
Drying apples in an electric oven with a fan. Drying apples in an electric oven for the winter

I am glad to welcome you again, dear friends and readers of ours. Today I would like to continue the topic of proper and healthy nutrition and talk about the benefits of dried fruits. Specifically, dried apples. Dried fruits are a real vitamin bomb, because during the drying process they retain most of the useful trace elements and vitamins, which is especially important in winter. Therefore, I will share with you the experience of how to dry apples in a gas stove oven, and several recipes for delicious and dietary dishes that can be prepared from them.

Preparing fruit for drying

The preparatory stage of harvesting dried fruits is no less important than the drying process itself. Therefore, dear girls, I am sharing with you a few secrets with which you can prepare the most delicious and healthy dried apples at home.

  1. Not all varieties of apples are suitable for drying. It is best to choose autumn-winter varieties, the flesh of which is dense and juicy.
  2. Immediately before drying, we carefully sort out all the fruits: we set aside only intact fruits.
  3. Since we will not peel the skin from apples (it is in it that the most useful substances are), then I wash all the fruits several times in cool water. After that, we cut out the core and clean our fruits from seeds.
  4. To ensure that all pieces of fruit are evenly dried, we try to cut them into slices of the same size and thickness.
  5. We all know that sliced ​​apples can turn brown. A little trick will help us avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon. Before the cutting process, prepare a container with cool water, into which we add a pinch of citric acid (or lemon juice) or a pinch of ordinary kitchen salt. Just dip the apple slices in acidified water, and voila - our apples retain their fresh and attractive appearance.

Rules for drying apples in a gas oven

Our fruits are prepared, and now we can proceed to the process of drying them. At one time, I tried different ways of harvesting dried fruits. I dried fruit both with the help of a microwave and in an electric dryer ... I can say from personal experience that the best and most economical option is still a gas stove oven. It is the best way to dry fruits. After all, we usually try to prepare a lot of dried fruits for the winter, and more fruits are placed in the oven than in the same microwave.

How to lay out apple slices

The first step is to prepare the forms in which the fruits will be dried. For this purpose, I use regular rectangular baking sheets. Apple slices, which were soaked in acidified water, I dried a little with a paper towel. I covered the bottom of the molds with parchment paper, then laid out pieces of fruit in them in a uniform thin layer.

Optimum drying temperature

Before putting the baking sheets in the oven, it should be heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees, but no more, otherwise we risk getting burnt coals instead of dried fruits. In order for the excess moisture from the fruit to evaporate faster, in the first hour of drying, I slightly opened the oven door, and so that it would not slam shut, I placed a box of matches under it.

How long and in what mode to dry apple slices

  1. How long it takes to dry depends on how thick the cut fruit is. The thicker they are, the longer they dry. Typically, this process takes six to eight hours.
  2. Regarding the mode in which to dry the fruit: after an hour or two, you can increase the temperature in the oven to 70 degrees. From time to time, pieces of apples must be mixed.
  3. You can make sure that the dried fruits are completely ready by such a simple method: bend a piece with your fingers, if it bends, while your hands remain dry, the apples are ready and you can take them out. If the slice breaks, it means that you overexposed the fruit in the oven and they dried out. Do not despair, such dried fruits are quite suitable for making compote or uzvar.
  4. If you are a happy owner of a convection oven, then drying fruit in it will not only be an easier process, but will also save you a lot of time. After all, thanks to hot air blowing, you do not have to open the oven door and mix the apple slices. In addition, you can not be afraid that the fruit will burn.
  • The only downside to drying fruits in the oven is that the air in the kitchen becomes heavy and dense, so I recommend opening the window a little during this process.
  • If you like the aroma of spices, then after three to four hours of drying, you can sprinkle apple slices with cinnamon or vanilla.

You can cook a lot from apples, for example,. Interesting? Read!

I can also offer an entertaining video on how to cut apples for drying in the oven in a few seconds:

How to properly store dried fruit

We have prepared dried apples, now it is important to choose the right way to store them. For this purpose, there are several options: glass jars or bags made of natural fabric.

