
Dried apricot at home or how to get dried apricots from your own garden. Ways to harvest apricots for the winter

Today we will tell you about what dried fruits such as apricots and dried apricots are. The difference between these products will also be described in this article. In addition, from it you will learn how they are useful and how they are produced.

general information

Apricot is the fruit of a tree of the same name, which belongs to the plum genus and the rose family. This fruit is very juicy. It is a single-stone fruit, which has a yellowish-red color. The shape of the apricot is round, elliptical or obovate. In the middle it has a longitudinal groove.

The stone of this fruit is thick-walled, rough or smooth. The skin of the apricot is velvety-pubescent and has a yellowish-orange color. As a rule, on one side of this fruit there is almost always a one-sided reddish tan.

In cultivated varieties, the fruit pulp is very juicy and sweet. As for wild-growing apricots, they are more coarse-fibred and have a bitter taste. Most often, the fruits ripen in June-August. At this time of the year, the price of apricots is much lower than in other months.

What is made from apricots?

Dried apricots - all these products have a direct connection. After all, it is from apricot fruits that these dried fruits are made. In addition, juicy and fresh fruits are very often used to make delicious jams, marmalades and preserves. Also, apricot is well suited for preservation in syrup and making juice with pulp.

Apricot and dried apricots: the difference

Both apricots and dried apricots are dried apricots. They can be easily found in a store or market. As a rule, such ingredients are used for the preparation of compotes, pastries, apricot vodka, jam, as well as for ordinary use. But not everyone knows the difference between apricots and dried apricots. The difference lies in the way they dry. As we found out above, both presented dried fruits are made from fresh apricots. However, for the production of dried apricots, the fruits are used without stones, and for apricots - with stones.

How is dried apricots made?

Dried apricots are dried pitted apricots. To produce it, you need to take ripe ones and then wash them thoroughly. Next, in the middle of the apricot, you need to make a small incision and carefully remove the stone.

In order for the fruit to be preserved even after it has been dried, the processed fruit should be placed in water to which citric acid has been added. After a few minutes, the apricot needs to be removed and dried. It is recommended to do this in the oven or under the sun.

Of course, the production method of drying apricots is significantly different from the home method. That is why, after purchasing dried apricots in a store, it should be thoroughly washed, since entrepreneurs often add various chemicals to it to make it look beautiful.

How is the apricot made?

Now you know that dried pitted apricots are called dried apricots. It should be noted that this product is the most popular among consumers. As for apricots, most often they buy it only for making compotes. Due to the presence of a stone, such a product makes a homemade drink especially tasty and rich. However, for the preparation of other desserts, it is practically not used. What is it connected with? The fact is that dried apricots have practically no pulp. In this regard, it is quite problematic to use it for the preparation of various desserts or ordinary consumption. However, such a product still has advantages. Its price is much lower than the cost of dried apricots.

How is the apricot made? For its preparation, small and not very fleshy apricots are used. They are thoroughly washed and then dried in special dryers, oven or in the sun. The cooking time of apricots is much higher than dried apricots. After all, a product with a bone dries much longer. By the way, in mass production, chemicals are much less often added to apricots. Therefore, its appearance after drying leaves much to be desired. Although it is this fact that makes it more useful and nutritious.

The benefits of dried apricots

Are apricots and dried apricots, the difference between which we discussed above, useful for the body? Of course. Dried apricots are good food for the heart. After all, it contains a lot of potassium salts, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the presence of this element helps to increase the level of hemoglobin and regulate blood pressure.

It is desirable to use dried apricots for anemia, during pregnancy and anemia. It should also be noted that dried apricot is able to have a mild laxative effect, and normalize its peristalsis. It cannot be said that the carotene contained in dried apricots is extremely necessary for a person to maintain a good condition of the organs of vision.

The benefits of apricot

In case of circulatory disorders and anemia, apricots should be included in your diet. It contains magnesium salts, which makes it an excellent remedy for hypertension. It should also be noted that in those regions where this product is present in the diet all year round, fractures very rarely occur among residents. After all, apricot strengthens bone tissue, and also promotes hair growth and skin beauty.

Experts have proven that the use of this dried fruit prevents development. For this, it is enough for a person to consume only 100 g of apricots per day.

Like dried apricots, this product has a diuretic effect. A decoction of it quickly removes puffiness.

Summing up

Now you know the difference between apricots and dried apricots. The two named products are equally beneficial for the human body. It should be said that in Central Asia, local residents consider these dried fruits as gifts from Allah. Poems and fairy tales have even been written about their healing and benefits.

But in order for such products to really have a beneficial effect on the body, they should be chosen correctly. Experts do not recommend chasing glossy and beautiful dried fruits. The worse the product looks, the more likely it is that it does not contain chemicals.

When the apricot season has passed, we remember how we ate this fresh yummy, someone was full, and someone like a delicacy. Someone is especially lucky, and he lives in an area where apricots hang on trees:

  • eat from a branch;
  • cook jam, jam and jam;
  • sushi for the winter

Apricots are even fed to pigs (such cases are known with a plentiful harvest) - this horror is beyond the heads of the inhabitants of the northern regions!

