out to be very tasty and original.

Table of contents [Show]

  • You can beautifully place a composition with such cakes for a small wedding (50 - 60 guests) on a stand, even consisting of 4 tiers, which cannot be done in the version with a cake (3 tiered cake weighs from 15 kg, this is for 150 people).

Stand and number of tiers

Finishing color and filling

Video - cupcake recipe

Cupcake wedding cake ideas - photo

A cupcake is literally a cup cake, a miniature cake that takes a few bites. Not a muffin, not a cake. It's the cake. The one who says: "Yes, nothing special - just a small cake" - will be wrong, wrong, and wrong again. A cupcake is really a miniature cake, but the word "simple" is superfluous here, and this is exactly the case when size matters.

Let's take a small example.
Have you tried Borodino bread with sunflower oil and salt? Even if not, you can probably remember its taste. Now imagine that this unpretentious dish made a splash at the prestigious culinary summit in San Sebastian, Spain. Surprised? Still would. But the bread was not simple, but whipped together with butter into the most delicate mousse, the taste of which is so thin and strong that it is served exclusively for testing in a small spoon. Such experiments with texture and shape are called molecular cuisine, and although the cupcake does not belong to it at all, they are related by the idea - the idea of ​​a new taste due to an unusual presentation.

No matter what you do with the cake and no matter how much you decorate it with chocolate rivers and mastic banks, it will still turn out to be a banal biscuit with a cream layer on a plate. The cupcake will keep the intrigue to the last.


  • What are cupcakes?
  • Base for making cupcakes
  • Base (oil) cream for cupcakes
  • Cream on sugar syrup (for adding juices)
  • cream cheese cream
  • chocolate ganache
  • chocolate biscuit cupcake recipe
  • wedding cupcakes
  • Cupcake Photo Ideas

cup cake

This version of desserts appeared in America and, like many American things, is called literally and simply - cake in a cup, cup cake (cup cake). By the way, not because cupcakes are often baked and served in paper molds, but because they used to be baked in aluminum cups.

What are called cupcakes? Everything that is small (with an ordinary cup in diameter, but not necessarily round), made of biscuit or other dough, with a cream layer and with various types of confectionery decorations. Traditional cupcakes are made without filling, but simply decorated with cream, icing or mastic, but popularity always brings development with it, so today's cupcakes are mostly small confectionery masterpieces that for some fabulous midget would have passed for a full-fledged cake.

Cupcake dough can be cupcake, biscuit, or even shortbread. Decoration - cream, icing or mastic. The main thing is not this, the main thing is the size. And the “principle of the cake”, elegant, festive baking.


There is no one universal recipe for cupcakes. It can be simple cupcakes with cream, and biscuits of various types (vanilla, nut, caramel, chocolate, fruit), and even pastries from shortcrust pastry - if you make individual cakes, in today's culinary terms, they will automatically become cupcakes. They are baked in cupcake tins or cut out of large cakes. At the same time, the forms do not fill more than two-thirds - unlike cupcakes and muffins, cupcakes do not need a "slide".

Classic cupcake recipe

If you serve this option on the table, you can be sure that no nerd who considers himself a dessert specialist will have a chance to win a terminological argument, because such cupcakes are pure classics of the genre.

The dough for them is prepared according to a special technology code-named "butter whipping method".

INGREDIENTS (for 24 pieces):

  • butter - 200 g
  • flour - 400 g
  • sugar - 300 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 240 ml
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • salt - two pinches

How to make cupcake base

Preparing the base of the cakes is easy. The mysterious method of butter churning consists in simply churning butter and sugar until a fluffy and tender substance is formed, which is then spoiled by the addition of eggs and salt.

If sequentially, then the cooking process is as follows:

  • beat butter and sugar well
  • add eggs and salt and beat well again
  • add sifted flour mixed with baking powder, mix well
  • add milk, stir well

The key word is "good". Beat well, stir well so that the dough is tender, homogeneous, without lumps.

We put paper cups for cupcakes into molds, fill with dough a little more than half, and put in a hot oven (175 C) for 30 minutes. Let cool and you can do the cream or icing.

- Why was there only one cake, and as many as five kilograms were added?
- Because there were four more cream roses ...

Creams for classic cupcakes

If you are into classic cupcakes, that is, cakes in the form of small cupcakes with cream decorations, be sure to buy yourself a pastry syringe with several nozzles and pick up a couple of cream recipes that hold their shape well.

