
Dried figs - what is useful for women? Useful properties of dried figs. How to eat dried figs

Figs are the fruit of a fig tree, which has a lot of useful and medicinal properties for human health.

For the first time, these fruits began to be grown in Saudi Arabia. Today, fig trees grow on the shores of the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

Note! In ancient times, it was called fig tree, fig berry or Smirin berry. Today, figs can be found under the name fig.

Table: how dried figs are useful for the body of women and men.

Benefits for women Due to its high calorie content, this dried fruit is often used for weight loss in diets to make up for the deficiency of essential components.
Reduces the risk of developing varicose veins.
Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
In the field of gynecology, it helps to eliminate various kinds of infections (except for sexually transmitted infections).
Benefits for men Figs reduce the risk of impotence, increase potency.
Prevents the appearance of prostate adenoma.
Benefits for children Dried fruit enhances the immune system. It activates the body's forces to fight viral infections, SARS, colds, coughs and seasonal flu.

Many newly-made mothers are interested in whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat this product. The answer is unambiguous - not just possible, but necessary.

This product is essential for breastfeeding. It promotes the synthesis of breast milk, improves its nutritional value. It is especially necessary for women suffering from lactose intolerance.

During breastfeeding, a woman has a calcium deficiency, and this product is able to replenish it without eating dairy products.

This dried fruit is recommended for pregnant women. It provides the necessary useful components to the fetus. Pregnant women often have the problem of constipation, and figs do not strengthen, but weaken, act as a mild laxative without a negative effect on the intestines.

Other useful properties:

  1. Strengthening immunity.
  2. Improved digestion.
  3. Helps with constipation.
  4. Cleansing the body of toxins.
  5. Strengthening the heart muscles.
  6. Strengthening blood vessels.
  7. Normalization of blood pressure.
  8. Strengthening the skeletal system.
  9. Strengthening hair.
  10. Increase in hemoglobin level.

Fig is a very high-calorie and nutritious dried fruit. A small amount eaten helps to satisfy hunger.

Harm and contraindications

Excessive consumption of this product at night leads to insomnia.


  1. The presence of diabetes.
  2. The presence of pancreatitis.
  3. Presence of gout.
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of the fruit.

Figs can harm people suffering from acute forms of infectious diseases of the stomach.

Important! Often, dried fruits are treated for preservation with chemical components such as:

  1. Sulfur dioxide - gives a beautiful appearance to dried fruit and speeds up the drying process.
  2. Caustic soda - protects against the appearance of bacteria inside the fetus.
  3. Sugar syrup - sweetens dried fruit.

These components are dangerous to human health in large quantities, so when choosing dried fruits, pay attention to:

  • Color. Natural figs are light beige or light brown, not caramel.
  • Matte. The fruit, not treated with chemical components, does not shine.
  • The shape should be flattened.
  • Smell. If an admixture of gasoline is felt in the aroma, then the product has been processed. Natural smells like iodine.
  • Taste. Always choose sweet dried fruits. Taste with sourness indicates the depravity of dried fruits.
  • The presence of a white coating indicates naturalness. This “phenomenon” is the natural release of glucose from dried fruit.
  • Price. The cost varies from 400 to 700 rubles per kilogram. If the value is lower, then it is likely that the product has been processed.

How to eat dried figs and its daily intake?

Figs are a healthy fruit, but you should know how to eat them properly.

How to eat:

  1. Always wash fruit before use.
  2. Before eating, the fruit is soaked in slightly cool water for 2-3 minutes.

Dried fruits are desirable to use simultaneously with such products:

  • Kefir.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Yogurt.
  • Yogurt.

In combination with calcium, the rate of absorption of the useful components of the fruit increases.

The daily intake should not exceed 150 grams.

Calorie content and glycemic index

Calorie content is 257 calories per 100 grams of product.

Note! The glycemic index (IG) reflects the rate of absorption of carbohydrates in the product. This indicator is responsible for the level of glucose and insulin in plasma.

Table: IR of all varieties of figs.

Table: composition.

Also includes:

  • Group vitamins: PP, A, B 1, B 2, PP.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Phosphorus.

How to store at home?

Figs are rarely found fresh on store shelves. The thing is that it is grown in countries with a warm climate, and fresh is stored for only 2-3 hours. After that, the process of suppuration begins in the fruit. Therefore, most often it is found in dried or dried form.

You can store dried figs at home in a dark place, provided that the figs must be stored for a week. For storage, it is placed in an airtight container that does not allow air to pass through.

The container is stored in a place where:

  1. Low humidity.
  2. Low temperature.
  3. No exposure to direct ultraviolet rays.

If it is necessary to preserve up to six months, the dried fruit is placed in an airtight container in the refrigerator (not in the freezer).

For storage, it is better to use glass or metal containers. When the product is placed in a plastic container, it will absorb the smell of plastic and will no longer be suitable for consumption.

Every two weeks, the container should be opened for an hour to prevent condensation and mold.

If dried fruits need to be frozen for up to one year, then they are placed in the freezer. But in this case, it should be borne in mind that half of the beneficial properties of figs are lost when frozen. Fruits are defrosted at room temperature.

Steam, hot water or microwave treatment is unacceptable due to the loss of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Dried fruits are stored for less time due to the greater amount of moisture. They quickly rot, harmful bacteria and microbes multiply in them, larvae and mold appear.

It is better to store dried fruits in the refrigerator or freezer. Storage in the refrigerator is permissible only in glassware. Every 3-4 days the container will need to be opened for ventilation.

Important! Utensils play an important role in the safety of the product. A prerequisite is tightness. If the dishes pass air, then the shelf life is halved.

Many people are skeptical about exotic fruits and are in no hurry to introduce them into their diet. The same figs that grow in the subtropics, in dried form, do not look very attractive, so uninitiated people may doubt its taste.

But if you find out what are the benefits and harms of dried figs for the body, you can learn how to manage your health and forget about many ailments for a long time.

What is a fig

Figs - pear-shaped berries of dark blue or purple color with juicy and sweet bright red flesh, the fruits of a subtropical plant known as a fig tree or common fig tree. In Rus', where the exotic tree came only at the end of the 18th century, the fig was called a fig and a fig.

The homeland of the plant is regions with a subtropical climate: the Mediterranean and Africa. On the territory of the Commonwealth countries, fig tree fruits are harvested in Georgia and Abkhazia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Krasnodar Territory and South Ossetia.

Figs belong to those types of fruits, the healing qualities of which people have been using for a long time and successfully. The fruits of the fig tree are often mentioned in the Bible, the Old and New Testaments, and many ancient manuscripts.

It is known that the cultivation of the fig tree played a significant role in the development of agriculture in ancient Greece, Phoenicia, Syria and Egypt. And by the end of the 16th century, the Americans were also able to appreciate the beneficial properties of figs.

