
Croutons in the microwave - simple and quick recipes for making bread toasts. How to make fragrant and tasty croutons in the microwave

I have repeatedly wondered whether it is possible to make homemade crackers in the microwave. Now I know for sure that it is possible and moreover - faster than any other means.

If you still fry crackers in a pan or dry them in the oven, then know that there is a more convenient way. You can flavor them with garlic or spices and get an excellent beer snack for your husband, or you can flavor them with nothing and use them to serve soup or Caesar.

Sweet croutons are obtained from a loaf.

How to make garlic croutons in the microwave - recipe with photo

Let's take a closer look at the option of crackers with garlic, since it takes a little longer to cook them - for 1 minute. Ordinary crackers are even easier to fry - just do not add garlic.


  • 3-4 slices of white bread
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of dried garlic
  • dried herbs optional (parsley, dill)

Recipe for black bread croutons with spices in the microwave

We cut the black bread into sticks and sprinkle them with spices. We send the bread sticks to dry in the microwave for 3-4 minutes. That's all wisdom. As you can see, making croutons in the microwave is very simple.

Cook to your health and send your comments, which I will be very happy about. You can view other recipes for the microwave in the corresponding section "Baking in the microwave". I hope you will also like more complex pastries, and if something suddenly does not work out, write to me - we will figure it out and I will definitely help you with advice.

Croutons in the microwave: simple and quick recipes for the hostess

Salty snacks that are sold in stores have one main drawback - they are far from healthy for the body. The stomach does not absorb them well, which can lead to health problems. In addition, a large amount of spices that the manufacturer sprinkles on them can sometimes hide the poor quality of the bread used. Cooking crispy mouth-watering crackers at home is simple, fast and incredibly tasty. And you will need - a minimum of products and the presence of a microwave in the kitchen. So let's get started!

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How to make crackers in the microwave: general recommendations

It is believed that the dried loaf tends to be absorbed by the stomach twice as fast as the usual fresh crumb. And such a product also remains fresh much longer if it is properly cooked and dried. You can use any base, it all depends on your preferences. Wheat, rye, bran, rich bread - they are all ideal for cooking.

Rusks "home-style" will not just be a delicious snack. They can be used when serving soup or borscht as an excellent substitute for a fresh bun. Crackers have the advantage that they can be made in case, for some reason, a lot of flour products are left in the house.

Croutons for beer in the microwave

This is a salty snack recipe that goes great with beer.

Ingredients needed:

  • black or white bread;
  • vegetable fat - about 2 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • spices to taste.

Step-by-step description of preparation:

  • Cut the pieces of bread into cubes. Their size may vary according to preference. You can chop the ingredient into straws. It is important to take the side with the pink salmon, in no case will it spoil the taste of this popular beer snack, but it will brown beautifully and preserve the integrity of the pieces.
  • Put the blanks on a baking sheet or plate that fits in the oven or microwave. Drizzle lightly with vegetable oil. Salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.
  • Cover the baking sheet with the contents with a lid or foil.
  • Bake at maximum temperature for about 2 minutes. Then take out, mix and bake again for 2 minutes.
  • Take the dish out of the oven and let it cool down.
  • A delicious treat for the feast is ready. You can store croutons in the refrigerator. The ideal container for them will be a glass jar. The main thing is not to put it in a bag, where the snack will quickly become damp and tasteless.

    Crackers with garlic at home: a snack for borscht

    Spicy garlic croutons can also be cooked in the microwave. Such an appetizer will be an ideal addition to borscht or an independent dish.

    All you need is:

    • black bread;
    • vegetable oil;
    • garlic;
    • salt.

    Step by step preparation of garlic croutons

  • Baton cut into cubes.
  • Grate or press more garlic into the garlic maker.
  • Put all the ingredients in a separate bowl and sprinkle with a little oil, salt lightly. To stir thoroughly.
  • Spread out on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven at maximum temperature.
  • Remove after 3 minutes and cool.
  • Serve with freshly brewed borscht. Store such snacks in a glass container with a lid.

    For tea: croutons from a long loaf in the microwave

    The preparation of a dessert from a loaf is carried out according to the same scheme as the rest of the recipes. It is important to take a bun, a braid with poppy seeds or raisins, and other options that do not crumble, but are a little stale. Due to the rounded shape, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cut the bun into cubes, so you can do it in chunks.