Butter (basic recipe)

Butter cream is also a classic, and a classic is something that has stood the test of time, so we recommend that you definitely put this recipe in your piggy bank. But if you or your guests are not very sweet, be modest with him - not everyone gets the same pleasure from a whole oil rose.


  • butter - 200 g
  • milk or low-fat cream - 90 ml
  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • some vanilla


In order for the cream to beat well and keep its shape, the butter must be taken with a high percentage of fat and without vegetable additives, and the milk must be heated to a temperature of 27-30 C.

Before preparing the cream, remove the butter from the refrigerator and wait until it warms up to room temperature. Forced heating is undesirable.

You need to put powdered sugar in the butter and grind the mixture well, and then beat it for 15 minutes, gradually adding warm milk.

Butter cream derivatives

The cream recipe above was basic, and additional components can be added to it to diversify the taste or color, but if you want to use natural dyes - fruit or vegetable juices - it is better to make butter cream not with milk, but with sugar syrup, because when pure juices are added to the oil, it can curdle.


  • butter - 200 g
  • water - 100 ml
  • powdered sugar - 150 g

Pour sugar into boiling water, stir well, bring to a boil again and cool. Beat the butter and continue to beat it, adding the syrup by a tablespoon.

The cream turns out to be dense and oily, and it can be dyed without synthetic dyes by adding the juice of chokeberry, spinach, beets and other fruits, vegetables or berries to the syrup.

Cream Cheese Cream A simple and tasty cream, provided you have access to good cream cheese.


  • butter - 115 g
  • cream cheese - 225 g
  • vanilla essence - half a teaspoon
  • powdered sugar - to taste (at least 100 g to 1 standard glass)

From softened butter and cream cheese, beat a lush homogeneous mass, after which we gradually add the powder, continuing to beat the cream. It is not necessary to use all the indicated amount of powder - you can stop when the cream seems sweet enough to you. At the end, add vanilla and mix it with cream.

For cupcakes, other options for butter creams are also suitable - with condensed milk, with milk and eggs, coffee, nut, chocolate. We will not dwell on them, but we will give another classic recipe - the recipe for chocolate ganache. In this case, we are talking about liquid cream, which is used for watering, and not for curly decorations.

chocolate ganache recipe


  • dark high-quality chocolate (with a cocoa content of at least 62%) - 170 g
  • heavy cream - 180 ml
  • sugar - one tbsp

Place chocolate, cream and sugar in a bowl and heat everything in a water bath until the mixture becomes homogeneous. It is very important that it does not boil. Pour cupcakes with warm ganache, and then put them in the refrigerator for several hours so that the cream freezes.

Red wine chocolate biscuit cupcakes

With this cupcake recipe, you can surprise even the hardened sweet tooth. The dough is very chocolate, very tender and light. The main merit in this is red wine, but its taste is almost not felt, although it gives the biscuit an adult piquancy.

The dough is prepared simply, despite the fact that the recipe can be a little scary with the number of ingredients.


  • butter - 85 g
  • brown sugar - 180 ml (when measuring sugar in a glass, tamp)
  • regular sugar - 60 ml
  • egg - 1 pc
  • yolk - 1 pc.
  • red wine (sweet or dry) - 180 ml
  • vanilla essence - 1 tsp
  • flour - a glass (250 ml)
  • cocoa powder (unsweetened) - half a cup
  • soda - at the tip of tsp
  • baking powder - half tsp
  • salt - a quarter tsp
  • cinnamon - a quarter tsp


Take out the ingredients that are stored in the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up to room temperature.

Mix both types of sugar, add softened butter to them and beat with a mixer for several minutes. Add the egg and yolk and beat again a little to mix everything well.

Mix the dry ingredients (flour, salt, cocoa, soda and baking powder) and sift everything together directly onto the dough, stirring it well with a spatula until smooth. Pour in the wine (very slowly, gradually, giving the dough the opportunity to "accept" the liquid) and essence.

IMPORTANT. There is a rule regarding soft baking. The dough for cakes must be diligently kneaded, always in one direction - this way it is saturated with air bubbles and rises better.

Fill the muffin molds with the finished dough no more than 2/3 and bake for 15-20 minutes at 180 C. Check the readiness with a toothpick - it should remain dry.

Ready cupcakes need to be held in shape for a couple of minutes, and then transferred to a wire rack and allowed to cool.

Cupcakes according to this recipe are very tasty even without cream, but they will be even tastier with chocolate ganache, mascarpone cream with cream or cream cheese cream.

