
Soup borscht cooking recipe step by step. How to cook the most delicious borscht: useful tips

Who doesn't love delicious food? Such people probably do not exist at all. Even the fair sex, who carefully monitor their figure, will not refuse a tasty and healthy dinner or lunch. What is the difference between lunch and regular meals? That's right - the first dish. It may be different.

Why is it good to include liquid meals in your diet?

Even if someone does not like soups, you still need to eat liquid dishes from time to time, because the broth is good for the stomach. It helps to digest food better and protects against unpleasant diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastritis, or an inflammation of the pancreas called pancreatitis. All these misfortunes can be avoided if you regularly include, for example, soup in your diet. But in our article we will tell you about the preparation of such a hearty and tasty first course as borscht. Every housewife has her own way of making the best borscht. A simple recipe with a photo, which is given in the text, will make the cooking process understandable and accessible.

A little about the options for a delicious first course

It is in vain that borsch is a rich fatty soup, from which kilograms are added to. Of course, real Ukrainian borscht is so hearty, oily, and even with donuts. But there is also a lean version of borscht, which contains the very minimum of high-calorie ingredients, sometimes it is boiled without meat at all. Those people who strictly observe fasting know how easy such borscht can be. Below are the most interesting recipes for delicious borscht, cooked both in a saucepan and in a slow cooker.

Plain with chicken

To prepare this dish you need to prepare:

  • approximately 3 liters of water;
  • chicken leg or 3 chicken thighs, or you can take a whole chicken;
  • potatoes - 5-6 tubers;
  • half a cabbage;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • greens, salt, vegetable oil;
  • tomato paste gram 75 or 2 tomatoes.

The recipe for a simple borscht begins with the preparation of the broth: to get a delicious dish, you first need to defrost the chicken and boil it in boiling water. A whole chicken must be cut into small pieces in advance. After boiling water, it must be poured out and cold water refilled. This will be the basis for the broth of our borscht. The chicken should be cooked until half cooked. While the process is underway, you need to wash and peel potato tubers, carrots, cabbage and onions. Then it is necessary to put potatoes into a saucepan with half-cooked chicken, cut into not too large pieces. Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots. When the water boils again after adding the potatoes, dip the finely shredded cabbage into the broth.

How to make a delicious roast for borscht: a continuation of the previous recipe

At the same time, we are preparing the frying, the recipe for a simple borscht, although, sorry for the tautology, is simple, but still it does not do without this important stage - fried vegetables are much tastier and more aromatic than raw ones. To do this, in a pan, you need to fry carrots and onions together, all this is done in sunflower oil. When the frying acquires a golden hue, add tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes to the pan. When the frying is ready, transfer it to a saucepan with broth. While stirring the borscht from time to time, add salt or your favorite spices to it to taste. So that the borscht does not lose its saturated content, you can pour a spoonful of vinegar into it. This is a little trick. A few minutes before turning off the fire, you can sprinkle the contents of the pan with herbs. Before serving the dish, season the borscht with sour cream or mayonnaise.

A simple recipe for borscht in a slow cooker: the necessary ingredients

The slow cooker has recently become a faithful assistant to the housewives in the kitchen. More and more women prefer cooking in this miracle of technology, saving their time and effort. She cooks porridge, and bakes muffins, and cooks pilaf.

You can also cook borscht in it, it will turn out absolutely as tasty, no worse than cooked on the stove in a saucepan. So, products for the future borscht:

  • pork with ribs - 300 grams;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • fresh cabbage - 200 grams;
  • beets - 2 pieces
  • carrot and onion - 1 each;
  • potatoes - a couple of tubers;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • ghee - 1 spoon, 2 cloves of garlic;
  • seasonings, salt, chopped herbs.