    You will need:

    • 1 sweet roll or braid with raisins, poppy seeds;
    • vegetable oil;
    • powdered sugar;
    • sugar;
    • water.

    The step-by-step recipe is almost the same as the previous ones:

  • Cut the braid.
  • Lightly grease a microwave oven tray with oil to prevent sticking. Put the bread on a stand and lightly sprinkle it with sweet water, just a couple of drops.
  • Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.
  • Put in the oven for 5 minutes. Baking temperature - 280 degrees.
  • Remove, cool, serve with tea.

    Delicious snacks can be prepared in no time at home, even from products that have lost their fresh look. Do not rush to throw out stale bread - it may become your favorite snack!

    Do not know where you can put yesterday's bread? Stale, slightly stale bread makes excellent homemade croutons. They cook in the microwave in no time! Or rather, a couple of minutes. Preparatory work will take about two minutes. So count - 5 minutes and you have wonderful, fresh, crispy crackers on your table! During this time, you won’t have time to go to the store, you won’t even be able to get out of the entrance. By the way, having tried to make crackers in the microwave, you are unlikely to want to return to the store options. Crackers can be made from black or white bread, you can also use a long loaf. Our family loves rye bread the most.

    Taste Info Various Snacks


    • Black bread - 2 slices;
    • Garlic - 2 cloves;
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon.

    How to cook homemade croutons in the microwave from black bread with garlic

    Bread for croutons is best taken yesterday. Fresh bread is certainly tasty, but in the process of cutting into small pieces it will crumble. The choice of knife is also important. It is more efficient to use a well-ground wide and large.
    So, cut off two slices of bread and cut into small cubes or sticks, as you like. The skin can be cut off.

    Now we take the garlic and squeeze it through the press. Add to vegetable oil and stir. If you want the crackers to be salty, then you can add a pinch of salt to the butter. You can also add your favorite spices and herbs to the oil at this stage.

    Sprinkle slices of bread with this garlic butter. Stir very gently so that the butter is distributed over the bread. Lubricating crackers with oil is a must! Otherwise, they will burn, and they taste better with butter.
    We bake croutons on a large dish. It is necessary that the pieces of bread are laid out in one layer.

    We put a bowl with bread slices for 2 minutes to bake (microwave power 800 W). As practice shows, even if the furnaces according to the documents are of the same power, in their real functionality they still give different indicators. Therefore, at the first experience of baking crackers, we follow the stove. You may need to get crackers a little early or vice versa slightly increase the time. In the process of cooking, add 20 seconds, no more.
    It is not necessary to cover the croutons with a lid or cap during the baking process. In this form, they will not fry, but will warm up.
    The bell rings - we get it. Here we have such wonderful crackers.

    We eat them with soup, add to salads, gnaw just like that!

    Homemade microwave crackers can be used for a snack or as a beer snack. In addition, they are great for adding to soups, broths or salads. Croutons, made in just a few minutes, are not only tasty, but also healthy, do not contain harmful additives that are in ready-made store products.

    How to make crackers in the microwave?

    Cooking croutons in the microwave is even easier than in the usual way in the oven. The main advantage of this cooking method is a significant time saving. The recommendations below will help you make a treat quickly and without hassle.

    1. For crackers, bread should be cut into pieces of the same size so that they lose moisture evenly.
    2. When cooking in the microwave, croutons begin to lose moisture from the inside, so they will be darker there, and lighter on the outside. This must be taken into account when determining the degree of readiness.
    3. Crackers in the microwave should be cooked in several stages, periodically taking them out and stirring.

    Loaf croutons in the microwave can be cooked in different ways: a loaf can be cut into cubes or stripes, the cooking time will depend on the size of the pieces. If desired, the bread can still be lightly sprinkled with odorless vegetable oil, the taste of the finished product will only get better from this.


    • white loaf - 300 g;
    • salt, spices - to taste.


    1. The bread is cut into small cubes, sprinkled with salt, spices and stirred.
    2. The slices are sent to the microwave oven and dried at maximum power for 1 minute on each side.

    Croutons in the microwave at home can be prepared from different types of bread. If the product is planned to be consumed as a snack, then rye bread is better than others. To improve the taste of the finished product, bread slices can simply be salted, or you can also sprinkle with spices to your taste.


    • rye bread - 500 g;
    • salt - 30 g;
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.