A smart, diligent owner of the garden, of course, will not allow such treatment of the fruits. He will take care of his family, as well as dry and dry apricots for the northerners, whose apricots do not grow due to unfavorable natural and weather conditions. Dried apricot retains its vitamins and mineral composition intact, and in terms of the specific gravity of these components per unit volume, it surpasses fresh fruits.

What is the name of dried apricot

Depending on the drying method and variety, dried apricots have several different names:

  • dried apricots;
  • dried apricots;
  • Ashtak;
  • whispered

Dried apricots- This is a naturally, naturally dried apricot with a stone.

Dried apricots- these are fruits with a taken out stone, cut in half and dried in special ovens or in the air using sulfur dioxide, which gives dried apricots a “commodity” beautiful appearance and a pleasant color, in contrast to the natural nondescript color of apricots.

Kaisa- Dried whole apricot without pit. The stone is carefully removed through the hole near the stem.

Whispered- dried apricot right on the branch.

Ashtak is an apricot prepared in a rather intricate way. A stone is removed from a fresh apricot, the fruit itself is dried, the stone is broken and then the nucleolus from the stone is returned to its place. The process is very time-consuming and requires accuracy and patience, but the taste of the finished product is unique, not like the others. It is a delicacy in the dried apricot family.

How is apricot

The most familiar name for dried apricot is apricot. Apricot is a dried apricot, dried in a natural, natural way. No fixtures, appliances, except for large trays made of natural materials or wooden flooring are used here. The fruits collected from the branches are simply placed in the sun or in the shade and naturally lose the moisture contained in the fruits. The stone in this drying method remains in place, inside the fruit. The laziest, and perhaps the smartest, leave apricots on the tree and wait for the fruit to turn into apricots on its own. Very comfortably. Then just collect from the tree - and you're done! Any varieties are suitable for apricots, even small ones, from which it is difficult to remove the bone.

Differences between apricots and dried apricots and kaisa

Whatever the unprepossessing look and color of apricots compared to dried apricots and kaisa, give preference to apricots if you care about your health and the health of your family, especially children. The natural way of preparing apricots makes the product natural and safe. With this method of drying, the apricot was fully saturated with the energies of sunlight, the surrounding air, absorbed the aromas of the garden, flowering plants and herbs.

Dried apricots are a beautiful, pleasant-looking, picturesque and elegant dried pitted apricot. It can be meaty and sweet, but keep in mind that the technology for its preparation, although complex, is not safe for health. Sulfur dioxide, which is “fumigated” with dried apricots to give it a pleasant eye-appetizing shine and yellow-orange color, is not a gift for your health. The process of preparing dried apricots is as follows:

  • fruits are sorted, removing immature, damaged by pests, deformed. For dried apricots, healthy, ripe fruits are left;
  • wash under running water, or change the water several times;
  • each apricot is cut in half by hand;
  • take out the bone;
  • put in boiling water for 2-3 minutes;
  • placed in one layer on pallets;
  • the next important step is processing (fumigation) with sulfur dioxide to increase the shelf life and give a pleasant yellow-orange color to the finished product. Sulfur dioxide destroys mold, fungi and other infection that can damage the feedstock;
  • after this stage, you can dry the apricots in natural conditions - in the open air or artificially - in drying ovens
  • a constant temperature of 50-65˚С is maintained in the oven and air is circulated to blow the fruits;
  • several times the fruits are mixed for more uniform heating;
  • the process of artificial drying lasts up to 18 hours; natural - up to 7 days, depending on the quality of the raw material and its humidity;
  • the mass of fruits during this time decreases by almost 5 times, losing its natural moisture. From 4-5 kilograms of apricots, 1 kg of dried apricots is obtained;
  • the final stage is treatment (fumigation) with sulfur dioxide to increase the shelf life and give a pleasant yellow-orange color to the finished product;
  • juicy, fleshy, sweet varieties of apricots are selected for dried apricots

Some dried apricot producers skip the step of processing raw materials with sulfur dioxide. The shelf life of such a product is less than that of a product treated with sulfur dioxide. Such dried apricots are not so attractive - they do not shine, their color is dark brown or grayish yellow. If you meet such dried apricots in the market or in a store - feel free to buy - it is safe for health. Sulfur dioxide in small doses is harmless, but has a cumulative effect - it accumulates in the body and can cause pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kaisa is an apricot dried in the same way as dried apricots, but not cut in half. The stone is removed through a small hole at the point of attachment of the peduncle. The whole drying technology is completely similar to drying dried apricots. Only the exposure time for the evaporation of natural moisture differs - in kaisa it is longer due to the greater mass of the fruit.

Now you are fully acquainted with the technologies for preparing apricots, kaisa and dried apricots and understand their differences. Undoubtedly, the most healthy and useful type of dried apricots is apricots.