Useful properties of dried figs for the body

Freshly picked figs cannot be stored for more than three days. To preserve the beneficial properties of figs for as long as possible, the fruits are dried. And it's worth it. Because it is difficult to find another type of fruit that has the same level of medicinal qualities for health.

The chemical composition and the amount of valuable components in fruits is amazing:

  • fatty polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • potassium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus and iron, magnesium and calcium;
  • vitamins of group B, PP and pectins;
  • antioxidants and fiber;
  • rutin and beta-carotene;
  • tannin elements;
  • glucose and fructose;
  • fucin enzyme.

You can talk about the usefulness of figs for a long time. What is worth only one fact: 100 g of dried figs provide 4% of the daily value of B vitamins and 3% of the daily value of iron.

Indications for use

Due to the valuable trace elements in the composition of figs, its fruits are recommended for use as an additional remedy for drug therapy of common diseases. The doctor's task is to convey to patients information about the benefits of figs as a means of complex effects on human health:

  • with an increase in blood pressure;
  • to strengthen bones when the body needs calcium;
  • for prevention against cancer, diabetes;
  • with pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • patients diagnosed with anemia;
  • as a laxative;
  • with colds;
  • with ailments of the genital area in women.

In addition, the fig tree cleanses the body of cholesterol, relieves excess weight, normalizes the digestive system, increases efficiency, perfectly saturates and helps to remove stones from the kidneys.

Contraindications and harm from use

The benefits that figs can bring to the body are enormous.

However, in some cases it is better to refuse the use of exotic fruits:

  • with diabetes. The sugar level in figs is too high;
  • with gout. Fruits are rich in oxalic acid, which exacerbates seizures;
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A high fiber content leads to an increase in the contents of the intestine and, acting on its walls, can enhance inflammatory processes;
  • with dietary intake. The calorie content of figs is 256 calories per 100 g, so this product is not suitable for people who want to lose weight;
  • on trips. The laxative properties of figs are strong enough to ruin a trip with unexpectedly frequent urination.

In other cases, the regular presence of figs in the diet is welcomed as a food product necessary for the prevention of various ailments.

Traditional medicine recipes with dried figs

The history of the use of figs in folk medicine dates back many thousands of years, since the fig tree was the first plant cultivated by man. The use of folk recipes will be appropriate in the event of many health problems.

As a laxative

Balls made from crushed dried figs with raisins are very effective. To 100 g of fig tree and 100 g of raisins add half a teaspoon of nutmeg and ginger. The mixture is stirred and rolled into small balls. The tool can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator and taken as needed or just like that - it's very tasty.

Cough medicine

You will need a glass of milk and 4 dried fruits. The fruits are dipped in boiling milk and insisted under a closed lid for 20 minutes. The infusion is taken warm - half a cup four times a day.

Cough syrup is prepared in the form of a decoction of a glass of water and 8 dried figs. After 20 minutes of cooking, the fruits are taken out, and the amount of water that is necessary to restore the level is added to the broth.

Then add a glass of sugar, stir until dissolved, and season the decoction with a teaspoon of ginger and the juice of half a lemon. The finished syrup is mixed and poured into a dry and clean jar. Take daily: adults 2 tablespoons, and children one.

Diaphoretic and antipyretic for colds

Two tablespoons of chopped dry figs insist in a glass of milk or water. Take 4 times a day for 100 g.

In the treatment of sore throats, throat diseases and stomatitis

The dry fruit is crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes over low heat. Take half a glass three times a day. Proportions: a liter of water is taken per tablespoon of crushed fruit.

To eliminate problems of the renal and urinary systems

Five fruits of dried figs are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and crushed. I take the resulting puree three times a day between meals.

For skin lesions

Puree from dried fig berries, soaked in water or boiled in milk, allows you to quickly heal wounds or burns, boils.

To strengthen the heart and blood vessels

You can make a salad. To do this, 300 g of chopped figs, 150 g of prunes and 2.5 tablespoons of almonds are mixed with a glass of acidophilus, orange zest is added and slightly sweetened.

With baldness

For two tablespoons of crushed figs, take 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil over low heat and grind well. Take 100 g of infusion before each meal.

Medicinal properties of figs

The degree of healing effect of fruits always depends on their quality. You can count on the therapeutic effect only if it is chosen correctly. High-quality dried figs are distinguished by a light beige tint, softness, and uniform size.

Often on dried fruits you can see a white coating that seems repulsive. But in fact, this is just glucose, which stood out from fresh fruits during the drying process and froze in the form of a concentrate.

If the fruits of figs are distinguished by an unpleasant salty-sour taste, with a general dryness and roughness of the surface, this is a sign of a spoiled product that cannot be eaten.

Dried Figs - Benefits for Children

In addition to decoctions for coughs and colds, tonics are prepared from figs for children who have problems with appetite. Pediatricians believe that it is possible to introduce figs into the baby's diet starting from 9 months.

Based on the fruits of the fig tree, pies and casseroles, rolls and cakes are prepared. Children love sweets, so they are happy to eat healthy desserts.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Nutrition during pregnancy is usually subjected to careful analysis, for the sake of the health of the expectant mother and her baby. Given that the fruits of the fig tree have exceptional medicinal properties, the inclusion of the product in the daily diet is not only permissible, but also desirable.

The main thing is that there are no contraindications from the side of health or individual characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman.

For men

Most of the beneficial properties of the fig tree are equally useful for use by all family members, from children to adults and the elderly. Nevertheless, from the point of view of medicine, this product has especially valuable properties for maintaining or restoring the health of men.

Figs are a remedy recognized in the East for improving male potency and treating prostatitis. To prepare a healing drink, it is enough to soak several figs in warm milk in the evening, and in the morning eat the swollen fruit and drink it with the resulting infusion.

Another way to prepare a daily portion of a medicinal infusion is to mix five fruits of dried figs and a cup of hot water and insist for at least 12 hours. Take twice a day for half a cup before meals.

The benefits of figs for women

Although figs are high in calories, they can help women who are concerned about weight loss. Due to the ability to remove toxins from the body, fig fruits can be used as an additional food product during fasting days.

The diet of such one-day diets should include 100 g of dried figs, a kilogram of other types of fruits, half a kilogram of vegetables and 2 liters of low-fat yogurt or kefir.

The syrup effectively eliminates varicose veins and women's pain.

Regular use of figs can effectively eliminate existing ailments and prevent the development of new ones. And this method of treatment is much more pleasant than traditionally bitter pills and medical procedures.

All dried fruits have a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly satisfy hunger and contain many useful substances. But today we propose to talk about dried figs, the benefits and harms of which have been known since ancient times. The fruits of dried figs were enjoyed by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and residents of many eastern countries. This fruit is often mentioned in the Bible, where it is called a fig, and many interesting legends and traditions are associated with it.