Cupcakes as the new wedding fashion

We mentioned the wedding cake not by chance, but because for some time now cupcakes have become its frequent companions, or in general - the main wedding delicacy.

Their first and indisputable advantage at such events is their novelty for the general public. Cupcakes are just beginning to come into fashion, they are not beaten, so they are happy to admire on the wedding table.

Well, after that, there are simple everyday things, mainly convenience for all participants in the celebration: the bride does not have to cut a huge cake, but only a symbolic small one, waiters do not need to serve additional plates, guests do not need to feverishly count calories in their minds and suffer from a frustrated diet .

I must say that with the appropriate level of the master, cupcakes with a wedding cake (or instead of it) look very, very. The most luxurious compositions are obtained using mastic - together with white lace cups, it creates a stunning solemnity.

At more modest events - corporate holidays or charity meetings - classic cupcakes with cream are served.

What this dish will be for you will depend on the degree of seriousness with which you take cooking. You can make cupcakes with cream on a quick hand, or you can spend half an hour decorating just one thing, but create a masterpiece. For example, like this:

In any case, cupcakes deserve to be on your table at least once. In confidence that everything will be so, we have collected cupcake ideas for you from all over the Internet. They just couldn't resist.

Photo ideas for decorating cupcakes

Cupcakes, recipes and ideas © Magic Food.RU

At wedding celebrations, it has become popular to set sweet tables with all sorts of goodies. Sweets are usually baked in a small size so that guests can easily take them. Cookies, pies, gingerbread or cupcakes can be an alternative to cake or act as nice gift for invited people.

How to organize a sweet table?

Photo of a wedding sweet table

A sweet table at a wedding is one of the important elements of the decoration of the festive hall. It is important to carefully consider its organization and take into account all the nuances, for example:

  • if the banquet is in the form of a buffet table, then a sweet table should be placed between the main dishes and drinks;
  • a sweet table can be installed in the welcome area at the exit registration;
  • if the restaurant has a separate area where guests can relax between rooms in the entertainment program, then a table with sweets should be installed there;
  • the table should not be on the sunny side so that the sweets do not deteriorate;
  • there should be a sufficient number of forks and napkins on the table;
  • sweets should be stored in the refrigerator, and they should be placed on the table immediately before the arrival of guests.

When creating a dessert table, it is important to stick to the same color scheme with the design of the entire wedding, then the result will be especially impressive.

Sweet compositions made in 2-3 colors look more impressive than multi-colored ones.

Sweet table in orange

Sweet table setting for a wedding

The choice of sweets is huge, and its variety is easy to translate into a wedding celebration with the help of dessert table. Everyone's childhood dream of an endless abundance of cakes, sweets and other goodies will come true.

What can be sweets at a wedding:

  • marshmallow;
  • cupcakes;
  • cookie;
  • gingerbread;
  • cake pops;
  • candied fruits and berries;
  • sweet pies.

Photo of the decoration of the sweet table at the wedding

To make sweets on the table look beautiful, there must be central composition in the form of a multi-tiered vase, a bouquet of sweets or a cake.

In summer, soft drinks must be present on the sweet table: juices, lemonades, fruit drinks

What should be on the tea table: coffee, tea, cream or milk. Guests will not have to wait for tea to be served on the common table, but will be able to pour it themselves.

Between a variety of sweets you need to place small decorative elements. For example, paper garlands with the inscription "Happy wedding day!", figurines in the form of doves or a bride and groom, cute little crafts. Also on the dessert table you can put small kraft paper bags so that guests can wrap sweets with them.

Summer sweet table decoration with tea

Wedding cupcakes, cakes and cake pops

The most popular desserts for a sweet table for a wedding are small cakes - cupcakes. Unlike cake, they do not require cutting, but are prepared as personalized treats. Making cakes to order or with your own hands is everyone's business. But a professional can make wedding cupcakes real work of art.

Wedding cupcakes look like cakes, they are decorated with cream, icing, fondant and sugar powder. Delicate biscuit melting in your mouth and delicious cream - this cupcake will not leave any guest indifferent.

Cake pops are a new type of cupcakes.. They look like a small biscuit cake on a stick. Cake pops can be prepared in the form of different shapes, for example, hearts, bride and groom, cupid.

Cake pops in the form of a bride and groom

Photo of serving cake pops at a wedding

Muffins are small rounded pastries with a delicious filling inside. It can be berry, chocolate, with nuts and bananas, various fruits. Muffins are served in small paper coasters.