Composition and calories

Dried Apricots Ingredients:

  • organic structured water
  • squirrels
  • carbohydrates
  • fruit acids
  • starch

Compared to fresh apricots, the amount of water in dried products has decreased significantly, but it has acquired a special, very useful structure during the drying process. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates in dried apricots are in proportions corresponding to fresh fruits. Vitamins A, C, E, PP, almost all B vitamins are present in dried apricots, having somewhat lost their original qualities during technological manipulations, but still quite useful. Macronutrients: calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium. Trace elements: iron, zinc, copper, manganese and others are also contained in dried apricots in optimal quantities.

Scientific studies give us an average calorie content of 100 grams of dried apricots at 215 kcal
Kaisa and apricots have a calorie content close to this figure. Calorie content may be higher if the content of fruit sugars in fruits is higher.

About the benefits of using

Let's see how dried apricot is useful:

  • for children;
  • for men;
  • for the female body

In winter, early spring, when vitamins and “live” foods are especially lacking, dried apricots in the form of apricots, dried apricots or kaisa can help us a lot.

For children

Doctors believe that children can begin to give dried apricot after a year, and if there is a tendency to allergic reactions - after three years.
A serving starts with a teaspoon, gradually increasing to 50 grams, for lunch or breakfast, in the form of puree. Puree can be added to porridge and cottage cheese casserole. You can cook compote for a child, it will be a healthy drink. Vitamins, trace elements and fruit acids will help strengthen the child's immunity, regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and heart muscle. Older children can be offered "sweets" from dried apricots or kaisa. It will bring more benefits than chocolate or caramel.

For men

Men are always concerned about the health of their "apparatus". Dried apricot, containing high concentrations of magnesium and potassium, calcium and trace elements in a large proportion to specific gravity, will help improve the male body, debug the work of all its systems, which means it will affect potency.

For the female body

For women, dried apricots, apricots and kaisa should be constantly on the table, included in the daily menu. They have so many positive properties and such a unique chemical composition that it will have a beneficial effect on the work of the entire female body:

  • vitamin A will heal the eyes, improve vision;
  • the iron contained in the fruits will serve to prevent iron deficiency anemia;
  • fiber and pectins will help get rid of constipation and improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • high content of potassium and magnesium will help the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • fruit acids will make the skin fresh and radiant;

How to dry apricots at home

What is cooked with one's own hands is always much tastier and better than what is bought in a store or on the market. At home, you can make apricots, dried apricots or kaisa, or maybe a delicious ashtak in several ways:

  • in the oven of a gas or electric stove;
  • in a special electric dryer for fruits and vegetables;
  • natural way - in the air

In any of these methods there is a preparatory stage:

  • select ripe, intact, healthy fruits;
  • rinse them thoroughly with running water;
  • immerse them in boiling water for a few minutes (3-5 minutes is enough). This procedure will remove unnecessary bacteria, mold and fungi that are invisible to the eye, but which will be undesirable for long-term storage;
  • to further protect yourself, you can place the fruits for 10 minutes in a solution of citric acid (1 teaspoon per liter);
  • for apricots, the bones do not need to be removed;
  • for dried apricots, divide the fruit in half and remove the stone;
  • for kaisa, carefully remove the pit from the whole apricot;
  • for ashtak, remove the pit from a whole apricot, split it and after drying, place the kernel back

After this step, place the fruits in the oven on the drying mode or in the electric dryer on the appropriate mode. Drying usually takes 5-6 hours. If you have the opportunity to place apricots outdoors, then protect them from insects and pollution. The drying process in this case will last several days, perhaps a week, depending on weather conditions.

Choose a product when buying

When buying dried apricots in any variety, you should strive to purchase the most natural product possible. Only apricots can be safely bought - it is a natural product. But even then, pay attention to the quality - it should not be damaged by insects - this is a sign that it was stored in poor conditions or the shelf life has expired.

Dried apricots, kaisa, ashtak. When buying them, choose dry, nondescript, natural shades of fruits. If the fruits have an oily, beautiful, bright yellow or orange surface, they are chemically treated. Not worth buying for kids. Think about your health too. Now in big cities there are special stores of organic products, where dried apricots and kaisa are sold with a guarantee of natural purity. Maybe there products are more expensive, but they are safer.

Home storage rules

If you have prepared a lot of dried apricots or purchased a large supply in the store, then follow the rules for storing them:

  • place the product in a glass or plastic container with a sealed lid - there will be no oxygen access;
  • the storage room must be dry to prevent mold;
  • the optimum temperature in the room is 10-20˚С;
  • avoid direct sunlight on the product, now they will only damage it;
  • a small amount of the product can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container

In the right conditions, dried apricots, apricots, kaisa can be stored for a year.

About harm and contraindications

Dried apricots do not bear special harm and danger. But some points must be remembered.

Patients with diabetes should carefully eat dried apricots, apricots, kaisu. The high content of sugar in it can be not good, but harmful.

Dried apricots, apricots, kaisa tend to lower blood pressure. Hypotonic patients need to take this into account and approach this product “wisely”

Let's not forget about the chemical reagents that were used to process the fruits during the drying process. If you dried apricots yourself, there is nothing to fear. If you purchased the “right” ones, too.

