
Green beans carbohydrates per 100 grams. Green beans - calories

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Green beans are the fruits in the shell (pod) of the bean plant belonging to the family Legumes. In order to preserve the beneficial properties of beans as much as possible, the pods are harvested at the “milk” stage of maturity, when the beans are still tender and quite soft. Green beans are used both whole and chopped. Most often, frozen green beans are found on store shelves, which have a number of advantages over fresh ones - availability all year round, long shelf life of the product, complete preservation of the vitamin and mineral composition of the fresh vegetable, a higher concentration of nutrients due to moisture loss during the freezing process and a lower price. (calorizer).

Calorie content of green beans

The calorie content of green beans is 24 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of green beans

Green beans contain a rather rare vitamin necessary for normal blood clotting and absorption. The product contains, which is responsible for the condition and elasticity of the skin. The presence of dietary fiber makes the product important for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the normalization of intestinal motility. Green beans have a low glycemic index (15 units), so people with diabetes of all types can consume the product without restrictions. Green beans are a source of high-quality, easily digestible vegetable protein; they are often included in the diet of vegetarians and anyone who, for various reasons, does not consume meat products.

Harm of green beans

Due to the abundance of fiber, green beans can cause heaviness, bloating and discomfort in the stomach.

Green beans for weight loss

Possessing low calorie content, beans have gained fame as an ideal side dish for those who want to keep their weight under control (calorizer). By replacing your usual side dishes for lunch or dinner with a serving of green beans once or twice a week, you can gradually get rid of one kilogram per month without any special restrictions. They contain green beans and many other nutritional principles and fasting days.

When choosing fresh green beans, you should pay attention to the appearance of the pods - they should be elastic, without obvious damage or dark spots, and have a bright dark green color. If you have wet or, conversely, drying out pods in front of you, it is better to refrain from purchasing. Fresh green beans can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week.

If you decide to choose frozen green beans, but you need to give preference to a packaged product, there is a guarantee that the beans, washed and peeled, do not require additional rinsing and can be cooked immediately. If the packaging is transparent, you need to carefully evaluate the color of the product - it should be dark green, there should be no lumps or pieces of ice, which indicates defrosting and subsequent re-freezing of the product. Frozen green beans will last in the freezer for up to six months. By the way, fresh green beans grown or purchased in large quantities can be frozen independently, which will retain all the beneficial properties of the product.

Varieties of green beans

You can and should grow green beans in any garden plot; at first the plant will delight you with bright fragrant flowers, and a little later - with an excellent harvest. Gardeners consider the following varieties to be the best: Oil King, Saksa 615, Caramel, Pobeditel.

Green beans in cooking

Green beans need to be subjected to minimal heat treatment - boiling or stewing; you can simply pour boiling water over the fresh pods to preserve the crispness of the beans. When steaming (the healthiest method), it takes literally 2-3 minutes for the beans to remain bright in color. Green beans go well with (fried eggs, omelettes, salads), fresh herbs, and herbs, which will color the bland taste of the beans.

You can learn more about green beans and their beneficial properties, as well as compare fresh and frozen, from the video clip of the TV show “Live Healthy.”

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Around the 16th century, beans served purely decorative purposes as a plant, and were in no way associated with consumption. However, over time, bean grains began to gradually enter the diet, and became widespread due to their nutritional, taste and beneficial qualities.

As for the pods, their use began with the Italians, who appreciated all their qualities. Thanks to this, in Italy they began to develop a special variety of beans, which were consumed in the form of pods.

After some time, green beans became quite popular in many countries, and the French began cultivating this plant. Thanks to this, the world saw two new varieties of green beans - green and yellow. These varieties contain much more beneficial vitamins, minerals and other substances, which makes them a storehouse of health and benefits for the body.

How many calories are in green beans?

Fresh green beans have a very low calorie content (23-32 kcal per 100 g), however, in this form they are not suitable for eating. This is explained by some characteristics of the plant: fresh pods contain a certain amount of toxic substances that can negatively affect the body during accumulation.

This feature can be easily eliminated by heat treatment of beans, which neutralizes undesirable components and leaves more than 80% of the necessary substances and vitamins in the composition.

As for the calorie content of cooked beans, the number of calories will vary depending on the cooking method. If green beans are boiled, they will contain 47-128 kcal.

Boiled beans are often eaten as a side dish, added to salads and various omelettes. It is recommended to be used during diets, and just every day.

Stewed green beans rank second in calorie content - 136 Kcal, and are not entirely suitable for dietary nutrition, however, as a regular food, it is very healthy and nutritious.

Fried beans are the highest in calories - 175 kcal, and are recommended not to be consumed too often. And for people who are overweight, it is better not to cook beans in this way at all.