Let's start cooking

Perhaps this is the simplest recipe for borscht, which even a novice hostess can do, it will not cause much trouble. First you need to peel the beets, carrots and onions, then grate the carrots and beets on a coarse grater, and finely chop the onion with a knife. Finely chop fresh cabbage, finely chop the tomatoes, and chop the garlic finely, or pass it through a garlic press. In a multicooker bowl, a little oiled, put onions and carrots, set the “frying” mode and fry the vegetables for about five minutes. Mix all this with a silicone spatula so as not to scratch the coating of the bowl. The multicooker lid does not need to be closed. After about five minutes, add pork ribs and tomatoes to the vegetables and fry for another 5 minutes. After that, you need to put half of the grated beets, cabbage, potatoes into the bowl. For taste, you can sprinkle everything with granulated sugar. Salt and fill everything with hot boiled water from the kettle. Then select the “stewing” program (if there is a special “soup” program, then you need to select it). Cooking time - 60 minutes. After that, close the multicooker lid until it clicks. At the same time, pour the second half of the beets with a glass of boiled hot water, add a little lemon juice and bring to a boil. This broth must be filtered through cheesecloth or bandage. After that, pour the broth into the multicooker container, add garlic, seasonings and finely chopped greens. On the multicooker program panel, set the “Heating” mode and leave for 10 minutes. Separate the finished meat from the bones, return the pieces of meat themselves back to the borscht. Bones can be discarded. Borscht is best served with sour cream.

Classic borscht with beets: ingredients

And now a simple one is offered to your attention. In general, each housewife has a different recipe, many use several types of meat or even replace it with stew. In cookbooks, you can find recipes with dumplings, with smoked ribs, and many more all kinds of cooking methods. And all this will be a variation on the theme of the classic borscht.

We present to your attention a recipe for a simple borscht, which will not take much time from the hostess. To prepare you need to take:

  • 1 kilogram of beef;
  • half a kilogram of potatoes;
  • 300 grams of fresh cabbage;
  • 300 grams of beets;
  • 200 grams of carrots;
  • 200 grams of onion;
  • 3 small jars of tomato paste (metal);
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • bay leaf, salt, allspice ground pepper or any spices;
  • greenery.

Cooking process

First you need to wash the meat. In the event that it has been frozen, it must first be thawed. Next, fill the meat with water and put the pan on the fire for an hour and a half. When ready, take it out of the pan, cut into pieces or sticks and put back into the meat broth. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a medium grater. Shred the cabbage. Beets are also cut into small pieces or grated. You can chop it, like cabbage. Fry the beets in a pan with the addition of sunflower oil. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar (to preserve color) and tomato paste to it. If there is no tomato paste in the house, it can be replaced with finely chopped tomatoes. Mix everything and simmer for 5-7 minutes. In a separate frying pan, fry the carrots in oil along with the onions. When they get a beautiful golden hue, remove the pan from the heat.

Sequence of adding ingredients

The recipe for a simple borscht implies, like other similar ones, a consistent laying of ingredients. Cut the potatoes into slices and place them in the boiling broth. During cooking, the dish must be tasted, salt to taste. After the broth boils again, put the cabbage in it. On a low heat, it should be cooked for about five minutes. Then add the beets to the pan and cook for another ten minutes. At the last moment, lay out the fried carrots with onions (the so-called frying), as well as the bay leaf.

If needed, add a little more salt and pepper. After that, add garlic to the almost ready borscht, which was previously squeezed out through a garlic press. Almost ready - remove the pan from the heat, let it brew for about twenty minutes. Fragrant, beautiful and tasty borscht pour into deep plates and serve, sprinkled with herbs and sour cream. It will turn out no less tasty if you put mayonnaise or a thick sauce with spices in a plate instead. And with black rye bread you get almost a culinary masterpiece. A plate of such a first course will give energy for the whole day. Now you know how to cook borscht. A simple recipe and its options are given in our article, you just have to choose the one that is more to your taste and your family members.

5 years ago


Borsch, perhaps the most favorite first dish of Russians. It is borscht that people dream about when they are on long trips abroad, and it is borscht that is the first thing you want to eat when you return from vacation. Agree, borscht is the main national dish. Borscht is our everything! Recipes for borscht are varied, each housewife brings her own subtleties and peculiarities to the cooking process. Only the main composition remains unchanged: beets, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. And, of course, sour cream and garlic! Borsch can be cooked both with meat and lean. In general, for every taste. I offer you my recipe for cooking borscht. I hope it has its own "secrets".

