
Dried strawberries at home recipe. How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer

Home-dried wild strawberries are used to make cakes, desserts, and drinks. By adding a few berries to tea, you can enjoy not only the wonderful taste, but also the aroma of a forest glade.

In folk medicine, an infusion of dried berries and leaves is used internally for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and as a general tonic, as well as externally for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, acne.

In order for the berries to be preserved for a long time, it is very important to properly prepare them.

Strawberries are not washed before drying, they are simply cleaned of debris.

How to dry strawberries in the oven

If you have opted for an oven, the cooking process will proceed as follows.

The oven is heated to 35°C. The fruits are evenly spread in one layer on a baking sheet, placed in the oven. Within an hour, the berries will dry out.

After that, the temperature in the oven can be increased to 60°C and the strawberries can continue to dry in the oven. This will usually take a couple more hours.

This is the most affordable way to dry these berries for the winter at home.

How to air dry strawberries

The process of drying strawberries in the fresh air will take a little longer and require some effort.

The fruits must be laid out in one layer, but loosely, on some natural fabric.

Strawberries should be outside all daylight hours. As soon as dusk sets in, the berry should be brought home.

The duration of drying the berries in the fresh air will be 2-3 weeks.

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Small field berries can be dried with twigs, gathered together with leaves in bouquets. They need to be washed in cool water, tied in bunches and hung with the berries down in a ventilated shaded place. When the strawberry bouquets are dry, you can break them up and put them in jars for storage.

How to dry strawberries in an air grill

In the air grill, drying takes place in a special mode at a temperature of 45-60 degrees and an average blowing speed.

When using an air grill, it is not you who is responsible for the process, but the device. Grab your groceries and go about your business.

The drying time in an air grill is several times shorter than in an oven, since air circulation is extremely active. However, the air grill is not designed to drain moisture, so leave the lid ajar in any way convenient for you, for example, by inserting a toothpick or skewer.

The minus of the air grill is the size of the container, which is significantly inferior to the size of the oven. It will take several passes to dry. About 0.8-1.2 kg of berries are placed in the air grill, although after drying the finished product, 0.3-0.5 kg comes out.

The undoubted plus of the air grill is the speed of operation (3-4 times higher than that of the oven) and the absence of heat in the kitchen.

How to dry strawberries properly? They are placed in a 2-3 cm layer on a sieve and begin processing at 40-45 degrees, at the end of drying at about 60 degrees.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer

The range of electric dryers is quite wide, and therefore their principle of operation is different. It is worth reading the instructions carefully, since the drying time of strawberries can vary from 6 to 12 hours.

We spread the berries on clean pallets in one layer, preferably without touching each other.

Turn on the operating mode of the electric dryer, set the temperature within 50-55 degrees. Periodically check, if necessary, rearrange the pallets.

Properly dried berries do not stick together, easily crumble and separate from each other, do not secrete juice and do not stain hands.

Dried strawberries have a dark red color, its grains become shiny.

You can store ready-made berries in bags made of natural fabric. But it is best in tightly sealed dark glass containers. It is this container that will best prevent damage to raw materials by codling moth and other pests.

The shelf life of berries is no more than two years. At the same time, if the raw material begins to dampen, it is recommended to re-dry it.

There are many vitamins in dried strawberries: PP, A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, N. Carbohydrates are 80% fructose, sucrose, glucose. There is a wide range of minerals: potassium, boron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, calcium, sodium, iron, chlorine, sulfur. The composition contains pectins, essential oils, phenolic acids, tannins, a lot of quinic and malic acids. There is a low rate of fat - 0.38 g. The presence of proteins - 0.2 g, protein - 0.6 g, fiber - 5.9 g. 100 g of dried berries contain 31% of the daily carbohydrate intake (84.3 g).

How strawberries affect the body

In dried form, strawberries do not lose their range of useful properties. On the contrary, the concentration of organic substances and pectin acids increases, which ensure the removal of toxins and toxins. The amount of vitamin B9 increases several times, which has a positive effect on the hematopoietic system and blood composition.

The use of dried strawberries supports the activity of the heart muscle, improves the vascular system, and improves immunity. Dried berries have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, antiviral, antiseptic, diuretic effects. Strawberries are useful for many diseases of internal organs, low hemoglobin, gout, cystitis, rheumatism, ascites. Stimulates the work of the thyroid gland, lungs, bronchi, increases blood circulation. Tones the nervous system, improves mood, relieves stress. Restores the water-salt balance, inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, normalizes blood pressure.

When dried strawberries are included in the diet, the intestines work better, metabolism accelerates, metabolic processes return to normal, and overweight decreases. The skin acquires a healthy appearance, as collagen production is activated. It has been proven that daily consumption of 10-15 berries prevents the formation of malignant tumors in the esophagus and rectum, protects against atherosclerosis.

How to choose

Dried strawberries that you have prepared yourself are considered a healthier product. To do this, you can apply various drying methods: spread out in the sun, use a stove, an electric dryer for vegetables. When buying in a store or on the market, you need to make sure that there are no impurities, dirt, broken berries. Poorly dried or wet specimens should not be taken. The smell should not have notes of mold and mustiness. Candied fruits in sugar will bring you extra calories. Quality strawberries should be red in color, regular in shape and have a sweet taste.