However, the frozen product contains the fewest calories. These beans have about 28 kcal, and are the best product for dietary nutrition.

Benefits of green beans

It is not for nothing that green beans are valued for their high content of useful components, because they contain folic acid, calcium, iron, sulfur, chromium, as well as magnesium, zinc and potassium. In addition, it is enriched with vitamins such as C, A, E, B, and has a high fiber content, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Constant consumption of this unique product gives the body additional strength to resist all kinds of viruses and microbes, improves immunity, and facilitates digestion. In the presence of infectious diseases, green beans strengthen the body and allow it to quickly cope with the disease.

Beans also have the ability to improve blood composition, accelerating the production of red blood cells, resulting in an increase in hemoglobin. When suffering from anemia, a diet containing beans is often recommended. Patients with diabetes should constantly eat it, as it has a normalizing effect on the amount of sugar in the blood.

Once in the body, green beans can serve as an antimicrobial agent that will help with diseases of the oral cavity, tuberculosis, and intestinal pathologies. Beans are also useful for hypertensive patients, patients with atherosclerosis and arrhythmia.

Harm of green beans

There are some restrictions on the use of this useful product:

  • high level of acidity of gastric juice;
  • disruption of stable bowel function;
  • the presence of gastritis and peptic ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis.

Hello, our dear readers. The topic of today's article is green beans - health benefits and harm. Over time, we are taking a closer look at our diet. And it’s not surprising, because there are more and more products with GMOs and flavor enhancers on store shelves, and more and more people are suffering from excess weight problems. On our improvised table today are beans, a plant that will preserve health, beauty and figure.

The plant belongs to the legume family. It was brought to us from America, although researchers claim that it was used on our and the neighboring continent 5,000 years ago. For example, Cleopatra used it for cosmetic purposes (face powder), and the pods were also eaten.

But, nevertheless, the fruits we are familiar with were brought to Europe from America. At first, they decorated the facades of buildings and parks with their attractive climbing stems.

And only a century and a half later the Italians began to use them for cooking. Later, the French developed a softer and more delicate variety, which we now eat, and they called it French. Now we can find green and yellow beans.

Green beans are definitely healthy; they are rich in vitamins and contain many essential minerals. It includes folic acid, carotene, B vitamins, vitamins A, C and the rather rare vitamin K. Minerals include iron, magnesium, zinc, calcium, potassium, chromium, etc.

Vitamin K promotes rapid healing of wounds, improves blood clotting, and calcium absorption. 100 grams contains about 20% of the daily requirement of manganese; this element allows you to maintain youthful skin and its elasticity. Green beans contain proteins and dietary fiber, which makes them suitable for vegetarians and for weight loss.

You can eat the plant either fresh or steamed or boiled. True, it is better to cook it without salt, especially if you want to lose weight, it is better to add spices or natural sauce.

Green beans go well with other products, such as eggs, and are used for winter preparations or salads. However, it is better to use it as a side dish, or in combination with “light” foods.

In our country and the CIS countries there are no problems with purchasing this product. It can be bought both in winter and summer; our climate is conducive to its cultivation.

Therefore, buy green pods regularly. Delight your loved ones with healthy recipes. Read more about the beneficial properties of the plant below.

Green beans

The benefits that green beans provide to the body are enormous. It affects almost all body systems. It is important that the plant does not absorb “harmful” elements from the environment, therefore it is considered harmless. I suggest you figure out what its benefits are:

  • The product is approved and even useful for people with all types of diabetes. Arginine, which is included in the composition, reduces blood sugar levels and promotes the production of insulin. The juice of the plant is especially useful for diabetes.
  • It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps cope with infections in the intestines, and is quite easily absorbed.
  • Saturates the cells of the whole body with oxygen.
  • Helps cope with various viruses, including influenza. Therefore, you need to eat the product more actively in spring and autumn.
  • It has a positive effect on the circulatory system and strengthens it as a whole. Vitamin K helps improve blood clotting. Copper helps produce hemoglobin. Iron promotes the formation of red blood cells.
  • Helps improve mood, relieves depression and helps to calm down. In other words, it stabilizes the emotional state.
  • It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of the plant for women. It improves the condition of the skin, maintains its elasticity, and strengthens the mammary glands. The plant is especially useful in the period before conception and in the early stages of pregnancy; it will smooth out mood changes, and folic acid will help the baby develop healthy.
  • The benefit for men is the prevention of prostate adenoma and restoration of sexual function. Beans are also indicated for bursitis (pain in joints and tendons, discomfort in movements), it is more common in men.
  • Beans are healthy, so they are suitable for children's diets. But be careful, the plant can cause increased gas formation, so if your child has gas, do not rush to add it to the diet, do it after a year.
  • A decoction of green beans is used for pancreatitis; it is drunk 20 minutes before meals (fresh) for 10 days. It is used to cleanse the pancreatic ducts. However, you should not eat fresh fruits with this disease.
  • The plant alleviates the condition of patients with tuberculosis, and should also be added to the diet to prevent cancer.
  • Frequent use of the plant has a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity and prevents the formation of tartar.
  • Improves carbohydrate metabolism, has a low glycemic index and promotes weight loss.
  • It has a diuretic effect, promotes the dissolution of stones, cleanses the kidneys and generally has a positive effect on them.
  • The plant improves salt metabolism. It is also indicated for rheumatism and bronchitis.