Products for borscht

For the broth you need:

  • 700 g beef pulp
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 sweet bell pepper
  • salt, peppercorns, bay leaf

To prepare borscht we use:

  • Handful of thinly shredded white cabbage (about 200g)
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 small beets
  • 1 sweet bell pepper
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 3-4 tbsp vegetable oil
  • sour cream
  • parsley or dill

Borscht classic with photo

How to cook borscht with meat

As we prepare the classic borscht with meat, then first we will deal with them (meat). Put a pot of water on the fire first. Rinse the meat, cut into portions and put in already hot water.

IMPORTANT! P I will allow myself a slight digression from the recipe and explain why meat should be put in hot water. Hot, but not boiling, water will minimize the amount of "foam" that forms and keep the broth clear. And most importantly, the high temperature of the water when laying the meat will preserve the taste and nutritional properties of the product as much as possible.
If you lay the meat in cold water, then a significant part of the nutrients will pass into the resulting foam. And very hot water will “brew a crust”, which will keep everything useful inside a piece of meat.

When it boils, reduce the heat, remove the resulting foam. Salt, add a few black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, 1 onion and ATTENTION!— A whole sweet bell pepper with a peduncle, which will fill our broth with a delicate aroma. I always cook borsch with bell pepper - fragrant! Close the lid and cook for 1 hour over medium heat. The broth should not boil too much, otherwise it will become cloudy.

While our broth is cooking, prepare the vegetables. Peel and cut beets, carrots and potatoes. I always cut beets and carrots with a knife into thin strips (not chopped on a grater). So the taste is preserved and looks more appetizing, in my opinion.

We cut the potatoes into cubes, as you like.

Bulgarian pepper in thin strips. Onion cut into half rings. Wash the tomato and put the whole one into the boiling broth for 25-30 seconds. At the same time, the peel of the tomato bursts and lags behind the fruit and is very easy to remove.

Cut the tomato into small cubes.

Saute the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown, add the tomato and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

Shred the cabbage finely.

When our broth is cooked, the meat has become soft, we remove the onion, bay leaf and bell pepper from the broth. Peppers can be chopped and added to borscht at the end of cooking. I also take out the meat and cut into portions.

First of all, put the carrots in the boiling broth, because. it cooks the longest, when the carrots boil for 2-3 minutes, spread the potatoes.

At this time, separately stew the chopped beets. We put it in a pan, pour 1/2 cup of broth, add 1 tsp sugar to improve the taste and color of the beets. Simmer until ready. It is better if the beets are slightly firm, then they will “reach” in borscht.

When the potatoes in the broth are almost ready (we check the readiness by piercing the potatoes with a knife), spread the cabbage. If the cabbage is thinly sliced, then it does not need to be cooked for a long time, it will be tastier if it is a little crunchy. As soon as it boils, add the prepared beets, browned onions and tomatoes, chopped bell peppers (from the broth and fresh). Close the lid, cook for 3-5 minutes and remove from heat.

Crush the garlic with the flat side of a knife so that it gives off its flavor better and cut into 2-3 parts. Add to the finished borscht. Sprinkle with parsley or other herbs. For example, if I cook in the spring and there is already

Classic borscht (red borscht)- This is the famous beetroot soup, which the peoples of Eastern and Central Europe can rightfully be proud of. Beetroot borscht has a particularly ancient history in Ukraine, which is why it is often called Ukrainian borscht. But there is also Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, Kuban, Moscow and even Siberian borscht. And they cook it differently in each individual region, and even with options: meat, lean, and in summer, cold borscht, which is often called cold, beetroot... It unites the main thing - wherever borscht is cooked, it belongs to the most favorite culinary dishes. And the ability to cook delicious real borscht in these parts is considered one of the main virtues of a woman, almost as good as beauty and kindness. Therefore, the preparation of borscht is a kind of sacrament, and borscht itself is one of the main aphrodisiacs for the Slavs. This word is delicious - borscht!

Green borscht- This is sorrel soup, also a dish of national cuisines of Eastern Europe. Green borscht is not a variation of the classic borscht, it has a completely different recipe and a completely different color - green. It is obtained from sorrel and other green ingredients.