    1. The bread is cut into oblong strips, salted and gently stirred.
    2. Pour oil into another bowl, spread the crackers and knead well.
    3. Place the future croutons in the microwave and, at maximum heat, dry them until golden brown, stirring them occasionally.

    Croutons in the microwave with garlic

    In the microwave, they are incredibly appetizing and very fragrant. Garlic can be used both fresh and dry. In the first case, it is passed through a press, added to the bread and thoroughly kneaded, and in the second, the prepared components are simply sprinkled with a dry product.


    • bread or loaf - 200 g;
    • odorless vegetable oil - 20 ml;
    • salt;
    • garlic - 4-5 cloves.


    1. The bread is cut into cubes of the desired size.
    2. Add oil and stir well.
    3. Sprinkle the bread with salt and add the garlic passed through the press.
    4. Thoroughly stir it all.
    5. The prepared components are laid out on a flat dish and, at maximum power, crackers are cooked in the microwave for 5 minutes, stirring a couple of times.

    Making croutons from bread in the microwave is very easy. You can simply cut it into pieces and dry it, and you can also make a very tasty and savory snack out of it. To do this, you just need to add smoked lard and bring the product to full readiness. It will take a little longer, but the end result will be worth it.


    • rye bread - 4 slices;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • smoked bacon - 50 g.


    1. Rye bread is cut into strips or cubes.
    2. Add chopped garlic, stir well and place on a flat plate in 1 layer.
    3. On top lay out the fat, cut into thin strips.
    4. At maximum power, croutons are cooked for 10 minutes.

    Crackers for soup in the microwave can be prepared in a matter of minutes. To do this, you can use any bread, but more often a variety of soups and broths are served with croutons of white bread or a long loaf. It is better that the bread is not too fresh, but a little dried up, then it will crumble less, and it will be easier to cut it.


    • white loaf - 100 g.


    1. The banana is cut into small cubes.
    2. If desired, they can be lightly salted or flavored with spices. But it is better not to do this, so as not to spoil the taste of the main dish.
    3. Place the prepared components in a microwave dish and cook for 3 minutes at maximum power.

    Microwaved, home-cooked is a great alternative to various store-bought snacks. You can make them in different ways: with the addition of your favorite seasonings and spices, herbs. The product will acquire a special taste if you use not sunflower, but high-quality olive oil.


    • bread - 500 g;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 1 teaspoon;
    • spices - to taste.


    1. Slightly dried bread is cut into cubes or stripes.
    2. Salt, spices are added to the oil and stirred.
    3. The resulting mixture is poured into a bag, prepared bread is also sent there.
    4. The bag is half inflated, the upper part is twisted and shaken thoroughly so that the pieces are evenly covered with the mixture.
    5. Place the bread on a dish and, at maximum power, cook crackers for beer in the microwave for 3 minutes.

    Croutons for "Caesar" in the microwave

    Everyone can cook in the microwave in minutes. In this case, ordinary white bread can be used as the starting product, but if there is a loaf or toast bread, it will be even better and tastier. Crackers are very tender with a light garlic flavor.


    • white bread - 200 g;
    • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • salt.


    1. The loaf is cut into cubes with a side of about 8 mm.
    2. Sprinkle them with salt and stir.
    3. Garlic is squeezed into the oil, allowed to stand for 1 hour, then the garlic is removed, and the bread slices are smeared with the resulting oil.
    4. Place the product on a dish and cook the breadcrumbs in the microwave until lightly browned.

    Everyone can cook in the microwave, and if you also make them with cheese, it will turn out even tastier. For these purposes, absolutely any hard cheese is suitable. So in a few minutes you can cook a delicious snack that will appeal to both adults and children.

    It often happens that stale bread is left at home, but nevertheless it still remains fresh. What to do with him in this case? We will talk about this in our article, namely, how to make croutons in the microwave. We think that you yourself easily guessed how stale crusts can be used, but usually crackers are baked in a pan. In our case, we decided to use the advances in technology to significantly simplify and speed up the cooking process. After all, if you don’t know how to cook well, then the microwave will help you avoid burning and your croutons will be delicious and golden.