Video - frozen green beans, benefits, how to choose

Frozen green beans

Do you think a frozen product loses its properties? No, he doesn’t lose it, and even vice versa. Frozen pods contain less moisture, thereby increasing the concentration of nutrients.

In addition, the product undergoes factory processing, before freezing it is washed well, and already frozen it is sent into packaging. So all you have to do is take it out and cook it.

Of course, you can buy fresh pods, but what’s the point of overpaying, especially since they spoil very quickly, and a frozen product can be stored for up to six months. So feel free to head to the freezers in the store.

High-quality green beans have a dark green color, without inclusions. You can freeze it yourself if you wish.

Can a nursing mother have green beans?

The period of breastfeeding is a special time for a new mother. Her diet is undergoing big changes.

The young mother is forced to adjust it completely to the baby. At this time, beans, corn, and peas are usually not recommended; they cause bloating and colic in the baby.

What about green beans, because they help fight anemia, normalize sugar levels, and help remove waste products from the body. It is nutritious, contains a large amount of vitamins and few calories. This is an indispensable product for a young mother.

Experts advise introducing green beans into the mother’s diet when the baby is 4-5 months old, when his digestive system is fully formed. Beans, even green beans, can cause gas, so watch your baby closely if you introduce them to the diet. Start with 3-5 pods, if everything is good, then you can gradually increase the portion.

Calorie content

In general, green beans are considered a dietary product; fresh beans have a calorie content of 24 kcal per 100 grams. Young fruits are easily digestible (it is better to choose them) and are used for weight loss. But it’s no secret that you can’t go far on beans alone and our body requires variety. What will be the calorie content of beans in different processing:

  • Frozen green beans, calorie content - 28 kcal. As you can see, the calorie content does not differ much, and such a product can be stored longer. So feel free to use this processing method.
  • Boiled green beans, calorie content - 37 kcal. With this processing method, the percentage of protein content does not drop much.
  • Stewed green beans, calorie content - 76 kcal. Calories have increased noticeably and fat levels are rising.
  • Calorie content of fried green beans is 92 kcal. People who are losing weight should avoid this delicacy. Since 100g of product contains approximately 10% of the daily fat requirement.
  • Green beans with an egg will be approximately 300 kcal. Although many people love this delicacy, it is better to forget about it if you are losing weight. This omelet contains a lot of calories, mainly due to the oil. It’s better to eat boiled beans with boiled eggs - 170 kcal.

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The plant is considered hypoallergenic and can be used by almost everyone. But there are a number of contraindications; it cannot be used for:

  • gastritis;
  • increased acidity;
  • cholecystitis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gout

Also remember that the product causes increased gas formation, so try to add spices to it that reduce gas formation, such as dill.

Video - green bean side dish

I think now you have no doubts, green beans must be on the table, the benefits and harms are now known to you. Be healthy, pamper your loved ones with healthy recipes. But don’t forget that this is not a magic wand or a pill, and your illnesses will not go away instantly. But beans will help your immunity; it is a natural remedy. All the best! Don’t forget to subscribe to updates so you don’t miss anything, write comments and share the article with your friends.

Green beans are a healthy product no matter how you look at it. This is the queen among all types of beans. And primarily because green beans are low-calorie. It contains many vitamins and microelements; it is simply pleasant to eat in various salads, vegetable stews and other dishes. And, most importantly, with such a calorie content, you can eat almost endlessly!

100 g of beans contains only 24 kcal. Not every vegetable or legume can boast such energy value. This means you can eat it for breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Moreover, in addition to low calorie content, beans have something else to boast about.

It contains many antioxidants, i.e. substances that prevent the aging process. And this is especially true for residents of megacities or industrial cities. The main one is vitamin C. In addition, beans contain vitamins E and B, folic acid, and carotene. Thanks to these elements, hair and nails become stronger, and the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, and acquires a beautiful, healthy color.