If you choose jars, then remember that they must be completely dry. It is undesirable to close the jars hermetically; it is better to make your own “lid” from parchment paper or a piece of cotton fabric.

You can also sew bags yourself in which dried fruits will be stored. To do this, it is better to choose natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen.

Dried fruits can be stored for no more than three years.

And now, dear ladies, as I promised, I will share with you step-by-step recipes for dishes that I cook from dried apples.

Uzvar according to an old Slavic recipe

The bright holiday of Christmas is just around the corner, and what is the Christmas table without the traditional Slavic drink - uzvara? I will share with you the recipe for this drink, which I got from my grandmother.

We will need:

  • a handful of dried apples;
  • a handful of dried pears;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • 2-3 liters of clean water;
  • honey according to your taste;
  • orange or lemon zest, if desired.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the dried fruits thoroughly, pour strained boiled water over and leave for a couple of hours.
  2. Strain the resulting infusion into a saucepan, bring to a boil over low heat and immediately remove from the stove.
  3. Put dried fruits in a separate saucepan, add zest and pour hot infusion. When the uzvar cools down to room temperature, add honey to it.

I leave this drink to infuse for 12 hours, and I always prepare it a day or two before the holidays.

You can soak more dried fruits, add half to the uzvar, and make a delicious vitamin salad from the second half by adding honey and a handful of walnuts.

Lean pancakes with dried apples

I offer you my recipe for lean and diet pancakes. Don't believe that pancakes can be low-calorie, won't harm our waistline and still be delicious? But in vain! By preparing them according to my recipe, you will see for yourself.

We will need:

  • a handful of dried apples;
  • 1 cup of the finest cornmeal;
  • half a glass of wheat flour;
  • about 2 cups of warm water;
  • honey and orange peel.

How to cook:

  1. Soak apples for several hours. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Mix both types of flour and dilute them with water to the usual pancake consistency. Add dried fruits, zest, honey and bake.

Serve with currant jam or honey.

The entire article was devoted to apples, so I propose to digress a bit and read about (there is ice cream there too).

Now, dear readers, you know how to cook healthy and tasty dried apples. If our information was useful for you, subscribe to our blog and share with your friends, because we always have new, interesting recipes and tips for you. And now I say goodbye to you and look forward to meeting again!

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

A rich harvest of apples has ripened in your garden, and you do not know what to do with them? Try to make these summer fruits healthy dried fruits that you will use to prepare original dishes. Our article will tell you how to properly prepare apples for drying, as well as introduce you to the most popular ways to harvest this product for the winter.

Around the end of July, it's time to harvest apples. If the harvest of these fruits in your garden has exceeded all expected quantities, you can afford not only to boil jams and jams, but also to dry them for the winter.

  • Drying apples is considered the easiest and most affordable way to harvest this product. The best part is that in this case you do not have to spend extra money on sugar and stand at the stove for hours. A certain temperature will help you bring the apples to the desired consistency, and it will do it practically without your participation.
  • Fruits prepared in the same way retain almost all vitamins and microelements in their composition, and, unlike jam and jam, do not contain a large amount of not very healthy sugar. All these useful substances will help your body survive the cold winter, and in the spring they will save you from beriberi
  • In addition, dried fruits are a product with which you can cook a lot of tasty and fragrant dishes. Properly dried fruits can be an excellent filling for a pie, an addition to sweet pilaf, an interesting component of winter salads, and even fragrant tea brewing.

At what temperature and how long to dry apples?

The optimum temperature for drying apples is 50-70 degrees.
  • Some housewives want to speed up the drying process of apples and therefore use quite extreme temperatures for this. In principle, they speed up the drying process, but at the same time, their useful substances leave the fruit with the liquid.
  • Therefore, if you are striving to get a truly useful product, then make sure that the temperature in the oven or electric dryer does not exceed 70 degrees. And then such a temperature can be set only at the initial stage, for that period while the fruits will intensively lose their moisture.
  • After they are at least halved in size, the temperature should be reduced to 40-50 degrees. Such temperature indicators are as close to natural as possible, which means that you can save not only vitamins and minerals, but also the natural taste of the finished product.
  • But remember, even low temperatures can dry out apples, so it is extremely important not to forget to gently turn them over every two hours. So you can achieve uniform drying and the perfect consistency of dried fruits.
  • If you do not do this, then the finished product will dry out so much that it will lose almost all of its taste. And you can use such apples only for making compotes and jelly. Depending on the chosen method of harvesting apples for the winter, drying can last from several hours to 10-14 days.