Composition and useful properties of dried figs

Dried figs contain beta-carotene and many B vitamins. Dried fruits are also rich in protein, mineral salts of potassium, magnesium and iron. Also in the fruits of dried figs there is fiber, pectins. But why do doctors recommend dried figs to their patients? This product has a lot of useful properties. Here is just a small list of diseases that dried fruits loved by many help to cope with:

  1. Cold treatment. Dried fruits boiled in milk are an excellent cough remedy. Also, this medicine has diaphoretic and antipyretic properties.
  2. Eliminates problems associated with digestion. Traditional medicine recommends eating dried fruits for constipation and gastritis. Figs are known to aid bowel function due to their high fiber content.
  3. Dried figs are advised to be used by people whose profession is associated with mental work. It turns out that the trace elements contained in dried fruits have a positive effect on brain function and help relieve accumulated stress.
  4. This useful product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Enzymes contained in figs help to quickly remove toxic substances from the body. Dried figs, about the benefits and harms of which we will tell many more useful facts, have a rich mineral composition. Thanks to this, dried fruits can help a person regain strength after poisoning.
  5. Regular consumption of dry figs has a beneficial effect on heart function. This effect is due to the presence of a large amount of potassium in the product. The lack of this element can lead to disruption of the heart muscle.

Dried figs contain serotonin, which is often called the hormone of happiness. If you have a bad mood or you feel a breakdown, then eat one or two dried fruits. Just do not forget to go outside after that and take a walk for at least half an hour. The fact is that serotonin is released in our body only under the influence of sunlight.

It should be noted that dried fruits are not a medicine. In some cases, they really help to cope with ailments, but they cannot cure serious illnesses.

Dried figs and women's health

In many eastern countries, dried fig fruits were traditionally served as a dessert to women. Since ancient times, people have noticed that they help relieve physical ailments during menstruation. Also, the use of dried fruits contributed to the normalization of mental balance during this period.

What else is useful dried figs for women? Modern doctors recommend using it for those who are planning to become pregnant or are expecting a baby. This recommendation is based on the fact that fig fruits contain a large amount of folic acid. This substance helps to maintain the integrity of the placenta and has a beneficial effect on the intrauterine development of the unborn baby.

Modern research has proven that it is beneficial for women to include dried figs in their diet during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. It turned out that their contractions are easier, and the total time of birth is reduced by one hour. In addition, in women giving birth for the first time, disclosure occurs faster and easier.

Figs for men

There is a common legend that dried fig fruits have a positive effect on potency. But, unfortunately, there are no magic products to get rid of this problem. However, dried figs are just as beneficial for men as they are for women. A large number of vitamins and minerals helps maintain health for people of any age and gender.

Figs for children

Pediatricians do not recommend including dried fruits in the menu of children who are under one year old. After reaching this age, one dried fruit can be given to a child, but it is better to divide it into small portions. A large amount of fast carbohydrates contained in any dried fruits can harm the health of the baby. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, choose fresh ripe fruits for it.

How else does dried figs affect the health of babies? Benefits for children can be identified by the following points:

  1. Dried fig fruits can help with constipation. But if the crushed dried fruits did not bring the expected result, then you should use medications.
  2. Use dried fruits to make desserts. The natural sweetness of these products will help to eliminate sugar and sweets from the baby's menu.

What is dangerous dried figs

First of all, remember that dried fruits contain very little water. Because of this, the amount of sugar in fruits increases to 70%. This fact does not negate the benefits of dried figs for the body, but it should be taken into account for people suffering from certain diseases and being overweight.

Healthy people also should not pamper themselves with delicious dried fruits too often. Dried figs, whose calorie content does not exceed 50 kcal per 100 grams, are perfectly absorbed by the body. But the high carb content it contains should give you pause.

Dried figs, the benefits and dangers of which we described in detail in this article, can often be seen on the shelves of Russian stores. Unfortunately, fresh fruits rarely reach us intact and rarely have a marketable appearance. But if you want to replenish your family's diet with a healthy and tasty product, then you can safely buy dried figs.

The benefits and harms of figs in diabetes - video

Figs are a very ancient culture. He also has other names: “fig”, “fig”, “wine berry”. It is customary to dry its fruits, as fresh ones do not last long. However, not everyone thought about whether the medicinal properties of the product are preserved and what is the difference between them.

Figs - a source of useful vitamins and minerals!

  1. Composition of figs
  2. The difference between fresh and dried berries
  3. Beneficial features
  4. Who is recommended berries
  5. Contraindications, possible harm
  6. Benefits for body systems
  7. Benefits and harms for pregnant women and children
  8. Figs for men
  9. Wine berry for women
  10. Fig preparations
  11. Botanical description
  12. How to dry and store
  13. General recommendations
  14. Video about the beneficial properties of the fruit
  15. Reviews
  16. conclusions
  17. Fig salad - recipe

What is a fig made of?

The composition of the wine berry depends on the stage of maturity and climatic conditions of growth. Fresh fruits are rich in nutrients, including vitamins:

  • pyridoxine(AT 6);
  • pantothenic acid(AT 5);
  • retinol (A);
  • beta carotene;
  • folic acid (B9);
  • thiamine (B1);
  • riboflavin (B2);
  • niacin equivalent (RR);
  • ascorbic acid (C).

Most of all, figs contain vitamins B6 (0.13 mg) and B5 (4 mg). Lack of ascorbic acid in the body leads to fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, and frequent colds. Pantothenic acid deficiency is expressed in visual impairment, insomnia, depression, hair loss, weakness and low blood pressure.

The fig contains the following elements:

  • iron(3.2 mg);
  • potassium(190 mg);
  • magnesium (17 mg);
  • calcium (35 mg);
  • phosphorus (14 mg);
  • sodium (18 mg).

fresh figs calories leaves 55 kcal. Carbohydrates - 12 g. Protein contains 0.7 g, fat - 0.2 g.

Dried fruits calories much more - 255 kcal.

fresh figs rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin B5 - 8% (per 100 g of the daily requirement); vitamin B6 - 6.5%; potassium - 7.5%, magnesium - 4.2%; calcium - 3.5%, iron - up to 18%, a lot of dietary fiber - 12.5%.

dried figs rich in such vitamins and minerals: vitamin B1 and B2 5% each (from the daily norm in 100 g of the product); vitamin PP - 6%; potassium - 28.5%; magnesium - 15%; calcium - 14.5%; phosphorus - 8.5%. A lot of dietary fiber - 90%.

How many figs can you eat per day

  • Norm fresh figs for an adult, 5-10 berries per day (50-100 g) are considered.
  • The norm of dried figs is less: 3 - 5 berries per day (30 - 50 g)

The rate of dried figs is less, as it increases the vitamin and nutritional composition, and also increases the calorie content and the amount of carbohydrates.

Differences between fresh and dried figs

The rate of consumption of dried figs is less than fresh

The fruits of this tree can most often be seen in dried form, since the fresh one is not stored for a long time. They do not lose their medicinal properties, on the contrary, they acquire new ones. In dried fruits, the amount of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and dietary fiber increases, but the content of vitamins B5, B6, B9, C decreases.