Beans have a good effect on the nervous system. It is a kind of natural sedative. Therefore, after a busy day at work and difficult meetings in the boss’s office, treat yourself to dinner with green beans. Firstly, the nervous system will come to its senses, and secondly, you will be calm, because you didn’t eat anything harmful or high-calorie at night. And beans, by the way, despite their low calorie content, are very nutritious. In addition, it contains zinc, which normalizes carbohydrate metabolism.

Calorie content of green beans in different forms:

  • Boiled green beans – 35 kcal;
  • Fried green beans – 98.93 kcal;
  • Frozen green beans – 24 kcal;
  • Pickled green beans – 83 kcal.

Green bean salad for dinner

The calorie content of the salad will be 516.54 kcal. And the calorie content of a 100 g serving is 147 kcal. Please note that even despite the high calorie content of olive oil, this salad is absolutely harmless. And primarily because plant fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which are contained in this oil, promote weight loss and do not stagnate like animal fats.

For the salad, you can use undercooked crispy beans. Boil it for a few minutes in salted water, then drain in a colander and let cool.

Arginine - the secret of green beans

This is a very important point. Arginine is very similar in composition and effect on the body to insulin. And insulin is necessary for people suffering from diabetes. And therefore, green beans will simply be a salvation in their diet; they can lower blood sugar levels.

By the way, rapid weight gain can also be accompanied by elevated blood sugar levels. And this means that you kill two birds with one stone. That is, you consume a healthy low-calorie product and reduce your sugar levels.

Green beans are rich in protein. For healthy and sports nutrition, this is the most important indicator. Protein is the building material for muscles. In addition, the body spends much more energy on its breakdown than on the breakdown of carbohydrates. A good lunch for an athlete or a losing weight young lady is a piece of boiled chicken breast or lean beef with green beans on the side. Fresh or boiled beans can be sprinkled with lemon juice and oil.


Red beans

This is an ideal product for women on a diet. Red beans have the densest shell among other types of beans. The protein they contain is often equated to meat protein; beans are almost the main and very valuable source of protein in the diet of vegetarians. The dense shell contains fiber that is beneficial for the intestines, while it is soft and easy to chew.

Red beans are high in vitamins and minerals. Although this is a filling product, it is very low in calories, so it is suitable for adding to the diet when dieting. The calorie content of boiled red beans is only 100 kcal, and stewed with butter - 180 kcal.

White beans

Sometimes there is another type of legume on the shelves - white beans. As a dietary product, it can also be taken without hesitation. Most people believe that beans are very high in calories because they fill the stomach well. It's not like that at all. Red beans are considered a very dietary product, but the calorie content of boiled beans per 100 grams of the white variety will already be about 325 kcal.

It is very nutritious and rich in minerals, fiber, and amino acids. It is believed that white beans are able to remove toxins and waste from the body, so their limited consumption is recommended. Excessive inclusion of white beans in the daily diet can lead to flatulence and heaviness in the stomach.

Green beans

And now we will touch upon the topic of a real record holder, a product that is the main product in terms of its beneficial properties. This giant of the food and nutrition industry is, of course, green beans. Boiled calorie content is low - only 24 kcal. By eating it, it is very easy to remain with a full stomach and at the same time lose weight, because when you include dishes with such a low amount of calories in your diet, the deficit necessary for weight loss will be created.

What are green beans? It is harvested when the beans are still at the stage of milk maturity, at the very initial stage of pod formation. The beans remain tender and soft and can be eaten right in their green shell. In addition, it contains useful vitamin K, which is often deficient in the body. But it is responsible for healthy blood clotting and reduces the risk of thrombosis.


Probably the most commonly consumed product in any diet is canned beans. They make soups from it, eat it as a side dish, and take it to their dachas and on hikes. Although it seems that a canned product cannot in any way be dietary, this is more likely to be misleading than true. Canned beans contain only 68 kcal, but a whopping 4.7 grams of protein.

So it is also recommended to be added to dietary dishes. And its main advantage is that in the form of canned food it does not require heat treatment, therefore it retains a huge amount of all those useful substances that are contained in still raw beans.

You can eat canned beans without worrying about the extra pounds on your sides. But before consuming the product, you first need to make sure of its quality: there should be no rotten smell, the brine should be cloudy, and the beans themselves should not be broken; their size according to GOST should be from 6 mm to 1 cm in length.

Cooking methods

Raw beans contain toxic substances that can poison an unprepared body. Therefore, it is strictly recommended to soak the beans before cooking and then cook them for at least 10 minutes. Beans are fried, stewed, boiled. But to keep the calorie content low, it is best to stew the beans, bake them, or cook them as a side dish. It can also be cooked with an egg: baked beans with egg contain only about 100 kcal, fried - about 120 kcal. The calorie content of beans boiled in water is only 100 kcal.