How to prepare apples for drying?

Preparing apples for drying
  • We all know that apples are almost 90% ordinary water, which, during the drying process, evaporates under the influence of high temperature, leaving us only healthy dietary fiber and vitamins. But of course, in order to get the perfect drying, you need to use the highest quality fruits for its preparation.
  • Therefore, whenever possible, try to use fruits from your garden for winter harvesting. If you do not have it, then try to find apples grown in our country in the market or in the store. Since they will not need to travel and store for a very long time, they will not be treated with substances that prolong the life of imported fruits.
  • After the fruits are delivered home, be sure to wash them thoroughly under running water and sort them by size. Thanks to this, during the cutting process, you will get almost the same pieces, which means that the fruit will dry as evenly as possible.
  • Also, look very carefully to see if there are beaten and rotten apples among the purchased products. If you find such fruits, then just put them aside. Since in places of damage the fermentation process usually begins quite quickly, it is strictly forbidden to use such fruits for drying.
  • Such fruits, after exposure to high temperatures, will not have a completely normal taste and, what is most unpleasant, will be stored worse. After sorting, you can move on to removing the core of the apples and cutting them into thin slices.
  • If we talk about the thickness of the slices, then it can range from 3-7 mm. After cutting, it is best to dip the fruit for a few seconds in boiling water or soak in salt water. This will allow the apples to retain their natural color and not oxidize before drying.

Drying apples for the winter in the oven on a baking sheet

Rules for drying apples in the oven on a baking sheet
  • Dried apples are the most popular dried fruits in our country. People love this product for its beneficial properties and, of course, for the fact that every person can prepare these fragrant fruits for the winter. One of the most affordable methods for harvesting apples is drying in the oven on a baking sheet.
  • Moreover, both gas and electric stoves are equally well suited for this business. The only thing you should consider is that if you use an electric oven for these purposes, then at the initial stage, the temperature can be raised to 80 degrees
  • The temperature should not rise higher than this, as this can lead to the fact that the fruit simply begins to boil in its juice.

Dried apples in the oven

Rules for drying apples in the oven on a baking sheet:

  • Turn on the oven and preheat it to 50 degrees. Make sure that the temperature does not exceed these indicators too much. If they are very high, then the apple slices will be covered with a crust, which will prevent them from drying properly.
  • While the oven is preheating, rinse the apples and remove the core from them. Put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits in one layer on a baking sheet previously covered with baking paper.
  • Place the apples in the oven and open the door slightly. This will allow air to circulate and the liquid that is in the fruit will evaporate properly.
  • After about two hours, stir the apples and leave them in the oven for another hour and a half. When you see that they have significantly decreased in size, close the oven tightly, increase the temperature to 70 degrees and wait another 1 hour
  • After this, we again reduce the temperature to 50 degrees, open the oven door and leave the fruit in this position for about 3 more hours. As soon as you see that the apple slices have become slightly brownish and elastic to the touch, remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the dried fruits cool.
  • We put the completely cooled apples in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid and put it in a kitchen cabinet for storage.

How to dry apples for the winter in the sun?