Apricot is known and loved in its various forms. Fresh, boiled, and in the form of dried fruits, which is divided into several more types.

Apricot - whole dried apricot fruits with a stone, which have retained a very rich taste.

Dried apricots are halves of fruits dried in the sun, fumigated with sulfur dioxide so that they do not darken and various bugs do not start in them.

Kaisa - also dried pitted fruits, fumigated with sulfur dioxide.

Sheptala - slightly dried large fruits, pitted, Uzbek and Tajik varieties, with a sugar content of 80%.

Cultivated Armenian varieties of apricots are very good, which are distinguished by large juicy fruits.

The benefits and properties of apricots

Eating apricot fruits, both fresh, dried, and processed, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. But it is especially recommended to pay attention to apricot for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and overweight.

Apricot fruits will help with hypo - and beriberi, and patients with anemia, as they affect the process of hematopoiesis. With intoxication with heavy metals, apricot is indispensable, it also supports the health of cancer patients. This beautiful appetizing fruit helps to increase the body's resistance to various diseases and restore the vital functions of the body.

In obesity, apricot should be taken as a dietary food.

Nutritionists around the world agreed, declaring apricot a very useful product for metabolism and digestion.

If you use every day only 100 grams of fruit pulp, you can ensure yourself a regular chair and get rid of gases in the intestines.

Due to the high content of iron, only one hundred grams of apricots affect the process of hematopoiesis in the same way as 250 grams of fresh liver. Apricots are very useful for anemia.

And for the active work of the brain, these fruits rich in magnesium and phosphorus are necessary. The high content of magnesium also helps to quickly relieve high blood pressure. If you suffer from hypertension, then eat as many apricots as possible during their ripening season.

The chemical composition of dried apricots

Picked at the height of the summer growing season and dried outside in the hot sun, apricots look as if the sun's golden rays have been captured into a sweet, tart fruit. A handful of dried apricots is a very easy way to give your body a rich scattering of nutrients; it's a light snack that can take you back to being warm in summer even on the coldest winter day.

One piece of dried apricots contains approximately 11 calories, of which eight calories come from sugar. A serving of 10 has about 108 calories, of which 73 calories are sugar.


One piece of dried apricots contains about 4 grams of carbohydrates, including about 0.3 grams of dietary fiber, and 1.7 grams of sugar. Accordingly, a 10-cup serving contains 40 grams of carbs, 3 grams of fiber, and 17 grams of sugar—the equivalent of three teaspoons of refined sugar, almost a third of the recommended daily allowance, based on a 2,000-calorie requirement at the core.


Dried apricots are rich in vitamin A, which helps boost skin health and support eyesight. Apricots are also a good source of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system. Ten pieces of dried apricots provide 9 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin A and 13 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C.


One dried apricot provides almost 2 percent of the daily value for calcium, a mineral that helps keep bones strong and prevents osteoporosis. A handful of dried apricots (10 pieces) provides 20 percent of the recommended daily intake of calcium.

Sulphur dioxide

According to fruit drying technologies, dried apricots are treated with sulfur dioxide at the beginning of the drying process. This preservative helps it retain its natural orange color. Although, for example, the use of sulfur dioxide in food processing is considered safe in the United States, some dried apricot lovers want to reduce their exposure to sulfur dioxide. According to some reports, this substance can have negative health effects, especially if inhaled. Many dried apricot producers have responded to consumer concerns and have now switched to organic dried apricot production. These dried apricots do not have a bright orange color, their color is darker, with an orange-brown tint.

Types of dried apricots: dried apricots, apricots and kaisa

Dried apricots are divided into three types: dried apricots - dried halves of fruits; kaisa - whole dried apricots. In these species, the stone is removed before drying, and they are dried in various ways, including the use of chemicals.

And only the third type - apricots, contains a stone, because it is dried in natural conditions: the fruits are left on the tree until they completely lose water. It is clear that in this case they retain everything valuable and useful that is given to apricots by mother nature: vitamins, minerals, sugars, organic acids, etc.

Dried apricots and kaisa, unlike apricots, dry out, having no connection with the tree on which they grew, therefore, less useful substances are stored in them. The integrity of the fruit also matters: apricots are not cut, and its structure is not disturbed. Small apricots are usually dried for apricots, while large ones are used to prepare other types of dried fruits.

Useful properties of dried apricots

Useful properties of dried apricots are preserved in it after transformation from apricot. It is rich in potassium salts, sucrose, citric, nicotinic, salicylic and other organic acids, contains vitamins C, B1, B2, P, as well as trace elements - iron, copper, manganese, cobalt.

Nutritional value of dried apricots per 100g: calories 214.8 kcal, water 20.0 g, proteins 5.2 g, fats 0.3 g, carbohydrates 51.0 g; unsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g, mono- and disaccharides 48.0 g, starch 3.0 g; dietary fiber 18.0 g, organic acids 1.5 g, ash 4.0 g, vitamin A 3.5 mg, vitamin B1 0.1 mg, vitamin B2 0.2 mg, vitamin C 4.0 mg, vitamin PP 0.3 mg, iron 3.2 mg, potassium 1717.0 mg, calcium 160.0 mg , magnesium 105.0 mg, sodium 17.0 mg, phosphorus 146.0 mg.