It should be noted that in the process of drying fruits, the amount of sugar in them increases. Thus, the calorie content of 100 g of the product increases to 257 kcal, and the amount of carbohydrates increases to 60 g (in 100 g of the product). The plaque formed on the dried berry contains glucose, fructose, lysine and many other substances and acids important for the body. Such figs are less picky and can be stored for a long time.

In more detail, the differences in the composition of fresh fruits from dried fruits in the tables:

Beneficial features

The product has a number of healing properties:

  • useful for the cardiovascular system;
  • is a prophylactic against strokes and heart attacks;
  • restores strength;
  • accelerates the process of cell renewal;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • has diuretic and laxative effects;
  • thins the blood;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • relieves pain;
  • normalizes the processes of the nervous system;
  • improves mood;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stops hair loss;
  • makes nails stronger;
  • helps to recover from illness;
  • struggles with emotional outbursts during PMS;
  • strengthens erectile function in men.

Fig fruit juice is used to treat skin pathologies and fungus. Figs are actively used in cosmetology and perfumery. Its extract is found in body and face products.

So, figs are useful for: cardiovascular system due to the content of potassium in fruits; for the prevention and treatment of oncology due to the content of benzaldehyde in figs (a substance that prevents the reproduction of cancer cells. Contains antioxidants (have anti-inflammatory properties) and dietary fiber (have a beneficial effect on the digestive system).


The unique composition of the wine berry makes it valuable for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • anemia;
  • depression;
  • prostatitis;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina;
  • stress;
  • stomatitis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • inflammation of the urinary organs;
  • whooping cough;
  • wounds and burns.

Fruit pulp is used as a wound healing agent. A piece of fresh or dried figs, applied to the affected area, is able to cope with toothache and gum disease. Wine berry eliminates dry mouth, nausea. It is recommended to use it to relieve a hangover.

Fig fruits are shown for women and men with low libido. After all, the berries of this plant are considered an excellent aphrodisiac that causes passion.

Fresh berries are used to make jam, preserves - which are also very useful.

To whom figs are contraindicated

It is forbidden to use fig fruits for people suffering from the following pathologies:

  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • obesity;
  • enteritis;
  • gout;
  • low blood clotting.

In rare cases, individual intolerance can cause refusal to use figs. Despite the fact that figs are considered an excellent dietary product, you should not eat too many fruits. This can backfire.

Due to the high content of calories and dietary fiber, especially in dried figs, the fruit can harm people with urolithiasis, as well as people with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

The benefits of figs for the human body

A separate benefit brings figs for the respiratory system; heart and blood vessels, digestive system.

Respiratory system

For colds and coughs, it is necessary to prepare a decoction in milk. The therapeutic course is 2 weeks. Such a medicine eliminates coughing fits, relieves fever and increases immunity resistance to infectious diseases.

  1. You should take 300 ml of high-quality cow's milk (preferably fat) and heat it in an enamel bowl.
  2. 4 medium figs must be placed in a saucepan with milk and boiled. Both fresh and dry fruits are used.
  3. Then you need to cover the pan with a lid and keep the composition for half an hour on low heat. In this case, the volume of liquid will decrease by three times.
  4. Next, the dishes are wrapped and left to cool completely. After 3-4 hours, the broth is ready.
  5. Drink it in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening for half a glass before meals.
  6. Store the medicine in a closed jar in the refrigerator. Every day you need to prepare a new decoction.

This decoction softens the throat and relieves cough with bronchitis, tracheitis and colds.

The cardiovascular system

Minerals (magnesium, potassium), which are part of the fig, are the building material for muscle tissue. They support cardiac work and eliminate many pathologies associated with the functioning of blood vessels. Ficin allows you to thin the blood, lowers the level of harmful cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is advised to drink an infusion of wine berries.

Prepare and take it as follows:

  1. It is necessary to pour 50 g of dried fruits with a glass of warm water.
  2. After 6 hours, the berries will give the liquid all their nutrients.
  3. Such an infusion should be drunk during the day in small portions before meals.
  4. The course of treatment is 10-12 days. Berries can not be thrown away, but eaten.

Such a medicine will reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, thrombosis and tachycardia.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with figs

Fruits, especially in dried form, are very useful for the digestive organs. In case of poisoning, thanks to the enzymes present in it, figs remove poisons and toxins from the body, restore intestinal microflora. The high content of dietary fiber allows the use of fruits to eliminate constipation and improve bowel function.

With intestinal atony, you can use the following recipe.

Need to collect:

  • fig fruits - 200 g;
  • prunes - 400 g;
  • dried apricot - 100 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • rosehip extract - 100 ml;
  • honey - 200 g;
  • senna grass - 50 g.

How to prepare and take:

Grind the first four ingredients in a meat grinder, add honey and rose hips, as well as chopped senna grass. Then place the mixture in a container and keep in the refrigerator. Take one spoon in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed.

Use figs and gastritis. Once in the stomach, it envelops the mucous membrane, protecting it from the irritating effects of incoming food. This makes it possible to reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process occurring inside, and even achieve significant success in the healing of the organ.

Figs for diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Figs are an excellent hematopoietic agent. Therefore, its use is appropriate for liver diseases. To improve the functioning of the liver, traditional medicine advises to use fig milk. It should be prepared in this way. Insist or boil a little 50 grams of figs in a glass of hot milk for at least five hours. When everything cools down, grind in a blender and drink.

With dyskinesia of the bile ducts, stone formation in them, cholecystitis, the following treatment is used.

You need to prepare a mixture of components:

  • figs -1.2 kg;
  • lemons - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • honey - 7 st. spoons.

Prepare and take like this:

Peel the lemons and grind together with the peel in a meat grinder. Process figs in the same way. Mix all ingredients. Take the medicine before meals for 2-4 tbsp. spoons.

Benefits and harms for children and during pregnancy

If the baby is not allergic to figs, you must definitely include it in the children's menu. The product improves the functioning of the digestive tract and stimulates appetite. It is an excellent source of energy, which is so necessary for a growing body. The folic acid contained in it helps to strengthen the immune forces, the healthy functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the nervous system. It is enough to give your baby a few dried berries a day.

It is recommended to use figs for women in an “interesting position”. At this time, it is necessary to enrich your body with useful substances for the normal functioning of the fetus. Thanks to the minerals and vitamins contained in figs, the digestion of a pregnant girl is normalized, and the risk of developing anemia is reduced. Considering that it is harmful to take medicines during this period, you can cure colds and coughs with figs, which do not adversely affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby.

If a pregnant woman has gained a lot of weight, it is advised to include only fresh berries in her menu. Before use, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

During breastfeeding, the product will help improve lactation. However, figs should be consumed with caution. It is necessary to monitor the well-being of the child, because he may experience flatulence and colic.