  1. To make borscht thick, boil one whole potato in it. When the borscht is ready, take it out, knead it well and return it to the borscht.
  2. When beetroot is boiled, its color and the color of its broth are muted. To make borscht a juicy bright color, put about a quarter of the beets chopped for borscht into a bowl, pour boiling water over it and leave for at least 20 minutes. When the borscht has already been removed from the heat, squeeze the beets and pour the resulting juice into the borscht.
  3. To improve the taste of borscht, it is recommended to take a piece of good lard, grind it with salt and garlic, add the resulting mixture to an almost ready borscht.
  4. Do not serve borscht immediately after cooking is complete! Let the borscht brew for at least an hour.
And further. If you cook borscht according to our recipes and you manage to cook delicious borscht, take a photo of your borscht and post it under the recipe - treat everyone to your borscht. Let everyone learn how to cook delicious borscht!

A very detailed recipe for Ukrainian borscht with beets and 7 useful tips will help you prepare a real soulful dinner.

Delicious and rich Ukrainian borscht cannot be whipped up in haste. Most main rule cooking borscht means having free time and a great desire to cook it. If you are in a hurry or you are not in the mood to stand at the stove, it is better not to start, but to cook any.

When I cook borsch, such appetizing aromas hover around the house that my husband looks into the kitchen endlessly, lifting the lid of the pot and sniffing =)

In each region and in each family, borscht is cooked differently. If you have never cooked borsch or just don’t know how to cook it, then my most detailed step-by-step recipe with photos will be a good guide for you =)

Let's start cooking borscht according to our traditional family recipe!

Ingredients for delicious Ukrainian borscht

Quantity of products for a 5-6 liter pot:

  • Beef on the bone - 300 gr
  • Pork on the bone (stew) - 500 gr
  • Potatoes - 300 gr (3-4 pieces)
  • Onion - 200 gr (2 pcs)
  • Carrots - 150 gr (1 large)
  • Cabbage - 350 gr (1/4 medium head)
  • Beets - 300 gr (2 medium pieces)
  • Tomatoes - 200 gr (3-4 medium pieces)
  • Sweet pepper 100 gr (1 pc)
  • Hot pepper - 1 pod optional
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 tbsp / l optional (for taste)
  • Sunflower oil - 30 ml
  • Butter - 30 gr
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves
  • Small piece of fat
  • Bay leaf, allspice - to taste

For the broth:

  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • parsley root
  • Celery root
  • Dill or parsley stalks

I always cook borscht thick enough. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of vegetables. I add tomato paste for color and richer taste. Most of all I like Chumak, Rosana and Genichanochka. Well, let's start!

How to cook borscht with beets? You need to start by making excellent broth!

For borscht, it is important to cook a good broth and not spare vegetables.

Beef, pork and poultry, especially homemade, are well suited for the broth. I can’t explain why this is so, but a very tasty borscht is obtained precisely on a domestic rooster.

Tip 1. If you cook borsch on meat, then it is better to take both pork and beef, always on the bone. This will make a great rich broth. I rarely cook with poultry.

We wash the meat, cut off pieces of fat, if any, and put it in a saucepan. Pour cold water to cover the meat 3-5 cm above and put on fire.

At the same time, we put a pan with beets on the stove and boil it in its uniform until cooked.

Tip 2. If you want a delicious broth, put the meat in cold water. If you want tasty meat - hot.

Bring the meat to a boil, reduce the heat and remove the resulting foam. Cook for about 20 minutes and drain the water.

Put the meat back into the pot, add water and bring to a boil again.

While the water is boiling, prepare the vegetables for the broth: onion, carrot, dill stalks, bay leaf, garlic. Coarsely chopped celery root or parsley root can also be added.

We put the vegetables in a saucepan with boiling broth, reduce the heat to a minimum, close the lid and cook over low heat for at least 2-3 hours.

Tip 3. The broth should not boil, it should slowly gurgle and languish.

Here is the broth in the making:

Now let's prepare the vegetable dressing

Tip 4. The more variety of vegetables and fat you add to the dressing, the tastier your borscht will be.