Typically, heat treatment destroys most of the vitamins, but in the case of legumes, about 70-80 percent of the beneficial substances remain. If you want to get all the vitamins and minerals, you can eat canned beans. It comes regular and with tomato sauce. The latter contains 92 kcal, which is quite a bit for a tasty dinner.

Beans, by the way, are easy to cook in a slow cooker. It goes well with rice and can be a substitute for meat in dishes such as pilaf, porridge, and soups. Canned beans can also be cooked: they are fried and added to soups, stewed with meat and other side dishes.

Product usefulness

Indeed, poems can be written about the benefits of beans. Legumes are a very valuable crop, containing a whole storehouse of vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, amino acids and other equally useful substances.

Green beans, for example, contain vitamin K, which is beneficial for the blood system, and also manganese, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. This applies not only to the beauty of our skin, but also to maintaining good vision and preventing eye diseases. Green beans have a low glycemic index, which means they are suitable for diabetics.

Possessing high nutritional value, beans contain a lot of protein, which in its characteristics can be equated to meat protein. Vegetarians like to add it to dishes to maintain a balanced diet and avoid a deficiency of protein that is beneficial for the body.

Of the amino acids, it contains arginine, lysine, tryptophan, tyrosine and histidine, which are responsible for strong immunity, collagen synthesis, calmness of the nervous system, normalization of hormone levels, protection against free radicals and normal hemoglobin levels. That is, eating beans can help with anemia, viral and endocrine diseases, and also makes the skin firmer and more elastic.

And the calcium, magnesium and potassium contained in red beans will help normalize blood pressure, because these minerals are responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Calorie content of green beans for weight loss

Green beans have low calorie content and are characterized by low fat content, therefore they are indicated for weight loss and dieting. Nutrition experts claim that when consuming this product, the processes of carbohydrate absorption are inhibited by 55%.

Green beans secrete phaseolamine, an extract that inhibits the activity of alpha-amylase, that is, an enzyme that breaks down food carbohydrates in the mouth, small intestine and duodenum. This, in turn, prevents the level of glucose in the blood from increasing, slows down the processes of starch absorption, and prevents the deposition of fats.

Calorie content of stewed green beans per 100 grams

Calorie content of stewed green beans per 100 grams is 47 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 1.32 g protein;
  • 3.12 g fat;
  • 3.68 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for Stewed Green Beans:

  • 150 g of onions, cut into half rings;
  • fry the onion in olive oil until golden brown;
  • add 0.5 kg of green beans to the fried onions;
  • salt the dish to taste;
  • pour 0.3 liters of water into the beans;
  • mix everything with 20 g of tomato paste;
  • simmer the beans for 25 minutes.

Calorie content of fried green beans per 100 grams

The calorie content of fried green beans per 100 grams is about 90 kcal. To prepare this dish you need:

  • Throw 1.5 kg of green beans into salted boiling water;
  • the legumes are cooked covered for 12 minutes, the beans should become soft;
  • boiled beans are washed with cold water and dried;
  • at this time, 1 clove of garlic is lightly fried in sunflower oil;
  • the beans are quickly fried in oil with garlic;
  • If the dish does not seem salty, add salt to taste.

Calorie content of green beans with egg per 100 grams

Calorie content of green beans with egg per 100 grams is 65 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of the dish:

  • 2.73 g protein;
  • 4.78 g fat;
  • 3 g carbohydrates.

Recipe for green beans and eggs:

  • 0.25 kg of green beans are fried in vegetable oil for 15 minutes;
  • add salt to taste;
  • the beans are mixed with 1 beaten chicken egg poured into it;
  • the dish is simmered for several minutes;
  • We recommend serving the finished beans with herbs and sliced ​​tomatoes.

Benefits of green beans

The beneficial properties of green beans include:

  • the product is rich in fiber, which ensures the removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • the benefits of beans for restoring hormonal balance during pregnancy, menopause, and adolescence have been proven;
  • legumes reduce insulin levels in the blood, therefore they are indicated for diabetes;
  • vitamins and minerals of green beans improve the condition of the heart, blood vessels, and reduce the level of bad cholesterol;
  • this product is considered an effective natural remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • With regular consumption of green beans, blood pressure is normalized and arrhythmia is prevented;
  • Numerous studies have proven the benefits of the product for the prevention of dysbiosis, colds, and lung diseases.