Fresh figs are an excellent source of iron for the body

What is useful figs for men

Figs can be found on the shelves throughout the year, fresh or dried. Regular consumption of small portions of fruits can have an invaluable therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the body, including a positive glycemic effect. With excessive enthusiasm for figs, jumps in blood glucose are observed due to the high concentration of natural sugars in it.

The composition of the fruit contains elements that strengthen the reproductive health of men. These are zinc, magnesium, manganese, some amino acids. Figs help in cases where there is a weakening of sexual desire or premature ejaculation. In addition, it takes care of the health and cleanliness of the genitourinary system, preventing bacteria and other infections from spreading in its organs, and prevents the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Figs are rich in potassium and this helps them maintain the health of the heart and vascular systems in men, who suffer more from heart attacks and strokes than women. The substances contained in the fruits regulate blood pressure and prevent its indicators from rising above normal. Pectin in the digestive tract absorbs excess cholesterol and removes them from the body.

What properties of figs are attractive to women

In ancient times, rejuvenating properties were attributed to the fruits. And this is no coincidence. The antioxidant orientation of figs is given by vitamins C, A, E, such minerals as zinc and selenium contained in it.

The fruits have found their application in cosmetology due to the cleansing and regenerating effect on the skin. Based on them, the industry produces a huge number of cosmetic products of various kinds. Fig masks for face and hair are very popular. They moisturize and restore the skin, relieve it of acne and blackheads.

Figs relieve the effects of physical and nervous overstrain, help to relax, restore efficiency. The B vitamins and folic acid contained in the fruits make figs an essential product during pregnancy and at the planning stage. The rich vitamin and mineral composition will be very useful for the unborn baby.

Just a few eaten sweet fruits for a long time will relieve the feeling of hunger. The introduction of a small amount of figs into the diet will make it possible to lose weight much more comfortably. Conversely, if you eat figs in too large portions, you can quickly gain weight. Everything depends on the quantity.

Fig preparations

Fig fruits can be found in some pharmaceutical preparations. So, they are contained in the laxative Kafiol (Cafiolum), which is a herbal collection of a dark brown hue. It is used for constipation of various origins. Kafiol is contraindicated in case of high sensitivity, intestinal obstruction, metrorrhagia, thrombosis of the mesenteric artery. It should not be used in the last trimester of pregnancy. Apply Kafiol orally 0.5-1 briquette once or for 1-2 weeks, depending on the pathology.

On sale there is also Fig syrup on sorbitol, the active substance of which is fig fruit extract. It is recommended to use it as a dietary supplement for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, anemia. The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician. Contraindications include: pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity.

Green fig leaves are successfully used in folk medicine. They serve as the main component for the manufacture of Psoberan, a drug that treats pigmentation disorders and alopecia areata.

Botanical description

Figs - a plant of the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family

Fig is a plant with large leaves and pear-shaped fruits on short stalks. They contain numerous small nuts. When you cut any part of the plant, milky juice will flow out of it.

Fruit color varies from yellow to black-blue. Their size is comparable to a walnut. Fruit taste is moderately sweet.

In mid-August, early varieties of figs ripen, at the end of summer - mid-season, in September and October - late. A fig tree grows in many regions with a warm climate: Crimea, Asia, India, Turkey, Pakistan, the Caucasus.

There are many varieties of figs. With proper care, the plant develops well at home. It can produce two crops a year.

How to dry and store

The norm of dried figs - no more than 50 g per day

To dry the fruits of the wine berry, you must:

  1. Rinse the figs and dry them on paper or a towel. If you cut the fruit in half, they will dry faster.
  2. Place the fig on a wire rack in a sunny and well-ventilated place.
  3. Close under insect gauze.
  4. After 4-6 days, the drying process is over.

You can also use an oven or a home dryer.

It will not work for a long time to store freshly picked figs, in a day it will begin to deteriorate. The best place to store fresh fruits is the fruit drawer in the refrigerator. If the temperature in it does not rise above 1 degree, it will be possible to save the product for 1-2 weeks.

It is optimal to store dried fruits at low temperature and humidity and out of direct sunlight. It is best to pack them in jars or containers and place them in the refrigerator with a lid. Care must be taken to ensure that mold does not form on the product, so figs should be checked once a week. The shelf life of dried fruits is 6 months. In the refrigerator, it increases to 1 year. True, when defrosted, figs will lose some of their useful qualities.

  1. Fig fruits should be fully ripe and fresh.
  2. You can't eat figs that smell sour.
  3. The product must be washed thoroughly before use. It is advised to remove the skin or soak the fruit so that the surface is not too hard. The water in which the berries lay can be drunk. It has beneficial properties.
  4. For a child, it is better to cut the fruit in half, and scoop up the pulp with a small spoon.
  5. Dried figs can always be bought at the store, so it is better not to store it at home, but to purchase it as needed.
  6. After drying, you need to cut the fruit. If there is no juice, it is dried correctly.

Figs go well with meat and vegetable dishes. It is used for stuffing poultry, added to salads. The product allows you to add variety and a spicy note of the East to your daily diet.

Video about the benefits and harms of figs

What are the useful properties of figs, possible harm and contraindications, how to choose, store berries and many other interesting things in this video:

Click p. No. 2.2 - a complete set of competent combinations for a healthy menu.

And do not forget to check the rules for choosing high-quality dried fruits - item No. 4.

Quick article navigation:

Composition and calories

Calorie content and glycemic index of about 250 kcal per 100 grams and an average GI = 47-55, comparable to fresh cranberries, persimmons and kiwi.

The chemical composition largely repeats fresh fruits, but in different concentrations. Dried figs have about 3 times more sugars and 4-5 times more dietary fiber than fresh figs. This makes it a beneficial nutritional participant for at least two purposes - stable bowel function and high-speed delivery of glucose to the brain and muscles.

A handy infographic will help you evaluate the nutritional value of dried figs:

Benefits for the body

Fiber being the leader in dietary fiber content among popular dried fruits ( up to 10% of dry weight!), figs do an excellent job of toning the intestines and are useful for hypotonic constipation. Today, this is the most common variant of the problem with cleansing - due to the lack of a fractional diet and physical inactivity.

Vitamin neuroprotectors group B. Among them, B1 is the most interesting, which is extremely important for most functions of the nervous system and cannot be synthesized in the body.

Potassium is one of the basic minerals for maintaining the water-salt balance, the rhythmic work of the heart and healthy bone and muscle mass.

Magnesium is the most valuable element for the body, which is involved in many enzymatic reactions, including the formation of ATP. Harmony in the work of the nervous system, in the state of the heart and blood vessels, in stable intestinal motility and outflow of bile - everywhere there is a direct merit of magnesium.