In dried form, apricot regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract well, and most importantly, being, as mentioned above, an indispensable source of potassium, in winter it is very useful for cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

However, the use of dried apricots can not always go unpunished. Dried apricots are contraindicated in diabetes mellitus (dried apricots contain up to 84% sugars). Fresh fruits are harmful in acute gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice.

They can also harm those who suffer from gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is advisable to refuse treatment with apricots for certain liver diseases, pancreatitis. It should be remembered that the provitamin A (carotene) contained in apricots is not absorbed with reduced thyroid function.

In such cases, it is advisable for patients to prescribe medicinal pure vitamin A. You can not eat apricots, and therefore dried apricots, on an empty stomach, especially on an empty stomach, and also after barbecue, pilaf or other indigestible food. Do not try to drink cold water immediately after apricots - diarrhea will open.

Fans of nuts from seeds should not forget that among several thousand varieties of apricots, especially wild ones, there are those whose seeds can contain the strongest poison - hydrocyanic acid. A single dose of more than 20 g may cause poisoning.

Useful properties of apricots

Experts say that the properties of apricots will help with circulatory disorders and anemia, and it is also a delightful rejuvenating, restorative remedy and will help with poor eyesight.

Magnesium salts found in apricots reduce and gradually restore blood pressure, this is an excellent medicine for hypertensive patients.

In certain forms of anemia due to malnutrition and hypertension, special magnesium diets are carried out based on the use of apricots.

It is noted that in those regions in which apricots are often eaten, fractures and skin diseases very rarely occur among local residents. Apricot is the "fruit of beauty", it brings our hair, nails and skin into a magnificent healthy state and effectively strengthens bone tissue.

By using apricots, you prevent and carry out prophylaxis against cancer, for this a sufficient dose is 100 grams of apricots per day. Apricots have diuretic properties on the body, and its decoction eliminates edema.

Dried fruits have long been considered one of the simplest, but at the same time healthy and delicious foods. Apricot is especially popular in our area. As it turned out, it has not only a pleasant sweet taste, but also has a lot of healing effects.


Apricot is the dried fruit of the apricot tree. Like any other dried fruit, it is made naturally from a young juicy fruit. Many of us are familiar with dried apricots, which are also a product of drying apricots, but dried apricots are dehydrated, often artificially candied halves of the fruit, but apricots are a whole apricot harvested with a stone. It is believed that the Uzbek apricot is the best.

This is a special type of dried fruit, which is harvested, as a rule, from wild red apricots that bloom in natural conditions. Such trees breed on their own, are pollinated by insects, and if we are talking about the mountainous species of apricots, then their pollen is also well carried by the wind, so they often form entire groves.

Of course, today the trees are cultivated artificially. Apricot - this tree is not very whimsical, it grows under almost any conditions, excluding constant frosts. However, it is the “natural” appearance of the fruit that retains much more valuable properties. For example, in Uzbekistan, all small wild fruits that ripen first in early spring are often called apricots, but large and full, late fruits are an apricot as such.

Of course, any variety of apricot is useful. For example, many children regale on the not yet ripe, green small fruits of “apricots”, in their homeland they can be seen on sale in the same way as the very first fruits with “freckles” in the form of small brown spots. All of them are quite tasty, but making dried fruits is the easiest and most reliable way to create a high concentration of vitamins and other beneficial substances. In addition, apricot does not require special storage conditions, and it can be easily transported to any corner of the world.

In contrast to the same dried apricots, apricots are dried as a whole, that is, without being divided into halves and without removing the stone. This is usually done naturally: ripe, selected and washed fruits are laid out in a thin layer in the sun and dried, while they are periodically turned over. On an industrial scale, special ovens are used for drying and dehydrating fruits, but there are also simpler household “dryers”.

Apricots are usually round in shape, with a slightly wrinkled surface and a slight orange tint. Depending on the variety of apricots used, the color of dried fruits can vary from orange to brick or bright red. They are somewhat elastic, because due to the whole drying of the fruit, they retain a certain part of the pulp.

If the product is prepared naturally without the use of chemical additives to speed up drying, it will not look very attractive: a brown tint, a wrinkled surface with dark or white spots.

Nevertheless, it is this type of dried fruit that is considered the most useful. The main feature of such preparation of dried fruits is the preservation of the bone inside, which allows preserving the integrity of the fruit. As a result, a higher concentration of nutrients is achieved during drying.