It is difficult to determine the exact time when beans began to be cultivated. But its popularity has been known since the 16th century, when it was grown as a climbing ornamental plant. Beans were mentioned as a food product in Ancient Egypt and China, and some sources claim their arrival from the shores of America. At first, only bean grains were used for food, which were both an independent dish and included in recipes for a wide variety of dishes. And only in Italy did they decide to try the pods for the first time, apparently without waiting for them to fully ripen. Soon the new product was already winning fans throughout Europe, and some time later in France, in an effort to improve the culture, a pod variety was developed.

Modern varieties of green beans are distinguished by their delicate taste, high yield and varied color - from soft green and yellow to purple-violet.

Green beans - nutritional value and nutritional value

What is the best way to consume this vegetable to get maximum benefits? To answer this question, you need to understand the benefits of green beans and how many calories they contain.

Studies show that the nutritional value of a product in most cases depends on the method of its preparation and consumption. The calorie range of green beans is from 23 kcal:

  • 100 g of fresh greens in their raw form will “enrich” your body with only 23-30 kcal. But due to the content of some toxic substances, it is not recommended to consume green beans without prior heat treatment, and the taste of the raw product is not very attractive. Therefore, it is better to prepare some dish, especially since only a fifth of the nutrients are lost.
  • 100 g of frozen product stores 28 kcal, but it’s unlikely that anyone would want a plate of frozen green beans for lunch.
  • 100 g of fried bean pods is much more nutritious, they contain 175 kcal, so this product cannot be called dietary. If beans are fried together with other vegetables or root vegetables, then the calorie content of such a dish increases even more. But the taste and aroma of fried green beans is magnificent!
  • 100 g of stewed pods provides your body with 136 kcal. Perhaps this is the best preparation option, when the product acquires a delicate taste and appetizing aroma and, at the same time, the number of calories does not go off scale. Stewing is also attractive because it opens up endless possibilities for preparing dishes - stews, hot salads, casseroles, lobio, omelettes, sauces, etc.
  • 100 g of boiled pods contain approximately 50 to 130 kcal. When chilled, this product is often used in the preparation of salads, appetizers, and as a side dish for the main dish. It is an ideal product for those who want to lose excess weight, because with a low calorie content, boiled beans have a rich composition of vitamins and microelements.

When consuming 100 g of bean pods, the body receives 23 kcal, which contains:

  • Protein – 2.5 g
  • Fat – 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates – 3 g

Dietary fiber is 3.4 g, water – 90 g, organic acids – 0.1 g, saccharides – 2 g, starch – 1 g, ash – 0.7 g, unsaturated fatty acids – 0.1 g, rich vitamin composition .

In addition, the product contains a number of micro- and macroelements: magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, etc. So, what are green beans useful for and how does their consumption affect the body?

Beneficial features

By including green bean dishes in your diet, you will not only diversify your menu, but also enrich your body with useful substances.

The presence of fiber activates the digestion process and normalizes intestinal function, which has a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. A large amount of vitamin A improves skin regeneration, prevents vision impairment and is a strong antioxidant. The B group of vitamins is involved in energy production and is responsible for the condition of the skin - it reduces dryness, sagging, prevents inflammation, etc. In addition, strong nails, strong, shiny and thick hair, sound, healthy sleep - this is also the merit of vitamins B. What can we say about vitamin E of youth and vitamin C of health, without them the body cannot cope with everyday stress, poor environment and the onset of age-related changes . Green beans fully provide the body with the necessary substances in a balanced, natural form. Its use strengthens the immune system, activates the body's defense systems to resist viruses and infections. And the beneficial properties of green beans include the fact that they are easily digested, without burdening the stomach and intestines, and at the same time enrich the body with sufficient energy. That is why it is recommended for people weakened by chronic diseases and patients recovering from infections and inflammations. The antimicrobial effect of green beans helps treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, activates healing processes, and prevents the spread of infection.

Green beans can normalize blood sugar levels, so they are included in the diet of patients suffering from diabetes. And its positive effect on the condition of red blood cells helps to cope with anemia and low hemoglobin levels. Green bean dishes are a tasty and effective prevention of hypertension, arrhythmia and atherosclerosis.

A proper combination of foods and dosed food intake helps regulate your daily calorie intake. And properly prepared low-calorie green beans retain their beneficial properties almost completely. Frequent use of this product gradually normalizes metabolism, which will make it possible to completely abandon weight loss diets.

Green beans are considered good prevention and help treat diseases of the genitourinary system, including cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, as well as “problems” with potency.

Regular consumption of dishes with this product prolongs youth, improves appearance and health. And this in turn makes you happier and more successful.

All this shows how important it is to provide your diet with these wonderful and healthy products, of course, only if you have no contraindications.