Calcium is a mineral that is needed daily to maintain skeletal bone density. Some other mineral salts, including phosphorus (up to 5%). There is also a little iron in figs, although in non-heme form it is poorly absorbed, which is worth understanding for yourself once and for all with enthusiasm about the presence of iron in plant foods.

What antioxidants are in dried figs?

There is almost no vitamin C in dried figs, however, with the right technology, dry fruits contain a whole range of bioflavonoids and polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Catechins and epicatechins - to protect the body from the growth of cancer cells. Rutin - to strengthen blood vessels. Syringic and gallic acids - for the harmony of the intestinal microflora, including due to the bactericidal effect on opportunistic microorganisms.

Benefits of dried figs for women

Exploring this issue, you can not get around the topics of weight loss and pregnancy. High calorie content and an abundance of sugars are not suitable for protein diets. However, as part of a balanced diet, figs will be a good help.

If, when losing weight, you adhere to fractional nutrition with calorie counting, then the best place for a sweet snack every other day (!) - second breakfast (until 12:00):

  • It is convenient to take figs with you to work and not look like a "black sheep", replacing them with sweets when having a snack in the office;
  • Sugar, B vitamins, magnesium and fiber will ensure fast thinking, stability of emotions and stable intestinal motility;
  • An adequate restriction is 3 dry fruits (about 80 grams), which can be entered even into a sharply reduced daily calorie content.

During pregnancy, against the background of general health and normal weight, you can use up to 4 fruits per day, 3-5 times a week.

How to eat and with what to combine

The best time for a meal with figs is the first half of the day.

Dried figs, like all dried fruits, are not a product that you should get carried away with, eating a dozen pieces daily.

However, it is quite easy to benefit from figs without harm to the body. Let's look at profitable combinations.

For good absorption of vitamin C and strengthening of the vascular walls

We add soaked figs to winter salads with slaw, carrots and apples, or we eat 1/2 grapefruit and 2-3 dried fruits at the beginning of breakfast.

For a beneficial complex of pectins, vitamin D and calcium

Add the chopped soaked figs to the curd or beat the curd mixture in a blender.

How to diversify a healthy diet with figs:

  • We are mastering a simple walnut-fig paste - for spreading on biscuit cookies or plates of fresh apples: nuts + figs in equal proportions and a little lemon juice. This pasta is a great base for homemade sweets or a layer in no-bake cakes.
  • In muesli and cereals after cooking on fire, add a large slice of dried fruit. It adds spice to delicate cereals - oatmeal and rice.
  • In a blender smoothie, figs can easily replace a sweet banana and make friends with any ingredients.
  • From meat dishes, it is best suited for poultry and lamb - in sauces and stuffing when stuffing. However, we take into account: during heat treatment, some of the valuable substances are lost, including the destruction of coarse fibers.

Recipe for a mixture of dried fruits for the heart

A high concentration of sugars, potassium and vitamin C - continuous health for the heart and blood vessels, normalization of immunity and stress resistance.

How to cook: mix the soaked dried fruits in equal proportions. Choice of dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes. Add walnuts, honey, lemon juice and twist in a blender until smooth.

Additional Ingredients: citrus zest, other nuts. If you are allergic to honey, we use a third more than the sweetest dried fruits - figs and dates.

How to use

We eat 2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals).

Possible harm and contraindications

Absolute contraindications:

  • Diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Strictly limit (2-3 pieces at a time, every other day):

  • With type 2 diabetes and obesity;
  • With pathologies of pregnancy;
  • In acute diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The potential harm of dried fruits is also determined by the unsightly nuances of production. We have compiled tips on how to get around these pitfalls below.

How to choose

Unfortunately, dried figs are not without the "charms" of industrial processing. Sulfur dioxide, unsanitary conditions, smoking with liquid smoke, boiling water with caustic soda, gasoline burners and almost “harmless” treatment with glycerin and cheap oil against this background - for the “selling beauty of the product”. Alas, unhealthy technology awaits us at any counter with dried fruits.

How to choose high-quality figs from the mountain of "pig in a poke"?
  • Color and surface: light beige fig without gloss. Let's say matte sugar coating.
  • Shape, size and texture : slightly flattened fruits, approximately the same in size, yielding to finger pressure when testing for softness.
  • We smell and taste, for which we go to the market. Norma - sweet, rich, perceptibly crunchy taste and no smell of gasoline. Figs are chewed without titanic efforts. If the taste is salty, sour, damp, the product is spoiled. At the same time, we take into account that unwashed dried fruits are a risk of introducing an intestinal infection. Grab a bottle of water!
  • When shopping in a supermarket, we first study and rely on the brand.
  • With a special need for environmental friendliness, we buy in online stores: expensive brands from small manufacturers whose owners are enthusiasts of healthy lifestyles or alternative food systems.

How to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits?

  • Soak thoroughly - in cold (!) Water. The first time - for 30 minutes. Then we drain the water and a second time - for another 15 minutes, after which I wash it in warm running water, sorting through the fruits with my hands one by one. This removes the remains of normal dirt (pieces of earth, sand, etc.) that may stick to the figs during drying and transport.

We dry ourselves instead of buying

There are two ways to get the health benefits of figs:

  • We take risks with the purchase, carefully studying the fruits according to the characteristics described above;
  • We dry ourselves - in an electric dryer. This is especially true for residents of the southern regions, where fresh fruits have time to be delivered without spoilage.

Qualitatively, tasty, quickly and cheaper - fair epithets for the results of the electric dryer.

Choosing figs for drying

Any fruit can be dried with benefit. But the ideal variety is still white, or honey. Light, golden-skinned, with yellowish flesh, 4-5 cm in diameter (smaller fruits are sweeter). An important nuance of a successful variety is a large number of seeds. The fewer seeds, the worse the variety.

Having decided to purchase a device, you should pay attention to models with a wide temperature range, ranging from 33-35 degrees and the most ergonomic square shape of the trays. The relative disadvantages of home drying are the time spent on the process and a one-time investment in the purchase of an apparatus. But how much time and money are we being robbed of by established illnesses - through dangerous food choices? Rhetorical question for personal reflection.

How to store at home

Dried figs require a cool (0-10 degrees) and dry (!) place. Place it in a glass jar lined with a thin cotton cloth on the inside and close tightly.

A good storage option for good air circulation is linen bags, suspended. Choose it for a batch that you will eat in a couple of months. The downside of this method is that when the temperature rises, pests easily start. You can also use paper bags that keep insects out.

We will be glad if the detailed story about dried figs was informative for you. The benefits of figs are great when we know how to circumvent potential harm, choose the right culinary combinations and reasonably limit the amount of a sweet product.

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Figs are a fruit familiar to people since ancient times. Gives him a fig tree or fig tree. Both fresh and dried fruits are eaten. Before you get carried away with a delicacy, you should know what dried figs give, benefit or harm to the body.

Useful properties of dried figs

Like other well-known dried fruits, figs arrived in Russia from the warm countries of Asia Minor, the Caucasus and the Crimea. Candied fruits are obtained from several varieties, usually they are light varieties, the fruits of which weigh up to 70 g.