Storage methods

Dried strawberries do not lose their useful qualities for two years. This requires a dry room, lack of sunlight, sealed packaging in the form of ceramic or glass containers.

What is combined with in cooking

Dried strawberries are used in baking, to create confectionery. Add to tea, compotes are boiled with it, combined with dried fruits. Used in fillings for pancakes, as an ingredient in muffins, mousses, cocktails, ice cream, and various desserts. In crushed form, a fragrant confectionery powder is obtained, which is used in cereals, with cottage cheese, yogurt. It goes well with cream, sour cream.

Useful food combination

The high energy value of dried strawberries provides for restrictions while observing the calorie content of the diet. Nevertheless, it is popular with nutritionists and is relevant for those who want to lose weight.

It is used as a vitamin supplement in cereals, muesli, vegetable stews, casseroles, side dishes. It is combined with fat-free cottage cheese, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, rice. Harmonious with nuts, dried fruits, spices. Used in fruit, vegetable, arugula, spinach salads dressed with yogurt or balsamic vinegar. Popular for snacks. When following a low-carbohydrate diet, dried strawberries are not included in the diet.


Strawberries can cause allergies, so give children with caution only from the age of 6. Not recommended for hyperacidity, exacerbations in the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive use can cause swelling of the sinuses, larynx, urticaria, skin redness, itching, and abdominal pain. It is unacceptable to combine with the intake of diuretics.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Doctors recommend dried strawberries for daily use as a prevention of various diseases and to maintain immunity. In folk medicine, decoctions of dried berries are used for colds and viral manifestations, as well as an antipyretic and diuretic. Assign for the treatment of the thyroid gland, metabolic disorders, anemia, constipation, beriberi, hypertension, rheumatism.

Strawberries are used to restore microflora, relieve swelling, enhance intestinal motility, and lower cholesterol. In the form of prevention of the urinary system, oncological, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis. Extracts from dried berries are used to heal wounds, eliminate hemorrhoidal formations.

Inclusion in the diet restores skin elasticity, stimulates cell regeneration. Dried strawberry powder is added to scrubs and masks. Especially effective are such methods to eliminate increased greasiness, to narrow pores, and dry acne. Ice cubes for cryomassage are made from a concentrated decoction of strawberries. A decoction with soda and alcohol is used to strengthen the gums, eliminate periodontal disease.

If you have not been able to prepare delicious dried strawberries, the so-called strawberry "chips", then do not worry, now everything will work out for sure. The main thing is to choose the right berry and set the desired temperature. Drying strawberries for the winter in the oven. An electric dryer is not needed for this workpiece.

Of course, you should not hope that the berry will dry instantly, and there will be a lot of workpieces. It takes 3 hours to dry strawberries, and no more than 140-150 g of dried strawberries are obtained from two baking sheets of chopped berries (which is about 800 g of fresh strawberries). But trust me, it's worth it. The house will be filled with such strawberry aromas that all the neighbors will run. Crispy, bright and very tasty, dried strawberries keep well until the next berry harvest if you follow the advice that you will find at the end of the recipe. Dried strawberries can be added to sweet pastries, brew tea with them, or simply crunch on refreshing "chips" at your leisure. Strawberry "chips" in the form of delicate hearts will warm you with warm memories of the past summer. And you will be convinced that this way of preparing it is no worse than strawberry compote.

strawberries - 420 g.

How to cook dried strawberries in the oven

Strawberries for drying should be harvested in dry weather. The drier and denser the berry, the better the workpiece will turn out. Wash and dry ripe strawberries in a well-ventilated area, spreading them in a thin layer on a paper towel. Then remove the sepals from the berries.

Cut the strawberries into rings 1.3-1.5 cm thick.

Line a wide baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the sliced ​​berries over it. Strawberry mugs should not be in contact with each other, otherwise, the berry will stick together and spoil the appearance of the finished strawberry "chips".

Place the baking sheet in an oven heated to 90 degrees, turning on the convection mode. Dry strawberries for 1.5 hours. During this period, the berry will secrete excess juice and decrease in size.

Now take the pan out of the oven. Take a new sheet of baking paper and lay it out on the table. Transfer the dried berry to the paper, the other side up, removing with a sharp knife from the hot surface. Place a new strawberry leaf on the empty baking sheet.

Cook strawberry "chips" for another 1.5 hours at 90 degrees Celsius, remembering to turn on the convection mode. After the time has elapsed, remove the baking sheet from the oven and remove the dried strawberries from the paper, spreading them on a dish in a thin layer.

Cool the workpiece and store the dried strawberries in the freezer, placing in a tight bag or airtight container. It is the low temperature that will prevent the strawberry "chips" from getting damp during long-term storage.

Probably, nothing better than strawberries or garden strawberries will remind you of summer in the winter cold, because this berry is so fragrant, its smell cannot be confused with anything. Is there a sweet tooth who refuses strawberry jam? Most likely no. However, there are a lot of ways to harvest this berry for the winter, for example, it can be dried. In the sun, it is better not to try to dry the strawberries, they are too tender for this and there is a high risk that the berry will go bad. At home, strawberries (garden strawberries) can be dried in the oven or in the dryer.