Composition and calories

Apricot, like many other dried fruits, is a concentration of useful macro- and microelements. In addition, dried apricot is quite nutritious and high-calorie. So, from 100 grams of apricots you will get approximately 240-250 kcal. However, this does not mean at all that apricots should not be eaten by those who are trying to lose weight! These dried fruits, on the contrary, are very suitable for a snack in the middle of the working day or as a main dish on the so-called fasting days while dieting. This is due to the fact that dried apricot fruits have a rather high energy value. You can only eat 1 piece. fresh apricots and immediately feel how hunger leaves you. Of course, it's not just that dried fruit guarantees you get enough calories. Their nutritional value is also very high.

By eating fresh apricots, your body receives almost all the substances necessary for normal functioning. For example, the BJU formula for 100 grams of this product is as follows:

  • proteins - 5 grams;
  • fats - 1-2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 58-60 grams;

Of course, some changes are possible depending on the apricot variety or drying method. However, any apricot contains very little fat, and there are species in which they are absent altogether.

In addition, apricot has a unique biochemical composition. These dried fruits are so useful that they are often used in medicine and cosmetology. On average, dried apricot fruits contain many active ingredients.

  • Beta carotene. It is an indispensable substance for the human body, which is quite rare in the composition of everyday foods. Beta-carotene is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, especially the visual center. And also it is often used as a substance that promotes the restoration, nutrition and regeneration of tissues.
  • unsaturated fatty acids which are an excellent source of energy. They are also used as "building blocks" for some of our body's immune cells.
  • Ash. A small amount of ash is contained in apricots, which were made by naturally drying in the sun. Dried fruits cooked with chemicals or at strict oven temperatures rarely contain ash. This substance acts as a natural sorbent, therefore, it helps to eliminate various toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract.
  • organic acids. Among them, there are also substances that have a moderate bactericidal effect. Thanks to this, apricots can be used to prevent mild bacterial diseases, as well as to strengthen the immune system in general.

  • Essential amino acids. They are the main substance that has a powerful immunomodulatory effect. But also amino acids can significantly strengthen the cells of the body in case of bacterial or viral intoxication.
  • Folic acid - necessary for the normal absorption of iron ions. Plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells.
  • Trace elements, including zinc, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. All of them are the "building material" of our body. For example, potassium stimulates the work of the heart muscle, and iron is used to synthesize hemoglobin, a substance that carries oxygen with red blood cells throughout our body.
  • Vitamins. Apricot is very rich in vitamin complexes, in particular, it contains vitamins of groups B, PP, K, C, E, A, which, as you know, are an indispensable source of vital activity for all cells and tissues of our body.
  • Water and starch- the remains of the liquid content of apricot fruits after their dehydration. A small amount of starch is absolutely harmless to humans.
  • Sucrose, glucose, fructose. The main sources of carbohydrates in dried fruits. Their combinations are much easier to digest in the body and quickly consumed as an energy source.
  • natural food cellulose.

Healing properties

Uryuk is popular not only because of its pleasant taste. Dried fruits also have a lot of useful and medicinal qualities, so they have long been present in many traditional medicine recipes. Even today, dried apricots are recommended by doctors and cosmetologists in some cases as a maintenance therapy.

Consider some of the medicinal properties of apricots.

  • The greatest benefit from apricots is observed in the case of anemia or beriberi. Dried fruits contain a high concentration of vitamins and minerals, so they are best suited in case of weakening of the body. Dried apricot contributes to the rapid restoration of hemoglobin and missing vitamin complexes. Fresh natural apricots are the main dish of the dietary table for everyone who has suffered serious illnesses, injuries, and surgical interventions.
  • Eliminates migraine attacks. To date, it has been proven that dried fruits can provide "first aid" during a migraine. This is due to the high concentration of vitamin complexes, trace elements and organic acids, which improve blood circulation processes, as well as its oxygen saturation.
  • Contains a fairly large amount of carotenoids, due to which has a positive effect on vision. It is recommended for use by people whose daily work is associated with eye strain.
  • It has a general strengthening effect on the body. Dried apricot contributes not only to the activation of immune defense processes, but also accelerates the growth and development of immune cells.

  • Apricot strengthens bones and joints. This is mainly achieved due to the content of natural calcium, magnesium, zinc and selenium ions, which are easily absorbed by our body.
  • Relaxing effect. Dried fruits contain a fairly large amount of natural dietary fiber, which is so necessary for the normal functioning of the intestinal tract. The laxative effect after eating apricots is very mild and gradual.
  • Dried apricot often Recommended for weight loss diet because it normalizes metabolic processes.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle and contribute to her work.
  • Reduces blood pressure and prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • A good apricot can also produce light diuretic effect. It may be recommended in case of edema.
  • For a man, the inclusion of dried fruits in the diet is necessary if he needs in increased activity of the sex glands. In general, such products are recommended by doctors when it comes to incomplete male infertility.

In addition, some medicines prepared using apricot stimulate sputum thinning in case of colds and bronchitis, eliminate heat, remove toxins from the body, and have a general tonic effect. High-quality dried fruits made from apricot fruits are indicated for women during pregnancy. A small amount of apricot contains almost the entire daily norm of minerals and vitamins, which are necessary for both the expectant mother and the developing baby.