Green beans calorie content

Green beans are characterized by low calorie content. Depending on the degree of ripening, the range of energy value ranges from 20-24 kcal per 100 g. Delicious side dishes and salads are prepared from green beans. As a rule, the vegetable is cooked before serving. Raw beans contain small amounts of toxic substances, which are neutralized by cooking.

The calorie content of beans is largely influenced by the cooking method. Boiled green beans can contain from 36 to 128 kcal per 100 g. Just a boiled vegetable cannot boast of high calorie content; such a product contains only 36 kcal. For comparison, boiled red beans contain 95 kcal per 100 g, and white beans 102 kcal. Additional calories from beans are provided by various additives in the form of oils and dressings. Steamed or boiled vegetables are perfect as a side dish, component for stews, salads, and omelettes. The calorie content of beans prepared by stewing can reach 130 kcal.

The highest calorie content is inherent in fried green beans - 100 kcal per 100 g. Adding various ingredients can increase the energy value of the dish. Ingredients such as peanuts, sesame seeds, garlic, and soy sauce add a special piquancy to fried green beans.

The calorie content of frozen green beans is practically no different from fresh ones and is 28 kcal per 100 g. When frozen, the vegetable does not lose its beneficial properties and mineral composition. Having several packs of frozen beans will allow you not to worry about a tasty and dietary side dish. In addition, the product is quick to prepare. To prevent the vegetable from losing its presentable appearance, it is not defrosted. Frozen pods are rinsed in cold water and placed in a pan of boiling water. Cooking time is limited to 5-7 minutes. The pods are then placed in cold water for 50-60 seconds to give them a rich, vibrant color. To improve the taste, you can simmer a little with the addition of butter, spices and other ingredients.


Green beans, unlike many vegetables, do not absorb harmful components from the environment and are considered an environmentally friendly and safe product. In terms of the amount of protein, the vegetable is inferior to shelled varieties, but is significantly ahead in terms of vitamin and mineral composition. It contains a large amount of folic acid, vitamins C, E, group B, carotene, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, chromium. The plant contains a large amount of dietary fiber and protein.

The benefits of vegetables for the body.

  1. Thanks to its unique rich composition, regular use will have a beneficial effect on overall well-being, creates a general strengthening effect, and protects the body from the negative effects of aggressive environmental factors.
  2. Mineral components help improve appearance, have a positive effect on the skin, and improve the condition of hair and nails.
  3. The presence of a large amount of fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system. Dietary fiber does not overload the digestive tract and delicately cleanses the body of harmful compounds.
  4. The plant contains an insulin-like substance - arginine. Regular intake of arginine into the body in some cases can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Therefore, people suffering from diabetes include beans in their diet.
  5. Helps normalize and improve metabolic processes, which is important for people struggling to stay slim.
  6. Green beans have antimicrobial properties and are used for bronchitis, tuberculosis, tartar, and infectious intestinal diseases.
  7. A balanced combination of fiber, folic acid, potassium and magnesium reduces the risk of heart attack and helps with hypertension and heart rhythm disorders.
  8. The high iron content stimulates the formation of red blood cells, so the product is successfully used for anemia and anemia.
  9. Beans have a calming effect and improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  10. Has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.
  11. It has a mild diuretic effect, removes excess fluid and salts from the body.
  12. Green beans help reduce weight. Low energy value, easy digestibility, good satiety and composition make the product desirable in the diet menu.

The article is about what green beans are, how they are useful and how they help you lose weight.

Beans have been a valuable plant for humans since the times of the Ancient World. For example, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra used powder made from it. It is known that later the Aztecs ate it.

In Europe, the plant first took root as an ornamental plant, and then its taste and nutritional properties were appreciated. Moreover, they eat not only the fruits of beans, but also their young pods. The latter are a source of many useful substances, promote weight loss and are used to prepare delicious dishes.

What are green beans, what are they called?

One day it occurred to the Italians that they could eat not only beans, but also the pods, as long as they were soft and easy to chew. At first, unripe pods of ordinary white beans began to be eaten; later, a new tender variety became a breeding achievement. Its pods come in different colors:

  • green
  • yellow
  • purple

Green and yellow pods are similar in their taste and nutritional qualities.

Green beans are called:

  • asparagus
  • French
  • sugar (due to its sweetish delicate taste)
  • buttery (this “nickname” was assigned to yellow beans due to the fact that they literally melt in your mouth)

The leaders in the export of useful products are Asian countries: China, India and Indonesia, as well as Turkey. They consume it as much as possible in the Benelux and France. Today the product is taking root in the kitchens of Eastern Europe.

Green beans: energy and nutritional value. What vitamins are in green beans? How many calories are in green beans per 100 grams?

While white beans contain large amounts of vegetable protein, green beans contain slightly less. But there are much more vitamins and other useful substances.