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    In addition to the fact that you will find a use for an already spoiled product, you will be sure of what your homemade crackers are made of - unlike store-bought counterparts. This dish is perfect for any of the drinks, be it tea or beer. In addition, you can even use it instead of ordinary bread. Crackers are very often used as an ingredient in salads or as an addition to a dish, most often to soups. The only danger of using such a product is that you can not eat a large amount of crackers on an empty stomach, because it can do harm.

    Now we will begin to describe some of the most common recipes that are very easy to prepare.

    First recipe

    This is a classic recipe that will help you cook croutons in the microwave without any additional spices or ingredients.

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    You will need

    • Black bread, however, white is also suitable.
    • Salt and spices to taste. It is worth noting that choosing the right spices is one of the most important moments in cooking - they can greatly change the taste of the dish.


    1. We start by cutting stale bread (or fresh, if you decide to just fry crackers in the microwave) into cubes or slices. At the same time, you need to understand that the shape of the cut depends on what you will use the dish with. For example, cubes are perfect for beer, and slices for salad.
    2. When the cutting is done, you should choose a large plate that will fit in the microwave. Carefully lay the slices on it and salt them, now you can add spices. If you do not want to use vegetable oil, then a special aqueous broth solution may be suitable, for example. To prepare it, you will need to dissolve a store-bought bouillon cube in a sufficient amount of water. You can add salt or pepper to it to taste. When the solution is ready, you only need to sprinkle crackers on it in the microwave. After that, you can proceed to the next step.
    3. Now the plate should be placed in the microwave. The cooking time and mode will depend on what brand of your stove and what its power is. To be sure, you should check the dish, stirring the croutons every two minutes so that they do not burn. At the same time, see that they turn out ruddy and golden. The ideal option would be to use a convection oven, which in turn will reduce the cooking time by almost half.
    4. When they are fried, you should turn off the microwave, but do not remove them until it has cooled - let them "reach" to full readiness.

    Recipe with garlic

    Usually, garlic croutons are used for salads, in our recipe we will offer you just such an option.

    You will need

    • Approximately four hundred grams of black bread
    • A couple of tablespoons of sunflower oil
    • A little salt and spices to taste
    • A couple of cloves of garlic


    1. We start by cutting the bread into small slices. The Borodino or rye variety of pastries, which have a very dense structure, are best suited for our case - this way it will crumble less. If you do not like to cut the bread into cubes, then you can chop it in the form of straws, up to a centimeter thick.
    2. After that, go to the garlic - you also need to chop it. This can be done with a special garlic maker or a knife.
    3. We select a deep bowl in which it is necessary to mix the garlic, spices and sunflower oil. When everything is mixed, you can put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin there. Again, mix the ingredients thoroughly so that all the pieces are saturated with the mixture.
    4. We take a large dish or special dishes that are used for the oven, and put the bread on it. It’s good if you have a lid for it - so the cooking process will be much faster. Having covered the dish with a lid, close the stove, set it to high power and wait about two minutes. After this time has passed, you will need to mix the croutons in the microwave and follow a similar procedure until they are ready.
    5. When the croutons are golden or toasted, you can turn off the microwave, wait about one minute, and then take them out - the dish is ready and ready to eat.

    It is worth noting that during cooking, there is a possibility that the crackers will be overcooked. To avoid this situation, you need to set the correct oven mode and constantly monitor the baking time. Otherwise, you will get a completely inedible and spoiled product that can only be thrown away. In addition, you can contaminate the inside of the microwave oven with fumes, which are very difficult to clean.

    What other measures should be taken to prevent this from happening? First, it is correct to determine the modes in which the furnace operates. Secondly, about every two minutes, check the condition of the bread rolls - make sure that they do not overcook and burn. If you want to experiment and increase the interval between checking crackers in the microwave, this can end in failure.

    Recipe for croutons for beer

    We could not help but give such a recipe in the article, because most often crackers are served with beer.

    You will need

    • One loaf of bread (black or white).
    • Small spoonful of salt
    • A couple of large spoons of vegetable oil
    • Spices and herbs to taste


    1. Cut the loaves into slices.
    2. Take a deep bowl, pour oil into it, add spices, herbs and mix everything well. Soak the croutons in the mixture, then put them on a separate dish for the microwave.
    3. As in previous recipes, we set the oven mode and every two minutes we check the readiness and mix the croutons.

    It is worth noting that the dish, in this case, will be cooked a little longer than in previous recipes.

    We hope that our article will help you in cooking croutons in the microwave. Good luck to you!

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