Drying apples in the sun
  • If you want to try drying apples in the sun, then choose the optimal warm period for this. Ideally, ambient temperatures should exceed 30 degrees for at least 4-5 days in a row.
  • In principle, they can be a little less, but then it will take at least 7 days to cook dried apples. Therefore, if possible, check the forecast and, if sunny and cloudless weather is betrayed for the next week, start preparing for drying apples in the sun


  • Find a place in your garden that receives direct sunlight throughout the day
  • Set up a table there and cover it first with polyethylene and then with clean paper.
  • Rinse and cut the apples and soak for 5-10 minutes in acidified water
  • Drain the water and transfer the fruit to a colander. Leave them in this position until they completely get rid of water.
  • Then transfer them to a paper towel and let dry at room temperature.
  • When the apples are slightly tacky, transfer them to the prepared table and carefully cover with cheesecloth.
  • Be sure to cover the apples, otherwise wasps, flies and other insects will land on them
  • Try to mix fruit slices at least 2-3 times a day
  • If you want the process of drying apples in the sun to be as short as possible, then be sure to take them home at night
  • After 5-7 days they will turn dark brown and can be transferred to jars for further storage.

How to dry apples on a thread?

Drying apples on a thread
  • Another popular way to head dried fruits for the winter is to dry the fruit on a thread. In this case, you do not have to wait until the weather is consistently sunny, because you can bring apples to the desired consistency on the open terrace, balcony and even the attic
  • The main condition for such drying is a large open space and, of course, the most sterile conditions. With this method of drying, approximately 1 kg of a quality product is obtained from 10 kg of fresh fruit.
  • Take your favorite apples, rinse them under running water, remove the core from them and cut into slightly thick slices
  • If their thickness is very small, then they will simply break and you will not be able to string them on a thread.
  • Make sure that the finished slices have the same thickness. This will contribute to proper and even drying.
  • String chopped apples on a thick thread, leaving a little space between the slices.
  • Place original garlands in the attic or terrace, and if necessary, cover them with gauze
  • If you are drying indoors, then at least arrange a small draft in it during the day.
  • Air circulation will contribute to faster and more uniform drying of the fruit.
  • After about 10-14 days, your drying will be ready and you just have to put it in a storage container

How to dry apples for the winter in an electric dryer?

Drying apples in an electric dryer
  • If you want to dry apples as quickly and efficiently as possible, then do not spare the money and get yourself a high-quality electric dryer. Such a kitchen assistant will prepare tasty and healthy dried fruits for you with little outside help, which you will use with great pleasure to prepare fortified dishes.
  • The only thing you should pay special attention to in this case is the thickness of the apple slices. If it is larger than the thickness of the trays of the kitchen appliance, then the warm air inside the electric dryer will not be distributed evenly, and this may lead to the fact that one part of the apples will be already fully cooked, while the other will still be in the semi-cooked stage.

Rules for drying apples in an electric dryer:

  • Cut pre-washed apples into slices of the desired thickness
  • Arrange them neatly (in one row) on pallets
  • Place all pallets in the electric dryer and plug the appliance into the mains
  • Make sure that the temperature sensor does not exceed 55 degrees
  • Leave the apples to dry for at least 7 hours
  • After this time, unplug the appliance and check the readiness of dried apples
  • If they are dry to the touch and do not release juice when pressed, then feel free to transfer them to a glass container.
  • If you notice at least a minimal release of moisture, leave them to dry for another 2-3 hours

How to dry apples in the microwave?

Drying apples in the microwave
  • Nowadays, almost every kitchen has a microwave oven. This kitchen assistant of the modern housewife makes the everyday worries of the eternally busy woman as easy as possible. Quite a lot of housewives with great pleasure cook meat in the microwave, bake pies and cook cereals
  • But if you know how to properly use this miracle of modern technology, then with its help you can dry apples quite well. The best part is that it will take you literally 5-7 minutes to dry one serving.


  • Cut the apples into slices or circles and spread them in one layer on a flat plate
  • Set the power timer to 200-300 W and turn on the microwave
  • After 2 minutes, turn off the oven and flip the apples to the other side.
  • Close the microwave door and wait another 2-3 minutes
  • If your apples were cut into very thin pieces, then this time will be enough for them to dry.
  • If after this time they are still sticky to the touch, turn on the timer for another 1-2 minutes

How to dry apples in an air grill?