Unripe strawberries.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer: a step-by-step master class with a photo

Strawberries tend to be contaminated with soil and should therefore be washed. I do this in very small batches, 5-6 pieces under running water. So the earth is quickly washed out and the strawberries do not have time to “get very wet”. Berries that are rotten and damaged by the pest are thrown away. We remove the ponytails (by the way, some of them are also dried separately and in winter they make tea based on them, it is believed that it has an anti-inflammatory effect similar to raspberries).

I tried drying whole strawberries, cut in half and sliced ​​2-3 mm thick. Personally, for myself, I decided that it is optimal to dry with plates - quickly and reliably. Whole berries and halves dried for a long time and very unevenly. So, strawberries are cut lengthwise into slices.

During drying, a little juice is released from the berries, which sticks to the grate, then efforts must be made to remove the dried strawberries and the dryer tray remains dirty. It has to be soaked for several hours, and then the soaked juice is removed. I do otherwise - I cover the tray with cling film, and in the middle of the tray I burn it with a match to ensure air circulation in the dryer. There is also little space around the perimeter of the dryer for ventilation. Manufacturers do not advise doing this, but I have been doing it for several years and am satisfied with the result. Sliced ​​strawberry slices are laid out on a tray.

Some dryers have the ability to set the temperature, strawberries can be dried at 50-65 degrees (the drying time depends on the temperature). I dry at 65 degrees. During drying, about once an hour, the trays should be swapped, achieving uniform drying of all batches of berries.

Normally dried strawberries should be dry, elastic, and when pressed on the plate, the juice should not stand out. Dried strawberries should be harvested after they have cooled in a dry place. Therefore, if it was dried in the kitchen, then it is better to transfer the dryer with the berry to another room, since something is often cooked and washed in the kitchen, as a result of which a lot of moisture evaporates.

To store dried strawberries, cloth, paper bags, glass jars and plastic bags with a ZIP lock, which are in a cool, dry place, are suitable.

If there is no electric dryer, then an oven heated to a maximum of 65 degrees is used. When drying strawberries in the oven, you can not cut them into slices, whole berries are good, which should be about the same size, very large berries are cut in half. The baking sheet can be lined with baking parchment. Attention! In the oven, strawberries can turn into coals very quickly, so look in the oven more often and check.

Dried strawberries are good in tea, they should be added to black (green) tea in a teapot. Excellent in taste characteristics, compotes are obtained, cooked from various types of dried fruits and berries. Bon appetit!

A favorite delicacy of many, wild strawberries are an ideal source of health. Fragrant berry is good fresh, boiled and dried.

At the same time, dried strawberries retain their beneficial properties, and there are plenty of them:

1. Support the cardiovascular system. This is getting rid of hypertension, helping with atherosclerosis, increasing the endurance and performance of the heart muscle, normalizing blood pressure, removing cholesterol, blood formation and blood oxygen saturation.

3. The excretory, endocrine system of a person largely depends on the vitamins contained in strawberries in excess. Improving kidney function, reducing the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland, treating gout and diathesis, restoring salt metabolism, relieving pain in diseases of the joints.

If it is possible to buy a lot of berries, be sure to start drying strawberries at home, the body will be grateful to you. Fruit ripening begins in June and lasts until July. Assembly is done in the morning when the dew subsides or in the evening, but only in dry weather. Pick the berries from the bush carefully so as not to crush. Drying strawberries at home in the sun is better on a wooden surface - taking out the washed and peeled fruits in the morning to warm up and bringing them in in the evening so that the dew does not fall. In this case, it is useful to stir the berries slightly.

Advice! It is allowed to dry wild strawberries in bundles with leaves - they also have healing properties. To do this, the bundles are washed, shaken off and bound. Now it remains to hang them on a string in a ventilated room and make sure that the birds do not peck. Drying time up to 4-5 weeks.

What to dry wild strawberries in if there is no possibility of drying in the sun? It can be in the oven, electric dryer or oven. The latter option requires kindling, and in the summer in the heat it is not always interesting. But if possible, then baking sheets with berries are placed for drying only after preliminary heating of the stove after 2-3 hours, the drying period is 1-1.5 days, with constant tedding of berries.

How to dry strawberries in the oven

1. Berries pre-sort, rinse.

2. Dry the fruits on a towel, put on spacings or baking sheets;

3. Turn on the oven at 35 C, remove the baking sheet and slightly dry the berries for 1-1.5 hours.

4. Increase the heat to 60 C and dry for another couple of hours until the fruits shrink and the seeds show through.

5. Drying is carried out with the oven door not tightly closed.

Readiness is determined simply: when pouring dry berries on a saucer, they make a characteristic click. The product is completely ready for storage, the term of which is not more than 2 years. But when drying in an electric dryer, fragrant strawberries do not require any trouble at all: put clean berries on a baking sheet, set the temperature to 50 C and wait about 2 hours - the berries are dry! There is only one drying rule: the berries should not touch each other, so a dense layout is not recommended.