A separate decoration on the dessert table can be an open tart with berry filling. It is important to pre-cut it into portioned pieces. At a Russian-style holiday, you can put wedding pies with fruit or berry filling on the table.

Gingerbread and cookies at a wedding for guests

A beautiful and convenient option for filling a wedding sweet table is cookies. It must be done in an unusual, romantic setting. For example, decorate the dates of the holiday with numbers, various cute drawings: hearts, butterflies, rings.

Also, cookies can be of very different shapes: round, square or curly. For example, like a Mexican wedding cookie with nuts. It is considered one of the most popular types of wedding cookies.

For cookies, be sure to order small paper envelopes, so that it would be more convenient for guests to enjoy dessert - so the crumbs from the dessert do not get on the outfits

Wedding gingerbread with the initials of the newlyweds is a great dessert that is suitable for a wedding in any theme. They can be curly, for example, gingerbread bride and groom - it looks funny and cute. It is also important that gingerbread products are stored for a long time, so you can cook them a little in advance of the wedding, and not the day before.

By the way, the original gingerbread in tulle can be presented to guests as a small sweet gift in gratitude for the fact that they came to share the joyful event of the bride and groom. Guests can take them home with them and treat themselves some time after the holiday.

Photo of wedding gingerbread for guests

Wedding cookies in the form of hearts with initials

What other sweets are served as dessert?

For a dessert table, so that it does not look empty, on average you need prepare 4-5 positions of sweets. In addition to cookies, gingerbread and muffins, there are many more options for small sweets that will surely appeal to guests of all ages.

Children will surely like it if there is an ice cream cart near the sweet table. To do this, you need to invite a person who would fill waffle cones with different types of ice cream and sweet toppings.

If you want to arrange an unusual sweet table, then you can cook original cake from pancakes. It can be a great substitute for a traditional biscuit and cream cake. This dessert is especially suitable for a rustic or shabby chic wedding.

You can also make mini cakes from small pancakes that look like pancakes. Decorating them with liquid chocolate or caramel, fresh berries and pieces of fruit and whipped cream is very tasty and non-trivial.

A popular cottage cheese and fruit dessert - cheesecake also has every right to be on the sweet wedding table.

Its main ingredient is tender cottage cheese or curd cheese, complemented by fruits, berries and chocolate. For adult guests you can prepare a cheesecake with liqueur.

Also on the dessert table there may be such bright sweets as:

  • marmalade;
  • marshmallow;
  • macarons;
  • candies;
  • lollipops;
  • paste;
  • halva.

Another chic dessert table idea it's a chocolate fountain. It can be placed in the center of the table, and guests will choose fruits or other products and dip them in liquid chocolate.

wedding chocolate fountain

Photo of a tea table at a wedding

wedding cake

Even in the old days, pies with various fillings were the main decoration of the wedding table. Now many are moving away from this tradition, preferring european style celebration. But wedding pastries can take their rightful place on the sweet table.

A loaf can become the center of a wedding sweet table with pastries. It is believed that this cake gives the newlyweds a good parting word and a blessing for a strong relationship in marriage.

The loaf is usually baked large in many layers. And on top it is decorated with pigtails, spikelets of wheat molded from dough. You can add a loaf on a sweet table with small buns in the form of cones or ducks, roses and cups with honey, jam or jam.

Kurnik is another traditional wedding cake. from puff or pastry, which is made in the form of a dome. The filling is usually made with meat, fried mushrooms, rice and eggs, and inside the pie it is separated by thin layers of dough.

You can serve kalachi, bagels, dryers and put a real samovar with tea to the table with pastries. Pancakes with various sweet fillings from berries, fruits, cottage cheese are also suitable here.

This decoration is best suited for a wedding, which is celebrated in the Russian style.

Sweet table with your own hands

According to tradition, the beginning of family life begins with the fact that bride and groom tasting freshly baked bread, which is called Easter cake. It is customary to cook this ceremonial pastry on your own.

To cook Easter cake with your own hands, you will need:

  • 700 gr. flour;
  • a little vegetable oil;
  • a little more than a glass of milk;
  • a bag of dry yeast;
  • five eggs;
  • five tablespoons of sugar;
  • salt.
  1. You should prepare a dough by diluting a teaspoon of sugar with warm milk and yeast. Grind four raw yolks with the rest of the sugar and pour into the dough. Beat egg whites with a whisk until foamy.
  2. Pour the yeast mixture, proteins, a couple of tablespoons of oil and salt into the flour. Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Divide the dough into three equal pieces. Roll one into a round ball and place in the center of the baking sheet. The remaining two pieces (pinch off some dough for decorations) roll into bundles and braid each into a braid, and one should be larger in volume and length.
  4. Wrap the smaller braid around the dough ball, then attach the second one. From the remaining piece, mold leaves, flowers or any figures and place them on the top of the cake. Bake for 75-80 minutes at 180-190 C.
  5. While the cake is still hot, brush the surface with sugar syrup.