The beneficial properties of this delicacy are due to its rich composition of various macro and microelements. First of all, candied fruit improves intestinal motility, helps to solve the problem of constipation, remove toxins. To do this, it is enough to regularly eat one fig in the morning before breakfast.

  1. Dried fruit increases hemoglobin content, which is valuable for those who are on a diet, fasting, are a vegetarian. It also saturates the body with unsaturated acids Omega-3, Omega-6.
  2. Potassium has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure. Figs promote the resorption of blood clots and thin the blood.
  3. Dried fruits of the fig tree normalize the mental state. They will relieve migraines and neurological pain, seizures, brain dysfunction and nervous excitability.
  4. Dried fruit removes toxins, which is important for the body, especially when cleansing.
  5. It helps to remove excess bile, and prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, also removes sand and small stones from the kidneys and bladder.
  6. They eat dried figs for general recuperation after overwork, illness. This is an excellent restorative remedy after tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, as it has an expectorant effect.

In general, this delicacy is good for health and is an excellent source of vitamins.

Composition and calories

Dried fruit is valued for its rich composition of trace elements:

  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Sodium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium.

It has a lot of vitamins:

  • beta carotene;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamins B1, B2;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamin P.P.

Potassium and calcium strengthen blood vessels, heart, bone tissue. Magnesium provides the removal of toxins and heavy metals, calms the nervous system. Sodium is responsible for water-salt metabolism, activates the production of gastric juice. Phosphorus strengthens bone tissue. Iron is needed to protect the body from bacteria and strengthen the immune system, assimilation of vitamin B.

The beneficial properties of figs are due to a balanced ratio of elements, but in order not to harm the body, you need to know the calorie content of any product.

There are 257 calories per 100 grams of dried figs. This is quite a lot, so when dieting, you need to carefully count calories.

Dried figs and women's health

For the female sex, figs should be eaten not only to maintain health, but also to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Due to the rich complex of useful substances, it is a real elixir of youth and beauty.

  1. It can be included in the diet for weight loss, but the calorie content of 1 pc should be considered. This is approximately 150-200 calories, depending on the weight of the dried fruit.
  2. You can eat instead of sweets and cakes. If you find fresh figs on sale, then you should make jam, which will also replace purchased sweets.

Dried figs perfectly solve the problem of PMS and menopause, improving mood and relieving stress and irritability. At the same time, it saturates the body with trace elements necessary for strength during these periods.

During pregnancy

Figs are good for the health of a woman in position. During pregnancy, the body especially needs nutrients and vitamins. Dried fruits perfectly solve this problem.

However, do not get carried away with them, as it is important to maintain a balance of sugar and monitor weight. Therefore, it is important to know the glycemic index of dried fruit - 61. In 100 g - 30. The consumption rate per day is 100. That is, it is advisable not to exceed 100 g of dried figs per day.

It is better for expectant mothers to eat dried fruits a couple of hours after eating, as they contribute to gas formation.

These recommendations should be taken into account when breastfeeding. Despite the fact that dried figs are useful for women at this time, you need to monitor the amount eaten so as not to cause diathesis or allergies in the child, indigestion.

Figs for men

Overseas fruit will also benefit men. It perfectly restores strength, and this is important during physical or complex mental work. Great benefits for men and in terms of maintaining men's health.

It gives strength and vigor, improves mood.

Figs for children

The benefits for children of this delicacy are also obvious. Vitamins and mineral components contained in it are necessary for the normal development and growth of a small person. Therefore, it is important from childhood to teach a child to eat various dried fruits, including figs.

The baby may not really like its specific taste and texture. Then you should cook him a compote of dried fruits.

If a fig is offered to a child for the first time, a small piece should be given. This will help to find out if he is having an allergic reaction, as well as give the digestive system time to adapt to the new product.

How to eat figs - recipes

To get more vitamins and minerals from the product, you need to know how to properly eat dishes from it. But first you need to know how to choose a quality product.

  1. Dried fruit should be of medium dryness, because under-dried fruits can rot or ferment, and over-dried ones also indicate that the fruit was overripe or improperly dried.
  2. The color should be a uniform golden yellow for light varieties and brown for dark varieties. Dark spots on light dried fruits or light spots on dark ones indicate that the fruit was rotten.
  3. Well, if all candied fruits are the same size - this indicates selection.
  4. They should not taste sour. If it is, then the product has begun to deteriorate. Sometimes buyers have a question: why is dried figs salty? This also means a poor-quality product, you do not need to eat it.

Do I need to wash dried fruit before eating? It is desirable, since dust appears on it during storage and transportation.

Washing also removes chemicals if they were used during drying. You can rinse and soak the delicacy for half an hour - very effective, especially for children.

How to consume figs besides just eating dried fruits?

There are several recipes:

  • vegetable pilaf with figs: rinse one glass of steamed rice. Take a frying pan with thick walls, fry in it the onion, cut into half rings and a small carrot until golden brown. Pour rice into it and pour two glasses of water. Salt to taste, add turmeric and spices, 100 g finely chopped dried figs. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes;
  • figs go well with soft cheeses and honey, as well as fresh herbs, so it can be added to vegetable salads;
  • pieces of dried figs can be put in ready-made cereals or fruit salads seasoned with yogurt;
  • dried fruit is combined with other candied fruits and nuts, cookies.

Figs are considered an excellent addition to many dishes. In sweet desserts, it will appeal to children and those who deny themselves sweets.

It's important to know how to store dried figs so they don't go bad. It should be placed in a glass jar with an airtight lid and placed in a cool, dark place. You can store it in the refrigerator, but there is high humidity and it can go bad.


Despite all its positive properties, if used improperly, candied fruit can be harmful. This refers to the excessive eating of figs, which leads to indigestion, increased gas formation.

It is important to keep track of how many calories are in dishes where dried fruit is present, otherwise excess weight will quickly appear.

Contraindications to the use of the delicacy include diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, gallstones, bladder and kidney stones, and intestinal problems. In this case, you should either completely abandon the figs, or reduce its amount.

Figs (aka fig tree or fig tree) refers to the sweet types of fruits. The benefits for women of this plant have long been known. This fruit is used not only internally, but also externally.

The fair sex includes this fruit in various recipes that help them improve their appearance, as well as diversify the menu and treat their loved ones with delicious and unusual dishes.

Let's take a closer look at how figs are useful for the body of women, are there any contraindications and restrictions on its use.

Healing properties

Figs are a very useful fruit for the female body. Its positive effect on women's health is due to such healing properties:

  • Allows you to reduce high temperature during colds. It acts as a cough suppressant and is used as a natural antitussive.
  • Removes inflammatory processes.
  • It has a stimulating effect on the digestive tract. The pulp of this fruit has a mild laxative effect, helping to cope with constipation.
  • It normalizes the work of the lungs.
  • Regular consumption of this fruit allows you to cope with anemia, as well as cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol. Helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • It is characterized by a diuretic effect, helps to overcome the ailments of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  • After eating dried figs, the unpleasant smell from the mouth disappears.