Air dry apples
  • If your kitchen has an air grill, then this miracle device can also be used to dry apples for the winter. In the case of an air grill, you can even try to cook something not quite ordinary drying. If you sprinkle prepared apples with cinnamon, vanilla or ginger before turning on the device, then you will get a wonderful flavored filling for winter pies.
  • And if you make the slices a little thicker than usual, then the finished product can be used as a light and tasty snack that will not overload the stomach if you want something delicious late in the evening

Drying apples in an air grill:

  • Wash the apples, remove the core from them and cut into slices 5-8 ml thick
  • Boil water, dissolve a couple of tablespoons of table salt in it and dip an apple into the resulting liquid
  • In just a couple of seconds, drain the water and let the apple circles drain in a colander
  • Remove any remaining moisture from the apples with a paper towel or cotton towel.
  • Put the fruit in one layer on the grid of the air grill, sprinkle them with cinnamon and turn on the device
  • Adjust the timer to low blow at 100 degrees
  • After 50-60 minutes, turn off the air grill and check the readiness of apples
  • If they are a little sticky, then continue to dry them for another 20-30 minutes.

Is it possible to dry green, unripe apples, white filling?

  • In principle, drying slightly unripe apples is quite acceptable. Just when using such a product, you should be prepared for the fact that you have to add a little more sugar or honey to compotes and pie fillings.
  • But if the apples are completely green, then it is forbidden to use them for the preparation of healthy dried fruits. And the point here is not that they will give a very strong sourness. A completely green apple does not have any taste or useful qualities of a ripe fruit, therefore, in dried form, it will not bring you much benefit. You will simply waste your time and money, and in return you will get a tasteless and sour product that you are unlikely to use in food.
  • If we talk about white filling, then it is also better not to use it for preparing dried fruits for the winter. This ripe apple has a rather friable structure, which, after drying, turns into an almost tasteless product. For the preparation of drying, it is best to use denser and juicier varieties that ripen closer to autumn and have a sweet and sour taste. It is from these apples that the most delicious and fragrant winter dried fruits are obtained, which help to diversify the same type of winter dishes.

Video: Harvesting apples for the winter. Drying apples in a dryer

Apples from your own garden are always much tastier and healthier than those sold on store shelves. Therefore, many housewives have questions about how to dry apples in an electric oven and what are the basic rules for this process.

It is a well-known fact that dried apples retain their vitamin reserves and minerals in their composition almost in full. In addition, dried fruits can be added to various dishes. This is a traditional dried fruit compote, and as a seasoning for pilaf or a filling for a pie, as well as dried apple slices can be added to tea and brewed. The main thing is to properly dry the apples and store them in the future.

Basic moments

An electric oven will help you achieve excellent results and prepare many delicious apples for compote and baking for the winter period. You can do this in a gas stove, but experienced housewives note that it is much easier to follow the process in an electric one and prevent the air from heating up unevenly. At the same time, the quality of the final product and the time that the drying process will take directly depend on the power and novelty of the oven.

It is important to consider that apples are almost entirely composed of water. During the drying process, they lose almost all of their moisture content. But this in no way affects their composition and all vitamins and minerals, as well as taste, remain in place. Drying, fruit slices are greatly reduced in size, so the end result will bring no more than 10% of the volume of the number of fresh apples.

Variety "Antonovka" is great for drying

Apples should be chosen sweet-sour or sour varieties. Sweet apples, when dried, do not retain any taste and are only suitable for making compote. To obtain a greater yield of the final product, it is better to take apples with a thin skin and a small amount of grains in the core. The fruits are thoroughly washed and wiped, and then cut and the core is removed. So that apples do not oxidize, they can be placed in boiling water, and then dipped in a solution of lemon juice, vinegar or salt.

Experienced housewives prefer winter varieties of apples. For example, varieties "Aport" or "Antonovka" are excellent. They produce firm and juicy fruits of medium size. Such dried fruits will be a great addition to any dish.

The main rules of drying

Preheat the oven thoroughly before drying.

Before drying apples in an electric oven, you need to learn a number of simple, but very important, rules. You should also have an idea about the sequence of actions. These are the main principles that help to achieve high-quality process results:

  • the correct temperature regime (experts advise setting the oven to 50-60 ° C in advance and gradually increasing it to 80-95 ° C);
  • lay apples on a baking sheet only when the oven is fully and well heated;
  • the stove is slightly opened when the temperature reaches 80 ° C (this will allow excess moisture to leave freely).