Wedding cake with pigtails

mexican biscuits

For a sweet table for a wedding, you can cook original mexican style cookies. This is where the heart shaped cookie recipe comes in handy. For cooking you will need:

  • 100 gr. almonds;
  • a glass of flour;
  • 200 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 120-130 gr. butter;
  • egg;
  • a little vanilla sugar;
  • cinnamon and salt.
  1. From the total number of nuts, separate 12 pieces to the side, and chop the rest to a state of fine crumbs. Mix them with flour, sprinkle with cinnamon and stir until smooth.
  2. Beat soft butter in a mixer, adding sugar and powder. Combine with flour mixture and knead the dough.
  3. Separate the whites from the yolks and pour into a small bowl. From the dough, form cookies in the form of voluminous hearts. Press 2 nuts into each, after dipping them in protein. Spread the cookies on a baking sheet and bake at 180-190 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Mexican heart shaped wedding cookies

wedding gingerbread

Cooking wedding gingerbread cookies is not particularly difficult, so you can make them yourself. What will be required:

  • 270-300 gr. flour;
  • 100 gr. cane sugar;
  • half a pack of butter;
  • egg;
  • 20 gr. dried ginger;
  • 10 gr. baking powder;
  • 10 gr. ground cinnamon;
  • 5 gr. nutmeg;
  • 15 gr. cocoa powder;
  • glaze;
  • powder.

Soften the butter and mix with sugar and raw egg. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour ginger, cinnamon, cocoa, nutmeg and baking powder into the flour, mix everything and combine with the oil mixture.

Cane sugar is needed for gingerbread, because only with it the pastries will turn out crispy

Knead the elastic dough and keep in the cold for half an hour. Put the dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment, spread the same sheet of paper on top and roll the dough into a thin layer. From the resulting layer, cut out figures with a knife or culinary molds.

Bake in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180-190 degrees. Then decorate the finished gingerbread cookies with colored icing and sprinkles at your discretion.

DIY gingerbread for a wedding

DIY wedding cupcakes

A simple recipe for cupcakes - small cakes - will help you prepare bright and tasty decorations for the wedding dessert table. What ingredients are needed:

  • a pack of butter;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • zest from one orange;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of flour;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • a few tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 100 gr. white condensed milk;
  • a teaspoon of rum;
  • 250 gr. sugar paste.
  1. Beat half of room temperature butter with a mixer together with sugar. Beat in raw eggs and mix thoroughly. Combine orange zest with flour, cocoa and baking powder, stir and pour in warm milk. Knead the dough.
  2. Insert paper cups into the cupcake pan and fill each with the dough to half the volume. Put in a heated oven and oven at 160-170 degrees for 20 minutes, then let cool slightly.
  3. Beat the second part of the butter with condensed milk and rum until smooth and fluffy. Vanilla can be used instead of rum for flavor.. Apply the resulting cream on cupcakes using a special culinary syringe and refrigerate.
  4. Roll out the mastic into a thin sheet and, using a curly rolling pin, cut out flowers or hearts, stars from it. Decorate cupcakes with small details.

DIY wedding cupcakes

A wedding sweet table will not only be a beautiful addition to the overall decor of the holiday, but also an additional area for guests to communicate. Almost everyone loves sweets, especially children and women, so the dessert table will not go unnoticed. If you show a little imagination, you can make a separate little entertainment out of this way of serving dessert.

Wedding cupcakes, gingerbread cookies and cookies - how to surprise guests with a sweet table?

A wedding cake is a dish that is given special attention when planning an event. It is decorated with figurines of a pair of doves, swans, a bride and groom. In the last decade, traditions have been broken, and cupcake compositions have replaced the cake. This trend provides even more opportunities for culinary and confectioners. Wedding cupcakes are collected in huge pyramids or small groups to decorate the table. Compositions of mini-cakes correspond to the overall design, style and color of the celebration.