In addition to fruits, leaves and bark of a fig tree are used in folk medicine. Since the leaves of this plant contain a large amount of tannins, they are used to prepare medicinal potions that allow you to cope with diarrhea, acting as fixing drugs.

A decoction of fig leaves also helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, relieving increased gas formation and helping to overcome colitis, as well as allowing you to cope with such serious ailments as dysentery and food poisoning.

Fresh leaves are used as the basis for cosmetic products for the dermis, which help to get rid of redness, eliminate the inflammatory process on the skin and relieve boils.

Benefits for the female body

Many women prefer to feast on dried figs, not only because this fruit is sweet, but also knowing its beneficial effect on health.

This fruit is useful for women for a number of reasons:

  • The fruits contain coumarin, which helps to make the blood more fluid, thereby alleviating the condition of a woman during critical days and relieving her of pain. To maintain the balance of chemically important elements during menstruation, you need to eat several fruits a day.
  • The use of figs helps to improve the blood counts of a woman in an interesting position.
  • The fig tree is useful during the bearing of the baby, since the fig fruits contain folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on well-being during pregnancy, the development of the fetus and the formation of its neural tube. In addition, this element ensures the exchange of oxygen in the tissues.

  • It is useful to eat 2-3 pieces of dried figs while breastfeeding, as this dried fruit has a positive effect on the lactation process, increasing the amount of milk. But do not be zealous so as not to disrupt the baby's digestion.
  • Young ladies who are on a diet and are trying to lose weight should use this dried fruit during snacks, using it instead of sweets, cookies and other sweets. It allows the body to get enough faster and overcome the feeling of hunger, thus contributing to weight loss.
  • Regular use of dried figs allows you to saturate the female body with potassium, as a result of which you can get rid of swelling and cramps in the calf area.

Use in cosmetology

Many companies specializing in the production of cosmetics add extracts from figs to their products. At home, you can prepare a variety of face masks that will have the following effect on the skin:

  • smooth wrinkles, giving the skin firmness and elasticity;
  • moisturize it, saturating it with useful substances;
  • promote an even and beautiful tan;
  • fight pimples and acne.

The pulp of this fruit contains bones in abundance, so they are crushed and used as a natural peeling and scrub, ridding the dermis of dead cells.

Using a fig tree, you can also significantly improve the condition of the curls, protecting them from brittleness and loss. To do this, several pieces of figs need to be boiled in milk, let the fruit cool, knead it and apply to wet strands along the entire length. Particular attention should be paid to the roots. It is necessary to wrap a terry towel around the head and leave the mask for 40 minutes. After this time, the product is washed off with warm water. This procedure will help restore shine and health to the hair.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the huge benefits that regular consumption of figs has, eating them in excess can be harmful to your health.

The following diseases act as contraindications to the use of dried figs:

  • Diabetes. The fruits of this dried fruit contain a large amount of sugar, so it should not be eaten by people suffering from diabetes. It is better to replace the dried version with a fresh one, where the proportion of sugar is much lower.
  • Gout. The composition of the fig tree includes oxalic acid, which can increase pain, so it is highly recommended not to eat figs for people suffering from this disease.
  • It is necessary to refrain from using this fruit for those women who have aggravated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and which are accompanied by an inflammatory process. Especially when it comes to stomach or duodenal ulcers.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas also acts as a contraindication for the inclusion of fig trees in the diet.

Allergic manifestations to figs are very rare, since the fruits of this fruit contain a minimum amount of essential oils.

Despite this, the fair sex, who suffer from various kinds of allergic reactions, should consume this product in moderation.

Rules of use

Dried figs can be eaten in their pure form, like any other dried fruit, but you should know when to stop.

It is enough to eat 1 piece every day to positively affect your health. In addition, dried fruits are very often used in confectionery, during the preparation of compotes, and also as an addition to milk porridge.

In addition, the fruits of the fig tree perfectly complement meat dishes, for example, you can stuff duck or turkey with them. Mediterranean cuisine lovers can add this fruit to salads. The use of figs during the preparation of various dishes will add variety to the menu, adding a little oriental piquancy to it.

Figs go well with fermented milk products such as kefir and yogurt. It can be eaten with cream cheese.

Please note that such a dried fruit is difficult to digest, so you should not feast on it before bedtime. The best option is to eat fruits in the morning to get a large amount of nutrients and recharge your batteries and energy for the whole day.

When choosing fruits, pay attention to their color. Depending on which variety the fig belongs to, it can be purple, burgundy or yellow. The pulp of this fruit is characterized by tenderness, its consistency resembles jelly, it has a pleasant aroma, devoid of acid.

If the fig tree has a sour smell, it means that the fruit has deteriorated and it is highly not recommended to eat it.

Figs are used in this way:

  • wash the fruit very carefully and thoroughly under running water;
  • there is no need to peel the fig tree, since it can be eaten in this way;
  • if the peel is not to your liking, then the fruit must be steamed, cut in half, and using a spoon, eat the pulp.

Popular dishes

The most popular recipes that are easy to execute include:

  • Milk fig cocktail. You will need 300 milliliters of milk and 4 figs. Dried figs must be thoroughly rinsed under running water before use. Then it should be boiled in milk for several minutes so that the dried fruit softens. Place the figs in a blender, adding 1 tablespoon honey and 4 tablespoons chopped walnuts. Beat all ingredients, gradually adding milk.
  • Fig knot. Take 200 grams of dried apples, 6 pieces of figs and prunes. Dried fruits should be washed thoroughly. Then they are poured with warm water and left to soften for 1 hour. After this time, the fruit should be strained and transferred to boiling water (approximately 2 liters of water). Boil the uzvar for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and leave to infuse for an hour. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to a glass of the finished drink.
  • Fig jam. The fruits of the fig tree should be thoroughly washed, the stalk removed and placed in a container for making jam. Figs are sprinkled with sugar in the ratio of 1 kilogram of figs to 700 grams of sugar. The container should be covered with a lid and allowed to stand for 3 hours so that the fruits release the juice. Put the saucepan on the lowest heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove the foam and boil for 5 minutes, remembering to constantly stir the jam. Turn off the heat, cover the container with a towel and leave to infuse for 10 hours. Similar actions must be repeated 1 more time (boil for 5 minutes and let stand for 10 hours). After that, the jam is brought to a boil again and cooked for another 10 minutes with the addition of lemon juice and vanillin.

Still hot jam is distributed in sterile jars and the lids are rolled up.

Figs are not only a delicious fruit, they have huge benefits for the female body, allowing you to improve health and well-being.

About how to lose weight with figs, see the following video.