Apricots can be useful even for type 2 diabetes. It significantly reduces the risk of vascular atherosclerosis, and if not abused, it strengthens the body.

Dried fruits also have a fairly high glycemic index, so they can be used as first aid for diabetics who have developed a hypoglycemic coma associated with a sharp drop in blood glucose levels.


Like any other dish that has medicinal properties, apricots should not be abused. Of course, these dried fruits are nutritious and healthy, but in some cases it is better to refuse them.

  • When eating unripe dried fruits, you can harm your intestines. Usually such a peculiar delicacy causes a strong indulgence and frustration. In the worst case, due to increased acidity, peptic ulcer disease can worsen.
  • When breastfeeding, you should also eat dried fruits with caution. Of course, a young mother and baby need vitamins and minerals, but their abuse can be harmful.
  • Patients with diabetes should not eat sweet dried fruits, since the risk of a sharp increase in blood sugar levels is very high.
  • Avoid large quantities of dried apricots if you have stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  • A contraindication is any acute or chronic disease that depresses the function of the kidneys or liver.
  • For chronic constipation. An increased fiber content can cause increased motility of the intestinal tract, however, in the case of chronic atonic constipation, that is, associated with a complete lack of motility, this can only do harm.
  • Obesity is also one of the contraindications to the consumption of a large amount of dried apricot, as it has a high glycemic index and, in the absence of a healthy lifestyle and active physical activity, can lead to the deposition of excess adipose tissue, as well as aggravation of atherosclerosis.

Application features

Apricots are dried fruits that have been known to mankind since ancient times. They are easy to make, and they have a lot of positive properties. There is nothing surprising in the fact that such an unusual product has found its application in folk and traditional medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology and, of course, cooking.


In some countries, where apricots are made in large quantities, these dried fruits are used in almost all dishes. So, you can find very unusual dishes like dried fruits with salt, chocolate apricots, meat baked with dried apricots and much more. In our area, it is most often customary to cook the simplest dried fruit compote, for example, with apricots, prunes and dates. In addition, apricot with a stone itself gives a very pleasant taste after the usual infusion in boiling water, that is, it can be added to the finished compote after cooking.

You can also make jam from dried fruits very easily. This is done in the traditional way, by boiling apricots with granulated sugar in a small amount of water, until the liquid has almost completely evaporated. A thick mass should be poured into sterile jars, cooled and stored in a refrigerator or pantry.

Apricot jam is prepared in a similar way, only after cooking it should be ground on a sieve.

In medicine

And also the use of apricots in traditional medicines is widespread, it is often used as the basis for a laxative, stimulating the immune system, and tonic effects. There are quite a few folk recipes that allow you to prepare medicines at home. To do this, it is enough to know how to properly brew apricots.

The most curative is decoction of apricot, as it has long been known about the healing effects of dried apricot core, which is very useful for colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

The use of dried fruits in food can significantly improve the external beauty of any woman, in particular, the condition of hair and skin.

In cosmetology

Nevertheless, in cosmetology, apricots are also often used as an additional topical care product.

  • You can add pieces of dried apricot to a nourishing or toning face mask. It goes well with oats, honey, cottage cheese and sour cream. Such natural ingredients ideally nourish and moisturize dry skin. Before adding to the mask, apricots are best softened a little in hot water.
  • If you practice making your own soap for daily skin care, you can add a small amount of apricots to the main ingredients. It will not only give the soap a pleasant smell and a golden hue, but also make it more saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  • Dried apricot pits can also benefit your body. Grind them in a coffee grinder and get a great base for making a scrub. Such a tool is quite effective, but somewhat rough, so it is better to use it on the skin of the feet or body, but in no case on the face.
    • The main difference between apricots and dried apricots is the presence of a seed. If you are offered golden halves instead of a whole dried fruit, while claiming that there is no difference, do not accept.
    • Pay attention to the appearance of the product. Real apricots, which were made from wild apricots and dried without the use of chemicals, have an unpretentious appearance: the color is brown, sometimes there are dark or white spots, the surface is uneven and wrinkled. If you see apricots, which have a pleasant golden color and a very neat shape, then it was probably prepared artificially.
    • Dried apricot with a stone has a fairly dense structure. It usually needs to be steamed in hot water before use. If the apricot is similar in softness to the same dried apricots, then these are not very high-quality dried fruits.

    Storage rules

    Apricot is very undemanding to storage conditions. The easiest way: pour the dried apricot into a cloth bag and put it in a dry place out of direct sunlight. It is important to avoid excessive moisture, as this can spoil the apricots, and also to prevent drying out.

    For information on the properties of apricots, see the following video.

It is difficult to find a person who would not like apricots. These fragrant fruits have many useful properties and are distinguished by their excellent taste. If fresh fruits can be eaten only in summer, then dried apricots are available all year round. If desired, they can be prepared independently at home.

When drying apricots, up to 90% of the useful properties of the fruit are preserved. Moreover, after the removal of water, these fruits become even more useful, since the content of vitamins and microelements in 100 g of products increases three times. Fragrant fruits have a rich chemical composition, can quickly satisfy hunger and have an excellent taste. In order to satisfy the need of an adult for potassium, iron and beta-carotene, it is necessary to eat only 100-150 g of dried fruits per day.