The composition of nutrients (per 100 g) of the product is as follows:

  • proteins – 2.5 g
  • fat – 0.5 g
  • carbohydrates – 3 g
  • organic acid – 0.1 g
  • starch – 0.6 g
  • fiber – up to 1 g
  • ash – up to 2 g
  • water – more than 90 g

IMPORTANT: You still need to look for properties harmful to the human body in green beans. But one of them is that green pods contain lectins that can cause carbohydrate agglutination

Green beans are a storehouse of vegetable protein.

The vitamin and mineral composition of asparagus beans is very diverse. Product contains:

  • vitamins A, C, E, PP
  • B vitamins
  • iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus

IMPORTANT: There is no cholesterol in green beans

The energy value of French beans is 30 kcal per 100 g.

How are green beans beneficial for the human body?

Of course, no food product can be considered a cure for diabetes. But it is recommended to use green beans to prevent the disease and to improve the condition of patients, as it helps reduce the level of:

  • Sahara
  • cholesterol

By consuming green beans, a person also saturates the body with vitamins, due to which:

  • increases its resistance
  • stabilizes all processes occurring in it
  • strengthens the immune system
  • increases stress resistance and performance

Sulfur and iron contained in green beans help fight bacterial and viral infections. Doctors even say that it would be good to cook dishes from it during seasonal outbreaks of influenza and ARVI.

Green beans are good for the cardiovascular system. It is eaten for:

  • strengthening the heart muscle
  • normalization of heart rate
  • prevention of atherosclerosis
  • prevention of anemia (copper and iron increase hemoglobin)

Fiber and ash in the product help improve digestion.

In addition, green beans are useful for:

  • liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis)
  • kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis)
  • hormonal imbalances
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis)
  • autoimmune diseases (rheumatism)
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of men and women
  • skin diseases

IMPORTANT: People who eat green beans have noticed that the condition of their skin, hair and nails has improved significantly

A plant-based product containing antioxidants reduces a person’s risk of developing cancer, in particular breast cancer.
Any negative consequences from eating green beans are observed very rarely, and only if you eat them often and in large quantities. This is, for example, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
So, it is better to avoid using it for those who have acute diseases of the digestive system, stomach ulcers or gastritis. The product contains a lot of dietary fiber, and their digestion is difficult.
Very often, the question of the possibility of eating beans in pods arises among pregnant women and nursing mothers. They are afraid that legumes may cause bloating. But 150 g of a healthy product with a high iron content 1-2 times a week will not only not harm, but will be very useful.

VIDEO: Green bean. Joy for the intestines and more

Green beans for weight loss

Green beans are low-calorie, they contain vegetable protein necessary for building muscle tissue, complex carbohydrates that turn into clean energy and are not stored as fat, as well as fiber, which the human body spends a lot of energy digesting. Isn't it an ideal dietary product?

Indeed, green beans promote weight loss if eaten correctly.

  1. You need to carefully combine it with fats of animal and vegetable origin. If it’s oil, then olive oil, if it’s meat, then it’s beef. And the best thing is chicken or turkey
  2. It is not recommended to combine green beans with cereals or, especially, potatoes.
  3. The ideal complement to green beans is eggs, vegetables and herbs, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream

If a person loses weight on proper nutrition, he has no contraindications, he should definitely include this healthy product in his diet. By burning calories, cleansing the liver and the entire body, saturating but not burdening, green beans will improve your weight loss results.

An example of a dietary dish is green beans with sesame seeds.

In addition, there is a three-day diet based on green beans. Those who sat on it can boast of two or three kilograms lost.

  1. On a diet, the pods are eaten boiled, steamed or lightly stewed in olive oil.
  2. Fatty, floury, sweet synthetic foods are not eaten during these three days.
  3. Don't eat 3 hours before bedtime
  4. Be sure to drink 3 liters of water per day

Breakfast options on a green bean diet:

  • omelette of two egg whites and 200 g of pods in olive oil
  • salad with beans in pods, sweet peppers and herbs, dressed with lemon juice

Lunch options:

  • boiled chicken, boiled green beans, cabbage and carrot salad with lemon juice
  • green bean stew with zucchini and tomato, boiled egg
  • boiled fish, steamed beans with herbs

Dinner options:

  • beans with green apple, kefir
  • bean casserole with egg and cottage cheese
  • green beans with sesame seeds and lemon juice

IMPORTANT: On the third day of the diet, you can completely abandon additional products, boil 1.5 kg of bean pods, lightly salt them, sprinkle with olive oil and lemon juice and eat in 4-5 portions

VIDEO: Beans for weight loss Fresh green beans What are the benefits of them?