It doesn't have to be a lot of fat.

Small pieces of fat that you cut off from the meat are sent to the pan. The smell of fried bacon will give the borscht an appetizing flavor. I try to choose leaner meat, so I don't cut too much fat.

Fry the pieces of fat.

Chop the onion and put it in the pan. Add some sunflower and butter.

Lightly fry (5-7 minutes) until golden brown.

Coarsely grate the carrots and add to the onions.

Fry for about 2-3 minutes.

Sweet pepper cut into small cubes, add to the vegetables.

Fry everything together for a couple of minutes.

Grind tomatoes in a blender and pour into a pan.

Add tomato paste.

Stir and simmer over very low heat for about 20-30 minutes.

If you want spicy borscht, add a pod of hot pepper to the dressing.

The gas station is almost ready.

We remove the prepared vegetables from the broth and take out the meat.

Grate the carrots and return to the broth, discard the rest of the vegetables.

We separate the meat from the bones and put it in a borscht dressing.

Stir, simmer for about 2 minutes, the dressing is ready. The meat can be put back into the broth, but I usually don't do this, otherwise it will be too soft.

Potato cut into cubes.

Add to broth and cook for about 7-10 minutes.

Shred the cabbage finely.

Put the cabbage in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the cabbage is ready. This usually takes 5 to 10 minutes. It all depends on the type of cabbage.

While the cabbage is cooking, peel the beets and rub them on a coarse grater.

Grind a piece of lard, garlic and a pinch of salt in a mortar.

When the cabbage is ready, put the dressing in the pan.

We mix.

Bring to a boil.

We spread the beets, lard crushed with garlic and salt.

Stir and remove from heat after boiling.

Tip 5 It is impossible to boil borscht with boiled beets for a long time, otherwise the borscht will lose its color.

Beets for borscht can be prepared in another way: grate on a coarse grater or cut into strips and stew in a small amount of water with the addition of 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar. In this case, the beets will not lose their color after boiling.

Tip 6 If you are preparing borsch from early varieties of cabbage, then the order of laying the ingredients in the pan is different:

1. Put the potatoes in the broth.

2. After 5-10 minutes (the potatoes should be half cooked), add dressing, cook for 3-5 minutes.

3. Put the finished beets with young cabbage, bring to a boil and turn off. Usually young cabbage is enough to boil. It should not be cooked for a long time, otherwise it will turn into sourdough.

Tip 7. Let the borscht brew for at least 1-2 hours.

Here is my delicious rich and fragrant Ukrainian borscht! =)

In our family, borsch is traditionally served with garlic, sour cream, green onions and rye fragrant bread.

How many calories are in my borscht? About 65-70 kcal per 100 grams

  • Proteins - 3.3 gr
  • Fats - 3.7 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 4.2 gr

And here are some more photos:

Enjoy your meal, friends! And don't forget to hit likes, "oki" and "I like" to tell your friends about the super delicious borscht recipe =)

Best regards, Natalie Lissy

Recipe of borsch is just a stumbling block. First of all, because there are many different variations of the borscht recipe - Ukrainian, Poltava, Hetman, Moscow, Navy, Kiev, Siberian - it is too long to list.

Borscht they are on beef, pork or lamb broth, on or duck, on beet kvass, borscht with beans, donuts, mushrooms - and this is only a tiny part of a long, long list of different borscht.

However, no matter what borscht exists, the most common is the usual homemade borscht, and each cook borsch get your own.

Here is one option homemade borscht- simple, without donuts, grated with garlic, tomato paste, beans and other additional components.

For homemade borscht you will need

For a pot 5-6 liters.

  • Beef brisket. 1 kg.
  • Cabbage. 1.5 kg.
  • Beet. 3 medium.
  • Carrot. 2-3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes. 300-400 gr.
  • Onion. 2 medium onions.
  • Potato. 600-700 gr.
  • Salt. Taste.
  • Ground black pepper. Taste.
  • Vinegar grape or apple. 5-6%. 1-2 tablespoons. Can be replaced with lemon juice.
  • Garlic. For submission.
  • Sour cream. For submission.
  • Greens - onion, parsley, dill - for serving.