According to one version of the origin of the name, 3 centuries ago, the dessert was baked in an aluminum cup, which is why it was called so unpretentiously “cake in a cup”. This is not just a "cupcake with cream", but a miniature cake, which recently cannot be called anything other than a culinary masterpiece. The popularity of this dessert for a wedding is growing, and now the cupcake is at the height of fashion. Mini cakes decorate tables at anniversaries, anniversaries and other celebrations. The benefits of cupcakes at a wedding are obvious:

  • No matter how much effort the confectioner spends on decorating the cake for the wedding, there will be a banal piece with a layer of cream on the plate. The mini-cake in the composition and on its own looks great.
  • The most important advantage is that the cupcake does not need to be divided into portions. For the bride and groom, carefully cutting the cake at a wedding is a whole test. No need to worry that someone will not have enough dessert: each guest will receive their own cupcake.
  • You can beautifully place a composition with such cakes for a small wedding (50 - 60 guests) on a stand, even consisting of 4 tiers, which cannot be done in the version with a cake (3 tiered cake weighs from 15 kg, this is for 150 people).
  • Cupcakes are easy to transport to the wedding venue. A large cake is very problematic to transport, a sharp turn or braking can be fatal for him. Cupcakes are easily packed into boxes, and even if it suddenly happens that individual copies lose their appearance, they are easy to remove from the composition. But at the same time, you should order a slightly larger number of cakes.
  • Ability to prepare different types of cupcakes. Each guest can choose the mini cake that they like best. For example, for ladies who follow their figure, it’s a good idea to order low-calorie confectionery, for children - fruit cupcakes, etc.
  • If you want to keep the tradition of cutting the cake by the newlyweds, then a small cake with classic figurines of pigeons or swans is placed on the topmost tier of the composition, and the lower tiers of the stand are filled with cupcakes.
  • Sweet is the final dish of the wedding, for which the guests already “have no place”. The opportunity to take a cupcake with you in a convenient package will be a pleasant end to the celebration. To do this, before serving the cake, small paper bags are placed near each guest.

A wedding cake is a dish that will be remembered for a long time by the newlyweds and everyone present. The confectionery product should be in harmony with the chosen style of the wedding, but, most importantly, it should be to the taste of the guests. It is better to order a cake with cakes at the very end, when the number of guests, the style and color of the wedding are known. The following tips will help you cope with this difficult task.

Cupcakes are convenient because the number of tiers of the stand determines the design of the composition, and not the number of mini-cakes. Even with the help of 60 cakes, it is easy to create a pyramid in both 3 and 5 "floors". The industry produces a wide range of cupcake supplies. But due to the fact that such desserts are only becoming fashionable in our country, the choice of accessories is still limited. The problem can be solved by buying a stand for mini cakes through online stores or by making it yourself. There are several approaches to choosing the number of tiers of a cupcake stand:

  • Take as a basis the already available stand. Then everything is simple: we place cupcakes on it and complete the composition with decorative elements. Bakery shops often offer beautiful mini cake stands for rent for a reasonable fee.
  • If a wedding cake with cupcakes will be created on your own, then it is easy to make a stand of any size yourself from cardboard or other material. Then you should rely on the design of the composition itself, the materials that are planned to be used to make the "pyramid", the number of cupcakes. A very interesting and simple solution is presented in the photo below.

Pyramids with cupcakes for a wedding can be of different shapes and colors. Depending on the chosen option for wedding decoration, they think over the main tone of the composition. The shape and color of a cupcake cake can be symbolic at a national or themed party. Taking the following ideas as a basis, it will not be difficult for you to choose the color scheme for the design of the composition with cupcakes:

  • The shade of mini-cakes matches the chosen color of the wedding. If the celebration is organized in a classic style, then it is better to choose a different concept.
  • The color scheme of the cupcakes is in contrast with the wedding decoration. This is ideal for a classic wedding or if white, pastel colors predominate. The rich bright color of the composition with cupcakes for the wedding will cause a real sensation and stand out noticeably against such a background.
  • The color and shape of the pyramid with mini-cakes repeats the bride's outfit.
  • Arrange cupcakes according to the time of year. Winter, summer, spring or autumn compositions look very unusual.

When choosing a color scheme for a cupcake, you need to remember the psychology of food color perception. Psychologists have found that the most appetizing shades are yellow, purple and red. These tones improve digestion and encourage you to try the dish. A person avoids products painted in blue, black and lilac. The top of the most unappetizing tones is headed by blue. Foods dyed with green dye are perceived as having health benefits. White is neutral. If you can not do without blue, black and blue colors, then you should not make them background.