In addition, the apple slices will have to be periodically looked after and stirred occasionally so that they do not stick to the leaf. Thus, uniform drying and coloring of apple slices is achieved.

In some cases, if the slices were cut too wide, you will have to turn them over so that the moisture leaves faster. That is why when cutting fruit, you should carefully maintain the width of the slices.

Drying instructions

To get high-quality dried fruits that will be well stored in winter, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm of actions. Drying apples in the oven is a process consisting of several stages:

Harvest and selection of apples

Winter variety of apples "Bogatyr"

To dry apples correctly and get a high-quality and tasty product, you first need to choose the right fruits. For this method of harvesting fruits, large and medium-sized hard fruits are used. Preference is always given to winter varieties, they are very strong and resistant to drying in an electric oven.

Fruit preparation

The harvested crop must be carefully sorted out and the rotten fruits of apples removed, leaving only strong and whole ones. Damaged apples can also be used, but all rotten and beaten parts of the fruit must first be removed. Then the apples are thoroughly washed and spread on a paper towel to dry. You can rub each apple with a towel to speed up the process.

apple slicing

There are two ways to cut fruit for drying in an electric oven. The old grandmother's way is to cut an apple into quarters, remove the middle and cut it into slices. Modern progress somewhat facilitates the task of hostesses. In stores, you can buy a special metal knife that removes the core of an apple without affecting the integrity of the fruit. We remove the core with the help of this device and cut the apples into circles. It is important that the thickness of each slice does not exceed 5 mm..

Note! So that the chopped fruits do not darken before being placed in the oven, they can be sprinkled with lemon juice or dipped in saline for 10 minutes. The solution is made on the basis of 1 tbsp. salt per 1 liter of boiled water. After that, the apple slices must be thoroughly dried by laying on a paper towel. Do not put raw apple slices on a baking sheet, this will significantly increase the drying speed in the oven.

Laying out on a baking sheet and placing in the oven

After all the preparatory stages, the apple slices are laid out on a dry baking sheet and placed in a preheated oven. The slices are laid out freely, without touching each other and without stacking them in several layers. They should "breathe" freely during the drying procedure.

The process of drying apples in the oven takes quite a long time. You can do this with short breaks. The main thing is not to forget to turn the apple slices over so that they do not stick to the surface.

Drying time

The power of the electric oven, the degree of supervision of the process, and the variety of apples chosen will be key factors in the speed of the process. 8-10 hours are required for drying strong and sour apples. In an electric oven, under the best conditions, apples are dried in 5 hours, if the oven is modern and has the ability to work in several modes.

Temperature regime

If the oven is not gas, but electric, the option with a gradual increase in temperature is considered the most preferable. Experienced housewives advise first to warm up the oven to 45-50 ° C. As soon as the walls of the oven warm up, you can install baking sheets with fruit slices.

Then gradually increase the temperature to 75-95°C. At this stage, it is better to slightly open the oven door so that the evaporated moisture from the apples quietly leaves. In this temperature mode, the main drying hours pass. At the end, the temperature is lowered again so that the apples do not burn. The readiness of the product can be determined by a beautiful golden or brown hue by taking several slices from different places on the baking sheet.

Drying modes

Modern electric ovens, unlike the usual gas ones, have several operating modes that allow you to speed up the drying process and achieve a beautiful golden hue of dried fruits. Changing modes from low to medium will be an excellent option for modern models of electric ovens.

Experts advise choosing a mode with a convection function, in which drying will take only 6 hours. The included fan will allow moisture to leave even faster, without lingering in the spread out apple slices and on the walls of the oven.

Definition of readiness

If apple slices were blanched at the fruit preparation stage, then dried fruits will differ in a light brown tint with “rusty” notes. The light beige color, rather flexible and not brittle consistency of the final product speaks of normal drying without additional treatments. However, do not be upset if the slices begin to crumble and break, they can also be used in cooking for making pastries, compotes and jellies.