Cooking homemade borscht.

Let's start by making the broth.

Pour cold water into a saucepan. For a 5-6 liter saucepan, 3½-4 liters of water, respectively. Some of the water will evaporate during cooking.

We spread a piece of beef brisket or a cut with a marrow bone into the pan. We immediately put one whole peeled beetroot there.

I don't put carrots, onions, or parsley, parsnip, or celery roots in the broth, but there's nothing to stop you from doing so, depending on your personal preference.

Bring the water to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to a level sufficient for a very low boil and carefully remove the foam.

Cook meat with beets for one and a half to two hours.

For a denser soup base, you can put 1-2 whole peeled large potatoes in the broth. Boil the potatoes in the broth until fully cooked, then take out the potatoes, put them on a plate, add a couple of ladles of broth and mash the potatoes with a masher. Then put this puree back into the pan and continue to cook borscht.

Somewhere in 35-40 minutes after the start of cooking the broth, we will start making dressing for borscht. As is known X borscht is cooked in a frying pan .

Cut the onion into quarter rings.

Carrot cut into small strips.

In a large frying pan over medium heat, heat 4-5 tablespoons of odorless vegetable oil and put onions and carrots in a frying pan, mix and add a little salt.

When the onions and carrots are slightly softened, add freshly ground black pepper and mix again.

While the onions and carrots are fried, cut the beets into small strips.

Add the beets to the skillet with the onions and carrots and stir.

Cover the pan with a lid and wait for the beets to soften slightly.

Then pour in 30-50 ml of grape or apple 5-6% vinegar and mix. You can use lemon juice instead of vinegar, although I feel a citrus flavor in the finished borscht and I don’t really like it.

If the tomatoes are acidic enough, then their own acid may also be enough.

The acid is needed so that the color of the borscht remains dark and saturated, and not bright red or red. But the color also depends on the cooking time.

Close the pan again with a lid and simmer the beets for 20-25 minutes.

During this time, cut the tomatoes into small pieces. I usually do not remove the skin from tomatoes, but if desired, this can be done.

Add the tomatoes to the pan with the beets.

Stir, add salt to taste, a teaspoon of sugar - do not worry, it will not be felt in borscht, but will simply add saturation to the taste.

Close the lid again and leave to simmer for 15 minutes. If the moisture from the pan has already evaporated, and the borscht dressing has begun to fry, add a ladle of broth from the pan.

A few minutes later, when the tomatoes have given up their juice and become soft, mix everything again and rule for salt and sugar, if the dressing is still too sour for your taste.

We cut the cabbage at our own discretion, I like small and not very wide strips.

Cut the potato into small cubes.

By this time the broth is ready. salt the broth to taste, given that some salt is already in the dressing.

We take out the beets boiled in it from the broth. Let it cool down a bit.

If your cabbage is young, then it will not cook for very long. Accordingly, first put the chopped potatoes in the broth.

If the cabbage is autumn, then it will be cooked longer than potatoes, so we send cabbage to the broth first.

In both cases, the difference between the laying time of cabbage and potatoes is 10 minutes, regardless of which vegetable is laid first.

We rub the boiled beets on a fine grater.

And send the grated beets back to the pan.

We mix.

We bring potatoes and cabbage to readiness. The potatoes should be fully cooked, and the cabbage should remain slightly crispy inside.

As soon as the vegetables are ready, pour a couple of ladles of broth into the pan with dressing. Using a spatula, deglaze the pan, rubbing off all possible burns from the bottom.

We spread the entire frying in a pan with borscht.

Stir, bring to a boil and let simmer gently for 5-7 minutes.

It is not necessary to boil the borscht longer, because with prolonged boiling, the color of the borscht first becomes bright red, and then begins to turn red.

Remove the pan from the heat, cover with a lid and leave it alone for at least 20 minutes. If you cook in a large saucepan of 5-6 liters, then during this time the borscht will not have time to cool down. But insist.

I usually add thinly sliced ​​garlic to my plate as well.

We serve on the table. And traditionally, a glass of cold vodka is served with borscht.