Confectioners have accumulated a huge number of cupcake recipes with even more numerous fillings: vanilla, chocolate, fruit, carrot, etc. Many chefs have their own signature dishes, the composition of which is kept secret. It is very convenient to order cupcakes with different fillings, but made in the same style, so that each guest at the wedding can choose a cake to their liking. Try to avoid heavy oily creams based on butter. If possible, pre-order a small amount of cupcakes “for testing” so as not to be disappointed at the holiday itself.

How to make your own wedding cupcakes

For the preparation of wedding cupcakes, the products must be of the highest quality: butter cannot be replaced with margarine, eggs must be chosen the freshest, and sugar should be finely ground. Particular attention is paid to the design of the cream cap. As forms for baking cupcakes, colored paper cupcake liners are used, which also serve as packaging for cakes. Non-stick or silicone molds are also suitable, but then you need to think about the design of the sides of the cupcakes. Are you going to make mini cakes? Use this step by step guide:

  • The main rule when preparing cupcakes is that the initial products should be at room temperature.
  • Preheat the cupcake oven to 180°C.
  • Butter weighing 110 g at room temperature, beat until a white fluffy mass. Then gradually add a glass of fine granulated sugar, continuing to beat until it is completely dissolved.
  • Add 2 fresh eggs one at a time to the mass, continuing to beat.
  • Gradually pour in half a glass of milk, and mix the mass for cupcakes, achieving complete uniformity.
  • Sift 2 teaspoons of baking powder with 200 g of flour.
  • Gently fold flour into butter mixture.
  • Divide the cupcake dough in two.
  • To one part, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder diluted in 20 ml of water.
  • In the second part, you can add vanilla, lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, almond extract, or a tablespoon of cherry brandy.
  • There are options for filling molds for mini-cakes: put the white and dark dough in half or pour the chocolate and light masses into the molds separately.
  • Immediately after filling, send the forms with the test of the future dessert to the preheated oven for 20 minutes.
  • In the traditional cupcake recipe, the cooled “cupcake” is covered on top with a neat “cap” of any cream that holds the shape.
  • If you move away from the classics, then with the help of a confectionery syringe you can introduce fruit puree or cream into each cupcake, and then decorate the top of the cake with cream, icing, mastic, fruits and berries.

There are many recipes and even more options for decorating a cupcake for a wedding. To prepare such wedding cakes on your own, you need to have minimal experience and rich imagination. But you can learn the technology of making classic chocolate cupcakes with banana-cream filling, as well as options for decorating a cake, by watching a video from a professional chef.

This article is a translation. The entire story comes from the perspective of confectioner Erin Gardner.

Wedding cupcakes don't have to be overly detailed and complicated to make. With just a few simple tricks, glittery sprinkles and simple fudge embellishments, you can create a treat that will impress even the most discerning bride. The key to successful wedding cupcakes is being creative and combining simple elements that look neat and elegant.

Photo courtesy of Erin Bakes Studio

Icing jewelry in the blink of an eye.

If you have to glaze cupcakes in large batches, a piping bag and piping tip will quickly become your best friend. You don't need a whole box of different baits - in most cases a regular round or star bait will suffice. Let's take a look at some quick and easy ways to creatively use these tips to frost your wedding cupcakes.

Round nozzle.

  1. simple curl

Position the nozzle on the outer edge of the cupcake and, applying constant pressure to the piping bag, make a circular motion over the top of the cupcake. Reduce the size of the circles, gradually approaching the top of the curl. When you reach the top of the curl, release the pressure on the piping bag and pull the tip up and out of the way.

  1. beautiful petals

Place the tip of a pastry bag on the outer edge of the cupcake. Using pressure on the pastry bag, squeeze a small bump from the icing onto the cupcake. After relieving pressure, pull the tip up and away from the bump to flatten the top. Repeat these steps, moving in a circle along the outer edge of the cupcake. Squeeze a few smaller petals on top.

  1. Butter cream ball

Hold the piping bag upright and lower it just enough so that the nozzle is about 1cm from the surface of the cupcake. Press down evenly on the piping bag without moving it until the icing reaches the edges of the cupcake. At this point, begin to move the nozzle away from the cupcake while releasing pressure on the piping bag.

Nozzle in the form of a star.

1. Regular curl

Do the same as described for the round nozzle.

2. Rosette

Place the nozzle in the center of the cupcake while holding the piping bag upright. Squeeze a small amount of cream into the center of the cupcake, and then begin to move the nozzle in a circle around the center of the cupcake, without changing the height of the nozzle, until you reach the edges of the cupcake. Release the pressure on the bag and pull the nozzle down and away from the cupcake.