Readiness is determined by visual inspection and palpation of dried fruit slices. You need to take a few pieces from different places on the baking sheet and check the readiness. The main sign of complete readiness is the color of apples and elasticity.

Dried Apple Syrup Recipes

Pre-candied fruits are often dried for dessert dishes. For example, apple slices are placed in a sweet syrup, either homemade or store bought. Leave the apple slices to soak in the syrup for a day and only then send them to the oven. The result is tasty and elastic beautiful pieces of apples, which will be the perfect addition to dessert dishes.

You can also soak whole pieces of apples in sweet syrup. To do this, it is enough to make ordinary sugar syrup and put the pieces there along with the peel and core. During the day, the apples are candied, and then dried in the oven. With such a component, compotes and jelly will only benefit in taste.

Important Points

The evaporation of excess moisture from the slices of apples installed in the oven must be monitored constantly. Control over the process is a necessity in order not to spoil the product.

Adding syrup before drying is a personal matter for every housewife. You can prepare dried fruits in various versions so that in winter you can cook desserts and dishes to the delight of all your family.

Dried fruits should also be stored properly. Dried fruits are placed in a glass dish with a tight lid, and sent to a dark, dry room. If you notice that some of the harvested fruit has deteriorated, you will have to throw out the entire contents of the container. This means that the rules for drying or storing the product have been violated.

This year there is a big harvest of apples. Many do not know what to do with them. I want to suggest a wonderful recipe drying apples in the oven. This drying method is perfect for urban conditions. It is better and more convenient to dry apples in an electric oven, in a gas oven it is more difficult, since the air becomes heavy from the long operation of the oven. Any variety of apples is suitable for drying. If the apples are peeled from the core with seeds and held in sugar syrup, then you get dessert dried apples that you can chew with pleasure. And if you simplify the process, do not remove the core with seeds and do not soak in sugar syrup, then you will get great dried apples for compotes and jelly. Dried apples keep well in paper bags for 1 year at room temperature.


To dry apples in the oven you will need:

apples - arbitrary amount;

sugar - arbitrary amount;

water - an arbitrary amount.

Cooking steps

Put the chopped apples into a saucepan and pour over the cooled sugar syrup. Boil water for syrup and add sugar to taste. Pour the syrup to the level of the apples. Take out the pan with apples in a cool place for a day.

Bon appetit and delicious winter to you!

Apples of any size can be dried in electric dryers, but only small garden apples are suitable for drying in the oven - they are not too sweet, and late varieties of apples have little juice.

If you decide to make such a blank as dried apples in the oven, then I will tell you in my step-by-step recipe how to do it right.

To get half a kilogram of dry apples, you need 2 kilograms of fresh apples.

How to dry apples in the oven

For drying, I often use a carrion, therefore, before preparing for drying, apples must be thoroughly washed from sand and other sticking.

After that, spread the apples on any canvas that absorbs moisture well. I do not recommend wiping apples, even the skin of carrion is thin, it is easy to damage. And then instead of apple slices there will be applesauce, which cannot be dried.

We cut each apple into eight parts, remove the middle with seeds, a twig and a "tail" on the top of the apple.

Before laying the apples on baking sheets, it is necessary to warm up the oven well, because during the drying process the oven will be ajar so that the moisture from the apples can easily leave. We put the apple slices in a large container, leave it in the air so that the slices darken a little.

We heat the oven to 150 degrees. On each baking sheet lay out a kilogram of apple slices.

We put one baking sheet on the top shelf of the oven, the second - on the lowest shelf.

The oven remains ajar for the entire drying time, so you cannot cook on the stove. Every half an hour, mix the apple slices with a spatula, change the baking sheets in places.

The photo shows apple slices of medium readiness, they can already be taken out of the oven, but it will not work for more than two months - the apples will start to mold, since the moisture in the slices still remains.

These dried apples in the oven are already ready, they are completely dry, they can be stored for a long time. To do this, you can use a plastic container with a lid. The total drying time of the apples depends on the juiciness and the amount of sugar in the apples, but it is usually 4 to 5 hours.