Regular consumption of dried apricots helps with heart failure, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, maintains vascular tone, improves immunity and endurance. Just a few fruits a day will help with chronic constipation and intestinal obstruction.

Due to the high content of iron, dried apricots are recommended for people suffering from anemia and thyroid diseases.

But diabetics should not use the product, since dried apricots contain a large amount of sugar. These dried fruits should not be eaten with protein foods.

Depending on the harvesting method, there are several types of dried apricot:

  • apricot - small whole fruits, in which a stone is left;
  • kaisa - a whole apricot, in which, before drying, the stone is removed through the hole at the stalk, minimally violating the integrity;
  • dried apricots - dried apricot halves without pits. Some connoisseurs distinguish between cut and broken fruits.

All listed types of dried fruits have almost the same composition and are useful for humans. But according to experts, apricot is more healing, as it comes to readiness in a natural way - on a tree. In order for such fruits to turn into dried fruits, they are left hanging on branches until completely dehydrated. Apricot is used in the treatment of thrombosis, tumor formations, migraines and colds.

Shops and markets offer a wide range of dried fruits, but you can't be completely sure that the products are safe. Modern manufacturers, in an effort to give dried fruits a marketable appearance and ensure long-term preservation, use chemicals for processing. So that dried apricots do not lose their bright orange color during drying, they are treated with sulfur dioxide.

Although this method is allowed by technology, it is not entirely safe. When eaten, such a product can cause allergic reactions and cause nervous disorders. When choosing dried apricots, you should give preference not to bright shiny specimens, but to pale yellow, dark brown or grayish ones.

To get an environmentally friendly product, dried apricots can be harvested at home. This process is quite laborious, but at the same time safe and tasty dried fruits are obtained, which can be safely given to children and the sick.

To obtain a quality product, the choice of a suitable variety of apricots is of great importance. For dried apricots, large, not too juicy fruits with dense pulp and an easily detachable stone are suitable. The variety should have a high sugar content. Typically, Central Asian varieties have such characteristics, but in the middle lane you can pick up the right ones. When dried, the weight of properly selected apricots is reduced by 5-6 times.

Harvested by hand, paying attention only to fully ripened intact fruits. Then the apricots are thoroughly washed in running water so that the finished dried fruits can be consumed unwashed. Excess moisture kills some of the nutrients.

The fruits are carefully divided into two halves and the stone is removed. To preserve the color, apricots are pre-treated: the prepared halves of the fruit are placed in a colander and dipped in boiling water for a few minutes, then they are laid out on a clean cloth or gauze so that the glass has excess moisture.

There is another way to preserve the brightness of dried apricot fruits. Washed specimens are placed for 15 minutes in a solution of citric acid, prepared at the rate of one teaspoon per liter of water.

The most natural and gentle option for preparing dried apricots is drying in natural conditions, in the sun and air. This is suitable for hostesses who have a private house or cottage. You should choose a well-ventilated, unshaded place, located far from the highway. The weather needs to be hot and dry.

Prepared slices of apricots are placed on the grill with cuts up so that individual specimens do not stick to each other. The fruits are kept in the hot sun for 3-4 days, bringing them into the house at night and in bad weather. When the blanks are reduced in size and dried up, they are laid closer to each other and kept in the shade until completely dry.

The disadvantage of this method is the availability of dried apricots for ants and flies. So that crawling insects do not damage the product, apricots are placed on a raised platform, for example, on a small table, the legs of which are immersed in water. From flies, the slices are covered with a layer of gauze.

This method is suitable for those who do not have a suitable place for drying outside. Cooking dried apricots in the oven is not affected by weather conditions, moreover, dried fruits are obtained much faster.

Preparation of apricots occurs in the same way as when drying on the street. The slices treated with steam or lemon solution are placed on a baking sheet with slices up, making sure that they do not touch.

Dried apricots reach readiness within eight hours at a temperature of about 70 degrees. The oven door must be kept ajar. By the end of drying, the temperature is reduced to 40 degrees. Ready dried fruits are put in wooden boxes and stored for about a month in the dark at room temperature to stabilize the humidity.

To help modern housewives, a lot of useful gadgets are offered. One of these devices is an electric dryer for fruits and vegetables. Such devices are equipped with a powerful heater, fan, thermostat, convenient trays. In just one day, you can get a large batch of excellent dried apricots.

Features of working with the device are indicated in the instructions. Apricots for drying are prepared in the same way as when dried in the sun or in the oven. Drying time ranges from 8 to 12 hours. At the beginning and at the end of the process, the temperature is set to 45-50 degrees, in the middle - brought to 60.

You can determine the readiness of dried pitted apricots by the following indicators:

Dried fruits should be stored in cloth bags suspended in a ventilated area. The air temperature should not exceed 10 degrees. Glass jars or wooden boxes are also used for storage. In this case, the product must be ventilated periodically.