3. Standard hydrangea

Hold the pastry bag upright. Position the nozzle just above the surface of the cupcake. Press down on the bag, lift it up and quickly release the pressure. Repeat until the entire surface of the cupcake is covered with frosting.

Now let's brighten up our cupcakes with some simple decorations.

Your cupcakes are already beautifully glazed, and now is the time to decorate them with a simple yet elegant finish. Inexpensive confectionery sprinkles will allow you to decorate the top of cupcakes, while saving you time and money. This is a great opportunity to add some bright colors to your treat without diminishing its simplicity and conciseness. One color accent, a little glitter - and your cupcakes will look fresh and sophisticated.

standard flowers

Roll out the fondant to a thickness of 3 mm and cut out flowers of various sizes with the help of cuttings. Dry the blanks on a flat surface and shape them by laying them in the form of small cups.

small leaves

Roll a pea-sized piece of green fondant into a ball, then shape it into a drop shape. Press down on the drop with your fingers to flatten it. Squeeze the edges of the flat drop on one side to give it the desired shape.

Plain Stamped Monograms

Roll out the fondant to a thickness of 3 mm. Cut out small circles. Press down on the fondant with a postmark while it is still soft.

These quick and easy icing techniques and common decor items can be combined in countless combinations to create beautiful cupcakes worthy of any wedding!

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Cupcakes were once described as a small cake. Today, this dish has become a real work of art, both in aesthetic terms and in taste.

Cupcakes are the perfect decoration for your wedding table.

Traditionally, only the best ingredients are used in the preparation of cupcakes, which makes it possible to present these cakes as the main dish on the wedding table instead.

A new trend in wedding fashion - cupcakes

Every bride and groom want the best for their wedding. And the most beautiful. Cupcakes decorated in the main tone of the evening will look very elegant on the festive table.

Cupcake flowers for table decoration.

For a long time, the main dessert at weddings was considered a large and beautiful cake, decorated on top with small sculptures of the bride and groom. However, for a creative wedding, the cake will seem banal, but instead of it, cupcakes will be remembered by guests for a long time. If this alternative is not suitable, then small cakes can be used as additional sweets.

Benefits of custom wedding cupcakes

Compared to a wedding cake, cupcakes have their own advantages.

  • First, they do not need to be cut.
  • Secondly, they are convenient to treat guests.
  • Thirdly, there is no problem about the evenness of cutting the pieces of the wedding cake. That way no one will be offended.
  • Fourthly, convenient transportation (both for the celebration and the opportunity to deliver this culinary miracle home if there is no desire to eat a cupcake directly at the holiday).

Cupcakes to order: what to consider?

Points to pay attention to.

  • The first one is scale. If you plan to use cupcakes instead of a wedding cake, then you should consider both the final composition and their quantity.
  • The second point is the design. Here you should take into account the style of the wedding, the color scheme of the evening, the bride's dress, etc.
  • The third point is the master. In fact, much in terms of aesthetics and taste depends on the master who undertakes the preparation of wedding cupcakes. Therefore, in this case, the reputation of the culinary specialist is important.

Wedding cake with cupcakes

This option is ideal for those who don't want to give up the traditional big wedding cake and who want to get a little creative. Here it is important to make sure that the main cake and the theme of the cupcakes fit together. To do this, it is best to order cakes and cake together.

With the help of cupcakes, you can create an original cake.

Miniature cupcakes can be used as table decorations instead of flowers.

Each wedding has its own cupcakes to order

Young people can take care of the availability of cupcakes on the wedding table in advance, regardless. So:

  • For an Azerbaijani wedding, you can order cupcakes in snow-white cream with white mastic flowers; additional decor - a scarlet strip on the basis of baking.
  • For a Yezidi wedding, you can take an apple as a decoration, which symbolizes fertility; the general color of the dish is white.
  • For a Caucasian wedding, as a decoration for cakes, you should consider options for beautiful noble flowers; at the same time, each cupcake should not have a lot of a particular color.
  • For a wedding in the love is style, cupcakes in the form of hearts, angels, with the image of two rings, doves, etc. are suitable. The more heart-shaped cakes, the more beautiful.
  • ideas are as follows: an Oscar statuette, a twisted film tape, a star, etc.
  • For a shabby chic wedding, droplets with a romantic and delicate theme should be prepared. These can be pink roses, hearts (not a very bright color), etc.
  • For weddings on a ship, “nautical” themes are needed: white and blue stripes, anchors, seagulls, a steering wheel, etc.
